HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/12/1990 9/90 20 "-' PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1990 - 7:30 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor W. Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner - Chairman D. Dickerson R. Johnson B. Mitchell B. Morgan K. Van Kempen '-" ALSO PRESENT: K. McKay N. Carroll T. Melymuk C. Rose - Deputy Clerk - Director of Planning - Deputy Director of Planning - Manager, Policy and Special Projects Division (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of October 18, 1990. (II) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. ALTONA FOREST ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT STUDY FILE NUMBER - B 2310 '-' In Planning Report 16/90, it is recommended that the Final Phase I Report of the Altona Forest Environmental Management Study, Official Plan amendments, Development Pl an amendment and al ternati ve road pattern di scussi ons be approved. Referred to the Minister of the Environment See Recommendation #1 'W' Catheri ne Rose, provi ded i nformati on on the hi ri ng of the environmental consulting firm to undertake an Environmental Management Study of the Altona Forest. She stated the Staff Recommendation for a forest based on biological criteria is outlined in Planning Report 16/90. Dan Gregory, Michael Michalski Associates, outlined the report's findings and data collection on forest types, wild life and vegetation in the A1tona Forest and its environmental features and biological significance. Every effort should be made to retain the forest in its entirety, however, two development options, one based on a biological approach and the other on an urban/recreation potential approach were provided as well as recommendations for preservation and conservation. 9/90 21 'W Steve Marshall, Chairman of the Save the Rouge Valley System, spoke in opposition to the Staff Recommended Plan. He stated that the forest is one of the 1 ast major natural forests in urban Pickering and is worthy of preservation in its entirety. The consequences of development on the lands would results in a loss of a natural habitat and wildl ife refuge. He requested that the consultants' report be received and that the Official Plan amendments, Development Plan amendments and alternative road pattern be referred to staff to examine alternatives and investigate options for a mechani sm to acqui re the forest in partnershi p with the Province, landowners and the community. Glen Debarmaker, member of the Federation of Ontario Natural i sts, stated the Al tona Forest has Provi nci a 1 and national significance and that rare species of vegetation and wildlife should be protected. He requested that the forest be retained by public acquisition and that land use policies be established to preserve it for the future. ... Dr. Ronald Ornstein, International Wildlife Coalition, spoke in support of retai ni ng the enti re forest. He stated the consultants' report did not include ecological options, fi sca 1 a 1 ternati ves or joi nt ventures with 1 andowners and the Province in negotiating to acquire the forest. Cheryl Redman, 1366 Fordon Avenue, student, stated that the forest and animals should be protected. Ken Johnstone, 750 Cobblers Court, student representing the Save The Envi ronment Pl ease requested that the forest be retained for the future. Lois James, Director of the Green Door Alliance requested that the Altona Forest be retained in order to preserve significant flora and fauna within the Petticoat Creek Watershed for naturalists and students. She stated the Green Door All i ance favours a natural and farml and trust to manage 1 ands in the public interest. ..... Ed Hanna, 1886 Bowl er Dri ve, stated the consul tants I report was well done but that a full range of alternatives is not included. He asked how the two options were evaluated, how the size of the forest for each option was determined and what are the physical, biological, social and economic implications in each alternative. He requested a deferral until these questions are answered. Chai Holcoval, 159 Glenholm, Toronto, stated the study is limited in its integration with the Greater Toronto Area and that there should be more integrated planning of the forest area before a final decision is made. Rob Taylor, 1799 Foleyet Crescent, representing Students Acti ng For the Envi ronment at Dunbarton Hi gh School, opposed an urban forest. He stated the forest is nationally and internationally significant and should remain in its natural state so that animals don't relocate. ....... 9/90 22 - Brian Hedshaw, representing the Pickering Naturalists, stated the forest should be retained in its entirety due to its significant flora, fauna, bird life and di versi ty of vegetati on. He felt that the Commi ttee has not investigated acquisition alternatives and that preserving the environment is a high priority. Fran Pereria, St. Marguerite Bourgeois Separate School Parent Teacher Association, stated that the school was built to accommodate 500 students and that 600 are enrolled. She requested that the proposed school site in the forest be approved to help alleviate other overcrowded schools. Laura Sutton, St. Monica Separate School Parent Teacher Associ ati on, stated that the school was bui 1 t to accommodate 379 students and that 725 are enrolled. More residential development in the area is approved and another school is requi red desperately. She requested that the 1 ands be severed in order to permit a school on site and that the forest be dealt with later. '- Ell i e Ell is, Gwendolyn Street, understands that funds for a school are available from the Ministry of Education, that the Friends of A1tona Forest are not opposed to a unique outdoor school facility and that P1 anni ng staff and wi 11 work together wi th resi dents to find a suitable site. She also had 300 letters from concerned parents requesting that a school be buil t. (IV) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11 :35 p.m. tt(7 Ii,. ~ha~~!L- ' '- Dated December 18th 1990 '-' TOWN OF PICKERING "'-" That the Planning Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on December 12, 1990, presents its ni nth report to Counci 1 and recommends: 1. ALTONA FOREST ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT STUDY FILE NUMBER - B 23100 That the A1tona Forest Environmental Management Study be referred to The Honourable Ruth Grier, Minister of the Environment for review and comment with respect to environmental issues within the Forest area as .they relate to the Greenlands Strategy Report and the Watershed Report; and That the Mi ni ster be requested to revi ew and comment on the overall context of Provincial interest as it may relate within the A1tona Forest; and That the Minister be requested to consider a hearing under the Environmental Assessment Act. -- ~ '-"