HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 711/77I T Y~LAW 71),127 REPEALED BY REPEALS AMENDED BY AMENDS gY /-Awc 12s?I -2 o 1634 ANA 3037 DISPOSITION APPRoyE-p 6Y o. /7. G7. ' 6A) HARcN 3l,'f?7 e r LF R ??2 1q3 f } ? f K THE CCRPOIRATIC. _ __ _ OF FTC ;ERI!NG, d? RY-I,7_Sv -- BEING BY-?iii TO MIEND BY-:aAWS 2511, 2520 3036 a.m 3037. 111iFR.EAS the Council o he Cor ur ion of the To;fan of Pickering deems =t cesi ra'ble to an,.en^ the provisions of -laws 2511, 25202, 3036 an?a 3037 as amended. NOW THEREFORE _.?L- COUNCIL CF _.i O A. TEXT WI SME TS That By-law 2511 he -and the same 1s „ere :y amended as follows: 1. That t'.Ct1C3n 2 '- :"':i..i »C..S I-,e ..nd `,:... sa_? e is hereby .::ended t <_c;uinq tl ereto the following new s,:!:,secticns: 2.2.1 AISLE, FA RCI€<C ..O'. Aisle snail --:ea.. the ' ic:tio:: of .r.t, parking lot aL , LCr..; on cn or „'t:'i, sides by parking paces , used to q, ..,. access to the parking paces, and i not 'sed fo.r the r rard , .inq rl,' vehicles. The ...i.,..P a >C A.t .,r , t iar width of an aisle used to gain acmau to a p,:jrki..ng s., 3 shall he 22 Ge?ct fcr traffic and 12.5 feet for c>nc-:;ay traffic. 2.2 ARE.'NA arena shall mean an in. ocr art:_Y i.cia l ice rink and ancillary facilities. 2.2.3 ASSEMBLY AREA sse-bly area shall- can an area designed for assembly, incl-u i.nc spectator and meeting space, but n_o?, including lobby areas and other areas not used :o spectator or meeting purposes. The assembly area includes aisle ?:;pace in the spectator or meeting roons_ it does not include external aisle space which could- not be used for spectator or teet.in^ purposes, but ,. rich may include snack bars. l'. a` 2. VEHICLE Vehicle shall mean _._ any r e?'+ _e ha-ving 'tee a _chet thereto wvK or del-very body and includes am-:??;:ances, ':'iearoes, casket wagons, fire apparatus, patrols, mcwor buses _?f raet rs, exce that for, _ pinse of SC. on 6.6 neither a passenger c: _=_a4_ __ wagon, nor a one-half t..._ ...: ?.:'i shall be teemc£ be cc.une _ < _..__ Jeriic_e. 2.17.1 W_'IEzZA :Drivewa% Z-11 r t .- `. vehicul=r is J.' road allmance. 2.36-1, CROSS FLOOR AREA Gross Floor Area ` to--al r' w_ _ : .1 _. T _. 2.38.2 GR0S :. .. ..E. s Gross ;.re.-, ..,.a; _ total gr?Dss fl. ,';r anea. t2na,. ;rc _ _. a. . incl cHng ba? - ;et an- c? centre li-ne of -'oin?, n'-' from, u-?s? e wall -ace- Bus F oac3 r Sace shall -.ean minimum a_ --ao0'3 s quare _ fee-u. 2.55.; ARK C AREA A Parking Area shall can one J_ inr-re . parking spaces, ;.?n. -,i.- relate,` aisles, for the _ arking storage of ve .ides. } 2 .55.2 PARKING; LOT Parking :.c s"a'_1 mean a _ot or thereof provi?fecf for _he marking of motor vehicles accessory or incidental to the ...in use. 2.75.2 VEHICLE Vehicle includes mo;:c vehicle, trailer, traction engine, farm tractor,. rcao-h ('i ine an.f any. vehicle . G?"awm, prose= ec driven by any kind of power. 2. ? swsennion 2,45 _ o.._ 2.45 LOADIING SPACE Loading Space shall, rean an cff-s-,rcet space- of _, v._. size of _herty 21) feet by ?ea vertical clearance cf feet same a;., or c_4?s ... v._,. '._..v _ .. a ,.r i tk' ".. v... ._ a : 3. THAT t . . _ .. E . . deleted ar.. 3' cr._ _... .. ... __, . 2.57 .. n square fee" excluth Z. driveways -t- - , 2.57.1 FAR.kIN, Bus _?ar t ng S.Dace ac_e ssi-r?le area __ _ -=vv square feet for _,,e an'-J -r 'ti . t of a bus. 2.57.2 PARKING SPACE, _ A Waterfront ark_ _e {'. __ __...._..; shall mean an accessible- area 7,f nr?7 less than 30 square feet, e s_ve of driveways or aisles, for the temporary parking or storas:e of vehicles with trailers. 4. THAT subsection 5.21 M an the same _ herMy deleted and the following inserted t_Ler .=ore: 21.1 MINIMUM OFF STREET h K _.v Parking stall he prcv_ced on the same Wt in accordance with he _., r:in schedule: ZONE ----------- ---- --------------- --- es ial -- _ -a.. 1: twellin7 space per n geraitned space per 3,,,. business . _ . Ca f--col, are 5 4? . E .....? .... Cam.. .? .. ,. ... . ?? :?. i lire ?.. .... .1. .«.. .. r _y M'Iltiple fairi h zo ..__ L __ac._ n_ ages - spaces per n.,.... .,_ ors -u. tJ with a.. L.ach garage - 1 g _ C , . 0_. . 1. ... vertical -.'.1 and vIsKors. Commercial Local & General ground flog -S. E _ , _, D sq.ft. j' .. ., .. ...._ area for -::oyeea other floors - . v a-e s/ 1,000 sq. ft. -except vase-:enz gross ia-a_sahl storage @ _.,Ioyees an _.;s _,=er Commercial Highway -1 space/1; `"_. gross =loon area fcr - employees and Commercial Recreational E permitted uses institutional plus all places -1 space/- ems s of assembly capacity (sTaff theatres, hospitals and patrons) etc. some of which may be permit tec by other zones. Office ,., a _s/ ,0CC Eress floor area. ---------------------------------------------------------------- -ace temployeeS .._.. CUS-Lomers All Zones Schl001 e_ -Re` tarn _ - .. SL... nursery 1 churches .,:.b. ,l. 7 w .:.a ... ,.. 1vY? a u a , sE?L _ _ _i e rki:K area., .. ..'..1f ...._.v_ a ar _ .U a _TG the afea. 5. HA subsection, 15.22 be an?f he same is 'erety deleted and t-he following 5.21.2 SUPPLEMENTARY PARKING ;.here principles a_ rly _c _ - _ zones except in the _=_e o <e 4 or semi-uetache(f c:wel-lugs: `a) Except f,-,r cojmuerc_ai, acnes COMUiercial uurzoses, frog--- y -r shall be limized to 20% of required parking area. nv, _ cG_ _ .; arn` parking area shall be r__..;:ai^.e n -co--4 appearance and be pevec. 5.21. 2 con-i*'ue b) cera `c _ nc- loser 4_ - Cm ide. <C) Reararti. - king .?__ Ze n any cne. .. .-> ... . ll:. ..+ V ) Where a v`ar n area nce -heve shalt o a ? o -t a- Iowa setback therefrom. a) Roc pparkir:g we -,y are 1a_ __ - s: n0 v reed ? - rh shall, en- ann.a t : a r:_ , Surface t r . _, and/or t; shall L-e s2re . -f. c.... srreening s `_all in _ ,: v s:ibi1 ity w pU at i east .. feet , oe?,afeen Ga n ,_ - parkira area. SL .. sc G;. any or a corkh`nat4o? i) a `e-ce, cr al- shrubs or 'cc _resset g).. All ?a=^kin- areas sha _ te ma 11 a ,t-.. wv th. a surface _na. -'s zreae,v to Di,=vent the raising o dust or loos_ es. h) The lights used for T ..a ion parking lot or ua .i-g area sral7 so arranged as to civert e _way iro,i adjacent _ roperties. i) P_ shelter, not more a,, e _.. height and not more than 50 sc-_7are feat in area, may 1)e Er2Cter _.. ?•e parking area for the use c` _ttencants. TZ gans--n? p:- or nzher Se'_" vict^ b=- located or mai-ained on a ic-- ?,r parking area. entrances k) ,E..._ en.._?_s.e_ ...._ phi--s - ?.":K, _. t:.. 50 few f= front lc7 line az,,?:. I,' ...feet. r - G _7roe_. 7 =7 .??oc:icn - 7 (a) B. lv- '2. .. to Tl'ne _s-t!ali _ ._._._. ,e .. ra __c. 2.2.2 ARENA Arena shall -,-ean an c:: ar --l 5 ice rink an:f ancillary Assei.-- rea shall mean an area designee for asse? hly, spectator a e meeting s_ ace ; _ _ nee including to areas and . =r` areas net used for spec --or _ meeting 6se 7,he ass ... area i ees aisle - in 7he spec ta-. or meeting r ms . _ _ does not e extern- a__-_ space i 1c^ c cu_e .u _ see =c= spectator or- eti E -Lr ses, z?-__ which may include .acs _ s . 2 . ' 3 . COMMERCIAL VEHICLE Co=erc a_ vehicle shall mean any mo-cor vehicle ea thereto a t uc- _ , f e_ J f Way and includes casket Twsago: s, fire _ ... us, police , patrols, motor buses = _ ,.ra. _ -1 except h for he purposes of 7 nee _ ^er a passenger car, sr _. he dee._ed to to ve,_.ici . 2.11.1 DRi} EW:'' `'r Driveway shall mea7. -.h,? ro--:-? 1.v vehicular a-_z__ t.. _.. <_ lot frc:n an c;?enet c. road: allowanze. 2.35.' C 'S ,?-arking C _ :... total floor including !a -zenis. 2.38.2 GROSS G_ J.._. Le......_t_ total gro3s f7 c, tenant occ; inc'a inn 1'a Y upper loo square _, -. a Centre lire from outside wall 2.45.1 LOY'DI GS S.-._.Z, LS Bus Loading Space shall i:-ez--, ia minimum area of "-CC r 2.55.1 PARKIN AR A H Parking Area shall m<...._ sne or ?_.":.. parking spaces, incl-?ding _____. aisles, _ the _king cr of vehicles. 2.55.2 PARKING LO_ Par-king l.oc shall ::?ean a lot or portion thereof _ c4-f c for he parking of motor vehicles accessory or incidental to the main use. 2 7 5. 2 VEHICLE Vehicle includes a motor vehicle, trailer,. tr'action. engine, -arm tractor, road-!)u lding machine a___ any vehicle drawn, propelled, or driven b an kind of power. 2. -- E=.- - - _. cL ?4: _. _y _o, i3 - L 2 C';-- s !)U_I v, a THAV :1:.__a ._ _., S s i .? _. _ r^^ _ _ 2.57.2 A W shall ,..ean car ncesuin . a2 - less: than 300 sq-,i re feet.,..: e '_c_. .., of driveways or aisles, for e temporary parking or s Crewe of vehicles with trailers. That subsection 5.21 be and the same _ her r deleted and the following inserted t, erefc-e 5.21.1 t`._.33Mz'M OF S_?EE_ P'RR -;G Parking shod be provided o ^.e. ,.me lot i accor dance with the following schedule: ------------------ --------- ----------- ------------------------- - ;. n ... m ?t'?1F, `cai horizontal -unit ur its w :. t vertic-a -wr _ v 1r . Commercial Focal v General ground floor 5-5 s_-,ac s I " 1 ` 1 -=css leasable employees anc _ f other floors - evl_ c_ exceot hase.ment JCs leases e are Storace e _a_ovees __ , tome Commercial 2gnway _ space/_ _ s' =C 6r, c_ea = oyeeU.. and cus _om-ers. Commercial ':ecreat f;nal permitted uses Institutional plus all Maces space' e =_,-:s of assembi caJac_ 1 (St theatres, hospital's an(G %ct ons) etc. some of which may be permitted by other zones. gross _ area r__ -ones Schools elementary space/s - nui-ser}= a ss_ ?? ---------------------------------------------------------------- se _?ar`- and. ?nc1 s a. C._urcf?es 1 f { .. e : a S. That subsection 22 be ant sa e _s :. 1 deleted -an(f . t--^e following inser et `-ei ef:-,.. e: 21.2 SUPPij '-s _N_, .Y - :KC- _hese ur?. _iplzs p1 _ Da _ al_ zones exceD in the case o or sem_ cetachea"dwellings a) xcept _o-- cc=-n nercia i z.;__=s ; s - - cofiriercial Tt url,uses s _=C . _va c..°" s-all be 13Tmit-ed to 20% of 7--e total reciu re` park-ina area.:. ._v I_ ...`,. ja_^ parking area shall he -_ =a- - Zcc(f appearance and be paved. 2 1 - 2 Z 7i a y - 5... s e._ i . ee- - - area er . pa_ King -area .._ Te -s_ o_ ?.. _ F.0 ?eSO_ equ,Dmant ^z. loc-atef or - _ Al ent.. anCes G% ?t_:: :.? ....... shall. he -paved for - - T4 SO feet from the _rU-: t ze = ^e s-c? - ne w_-- u - e - - street. 6, _h s_c7_c_. _._ a._._ 7. _ra SL"tS_. .. ..:e _ _ 3 _ .y' c -s _ _-- 1- a --- ec -J c . - -.7 a shall inean access is gal,--? --o 2. 3S 1 CROSS 1-I C52 ARE., ;nr?,Os of T'I tea? ,.c _. , .. . _ --..- -.?? cep e G ^e f ar,- _ . - .. LOADING SPACE Loading Space shall :-:ea^ an cf-- ree- space cf m}_ri^um rectangular size '' ; enty ( 2C,° feet t y Ten (10) fee_ a vertic al, clearance -of Fzo-ur--.een ?. ..._?tE a le. 2. 51. 2.57.2 VCi=3i..les fi g ie That u SF Ci=ntr 19 be and -,c, de'e?=u a.? `tee _3; _ _ E a?tC:r saa_ ?.c r on o-, In accor" 'usE -i'- L' Residential single/fa,.__I,3 ----- -,Cfi + dwelling permitted 7;er rusiresses _ . ,_ ..J S s. in:itiaie =a7_ + -units witholi-, attaCl-ed ga ages. 2 spd es _s 0- -1 S - - - ----- -------- --- ----- ---- -- --- -- -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?? .C.. oarage.;i of ca-]. each _.,a ., ., . ?T ?,.. 1On comLrc=c:. CC i3CiOrdl pe .., t7t _, t SC- S insti uior.al _u? c f _. lzals r h t) :n .'.. • o.. tom.^ich rr, sv ^e yj 0--her zones. lus-r? a7 al. e' ement-ary,. us S ceiti CIF- - --ior and sen-Qrl G nursery. seco_ cary_ c pace." =a: vocational _ ace/2v .c a d _ s ac_I- _ Dost-secondary _ ace/s__rr aCe1 c _ches ace/ -- ors -------------------- ----------------------------------------------- _ S, e ?\ ,..,.'oss _locr ~ea ?V w -..LO,-,r area u, sc.. 4Yl IV nc, on s _.e de_et anG, t,_e e r. 4..v _ 5.21. 2' SU P PAR.K . m. !..ese grir:c _es azpp-iy _. Yr v.. - e ce-p --::e Case of s 1' n? a) Except for co=?---c-' zones Co=erC.-af g noses , s a?±' be limited tc 20% of - _,ca recurred 7a_, sd a_ gars=asg -erea shall h ?? ine- I• z- c aggearance. and ve paved. C? S.Ldetiari Da _7E no c e one s_Ge a_.C ee- v.. _ _ s_Ce. C) Rearyard parking sr.al= .''.e -erm-f Ie-. in. any zone. 6) : Where a parking area a?)» is a c_c. setback therefrom. `t l . 2 cci in :. .- a Co=-J_ ^2 _ c? a 5 ?r F. e c' U a once or wall V) shy V?. (w irvo- f c:_ _pay. .. area, ?Wjj _ al/ The y 1 vJ ... ... .. ._.,. _.. lo-z? or Z' arranged as to -. b - - from ads,a'ce : tiroper.nes. shelter,, not more t£.{: tnan I, r, height and not more r SO ? .are feet in area, may e rtes' t:-<, parking area for the use of atter...t.._ j 10 gasoline um. other a c equipment ?rteniaec °o . l _ use be 2c,cate4 or maintained on a -+ar 1,in lot or parking areas k) A- enz_ c...ces and exits to parking a. = ,`shall be p -,ved or c. ^' ...a.:. 1- stance c 50 feet from the from lot line . an 10 =set from the site lot line ? here abuts a street." Thal suhsec -on 21 be and the same ^e el-t deleted. - 7hat s ubs ection 6. 5 (a) be and the sa- is : e re!Dy celetef. r.a 7; - _ 3 e _ hereby r "_T.(f C2 ._ - - > S:...?C e':._ .. e _- - '-__ . zv adj. nn,. t}? _ .. _.?_. --e o . .. _ -".. 0- or use- _. t. 2'- ,.2.2 _2 3 , a:'eas n0 E tee 111 x ri _ area }nc_uder- r . does - o. nc- .c, space which: coal-'.. specta :cr' or ,.eet i r > 2.11.1 C RCIPL. VF _ ?- ° - 01-1. ^.ercia= .'e. _Cie S..c.? _;ea . a az ached tier to ` - t-ruc:? aF Je.^' body and incl:.idesc....1..lancr-? ,. hearse-- casket wagons, fire air. 3-at. _ ice patrols, motor buses an trac' except that for the ury,oses G_. Secticn 8.4 neither DassenZer s at „ wagon, nor a o?e-half t--n. -r-,,-,ck shall be deemed to be a commercial 2.14.1 F F.! V WA Driveway shall ^ean he rcute -y w'-_c:. Vehici?lar access _c C ed to the Da of frcm an cT)ened ...a. _.ta_ned D ..-=c toad- allowanC.e.. - 2.32.1 GROSS FLOOR ARE-- Gross Floor Area for n?-_ yrocses - parking calculations mEean -he " total floor area of all floors _n.^_= cing' basements. ?. X2.2 G -- _ - - eX' L e-xpresse'? in from --he n= >. GAT T - froz. o es. .4 T _ - 33.3 ILA! _., a S Bus :.:oat :,' Space ha- 1 - area of ??100' cq'ua-re 2.47.1 PARKING AREA A Parking Area shal-l e c par-icing spaces, - c.!- _ aisles, for t ar<i- c of vehicles. 2.47.2 PARKING _ _ P a--. :.zg Lot shall ...ea a c or portion thereof ;;rte deG ? he parking of r..ot r vehicles ac^_ssory 'o incidental to the - -.Se. 2.60.2 VEHICLE Vehicle Ji dudes a motor Jeh cue, trailer, traction engine, =r-_ tractor, roan ?i.i-lLing ?'act. a any vehicle drawn, propelled or driven ?-y any ti-nc of _ _ _7?- C? therefore: L. _.._. `. .- _ _ i Sle S -c, - _ _. .= zT2.g lot, fo" c - -ot ._.a.. 4 '8 e 91 be ------------------------------------------------------------------ re. __a singie/f .2_' 3 = an dkei ins -)usinesses Zr-c--s area devote horizontal- 2 =aces _ _ :-L- -Units wit out _-cr -n_.t nc attached garages tits_ ?v-_^v. -Un?is with an ? garage Dace, >-0^ att died garages er it ?mere - c_ e _s s°"a r c_ .-n- of each ?Tara?e -or, G!y G-l_i ci.G_ - er no a Parking area c _er than 'L'f siln.- e a. garage. v istcr 'vale ',y._r each y k`P-ts ?Do -4_: there _ Vc't_Cal 1-3/4 svaces U^ll CcC.L'par-ts and. -2Z- ZOI'iE -------------------- ------------------- --------------------------- Cori.ierci al General (ir.cludes village zone com- 9 ' _ s merc-al uses') ross `... .. .. .. .. .. C=,mer-cla_ _nsti : o*: _._ -__a Irct?st a'_ (ircl _n(i al i 1 .. X11 ,;:eZ _..icr) nc ar - _2, nsa and ?. ;? 1Q1lal:. _ . _ CP as=_ ... '.1.._ s p a ca _st seccrcary _ s ac l< <a: ' 3.. s?ace(t st?.?' Ches 1 suacel4 ,,er_,.:.._ w "..Gtpac_Ly -_ig: C,-;._4C SDace'/250 sC - . gross floor area arenas S:)aceto? sa.. floor area. E2s.-. =or as em,Z_ -23- Z NEl ------------------- ----------------------------------------------- _ ea -, _Ui.:... S i cI a 'e _ - v in any -o^- Where a gar."-, r r a: __ setback __`:e_ e_ _ cr_. e) Roolt-c_ arr_ng completely _ cerg_. ____ _ ,-F _:_ CO$TO2": to --'-e -Yart aFccessorv SL _.eS _ i.v_. 7 7, xi L^' }r? are _ccateG. -,der gr M than the ce.:t?-_ below fini's-nec _ need not exceed .ne Se _ a_.. of --e ma l bu_' C i ng. e,:J_L` C_ seG garages, h park_ng garages v_.___ __:re ._'c4 ar entrance era. . - ., _ _.__..?, W,etr of 15 _eF-, --rom, these _. __._ ?,_ Ger. y2?? A?.. S•i 4 Vu Y'"'. _z c roads , h feet in a-- .. ?._ _.. i '.e nom.. .l.-.'. C, _ c .. 3 .4_ Wall, `ee ' - a rev 4e: _ ? Y .. g} f. _ __ S. lw `i Shall. 'e 'ae- 50 sec c eel: _-Le si i- 4. That su secZio^ 4 (...,.}. ??' an, ...C, ..._...,: hereby deleted. SC:4E UL E A . TS That By-laws 252•,^,, a._.. 20-27 _--e and the same are -.er _,-v ar ,fe? .,.._y c necessary t g-- e effect t_ l-he this By-Tara. G. \o> part 'c_ is =y-lcw s:-a all cc-e ys __ w- the approval of t - O_-tar-,, -. .._..a' subject to such aDDroS,'al -L'---'S _ +`v __ :G ___ t roan the cay of pass`ng Rea` a `Irst and second Liie this 3rd a 0 Octobers C7 7-L- !/?AYh, r ae a this time and PASSED this 3rd day October _ I ! f ( ?f ??J S