HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 3338 CORPORATION OF TH[} TOWN. NIP OF being a by-lmv to authorize execution of an Agreement of Purchase and Sale dated tho {,th clay of July lC~37. WNSIh}{AS American Botany Noldings Limited has executed an Agreement of Purchase and Sale providing for the purchase from the Township of Pickexing ~ part of Lo% 19 Jn Broken Fron~ ~-~ange 3 of the Township of Picl~r ing~ NOd THSNI~OR~ BE IT AND liT IS IISNE~3Y ~5{tACTED: 1. That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale made be%ween TNe Corporation of the Township of Picketing and American Bo%any Holdings Limi%ed~ dated the 6%h day of July 1967 with respect %o the lands described in Schedule "A" R,iAD a FIP. ST, SECOND and TNI[{D time and passed in open Council %his /0 ~ day of July, 1967. SCII~DULS "A" ALL AND $IArJUI~'I that certain la, reel or tract of land and premises situate lying anti being in the Township of Picketing in the County o~ Ontario, Province cfOntario~ and being composed of part of Lot 19 in Range 3 of the Broken Front Concession of the said Township, the said parcel or tract being more particularly described as fo llo%~s: RIEMISIN~ that the easterly limit of said Lot 19 has a bearing of North 17 degrees 9 minutes 10 seconds and relating all bearings herein thereto, COM~NCING at a point that may bc locnted as follov~s: BEGINNI~ at a point m~-~rked by a standard iron bar planted in the said easterly limit of Let 19 distant southe~ ly therealong 960 feet from the north-easterly ang]~ thereof; THENC~ South 72 degrees 37 minutes 40 seconds West a distance of 27 feet more or less 'to a point in a line drawn parallel to and distant 27 feet measured perpendicularly from the said easterly limit, being the POI?.~ OF THENCF. southerly along the said parallel line a distance of 7~;:lxJe feet to a point therein; T]~]%C~{ South 72 degrees 37 minutes 40 seconds West in a straight line a distance of 1145,65 feet mo~e or less to a point in the eastern limit of the lands of Thc: Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario; TI~SNC~ North lg degrees 15 minutes 30 seconds [~est alon£1 the said eastern limit of the lands of The Ilydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario a distance of 400.00 feet more or less to a standard iron bar planted; T}%ENCE North 72 degrees 37 minutes 40 seconds East a distance of 1163.99 feat more or less to the POINT OF CO t~IME NC E ME Nrf.