HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 3207 TH~J CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF PIC~ZRIN~ Being a By-laW to authorize the construction of sanitary sewers and Sanitary sewer connections and watermains and water service connections on the streets set out herein as local i~provements, under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act. WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to construct the hereinafter described works aS local improvements under the provisions of Sections 8 end 67 of The Local Improvement Act and notice of the intention of Council has been published. N0~; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TOWNSHIP OF PICKERINO ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That sanitary sewers be constructed on the streets and between the points and on the easement and between the points as set out in Scb, e¢~ule "A" ar~exed hereto at an estimated cost of $90,000.00 aS local improvements under the provisions of The Local In~orovement Act. The entire cost of t~e said sanitary sewers ls to be specially assessed upon the lauds abutting directly on the work and upon lands not abutting directly upon the work but immediately benefitting therefrom. The entire cost, includ- ing debenture charges, shall be assessed and levied on the rateable property in the area set out in Schedule "B" amnezed hereto which is hereby def%ined a Sanitary Sewer and Watermsin Local Improvement Area pursuant to Section 67 (1) of The Local ImproYement Act, R.S.O. 1960, as amemded, and be paid by an annual rate of 91~ per foot on the lamds specially assessed· 2. That Sanitary sewer connections be constructed on the streets and easement and between the points as set out in Se, bedule "A" annexed hereto at an est~ated cost of $22,~7~.00 aS local, improvements under the provisions of The Local Improve- ment Act. The entire cost of each connection shall be specially assessed ~pon the particular let for or in connects on with which it is eonstructe~o ~ That waterma~ns be constructed or the streetS an~ -2- between tb_e points as set out in Schedule "C" ~neFed hereto at an estimated cost of $6~,1~0.00 aS local improvements under the provisions of The Local I~provement Act. The entffre cost of the ssdd watermains is to be specially aSSeSSed upon the lands abutt~ directly on the work an4 upon lands not abutti~ directly upon the work but i~nediately bene~tting t~erefrom. The entire cost, inclu~i~ debenture charges, sb~l be assessed and levio~ on the rateable p~operty in the ~ea set out in Schedule a~exed hereto wb~ cb is hereby de~ned a S¢nitsCy Sewer and Waterm~n Loc~ I~rovement ~ea pursuant to Section 67 of The Loc~ I~rovement Act, R.S.O. 1960, as amended, and be p~d by an a~.ual rate of 66~ per foot on the l~nds speci~ly 4. That ~ater service co~ections be constructed on the streets and between the points as set out in Schedule a~eze~ hereto at ~ estimated cost of $1~,8~0.00 aS loc~ i~rovements under the provisions oF The Loc~ I~rovement Act. T~e entire cost of each water se~ ce connection sh~l be speci~ly assesse~ upon the p~tia~lar lot For or in connection ~th which it is constructed. The Eng~nacr oF the Corporation is hcrcby authorize~ to m~e such plans, pro,les and speci~cations ~ ~r~sh s~ch information as may 0e necessary for the m~ of contracts, for the doi~ of t~a work or For c~ryi~ out the same ~y ~ay labour a~d the work sb~l be carried on ~d e~ecute5 under the super- intendence ~d sccordi~ to the directions ~ or,ers of the s~d E~i neet. 6. The e~tire cost of the works be p~d bF the ~ssuance of debentures beari~ interest at the rate of 6] per cemtum per a~Um an~ be repaid by the said speci~ assessments over a term of ~ years. 7. The Treasurer of the To, ship m~, subject to the approv~ of Council, ~ree ~th ~y ba~ or person for te~or~y adv~ces of money to meet the cost of the work pendi~ co~l eti on them eof. 8. ~y person whose lot is speci~ly assessed may co~te -3- by a payment in cash the spec~ ~ rates i~posed by payirg the costs of construction assessed upon such lot without the interest forth%~ith after tbe~ Special Assessment Roll has been certified by the Clerk but may not corar~ute after the Debenture By-law has been passed. READ a First and Second time in open Council this //rzd~ of CY'~ A.D. READ a Third time and passed in open Counail this day oF /'~/~t~ A.D. 1066. S CHEDU~E S_TRE~T FROM TO Commerce Street Lot Line between Lots Front Street 3 & 4, Block C. Reg'd. P1 an 65 Bay Street 55' E. of Lot line Front Street between Lots 1 & 14, Block C. Regld. Plan 6~. Wharf Street 265' W. of West Street ~t8~~ W. of West Line of Liverpool Roa~ Street Line of Liverpool Road. Pleasant Street 30~ S. of Lot Line Bay Street between Lots 6 & 7, Block D. Reg'd. Plan 6~. Front Street BrownSng Avenue Bay Street Brown~ ng Avern~e Dougl as Avenue Fairvi ew Avenue Douglas Avenue 139 Feet North of South Brown~rt~ Avenue LJ mit of Registered Plan M.16 Old Orchard Ave. 40' W. of Lot line Douglas Avenue between Lots 9 & 10 Raged. Plan 432. Pairview Avenue 25~ South of North Limit Br~wrJng Avenue of Registered Plan 814 Easement Wharf Street Bay Street. S CHEDU IE "B" Commencir~q at a point in the south street l~ne of Wharf Street 295.l.; feet more or less west of the west street line of Liverpool ~oad, thence southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot Block A. Reg'd. Plan 65 a distance of 92.26 feet more or less, thence westerIy along the southerly boundary Of Lots 22, 20, 19, and 18 a distance of appro~-d, mately 296.76 feet more or less to the water's edge of the easterly shore of Prenehmana Bay. Thence northerly along tb.e said waters ode.~- ~ to ~ po;~+ '~ it is _.~o~oct~~*'+ .....~ ~"~.~ +~ ..... northerly limit of Lot ~8 or its production westerly thereof as descriOed in Instrument No. 13999 in the County Registration Office. Thence easterly along the said boundary to a point distsnt 120.95 feet more or less westerly from the north east angle of the said lot where said boundary SC,UEDU[E ~B" (Cent rd. ) intersects with the westerly boundary of Lot 47, as described in Instrument No. 62838 in the County Registry Office, thence northerly along the westerly boundary of Lots 47, 46, 33, 32, 30, 29, 3 & 2 to a point being_ the north west angle of Lot 2 as described in Instrument No. 94728 in the County Registry Office, thence westerly along the souther].p boundary of Lot 7, as described in Instrument No 15846 in the County Registry OfFice, to the south-west angle of said lot, thence westerly on a line parallel to Browning Avenue and distant 50 ft. more or ]ess southerly from the south li~it thec eof to a point 100 ft. westerly from the west limit of Maple Avenue, thence northerly parallel to the, west li~dt of Maple Avenue a distance of 83 feet more or less to point in the northerly limit of Browning Avenue thence westerly slong said limit to the south-west angle of Lot 13, Registered Plan 81It, thence northerly aloog the westerly boundary of Registered Plan 814. to the north west angle of Lot l, Registered Plan 814, thence easterly along the northerl~ boundary of Registered Plans 814 and 432, to the north-east ar~le of Lot 9 Registered Plan 432. Thence southerly along the easterly boundary of Lot 9 to the south-east angle thereof, thence southerly across Old Orchard Avenue to the South iimit thereof, thence westerly to the north east angle of Lot 3, ~egistered Plsn 404, thence southerly a].o~lg tbs easterly boundar~ of Lot 3 to the South esst angle thereof, thence westerly along the southerly' boundary of Lots 3, II smd 5, Registered Plar~ 40~_1 to a point where it intersects with the north east angle of Lot 8, Registered Plan 40~, thence souther].~ alor~ the easterly boundary of Lots 8, 9 and 10 Regist- ered Plan 404 to the south east angle of Lot 10, thence westerly along the southerly boundary of Lot 10 Registered Plan 404 to ~ point bcir~Z thc north-east .~gle of Lot~,a'~ ~s described in Instrument No. 12138 in the County Registry 0fflcc, being the westerly boundary of Registered Plan M-15. Thence southerly 'along said boundary a distance of 664-.54 feet to a point being SCHEDUIE "B" (Central.) the south west angle of Lot lll~, Registered Plan Thence easterly slots the so~therly limit of Registere~ Plan M-i~ to a point distar~h 66 feet more or lass distant, from the westerly ]~r~t of Liverpool Road, being the north- east angle of Let t~, Block C, Registered Plan 6~. Thence southerly a distance of ~12 feet more or less parallel to the west street l~ne of L~verpool ROad to a point where t~e l~ne inter- sects the .~outh l~mit of Commer~.e Street, thence westerly along the south l~dt off Commerce Street s distance of 1~.~ feet more or less, thence Southerly and parallel to the west li~fit of Liverpool ROad a distance of 66 feet more or loss to the boundary between Lots 8 and 9, Block D Registered Plan 6.~ thence westerly a2ong the s~id boundary a distance of 82.~ feet to thc north west angle of Lot 9, thence southerly fei]owing the west limit of Lets 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, ~lock D, Registered Plan 6~ to the south west angle of Lot 13, thence easterly ~!or~ the south limit of said Lot 13 a distance of 82 feet more or less thence southerly parallel to the west limit of Liverpool Road to a point where the l~ne intersects with the South limit of Bay Street, thence westerly along, the south l[r~t of Bay Street a distance of ]~7 feet more or less to a point thence southerly parallel to the west lffmit of Liverpool Road a distance of 170 feet more or less thence westerly s d~ stance of 174.45 feet more or ] ess to a point being t~e north west angle of Lot 9 as descr~be~ in Instrument No. 913~! ~ the County Reg~str? Office, thence soutberl? there fr to 12verpool ROad and distant 29o.~0 f~e~ more or less/a dj stt~nce of 202.~iI. Feet more or ].ess to a point fin the south l~mit of Wharf Street distant ~99.~0 Feet west off the west l~r~t of Liverpool Road, thence easterly along the south li~fft of Wharf Street a di stance of 4..1 feet more or less to the POINT OF C OMME NCE NE NT. SC~]DU [E "C" STREET FR OM T 0 Commerce Street West Streetl~ne of Front St. Liverpool Road Bay Street W~st Streetl~ ne of Front St. L~ verpool ROad Wharf Stre~et 26~I West of West ~20I West of West Streetl~ne of ~ver- Streetline of pool Roa~ Liverpool Roa~. Pleasant Street Commerce Street Bay Street Front Street Bay Street Commerce Street Front Street Comraerce Street Brownin~ Avenue Browning Avenue Dougl aS Avenue Fairvi aw Avenue Douglas Avenue Browning Avenue South Lir~it Reg'd Plan M.16 01~ 0rch~rd Aver~le Douglas Avenue L~verpool Roe8 Fairview Avenue B~own~g Avenue South l~i~J.t 7~~ ~ff