HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 2772THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. y 7 7 y To stop up axe close a portion of Bayview Road in the Township of Pickering. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pickering by Resolution No. 253-62 made on October 1, 1962, authorized the stopping up and closing as a public highway of the lands described in Schedule "A" hereto attached; and WHEREAS notice of this By-law has been published once a week for four successive weeks and posted up for one month in six of the most public places in the immediate neighbourhood of the portion of the said public highway to be closed and the provisions of The Municipal Act relating to the stopping up of highways have been complied with; Now, therefore, the Council of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS as follows; 1. The lands described in Schedule "A" hereto attached are hereby stopped up and closed as a public highway. 2. The said Schedule "A" hereto attached shall form part of this By-law. 3. For the purpose of illustration only a plan showing the lands described in Schedule "A" coloured red is attached hereto. READ THE FIRST AND SECOND yTthi day A.D., 1963. READ THE THIRD TIME AND F SED th' day of 7jjli?, A.D., 1963. i it 1 - fnv Reeve SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. .2 /,- CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY COMPANY Description of part of Bayview Road, Township of Pickering, to be closed. ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Pickering, in the County of Ontario and Province of Ontario, containing by admeasurement an area of two hundred and fifty-four thousandths of an acre (0.254) more or less and being part of Bayview Road according to a plan registered in the Registry Office for the said County as Number 221; the said parcel is shown coloured Red on a print of a plan of survey dated January 11, 1963, hereunto attached; the boundaries of the said parcel are described as follows: PREMISING that all bearings herein are astronomic and are referred to the meridian through the intersection of the centre line of the original allowance for road between the Townships of Scarborough and Pickering with the centre line of construction of Highway Number 401. COMMENCING at an iron bar planted in the westerly limit of the said Bayview Road distant one hundred and eighty-six and twelve hundredths feet (186.121) measured northerly therealong from the southeast angle of Lot Nine (9) according to the said plan Number 221; THENCE North seventy-two degrees fifty-eight minutes forty seconds East (N.72058t40"E.) sixty-six feet (66.01) more or less to an iron bar planted in the easterly limit of the said Bayview Road distant one hundred and eighty-six and twenty-four hundredths feet (186.241) measured northerly therealong from the southwest angle of Lot Ten (10) according to the said plan Number 221; THENCE North seventeen degrees nine minutes fifty seconds West (N.17.09150"W.) along the said easterly limit of Bayview Road one hundred and sixty-five feet (165.01) to an iron bar planted therein; THENCE South seventy-seven degrees eighteen minutes thirty seconds West (S.77.18130"W.) sixty-six and two tenths feet (66.201) more or lose to an iron bar planted in the westerly limit of road aforesaid distant one hundred and seventy feet (170.01) measured northerly therealong from the point of commencement; THENCE South seventeen degrees nine minutes thirty seconds East (S.1700990"E.) along the said westerly limit of road one hundred and seventy feet (170.01) to the said point of commencement. Land Surveys Department TORONTO, Ontario. January 16th, 1963. I File: TT 223-1069 Ontario Land Surveyor T?_CORPU?iTYON OF THE TOWN:SH'tF' O1?P? 1SF Y1r, 9T-YAW NO. To atop up and close a portion of Bayviem Road in the Township of Pickering, WHRRCAS the Coumail of tto Corporation of the To'nfM p of Pickering by Resolutiou Me, 253..62 made on OOVv bar If 1962, nutty^r`tA.l the stopping up and closing as a public highway of the lands described in Schedulw "A" hereto attached] and WMRZAS notioe of this By-law has been published tine. a week for four successive weeks and posted up fcn• ono nnonth in six ^f the scot public p mieo in thw immediate rwilghbour%ooe c.' 014 pciri c.r of the said public, highway to be closed %nd thm orovi rai jnc of Tba Municipal Act relating to the stopping Ap of hixf%,ayr+ 'InAwv been complied sit>- ?iow, therefore, the C.omnol? o` the ,"orq.ora.:ian o: 04t 7o.rs. ship of PickerinK gK7MFY RNA(M) as foller"62 1. The lands :?ascriboe in Sehadua, "A" hex+siw+ >r tg:.iroK# arm he-*" stopped "P am', 010046 ac a publ"r,r: h'Owsy 2, The said `?ohedvlo "A" hereto & ..r.&ohed ohA U A of this BT-nl aw 3. Poz th* parpof.'c of il.lrstrw:tiata *DAY r platy ahc:"ryc ' ?'% lands described in Sehsdml• "A" colowrV red is attacred hern'?ae &.0 THh FIR57 M MCCMm TYW this 'A ds;a 1e1 A.D.„ 1963. FAAD 'YR6 THnt11 "DS AND 1nINAll.f PA-(;:= to, % ` asy o A..O., 1963 ? II 8seea f ? ?, e Clerk a a a +. 1 `iKIMMIq r ilH2HWOT MiT 30 UITAMAR00 WT .0N WA.1- M wstr(s$ 1o nottloq s esolo kris qu go3a oT «gnt.7e)latq 20 gtdsmwT ed3 nt tA*R 10 gldamroT od3 10 sotsazogio0 ads 20 CtDM03 od3 HAMM4W bral.lomlms tS.?.( c.; -iadoso(t no ebsst sa }'?S oM notlaloss8 (d ynt-iarlotq abnsa orl3 To ?swdgtd otldaq w. sA ysteolo bna qu VIggo.ta odt boa Ibodas33a o.tazed "A" olabodaE at bsdty:+aob A Sono bodetlduq need *Ad wal.-V atdl to aollon zMl" "to x.te rt% isnoaa ono rol qu bolaoq bas stfeow orteaeaaaa 'WOO '101 )lesw aoi.tzoq *ii., 'y , bocctr}cuode9glea exAtbeswtY orl9 rat aeoalq atldoq year owi rfT 4o 3nutw,2vo°vq ads bnr besol.a of -):: gawdgtd ot_tdtaq btst ed9 to ,eod sworn vtrAwtlgtd "to gu *5 I.ggojv, oafs ul gal$s.l.on 3*A Isgtotna?3 Jlfv batlgw, ,atwo'r 'id c? ilwt &,Loa'rYol oAS 20 Ltanuo3 od3 twiol4v wlj twof towetLo't ss >:.TO.AY[?1 YE1$}?iN gn.tisYatq to gtAr ..swoon "Aw wLabodoP r=.: S*dtnosa.b ebasl odT «L TswrWif otlduq a k,a oooolo bnA qu beggo3a vdo«ed s:X apau5 ±'_Iaals bedos33s oto?on `s^ eiarbedsC btaa edT ,;. ,wal-x6 atilt to sr+r vfNi dv :rely a Tlno nottrr.tooLu ao OeogwQ odt 101 c ,ay°tvzor bodoa;'3a et ban bwwoloo "AA oLubotlo+e ill bedtiaseb obnal rxs ?ai+ a?3 AlSIT 4MNK:):">?+:. ?'tll4dt rES!1'? #2}3'1" QA.?'i .9PI t.LI.A to tsb atria aW&Aq TJlAkll MA t3lf"' dtHI.H'T MIT' HA2M °oP.ti .(I.A f ",I tFte10 t ? Descrip4tora of part of Sayviot Reeds township o'; e,.ckrring, t.o be slesed. ASS. AND STWOMAR that oartain pareol 4, tract of land sad pswiass situate, lying and being in the TCwnship of Pickering, in the Count of Ontario and province of Onteria, Containing by adweasniwnoat an arag of tone hamdrwo &nd fifty-four thoasaadthe of as earn (0.254) more or lose sad being park of Bayviww Re" aooerdieg to a plan registered a the Registry Offies for the said Csuaty see lumber 221{ the said pared U shown oaloured tad on a print, of a plan of sarvey dated January 111 1963, hereunto attach", the bsaedaries of the said pareal are described as follewas FRIKSM that all bearings herein are astrwaaSs and are referred to the meridian through the intereestion of the contra lire of the original allowmmse for road botufaw the Townships of Searborensh and Mokerimg with the sontro line of ssnstruatien of Rigtway Rusher 1.01. OOWMCIMl at an iron bar pleated in tbo westerly limit of She said Ryview Read distant one hundred ad eighty-six and twelve huniredthe feet (186A21 ) uaawrod northerly thorsaleag from the soat?oist angle at Let Rise (9) aooordiug to the said plan fabse 221) TMM North seventy-tee degreee fifty-eight minutes fast assume Rmat (N.72058x40*5.) sixty-six moat (66.os) noro or loss to as iron bar pleated is the easterly licit of the said Belviaw toad distant one hundred and ei&W-six sad tusadyfsar ivadrodths fast (lSk24, ) wasumd northerly tho:.als" free the somthwest angle of tab Tan (10) according to the said plan Namber 2211 TMCZ North sovantasa degress also misatesi fifty @ease" Wed (N.17e09wWW.) along the said easterly limit of Bayviaw Road one h mmired aad slAy-five foe! (165.01) to an iram bar planted thervdal TNM= Beath sevesdsyaovsn dogroas sishtese minion thirty sosseb Moat (g.77•101301 O sizky-ed= and two teethe foot (66.20x) hors or loss to as ire bar planted in the westerly limit of road aferessid distant we h MA and ssvedy fast (170.01 ) maesared northerly tboroalsas true the P01116 Of ONMAWONWAt; TR== south ssvsnteos dogma mine minutes thirty oeswds Reef (gellaW3003.) aloes the said westerly limit of read we bsedred and soveaty foot (170600) to the add pslat of . Load So W07 nopu4"A TdMI . Ontario„ Jaamary 16ths 1963.. Tiles TT 223-1069 Ontorlo Lad smrvger 'M «AI-Vi DT "t" $I'I MOP, McNOD TAWMAJI 1AWOrTAW IUIQANA? obssela od s.t gal -ft1*19 lio gldan T .ba?d velvt68 U t7aq Io aoltq,has*G SaIV !stunts sosbrtg boa beat To bait io Los7aq slaftoo tad! 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SMLartsds " absome pset soAm s tdllo-Mitt aoAob oast-vw"s down %)N! V,Gafeas sdt at bsfaaig mad mr:l as of asst aw oars (ro*Q) feot zbwtfste (.MMI*S{'.s) adtbsatbmd asst-VtAmt br zta-Wdyb bas bold em tastslb baol VOITW bias sdt is halt (") WT twi is otsoa teendtmee odt ant V ol"so" wjsodts a beasssaoa (14.8si) foot ILU :odsas ask btss edt et 3alknoo0a (sV%tlWIf»t) ft &V abaeaea Vn'6009abs Onto aewfaeb msotnsvsa dtwl ZDXW (109W) &0 ssiAwtSsts boa botbard sae baol asolarta8 is ttatt ltsetuo blas odt bmoLa latasedt botaaiq and nest m of fox abasaea'tttldt Grunts said}" seeno Avms tfar?es dfrot tDIT befsay sat aril as et Salt is oatas (ros.sli) frog adfsst avt boa zbs•T1sts (,Www•rr.a) ( s0.OU) fwt gbwse bee besbaad oils fM/falb blsewsou Maas to !bait ttarobsv dt at ilasOSmsaass to fstsg dt Ott 3mazz"40 t[tadfanm boarsaos (.t'o lwtL.i) teat abasssO t*%W sobaha Omtm seeneb mostmwos dfinea mum bass Oil of (t0 U) feel hooves Mao betwod em baot to thht riatefeov bbsa edt VOL& .tmeasanssrs to tmtog ?tegN7t bnsd attafa0 ftseftmgo0 slam bm a AOL 4"" TsasasL 0elassfa0 sOTSOSOT 001-M TT toil! e i P} e uJ' s y d ?