HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 2505 ThE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF PICKERI~G BY-LAVJ NUMBER A By-Law regulating the use of public and private sewers and drains, prl~ts sewage disposal, the installation nd co~uection of building sewers, and the discharge of waters and wastes into the public sewer system: and providing penalties for violatioas thereof; in the Township of Picketing, in the County of Ontario. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pickering enacts as follows:- 1. Definitions Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the mean- ing of terms used in this By-Law shall be as follows:- "SEWAGE WORKS" shall mean all facilities for collecting, pm~ping, treating and disposing of sewage. "SEWAGE" shall mean a combination of the water-carried wastes from residences business buildings, institutions ~nd industrial establish- merits. "S~R" shall mean a pipe conduit for carrying sewage. "~JBLIC SE~.~.~'' shall mean a sewer in which all owners of abuttin2 prop- erties have equal rights, and is ~outrolled by public authority. "CO~!NED S!{¥~R,' shall mean a se~,,er receiving boih surface rua off and sewage. "SANITARY SE~ER" shall mea~ a sew~r which carries sewage a~d to which stsrm, surface and ground waters ar~ not inbentio~ally admitted. "STORM SE¥~ER" or "ST0~ DP~IN,, s~ll m~an a sewer which carries storm and surface water a~d drain~g~, but excludes sewage and polluted indust- rial wastes. "S~WAGE T~EA~NT PL~T" shall mean a~y erraagement of devic.~s ~nd structuras use for treating sewage. "INDUSTRIAL L~STES" shall mea,-~ the liquid wastes from industrial pro- cesses as ~istinct from s~nitary "G~BAGE', shall mesa solid wa~es from the preparatio~, cooking and disp~nslng of food, and from the handling, storage and sale of produce. "BUILDING ~IN" shall mean that part of the lowest horizontal piping of a drainage system which receives th~ discharge from sGll, waste and Other drainings pipes inside th~ walls of the building and conveys it to the building sewer beginning three feet outside the inner face of the building wall. "BUILDING SEWER" shall maan the extension from the building drain to the public sewer or other place of disposal. "B. 0. D." tdenoting Biochemical Oxygen Demand) shall mean the quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation o~ o~anic matter under standard laboratory proc~dur~ in fiv~ (5) days at 20~., Expressed in parts per million by weight. "P. H." shall mean the logarlthmof the reciprocal of the weight of hydrogenions in grams per liter of solution. "SUS~.~D~D SOLIDS" sh~ll mean solids that el!her flo~t on the surface of, or are in suspension in water, sewag~ or oth~r liquids; and which are removable by laboratory filterL~go '~ATURAL OUTLET" shall mean any outlet into s watercourse, po~d, ditch, lake or other body of surface or ground water. "¥1ATERCOL~SE" shall mean a channel in which a flow of water occurs, either continuously or intermitter, tly. ',PERSON', shall mean any individual, firm, company, association, society, corporation or group. "SHALL" is mandatory. 'g;~AY" is permls:~ive. "ENGINEER" shall moan the Township Engineer for the Township of Picker- lng. "HI,]ALTH IFNIT" shall moan the Ontario Cout~ty Health Unit. "ROAD SUPERINTENDENT" shall be the parson so appointed by By-Law by the Township of Pickering. "WORKS DEPART~D~NNT" shall mean the Township of Picketing Works Depart- ment. 2 · Jurisd.ic.t ion (a) The Works Department will inspect the installation of all building sewer connections from the building to the stJs~et line and, further, will not permit any ill,gal connections to be made to the public sewer outlet, as set out in this By-Law. A fee of three (3.00) dollars shall be paid to the works Dept. for this inspection. (b) The Works Dept, will supervise the construction and in- stallation of all work promitted in this By-Law from the street line to the public sewer. (c) After construction and installation of the building sewer from the build~r~g to tho public sewer the owner shall be responsible for the satisfactory operation, cleaning, repair, replucement and mainte~- anco of the co~mection from tho public sewer to the building. (d) The provisi~ns of this By-Law with respect to construct- ion of building sewers from the public s~wer [.o the street line shall not apply where the co,'mections from the public sewer are constructed and installed on tho road allows~nce, under the provisions of the Locul Improvement Act, the Municpal Act or an ~gr~emont with a subdivider. 3. Apl~lic.ations for Permits No person shall construct or instal], any building s.swcr from any building or make any connection into the Tovmship public s~w~r wi%h- out first having obtained a p~rmit from the Engineer as follows:- (a) Application shall be made in writing to the Engineer on form prescribed, in quadruplicate, which application shrill shrew the name of the owner of the lot, the present state of construction (if a new building), a plan, in duplic~te of the lot showing tho point at the street line at which the connection is to be made, the dat~ for the pr - posed work to be done, the type of waste to be disposed from thc and the Contractor undertaking the work. (b) Upon receipt of a pr~perly completed application from the owner, or his authorized representative, the Engine:er shall issue a permit for the connection to be made by delivering one cody of the permit to the owner. (c) In the event thut the owner shell have any land for which a further connection may be made, the owner shall designate the' lot or parcel for which the e.~plicat',.on is m~de on the plan filed and, in the case of residentl~connactio~.s, no lot or parcel so desiEnated shall be less than the zoning reQuir~munts for the area. 4. Licence and Permit Fee~ No llcence or permit for the installation and construction of a connection to the Township public sewer shall be p~rmitted unless the following fees have been paid and the following conditions agreed to by the owner or his authorized representitive. (al For a single connection the fee shall be five ($5.00) dollars where the connection does not exceed 6" in diameter. In the ~event that a large connection is mad~ than th~ eforeseld 6" an addit- ~w'~ional two ($2.001 dollars shall be paid for each 2" dlamet~ above the standard connections. (b) The road, curb, gutter and sidewalk shall be restored to 3~heir original condition. (c) All connections to the Township public sewers shall be mechanical and only conn~ctlon aioprovod by the Engineer shall be used. (d) A test fitting shall be used in conjunction or instead o~ a reducer at the street line on the o~ers side of the s~reet line. 5. Bui~din~ Sewers an~ co~ngctig~s No connection shall be made to the Township public sewer ex- cept as follows:- (a) Euch building must have a single private building sewer from the building to the street line, except with the written approval of the Engineer. Double connections may be approved from the street line to the ~blic sewer by the Engineer in writing, and shall be located exactly so that the end of the pipe at th~ street line is at the intersection of the street line and the dividing lot line. (b) All connections from the public sewer to the building shall be of the following mat~rials:- 1. From the public sewer to the street li~e connections may be of concrete, vitrified clay tile, asbestos cement/~Gr No-Co-Rode pipes and shall be of minimum diameter of 5", cast l~on 2. From the street line to the building the connections may be of concrete, vitrified clay til~, asbestos c~men~/or No-Co-Rode pipes and shall be of minimum diameter of 4". ca~t iron 3. Such oth~r materiel as may be approved by the Engineer in writing. · (c) No connection shall be made to a Township public sewer ~ until a permit and or licence has been issued in accordance with this By-L~w and no said connection shall be made except by ~ Contractor approved by the Township. (d) All work and material necessary for the said connection sh~ll be supplied and paid for by the ownoA and owner shall indemnify the Township of any loss or d~m~ge that may $ccur in the said construct- ion to any third person or to the Township public sewer, water main or storm sewer. (e) Existing building sewers may bo used for connection to the Township public s~wers when test~d by th~ Engineer and found to meet all requirements. (f) The size and slope of the sewer from the building shall be subject to approval by the E[~gineer but in no event shall be less than ~" p~r foot unless specifically ~pproved by the Englne~r. -4- The building sewer from the building to the ~ow~ ~hip public sewer shall bo connected to the buildl~g at an elevation below the basement~~-~ No building sewer shall be lald parallel to within three f..~et of any bearing wall. The building sewer sh~ll be laid at sufficient depth to afford protection from frost end the uniform grade and in str~ight ali~- ment wherew~r possible. {g) All buildings where the depth is too low for gruvlty flow to the public sewer, uanitary sewag~ flo~ may be permitted throb the basement walls by,he Engineer. ,~ . ~ '~ ~.~ ...... (h) In certain locutions where the ground level limits the ~construction of houses.to houses without basem~ats or c~.llars the engin- eer may permit the sewer to be raised to an elevation to adequately serve the requirements of the sanlta~ se~ge floor. (i) All excavations requir~:d for the i~stall~tion of a build- ing sewer shall be by open trench unless otherwise approved in writ~g by the Engineer. All pipe shall be installed accorh~g to Township specifications and no backfill shall be placed until the work has been inspected by the Engineer or his authorized rspres6ntative. All connect- ions and joints shall be gas tight and water tight. The jointins of pipe shall be fl~ accordance with the pipe manufacturer,s instructions and subject to approval by the ~gineer. (J) All connections of the building st. wer into the public sewer shell be m~d,~ at the "T" branch, if such branch is available ~t a suitable loc.~tion. If a "T" branch is ~lot ~lready installed and connection c~ot be conveniently led to a manhole, then th~ owner shall at his expense install a "T" branch. The axis of the branch pipe of the ~ tee shall be set at an angle of 4~° to the vertical diameter of the sewer pipe, and the branch shell be of the s~e stren2th ~d classification as the public sewer. The spigot end of the branch shall be out so as ~ not to extend past the inner surface of the public sewer, a smooth, neat Joint shall be made, ~d the connection made secure and watertight. Special fittings agprov<~d by the Engineer shall be used for the connect- iO~ · (k) The applicant for the building sewer permit shall notify the Engineer when the building sewer ts ready for inspection and co~ect- ion to the public s~wer. The connection shall be made under the super- vision of the Engineer or his representative. (1) All Excaw~tions ~or buildin~ sewer installation shall be adequately guarded with barricad,~s ~nd lights so as to prot,:-ct the public from hazard. Streets, sidewalks, parkways and other public property disturbed in the course of tho work shall be restored in a m~ner satis- fory to the Township 6. Nec.essi.t.y ~d ~im~ for. Connections The owner of ,~ny houses, buildings or pro~rtles used for h~an occupancy, employment, recreation or other pur~se, situated within /the Township of Pickering ~d abutting on any street, alley or right-of- ? way in which the~ is now located or may ~ the future be located a public ~' sanitary sewer of th~ To, ship is hereby ~quir~i at his expense to in- stall suit~ble toilet facilities therein, and to connect such facilities directly with the public sewer in accordaace with the provisions of this By-Law, withlng throe years of the date the public sewer is accepted the ~wnship provided that said public s.~r is u~ithing 200 ~M~ oI the property line, ,unless exemp~ed~ ~n wrlti~ by the Engineer. ~ (a) No person shell discharge or caus~ to be discharged, or ~rmtt illegal entry of storm w~ter, surface wato~, ground wats)r, roof run-off, cooling wat~r%u~pollutod industrial process waters %o any No person shall ~isoh~rg~ or cause to be disch~rged, or permit entry of sub-surface ~r~in~g~ or weeping tile dr~inage unless approval in writing is granted by the Engineer. Storm water and all other unpolluted drain~ge shall be discharg- ed to such sewers as are specifically dosig~at~d as storm sewers, or to roadside ditches if approvc~d by the E~gin~er, or to ~ n~tur~l outlet ap- proved by the En~ineer. Industrial cooliK~g water or u~polluted process waters may be discharged, upon a.,)prow~.l by t~m Er~gin~er, to a storm sewer or naturdl outlet. Except as hereinafter provided, ~o person shall discharg~ or cause to be dlseharg::d ar~y of the following de.scribed waters or wastes to any public sewers: (i) Any liquid or vapour having a temperature hi~hez than 150°F. (ii) Any water or wast~ which may contain more than 100 parts per million, by weight, of fat, oil or grease. (iii) Any gasoline, bengene, n:ptha, fu~l oil, or oth~:r flam- mable or explosive liquid, solid or gas. ( iv ) Any Garb.~ge. (v) Any ashes, cinders, sand, ,::ual, straw, shavi~gs, m~tal, glass, r~gs, feathers, tar, plastics, 'wood, pau~ch raanure or any other solid or viscous substance cap,~bi~ of causing; obstruction to the flow in sewers or other intsrference ¥1;ith th.~ propar operation of tho s~wag~ works. (vi) Any waters o'.~ wastes having a P H lower than 5.5 or high- er than 9.0, or having any other corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures, equlpo~ent, and to perso~mel of tho s~w- age works. (vii) Any watt, rs or wasters containing a toxic or poisonous sub- stance in sufficient quantity to injure or intorfere with any sewage treat.mcat process, constitute a hazard to human or animals, or create any hazard in the receiving waters of +.h~ sewage tr~atment plant. (viii) Any waters or wastes contai~i~g suspended solids oi' such character and quantity that unusual attention or expense is required to handl~ such materials at the sewage treatment plant. (ix) Any noxlo~s or malodorous gas or substance cup~:~ble of creating a public auissaaCeo (b) No buildir~M sewer shall be installed ~r a permit granted for the connection of th~ batldiag drain, to the building s~w~r or no open trench shall be excaw_~ted from the building to th~ lot line, per- mitting illeg'~l entra~ce into th~ buildi~g sewer, which b'~ilding sewer is connected to tho public sew~.~r at this point until tho plumbing rough- ing-in for minimum plumbi~ug fixtures h,~s baen installed within the build- ing, and until the bailding has b~en completely enclosed. 0nc water closet, one bath tub :,nd two sloks shall be 'he minimua~ pl~nmbing fixtures. (c) Grease, oil and sand int~rceptors shall be provid,~d when, in the opinion of the Engiu. eer, they are necessary for th~ proper hand- ling of liquid wastes containing grease in excessive amounts, or any flammable wastes, s:.nd ~aud other harmful ingredients; e~{cept that such interceptors shall not be required for private living quart..rs or dwell- ing units. All interceptors shall be of a type and capacity approved by tho Engineer, and shall b~ locatod as to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection. Grease a~d oil interceptors shall be constructed of impervious materials capable of withstanding aboupt and ~xtreme changes in tempera- tufa. They shall be of substantial construct, ion, watertight and equipped with easily removable covers which when bolted in place shall bo gas tight and water tight. When installed, all grease, oil a~d sand int~rccptors shall be maintained by the owner, .ut his expense, in contfnously efficient operat- ion at all times. (d) The admission into the public sewers of any waters or waste hay lng: - (a) A 5 day Biochemical Oxygen Demand greter th~n 300 parts per million by weight, or (b) ContainiLg mor~ tha~ 350 parts per ~illion by wei~ht of suspended solids, or (c) Containing any quantity of substances having th~ character- istics described in paragraph ~ hereof or (d) Having ~ average daily flow greater than 2~.of the aver- ~"~ ~l.~ge daily flow of th~Tov~shlp, shall be subject to th~ r~vzew and so-~ ~the owner sh~ll provide, at his own .~xpense, such prelimi.'~ary troatmentZ~'~L~ as may se necessary to :- (a) Reduce the Bioch.~mic~l Oxygen Demand to 300 parts p~r million nnd th~ susoended solids to 350 parts ~r million bT weight, or (b) Reduce obJectio.o~ble characteristics or co~stituents to within the m,~xlm~ limits provided for ir~ ~rugraph (a) Dcreof, or (c) Control ~e quaatities and rates of discharg~ of such~waters or wastes. Plans, specific.~.tions and other pertinent ~form~tion relat- ing to proposed preliminary treatm,nt facilities shall bo submitted for approw~l of the Ontario Water Resources Con, lesion and no construction ~ of such facilities shall be commenced until enid approvals are obtained in writing. V;here prel~inury treat~,~ent facilities ~re provided for any w~tcrs o~- ~astos, they shall be m~tained continuously in satisfactory and elf.active operation, by ~he owner ~t his own expense. (o) Yfh~u required by th~ Engin~r, th~ owner of ~y property, s~rved by ~.~ building sewer carrying industrial wastes, shall tn:~tall a suit~ble control manhole in the building sewer to facilitate observation, s~mpli~g and m~asu].'e~t of th~ wastes. Such manhole, when required, shall be accessibly and safely located, ~d shall De eonstruct~d in ac- cordance with plans approv~] by the Engineer. Tho m~mhol~ shall be in- stalled by the owner at his own ~xp~nse, and shall be maiatained by him so as to be safe and accessible at all times. All measurements, tests and ar~alys~s o~' t,~; ch~.~._,cteristics of water a~d wastes shall be in accordance ,.~ith th~ standard raethods as determined by the Ontario ~?at.:r R~sources Co~issioa, and sha~l be d~ter- mined at the coqtrol manhole provided for, or upon suit~bl~ s~.mples t~,ken at th,3 said control manhole. In the event that no speci'..1 manhole has been required, th.3 control qmnhole shall ~e considered to be the nearest downstream n~nhole in th.~ public sawer to th~ point at which the build- ing sewer is connect.~:;d. (f) No state,:eat contai~e.~ in this By-Law as preventing any special ~groement or arrangement betw ea the Towashi,~ of Pick-~rin~ and any industrial concern wh~reby an industrial waste of unusual str~:;~gth or character may be acce~ttcd by the Tov~ashiu for tr~at~.';ent, subject to payment therefor by the industrial concern. (g) No person shall discharge to ~y naturel outlet within the Township of Picketing, or any ar::a within the jurisdi~:tion oi' th~ said Township, any sa~it,~ry sow._,ge, industrial wast~ o? polluted water except where suitable tr:~aDm~Dt ~as b~en provid~d .~d a?proved by the f~) The ~pplicant sh~ll bo responsib~e for aso~rt~inhg t~ location of '~11 oth~r utilities such as Gas ~,~ains ~nd szrvlc~s, Bell Tel- ephone Conduits, Hydro-Electric Undergro~d Cables, water me, ins and - 7 - services, ~:~tc., from the Utility or persons conc~rnzd a~d r~ust prot~'~ct and ~or rep:~ir the s~m~ subJ~..ct to th~ r~ogulations of th~ l~rticular service involvod. (b) Exc~vat!.m~, buckfilling end ~ll work o~ Provincial ways, County of Ontario ro~ds end To. ship of Pickering roads to h~ue approvul of and b.o in conformity with ~g,~lu~ions of tho a0pllcable Road A,:thority. (c) All work shall b~ carri~d out so that it conforms with th~ re~ulations of th.- .Trench Enc~w~tor~s Act ar~.: the ?~orkm,~n's Comp~n- satlon Board as p~rtains to safe working cm~dttions o~ the men employed ca the Job. (d) No unauthorizod ptrson sh ll maliciously, wilfully or negligently break, d~uge, destroy, ur~,cover, d~f~ce or t~ap~r with ~ny structure, appurte~nce or equi~J-nt which is part o~; the m~icipal sew- age system, (e) The Engineor and oth~ duly authoriz~d 6mployees of tho Township bearing proper cr~d~ntiuls ~d idontificction sh~ll ~ ~rmitt~d to ent~r upon ~ll properties for th~ purposes of inspection, measuremeut, m~pling and testing, in uccordmco '~,i~h ~hc p~.ovisiuns of this By-Law. (f) J~y person found guilty of ~m offonc.~ und~r ~he p~ovl.~ions of this By-L~w shall, ~t the discretion of thc prescrlblag be guilty of un off~nc~ ~d subject to u ~.n lty of ~n ~aount not lng ~o Hundred ($200.00) doll~rs for .:~c~ oY ~nce, oxelusive o~.' coets, to be recowrable u~d~r thc provisions of tha Sm:~.~ary Convictions ~ct. (g) If uny b,~ilding sewer or any connection to a public sewer ts made by any owner ~d for his authorized r~present.~tive, contrary to tho provisions of this By-Law, th~ owa~.~r shall re.ir such defoctiv.t work or material within ten d~ys t~fter rec~-~ipt of ~ aotic~z from tho En- gineer requiring h~ to do so .md, If th,~ owner fails to ~o~_~ir such work, the Township may repair thc wo:-k including th~ ri~t to enter upon the lands and th~. cost o such repairs shall be added to th..t tax roll for th~ property .~nd collected In th,.0 same m~nn,~r as other muntci~l t AX~ ~ · a tl~e and PASSED this ./.~.~ y of 1960. lqee ve ? Cie ~k