HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 2430BY - LAW N UMBER ""A4 3f A BY-LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING TO SET OUT DESIGN DATA FOR MUNICIPAL SERVICES FOR SUBDIVISIONS IN THE TOWN- SHIP OF PICKERINGs, AND TO REPEAL BYLAW NUMBER 2012. BE IT ENACTED BY THE Municipal Corporation of the Township of Pickering that: 1* the attaehed "Schedule r attached to and forming a part of this By-Law shall be adopted by this Council as the "Design Dater for Municipal Services for Subdivisions." 2. By-law Number 2012 be and the same is hereby repealed. IP 3. This By-Law shall become effective as of the date of its I - passing. BY-LAW read a First and Second time this .2 ol &Loday BY-LAW read a Third time and PASSED this day "A I.G6rr,.ti,? Reeve tea. ?.n,,?G 1 /? - TOWNSHIP 09" PICKLAYNG DESIGN DATA FOR MLSICIPaL SLFIXICISS for suppIYli?rims for CONSIMTT^N'; I.114GlNETM3 T. 0* Jefferson. P.gngo Township Nnginser Township of Piokering Municipal Offiess Brougham# Ontario ML" 1.CTPAL S=C '5 Ira tlaa Township of .Piokarln s full municipal services must be installed by the subdivider. Thase aaunicipal services :arcs 1. Watoraaeaalxas Including valves acrid hydrants. ?. douse water oonneotions from the waatermain to the stroa3t line. s. Unitary Sowers. 4. sanitary sever connections frogs the sanitary sower to the street ling. 5. Storm sewers including catch1 asins and connections. R. Paved Road,.. 7. Concretes Curbs. 8. Conoreto sidewalks when required. 9. Boulevards fine graded and sodded. 14. Street Siprts. 110 street litthtse 11. soddirz r, to *11 front and side yards or each of the lots. The sub+tivider shall bear the gull cost or the designs constructions installation and mAintenrance or Ali services until they have been assumed by tyt Township. A oompieto set, or linens s1wwing the municipal services as installedj;- antt In accordanoo with the subdivision aggrooment must be submitted to the To" ship before Via Township will &*xutm the subdivision. Tlio Consultant Uagl.neer is responsible to the Township for all engineorIng work anti for all wAintenaeaoe wort; required on Via services to the saatleraetion or the Township until the subdivision is &sowed by the Township. The Consultant Lnginser shall furnish the Township Engineer with the names and degree or responsibility or all V3eir Engineers and Inspectors who will be supervising the works Written notification must be received by the Tornnship 24 hours in aetvanoe of construction an Township property for connections to existing utilitiaas. y&nsultrnt la neem iii to - contiz=d ftTe 2 All utilities witkain tt:o subdivision must be completed before the final connections are made to the Township utilities. Utilities aMer t4as.n .ounsUin 11111 LUs The ?subdivider shall be responsible for ascertaining the location of all other utilities such as leas mains and services Bell Telephone Conduits, hydro-Electric t7ndergxround Cables, Pam isainago Tiless eto.# from the Vtility or personas concerned and must protect and/or repair the same subject to tine regulations of the particular ssevico involved. goad 2jUningg And closina Xxoavationss backfilling and all work an Provincial tgighwayss County of Ontario roads and Township of Pickering reads to have approval of and be in conformity with regulations of applicable Read Authority. Paveowntep drivowrays$ entrances to property, lawns, oto.s mist be re atom. d to t1ioir original condition. Barricades and lanterns must be installed on all works for the pretection of vesicles and pedestrians and all precautions taken to mininize risgk of t a"ve and inmiyonionce to others. All wateri.alsp castings *to** which are not specified as Township of Plokariaag Standard will ;mist be used unless testedv proven equal to existing standardsp approved by the Township Engineer and accepted by the Council. The Township tngineer reserves the right to make qualitative or quantitative tests of any material to verify its conformity to specifications. Costs of such tests to be borne by the Subdividerl 1. A LM Minimum six* of 8-inah diameter. 2. PeoLh of Cover All mains will have a slain emi of 5 fto cover, except for 8 inch diameter pipes which will have a minimum of 5 ft. 6 ins, ooverp related to finished road grado. 3. Location 16 fts vast of the east strootline or lA ft. south of the north streetlino. 4, PrOranta To be or compression type - Darling A-50-B with two tress and 0 inch moollanieal joint base or approved equal for G ft* trench. Maxima spacing 400 fte and located 10 ft. inside street line. 5, Volvos To be Darling Mechanical 3oint Was vo. 55 with woo piing Stem packing, or approved equal. Valves are to be located directly opposite a street line at street intersections. Maximum spacing an straight runs to be 1000 ft. 5. Valve Chambers Valve chambers are required for mains over 8 inch diameter. Valve boxes may be used for mains of c inch diameter and ,?all be sliding; type adjustable for 5 ft, to 6 ft, cover and of a minimum diuweter of 31 inches 10, bottom Section or approved equal. Page 3 7. All pipes to be Class 200 and must conform with A*W*W,A. spodirioations. S. nom, Wen watermaains are dssmod ready for dhargi.ng. 34 Z,ours notice must be given to the Township Engineer who will be present at the charging and testing. 1. Dpni,xn Yeats Sewers shall be designed to carry a flow calculated rrom the total contribut+ary aarea. Kaatterts rorsula shall be used in the design or pipes. The adni s design velocity in as sower pipe when rlowing 8.8 full shall be 2A feet per second, 2, Lafttign Setters norwallp located 5 rest from the eentro line Or the road allOwaraoea towards the Last Arad North Street Line. 3. X&MRAS lne The reeemended ssppaacing is 300 rt; for pipes of Internal diameter over lb inches, Wis spsoing may be increased but only by pormission or the Township Y*41neer in writing. °&a dales shall be located at each and every change or sites graft and direction of the sewer pipes. sl. SP2gWAd!toL'1'biJ[ Unitary sewers shall be constructed or concrete pipe, asbestos cement pipe, raainroreed concrete pipe or vitrified tile. %"xele trams and covors shall be 00"nion Whool and Foundry Drawing I** DS 579 and shall be marked *Pickering TowrashIp" and the your or installations. Manaolss may be constructed In hard burnt brick. in-situ aon- cretei concrete bleak or precast concrete subject to approval of the Township hngin*wr? In 04900 where theme is a dlrt'tarende in oZdess or 3 root in invert levels in the asonholes a backdrop shall be Oonsltructod. S. Eta MnImars sise pipe is 10-incix Internal diameter minienm? depth to Invert in residential districts is 9 rest; a nail m depth to 3ravort In commeretal areas is 10 root. In Vie case or as sanitary sewer through an easement through which no connection will be made, adnimms depth or cover or 0 rest will be required. MC_ o,M SWIM D IGN rA a A I C w}eere Ca ° Pisebarge in C,P,S1 A = area in Acres i It litsnsity of rainfall in Inchon pear hour, minimum entry time to be 5 minutes n = Runoff factor or imperviocre coefficient. 2, Intensity of liA fal race Intensity of Rainfall may be obtained from the following arrraprat 11. (Min) haste Unza ater hour) S 2 10 a lb 2 v!y 1.982 i`;' 1.91? 30 11744 3r, Ilan 40 1068 ,tr 1. r's0 ,t} 1,45 nr) 1.40 no 1,35 2, jgrigff r?amtar or Iaanarvlous Caeffiaient Densely Ruilts Pared 0690 Commercials Factory 0170 light. Factory, Apartments 014?0(? compact Residential 0.&0 Parks 0.80 Per suhurban residential districts a runoff factor of 000 will be used for the road allowance area and that arena 30 foot b*hr1n4 oath street line. Book of lot drainage - 0120 Ainimum design acceptable to the Township is based on the Chezy formula itsing Kuttere fortsa a to determine value of c. 4. Laoatica or stoxwe Sagan 5 foot from the contra line of the read allowanoo and an the opposite side of the contra line from the sanitary sewer, n' p1bg 3122 Minirauta pipe sine is 10 tna}r. 4. 16121. Ha?'thlls ?-rWW2 and Ce=rs tnearal requirement* are tiu) manse as for Sanitary Sewer Manhelasl 70 Catch Using Located at all street intersections and at a maximtam spacing of ::300 feet apart. On steep :grades this spacing will bso ioarease4o S. 30e61fioat3.easaA Stem Sowers shall be constructed of concrete pipes aabeatoas convent pipes reinforced concrete pipes vitrified the or corrugated era tal . Caatcrx basins shall be constructed to approved standards for straanrth uni working conditions and shall have stan4aar4 City of Toronto (?t2° square t 480 lbs.) cover and frame and standard atom Aar dfesIgns joairIcAtion-F (9en11nusi) lead, minisnma A inches ror single and 10 inches ror double, to the Store Sower. Invert of catch basin to be 8 feet below finished road grade and the invert or the lead on the exit side of the catch basin 4 foot below finished rowel grade. Minimum depth of cover of Storm Sewers shall be 4 feet below finished centre road Sr 101 Radius pipe will only ?raa permitter] for pipes of 30 Inchon intaraaal diameter and urAtar+dso special, struoteres suo+a as outlet haadwalls, watercourse inlets, etea.p shall be designed to Vast the Conditions existing at tlae paint in garestiore to the approval of the Township Unglnaer* f ? Internal residential streets Shall be provided with asphalt surfaced roadway with concrete curb* and catehbasins. W11Vt of roadway, curb to acerb, shall be 24 feet. 'fain residential streets and concession roads shall be provided with asphalt surfaced rea4ways with oonor*to curbs and oatchbasins. Minimvn width of roadway, curb to ourb, shall be 28 feet. Minimum rrra4e oaa any roadway shall be 0.5%0 maxiaeun "An 4. Maximum successive Trades eftange shall be no greater than V, in 20 Coot. All read* shall be crownod on a slope or 1/4 inch to i root. 2o a2HIovurd geraadiaiT TI'ie area between the curb and street line Shall be graded to provide a uniform slope, of not less than 2%, from the top or curb to finished grade at street line as established on the subdivision plan. 39 MIterlalM j, Us- Material, whether obtained from the original ground within the subdivision or Imported, shall be to time approval of the Township EnOnear And. compacted for at least the top s inches to W6 maximum dry density as ate oral %ed by the modified A.A.S.il.©, test. Pit run Gravel - Shall oonform to Department of Highways Norm No. 314 Section 7, %larch IV.Tp in all respects for (Class B) pit run gravel. O.Mabod Gra nl - shall conform in all respects to department or r*lkhwa.vs tors :/ 4 revised 'care'r 1957 for (Class A) crushed material. "21-fa?14 42shalt Sur s mall conform in all rospe*to to Department of llighways Form Ac* 210 February 1957, for IY.L. 4 Surface Course. 4* rdWAtructien or pateesasnt The top soil shall be stripped to plus or sinus B inches of the road subgrade to a width of 26 root for internal residential roads and 10 feet for main residential roads prior to installation of services. After installation of services the subgradc shall be completed to true grads and comber as described in fill Material under tba heading of Materials, Cut or fill sections of the subgrado shall be properly crowned at the contra with a fall of a inches to the curbs. A pit run gravel base (to a compacted depth of 7 inches shall be laid in accordance with Frotlo0, form 314 revised Maraca, 1957, on the sub-so„ A granular base shall be laid to a compaactod depth of 3 Inches in accordance with U.tl.oo Form :atm. 314 revised ftrct,v 1957, It shall be shaped and rolled by approved 10 ton steel tirwd rollors until this passage causes no perceptible movemontocf the matAoial and the surface is true to line, level end aawesber, there shall be a 4 Inch fall from the centre line towards the curb and the curb face shall be 4 inches above finished road grade except at oatchbasins whon it shall be 7 Inches* The asphalt course, 2 in, =Iniamam for internal residenti; and d inch minisnaer for main residential, stall be laid to accordance wiTti D. lt, 0, specification Perm 310, revised Fobruuaary, 1857 for RoL.4 Surface course. This course shall not be laid until at least one winter after emulation of the granular bass course. 5, NWOole and Ca? basin Toss These shall cantors to the finished asphalt surface, eataeshbarsin frames to be i ted hcriventally so that the frame opening is a adnitmrm of t inches away from the aurb fades 1. ftnsEa All roads shall be oaarbod with concrete ourbso 2. Werialm Concrete 1 shall senrorm to C.S.A. Speeification A -04t and shall have a compressive strength of 3000 psi. 3. D-taft ationg At top width to be 7 inches and at having a hatter of 9 inches on the pavement side Depth to be IS Incheso 4o fixuaansiaan feints bottom to be 9 inches. of the curb. Maxim= 30 foot apart and at all tangent points, no Curb rdi.i at lntsrssetious Internal residential read Intersections, 25+ ft, radius. Internal residential mead Intersecting a main resid- ential road or Township road, 35 ft, radius. Main residential road Intersecting a Toasaship [load, 55 rt, radius* o, Constraue Curbs shall be constructed before placing Uwa granular base course. At catchbasine the curb shall be reinforced with 41" rouata steel reinforcing reds 9 fto longs 2 at the top, and t at the bottom, centred on the catchbasin and having a minima: cover or 2 inehos• i I . "'Darfil Sidewalks shall be provided when required by the Town- obip under the Subdivision Agreement. Nless otherwise directed the edge of the sidewalk adjacent and parallel to the street line shall be :3 foot from the street line. Z. Damn s. eta. Sidewalks shall be four Peet wido. '3orsaal thickness shall be 4 inches Ri.niMMo At all driveways, VticlpwAss shall be 7 inohessiniman Construction joints masked every 4 foot. U"ansion joints t" thick shall be constructed every 19 foot. 30 ate Concrete shall be 3W lb. air-entrained to C*S*Ao A-2.3-19_1.8. Concrete shall be finished with a wood rloats 4. grafta Sidewalks shall follow the grades for boulevards, ;5 Sub-grade shall be graded and filled to required pgra?de and cross section of via sidewalk, ffaadmum depth of earth fill shall be 6 inches; if more than 6 inches of rill reguireds it shall consist of approved g?ravels All fill shall be thoroughly oonselidated before constructin gsthe sidewalk. 1. Geaaswencomsat?t, of icsrk It is understood that the Subdivider will not proceed with the osnstruction of any wofts until such tiros as a& approvals have boon Munted, Subdivision Agreement signed$ plan regist*re4e and notice in writing given to the Township Ensineere The Con- traetor to when Vie construction is let mast have a reliable reputation and must furnish proor to the Township that he is fully covered by insurance as pertains to public liability and property damage and that her is in Ve4 standing with the wsrkasncs Ormspensation Hoard of Antaries 8s " l,j tr of rN lting jAdnegrs Stmff The Ckmoulting l ineers shall furnish the Township Engineer with the nacre and degree of responsibility of all their Qaginoers and Inspectors vino will be suporvisia the work. d. rLMtion of Vjllitles The Subdivider shall be responsoblo for ascertaining the location of all other utilities such as "s mains and !cervices, 13wall Telephone Conduits& Hydre-Electrio Underground Cables# Sower Catchbaasins, Pam Drainage Tiloss stoe, from the I t;onaral Inrormatie,n f ontinusdl Utility or persons concrrnoA will must protect anti/or repair the same sulije ct to gees regulations of the particular servii-v Involvell. 'I, Lida R&huc L of .llk jjib},lon kins is Barcavations, back-filling and all work on Provincial 31'i'tmways, County of Ontario rowis anti Township of Pickering roads to Pmavo approval or and be irr oorrforrsity with regulations of applicable (load Authority. 7,. Ireag3 J&atare Act 4111 worn shall be carried out so thst it oonferrms with the reljxlationn of the Traneh. i %oavator e s .lot area Vie Werknon • s uoapermsation Board as pertains to pare working uoaditions of tL o won amployal on the job, el a j)csf tj&1Z JesUa and wor3rin; drawln,.mr shall be alll Engineering sbow>x on plan street by street. [°erisontal Beale 1"ii •lpr, vertical Basle 1"i 100 7. le t9.ax tut Works Seaore shall be aeouratoly located by orfeet and grade stakes at ovary manholes change of rise, grade or aligiment and at a Miximu m spacing of 50, aappasrt. tripe laying will not be per- mitte,61 to proccaoti without a minimum or three (3) batter boards e r Eeete"1 e All toes slid catchbasi.n locations shall be staked out. accurately by the layout elan* floaele, curbs,, sideaalLs# boulevareir, shall Iw aceAerately locatell by offset and ,grades, stakes at every oor r showing the radius at every change of ,gmle or altsnment and at a waximum spmacin., of 50 feet apart. R. FASLOnain No worse shall be commenced ore any easement across private property prior to the time wFon issal documents or easements made out in the favour of the Township of Plakering aml duly sigeed And re,-jetcrrert, are In the hanAls of the Township Gaf;inoer. Aomst construction cleanup of all easements shall be to the onti.ro satisfaction or the owner, 51713DIVISION st» M NT !3#?lluo ulik fir- '_JkjR ?''9TS ga))a"Ja A teaacription of lantis contained in the propoao.l subdivision* gem#sodul" H 4awer Area S®lee ruls '_ "Trunk Sewers and lUVIng Stations lcs sdml% 0 k°lginsering Servieer Schod,llp C Water Area ,?+ ;je F fsmruls to be conveyed to the Township, e k r I+