HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 1876B,--cember 6, 1950. pICKERING Page 1 CORPORATION OF THE ,TOWNSHIP.... OF .,........ BY-LAW NO. ..G ... Being a By-law to provide Pensions for Employees WHEREAS The Municipal Act provides that by-laws may be passed. by all municipalities for providing pensions for ' employees or any class thereof. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of Vff'SEIP .. Q51.PICa1B1W..... ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The municipality shall enter into an employees' Retirement Annuity Contract in the form set out in the Plan attached hereto and forming part of this 1).7-lew, and the 84a5sar and the Clerk are hereby authorised and directed to execute all documents, and do all thins necessary in connection therewith, and the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to affix the seal of the municipality to all such documents. 2. The Council annually shall provide in the current estimates the sum required to pay for the annuities to be purchased by the municipality under the Plan for those employees who from time to time become members of the Plan; and annually shall pay the said sum in .?A4llTK1..? ........ instalments to the Government or the Insurer. 3. The Municipal Treasurer shall record the payments by members of the Plan in a separate account and shall remit same to the Government or the Insurer. (a) The municipal auditor shall audit all transactions in connection with the pension plan and shall report annually to the municipal council and his report shall be contained in the annual municipal audit. 4. Every bmployee who elects to join the Plan shall sign a form of application for membership in the Plan which shall authorize the municipality in writing to deduct from his salary or wages his payments under the Plan. 5. Every employee who applies for membership in the Plan shall be given a copy of this by-law at the time of application. 6. Every person who becomes an employee after the effective date of the Plan shall be required as a condition of his empJ.ovmcnt to join the Plan as provided therein. Page 2 7. Every employee who joins the Plan shall be deemed to have joined it upon the terms and conditions contained in this By- law. 8. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer; (a) To keep a list of rill membc;r employees under the Plan in which shall he sct out the name and age of each, the.time when be entered the service of tho municipality, a cumulative rc;cord of his service, the amount of his sALlary or wages from time to title, the wn&,., address, age and relationship of each beneficiary nominated by him under the Plan, his Normal Retire- mcnt Age, and his earlier retirement of*.e according to the Plan. (b) To keep a correct list Pf all member cmployees and former member employees who have retired or who have terminated their employment or whose employment has been terminated and the amount of the: annuity to which each became or will become entitled to under the Plan. (c) To keep such other statistical and other records relative to the Plan as may be required. (d) To report to the council on or before the first day of February in each year. (1) The n,mes of all member employees who have retired from the service of the municipality or have died durin7 the last calendar year. (2) The salary qr wages of each member employee at the time of his retirement or death. (3) The cause of retirement. le) Gener<illy to do all things necessary in connection with the :administration of the plan. 9. Any member employee who claims to be entitled to be retired before his normal or earlier retirement age on account of dis-ability shall make his claim to the treasurer who shall i report thereon to council. 10. Thc: municipality shall provide such clerical assistance, stationery, postage printing;, office and filing equipment as may be necessary to enable the Clerk and Treasurer to carry out their duties under this By-law. Page 3 11. This By-law shall, not hi: amended so as to adversely ^ffect the benefits or rights of the member employees, or any of them, or be repealed unless such amendment or repeal shall first have been assented to by a two-thirds vote of all member employees; nor shall the said By-law be repealed or amended without the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs. READ a first and second time this ?i??:' day of ? "..&1q_-)7. J READ a third time and finally passed this day of 19SX MAYOR OR kEEVE . . .K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLER P E `T S I O N P L A N f or ?'o1;V??S Ir .'F PIC?-?sRINU PHE PLA' - DEF1'NT P -f0'?S: (a) Wherever used h.erein, "?-PLOvi.R" means Township of PickerinP. (b) "J,VPLOvER" shall mean anv salaried off er, clerk, workman, s-r-ant or other person in the emplov of the T[uni.cipali.ty or of a Local '=oard and shall lncl^de anv person desi-nated as an emplo-ee by the q''inister. (c) "r,UVERNM711 T" means Her Majesty the ?jueen, represented by the 'Pini_ster of Labour for Canada, for an on '.,ehalf of the Annuities ";ranch, Department of Laho.,r, Canada. (d) "T*?Q,UR R" shall mean an Ins ranee Company- licensed under the Ins..rance Act. (e) The masculine pronoun wherever used, incl :I.es fexale emplo-ees, unless the ^,ntext indicates otherwise. (fj "r PART7r'',N,1' means the Township of Fickerinq. (P,) "PERT"A'I?71\7 T.'"PLOvE"" shall mean any emolo,-ee who serves at least the equivalent of '750! of a vear in a vear. (h) "" ''M571P 7'?'PLOV,TF" shall mean an e,,plopee registered with the "overrment or Insurer under Fhe terms of The Retirement Annuitv Contract iss,,ed in respect of the Plan. (i) "Commencement Date" shall mean the date upon which a member commences pavments under the Plan. 7AT`" s'-call mean the date upcn which the Pension Plan comes into force, na-lely September lst, 1051. - 2 - 1. ELIC,IRILITY (a) AFTER THW, EFFFCTIVE DATE Each perloanent male er-o1c, gee, i_S years of aye and nd^r, excepting those or t,ie Police and Fire ?)ep- art--nts, eac', permanent "sale e:rplovee of the Police and `Fire Departments '}0 vears o aye an under, also each female emplcvee vears of a,> and under, all of whose employment Comm noes after the eff- entive date of the Plan w'll e eli<ri)le to become a member of the Flan if he then - 1. Has completed at least six months ,f con'in- ,ous emplovment w:?t'n th- emplover or whose salary has peen paid, or contri?n?.t d to, in whole or in part, 5v t?ie emplover for at leas six conti.nuin- months. 2. Fach male person who becomes ar e.mclov,e after the effective date of the Ylan, must a, a c nd?tion of' mployment -eoome a m-m=er of the Plan on the first day of the first month immediately followin the comr,le'ion of t're ,,cnditions as set o:.t in 'lause 1, pro ided he has reached hi? twenty-first ;irthdav. 3. Each ferrule p-nson who _oecomes an e--plovee after the L-ffective date of the flan, must as a cond- ition of emplo:rent become a raam:?r of the plan en the firs;; day of the month _--unediately foll- owirr- the date on which ccnd i.tionc a.: ?lica')le as set forth in Clause 1 are fulfilled, provided she has reached her tw-ntv-first )irtndav. (b) rf,L',_MR TH;3 ; OECTIVT DATE 1. Each permanent male employee whose emplovment commenced before the effective date of the Plan will ne eli °i_' le to bL-come a iemher of the Plan on the effective date, provided 'ie '-ias not attained normal retire- rt 17e, and has reached his twenty-first birthdav, subject to conditions set or?t in para,Traph (a). 2. Each permanent female empl,ee whose evpl vment comet need hefore th= effective dat of the Plan, will he eli irle to become a memh-r oC the Plan, on the effective date, provided that she has not attained normal reti.rement a;re and ha,- re.+ched her twenty-first ,;rtnda-, sab,jeet to conditions .:et oat in paragraph (a). (c 'ach e rplovree who ha, voi .nteered cr w-io nas eer. drafted fcr iiilitarv service prior to the effective gate ' the clan, Cr prior to becci- inr, eligi le, a,-d ancc returns to er??ice within six i^onths after `i', disc,ar,Te from i2ili.tara Service, will be elifinle to become A ns_m_)er of the Plan on the first day of t'?e month followin?T; ret rn_ to work, or follo--vin- ccmpla'-ion of the eli i?ility conditions. (d) To become a kember of t'ie clan, a? a1i-isle e:?:plovee mt;st si.nn the form of applicat'on prov- ided, whici, shall authorize the req?lired pav- r 11 de,? coons. (e) Anv erplovee who bec roes a ember of the Plan ma*r not withdraw from it as lon as he is an emzilovee and undo„ Retirement aYe. - 3 - 2. EP'PLOy ES J'VI4FR ',OFFAL R?TIR?I',' °T A-TE The normal Retirement rate of a ,,,.ember will be the first da- of the month i.m-ediately followin- the attainment of Normal Retirement A?,e, w?Ich is as follows - (a) Male Emplovees except those with the Police and Fire Depts. Age on Recomina, a Member Normal. Retirement A>e. age 60 and under b-th irt'ndav arce 61 66th -)irthdav a-e -2 67th -irthdav age 53 6 3 t h birt:r,iav age o4 5'th hirtiZdav aF,,e 65 and oz,er %ut^ L>irtndav ( ) Male Fnplo ees with the Police and Fire Departments Age on hecomina a Member Normal Retirement Age. ape 55 and under 61'ith 1)irthdav ame j6 71st sir tRa a17 ae 57 61'nd I,irthdav a-e ;" 3rd 'airt??dav ave 59 6 th irthdav a`e 60 5=;th birt',dav (c) Female ^7plovees Age on Peccmi-n^ a cember "formal Retirement Age. a-e 55 and under 60th )irtiJav age ?6 ',1st birt'',da- age 57 62nd hirthdav of-,e 53 63r birthdav a,- 59 th birthday- a-e 60 55th .-? irt',da"- 3. EMPLOYEES OV4;R NORMAL RETIREPAENT AGF Each em,;lovee who is over `formal Retirement ;,tee, as spec- ified herein, at the effecT.Dlo date of t',e Plan, will ne retired at a date to he det?-rnLne: t'ie Err lc-.er, and will receive, from tlh-. date of act al retirem- t, tip a:,rount of a ?n ity determineii by his =,,?.irs ,-f rast service up to ,:fie effective late of t'ie Ilan. )1. -'-r,TTRI"I'T7n,q' (a) FOR FTTTriRF SFRVICE (i) ENIPLI')VEF - 'Mach ;;ember ?f the flan will contribute 5? of hi.a earninr-s. (ii) ET"PLOY3R - ?or each ii?em ber of the Plan, the Em- plover will contribute an amount eq-l to 5= of the emploveels earnln-s for servic,> rendered after the effective date of the Plan (hereina"ter referred to as :?'utcre ?'-rvice Contri,;utions). -4- (b) FOR PAST SIRVIOE (i) 711FLOVEE - '7ach -m er c,f the Plan shall have t?ie pri??i.le?e of' al•in,- bons ror t ,e num'o?r of v gars c. oast, . ervice dr i n , -rr?ch he -r- no, c -nt- r'_bctor to the t tan. T"e pavan nts ov tope e ,nplo -ee £cr past s=svic,: are entirel- optional and ma'I ?)e paid at s--, tile, nr frnm time to tim-, befrrP ret- irr-nent, `>,)t ml:st be paid thrc 1m;n the ,i,iplover. The maxi :m amount that m,at, be contr` :,ted in reelect nP past service Ph ll be K of the emplovee's prior earninms vhi P. in the ser:-ice n' the erplover. (ii) ? PL;. ',R - T`e blrplol?er realizes t'-at present older e-nplovees ,17.1 not hav ? chance to b-Ild up a reserve to provid - goff i_ci-.nt r etirE--,ent inconie b fore retch- 1n, retireme:rt a-e. "the Eiriplover, therefore, w1.11 also contri.',rute scoh amount: as may be necessarV to purchase annuities in respect to serv;.ce prior to the effective date of the P1•rn, ?mri as ',ierein prov- ided... Para 5., (b (i)...('iereinafter referred to a?- tast Se,=,vice Contributions). (') The coiitrin tions oi' a J"-tuber wi11_ be dedc:cte 7 from his earni,---s h•r the '1,n-lovgr a- r_mi t,ted to the Cover--nt., or Ins-rer, ah the end of each quarterly period, together with. _rrplo.,(-» contr'_ tions for the sa,no period. (d) Tf the Pontributions made by am9 on b-half of a 1-mber becom- s,:ff'c;.^nt, befcr^ his retirem,ant date, to p rchase the m:axim??m :annuity available to trio from t,iie ':overrrment, no rther contributions:gill be pav- a le to the -'over° m-nt by the em -er cr : the -,Ii- plover - vtis b°:h-al'. Thereafter, o,ontrlfbutions will be remitted to such lnsir.,)ce Comp,nv lie-nsed to do bt,-siness in "anac?a, as the ?: plnv,?r m,iv riosi-nate, until Vie member attains "ror,;al Retirement r,e. 5. V r,I.,r q , n, T1R.,r -:',,,n A" r,nlTv (a) F; TT'R, -,FR"T"F (°-in ?- service rend-re o? a ember a"t.er th- effect-.i_ve date of the, Ian). Fach m giber of t'-e Fl+n will receive, at ormal -5- Reti.re:ment Date, Subject to the terr,ns of this elan, the amount of annuity pl,rchased ov tom- ccntri.nrtions made by the member hi self and )v t,ie ,'mplo ,er on his behalf for 'Future service, `ometh-r with interest tnereon at 3-°4 per annurn, compounded ann,aally. (See attacied copy of iinnual rremium Rates). (b) PAST S7.?'VTCE (Being service rende-ed by a ember prior to the °fer_tive date of the Plan). (i) Each eli-riole emplorree who beco-Des a Member of the elan will receiva, corvrencin;z at ?normal Retirement Date, su i-ct to the ter,t?s of this Plan, a rest Service ann,.iity equal to t15.00 for each comuleted Tear of service up to th= effective date of t-e P]-an, excl din, anv gears of service prior to the date which is !0 vears before v m le member's ormal Retirement Age and 35 vears before a female member's Tdormal Retirement AR 'Phe cost of s ch rast Service annu ties will be borne entir°lv by the (ii) mplover. (ii) In calculatin:* the nu^,bPr of v ars ." east Service of emplo ees w'-io 'nave peen or who are absen'; cn - ilitarv Service a-,d who snbsagie:tly become members ^f the Man in accordance with raraaraph ;? herec,f, credit shall also b- -r n for the period in Filitarv Service up to the effective date of the Plan. (iiiE.rnplo-ees who are eligihla for Past service centr'b- utions on the effective date of the Plan and who do not partic'pate in the i'lan withi-n the period as specift d in paravrap'n 1 of the Rerzulat'_ons under the Plan, ma,, Participate lat-r without pa-anent by the Rrnplov- ? of last Service rontribiitions. (c) If, at his `formal Reti^ement Pat-, the contri °,tions at the credit of a ''ember, inclu in- his own and those made nv the b,mplover on his beh11', are not sufficient to p,mchase for him an annuity of 10.00 per v-ar, s,ich contri-b"t,ions ,krill be paid t(, the `.e.nher in a 11,MD sum. 6. PA`s"; Tn ?? TTY, u „ .,?T my ?'he Petirement 1?nnu ty will eo,r,,Pnce on reti_r-rent date o, the ?lembe^ and wi2.L be peyanle in mn thl '_nstalments as long as n= lives, pro,,i_dei t,at sixty monthl,r instalments Tr-ill be p yid :is an annuity i.n any event. 7. OPTIO _AL T?r'LS `10 AN+TTP TY I. place of t,?P normal t pe of ann it-, as des,ribed in se-tion -) ahove, a member ra-. at any t-me more than f - ve v ar-, bef;r 'li" retirement annuity c mmences, or wit-ii.n six me th., iron, 'his date of r°--istration w-th t,',e 7ove,?nment or lnsu-er, cho se any one of the follcwin• types prop ded tie cos to the L plover is not herebv increased. (a) Toirt and _;urvi.vors',i.p nnnuity - providin* a smaller an city bu`, pavacl- ;.r'n- the lifetime of t'ne ember a d another person - e_?rally h'i vife - an ; c ,,ttn,i i n u-?ti_1 the d,:ath of the s irvilror. (b) Anm_iit-T pa-Table for life o(,t 12., annuity lost .I- ,,I nts I ara:tee; in anv event. (c ) inn?ity pa«ahle for life a nil ce-is 4 '1n• w.i_tn the lest instalment Line before thy: date of death. (Information will be ?u,,pli.ed on request by the ;overn.nent r lns.:rer, appro?-imat? anw unt of annuity that, w uld be recr veri ;,id--r am> one rf t'?ese options). °. T ,R'1TV,,TII TY F M7 UT (a) If, for anx- reason ether than his death cr earl,, rPtireme-t, -e-nhe, shorl-I c ase to b, e-:plovod by t'-)^ emplo,rer prior to 'iis Tieti - e-rent "a*,e, `?e total o'' the contrlhiitions which he has "'.1de under ie rlan will remain a t hi; credit With the clove-rnrent a-A/or ].ns -rer to provide hi-, rtith a, a uity condoncin-, a, canal '3et- 1rement Date. (b) Tf, a date o' termination of service, tie ember has completed at last ten -Tears of service, he will recel.ve at. TTor?al Retirement dart- t'ne amount oF' annui_tq p rchased by his crntrihi:tions and the F'utiire Service Oontr'1butions mad= by the Emplo,7er on his beh,lf. (c) 'There a -ember terminates hi.- service and ?.vhere the len7*th cP service i; over ten vears, the emplover sh,1J. otifv tie "overn:rent and/or one insurer t_,hat the amount standin to t-.he cre it o- the i._ember shill be used to pure'- ase an a nuit-T at ',,ormal Retir-ment -ate. +" .:s. 3. (dl 4here the total amoun+, to the credit of a -emoer in th, i ensiuii fund is not )sed (s provid- in (!laose "a" of this sect on, the balance cf s,ich amount in the fund shall be credited to the Emplo er and used to redoce the ?'),.lover's next c(.ntri') tions. 9. RE-EM"rLOVr.'I TT Ariv n.emher Yn, s P1ni)lovrnent h=:- been terminated and who is sW)segr,ently re-emplc ed b'. th. ; -tmplover will, fnr pcrposes of this rlan, be considered a new em;;lovee. 10. -,,ARLV 3 TZ't :?. RI! T' Membe- ,)a-r be permitted to retire : n ti)e first day: of a.v month for reasons of sickness or disa'?ilit., as de. term," ned -- the ISmfJC-er. .,e ,)mount of annuity thereunon oavahle to the -mber will 'ie on a reduced scale. 11. T, ATH (a) B1 irC?RE R?,TIRFP nTT (i) Tf a emher dies before tie first instalment of hi- Retirement annuity is de, 1%hether '.r not he is in the emolov of the "nplo--er at the date of death, an amount equal to the !ontrlbutions he has m de n er t -e Plan will be paid to his desi nated -3ene- ficiarv in a lump sum, torethor with interest tnere- on up to thr daf;e oi' death at per annum compounded vearlv. (ii) In addition, if' at the ate of :math, the men- ber has no`, t°rmin-.te? 'iis e,iplcyment `).+t h:s le-s than ten nears ani ',)a^ more than -- years of s c''? emplevment, the mount °lual tc the 'uture Ser ice c ntrihnti?m,-, p id on '?i- ';ehal" )v the "?mplover, tree`he? with int;,rest t Hereon as descri:,ed in para-raoh 11, 9a) i), will be oaid to hi- Desig- nated eneficiarv in a lump sum. (iii) Or, in addition, if a-, dare of death, the mem' er h,is terminated his emz)lc--m-nt after the comp- letion of at least ter, vears of e plcvment, an amount --8-- equal to the !Future 6ervice contrio }.ions made by the ?,molover, on his br-halr, to et per witn interest thereon as described in paraTraph 11 (a) (i) will. be naid to desi-*nated nenef'i,ci-3rv in a h;m,a sum. (i-v) Or, 9n addition, it' ar the .iaf;e cP death the Member has nrt terminate] )!s e ;lovmpnt a?_d '-ias completed at least ten years of such emplovment, an amount, equal to the Last Service andFuture Service Contributions= ma e by the -mp,over on his behalf, tu"ether vi h interest therecu is described in para- c-raph 11 (a) (i), will be paid to his desl*nated ieneficiarv. (b) AFTER RETIREMENT If a Member dies after the first instalnant o" his Retirement Nnnuity has become sue and before sixty monthly instalments ha17e been received, t'?e annuity pavm-nts vill'r2 contin.zed to his des7Tnated uene- ficiarv as thev become dae, cntil sixty monthly pav- menu in all hs,re been :Wade. -owe-r, if a iviember gas elected an optional type of' annuity, the, death benefits, i_f anv, will be determined accordin,-I,!. 12 ABSENCES FROM WORK authorized absences Prom work small not constitute termination of emploinnent for purposes of this Plan, but will be Rovern,d as follows - (a) If the Wember receives pav, contributions wi-11 continje and he will be entitled to all benefits as thou,h he were actually at v.rk. (b) If the faember does not receive pav, contributions ,)Ill cease b t any benei'it,s pre i.usly pur- chased will not be f''Pctpd. !Pon return to active service, contributions will be resumed. 13 1,TPIITATTOV OP - SST ;-1v17' :,TT (a) RetLre:nent Annuity end other bene!'ii?s under the Plan are no', assi--na'nle, hecner by vol- untary action or by operation of Law. (b) A Member may not borrow against his contri- b. jtions nor withdraw tYhcrri at anp time- 11t. RIGHT TO EMPLOYMENT RENP,PITS Participating in this Plan will not ?i--e anv ,.ember the r!---ht to be reta?ned in the service oft e _,tn- plover, or anv right or claim to benefits, unless the ri7ht to such benefits has specifically :ccri;ed under the terms of this i%lan. 1 ;. AD4^' TTTSTRAT' ON 7,7 I'LA\T The implo!er reserves the r-ht to decide 911 matters arisin,7 in the idministration and int rpretation of the Pl:n. It will he tnP dol*-ation of the Em- plover to pav over to th- ^overnment or `he Insurer, the contribation? collected from the ...embers, to- nether with the contributions requ'red to be made b the Fmolover under the Flan and it will be the obli- gation of the iovernment, -r t''te In°urer, to pa- benefits as set out i.n thi= Plan, in ?ccordance with contributions received. - 10 - LATIO c ,Tpln-,-p TT, PLATT 1. PR7SrNT TflPLOT'ERS' 0 TION Or' B^" 7 ITTT- ^RS 'F T'TE PLAT%r (a) All Fmplovees on the E?'fective Pate of t)e Plan, who will be el 1?ibl^ to bee,-me A7embors of the Plan will be required, if males, to decide within one vrar, and if females, to decide within three vears of the date tnev become elisible, wlneth--?r or not thevde:sir' to oeco„e u:e abers of the Man. The Decision i_n each case shall be final a-] bindin,T and those emplovees who elect not to becc-- ..embers s'iall sign a waiver and shall -,et be permitted to necome :,.embers, if males after one -Tear, a d if '-,,a?_-, scter a period of three vears has elapsed, except as provided by clause fib) of th's re.. ulati_on. (b) -nv emplo?,ee who has s ned a waiv,r as provided for in cl,ii:se (a) of th s re -ulation an.l does not became a r.ernber of the Plan within one vaar •vill forfeit anv r ht to Past Ser ice Denefits, but ma become a lumber of the Plan at anv time. 2.- PROOF Or' Af',E (a) At the time of ,joinin7 the Plan, or as soon thore- after as possible, a . rber willse.nd to the ^,overnment, or Tns rer, a R1r1th or .?apti-mal Ce-^tificare, as proof cc his date or birth, the oirth or aptis-nal (-e•ti`icate will be returned to th- e°.ber. (b) if a hi_rtn or aptiszral nertificate cannot o- o-tained, the •-ember will submit a Statutorv Declaration as to the irate of birth b parent, or a coo,, of the ?ntrv of hi- date of h'rth in the 'am lv 'dibl^, certified tc b? i tree copy by a iawv-.r, Justice or the Peace, tare r6bl7c, or Vom- missioner for Paki.nL? Oaths. (c) If suc'- cannot b- rbtained, the .;ember vil L s ,.i_mit a Statutorv Declaration by a responsible nerscn nrvin- ca.ise to kio.v or :his Hate of b`rt'n, statin- t?Tat no otcer doCG- mentarv proof' of aae can be obtained. (d) Tf snch cannot be o-stained, the ember wi_11 hiri,self s?,hmit a stat,:torv I;eclarat!, n as to hil- of birt , stating that no nth,er proo!' of a^e can he nbtained. 3. BMW-'TTCTAR`r each F [plovee, r>n becoming a ',,ember of the Plan, may d-si nate 9n`r pe-ion as his 3enefici.ar7 to receive si'.c'? sums as may be parable on or after his death, reserving the r'r,ht to change the 3en^ficiarv From time to time with t e assent of th, ?overnment or lns;.rer. -?£, on t'h,? deati of tie .°emb°r, there should be t,o li_vi.n- esi-nated ?,e:7e- fici.arv witn respect to himself, su?li sums as vvrl_ild ot'-i-r- wise be parr9bl- to -Is de Fi' Lrnated :'.ene,ficlarv will be pav- able t- the Legal R,presentatives of tie -ember. 1L. ^VTTYI?"," . ')ti ,'n?.?•.?nr2 j{iP G'ach I -ember of the Plan will receive from t're =overrraent or T-nsurer, P.uldenne that 'ie has ?)een included as a "-ember of t'ne Plan. 5 T, R,ITnryTTON Or, iE'R?iIC A -emb r shall be deemed to leave finally terminated his service when, 'n the opinion of the Employer, he has ter- ?'ainated nIC emploTment without reason to believe that ne will be f-rt?-er emplove(i. o. STISPENSION OF SERVICE A `°e,,ber shill be deemed to lave s eperded 'pis s;-rvice when he is t :r:norarily off duty wit?iout par for ir^ reason other tha, on account nP illness or acc`dent, excert ?s othe-w7_se provided herein or 'ri I;;re YIan. SERVICE TO COnTTT TO"hd RDS El'TPLO`rFR' S _SR:-RS 0- RFTIRPf'F°TT ATTNT?ITY. In c?)mputin?, a "em')er's i)eri_o:' o' servt_oe t(,wards t-)e irn- plo?rer's s'nara nr retirene it, ann City, the foliowin-- re--u- lations s-al!_ prevail - SERVICE TO gE TNCLUDED ( a ) All t;_me wnrl-ed wit'r anv cr all `)epart,:ents c' t'ie `7m- plume , nr all time wor!-pr! ."d pa i_ -r contr 7 ?)uted to in w° sole or in nart by t-,P Is aplover. - 12 - (b) All tine lost on acco,.;nt of :absence for reasons of illn?ss, wher- a ?,,"-rber is paid for such +bs nce. (c) All time lost on account of absence fcr reasons of illness, where a Idemn-r 1Q not paid for such. Z(d) All time lost; o- account of seasons 1,,v-offs w,iere a :v,ember is not paid for sucn absence, bul; who qualifies as a p-rraanent employee. ?e) A11 ti :e of eri?,lovment with previous emnlovers who transferred fund, under section 15 of thi; Flan. 19. DTSAT'ILTT`r "T;isability" as set out in the Flan si,,111 be interpreted to mean that a "emher ?ias furnished --.P,iical te-timonv, sat.i.sfactorv to the F,-plover, that he is unable to continue further at his emplnvment. Is LLOYD T. SOT?NSTON, Clerk of the Municipality of the Township of Pickering do herebv certify that this foreFoinm Plan of Pensions for our Lmplopers is a part of our dv-Law P1o. 18?6. DATED at BrcuFrham, this 18th day of March, 1953. .1.7 ........ ..l.e.r. k APPROVED LIAR 24153 PT. OF NIUM-WAL AFFAIRS