HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 1385B V - L A 91 ti T' M R 7 R 1 4 8 5 A Rv-Law to make certain buildi-n.- restrictions within the limits of the Police Villa-e of PA_ckerina and to mRL-e it, compl.ilsorv to obtain a nermit hPfore conmencinr the erection of anv "uildina whatsoever, and to extend without limitinr- the scope of ''v-Law No. 1?gP of the Tlunicipal- Corporation of the Township of Pickerin(-. THT: MTiTUCTP,AL OOLRICIT., of the Cur oration of the ^ow,nshin of Pickering 71\740,TS AS WoTT,ryddS_ 1. THAT no bnilrlina, otherwise than a private residence, shell be erected on that portion of the Police `lilla-le of Pickering descrihed as that nortinn eq.st, of Lot Fifteen (1K) and east of Church Street and faein" -nor the Ftn^ston Road, and that nnrtion of the said Lot on the easterly limit, of the Street known as ',Milliams Street now runninr, northerl- frnm the .,,,,Id Frinrston Road and being the dividinTr line ) tween lots i+'nurteen and '?'ift.een (1)i and 15) in th- Second ('onoessinn of t'ia, Township of' Pic.kerinF, and a residence thera constructed shall not he hrnilt closer to th- Street line than a distance of twenty-five feet (?5') ?. THAT (without limi_t_,ing the creneral.ty of the fore--oinr) no buildinrr whatsoever shall be erected within the said area to be used as a place of bllsiness, a tourist resort, tourist cabins, hotels, refreshment booths, stores, adv-riisi.nw sir,ns, service stations or ?arar*es. ? THAT no person or perso,is shall ^omrlei?cA the erection of an, building whatsoever within the limits of the weinl„ sail Police Villa,=e of Pickerinr,, unless and until he, The or tlie- has filed with the proper officers in that regard a cony of nl_ins and ?peo,ifioati_ons of the hl.ildi.ng nronosed to >>e erected 11;19 re--1.1•ed the approval of the Buildin« Insnector and the Police Trl.st.ees; and has received, signed b« the mope, officers, a permtt so to build. 4. TuAT any person or persons violat-in,> an.> oi' ti,e irnvisions of this "v-Taw Shall., upon corrrieti_on 5-fore anv Poll-e, "a ?; ;crate Navin- jurisdiction in the pr nlises, be lighl° to a fin- not. leas that Twent-??l.ve "nlla?•s ('??r:.OO) nom ^ton? t'li`i nj''t?? (;,;0,00) oll-?.rs curl l;?e l.e-ral cnets of t',e rn?o9e?i t,iort, an on lefqul'- O° pa-,rment forthwith of the Ono so in"Ynted acid ce the ;lid coots, the said fines and rots Shnll Ono IeK-j `- di.stresy in'! salmi of the "nods and C?nttel.s of tti- nfre,Aer, no! ;I ^Ise nn ther° hein.T no dintress found ont of wy7 the aai: fin, n-: costs rein h- lo?ri??3, S"V" offender 04011 h- !""bl- to he nnnished by impWsonm-nt in the Count- naol of the Ponnty of Ontaplo nor anv ver"od not oxo-edln•T 'thirty (30) /1o-A, with or without hard labor, unless annh fine and nosts and rharoes of ronve•,i_nm soK, offender to the said county Caol are sonrer paid. PAWD April 23rd, A. D. 1932 r, T. Whapmmn Reeve Donald R. 4enton Clerk B Y- L A M N 0. 1 3 8 5 C 0 P Y OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING A BY-LAW TO MAKE CERTAIN BUILDING RESTRICTIONS WITHIN THE LIPTITS OF THE POLICE VILLAGE OF PICKERING AND TO KAKI, IT COMPULSORY TO OBTAIN A PERMIT BEFORE COMYENCI"IG THE ERECTION OF ANY FUILDING WHATSOEVER, AMT) TO EXTEND WITHOUT LTMITIPIG THE SCOPE OF BY-LAW NO. 1282 OF THE MUNICIPAL CO?PORATIOTT OF THE TOWN:HIr OF PICKERING. THE COUPICIL OF THE MITNICTPAL CORPORATION CF' THE TOWNSHIP OF PICF?RI1,SG ENACTS AS FOLLOWS; 1. That no building, otherwise than a private residence, shall be erected on that portion of the Police Village of Pickering des- cribed as that portion east of Lot Fifteen (15) and east of Church Street and facing upon the Kingston Road and that portion of the said lot on the easterly limit of the street kno,tin as Williams Street now running northerly from the said Kingston Road and bean; the dividing; line between Lots Fourteen and Fifteen Ok and 15) in the Second Concession of the Township of Pickering, and a residence there constructed shall not be built closer to the street line tl-ian a distance of twenty-five feet (2,) 2. That (without limiting the ^eneralty of the foregoing) no building whatsoever shall be erected within the said area to be used as a place of business, a tourist resort, tourist cabins, hotels, re- freshment booths, stores, advertising signs, service stations or garages. 3. That no person or persons shall commence the erection of any building whatsoever within the limits of the whole said Police Village of Pickering unless snd until he, she or they have filed with the proper officers in that remard a copy of plans and specifications of the building proposed to be erected has received the approval of the Building Inspector and the Police Trustees, and has received, signed by the proper officers, a permit so to build. Li.. That any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this By-Law shall, upon conviction before any Police Dlagistrate having Jurisdiction in the premises, be liable to a fine of not lesq t,ian Twenty-Five Dollars (;F25.00) nor more than Fifty 050.00) Dollars and the legal costs of the proseoltion, and on default of payment forthwith of the fine so inflicted and of the said costs, tie said fine and costs shall be levied by distress and sale of the -ooJs and chattels of the, offender, and in case, of Mere bain- no dis- tress found out of which the said fine and costs can be levied, such offender shall be liable to be punished by imnrisonri-nt in the County Gaol of the County of Ontario for any perio' not er,- ceedinr thirty (30) days, with or without %inrd labor, unl=ss such fine and costs and chases of conve'vin- such offender to the seid County Gaol are sooner paid. PASSED April 23rd, A. D.. 1932 '17. L. Chapman" Reeve "Donald R. Beaton" Clerk S3> Y - L A Vi 11 ii 's 13 u R 1385 Of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Piokoring. A -y-lu. to make curtain Biillaln.- ReatrleLioas within the limits of the Police Village of i'ickarine, and to mnlce it compulsory to obtain ai permit before corr:.eneln?, L,io eraetloan of any building whatsoever, and to extend without limit'_n,* the scope of Cry-Law !7o. 1282 of the Municipal :'orporati(7.i of ttie eownahip o.' Pickering. T'ae ;,o?ncil of the ;'41,nicipail -orporation of the Township of Pickering F M £i C T 13 ut i follows :- 1. That no bulldlln,;, otherwise than u private residence, shall be erected on that portion of the 1'olico Villla a of Pickering described an that portion ?last o.^ tot (15) and east nr !-lnurc'c Street and facing upon the Kingston Road, and that port'-on o-` the said Lot on the easterly limit of the Street known as '17 1i"I:'.':5 :;M7 ,i. now ruruiins; nprtharly from the said ',I ngston Road and bein- the dividir.; line between Lots Pourteen and Fifteen (14 and 151 in the Second Conce;saion of the Township of 1-iokcrin,;, and a residence there oanstruoted shall not be built closer to the Street line than a distance of twenty-fie feet (25$)- 2. That (without limiting the generality of the foregoing) no building whatsoever shall be erected within the said area to be used as a place or business, a tourist resort, tourist cabins, hotels, refreshment booths, stores, advertising signs, service stat ona or garages, 3. That no peraufl or persons shall conmence the erection of any building; whatsoever within t`so lindta or the whole said police ?illuge of Pickering unless and until he, she or they, has flibod with the proper officers in that regard a copy of plans and specificationa of the buildin proposed to be erected has received the suproval of the Buildinu Inspector and the Police Trustees, and has received, signgd by the proper officers, a permit so to build. 4# That any person or parsons violating ary of the provisions of this 3Y-law shale, upon conviction before any 'olive ?Iagistrate havinU jurisdiction in tiro premises be liable to a fine of not less than ^went.r-f'.ve Dollars nor more than FiSty Dol:;ara (c'r54,40) and the legal costa of the prosecution, and on default of payment forthwith of the fine so inflicted and of the said costa, the said fine and costa shalt be levied by distress and sale of the Soods and eisat Lela of t'io offender, and in case of there boiang- no distress found out of whio'n the said fin* and costs can be levied, such offender al-all be liable to be punished by Imprla,)nment in the "ounty aol of the County of :)ntario for any poriod not exceeding thirty (34) days with, or without, hard labor, unless such fine and costs and charges of conveying suck offender to t"ie said County Csol are sooner paid. April 23rd, A.". 1932• (Signed) CHAPMANs Reeve (Sinne(1) i:onald R. Yjeatoup (Seal, Clark.