HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 1119L Y- L A W ;d U 1; 71 R 1 1 1 9 OF TILE COHPOIaTION OF T1IE 'COT NS71IP OF PI Ry-Law to close certain portions of tile. road allowance between Lots TU,lrt (S) and Nine (9) :i.n the Tirird Concession and Lots Ei;ht (,q) all I Nine (9) in t're 2ourth Concession of the Township of 1'ic!.erin,;, ail,] for the conveyance of such closed portions to Cie. CampbellCor.l, Lake On`.ario and Western Railway Company anl for establis!dn-: as public id-liways of certain Iaods l0 1ien of the said portions of hi-,hways to be closed. UETW AS it is exne,tient in the public interest to close, stop up and convey to the Campbellford, LvU, Ontario Jestern liailway Couipany portions of the road allowances as hereinafter described and to e.tabl.is'r as hiThways in lieu thereof certain lana.s also as hereinafter deffvril>ed. AND WtPMEAS printed notices of tires 13y-law leave !)een posted up for four weeks in six of the most, public places in the .imme?liat-e nei;hbourNood of (.lhe port.iorns of said hiThways to be closet as aforesaid and of tile Baia lands to be estahli.shed as 'ri iiways, and said notice has been 3 1 ) -s7ie01 , It 1 14 for fors consec:aive weeks in the Pic%erin- :dews, a newspaper p riblished in the sai 1 1'ownsiiip of Pic?;erin"; AND ;dlTltntis the Council has hear=t in person or '.,y Counsel or Solid tor all persons w'iose land mi ht be preiudi.cially affecte(t by tLe passim of tills Ily-law roho petitioned so to be 'hearil. 'd0id 'Cli l: ??ORI?, The Corporation of the Towns'ip of Piclcerili?_; s:JACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Til,LT >>pon and after the passin-,- of this 73y-law t.llose portions of Vvi roars allowance between Lots Ei-1it (S) and Nine (9) in the 1'h_rd Con- cession of the ?'ownship of Pickerinm an:' of road allowance between Lots Fib°%rt (8) an.l ;dine (9) in the PourVi Concession of the said Towlishin, that is to say: All and sin„rrlar those certain parcels or tracts o£ land awl premises bein; :Pi.rst.ly, all that part of the roa,l allowance between the °dorth half of Lot 7i ,,ht (') arnl the North half of Lot vine (9) in fete third Concession of the Township of Pickerin-, in the County of Ontario, and Province of Ontario, containi.n.; an area of Viirty-throe iiun.lrelltirs of an acre (0.3:3 ac.) more or less, arut secondly all that part of the road allowance between the .youth half of Lot F,i;'ht (S) and the Sorrtlr Half of Lot 'amine (9) in the ;ourtli Concession of sari Towns:dn, containinc; an area of Ei:hteen hnndr'edths of an acre (0.18 ac.) more or less, comprisin a total area of fifty-one hundredths of an acre (o.51 ac.) more or less, the limits awl dimensions of sail parcels bein-; describe: as follows: hirstly: Commenein, at the point of intersection of the Eastern limit of the road allowance between the ,Nort:r half of Lot :ii,jht k8) and tile North half of Lot Nine (9) with the Southern limit of the road allow- ance between Concession Three (3) anal Four (4) of said townsiaip; thence South fwelve de'rrees thirty-six minutes '.East (S 1:" 3G1 .) along the 7astern limit of road allowance between Lots Ei,rlrt. (R) and Fine (9) three hundred and seven (307) feet more or less to a. point at a normal distance of seventy-two (72) feet measurel southwesterly from the centre line of ruin line track of the Campbellford, Lake Ontario and t;estern railway Company; thence '1ort:iwesterly on a curve, line to Vie left with radius of Eighteen hun-Ired amt Thirty ei;ht (1838) feet parallel witli and concentric to said centre line One hnndred ant Ei^'hty Pour (184) feet more or less to a point on the Western limit of the roa', allowance between Lots Eight (8) and Sine (9); thence aloe„ the last mentioned limit on a bearing of North Twelve te,_rees Thirty six minutes ?lest (120 3F' W) a distance of One hrundred and Thirty Nine and hive-tenths (139.5) feet to a point. on the Southern limit of the road allowance between Concession Three (:3) and Pour(4); thence alon,_; the production Easterly of the last limit across the road allowance between Lots Eint (8) awl Nine (9) Sixty-six (GG) feet to the point of commencement. Ily-Law No. 1119 - 2 Secondly: Commencing at the point of intersection of the Eastern limit of the road allowance between Lots Numbers Eight (8) and Nine (9) in said Fourth Concession and the Vorthern limit of the road allowance between Concessions Three and Four; thence North eleven degrees and thirteen minutes West Milo 13' W.) a distance of seventy-four (74) feet to a point at a normal distance of Fifty-three (53) feet measured North-easterly from tine centre line of main track of the Campbellford, La':e Ontario and Western Railway; thence on a crave to the left of Nineteen hundred and sixty-three (1963) feet radius, parallel with and concentric to said centre line a distance of One hundred and sixteen (1.1G) feet more or less to the intersection of said curve with the Western limit of road allowance between said Lots 13i-lit (4) and Nine (9); thence South eleven de'-Yees thirteen minutes Fast (S. 110 13' 7.) a distance of One hnnare,l and seventy (170) feet more or, less, measured Southeasterly alon^ the said 4esterly limit of roa.i allowance to its point of intersection with the said Northern limit of the road allowance uretwcen Concessions Three and i+our, said point hein^- distant 7.,i,-four (q4) feet measnred Southeasterly alone said I-Mit of road allowance between said Lots Eiglrt (8) and Nine Z9) from the said centre line of the Campbellford, Iul,e Ontario Sr Western Railway; thence across sa:i_a road allowance North Seventy-six de-roes Thirty-six minutes ?ast ("d. 760 3G' 17.) a distance of Sixty-six (66) feet more or less to t.te point of commencement, be and the same are closed and stopped up. 2. THAT the followin„ lands in the Township of Pickering, that is to say: All and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate, l.yi.n,; and bein, in tyre Township of Pickering, in Vie County of Ontario, and Province of Ontario, contai.nin a total. area of Sixty-six one hundredths of an acre (6.66 ac.) comprising two parcels of lau%l, one said parcel (describ(,d herein under I+'irstly) forming part of Lot Niunbcr Vine (9) in Concession Three of sai3 Township, containi.n- an area of Porty-two one hundredths of an acre (0.42 ac.) more or less, and the other said parcel (described lierein under Secondly) comprisi-nl- part of Lot ;drm:ber Edit (8) in Co:cession of said Townshi, :o:lt.ainin'_, in area of Twenty-four one hr.nndredths of an acre (0.24 ac.? more or less, the limits of said parcel bein-; more particularly described as follows, narmcly:- Firstly: Commencing at a point on the Southern limit of road allow- ance between Concessions Three and Four at a distance of Sixty-six (GG) feet, measured South Seventy-six degrees and Thirty-six minutes West (S. 760 36' W.) along the same from its intersection with the Western limit, of road allowance between Lots Tig.it (R) and Nine (9); thence continuinm alonrc said Southern limit of road allowance between Concess- ions Three and Pour South Seventy-six degrees and Thirty-six minutes West (S. 70 36' W.) Seventy-five (75) feet to a point at a normal distance of One hundred and Thirty-eight (138) feet measured South- westerly from the centre line of the main line track of the Campbell fork], Lake Ontario and Western Railway; thence Soutlr-easterly on a curved lime to the ri,ht with radius of Seventeen hundred and Seventy-two (1772) feet parallel with and concentric to said centre line Three hundred and Fortp- six and Eiwjit tenths (346.8) feet more or less to said Jestern limit of road allowance between Lots Eight (8) and .'dine (9)• thence North Twelve degrees and Thirty-six minutes West (:;. 1Si0 :lGr r,7.5 alone last mentioned li.mit One hundred and seventy-six and rive-tenths (176.5 feet to a point at a normal distance of Seventy-two (72) feet. measnred Southwesterly from sail centre line; thence Northwesterly on a curved line to tine left ]?avinm radius of Ei.?rbteen hundred and Thirty-eight (1838) feet parallel with and concentric to said centre line One hundred and Fifty-five an.l Five-tenths (151.5) feet to the point of coninencement. Secondly: Commencin« at a point on tine Northern limit. of road allow- ance between Concessions Three and Four at a distance of .Pifty-four° and Five-t.entlns (54.5) feet measured North Seventy-six de-rees and Forty-rive minutes East (iN. 70 151 2.) alon,* the same from its irntersecti-on witrl tare i31,,-La.w Niuuber 1119 (Con. ) - 3 i±last.e r7 limit of road allowance between Lots Eight (8) ant Vine (9); thence continrtin- alono• said centre limit of road allowance between Concession Three and Four 'Jortb S(-venty-six degrees and Forty-five minutes East (N. 760 l5' E) Seventy-five (75) feet to a point at a normal distance of One hundrel and nineteen (119) feet measured Northeasterly from the centre line of main line track of the Campbellford, Lake Ontario and Western :tailway; Thence North westerly on a curved line to the left with radius of Two thousand and Twenty- nine (2029) feet parallel with and concentric to said centre line Two Hundred and Twenty-seven and Ei.?_Tit-tenths (227.9) feet more or less to sai4t Eastern limit of road allowance between Lots Ei.ght (8) and ;dine (9); Thence South Eleven degrees and Thirteen minutes East (S llo 13' E) along the last mentioned limit One Hundred and Twenty (120) feet to a point at a normal distance of Fifty-three (53) feet measured Northeasterly from said centre line; Thence Southeasterly on a curve to the right havinm a radius of Nineteen hundred and Sixty-three (1903) feet, parallel with and concentric to sai.,l centre line Eighty-five (85) feet more or less to the point of commencement, be and the same are hereby established as highways. 3. THAT the Reeve aril Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute under the Corporate Seal of the said Township and deliver to the Campbellford, Lake Ontario, and Western Railway Company a conveyance of the portions of hi-hways hereby closed and stopped up in exchange for a conveyance to the Township of the land hereby established as public hil-hways. This By-Law shall take effect forthwith upon being confirmed by By-Law of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Ontario passed in pursuance of Section 472(G) of the Municipal Act. PASSED this 13th day of October, A.D., 1919 W. Geo. Scott Reeve S E A L Ronald R. Beaton Clerk B Y- L A W N U M B E R 1 1 1 9 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING. A By-Law to close certain portions of the road allowance between Into Right (8) and Nine (9) in the Third Concession and Lots Eight (a) and Nine (9) in the Fourth Concession of the Township of Pickering, and for the conveyance of such closed portions to the Compbellford, Lake Ontario and Western Railway Company and for establishing as public highways of certain lands in lieu of the said portions of highways to be closed. WHEM" it is expedient in the public interest to close, stop up and convey to the Compbellford, Lake Ontario d Western Railway Company portions of the road allowances as hereinafter described and to establish as highways in lieu thereof certain lands also as hereinafter described. AND WHO printed notices of this By-law have been posted up for four weeks in six of the most public places in the immediate neighbourhood of the portions of said highways to be closed as aforesaid and of the said lands to be established as highways, and said notice has been published for four consecutive weeks in the Pickering News, a newspaper published in the said Township of Pickering; AND WH&DJ" the Council has heard in person or by Counsel or Solicitor all persons whose land sight be prejudicially affected by the passing of this By-law who petitioned so to be heard. ?tRFUBE The Corporation of the Township of Pickering R 3 AS FOLIM: 1. THAT upon and after the passing of this By-law those portions or the road allowance between Lots Eight (8) and Nine (9) in the Third Con- cession of the Township of Pickering and of road allowance between late Eight (8) and Nine (9) in the Fourth Concession of the said Township, that is to say: All and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises being all that part of the road allowance between the North half ofrt hght (8) and the North half of let Nine (9) in the Third boncession of the Township of Pickering, in the County of Ontario, and Province of Ontario, containing an area of Thirty-three hundredths of an acre (0.33 so.) more or less, and secondly all that part of the road allowance between the South half of lot Right (8) and the South half of lot Nine (9) in the Fourth Concession of said Township containing an area of Eighteen hundredths of an acre (O.le so.$ more or less, comprising a total area of fifty-one hundredths of an acre (o651 so.) more or less, the limits and dimensions of said parcels being described as follows; Firstlyt Commencing at the point of intersection of the as torn limit of the road allowance between the North half of Lot Right 8) and the North half of tat Nine (9) with the Southern limit of the road allow- anoo between Concession Three (3) and Four (4) of said township; thence South Twelve degrees thirty-six minutes East (S 120 38t M) along the Eastern limit of road allowance between late Right (8) and Nine (9) three hundred and seven (307) foot more or less to a point at a normal distance of seventy-two (72) feet measured southwesterly from the oentre line of main line track of the Campbollford, Lake Ontario and Vestern Railway Company; thence Northwesterly on a curved line to the loft with radius of Eighteen hundred and Thirty eight (1838) feet parallel with and concentric to said contra line One hundred and Mighty Four (184) feet more or less to a point on the Western limit of the roa•t allowance between Lets Might (8) and Nine (9); thence along the last mentioned licit on a bearing of North Twelve degrees Thirty six minutes West (120 381 W) a distance of One hundred and Thirty Nino and Five-tenths (13995) feet to a point on the Southern limit of the road allowance between Concession Three (3) and Four(4)1 thence along the production Easterly of the last limit across the road allowance between Lots Right (8) and Nine (9) sixty-six (88) feet to the point of commencement. By-law No. 1119 - 2 - Secondlys Commencing at the point of intersection of the Eastern limit of the road allowance between Lots Numbers Eight (8) and Nine (9) in said Fourth Concession and the Northern limit of the road allowance between Concessions Three and Four; thence North eleven degrees and thirteen minutes West (N.110 131 We) a distance of Seventy-four (74) feet to a paint at a normal distance of Fifty-three (53) feet measured North-easterly from the oentre line of main track of the Campbellfords Lake Ontario and Western Railway= thence on a curve to the left of Nineteen blindred and sixty-three (1963) feet radius, parallel with and concentric to said centre line a distance of One Hundred and sixteen (116) feet more or less to the intersection of said curve with the Western limit of road allowance between said Lots Bight (8) and Nine (9); thence South eleven degrees thirteen minutes Bast (Be 110 131 B.) a distance of One hundred and seventy (170) feet more or less, measured Southeasterly along the said Westerly limit of road allowance to its point of intersection with the said Northern limit of the road allowance between Concessions Three and Fours said point being distant Mighty-four (84) feet nsamured Southeasterly along said limit of road 411owance between said lots Right (8) and Nine (9) from the said contra line of the Campbellfords lake Ontario d Western Railway; thence across said road allowance Forth Seventy-six degrees Thirty-six minutes Rast (N. 760 361 E.) a distance of sixty-six (66) test more or less to the point of oommsnoements be and the same are closed and sSapped up. 2. THAT the following lands in the Township of Piokerings that is to say: All and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land and promises situato, lying and being in the Township of Pickering, in the County of Ontariop and Province of Ontario, containing a total area of sixty-six one hundredths of an aore (0.66 see) comprising two parcels of lands one said parcel (desoribed herein under Firstly) forming part of Lot Number Nine (9) in Concession Three of said Township containing an area of Forty-two one hundredths of an acre (0.42 so.S more or less, and the other said parcel (described herein under Secondly) comprising part of Lot Number Bight (8) in Concession of said Townshipps containing an area of Twenty-four one hundredths of an sore (0.24 so.) more or less, the limits of said parcel being more particularly described as follows, namelys- Firstlyi Commencing at a point on the Southern limit of road allow- ance between Concessions Three and Four at a distance of Sixty-six (66) foot masured South Seventy-six degrees and Thirty-six minutes West (S. 760 361 W.) along the same from its intersection with the Western limit of road allowance between Lets Bight (8) and Nine (9); thence continuing along said Southern limit of road allowance between Concess- ions Three and Your South Seventy-six degrees and Thirty-six minutes West (S. 760 361 W.) Seventy-five (75) foot to a point at a normal distance of one hundred and 'thirty-eight (138) foot measured south- westerly from the centre line of the main line track of the Campbelllords Lake Ontario and Western Railways thence South-easterly on a ourved line to the right with radius of seventeen hundred and Seventy-two (1772) feet parallel with and concentric to said centre line Three hundred and Forty- six and Sight tenths (346.8) feet more or less to said Western limit of road allowance between Lots Bight (6) and Nine (9) thence North Twelve degrees and Thirty-six minutes West (N. 124D 361 W. along last mentioned limit One hundred and Seventy-six and Five-tenths 1176.5) feet to a point at a normal distance of Seventy-two (72) feet measured southwesterly from said contra line; thence Northwesterly on a curved line to the left having radius of Eighteen hundred and Thirty-eight (1838) foot parallel with and concentric to said contra line One hundred and Fifty-five and Five-tenths (155.5) feat to the point of commencement. Seoondlys Commencing at a point on the Northern limit of road allow- ance between Concessions Three and Four at a distance of Fifty-four and Five-tenths (54.5) foot measured North Seventy-six degrees and Forty-five minutes Nast (N. 760 451 g.) along the same from its intersection with the By-Law Number 1119 (Con.) - 3 - Eastern limit of road allowance between lots Sight (8) and Nine (9); thence continuing along said centre limit of road allowance between Concession Three and Fear North Seventy-six degrees and Forty-five minutes East (N. 760 450 S) Seventy-five (76) feet to a point at a normal distance of One hundred and nineteen (119) feet measured Northeasterly from the centre line of main line track of the Campbellford, Lake Ontario and Western Railway; Thence North westerly on a curved line to the left with radius of Two thousand and Twenty- nine (2029) feet parallel with and concentric to said oentre line Two hundred and Twenty-seven and Eight-tenths (227.8) feet more or less to said Eastern limit of road allowance between Lots Eight (8) and Nine (9); Thence South Eleven degrees and Thirteen minutes East (S 110 131 E) along the last mentioned limit One Hundred and Twenty (120) feet to a point at a normal distance of Fifty-three (53) feet measured Northeasterly from said centre line; Thence Southeasterly on a curve to the right having a radius of Nineteen hundred and Sixty-three (1963) feet parallel with and concentric to said oentre line Eighty-five SS) feet more or loom to the point of commencement, be and the same are hereby established as highways. 3. THAT the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute under the Corporate goal of the said Township and deliver to the Campbellford, Lake Ontario, and Western Railway Company a conveyance of the portions of highways hereby closed and stopped up in exchange for a conveyance to the Township of the land hereby established as public highways. This By-Law shall take offset forthwith upon being confirmed by By-Law of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Ontario passed in pursuance of Section 472(0) of the Municipal Act. PASSED this 13th day of October, A.D., 1919. W. Geo. Scott Reeve S E A L Ronald R. Beaton Clerk 13 Y- LA W N !JM33 R 1 1 1 9 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING. A By-Law to close certain portions of tJ13 road allowance between Lots Eight (8) and Nine (9) in the Third Concession and Lots Eight (8) and Nine (9) in the Fourth Concession or the Township of Pickering, and for the conveyance of such closed portions to the Campbellford, Lake Ontario and Western Railway Company and for establishing as public highways of certain lands in lieu of the said portions of highways to be closed. :EtS it is expedient in the public interest to close, stop up and convey to the Campbellford, Lake Ontario & Western Railway Company portions of the road allowances as hereinafter described and to establish as highways in lieu thereof certain lands also as hereinafter described. AND WHEREAS printed notices of this By-law have been posted up for four weeks in siz of the most public places in the immediate neighbourhood of the portions of said highways to be closed as aforesaid and of the said lands to be established as highways, and said notice has been published for four consecutive weeks in the Pickoring News, a newspaper published in the said Township of Pickering; AND WHMPAS the Council has heard in person or by Counsel or Solicitor all persons whose land might be prejudicially affected by the passing of this By-law who petitioned so to be heard, NOW TILE REFORE The Corporation of the Township of Pickering EM;CTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT upon and after the passing of this Dy-law those portions of the road allowance between lots Eight (8) and Nine (9) in the Third Con- cession of the Township of Pickering and of road allowance between Lots Eight (8) and Nine (9) in the Fourth Concession of the said Township, that is to say: All and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises being Firstly, all that part of the road allowance between the North half of Lot Eight (8) and the North half of lot Nine (9) in the Third Concession of the Township of Pickering, in the County of Ontario, and Province of Ontario, containing an area of Thirty-three hundredths of an acre (0.33 ac.) more or less, and secondly all that part of the road allowance between the South half of Lot Eight (8) and the South half of Lot Nine (9) in the Fourth Concession of said Township, containing an area of Eighteen hundredths of an acre (0.18 ac.) more or less, comprising a total area of fifty-one hundredths of an acre (o.51 ac.) more or less, the limits and diurensions of said parcels being described as follows: Firstly: Commencing at the point of intersection of the Eastern limit of the road allowance between the North half of Lot Eight l8) and the North half of lot Nine (9) with the Southern limit of the road allow- aneo between Concession Three (3) and Four (4) of said township; thence South Twelve degrees thirty-six minutes East (S 120 36t E) alon the Eastern limit of road allowance between Lots Eight (8) and Nine f9) three hundred and seven (307) feet more or less to a point at a normal distance of seventy-two (72) feet measured southwesterly from the centre line of main line track of the Campbellford, Lake Ontario and % stern Railway Company; thence Northwesterly on a curved line to the left with radius of Eighteen hundred and Thirty eight (1838) feet parallel with and concentric to said centre line One hundred and Eighty Four (184) feet more or less to a point on the Western limit of the roaA allowance between Lots Eight (8) and Nine (9); thence along the last mentioned limit on a bearing of North Twelve degrees Thirty six minutes West (120 361 W) a distance of One hundred and Thirty Nine and Five-tenths (139.5) feet to a point on the Southern limit of the road allowance between Concession Three (3) and Four(4); thence along the production Easterly of the last limit across the road allowance between Lots Eight (8) and Nine (9) Sixty-six (66) feet to the point of commencement. By-Iaw No. 1113 - 2 Secondly: Commencing at the point of intersection of the Eastern limit of the road allowance botwoon IK)ts iz::IYjr:3 Fight (8) and Nine (9) in said Fourth Concession and the Northern limit of the road allowance between Concessions Three and Four; thence North eleven degrees and thirteen minutes Wost (N.110 131 W.) a distance of Seventy-Four (74) feet to a point at a normal distance of Fifty-three (53) feet measured North-easterly from the centre line of main track of the Campbellford, lake Ontario and Western Railway; thence on a curve to the left of Nineteen bundred and sixty-three (1963) feet radius, parallel with and concentric to said centre line a distance of One hundred and sixteen (116) feet more or less to the intersection of said curve with the Western linii.t of road allowance between said Tints Eight (8) and Nine (9); thence South eleven degrees thirteen minutes East (S. 110 131 ^.) a distance of One hundred and seventy (170) feet more or less, measured Southeasterly along the said Westerly limit of road allowance to its point of intersection with the said Northern limit of the road allowance between Concessions Three and Four, said point being distant Eighty-four (84) feet n9asurad Southeasterly along said limit of road allowance between said lots Eight (8) and Nine (9) from the said centre line of the Campbellford, rake Ontario t& Western Railway; thence across said road allowanc3 North Seventy-six degrees Thirty-six mimates Fast (N. 760 361 E.) a distance of Sixty-six (66) feet more or less to the point of commencement, be and the same are closed and stbfpe d up. 2v THAT the following lands in the Township of Pickering, that is to say: • All and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate, lyin- and being in the Township of Pickering, in th3 County of Ontario, and Province of Ontario, containing a total area of Sixty-six one hundredths of an acre (9.66 ac.) comprising two parcels of land, one said parcel (described herein under Firstly) forming part of Lot Number Nine (9) in Concession Three of said Townshiptt containing an area of Forty-two one hundredths of an acre (0.42 ac.) more or less, and the other said parcel (described herein under Secondly) comprisin; part of Lot Number Light (8) in Concession of said Townshipp, containing an aroa of Tw3nty-four one hundredths of an acre (0.24 ac.) more or less, the limits of said parcel being more particularly described as follows, namely:- Firstly: Commencing at a point on the Southern limit of road allow- ance between Concessions Three and Four at a distance of Sixty-six (66) feet measured South Seventy-six degrees and Thirty-six minutes West (S. 760 361 W.) along the same from its intersection with the Western limit of road allowance between Lots Eight (8) and Nine (9); thence continuing along said Southern limit of road allowance between Concess- ions Three and Four South Seventy-six dogreos and Thirty-six minutes West (S. 768 361 W.) Seventy-five (75) feet to a point at a normal distance of One hundred and Thirty-eight (138) feet measured South- westerly from the centre line of the main line track of the Campbellford, lake Ontario and Western na11kay; thence South-easterly on a curved line to the right with radius of Seventeen hundred and Seventy-two (1772) feet parallel with and concentric to said contre line Three hundred and Forty- six and Eight tenths (346.8) feet more or less to said %h stern limit of road allowance between Lots Eight (8) and Nine (9)• thence North Twelve degrees and Thirty-six minutes West (N. 120 361 W.? along last mentioned limit One hundred and Seventy-six and Five-tenths (176.5 feet to a point at a normal distance of Seventy-two (72) feet measured Southwesterly from said centre line; thence Northwesterly on a curved line to the left having radius of Eighteen hundred and Thirty-eight (1838) feet parallel with and concentric to said centre line One hundred and Fifty-five and Five-tenths (155.5) feet to the point of commencement. Secondly: Commencing at a point on the Northern limit of road allow- ance between Concessions Three and Four at a distance of Fifty-four and Five-tenths (54.5) feet measured North Seventy-six degrees and Forty-five minutes East (N. 760 451 E.) along the same from its intersection with the By-Law Number 1119 (Con.) - 3 Eastern limit of road allowance botween Lots Eight (8) and Nine (9); thence continuing along said centre limit of road allowance between Concession Three and Four North Seventy-six degrees and Forty-five minutes East (N. 760 459 E) Seventy-five (75) rest to a point at a normal distance of One hundred and nineteen (119) feet measured Northeasterly from the centre line of main line track of the Campboliford, Late Ontario and Western Railway; Thence North westerly on a curved line to the left with radius of Two thousand and Twenty- nine (2029) feet parallel with and concentric to said centre line Two hundred and Twenty-seven and Eight-tenths (227.8) feet more or less to said Eastern limit of road allowance between Lots Eight (8) and Nine (9); Thence South Eleven degrees and Thirteen minutes Fast (S 110 13' E) along the last mentioned limit One Hundred and Twenty (120) feet to a point at a normal distance of Fifty-threc (53) feet measured Northeasterly from said centre line; Thence Southeasterly on a curve to the right having a radius of Nineteen hundred and Sixty-three (1963) feet parallel with and concentric to said centre line Eighty-five (85) feet more or less to the point of commencement, be and the same are hereby established as highways. 3. THAT the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute under the Corporate Seal of the said Township and deliver to the Campbellford, Lake Ontario, and Western Railway Company a conveyance of the portions of highways hereby closed and stopped up in exchange for a conveyance to the Township of the land hereby established as public highways. This By-Law shall tale effect forthwith upon being confirmed by By-Lew of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Ontario passed in pursuance of Section 472(G) of the Municipal Act. PASSED this 13th day of October, A.D., 1919. W. Goo. Scott Reeve S E A L Ronald R. Beaton Clerk