HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 1091/80in CoRPon'lom or lilt: w1 OF P1(:1'L' o Y- 0? k. gory 31 B1-LA'W NUMBER 100100 Being a Restricted Area By-law to amend Restricted Area By-law 2511, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the Town of Pickering District Planning Area, Region of Durham, in Part Lot 20, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, in the Town of Pickering. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering deems it desirable to permit the establishment of light industrial and commercial uses on the subject, lands, being part of Lot 20, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, in the Town of Pickering; AND WHEREAS an amendment to By-law 2511 is therefore deemed necessary; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL. OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: BY-LAW 2511 By-law 2511, passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township (now Town) of Pickering on the 5th day of Octcb2r, 1960, and approved by the Ontario Municipal Board on the 3rd day of January, 1963, and amended from time to time, is hereby further amended to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this by-law. SECTION 2: TF'Al AMENDMENT iP;'tl(1 r1 114 Of RV_1nW 91411 a; amcndcj, is hcyaLy fa, thug r,rcurie: by adding thereto the tot 5r;ing subsection: 16.3.11 Part Lot 20, Range 3, Broken Front Concession. Notwithstanding the provisions of hereof, the land designated MC on shad be used only in accordEnce subsection: Section 16.1 or Section 16.' Schedule " I" to By- Iaw ]0??'==-- with the provisions of this ?u} ?rsr,eu?h!y H a'tl" sh z.ll We an a bt,11d1nr' r.° c o,=•-a - tiuilc r?q _ ill Imich facili ties are PA;id& Fvr purposes such as: civic, odueational, poli tic: reiigie s or social tic-et ings ar.d mad a banqu;i h all or priv,nle club but small 1 rjJ .?t ir:- a plare r ; r_nf.ertainmcnt , . or to adult entc , .ni=!i ,Y tar Our. ._., r ?r,c:rn a Lu iIdi nn cr pl, n' a uail,t, ,? for . , . try„ anc .... ' Ch mi-y ,itch i?I oc"'L. 1 ri` tit is I"i . ldlrr, or p;, it -t , , ', i_ -ii(, ou poirv p'.+o".• are ,'ll pege i (d) "Crverage" or "Lot Cover,los0' shall mean the percentage of lot area covered by 1111 buildings cn the lot. (e) "Dry Cleani_"_Depot" -11,111 mean a building or part of a building used $of- the purpose of receiving articles, goods or f,-zbrics to be subjected to dry cleaning and related prose<sas elsewt;ere, and of distributing articles, good's or fabrics which have been subjected to any such processes. (f) "Drx-Clean_iny Cstahlishc;ent" shall mean a building or part of a bui'iding used for dry cleaning and related processes but does not include a laundromat. (g) (i) "Floor Area" shall mean the area of the floor surface contained within the outside wails of a storey or part of a storey. (ii) "Gross Floor Area" shall mean the aggregate of the floor areas of all storeys of a building or structure or a portion thereof, as the case may be, other than a private garage, an attic or a cellar. ('h) "Food Prepar.,tiar+ Plant" shall mean a building or part of? F, building in which processed food products are eookc-d, bake,?, mixed, packaged or oi.herwise prepared for distribution to ret6 it or institutional outlets. (i) "FrontaGe" of "Lot Frontaae_" shall mean the width of A.Io between Chc ripe iui Tines ne as ured along a line pit ra11r.1 to and 7.5 mptrnc i _ 6^c` tL,c Iron: Ind line. „ (?) Laui}drnflla i-" shall mein a self-serve clothes ?:'aSh irlQ establishment cofltaininC any" Or more washers and drying, ironing, finishing or other incidental equipment., "Marlulact,;rina Plant shall mean a or part of a building in which is calrrier! on an`r t?ctivity ov operation pertaining to the :aaP:inq of any arCicie, ar:d which shall inclvdle ;.ltttrir,g.. a ss emb1 i?, rC'p rlli Cj, c r n-.. IllP i;L C, IInISPIng, clear,il,p. !vo'iishinc; wa`•hinI pcc?ir:g, ?uapf.ino fer sP lbreaking up or denloIi:;iiifig the sc-if? ar.-icZ:_. "LS Gi11_ 11%,n0 aCt.U rif P,111?, _ Shat l me. all a W a n Ui2 C.:. ll?-7 1 a lr t':. d I-cl;.? . c. 'iilr ??`Il'`t7r;tinli f]f `e O?h P_f Ch '3 Cl ti1e prCIC.r'ri Cls y':: ?:nCTl'? S1Yl i'•'-C; . 1, ?! i ? !..: i?. .`f?,. :Y-'l it l? f•'f CoSI'1 r•? } C?. f.1"'i.`"?S i4 is ?. 1 i I! page 3 (e) the manufacture of finished lumber products, light metal products, electronic products, plasticware, porcelain, earthenware, glass- ware or similar articles, including, but not necessarily restricted to, furniture, housewares, toys, musical instruments, jewellery, watches, precision instruments, radios and electronic components. (1) "Merchandise Service Shop'' shall mean an establishment where articles or goods including, but not necessarily limited to, business machines, appliances, furniture or similar items, are repaired or serviced, and includes the regular place of business of a master electrician or master plumber, but shall not include a manufacturing plant, any establishment used for the service or repair of motorized vehicles, or a retail store other than a sales outlet. (m) "Place of Entertainment" shall mean a building or part of a building in which facilities are provided for entertain- ment purposes and may include a theatre, music hall, dance hall, billiard or pool room, bowling alley or ice or roller skating rink, but does not include an adult entertainment parlour. (n) "Private Club" shall mean an athletic, recreational or social club, and includes the premises of a fraternal organization. (o) "Professional Office" shall mean a building or part of a building in which medical, legal or other professional service is performed or consultation given and may include a clinic and the offices of an architect, chartered accountant, engineer, lawyer or physician but shall not include a bodyrub parlour as defined in The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970, chapter 284, or any successor thereto. (p) "Restaurant - Type B" shall mean a building or part of a building where ?ood is prepared and offered or kept for retail sale to the public for immediate consumption in the building or buildings on the premises only. (q) "Sales Outlet" shall mean a building or part of a building accessory to a manufacturing plant, a merchandise service shop, a food preparation plant or a warehouse, wherein products manufactured, produced, processed, stored, ser- viced or repaired on the premises are kept or displayed for rent or for wholesale or retail sale, or wherein orders are taken for future delivery of such products, but shall not include an eating establishment. (r) "Scientific, Research or Medical Laborator " shall mean a bui ding or part o a building wherein scientific, research or medical experiments or investigations are systematically conducted, and where drugs, chemicals, glassware or other substances or articles pertinent to such experiments or investigations may be manufactured or otherwise prepared for use on the premises. p.qc 4 (s) "Warehouse" shall mean a building or'part of a building which is iised primarily for the housing, storage, adapting for sale, packaging, or wholesale distribution of goods, wares, merchandise, food- stuffs, substances, articles cr things, and includes the premises of a warehouseman but shall not include a fuel storage tank except as an accessory use. (t) (i) "Yard" shall mean an area of land which is appurtenant to and located on the same lot as a building or structure and is open, uncovered and unoccupied above ground except for such accessory buildings, structures, or.other uses as are specifically permitted thereon. (i'i) "Front Yard" shall mean a yard extending across the full width of a lot between the front lot line of the lot and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot. "Rear Yard" shall mean a 'yard extending across the full width of a lot between the rear lot line of the lot or, wher e there is no rear lot line, the junction point of the side lot lines, and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot. (iv) "Side Yard" shall mean a yard extending from the front yard to the rear y ard and from the side lot line of a lot to the nearest wail of the nearest main building or structure on the lot. (v:;' tankage Side Yar'" sha ll mean a side yard immediLtely adjuining a street or abutting a reserve on the opposite side of irhich is located a street. 2 (vi) "Interior Side Yard" shall mean a side yard other than a filnkaye side yard. Uses PCerm-itied (a assembly halls (b) b?kerieS (C) b!l SlneSS i?fy'i.C^'. (d) dry cleer„nor denote; sul),i;?Ct to 'Lh° piuvlsio;is of hai ?ur'z;?:, (':) Uf suhclausc (1) of clause 3 of this suhsec;io {e) dry clearing estahlishme,,ts (f) food propar:;tion ?,)lcnts (4) light, (hJ merchand'r (1 i pTo Csue Oi'i ICP? t,-, i)r?i.. - i,,r.. B, ?if>,irCt tE, she prov-". i's ' o* ,J1' 1 ;31USi' (k) 2. JIB' $f'r.' ,!'O': Itill,? C, 7 u7"ii. J, page 5 3. Zone Requirements (a) LOT AREA (minimum) 0.4 hectares (b) LOT FRONTAGE (miniinum) - 30 metres (c) FRONT YARD (minimum) - 12 metres (d) SIDE YARD (minima) (i) interior side •yard - 4.5 metres (ii) flankage side yard - 12 metres (e) REAR YARD (minimum) - 7.5 metres (f) LOT COVERAGE (maximum) - 40 percent (g) BUILDING HEIGHT (maximum) - 12 metres (h) OPEN STORAGE No open storage shall be permitted in any yard. (i) SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS (1) The gross floor area of all type B. restaurants on a lot shall not exceed 35% of the gross floor area of all buildings on the lot. (2) Notwithstan?'ing (1) above, the gross floor area of all type B restaurants on a lot may exceed 35"., but may not exceed 60% of the gross floor are., of all buildings on the lot providing the (iross floor are:, of all tvnp B restaurants on the lot does not exceed su:i of L'ne tot area. (3) Sales outlets are permitted uses only if accessory 1:o Mood preparation plants, light manufacturing plants, merchaod:se service shops or rarehouses, and providin, the gross f l o o r ar•aa of th s- 'i es out let does not exceed 20" of the q;-oss floor area of the food preparation plant, light manufaci.uring plant, in crchandisr_ service shc,p or warehouse. (4) Dry Cleanino depots are if ar_cr-?ssoc.a to dry cle and pro,i?ii:'.c',1'ie gross dr" c)'ee' eo-'' uL dual Die nrocs tlonr area of eSi,.4blithtn?!1t. permitted :_es only aai n? ?•_ t?b' i;ha,tnts t I::or arr,. o; the not c.^cc :OA: of the dry c.leaninc SECTION 3: SCHEDU;J "A" AMFND'?E1!1 Schedule uA" t0 ?5 ne1'ehj' l'UT'LFt E'. Y' amer. dPG by sltEr'.+{} 'iC r'"' j?EY 20nc' (:".;7gn3tlOT Of the land to t his Hy-law :4 Ftd locateri 3, k'roe,t C?xx page 6 SECTION 4: EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall take effect from the day of passing hereof, subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, if required. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 19t!' DAY OF February READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS 3rd DAY OF March M YOR r F 1960. 1980. 17 i 9 I/ z C L E K --- REYTAN U a w m r a z a STREET ' rr, ti Th i rd March,...,_,. i !b ?"0 R'iNJ J [L 0 a 0 ..RAVA STREET BAY LY