HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 17, 1990 8/90 48 COUNCIL MINUTES A Meeting of the Pickering Town Council was held on Monday, April 17,1990 at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: . Mayor W. Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner B. Mitchell B. 14organ K. Van Kempen ALSO PRESENT: N.C. Marshall B. Taylor N. Carroll T. Me1ymuk C. Rose - Town Manager - Town Clerk - Manager - Current Operations Division - Manager - Policy and Information Division - Planner ABSENT: Councillor Dickerson - (Attending A.M.O. Meeting) Councillor Johnson - (Out of Town on Business) . (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular meeting of April 2, 1990. ( II) DELEGATIONS 1. Anna Willson, Chairman, Local Architectural Conservati on Advi sory Commi ttee, reported on the status of the Heritage Conservation District Study for the ham1 et of Whi teva 1 e. She stated that Part 1 of the Study is now complete and Part 2, which deals with methods of preserving the study area, can now be undertaken. 2. Mr. Dale Shore, representing the Kevin Shore Memorial Tournament, thanked Council for its assistance in the past and stated he would be grateful for any considera~on this year. The Tournament is scheduled for May 11 and 12, 1990 wi th all proceeds to go to the Childrens' Wish Foundation for dispersal in Pickering. . 8/90 49 (III) RESOLUTIONS Resolution #50/90 - See Appendix #1 Moved by Councillor Mitchell Seconded by Councillor Van Kempen 0 That the Report of the Executive Committee Meeting dated April 9,1990, be adopted. . CARRIED Recorded Vote on Item #7: Yes: Councillors Mitchell, Morgan, Van Kempen and Mayor Arthurs Councillor Brenner Councillors Dickerson and Johnson No: Absent" (IV) BY-LAWS Councillor Brenner, seconded by Councillor Morgan InoveJ for leave to introduce by-laws of the Town of Pickering: By-law Number 3450/90 Being a by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zonina) By-law 3037, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the Town of ~ickering Di stri ct Pl anni ng Area, Regi on of Durham in Part of Lot 3, Concession 6 (Part 1 and 2, 40R-12859) , in the Town of Pickering. (A 59/88) . By-law Number 3451/90 Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Condominium Agreement respecti ng the development of Part Lot 19, Range 3, B.F.C. Pickering (Draft Plan l8CDM-89023; 718439 Ontario Limited ). By-law Number 3452/90 Being a by-law to exempt Lot 303, Plan M-14, Pickering, from part lot control. By-law Number 3453/90 Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for certain purposes (Parking Regulations - M.T.R.C.A.) By-law Number 3454/90 Bei ng a by-l aw to appoi nt By-l aw Enforcement Offi cers for the purpose of enforcing By-law 2359/87 (Parking) THIRD READING . Councillor Brenner, seconded by Councillor Morgan moved that the report of the Committe~ of the Whole on By-law Numbers 3450/90, 3451/90, 3452/90, 3453/90 and 3454/90 be adopted and the sai d by-1 aws be now read a thi rd time and PASSED and that the Mayor and Cl erk now read a thi rd time and PASSED and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED (V) 8/90 50 OTHER BUSINESS 1. 2. . Councillor Van Kempen reported that the Liverpool Library Branch was closed before Christmas with three years remaining on the lease and he invited ideas from the public on how this facility could be used. Councillor Van Kempen stated that the Town should take a more aggressive approach to economic development. 3. -- - --Councillor Van Kempen stated that he is concerned wi th the proposal of the Board of Education to impose lot levies on commercial arid industrial development. 4. 5. . (VI) Councillor Brenner reported that a developer has offered to erect his sales trailer on the foundation of the Fairport Community Centre and will turn this building over to the Fairport Beach Community As soci a ti on when he has no further need for it. He asked that the Town co-ordinate discussions with the developer, the M.T.R.C.A. and the Community Association to facilitate this proposal and that the Department of Community Services and Facilities assist with this proposal. Councillor Mitchell introduced the following motion: Resolution #51/90 Moved by Councillor Mitchell Seconded by Councillor Van Kempen That the following motion Council Meeting: That the Kevin Shore Memorial Tournament be a 11 owed to pay the non-prime time rate of the Don Beer Arena on May 11 and 12,1990. be considered at this LOST (Pursuant to By-law 3714, a two-thi rds majority is required) Recorded Vote: Yes: Councillors Mitchell, Van Kempen and Mayor Arthurs No: Councillors Brenner and Morgan Absent: Councillors Dickerson and Johnson CONFIRMATION BY-LAW By-law Number 3455/90 Councillor Brenner, seconded by Councillor Morgan moved for 1 eave to introduce a By-l aw of the Town of Pi ckeri ng to confi rm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering at its meeting held on the 17th day of April, 1990 and that the same be now read a first, second and third time and that the same be now finallY passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. . CARRIED (VII ) 8/90 51 ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at the hour of 8:40 p.m. . Dated . . "'~ ~ '1 -- ~y~.~ ~~ . ,,:,.- . ~ APPENDIX #1 TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Picicerfng having met on April 9,1990, presents its seventh report to Council and recommends: 1. OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING APPLICATION A12/89 SUBMITTED BY E. & J. ALBERT ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF CONCESSION 9 ROAD AND SIDELINE 16, CLAREMONT FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 12/89 . That Town Council recommends to Regional Council that Official Plan Amendment Application 89-114/D, submitted by E. & J. Albert, on lands being Part of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Plan 424, Town of Pickering, to permit the identification of a residential Cluster at the northeast corner of Regional Road No.5 and Sideline 16, be APPROVED. 2. OFFICIAL PLAN A~ENDMENT AND REZONING APPLICATION A12/89 SUBMITTED BY E. & J. ALBERT ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF CONCESSION 9 ~OAD AND SIDELINE 16, CLAREMONT FILE NUMBER -8 2310 - A 12/89 That Town Council recommends to Regional Council that Section of the Durham Regional Official Plan be amended to delete the restriction that Clusters only be identified in certain designations by deleting the phrase "within the General Agricultural Areas and the Major Open Space System as desi gnated on Map I A I "; and . That Town Counci 1 recommends to Regi ona 1 Council that any new policies for Clusters that are considered through the Durham Regional Official Plan Review allow the designation of Clusters in any land use designation. 3. OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING APPLICATION A12/89 SUBMITTED BY E. & J. ALBERT ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF CONCESSION 9 ROAD AND SIDELINE 16, CLAREMONT FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 12/89 That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 12/89, submitted by E. & J. Albert, on lands being Part of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Plan 424, Town of Pickering, to establish an appropriate cluster residential zoning on the property to allow the future consideration of the creation of two lots, be APPROVED subject to the following conditions: 1. That prior to the forwarding of an implementing zoning by-law to Council: . . 4. . . 7/90 2 3. (a) Official P1an Amendment Application 89-1l4/D be approved by ~egional Council; and (b) That the applicant enter i~to an appr~priate deve 1 opment agreement with and to the satisfaction of the Town of Pickering which shall include, but not necessarily be 1 imi ted to, requi rements respecti ng the payment of appropriate future road improvement costs, the payment of lot levies, and satisfactory arrangements regarding the required parkland dedication. 2. That any implementing zoning by-law: (a) be prepared in the context of a zoning by-law which establishes appropriate cluster res i denti a 1 zoni ng on the si x lots located at the northeast corner of Regional Road 5 and Sideline 16 in order to define the boundary of the Cluster; and (b) be prepared with appropriate zone standards which would allow consideration of the creation of two additional lots on the Albert property through a future application for consent. DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-89081 AND REZONING APPLICATION A37/89 SUBMITTED BY SARKON CONSTRUCTION LTD. AND FAMDAR RESEARCH DEV. INC. ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF FINCH AVENUE AND LIVERPOOL ROAD FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 37/89 That Town Council recommend to Regional Council that Draft Plan of Subdivision l8T-8908l, submitted by A.I. Associates on behalf of the owners, Sarkon Construction Limited, and Famdar Research Development Inc., on lands being Part of Lot 22, Concession 2, Town of Pi ckeri ng, be APPROVED subject to the following condition:: 1. That this recommendation apply to the plan prepared by A. I. Associates, dated June 21, 1989, as revised in red, and bearing the Town's recommendation stamp. 2. That the owner make satisfactory arrangements with the Town regarding the required parkland dedication. 3. That the owner enter into a subdivision agreement with and to the satisfaction of the Town. 4. That the owner make satisfactory arrangements regarding the provision of all services required by the Town. 5. That the owner agree to dedicate all road allowances with proper corner roundings and sight triangles to the Town. 4. . . . 7/90 3 6. Tha t Block 15 on the Council Recommended Pl an be dedicated to the Town for Liverpool Road widening. That the owner agree to convey to the Town: (a) the 0.3 metre reserve shown as Block 13 on the Council Recommended Plan; (b) the 3.0 metre wide walkway shown as Block 12 on the Council Recommended Plan; (c) any other easements as required. 7. 8. That the owner make satisfactory arrangements with the appropriate authorities regarding the provision of underground wiring, street lighting, cable television and other similar services. 9. That the street within the draft plan be named Ferncliff Circle. 10. Tha t the owner submit for approval by the Town, site plans and streetscape elevations showing the location and relationship of all buildings prior to the issuance of any building permits. That prior to final registration of this plan, the owner; 11. a) satisfy the Town management measures; respecting stormwater b) submit a Draft 40M-Plan to be approved by the Town Planning Department; c) submit a tree preservation programme to the sati sfacti on of the Town and agree that no trees be removed unti 1 such time as thi s programme has been approved by the Town except as authorized by the Director of Community Services and Facilties. 12. That the owner make satisfactory arrangements with the Town regélrding the removal, demol ition and/or retention of all structures and well s on the subject property prior to entering into a subdivision agreement with the Town. 13. That Blocks 10 and 11 be developed for residential purposes in conjunc~on with abutting northerly 1 ands and tha t these Blocks be maintained to the satisfaction of the Town until such time as they are developed. 14. That in accordance with Town pol icy, the owner satisfy the Town's Director of Public Works with respect to an appropri ate fi nanci a 1 contri buti on toward the future installation of a sidewalk and upgrading of street lighting along the Finch Avenue frontage of the subject property. That the owner satisfy the Director of Pub1 ic Works respecting the upgrading of the Liverpool frontage of the subj ect property to full urban standards. 15. . 6. 7. . 8. 9. . 5. 4 DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-89081 AND REZONING APPLICATION A37/89 SUBMITTED BY SARKON CONSTRUCTION LTD. AND FAMDAR RESEARCH DEV. INC. ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF FINCH AVENUE AND LIVERPOOL ROAD FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 37/89 7/90 That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 37/89 submitted by A.I. Associates on behalf of the owners, Sarkon Construction Limited, and Famdar Research Development Inc., on lands being Part of Lot 22, Concession 2, Town of Pickering, be APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE to implement development as proposed by Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-89081. SUPPORT PRELIMINARY DESIGN FOR HIGHWAY 401 WIDENING FROM BROCK ROAD TO COURTICE ROAD FILE NUMBER - A 2310.33 That the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering supports in principle the preliminary design recommendations of the Ministry of Transportation's Hi ghway 401 Wi deni ng Study from Brock Road in Pickering to Courtice Road in Newcastle, in so far as these recommendations affect the Town of Pickering. 1990 AND FOUR YEAR FORECAST FILE NUMBER - C 1000 That the 1990 and Four Year Forecast for the Town of Pickering be adopted and forwarded to the Region of Durham. CO-OPERATIVE TENDER WD22-90 FOR THE SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL FILE NUMBER - C 4300 That Co-operative Tender WD22-90 submitted by Esso Petroleum Canada for supply and del ivery of unleaded gasoline in the amount of $0.4340 per litre and Shell Canada Products Ltd. for the supply and delivery of diesel fuel in the amount of $0.3951 per 1 itre be approved. GRANT TO HEARING EAR DOGS ASSOCIATION FILE NUMBER - C 2163 That a one-time only grant in the amount of $700 to the Hearing Ear Dogs Association to waive the fee for the use of the Recreation Complex be approved and charged to Account 2195. 10. . 11. . . 5 7/90 AODITIOML FEES FOR HIGHWAY NO.2 CORRIDOF STUDY FILE NUMBER - C 1000 That an additional $3,000 in consultant's fees for the Highway ~!o. 2 Corridor Study to include architectural control be approved. NATIONAL FOREST WEEK FILE NUMBER - A 2111 That Mayor Arthurs be authori zed to procl aim the week of May 6 to 12, 1990 as "National Forest Week" in the Town of Pickering.