HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 19, 1984 5/84 22 COUNCIL I1INUTES . A Meeting of the Pickering Town Council was held on Monday. 19. 1984 at 7:30 P.M. March PRESENT: COUNCILLOnS: W. Arthurs L. Cahill 1'. Kitchen B. Mitchell A. Robertson N. Stoner ALSO PRESENT: N. C. Marshall B. Taylor - Town Hanager - Town Clerk ABSENT: M»yor J.E. Anderson - (on vacation) <! ) AD~~TION OF MINUTES Meeting of March 5. 1984. (I I) RESOLUTIONS Resolution 125/84 - See Appendix 11 Moved by Councillor Mitchell Seconded by Councillor Robertson That the Planning Comlllittee Report dated March 6. 1984. be adopted. CARRIED Resolution 126/84 - See Appendix 12 t Moved by Councillor Mitchell Seconded by Coun~illor Stoner That the Executive Committee Report dated March 12. 1984. be adopted. CARRIED 5/84 23 Resolution 127/84 Hoved by Councillor Arthurs Seconded by Councillor Stone, . 1. That the proßram of proposed expenditures for roads in the amount of $1.799.000.00 be approved. ¿. That pursuant to the Publi~ Transportation and Highway Improvement Act. the Council of the Town of Pickering hereby requests a supplementary allocation of subsidy monies for work on roads and bridges under its jurisdiction in the amount of $90,000.00 for construction. CARRIED illl.l BY-LAWS Councillor Stoner. seconded by Councillor Mitchell moved for leave to introduce By-laws of the Town of Pickering: ~-law Number 1801/84 Being a by-law respecting remuneratio~ for Members of Council. ~-law Number 1802/84 Being a Zoning By-law to amend Restricted Area By-law 3036. as amended. to implement the Official Plan of the lown of Pickering District Planning Area. Region of Durham. in Part Lot 18, Concession 1. in the Town of Pickering (A 21/78). By-law Number 1803/81 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Pickering and Harshall Macklin Monaghan Limited r~specting the conducting of the rickering Transit Study - Phase II and the Ajax/Pickering Handi Trans Review. B~-law Number 1804/84 Being a by-law to authorize th~ e~ecution of an Agreement to renew. for the period September' 1.1981 to August 31.1986. the Lease dated August 26. 1976 betwe~n the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto and the Corporation of the Town of Pick~ring respecting Part Lot 12. Concession 5. Pickering (Museum parking lot) ~-law Number 1805/8Q To authorize the execution of a Subdivision Agreement between 556168 Ontario Limited and the Corporation of the Town of Pickprj~e respecting the development of Part Lot 22. Concession 2. Pickering (part Draft Plan 18T-79049) . By-law Numoer 1806/83 Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a transfer respecting the conveyance of Part Block H-1. Plan M-1059. Pickering. to Chrand Construction Inc. (Pélrt 3. Plan 40R-7659; Parkside Drive reserve) S/84 211 THIRD READING . Councillor Stoner. seconded by Councillor Mitchell moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law Numbers 1801/8~. 1802/84. 1803/84. 1804/811. 1805/8q and 1806/83 be adopted. and that the said By-laws be now read a Third Ti8e and PASSED. and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the sa.e. and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. ('ARRIED By-law read a first. second and third ti.e and finally passed. (IV) OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor Kitchen stated that he received the Regional report on water supply in Ajax and Pickering and suggested that 1t .ay be cheaper to connect t~ the Metro water supply for a secondary system. 2. Councillor Cahill reported that he held a public opinion poll at the Sheridan Hall on Saturday. March 17. 1984 and found that the vast sajority of residents and non-residents want the Liverpool Road interchange kept open. 3. The following satters were considered prior to the regular seetins: a) A request fros Mr. David Tal that Council endorse a proposal to construct a high-rise apartllent and a subsequent hotel at the south end of Notion Road was considered. This proposa~ was not endorsed and the Town Manaser was dir~cted to inform Mr. Tal it would be considered on) if he submitted a proper proposal to the Plann! Departaent. b) The Town Manaser repc .ed that the cost of restorins Old Forest ~ad. H1Shbush Trail. Rosebank Road and Valley Fars Road followins the installation oi sanitary sewers is approx111ately $21!1.000. Resolution 128184 Mo~ed by Counc111 M1tchell Seconded by Councillor Stoner . That the Town Manaser be authorized to advise the Resion of Durhas that the Town is prepared to assu.e the cost of rest~rins Old Forest Road. Highbush Trail, Rosebank Road and Valle1 Fars Road followinl the installation of sanitary sewers subject to confir.ation froll the abutting residents that they are prepared to proceed with this work upon the actual costs beins known. CARRIED 5/8IJ 25 OfaEI .~8I'£8S (oont1nued~ 0) Tbe delivery of ti.ber from a tree that was cut on the road allowance adjwcent to Hr.. Jone.' property on Conce.'ion 7 Boad was ~isousa~d. . B.,olution 129/8- Moved by Councillor Stoner Seconded by Councillor Arthurs ThJlttbed.elivaryof ti..her from a tree that WI' cut on the road allowance adjacent to Mrs. Jon.s' property on Concession 7 Roa~ to Brooklin be approved. CARRIED ill CONFIRMATION BY-LAW BY-law lu.ber 1807/8IJ Councillor Mitchell, s.conded by Councillor Stoner lIoved for l.ave to introduce a By-law of the Town of Pickering to confirlll the proos.dinl' of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Piok.rinl at it. ..eting held on March 19. 198IJ and that sa.e be now read a first, oecond and third tilDe and that the sallIe be now finally passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the salle snd that the Seal of the. Corporation be thereto affixed. CARRIED By-law read a first, second and third time and fin~lly passed. (VI ) ADJOURNMENT The m.eting sdjourned at the hour of 8:00 p.m. Dsted April 2nd 1984 '-- ~. /~/ . ~. -- / f . '-- )-' c-é~..{' - /,) '-- L. Cl erlt APPENDIX II l~~~_~~_t~~~~ The Plannins Co~mitt~~ or th~ Town or Pickering having m~t March 6. 19811 presents its second , ~po, t to the Council of the Town of Pl~kering and recomm~nds: 1. APPLICATION F~R RElONING AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION BY E.L. STROUD LIMITED ON THE ~EST SIDE OF ROUGEHOUNT DRIVE FILE NUMdER 84100 - 18T-83010 ~t~~~~~~~-~-~_t~~~1____---- That By-law Amendment Appli~ation A 19/33 submitted by E.L. Stroud Li~ited. or ~dtlds "'~i"g PiJrt Lots 3. 4. 7 and Lot 22, Plan 228, Town or Pickering. to implement development as proposed by the Staff R~co~mended Revised Draft Plan or Subdlvi3ion 18T-83010 be !~t~~. 2. APPLICATION FOR REZONING AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION BY E.L. STROUD LIMITED ON THE WEST SIDE OF ROUGEMOUNT DRIVE FILE NUMBER 8_100 - 18T-83010 Et~~_~~~~~_~_~_Lî~~¿___~ 1. Thpt Draft. Plan of Subdivision 18T-83010. submitted by E. L. Stroud Li8ited on lands being Part Lots 3. 4. 7 and Lot 22. Plan 228. be APPROVED AS REVISED to persit developllent of 17 rešidëñiiši-Single detaohed dwelling units and 5 blocks for future resid~ntial development. subject to the following cond1tions: 1. Changes in 'red' as shown on the plan prepared by Anderson A'sociat~s Ltd.. being drawing No. 2230-1. Revision No.3. st.allped approved this date. 2. That the own~r mak~ satisfactory arrangements with the Town regarding the required parkland dedication. 3. That the owner enter into a subdivision agreement with and to the satisfaction of the Town. 4. That the owner make satisfactory arrangements with the Town and Region regarding: a) the provision of all a~rvices. b) the allocation of SeW8&e treatment capacity and w~t~, capa~ity for the development. 5. That the owner agr~ to dedicate to the Town and other proper authorities: a) all road allowances with proper corner roundings and siSht triangles. - 2 - 5. (c.~'2.t\.~ill b) o. 3 .~tre res~rve at the temporary street termini of Street 'A', shown as Blcck F on the Drart Approved Plan. "- ) any other ease~ents as required. 6. That the owner .ak~ satisfactory arransements with the appropriate authorities regarding the provision of underg'ou~~ wiring. street llghti~g. ~able t~levi~lJn and other si~i18r $er vices. 7. That, the st,e...t withi., thp Dr ..lft Plan be named to thp satlsf~ctior ~r th~ Tow.,. 8. That the ~wner submit for approval by the Town. site plans and streetscape elevations showing the location and relationship of all buildings prior to the issuance or any building permit. 9. 1hat prior to final registration of this plan. the owner: a) satisfy the requirements of the Metropolitan Tororto and Region Conservation Authority. the Ministry of the Environllent and the Ministry of Natural Resosurces. b) submit a Draft M-Plan to be approved by the Town Plannins Departsent. c) submit a detailed tree preservation prosramme to the satisfaction of the Town and agree that no trees be re~oved until such time as this programlle has been approved by the Town except as authorized by the Director of Planning. 10. That the owner make satisfactory arrangements with the Town regardins the relloval. demolition andlor retention of all structures on the subject property. 11. That Blocks A. B. C. D '" E be developed for residential purposes in conjunction with abutting lands and be maintained to the satisfaction of the Town until such time as they are developed. 12. That a temporary turning circle be provided at the temporary termini of Strf!et 'A'. if required by the Director of Public Works. 13. That the owner satisfy the Town with respect to the proposed treatment (possible diversion and channelization) of the tributary of the Petticoat Creek which traverses the subject property in the vicinity of lots Iq - 17 inclusive of the draft approved plan. 3. q' - 3 - APPLICATION FOR REZONING Bl CATENARO'S RICHMOND HILL CONTRACTING ON THE WEST SIDE OF B ROCK ROAD IN THE HAMLET OF CLAREMONT ~thlJ!~~~_~_!-~l~~_~~-~ That application A 29/83. sub~itted by The Catenaro's Rich.ond Hill Contracting Company Limited. on lands being Part Lot 19. Concession 8. to rezone the lands fro. "A - Rural Agricultural" ~o an appropriate residen- tial zonins to per.it the develop.ent of five detached residential dwellins units on lots haying a sinimum frontase of -0 metres and minimum lot area of 0.4 hectares, be APPROVED. subject to the following condition: 1 . That the owner enter into a Development Asreement to the satisfaction of the Town. APPLICATION FOR REZONING SUBMITTED BT DIRECTOR INDUSTRIAL HOLDINGS LIMITED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF KINGSTON ROAD. WEST OF WHITES ROAD ~~~~_!_~}~~_~_!-l2/83 That By-law Amendment Application A 3283 by Director Industrial Holdinss Liaited to rezone the subject lands beina part of Lot 29. B.F.C. Rangs 3 from '"1-1' Restricted Light Industrial to an appropriate zoning to perllit developllent of the following use,: a) b) c) d) e) f) s) h) 1) j) k) 1) m) business offices dry cleanins establishsents food preparation plants furniture or sajor appliance sales hoae improvement centres industrial or co.llercial equipment suppliers light aanufacturing plants professional offices restaur ants aales outlets accessory to food preparation plants. lisht manufacturing plants or warehouses scientific. research or medical laboratories vehicle sales or rental establishments warehouses be APPRûVED subject to the following condition: 1) That prior to the issuance of any buildins permits. the owner enter into an appropriate Development Agreement with and to the satisfaction of the Town of Pickering which may include but not necessarily be li~ited to the requirement to satisfy the Director of Public Works res~rding storm water disposal. 5. 6. 7. l - 4 - APPLICATION FOR REZONING AND OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT BY BRAUKMANN BUILDIONG CORPORATION ON THE NORTH SIDE Of BAYLY STREET ~t~t-~~~~~~_~_~_~l~Q_~_~-~[~~-- Tha~ Town Council advise ~he Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham as follows: That it does no~ endorse the development of "Associated Industrial Facilities" on Part Lots 21. 22. Concession I, Pickering. ~!-ttq~~ in Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 84-2/P. ~ ~~~!_~~~ an amendment to the Pickering D1stric~ Plan (Brock Industrial Area Community Plan) to redesignate the western portion of the subject property from "Restricted Light Industrial" to "Combi~ed Transpor~a~ion and Associated Industrial Facilities" as set out in Appendix I to Town Planning Report 19/84. APPLICATION FOR REZONING AND OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDHENT BY BRAUKMANN BUILDIONG CORPORATION ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BAYLY STREET [t~_!~!~~-=-~-~¿~~_~_LL~i_--- That should Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 8Q-2/P be approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housi~g as recommended herein. the following a.endment to the Brock Industrial Area Development Plan shall take effect: a) an amendment to Schedul~ 'A' of the Plan to extend the "Combined Transportation and Associated Industrial Facilities" designation across the western portion of the subject property. APPLICATION FOR REZONING AKD OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT BY BRAUKMANN BUILDIONG CORPORATION ON THE NORTH SIDE Of BAYLY STREET [!.~..!!!!..~~H--=JL nl.L::._~ _1 LH- That by-law amendment application A1/84 submitted by Brauk~ann Building Corporation to rezone lands being Part Lots 21 & 22. Concession 1 to an appropriate zoning that will permit the de_elopment of approximately 6500 square metres of Commercial GO-Transit passenger support facilities. in addition to associated industria] facilities. be APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE AS REVISED to only permit the devefõpment of-f55Õ-Sq;ä;;-metres of Commercial GO-Transit passenger support facilities subject to th~ following conditions: 1) That the owner enter into an appropriate agreement with and to the satisfaction of the Town of Pickering respecting the provision of direct pedest.ian access routes linking the subject property with the Picker1ng GO-Train Station. 2) That the owner amend the existing site plan to reflect approved pedestrian acoess routes linking the subject property with the P'ckering GO-Trai1 Station. APPENDIX 12 TOWN OF PICKERING The Exeoutive Cosllittee of the Town of Pickering having .et March 12. 198~ and presents its fifth report to the Council of the Town of Pickering and recollllends: 1. INTER-REGIONAL TRANSIT CO-ORDINATION REPORT FILE NUMBER ~_F 4100 That the Town of Pickering adopt the Ministry of Transportation and Co..unications Report on Inter-Regional Transit Co-ordination. 2. 198. AND FOUR YEAR CAPITAL FORECAST FILE NUMBER - C 2200 That the 1984 and Four Year Capital Forecast attached to the report of the Treasurer-Collector dated February 23. 1984 be approved; and that this report be forwarded to the Relion of Durham for incorporation in its c08prehensive Capital Forecast. 3. ADDITIONAL 1983 HANDI-TRANS SUBSIDT FILE NUMBER - C 2QQO That pursuant to the Public Transportation and Highway I.prove.ent Act. the Council of the Corporation ot the Town of Pickering hereby requests an allocation of subsidy funds for transportation for the physically disabled in the allount of $305.00 for the Cosbined Capital and Operating Assistance Prosrasme. 4. 1984 TRANSIT SUBSIDY FILE NUM~ER - C 2440 That pursuant to the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act. the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering hereby requests an allocation of subsidy funds for public transportation in the a80unt of: $303.750 for the Capital Assistance Prograsse $263.062 for the Transit Operating Assistan~e Programse. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. - 2 - TENDE~ FOR SUPPLY OF JANITORIAL SUPPLIES FILE NUMB~C -300 That Tender T-8-84 subsitted by Wyant and Co.pany, Canadian Protective Products. Ajax Maintenance Supply and Swish Maintenanoe Lisited for the supply of janitorial products be approved. PURCHASING POLICIES FILE NUMBER ~ C 4000 That the Purchasins Policies and Procedures attached to Clerks Report ICL 4/84 be adopted. FLEA MARKET AT FAIRPORT BEACH PUBLIC SCHOOL tILE NUMBER --~ 2300 In Clerks Report CL 8/84. it is recos.ended that the ~equest of the Fairport Beach Hose and School tor an exesption fro. the ter.s of By-law 1073/79 (Business Licensing) in order to conduct a flea .arket be approved. GRANT REQUEST FROM AJAX, PICKERING AND WHITBT ASSOCIATION FOR THE MENTALLT RETARDED FILE NUMBER - C 2163 That the request of the Ajax. Piokerins and Whitby Assooiation for the Mentally Retarded dated February 1q. 1984 for a Brant in the a.ount of .2.016.00 to assist in their summer d. y caap prograsse be approved; and that this asount be charRed to Acoount 2195 (Grants to Organizations and Individuals). GRANT REQUEST FROM THE REGION OF DURHAM. RAMA AND MARA PLOWMENS' ASSOCIATION FILE NUMBER - C 2163 That the request of the Regio~ vf Durhas. Rama and Mara Plowaens' Association dated February 17. 1984 for a grant in the amount of $100.00 be approved; GRANT REQUEST FROM OSHAWA AND DISTRICT UNEMPLOYED HELP CENTRE FILE NUMBER - C 2163 That the request of the Oshawa and District Une.ployed Help Centre dated March 1. 1984 for a grant. be refused. 11 . 12. 13. 1". 15. - 3 - "CANCER MONTH" FILE NUMBER - A 2111 That Mayor Anderson be authorized to proclai. the .onth Of April as "Cancer Month" in the Town of Pickerinl' and that the Canadian Cancer Society be authorized to fly their flag at the Municipal Offices durin. the .onth of April. "MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS WEEK" FILE NUMBER - A 2111 That Mayor Anderson be authorized to proclai. the week of May 7 to 12. 198" as "Multiple Sclero.is Week" in the Town of Pickeri~a. "CHOO CHILI WEEKEND" FILE NUMBER - A 2111 That Mayor Anderson be authorized to proclai. the weekend of May 26 and 27. 198" as "CHOO Chili Weekend" in the Town of Pickerina in aid of cerebral pelsy. ACCOUNTS FOR APPROVAL FILE NUMBNER - C 2310 That the accounts in the a.ount of .".q811.877.18 for the period ending February 29. 198q. I. subs1tted by the Town Manaler. be approved. BEER GARDEN IN DUNMOORE PARK FILE NUMBER - F 2600 That the request of tre Durha. Ladies Softball Aasoc1ation. in conjunc.ion with the West Shore Softball Association. to conduct a Beer G~rden in Dun.oore Park on June 23 and 2". 198" oe approved subject to the approval of the Liquor Li~enoe Board of Ontario.