HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 28, 1959 ~ T _'<'. .~,':' -'^~-'þ""';';::~~:-:~",-,,,-·""'->-"<'C;-"-:"'7,~"'~~~:,,f~l'Of;o;' .'~ . - . . ....,. - . .- -. ."" .",......,...,:.~-. -~_..=.~--"<. " MUNICTPAL lJ TT T T. n T 'N' t: BROUGHAM A Meeting of Council was held on MONDAY, the TWENTY-EIGHTH day of SEPTEMBER, 1959, at EIGHT o'cløck in the evening. PRESENT: J. Sherman Scott, in the Chair Mrs. Jean McPherson Harvey Spang Edgar J ame s Harry Ashton H. Ross Hawthorne Miss Violet Swan L. T. Johnston, Clerk The following CORRESPONDENCE was read: 1. Provincial Good Roads Committee ask that Municipalities present resol- utions in good time before February 22nd to 24th meeting. Consumers' Gas ComDanv give notice of their application to the Ontario Fuel Board to reduce their ratés. v 2. ..... 3. J. W. P. Carter, DeDutv Minister of Municipal Affairs, advises that he informed Mrs. McPherson that any ratepayer could stop any work being done on Township roads if he has a Writ of Injunction obtained through a court of competent jurisdiction. That he stated that no municipality has the authority to delegate the discretion of approv- ing the location of gas mains to any employee and that to be properly effective same should be done by a majority vote of Council by a by-law in respect to suoh locations and that he did request of the Township solicitor a written opinion of agreement in respect to By-Law No. 2119. .... 4. Our Solicitor, R. J. Hassard, submitted a legal opinion of agreement to By-Law No. 2119, wherein he stated that such agreement was a legal document; he suggeste~ he did not approve of several minor points but believed it would be upheld in a Court. Out Solicitors advised that they have issued a Writ and a statement of olaim against owners or former owners of Griffin Hotel as per agreement. The following PERSONS, on MOTION, were heard: ..... e. I; 1. Mr. Buck an~ delegation of two asked Council to take over as a public road the ¡ane running westerly from Altona Road some 1000 feet above No.2 Highway to seven dwellings. It was AGREED that Mr. Chapman view and submit to Council a report on cost of taking over and widening this lane as a Township road. 2. w. G. Ne~an stated that all persons securing non-resident pheasant ~ licenses were given a'Township map showing areas where he may shoot. ,¡ .~.. Mr. Hassar~, our Solicitor, appeared before Council at their request and (1) Further explained his reasons for deolaring the Consuaers' Gas Company agreement val,id. (2) Again recommended that By-laws do not specify authority. (3) Felt that By-law 2077 not specific enough and should be re-written and that side-yards and agricultural uses on two-acre lots given more consideration. "" (4) The Watercourse By-law is being written by Mr. Stevens and will be out shortly. (5) He would give written opinion stating "Engineer" in Consumers' Gas agreement to mean any person in charge of roads. c . _":~.'"",~._",:,>.,_...,....,..__.. .~.-;- - .2 3. Mr. Hassard - Continued (6) He said he thought the time f'ast approaching when a solicitor should sit in on Council meetings when important By-laws were discussed, possibly on a retainer basis. Council gave Mr. uassard directions f'or the preparation of the dangerous premises and nuisance industry By-laws and asked him to have as "all- inclusive" as possible but not to name each dangerous condition or nuisance. ., R~~ve Soott stated that Mr. Jef'f'erson had attended a meeting this day with C. N. R. re By-pass; that Metro Planning Board had asked the C.N.R. ./ to consider the northern route north of' Concession 2. RESOLV .'ION NUMBER 277 MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Miss Swan, that the Road Superintendent of' the Township of' Pickering purchase the f'ollowing, subject to the approval of the Department of' ttighways of Ontario: From: Ihe Flintkote Company Limited: 40,68' gallons Colas, R.S. 2 @ $ .218 $ 8,720.00 1,530 gallons Colas, R.S. 1 $ 9,137.69 in Drums @ .273 417.69 To Be Used with 3/8 Chips to Patch Asphalt on tltona Road From: Mechanical Advertising Limited: 20 "School Ahead" signs @ $5.20 From: The Pedlar People Limited: 756' of' 15" Culvert Pipe @ $ 2.18 To Be used f'or Road Construction on Moore Road and Fairport Beach Road. /' 104.00 $ 1,648.08 CARRIED RESOLUTION NUMBER 278 HOVED by Mr. Ashton, seconded by Mr. Hawthorne, that the Zoning By-Law be adopted with two readings with amendment to section 4, Paragraph 4.1 reading as follows: Delete "located south of' the centre line of the Road between the second and third concessions" .... and "that' portion of" CARRIED RESOLtJTION NUMBER 279 MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. Ashton, that a by-law be prepared prohibiting the discharge of ~irearms within the presently defined.areas as covered by By-laws #2103, 2269 and 2349 and extending this prohibition to those areas defined in the registered plans of Squire's Beach, Pickering .Beaoh, Riverside Drive subdivision, Heron subdIvision and Harwood Ave. N. North of #2 Highway, Martin subdivision, Ontoro Beach. CARRIED v YEA: Messrs. Ashton, Hawthorne, Scott, Miss Swan, Mrs. MoPherson, Hessrs. Spang, James BY-LAW NUMBER 2441 Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Miss Swan, moves f'or leave to introduce a By-law of 'the Township of Pickering to extend for a further f'ive ye8r period parts of the Township of Pickering as a Crown Game Preserve, and that same now be read-a f'irst time. Mr. Hawthorne, seconded by Mr. James, moves that .öy-Law Number 2441 to extend for a f'urther five year period parts of' the Township of Pickering as a Crown Game Preserve be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. r/ '-'__'",,::.-__,-<:,,:,~c,-_,,_'.O, .. .V~ ,_ _."'" _ ,,''''". 3 By-Law Number 2441 - Continued The Committee or the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. Mr. Hawthorne, seoondedby Mrs. McPherson, moves that the report or the Committee or the Whole on By-Law No. 2441 be adopted, and that the said B By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSBD; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be afrixed thereto. CARRIED BY_LAW NUMBER 2442 (Two Headings) ., Hr. lues, seoonded by Mr. Hawthorne, moves ror leave to introduce a By-law ot the Township of Piokering to regulate the use of land, the erection, use. búlk, height, location and spacing of buildings and structures, and topróhibit certain uses or land and the erection and use or certain build- ings and structures in certain areas or the Township of Pickering, and that same now be read a rirst time. Mr. James, seconded by Mr. Ashton, moves that By-Law Number 2442 to regulate the use of land, the erection, use, bulk, height, location and spacing of buildings and structures, and to prohibit certain uses of land and the erection and use or certain buildings and structures in certain areas of the Township or Pickering be now read a second time,and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. Ii> MOVED by Mr. Hawthorne, Seconded by Miss Swan, that the report or the Standing Committee on RECREATION, of accounts in the amount of $726.75,A as presented, be adopted. CARRIED CLERK'S INSTRUCTIONS 1. Clerk ask Department of Highways of Ontario if stands supplying fruit and vegetables on Provincial Highways are licensed and/or approved by V Department or Highways, as several on No.2 Highway have been the cause or near accidents. Enquire as to set backs from travelled portion of road required. 2. Enquire ot Township of Scarborough as to licensing. of the Toronto Rod , and Gun Club shooting range opposite Griffin's Tavern, as it is con- sidered a nuisance to Township residents to east. 3. Mr. Chapman report on barbed wire across Road between Lots 22 and 23, v Concession 4. 4. Clerk write Mr. Hassard and have him prepare a registerable agreement t/ to advise future purchasers of Mrs. Church's house on Spruce Hill Road that it is on Township road allowance. ~inance Meetin~ to be held Thursday, October 1st at 8 p.m. On :"TION of Mr. James, the meeting adjourned. APPROVED ~ /f4 1959.