HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 4, 1960 MUNICIPAL BUILDING BROUGHAM ! Mteting of Council was hel! on MONDAY, the FOUA'l'H Cay of" ß'1LY!l 1960, at EIGHT o'clock in the evening. P~SENT: J. She~n Scott, in the Chair H . -Ross Hawtho~ne Há rvê'y Spang E"i.gar James Harry Boyes Ross Deakin Cliffo"~ Iaycox L. T. Johnston, Clerk MOVED by Mr. Iaycox, seconc1e1 by Mr. Deakin, that Minutes of' the meeting he14 May 30th, be aioptei. CARtLIED MOVE., ) by M4"~. James seconête"i. by Mr. Hawthorne, that Minutes of' the meeting he14' June 6, 1960, be a"toptei. CAl\nZED MOVE'ù by Mr~ Boyes, secon;1ei by Mr. Spang, that Minutes of' the meeting heli June 13, 1960, ,be a1?ptei. CARnIED MOVEJJ by ~. Spang, seconde't by Mr. Déakin, that Minutes of' the meeting hel~ June 20, 1960, be aioptei. C~ED J _, MOVE.u by Mr'; Iaycox seconde't by'Mr. James, that Mintt.es of' the meeting he11 June 27, 1960, be a"toptei. CARnIED The following C().rtnESPON.uENCE was r'ea4: ., 1. Trustees~ Polioo Villa~ of Claremont, aivise that they agree to 10an·"Fire Area No. 5 t2,000.00 - fl,OOO.OO at 6% payåble December 31, 1961, an4 $1,000.00 at 6%, payable December 31, 1962. 2. Q!1r Soliéitors ac1.vise that the Rouge Valley Inn Coiiípany hã"ve now submitte"f. theU"--~Stàtemefït of Defence" án4 it woultf 'appear that "Examination for Discovery" wou1<1. be ma1.e before eni of July, 1960. , -, 3. C<iunty C~erk Rubmitte'1 copy of their By-law No. 2055, which proposei to equalize the County Assessment, Which shows Pickering Township to be $18,167,872.00, an increase over our return of' $1,547,554.00. ...... ~ _. . 4. Mr. Lìoy"f P~ters, of Claremont, submittei a further "White Paper" on taxes for Council's consi'1eratlon. _. - 5. Altona Autó Serviëe aþplie't for a Garage Operator1s·ìicense to 10 B01y'an1 Fenffer work in Concession 1, Lot 33. Mr. Ashton app~ov?i . 6. Clerk repor....ß1 other Driving School license. fees of other aunicipaiities, as - Ajax $50.00 plus $10.00 Whitby 50.00 plus 5.00 Osnawa 35.00 plus 10.00 Toronto 50.00 Scarborough50.00 7. Clerk: reporte4 Commerce Street in Fairport is a "Stop" street at Front Street. 8. Count"y -.sessor rec'ommeri'tei that Assessment Recor-is be well insure.:tàgafnst Fire ani Thef't. 9. Junê' Re ót"t - This year to -tate 1959 to iate Fees 42 Permits, valueit at $ 3,446,500..00 1,487,532.00 1,207.00 - 2 - The following PERSONS, on MOTION, wer-e he a r"f. : 1, Mr. Jensen·again askei that Driving Schoõ'l licènse be rec\ucei, finally agreei to take a license ani operate from a commercial area. 2. Mr. If. Ashton, By-Iaw Enforcement O'f.ficër, statei he was getting a certäin'amoun~ of co-operation from Mr. Smith, o.f Claremont, who agreei to try tó make ress noise at night ani Suniaÿs affi while he hai cle~nei up part of' the lot, much is to be ite sirei. Reeve Scott explaine'1 that a small meeting was heli with M)-. Cann, re C. N.R. Bÿ--Pašs I"oai separations.· He hai askei that all'Siie- lines be sepaJ"'atei crossings, which Mr. Cann agreei to consiier. However, he fél t that this" was" not possible at Pine Grove Avenue, but-they woul~ stuiÿ an'1 report back. Also, that C. B. C. was hê"l1 upJfrom registration because O. W. R. C. hai not appl'ovei propose'1 sewage plans. Councillor LayCOX askei Council to seta pOlicy-re purchase or parKs; that West' Böuge signs bë" er-ecte1¡ that Mrs. Smith get two löa'ts-grã"Ýel .for irive}" that Mr. Lamb's lã'wn be re....seeiei; that Mr. E1wr"f -Iennoi be grante"f, a consent .for a $30,000.00 house at foot o.f Riigewoo" Dr-ive. It wä-s AGREE~ membet's of' Council view these con4itions next SatuMay. RESOLUTION NUMBEn 2~6/60 MOVED by Mi'. Ha wthórne, se con4e 1 by Mr. J aIDe s, that a Commi t tëe be set: up to recommefï"f to Council policy to be .followei in acquiring an-1 setting up parks within the Township. Committee naii1ei by ßeeve: Councillot's James (Chairman), Spang, Iaycox, ani Hawthorne. C.ARtùED äESOLUTION NUMBE.o. 247/60 MOVEJJ by Ma". Hawthorne, seconc1ei by Mr. James, that the June Roait account of' $20,860.38, be pai'1. C~~IED nESOLUTIONNUMBEn 248/60 HOVE» by Mr-. Hawthorne 1 secont1e1 'by Mr. Deakin, that thê- lJepartment o.f Highways, Vouche 1'" No.5, :!a te1 June 3Q, 1960, be approvei. CARnIED nESOLUTION NUMBEn 249/60 MOVE...,rby ~. Iaycox, seconcte1 by Mr. Deakini that the Treasurer bë' auth9rize4 to paý the amount of $3,2Se.64, representing Councillors' meeting fees, an1 expenses, accor1ing to the attachei scheitule. CARnIED nESOLUTION NUMBEn 250/60 HOVEu by Mr-. Laycox, seóofï4e1-õy Mr. Deakin, be gmntea. Boify ani Fenier Garage Opentor's Lot 33, Pickering Township. that Altona Auto Service License in Conce ssion 1, CARnmD nESOLY]ION NtJMBEn ~51/60 MOVEü by ~. .ueakin, secon~"f by Mr. Boyes, that this Counciï aiòpt in pwincipal thê' policy that any resiiential subiivi1er be-'require1 to provi"fe a percentage öf' in-tustrial ã-ssessment ani that resiiential sub1ivisions··only be approve't Where services (water an"f. sewers) are available, or available within one year. YEA: Mëfssrs. James, Hawthorne, Scott, Iaycox, Deakin, Boyes. NA Y: Mr. Spang. AGREEu noa4 Inspection, Satur-'tay, July 9th. Meet at Police Station 8:30 A._.M. BY-LAW NUMBER ~52~ _ ~. Iaycox, secon-tei by Mr. Deakin, moves .fór leave to int;roêl.uce a Bý';Law of the Township Jo.f Pi8lëering to amen'1 By-law Number 1909 bý a11ing thereto Pine Ri'tge l"<Þai on which pa'-king is proþibite"l, an't tha t same now be rea1 a .first time. 'c .. - 3 - B~_-Iaw Number 2528 (Continue"') Mr. Iaycox, secon"f.ê-1. by Mr. Bóýes, movë-s that By-law Number 2528 to ~meni By-law--Number 1909 by a~;¡ing thereto 'Pine Ri'1.ge noai on which paRing is prohibite1" be now reai-·a seoon-t time, ani that Council go into Committee o.f the Whole thereon. ~e Committee of ~h~ Whol~, arises ani reports the ~y-~w as reai, Hr. I.e.ycox, seconie"t by Mr. James, movê's that the report of 'the Committee of the Whole õ"n By-law Number 2528 be aioptetl, anit that the saii1. By-law be now reai -a Thiri time ani{ PASSE::); that the ßeeve é.n3:-Clel"k sign the sarœ ani the Seal of the Corpol1ation be affixei the re to . CARnIED .. BY.LAW NUMBE~ 2529 MI'. Hawthorne, se conc\e1 by Mr. Spang, move s for leave - to introiuce a By-law of the Township of Pickering to iê-Signate a part of tne Fifth Concession Line in the Towfiship of Pickering as a Class "Bit roai, ani tha t same now be 1'eai a first tirœ. Mr. JHawthorne, seëonr1ei by Mr. James, moves that By-law Number 2529 to 1esignate a part of the Fifth Concessión Line iff the Townšhip of Pickering as a Class "B" roa'1.¡ be now reait--a seconi time, anll that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. T~e Commi t~_ee of the Whole arise s ani reports the By-Law ~_s reai. Mr. Hawthorne, secon1e"f, by Mr. Boyes, moves thát the repórt of the Committee of thè Whole on-By-law Nó. 2529 be a'1.opte"t., anit that the saii By-law be now rear{ a Thiri time ani PltSSED; that the Beeve an~ Cle.-k sign the same, an"f, the Seal of the Corporation be af.fixei thereto. CARnIED CLEnK'S INSTnUCTIONS -- I. Have 1'\.oa4 Supea-inten1,ent check Commerce Street for "Stop" signs. .' 2. Check with Assessment Comissioner re sa:fety of recoris. (Cabinet föur hour fire proo.f.- Original-of all maps now in McIntosh office. Mr. Goslin believes aiequate care taken). 3, Have Chief.....PfI.-rker cancel other Driving School license anc\ issue a new one un~er By-law Number 2175. __ __ w 4. Write Mr. Milne" of Claremont, re objections to lot near C. N. .R. 5. Fo~wari Zoning maps to Mr. Willson, of Iniustrial Commission, when available. APPROVED /5 1960 On MOTION, the meeting was artjournei.