HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 27, 1960 MUNICIPAL BUILDING BROUGHAM A meeting of Council was heli on MONDAY, the !WlNTY-SEVENTH 'lay of JUNE, 1960, at EIGHT o'clock in the evening. PrtESENT: nee ve J. S. Scott, in the Chair H." Ross Hawthorne Harvë-y Spang E1gar J ame s Harry Boyes Ross Deakin Clifford Iaycox L. T. Johnston, Clerk The following CORtŒSPONDENCE was l'ead: 1. Arthur McMenemy, 390 Rouge Highlã.nds Drive, objected to Sanit- ationaepartment railing to return two five gallon cans which he rillè-d with garbage and-·the--attîtude öf men when asked to return same. Clerk get report from foreman. 2. JpseÐh AmbrUs, Who has a cottage on west side of Duffints Creek in A~D.Y. property, asked Council to open fence at south end of privately maintained Hillview Road in-Plan 342 so that ne could get his car' to the cottage, as there is no bridge across Duffin's Creek in A.D.Y. property. Council to inspect. ...... ... - -- "'" (..., 3. Clerk reporte¿c he fia"t completed and returne1 forms to-Department of labour as required, --as National Union of-Public Service Employees had asked. for certification of Garbage and Road Dep_ar-tment emplo!.ee s. 4. Our Solicitor 1 Mr. Robinette, stated that he felt it unwise to pass by-laws limiting weigIit of loads on roads unless there was an effecti've means of enforcing same. However, as all paved Township roa1s are automatically classed as "A" roads, a by-law could-òe passed making Concê-ssion 5 through Whi tevale a Class "B" road, with the Minister's approval, thereby limiting load to 22,000 pounds. See Resolution No. 240/60. - - - ..... .. 5. Buildin~ and Cönstl"uct;ioii Trades Council of Toronto and Vicinity ask that Tender for Water Tank work be given to a "Union" firm. 6. Altona-~uto Service, Concession 1, Lot 33, ask for a license to operate an Auto--BodY Shop. A~ it was not approved by By-Law Enforcement Officer a resolution to take no action was passed. 7. Tenders for Water Tower work resulted as follows: Penny and Ca8son Limited Marino Construction Co. Ltd. Richardson Construction Co.Ltd. Watts & Henderson Ltd. Ruliff Grass Construction Co. D'Antimo Construc~ion Ltd. N. De Sante Construotion Lt~. $ 17,027.00 22,941.00 22,996.00 19,469.00 19,625.00 20,376.00 19,970.00 ~ The f?11ow1ng PERSONS!. on MOTION, were heard: 1. Mr~' Milne, "of Claremont, -'obJe cted to Smith Construction Company's yard at north east oorner Brõ-ck Road and C. P. Ä. at CTaremont, stating that the lot was extremely un~idy and noisy work was done-oat night and Sundays. It was agreed that the By-Law Enforcement Officer should inve stigate and report back to ' i' Council. 2. Mr. J~nsen, who has made application fÔr a car Driving Instructor license, asked that the $50.00 fee be reduced. See Re solution ./ No. 244160. Mrs. J. McPherson otijected to a-'poI;fsible water charge on assessment of new proposed water area. MchaM T~ed~ stated the taxes on his 7i acres in 5 years had g?ne up f!,_om '7.?0 to_.$35.00. Clerk get informat~.on. Mr. ButIer, of Proctor and ßedfel'ti, checked Tenders for Water Tank work; ffeclared the lowest three Tenders met the specific- ations and recommeñ1ed acceptance of lowest tender - Penny--and. Casson Limi~ed, för $17;027.00 and stated they 1id considerable work in Toronto area and one job for h~s firm to their satis- faction. Estimated. t-otal cost of tower to be approximately-- $90,000.00, and their estimate was- $lUO,500.00. Council agreed p!:inting on tower be !..el~ow on dark gree~.' Mr~' Becksteaa, of Fairport, asked that-Front Street at Commerce St'reet shourd bê' a three way "Stop" street. By-Law Committee bring in a report. HESO~ION'NUMBErt 237/60 MOVED- by Mr. Layoox, secon~d by Mr. Boyes'" that the Reeve be v â'uthol'ized to consult with Stevens, Hassard and Elliott, with respect to appealing the increase in County Assessment. CARßIED - 2 - 3. Miss V. Swan objected too hel' assessment and agreed to see the Assessment Commissioner this week. ..,/ ,/ V' v y hESOLUTION NUMBErt 238/60 MOVED by Mr-. Hawthorfie, seconded by Mr. Deakin, that the ten'1er for .... the elevated tank work in the West Rouge.be awal'ded to Pennyhand Casson Limited, at a cost of $17,027.00, as the lowest tender. C.AJ\.tlIED 4. 5. 6. 7. ~SOLU¡ION NUMBErt 239/60 MOVED by Mr-. läycox, sè-con4ed by Mr. Spang, that application from A1toffã' Auto--Serv1-ce for-perMit "to operate an Auto Body Shop be -. 1eferrerJ. for a written report from the By-Law Enforcement Officer. CARrtIED h~SOLUTION NUMBErt 240/60 MOVED by Mr-. Dë-akin" seconded by Mr. Laycox" that the Clerk prepare a By-Law ieclaring the Whitevalè- Road fl'om Sideline 32-33 to the Markham Town Line as Class "B" road (under 22,000 lbs.) CARatIED äESOLUTION ~ 241/60 -- -- MOVED by Mr. . akin" seconaed by Mr. Boyes, that PicKering Township engáge Hunting LimiteiI' t'o compile aniI' complete an Aerial Survey of lan4f between the waterfront and the road. between Range 3 and Conoosšion 1 and. west of the l'Oa1 between Lots' 20 and 21 to the Scarborough Town Line, approximately 4,100 acres, at the cost of Two Thousand and. Fifty Dollars ($2,050.00). CARnIED hESOLUTION ~ 142/60 -- MOVED by kr-. a h"me, seoonded by Mr. Iaycox" th-at--the i"ntenitent be authorized to have motor and transfer drive repaired. by J. I. Adam. Co., at a cost of $2,700.00. Road - -Supël'- of grade r CARhIED o I MOVE by -.- a 0 , _conded by Mr. Spanf" oal1ed to orush approximately 20,000 ton of 4" Pit on No.7 H1¡h_y. hESO~IOtt ~244/6Q... -. -- ~OYE by 10'. . n{ _oonted-by Mr. Hawthorne, that- Counoil check into the reason or ,50.00 charses on a driving instruction school and. have an answer tor Hr. Jensen at the next Council Meeting. CA&ŒED that Ten'ders be gravel from the S01en CARrtIED HESOLUTION-NTTMmi'.h¡ 2i5 HOVED·by Mr. Laycox seconc1ed by Mr. Deakin, that the Treasurer be ä-utfiorized to pay accoufits in the amount of $1,,709.60, wffichh represents Planning Board. fees and mileagè- due the members from January 1, 1960 to JUDe 30, 1960, in accordance with the attache1 sche~u1e. CA~IED v >/' - 3 - f'eeve Sco:t,aiY!sei Council that COiUlty Counoil hai aiied $1,,547,554. ,"ssessmen to Picke~ing To.w.n.ship for equalization purposes for 1961 ¡ax at ion. This woulrt ..make Township of Pickering equalization figure 18,167,872.00'or 22.07332% of County levy ani an increase of 16,174.40 over 1960 rates. There are 18 municipalities in County With 39 votes. Pickering Township has 4 of 39 votes ani 13 votes of Whitby, Ajax, Pickering Village ani Pickering Township represent 58-1% of total County asse sSlDent. Township has 20 1.ays from June 27th to appeal. v BY-LAW NUMBER 2521 (ThiM Reaiing) M~. Laycox, secon~e1 by Mr. Hawthorne, moves that the report of the Cömmi ttee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2521 I'egal'<l1ng fence s arouni private- outdoor swimming pools be aioptei, an1 that the said. By-Law v' be now rear} a Third time anti PASSED~ that the Reeve ani C1et'k sign the same, ani the Seal or the Corporation be arfixei thereto. CARn.IED BY-LAW NUMBEn 252i M.... LaycoX, secondei by Mr. Deakin, moves f"or leave to introduce a By-law of the Township of Pickering to increase the remuneration of the Deputy-Reeve and Councillol"s ani to repeal By-law Number 1988, ani that same now be reai a first time. Mr. LayCOX, secoh1ei bÿ Mr. Hawthorne, move s that By-law Number 2524 to l'rtcrease the remuneration of the Dëputy-Reeve and Councillor's ani to repeal By-law Number 1988, be now reai a secon1 time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. -- -- -. v' T~,e Committee of ~he Whol~, arises and reports the By-Law as rea1. Mr. IaycoX, secon1ei by Mr. Boyes, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2524 be aioptei, ani that the saii By-Law be now rea1 a Thiri ti~ ani PASSED; that the .Reeve and Cle~K sign the same, anit the Seal or the Corporation be affixei thereto. -. - CARnIED YEA: Messrs. LaycoX, Deakin, Boyes, Hawthorne an:! Scott HA¥: ~e8".. lallleS ani Spang BY-LAW NUMBER 2525 - ~. Spang, secondei by Mr. James, moves for leave to introiuce a By-law or the Township of Pickering to increase the remuneration of the Reeve, anit to :repeal By-Law No. 2417, ani that same now be reafi q. first time. \ ~.... Spãng, secondei by·-Mr. Hawthorne, moves that By-law Number 2525 to increase the rëmuneration of the .Reeve, and to t'epeal By-Law V' No. 2417, be now reai a seconi time, ani that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. ~e Committee of the Who~e arises ani reports the !3Y-~w as reai. , ~r. Spang, seconifei by Mr. laycoX, moves that the report of the Oommittee of the Whõîe on By-law No. 2525 be adoptei, and that the saii By-law be now reai a Thiri time anti PASSED; that the Reeve an! Clet-'k sign the same, ani the Seal of the Corporati. on be affixed the re to · CARnIE» YEA; Mess~s. Laycox, Deakin, Boyes, James, Spang, Hawthorne, Scott. NA Y: None. BY-LAW NUMBER 2526 MI-. Boyes, secondei by Mr. Deaki-n, moves for- leave to iñtroduce a By-law of the Township of Pickë-ring to authorize the borrowing of Seventeen Thousani, Seven Hunirë-i and-'Thirty-Seven Dollars and Sixty Cents ($17,737.60) upon iebentures for the installation of a water main ë'xtension on East Avenue from Rouge Hills Di'ive to Highway Numbê-r 2, thence westerly on Higþway Numbër 2 for one thousand one hunifrei-ani fiftëen feet (1,115f) in Water Area NO.1, ani that same now be rea'" a First time. t" - 4 - B~,-LaW No. 2526 (Contin~-,t) Mr. Boyes secon1ed-õy Mr. Hawthorne, moves that By-Law Number 2526 to authorize the borrowing of Seventeen Thousan1 Seven Hundred- and Thirty-Seven Dollars ani Sixty' Cents ($17,737.60) upon debentures for the installation of a water main extension on East Avenue from Rouge Hilîs Dr1've to Highway Number 21 thence westerly on Highway Number 2-f'or One thousand one-huntlre1 anti fifteen feet '(l,115') in Water Area No. l be now reai ã seconi time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. - - -- ./ The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as reatl. - - -., - - Mr. Boyes, secon1ei by Mr. Laycox, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2526 be adopte1, and that the sai1 By-Law be now reai a Thil"i time and PASSED; that the Reeve ani Clerk sign the same, ani the Seal of the Corporation be affixe1 the re to. CARnIED BY-LAW NUMBE~ 2527 M~. Deakin, secon4ei by Mr. Laycox, moves for leave to introtluce a By-Law of the Township of Pickering to authorize the borrowing of Two ThousantJ. Three Hunirê~ ani-Fifty Dollars and Seventy-Oñe Cents ($2,350.71) upon iébentures for the installation of a-water main extension on Islanff Roa1 from Rouge Hills D~ive easterly to a point oñe hun~re1 añil forty (140f) feet 1istant west of River-coUrt Dri va in Wa te r Area No. 1 ani that same now be re a1 a first time. Mr. Deak1'n, secont\ei' -by Mr. Hawthorne, moves that By-law Number 2527 to authorize the borrowing of Two Thousand Three Hundre1 and- Fifty Dollars ani Seventy-Onë- Cents ($2,350.71) upon debentures for the installation of a--water main extension on Island Röa1 from Rouge Hills Drive easterly to a point one hun~red' and forty (140f~ feet 1istant west of R1ve~court Drive in Water Area 11= 1, be now rea~ a seconi time, ani that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. T~e Committee of the Whol~ arises ani reports the ~y-~w as read. Mr. Deakin, secondei by Mr. Spang, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2527 be adopted, ani that the saii By-Law be now reai -a Third time ani PASSED; that the Reeve ani Clel"k sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed the re to. CARtiIED C~rtKIS INSTuUCTIONS ,/' 1. Check fees--for- Driving Schools in other municipalities ani reason in 1956 for $50.00 fee. Che ck if Township employee scan sit on School Boaris. Check assessment of RichaM Twee1ie at White vale . v 2. v v 3. 4. Contact Mr. 11i1le to get in touch with ßeeve Scott. ./ On MOTION of ~. Spang the meeting aijournei. APPROVE