HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 20, 1950 M'U N I C I P A L B U I L D,~ N ~ BR O'UGHAM · A SPECIAL ~ING of Council was~held on JUNE 20~H 1950 commencing at Eight o CI0ck~in the evening. PRESENT~ ' M~. W.H.Westney, Reeve, in the Chair Mr. Geo. T. Todd, Deputy Reeve Hr. Clame A. Balsdon, Councillor Mr. Milton B. Burk, Mr. F~ed E. Zinkie, The following CORRESPONDENCEwas read :- 1. . Application for a kennel license fromM rs. C. Campkin] Concession l, Lot 28. . 2. Notice of Municipal Board hearing re Ajax at Ajax, June 3- C.A.Rollins, Department of Highways, advising that our request for a reduced speed limit on No. 2 Highwa~ between Altona Road and Rosebank Road, will be given consideration immediately, Mms. W. J. Sawdon, Pickering R.R.2, advising that she is not satisfied with our Insurance Company's repudiation of her claim for damages and that she intends to take action. 5. J.C.Clsmk, Secretary, Fairport Ratepayers Association,~ asking that Fairport be a pa~t of Pickering Village Fire A~ea. MOVED by Mr. Clare Balsdon, seconded by Mr. George Todd, ~pkin of Concession l, Lot 28, be given a Kennel License for 195o. CARRI~ MOVED By Mr. George Todd, seconded by Mr. Milton Burk, Shat the ~ advertise for applications for a Dog-catcher for the Township of Picketing, applicant to provide pound, truck and live in a suitable non-residential area. CARRIE MOVED by Mr. Todd, seconded by Mr. F~ed Zinkie, that Police be requested to. investl~te, the~garage cnA lions Road, north of the O~chard Inn, and if now being lived in, that they be evicted.~AR~... MOVED by Mr. Todd, seconded by Mr. Burk, that the Reeve and Clerk a--~d the Ajax meeting in Department of Municipal Affairs on Wednesday, June 21st, 19%0. CAR~.I~ AGREEDgae~line pumps should be ten feet from the lot line. Y-LAW ,NO. 1st Reading H~. F. Zinkie, seconded by Mr. G. Todd, moves for leave to introduce a By-law to define a Fire A~ea, and that same be read a first time. 2nd Reading Mm. F. Zinkie, seconded by Mr. M.' Bu~k, moves that By-law .No.1823 to define a Fire Area in ~he Township of Picketing, be now read a second time, and that the Council go into Committee of the whole thereon. Continued: BY-LAWNO. 1823,.c0nt.~d 3rd Reading M~. F. Zinkie, seconded'by Mro C. Balsdon, moves that the Report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law No. 1523 be adopted, and that the said By'law be now read a THIRD TIME and pasa~d; that the Reeve and CX~-k sign the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. C~. NO. ,18,21+ ls~ ,,R. eading M~. Cla~e Balsdon, seconded by M~. ~. Todd, moves for leave to: introduce a. By-law authorizing the borrowing of $35,000. upon debentures for School Section No. 2, and that same now be read a first time. 2nd Reading M~, Cla~e Balsdon, seconded by M~. M.B.Bu~k, moves tha~ By'law No. 152~ authorizing the borrowing of $3%,000. upon debe~u~es for School Section No. 2, be now read a second time, and that the Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. CARRIED.. CLERK' S INSTRUCTIONS. 1. Advise Building Inspector, to inspect, new h,ouse on Lot, , in Plan 3%0. 2. . Advise Alber~ Hull[ of East Woodlands ~ommunity Club and Ratepayers Association re a committee for Pire A~ea. MOVED by M~. Todd, seconded by M~. Zinkie, that the meeting be a~ned. CARRIED. A Pa, owo: ye,