HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 7, 1948 Mu~leipal,Buildi~g, Brougham, Septma~er ?, 1948. The regular meetiag of the Munleipal Counell of the Towaahip Piekering was hel~ ca the above ~ate at B~~ p~s~at t~ Jo~ent~ ~ ~mbera~p~seat, the Reeve In the ehair. The minutes were preseate~ sad on~tion of ~. B~k, seeonded.~y~. Disney, were approve~. The followl~ oorrespon~eaee was rea~: 1. A. C. Cor~ agree~ to remove wire fence f~~uth of ~rl~ge Cortes- Greeawoo~ Creek aaa the Fourth Coneession. po~eaee ~. Ontario Shore an~ ~aeh Preae~ation Association tha~s for mem~ership fee $100. 3. Co~ty Clerk re hospital[zatiea Wm. B. To~insea in Stouffvllle ~spital. Aceepte~. 4. Cowry Clerk re hospitalization of Frederick Gal~ralth In St. ~hael's~Hospital. Accepted.- 5. C.P.R. blueprint R. R. Croasl~ betweea lots ~-12 in 4th Con. 6. Boar~ of Tr~spo~ Co~ssioners re C.P.R. 0rossl~ between ~-12 in the 4th Coneession. 7. ~lifax Insuranee Co. re A. B. Edwards" ola~ on Picketing Beach Rose for 8. Na~ League of Ca~a soliolti~ f~s. 9. ~o~ ~lls, Seo'y O~Al~ Legion, Ajax, requesting ~ter ser- vices for Plant Road North. 10. Jo~ W. P~ker account of $30.00 for repairl~ road an~ palnti~ sign in Ro~e ~lls, 11. ~s, ~ryF~ey applying for reduction of taxes at D~bartoa because fl~e ~estr9yed house ~roh ~0, 1947. 12. Frs-~rtl~, East Woo~s, complaints taxes, assessment, roa~s, oa!,l~oison ivy. 1~. 8he~n ~p~en~Co. Ltd. re or~erl~ a ~lfferent ~o~el shovel. 14, F.'L. ~11 application to divide a 99' lot for ~ 15. Chief Irvine, A~ust Police reports. The followl~.peraons on motion ~re heard: Persons 1. ~o~ge T~a~l for A~ Ltd., reg~l~urohase of a grader. ~r~ 2. Sgt. Elliott, Provincial Poll~e Force,re Frovlncial Police polioi~ Picketing To,ship. 3. W.H. Ohester eomplal~ about asses~en~ an~ taxesJ 4. Ja~s Tee~ complainl~ about assessment and t~es. ~ve~ ~y~. Burk, se~on~e~ ~y~..Disney, that resignation of Jo~ ~rs fre~ Piekerl~-~it~y Pla~lng~ar~e aecepted an~ the ~e Motlems of ~oseph B~lgan ~e inserte~ fer one year su~Jeet to the approval ...... of the Co~ll of the To,ship of ~lt~y, Carrie~. Move~ ~y Dr. M~Ewen,~ secon~e~ ~y Mr. Bals~on that Co~cil do not ~e~ flash s~gnal ne~essa~ at the C.P.R. orossl~ of lots 11-12 In the 4th Concession, but recommends that a ~ertain ~o~t of earth ~e re- ~ved from the si~es of R.R. cut which wo~ greatly improve the visibility of oaco~ trains to t~ffio on ~id sl~eline. Co,oil therefore.reco~en~s that as they have considerable road~equipment they wo~ remove earth ~er the direction of the C.P.R. an~ Boa~ of T~spo~ Co~ssioners to the a~t ~f $2,000,00 to ~e pal~ 4~ by BOard of Transport Co--ssi°nets; 3~C.P.R. anA 30% To--hip. 0artier. ~ve~ by ~. B-~k, seeonAA~ ~y Dr. Mc~en, that Oo~cil p~ohase a No. 512 A~.Gra~er as.per agree~.nt of several years ago. Carried. ~ved by Dr. Mo~en, seeoaAed by ~ B~k that Co,oil rescind t~ ' motion to p~chase A~ No. 512 der and sign contract for a 610 A~ams subject to cha~e ~ack to the No. 512 by Sept. ~1 next, subject to the approval of the Dept. of ~ways. 'Oarrie~. ~ree~ that o~Assessors be asked to re-assess all appeals of 1949 Asses~ents before Roll is returned. Re Mr. B.alsdaon having been'requeSted to investigate the garbage sit,a- Garbage tlon in southern part of the Township reported that there were three operators of garbage trueks, .Scott, Patterson end Irish,, the ~atea are 25~ per weak or $1.00 per.~onth and that he found after enquiring, no person who was dissatisfied with colleetlon. ~_~Hi h M~ved .by ~. Burk, sesonde~ by Dr.' M~Ewen, that whereas the Mualslpal SChool . 0ouneil of~e Township of Plckerl~ at the meeting of June 1, 1948, T.~stees reeomended the for~ation of a High Sehool Area comprising the Town- ship of Picketing: An~ whereaa~ the County Council of. t he~ County of Ontario approved said Area'by their By-law No. 158'0, with the ~1 of the Depa~taent of Education: · A~d whereas ~lunleipa! Cou~eils are required to appoint three he,here to act as Trustees for all High School Areas: Be It Therefore Rbsolved by the Municipal Counol1 of the . Town~hlp of Piokerl~ that (1) P. Neale - S. Pugh.- B. ~mieaon - be-~a~ they are hereby al~_ointed members of the T0w~ ahip ,of · Picketing ~lgh School Board. (2} That a B~iAW will be passed at the l~s~ CounciI meeting in.the year to confir~ this resolution. CarrleA. ' M~ve~ by Mr. Burk, seeoaded by Mr. Disney, that nine months, ~tions taxes on M~s.~Mary l~vey's p~operty~in Plan $30 be remitte~ for 1947, as house was completely destroyed by fire ~areh 30, 1947. Carried. Moved by Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Balsdon, that proposed pla~ of sub-division, as submitted by C. 3. and A--ie Pegg of pert of 1ct 15 in Broken Front ~ange 2, be apPx~ve~, ' subject to the approval of the ~ept. of Pla~_l~g. a.nd Development. oarrlea. south half of lot in Dunba on a on; house on south half of said lot, having a frontage of 49 ft. and depth of 660 feet. Carried. By-law Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Disney, moves for leave to introduce 1755 a By-law to amend By-l~w No. 1754 to insert the ~ame of re Joseph Banlgan for one year, for that of John Powers, re-, New signed, and that same now be read a first time. M~.ber Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr..Disney, moved tha~ BN-Law No. 1755 P[anning~.. be now read a seeond time and that. Council go. into Committee Board" of the Whole thereon. Mr. Burk, seconded-by Mr. Disney, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law No. 1755 be adopted and that the said By-law be-now read a third time, that the same do now pass, that the Reeve and 0lark sign the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. Carried. BI-law Mr. Burk, secondd& by Mr. Disney, moves for loewe to introduce 1756 a By-law to provide for the stopping up and sale of a road Closing all'owance, and that same now be rea~ a first time. ROa~ Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Blsney, moved that By-law No. to provide forths stopping.~up and sale of a road allowance, be now read a second time~ and that 0ouncil go into Committee of the Whole thereon. Mr. Burk, 'seconded by Mr. ~Dlsney,' moves that the report of the 0onm~ttee o~ the Whole on By-law No. 1755 be adopted and ~that ~he said By-iaw be now read a third time, that the same do now pass, that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and that the seal of the ~orporatlon ~be affixed thereto. Carried. Reports To The Municipal Council of the Township of Piokering: Your Standing Comm~ tree on Roads and Bridges begs leave to report and recommends payment of the following a,~exed accounts: Rca4, Roy W&r~ sal. less tax $ 7.10- $1~7.90 ~ Gol~lon Lynn labour " " .15.20 .141.45 Brtdge.a Ivan ~oth " ~ ~ 15.70 14~. 90 ~r~on Benson ~ ~ ~ 1.85 167.15 W. ~. Norton ~ ~ ~ 4.70 165.60 E~I ~erson ~ ~ ~ 17.60 151.40 Richard War~ ~ ~ ~ 1S.00 Wm. EYa&s ff 154. J. S, Cha~ ~l~ozer 1, Wm. To,er labour 18.00 Fra~ ~ut~hin~s ~ 18.00 N. J. ~e n 18.O0 ~ - ~ ~ 3,175.20 ~rdo~ Ly~ oar allow. 10.50 Ivan ~oo~h ~ " ~ ' Wm. ~ans ~ ~ ' lB.00 Geo. Constabl~ r~p. tS trucks 41.~S Chas. 0~gper~ ' s & hardware 2S,90 She~ 0~1 Co - o~1 and grease 109.86 Can. ~1 Co. S125 gals. ~a, 1,0~. 98 Robt. M~lle:~ ~ 14.75 Goo~yea: T~re~ ~ Rubber ~al. a/~ t4 Westeel Pro~ts o~ert p~pes 487.58 Sa~er & ~ssey rep. crusher 22.86 J,S. Bals~on wire 26.~0 R. S. MeLea~ rep to trucks 16.15 A~co Dral~ge & Metal Products - O~.pipes , ~8~.26 Inter~tio~t ~eater rep. to trucks 78.30 SherlAan Eq~ent - rep. to shovel 24,0~ J. D. A~. ~ep.& blades for ~in. Ge~l Supply Co. rep. f~ ~wer- 15.27 R~ Wa~ ear a~ow.$~5; pal, pts. 26.28 101.28 A. Sc~el~er fill for lot 10 Con. 8 15,.00 Ross Ro~ weldl~ 14.00 ~lt~y T~. atlael~e 2~.~5 · . 2,767.05 ~ Reeeiver Gemerat income tax - 68.80 6,011 · 05 ~1 of which is respectf~ly aubmitte~. N. E. McEwen, Ohai~n. 0n ~tion of Dr. MoEwen, se~onde~ by the ~e~rt ~s a~gpted. To The ~ieipal Go,oil of the To,ship of Pi~kering: Yo~ SSan~i~ Go~ttee on Conti~enoies begs leave to report Contin- an~ reco~en~s paint of the following accosts: gea~les tax L. T. ~hnston .ala~ less ~.00 $217.3S postage eta 40.90 A~ Spears sal.& ~le 2.85 180.48 Jas. Blao~ell sal. les, 12.6~ 137 .~5 ~s. J.-R. Rhoten sal. less 7.10 226.99 a/e pal~ 13.99 ~s. E. Ro~ertson -sal. less 2~25 81.08 ~s. Fre~ ~ite sal. 21 ~aya 105.00 J. B. - I~ine sal. less 9.50 1~8.00 mlle. eto 66.75 Fre~ White sal. less 4.10 mile. etc. 126.51 installing pollee eq~p. 6.00 W. H. Ellioott sa~ 30.00 Toronto St~p ~ Steneil Works Lt~. 8.94 ~stetne: Lt~. supplies 26.12 0~r U~ell ~ labo~ Sharrar~ Oeme~e~ 10~29 Dr. To~lnson tonsils & a~enoi~s op. 15.00 , att. H~. 0onvention 50.00 B. Shore Co. printi~ le~r sheets 66.50 Forwar~ Reports cont'd -4- Contln- Mrs. Simpson damage to l~nd $ 50,00 geno~'e's Plokerlng News supplies 54.90 A~I of which .is respe'ct~lly su~ltted. On motion of ~. ~rk, seconded by ~. Disney t~ report wes a~opted. To The ~nlcipal Council of the Township ~f Plckerl~: Yo~ Bt~d~g Co~ttee om Relief begs leave te report a~ recemmen~s-pay~nt of the following accounts: Relief ~s. J. D~er $ $.80 ~s. L. Barber 18.75 ~s' H. Llnton 10.00 ~.s. ~tha Nilts 10.00 A., W. ~tchell (Rltchiey wat~) ~,75 City of Toronto - M. ~yck July 12.37 , Th. ~tercare ~s. N. Ba~s ~o. Nol~- board Aug. 2-Sep. 6, B wks ~ $~.00 45.00 G~rge Nol~ s~dr~s 11. J.~ F. ~sh Beard . Aug. ~-Sep. 6,, 5 wks ~ $~.00 ~5.b0 Wm. Eellogg, 14 ~eatty st., AJ~ . ~g. 17-Sop. 7, S wks ~ $9.00 ~.b0 143.75 Drs. W. W. Baldwin & T. H. 0rtem- V.D. ~ AJ~ $~.00; other $27.00 335.14 ~1 of w~i~ ls respectfully submitted. 0n ~tion of ~. Dls~y, seeoa~e~ by ~. the repgrt was adopted. To The ~ieipal Co~il of the Township of Piokerl~: Livestock Yo~ St~dl~ Co, tree om Livestock kllled.or lnJ~ed by Killed or' begs ~eave to report ~d ~eee~e~s pay~nt of the follewl~ ~jure~ accounts: ~ Dogs' Aug. ~0 Ralph ~ 1 goat inJ~e~ c ompe~ation on Aug. 2~ W, C. Willson inspection 2'75 ~1 of which is respectfully Sub~tted. 0. A. Balsdon, Ohair~n. 0m ~tion of ~. Balsdon, seconded by ~. the report was adopted. e 0r~er on '~reasurer Meve~ by ~. Bals~on, seconded by Dr. Mc~en, that the Reeve gr~t his Order on the Treasurer to pay .the several p~ties as reoo~man~ed in the Reports of the several eo~ttees as pre- sented this ~ay. Adjourn- Moved ~y Mr. Balsdon, seconded by Dr. MoEwen, ment that this Council do now adjourn to meet again on MondaY, 0oto~er 4th, 1948. ~ Carried. Certified Approved October 4, 1948. Reeve .