HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 17, 1975 i , - 22 - 5/75 COUNCIL MEETING A meeting of the Pickering Town Council was held on Monday, the SEVENTEENTH day of FEBRUARY 1975 at 9:35 P.M. Present: Mayor G. Ashe Councillors - J. Anderson D. Kitchen K. Matheson A. Robertson B. Searle K. Spratley Manager L.F. Berryman Clerk N.C. Marshall (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Spratley that the minutes of the meeting of February 3rd 1975 be adopted. RESOLUTIONS (II) REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF FEBRUARY 10th 1975 See Appendix 1 Resolution 17/75 MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Spratley that the recommendations contained in the Executive Committee report dated February 10th 1975 be adopted. CARRIED Item 10 - Recorded Vote Yea: Messrs. Ashe, Anderson, Kitchen, Robertson, Spratley, Searle Nay: Mr. Matheson. Item 18 - Recorded Vote Yea: Messrs. Ashe, Anderson, Matheson, Robertson, Spratley Nay: Messrs. Kitchen, Searle. REPORT OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE OF FEBRUARY 12th 1975 See Appendix 2 Resolution 13/75 MOVED by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Spratley that the recommendations contained in the Report of the Planning Committee of February 12th 1975 be adopted. CARRIED Item 6 - Recorded Vote Yea: Messrs. Ashe, Anderson, Kitchen, Matheson, Robertson, Spratley, Searle. Item 12 - Recorded Vote Yea: Messrs. Ashe, Anderson, Matheson, Robertson, Spratley Nay: Messrs. Kitchen, Searle - 23 - 5/75 Resolution 19/75 MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Spratley that WHEREAS The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act requires the submission of a statement of proposed expenditures for roads to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for approval; AND WHEREAS the supplementary expenditures for the year 1975 for road construction and maintenance is estimated at $115,100.00 with subsidies estimated at $78.,.900.00; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering adopts the estimated expenditures and subsidies and submits same to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for approval. CARRIED Resolution 20/15 MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Searle that WHEREAS The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act requires the submission of a statement of proposed expenditures for roads to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for approval; AND WHEREAS the normal expenditures for the year 1915 for road construction and mêintenance is estimated at $181,000.00 with subsidies estimated at $400,000.00; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering adopts the estimated expenditures and subsidies and submits sarne to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for approval. CARRIED Resolution 21/15 MOVED by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Robertson that (1) By-law 158/15 is in conformity with the Official Plan of the Town of Pickering approved and in force at the time said By-law was passed, namely the 20th day of January 1915; (2) No further Official Plan has been proposed by Council nor approved by the Ministry of Housing since the passing of said By-law 158/15 and which said By-law would not be in conformity, including the overall revision adopted by Council, January 18th 1911 which is before the Minister. CARRIED (III) BY-LAWS By-Law Number 113/15 Councillor Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Robertson, moves for leave to introduce a By-law of the Town of Pickering to implement the Official Plan of the Town of Pickering in Part Lot 22, Range 3, B.F. Concession and part of the Road Allowance between Lots 22 and 23, Town of Pickering, and that the same be now read a first, second and third time, and that the same be now finally passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same - 24 - 5/'5 By-Law Number 173/75 (Continued) and that the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. CARRIED By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed. Recorded Vote: Yea: Messrs. Ashe, Anderson, Kitchen, Matheson, Robertson, Spratley, Searle By-Law Number 174/75 Councillor Spratley, seconded by Councillor Robertson, moves for leave to introduce a By-law of the Town of Pickering to authorize the execution of an Easement in favour of the Ontario Hydro (Grand Valley Park), and that same now be read a first, second and third time, and that the same be now finally passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. CARRIED By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed. By-Law Number 175/75 Councillor Searle, seconded by Councillor Matheson, moves for leave to introduce a By-law of the Town of Pickering to restrict the speeà of vehicles on privately-owned parking lots upon which the public is invited to park vehicles, and that same be now read a first, second and third time and that the same be now finally passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. CARRIED By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed. By-Law Number 176/75 Councillor Matheson, seconded by Councillor Searle, moves for leave to introduce a By-law of the Town of Pickering for the regulation of traffic under the jurisdiction of the Town of Pickering, and that same be now read a first, second and third time, and that the same be now finally passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. CARRIED By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed. By-law Number 177/75 Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Spratley, moves for leave to introduce a By-law of the Town of Pickering to authorize the execution of a deed in favour of The Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, being the conveyance of a closed road allowance (White's Road), and that same be now read a first, second and third time, and that the same be now finally passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and that the Seal of the corporation be thereto affixed. CARRIED By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed. - 25 - 5/75 By'~ Law Numbe r 178/75 (IV) 1. r "-. ~ouncillor Robertson; seconded by Councillor Anderson, moves for leave to introduce a ny-lê.\<I7 of the Town of Pickering to ~dopt the District Plan fer the Tm.m of Pickering, ana that same be now read G first, second ~nd third time, ênd that the Sème be now finally p~ssed and that the MGyor and Clerk sign thG same and that the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. CARRIED By-law read a first, second ñnd third time and finally passed. Recorded Vote: Nay: Mr. Searle ÿëã:Mëssrs--;:--Ashe, Anderson, Kitchen, Matheson, OTHER BUSINES~ Robertsonr Spratley The Mayor drew the attention of the Council Members to the r~ply from the TATOA Group to tho Clerk's letter, advisincr TZ:..TO1\ of the Motion bv the ~xecuti ve Committee of Counéil during their previo~s me:c;ting ::'-nd requesting membership in the organization. T;'\'ro:~ û.dvised thRt membership Wf~S only open to Regional Ì>1unicipali ties and the.t the appointm~mt to the ¡:l~b"lori ty was res tricted .to Regional ChÇlirme,l. The ~Jû.yor had recent.ly received a letter from tht3 Durham Reaion Electric AssocL-,.tion, w1:"lerein they invi t~d pãrticip~tion of the r~tmicip;Ùi ty in discuss ions that were expl;:>ring th~ t'1tal electric syst.;;r:1 wi thin the Region and the role of loc,",~i.. pi;l~lic utilities within such tJ. system. They invi ~:ud n. representative from the Municipè..li ty to~t'~en(~. Rasolution 22/75 3. MOVED by Ço'.mcillor Robertson, se~onc1'~d by Councillor Anderson that Counci llor Xi tchen be nominated as t.he Municipali ty' s representû.ti ve to c.t tand meetings of the Durh~m Reqion ~-1unicipê'.1 Electric Association. (~ARRIED The Hõyor drew the i"ttention of Council to ,""1 letter he had received with respect to the ~~nóy Beach T~nnis Club and their hnnual Meeting, which was being held in the Tm.¡n of l~.j."lx. He took exception to the location of the meeting as well as the proposed amendment to their constitution wherein non-residents were to be admitted to membership in the club, subject to the approval of the executive. By-law Number ~79/75 (V) CŒNFIIDli\TION BY-J~W (VI) ------- Coun~illor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Kitchen, moves for leave to introduce é'. By-law of tho Town of Pickering to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the ~own of Pickering at its meeting held on the 17th day of Februê'.ry 1975, and that same be now read a first, second and third time, and that the same be now finally passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and thi":t the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. CARRIIm By-law read a first, serond and tllird time and finally passed. ADJOURNMENT MOV2D by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Spratley that the meeting ~ãj:~ . -- Date fit1AM14 h 5 - -- C )~ AP PENDIX 1 REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF FEBRUARY 10th 1975 The Executive Committee presents its Report and respectfully reports and recommends as follows: 1. RECOMMENDATIONS - (For Council Approval) WORKS/RECREATION & TRANSIT COMPLEX That the firm of Totten, Sims, IIubicki & Associates be retained to design and supervise the construction of a Works Centre for the Town of Pickering consistent with the recommendations contaiped in their report of January 22nd 1975. 2. ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION That the Clerk be directed to prepare a resolution for the consideration of Council endorsing the Ontario Housing Corporation's Rent Supplement and Second Mortgage Financing Programs, and that the draft resolution be forwarded to the Regional Social Services Department for comment prior to it being considered by Council. 3. RESOLUTION - CORPORATION OF WATFORD That the resolution of the Corporation of Watford with respect to the imposition of fines forwarded with their letter of December 20th 1974 not be endorsed, as recommended by the Solicitor in his report of January 31st 1975 to the Manager. 4. ONTARIO HUMANE SOCIETY PROPOSED CAT BY-LAW That the model By-law forwarded by Society in their letter of January Clerk not be passed by Council, as Solicitor in his report of January Town Clerk. the Ontario Humane 17th 1975 to the recommended by the 28th 1975 to the 5. MUNICIPAL CONCENSUS That the questionnaire of the Association of MunicipalitiE of Ontario dealing with municipal elections and the fiscaJ year-end be completed, and that answers to the various questions raised in the questionnaire be as follows: PART 'A' - ELECTIONS Present Municipal Election Date QUESTION 1. Do you favour a change in the present date for municipaJ elections? YES x NO If the answer to the foregoing is "yes", please respond to the following question: 1.A What alternate date do you favour for a municipal election? Month November Week in Month 1st week Day of Week QUESTION 2. Whether or not you are in favour of a change in the municipal election, that is, 1st week in December - do you feel that Monday is the most appropriate day for a municipal election? YES NO x CO71 t: 'j nnpc'J " .. . . . ? - 2 - Item # 5 - HUNICIPAL CONCENSeS contd. If the answer !? ease respon oin i.8 "No", ow1n~ g:uest10n_: What day of the week do you feel would be more appropriate for a municipal election: 2.A (L'ay) Saturday Date Council Assumes Office QUESTION 3. Bearing in mind your response to QUE$TION I and I.A, when do you feel the new council sho~ld assume office following an election? (please check one). - 3anuary 1st following the election - Immediately - Seven days follovli.ng electiõñ - Other, please specify x Term of Office QUESTION 4. Do you favour a change in the present term of office for municipal councils froIT, present tltlO--\/ear term? YES x NO If the answer to the foregoing is "Yes", 'Jlease respond , to the following: 4.1\ - 3-:.:ear term X - 4-year term - other, please specify PART 'B' - FISCl-\L YEAR-END Question 1. Do you favour a change in the fiscal year-end for municipalities? YES NO x If the answer to the foregoing question is "Yes", then what would be your suggestion in this regard? Please specify. 6. ANNUAL BUSINESS & INDUSTRIAL REVIEW That the Municipality not participate in the Oshawa Times second Annual Business & Industrial Review, and the request be referred to the Regional Development Department, as this type of program is essentially a Regional function. that 7. SEAT BELTS - PUBLIC EDUCATION That the M.T.C. be advised that, vhile the Municipality is in favour of their advertising program for the use of seat belts, it does not agree vlith having to assume a portion of the cost associated with the installation of signs suggested by the program. Continued......3 15. 16. 17. 18. - 4 - GOOD ROADS CONVENTION That any members of Council be authorized to attend the Ontario Good Road Convention in Toronto on February 24th, 25th and 26th 1975. PALM DRIVE DEVELOPMEN'lB - ONE FOOT RESERVE That the Municipality enter into an agreement with Palm Drive Developments agreeing to the lifting of the one foot reserve on their property abutting the Brock Road at a prescribed entry point subject to Palm Drive Developments assuming the cost of the installation of a traffic median on the Brock Road to avoid left hand turns, and the agree~ent of the Regional Municipality of Durham to the installation of such a median. VANDALISM AT THE DUNMOORE ATHLETIC FIELD That the Executive Committee concur with the recommendationL of the Manager that burglar alarm systems be installed at a number of community facilities within the Municipality in an effort to control vandalism. COUNCIL REMUNERATION That the Council Remuneration for the year 1975 be increased by 9% and that the Mayor's salary be increased by $450.00 per annum and that the appropriate adjustments be made to the respective budgets. TO: c.c. ~o!,y'.END~E_~? INTERDEPARTMENTAL HEHORANDUM PLANNING DEPARTMENrr February 12th, 1975. Mr. N. C. Marshall, Town Clerk. Stephen Bedford, Planning D~rector. FROM: Mr. L. F. Berryman, Town Manager. RE: RECOMMENDATIONS OF PLANNING COMMITTEE, FEBRUARY 11TH, 1975 Attached herewith Planning Committee Recommendations on the following:- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ADOPTION OF MEETING SCHEDULE FOR THE YEAR 1975 M 1/75 MR. A. LYLE PART LOT 2, CONCESSION 6 VILLAGE OF KINSALE 18T-25047 PICTOWN HOLDINGS LTD. _op ART LOT 22, RANGE 3 TOWN OF PICKERING 18T-24644 FINCH-PICKERING CONSTRUCTION LTD. PART LOTS 5,6 AND 7, PLAN 509 TOWN OF PICKERING PROPOSED DRAFT PLANS OF SUBDIVISION 18T-24846 HELDOR DEVELOPMENTS LTD. PART LOT 22, CONCESSION 2 TOWN OF PICKERING MILROD & ELLISON PART LOT 22, CONCESSION 2 TOWN OF PICKERING 18 CDM 74-102 NORTHDOWN-ARCADIA DEVELOPMENTS PART BLOCK Y, PLAN M-16 TOWN OF PICKERING A 8/74 ON'I'ARIO HOUSING CORPORATION PART LOT 22, CONCESSION 1 TOWN OF PICKERING - - 2 - February 12th, 1975 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ATT. ph CONSENT POLICY HOUSING POLICY HOUSING POLICY, PHASE II ROSÉBANK NEIGHBOURHOOD SECONDARY PLAN - BACKGROUND STUDY DRAFT DISTRICT PLAN TOWN OF PICKERING WORK PROGRAMME AND PRIORITY SCHEDULE CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT STUDY REGIONAL DISTRICT CENTRE ~';r~ St phen Bedf , Planning Dir ctor. - 3 - 8. BAYLY STREET - PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC That the letter of the Regional Municipality Works Department addressed to Mr. Hutchinson January 20th 1975, dealing with a pedestrian on Bayly Street adjacent to the Art Thompson be received and filed. of Durham and dated crosswalk Arena, 9. USE OF BOATS AS RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS That the report of the Solicitor to the Manager dated February 3rd 1975 with respect to the use of boats for residential purposes be received, and that the Solicitor be directed to prepare the necessary amending By-law. 10. ELDERLY RESIDENTS' ASSISTANCE That the Solicitor be instructed to prepare a By-law under the Elderly Residents' Assistance Act, and that such By-law provide a $100.00 grant to those senior citizens who qualify under the By-law, and that the Treasurer make provision in the 1975 budget to accommodate such grants. 11. ACCOUNTS FOR APPROVAL That the accounts dated January 31st 1975 in the amount of $742,151.08 be adopted. 12. PICKERING AIRPORT WHEREAS the Federal Government has in its possession sufficient evidence to reach a decision concerning the Pickering Airport; and WHEREAS this information includes the Gibson Commission Report which raises serious questions concerning the Federal Government's conclusions còncerning noise lands; and WHEREAS this sam9 report makes specific recommendations on th~ subject in particular; BE IT ENACTED that a Committee composed of Mayor Ashe, Councillors Anderson and Spratley be empowered to approach the Minister of Transport to reinforce this position and express the concerns of this Municipality, and that the Clerk be directed to contact the Ministry of Transport to arrange such a 'meeting. '.3. TORONTO AREA TRANSPORTATION OPERATING AUTHORITY . WHEREAS the Durham Region does not have representation on the Toronto Area Transportation Operating Authority; and f1HEREAS it is of the utmost importance that Pickering be represented on this Authority; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED that the Town Manager be directed to apply for membership in the Toronto Area Transportation. Operating Authority and that the Mayor be the Town representQtive. ..4. LIQUIDATION SALE - INDUSTRIAL AREA That the Solicitor be directed to prepare legislation for the consideration of the Committee regulating the time involved in a liquidation sale within the Municipality. Continued......4 February 12th, 1975. The Planning Committee respectfully submits and recommends as follows:- 1. ADOPTION OF MEETING SCHEDULE FOR THE YEAR 1975 that the Planning Committee adopt a Meeting Schedule for the year 1975 establishing that regular meetings of the Planning Committee be held every second Tuesday of each month; AND THAT Special Planning Committee Meetings be held at the Call of the Chair. 2. M 1/75 MR. A. LYLE PART LOT 2, CONCESSION 6 VILLAGE OF KINSALE that the application M 1/75 by Mr. A. Lyle to modify the Minister's Zoning Order in respect to lands being part of Lot 2, Concession 6, on the east side of Kinsale Road, north of the 6th Concession to permit the creation of a lot for residential purposes within the proposed Noise Cone of Pickering Airport be APPROVED. . 3. l8T-25047 PICTOWN HOLDINGS LTD. P~RT LOT 22, RANGE 3 TO~~ OF PICKERING that Resolution 146/74 in respect to Draft Plan of Subdivision l8T-25047 by Pictown Holdings Ltd. be amended so that condition (g) is deleted. 4. l8T-24644 FINCH-PICKERING CONSTRUCTION LTD. PART LOT 5,6 AND 7, PLAN 509 TOWN OF PICKERING that Resolution #294/74 which recommends Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-24644 Finch-Pickering Construction Ltd. for approval be amended through the addition of the following conditions:- 1. The exterior boundaries of Draft Plan of Subdivision be expanded to include the lands as shown on the attached plan, and the lot uses for those lands as shown. Planning Committee PE'ct)m!"'"'ndatlc~~ Fe~ruary :~th, ~~7j Page 2 5. 2. The Dedication of a Road widening 60 feet from centre line along Finch Avenue. 3. The Dedication of a 1 foot reserve along the frontage of Finch Avenue. PROPOSED DRAFT PLANS OF SUBDIVISION l8T-24846 HELDOR DEVELOPMENTS LTD. PART LOT 22, CONCESSION 2 TOWN OF PICKERING MILROD & ELLISON PART LOT 22, CONCESSION 2 TOWN OF PICKERING. that the following recommendations, as amended, contained in Planning Report #7/75 regarding Draft Plans of Sub- division l8T-24846 Heldor Developments Ltd. and Milrod & Ellison, be adopted:- 5. 6. 6. 1. That approval of these Draft Plans of Subdivision not be given at this time, 2. Marshall, Macklin and Monaghan be requested to submit to Staff an indication of how the total area north of Finch Avenue and between Liverpool Road and Valley Farm Road may be developed, That Planning Staff evaluate the concept and submit comments and/or alternatives to Planning Committee, 3. 4. The adopted alternatives be distributed and discussed by residents, The Town of Pickering Planning Committee adopt a Guide for Development, Draft Plans of Subdivision be processed in conformity with the Guide and in anticipation of future services. 18 CDM 74-102 NORTHDOWN-ARCADIA DEVELOPMENTS PART BLOCK Y, PLAN M-16 TOWN OF PICKERING that Draft Plan of Condomin1um Application 18 CDM 74-102 in respect to the Apartment development at Part Block Y, Plan M-16 be APPROVED subject to the following conditions: a) b) That the owner enter into a Condominium Agreement with the Regional Municipality of Durham, if required, Satisfactory arrangements with Council re: provision of parklands as outlined in Resolution 223/74. ~ Planning Committee Recommendations F""hrl1Rr.v ] ?t-h. 1975 Page 3 7 . . A 8/74 ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION . PART LOT 22, CONCESSION 1 TOWN OF PICKERING that the two-storey proposal for Application A 8/74 Ontario Housing Corporation, be APPROVED, subject to the following condition:- 1. That walkway access to Liverpool Road be provided. 8. CONSENT POLICY that the Consent Policy, Recommendation Part I (Items 1 - 4 inclusive) and Part II (Items 1 - 14 inclusive), as outlined in Planning Report #3/75 be adopted; AND THAT the Consent Policy be forwarded to the Region of Durham Council and Land Division Committee for their consideration. 9. HOUSING POLICY that the Housing Policy for the Town of Pickering be adopted and forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham Council and Minister of Housing for consideration. 10. HOUSING 'POLICY, PHASE II "" that Planning Staff be directed to contact the Ministry of Housing in order to proceed with the preparation of the Housing Policy, Phase II. 11. ROSEBANK NEIGHBOURHOOD SECONDARY PLAN - BACKGROUND STUDY that the. Ros~bank Neighbourhood Secondary Plan - Background Study be adopted; AND THAT the circulation process, as outlined below, proceed: 1. The repo~t be submitted to Rosebank Ratepayers Association Executive for comment prior to approval by Council, 2. Distribution of a letter informing all owners at. tenants, agencies and interested citizens that a Secondary Plan Study is underway and that Backgrou..¡;" Information, for discussion purposes, is available upon request, ." Planning Committee Recommendations February 12th, 1975 Page 4 3. It be presented at two or three small scale public meetings in the neighbourhood during the week of March 3rd to 7th, 1975, 4. That replies and response be received up to March 21st, 1975, 5. That a recommended option be prepared and presented'April 8th, 1975. 12. DRAFT DISTRICT PLAN TOWN OF PICKERING that the Town of Pickering District Plan be approved; AND THAT the District Plan be recommended to the Regional Municipality of Durham Council and Minister of Housing. 13. WORK PROGRAMME AND PRIORITY SCHEDULE that the verbal recommendations of the Planning Director be accepted¡ AND THAT the matter of the Work Programme and Priority Schedule be reviewed further in six months time. 14. CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT STUDY, REGIONAL DISTRICT CENTRE that the Planning Director and Town Manager be directea to contact the I.B.I. Group, establish final terms of reference and draw a contract for the consideration of Council¡ . AND THAT the other applicants be informed that the . Town is persuing the Study with another consulting firm.