HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 3, 2000. , � � . � � ,�y0f'P/� � . . .. . . � - � . . .. � � ►- courrca Mnvu�rEs A Meedng of the Plckering City Council was t►cld on Monday, April 3rd, 2000 at 7:30 P•►� PRE3ENT: Mayor Wayce Arihucs COUNCILLOR3: • M. Brenner D. Dickerson M, Hollend • R. John,ron D. Pickks D. Ryan ALSO PRESENT: T. Quinn - Chief Administrative Od'icor N. Cacroll - Director, Ylenning & Dcvclopmenl a. Patersoa - Director, Corporate Services & Treasurcr D. Tnykr - City Ckrk S. Reynolds - Division Head, Culture & Rxreation T. Mooro .- Chief Duilding Otlicial ' A. areentca - Supervisor of I.cgislativc Services D. Keama - Committce Coordinator {A ADOPTION OF MINUTE3 Regular Council Meeting of Me�h 20, 2000. ' ' Special Council Mating of Merch 27, 2000 Special Council Mceting of Merch 27, 2000 (� HEARING PUR9UANT TO SECTION 20(4) OF THE DEVELOPMENT CHARGE3 ACT • ' 1. Joseph Pitino, applicant, remnrked oa lhe unfeimess of tequtring devebpment • , cherges for new devclopment. Hc requested that 6e be given credit for one bl. Council have discretion to be fair. 2. Tim Moore, Chief Buikiing Inspector for the City of Pickaiog edvixd tt�at t6cy dki aot have dfscretion to ellow s ccedit. Thc development c6erge bylew elloNa for credita egeia9t dovelopment cl�erges. whero en extttiog dwclling was demolivhed ao morc then five years beforo tl�e bsuenco of We repleamait �8 P��• The bullding on thLs lot wa+ demoli�hod tvveatY Y� ��� t6erefore, doea not qnalltj� for a craliG � ;f ' . . � 0 � '2' 3. Carey Trembino, ropreaenting the Durhem Diatrict School Board, advised that ahe was also epeaking on behalf of tha Durham CathoGc Diatrict Schoot Board. Shc provided a handout to Members of Council and staff which includcd tl:e Education Development Charge Information F�irm, the portion of the Act providing For the collection of educaGon developmcnt chergea, the complaints about educadon dcvelopment cherges and the education development charge by- laws This applicant did not quelify for an exemption. 4. Joseph Pitino, eppGcant, advised that he had no further comments. Resolution H52/00 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson That Council receive Report Number PD 13-00 conceming the requirement for paymeat by 1314900 Ontario Limit�d of City and educaGon development charges pursuant to building perntiW 99-762 and 99-866; hear eny evidence or other submiasions put fonvard by the awner or his agent and the Durharn District School Boazd; and That the complainant, Mr. J. Pitino, be awerded a credit for one lot for both the City end education development cherge. CARRIED f�IIl DELEGATION3 1. Gene Preston, Exautive �ce Prwident and Chief Nudear O�cer and Bob Strickert, Site Vice President, addressed Council ta present the annual repart on the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. The presentation included the Sta6on Sta►us, 1999 Report Cerd, Nuclear Perfortnence Index, Public and Employce Safery, AccompGshments with respxt to Environment, Community Pertnerahips end Public Communicadons. He advisaf that Pickering Nuciear is operating safely, improvement wdatives in Pickering "B" have provided foundation for future accomplinhments, statf are committed and it's a good plent, improvements aze visible and chalienges are recognized and aze being addressed. 2. Stephen Teeple, Architect, made a presentation to Council on the westem Library Branch and Community Centre, oudining the total cost of the project and advising of the plans for fencing parking, landscaping, service connecdons and a road conneclion from Old Forest Road. (I�l RESOLUTIONS Reaolutlon #33/00 — Annend� NI Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Picklea That tha Report of the Execu6ve Committeo dated Mazch 27th, 2000, be adopted. CARR�D Rceorded Vote On Item W2 of the Renort of the F:ee�tive Committee Yes: Councilloro Brenner, Dickereon, Hollend, Iohnaoq Picklea, Ryan md Mayor Arthura . ' -3- Resolatioo N54/00 Moved by Councillor Ryan Seconded by Councillor Bremer T6at Report IDT-1I00 regarding the Weslem Branch Library and Community Centre be received by Council end that; 1. Tender #T-Z/2000 submitted by M. J. Dixon Coastcuction Limited in the amount of 52,868,598, including net G.S.T., be approved. 2. Tha total project cost of 53,497,721 includIog tl�e tender emount and other associated costs be npproved. 3. a) Debt 6nencing in the amount of SI,414,221, to be ficiancecl intetnally, for a period not exceeding 10 years, at a ratc of 7 per cent, be epproved ond the Treasurcr be authorized to undcrteke any nccessary nctioav in this rogazd; b) Fivancing and repayment chazgcs of npproximntely 5202,000 be included in the Annual Current Budget for the Ciry of Pickcring. 4. The appropriete od'icialv at lhe Ciry oC Pickcring be given aulhority to give effxt lheroto. CAitRIED Reconled Vote• Yes: Couacillors Brcnner, Dickerson, Iioiland, Johnsoo, Pickles, Rynn end Mayor Arthurs Resolutioo #55/00 ' Movai by Cou�illor Hulland Secoadcd by Councilbr Ryan VVHEREAS the Council of tl�e Corporetion of tLe City of Pickeriug has ectively aeazched for ways to improve locai govemment and services Uvough activelY P�►�B �Y driven govemance solutioas; and WHEREAS the Province of Ontario eppears to be moving lo e one Ger ayseem of , municipnl govemment; and WHEREAS local, lower tier govemment is closest to its coastituents and best abk to understend end erticulnte tlieir nea�is; end WI-ISREAS the greatest oco�mies of scale in goveruance havo, from study, boen demoastrated to occur at erouud 160,000 peopb with dis-a;onomies of scutc occumi�g at 350,000 or moro; and NOW THBI2EFORB the Council of the Corporation of tb City of Pkkcrin� egein dxlare� its poaition that amalgematkn of Pickering a►xt Ajax is the most seav'bk outcoma far both municipnlities. CARRIED ... . , . . . . v , . _ ,,..,,.._ , w..,. _. . � . . . .. .... ... . . . ... -4- ReaoloHon HSS(Al/00 Moved by Councillor Hollend . � Secooded by Councillor Ryan THAT Council Ixnby decleres its position Umt thc bcst option for govunnnce rofotm in Durham is to havc largu lowcr tier muntcipalities, no smalla tl�an two in number, and that lhe Region of Dur6am be gradually phesed out of existeuce; and THAT in the plece of Durham Region, service partnerships ahould be fotmed on a scale that is seasibk and does mt threatea bcal autonomy but does end the conDicting precdce of 6aving residents serval by two municipal governing authorities; and THAT these service partnaships teke thc focm of separatc busincss unils Uiat can each sepnrately focus upon the'v arw of servica delivery under t6e goveming authority of thc partnering municipalities similaz in ammcr to how our local clectric utiliry, Veridian, is nuy end THAT this motion be distn'buted to; 1. Thc Honowabk Mike Herris, Promier of tLo Province of Onterio 2. The Hoaournble Torry Clement, Minister of Municipal AII'aiis snd Housing 3. The Honourabb Jnoel L�ckcr, M.P.P. (Durham West), Minivter of Comcnuniry end Social Serviccs ' 4. Roger Andetsoa, Chairman of the Itcgion of Durhom TADLED The following motions wcre considered in conjunclion with the above molion: � Resolation NSS(bl/00 Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor Dickerson Tliaat tLe above resolution be divided aRer tUe Srst Opeistive Cleuse. CARRIED Resolntioo k55(cU00 Moved by Councillor Dickerson • Seconded by Counci�or Breaner T6at tha fiRh recital clauso bo dekted. . CARRIED I, ._ Recorded Vote: Yes: Councillors Brouner, Dickeraon, Jo6n�oo, Pkkka, Rym and Meyor AiW�us No: Cow►cillor Hollend ,� . -s- Reaolution H55(d)/00 Movai by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Brencer • That the ebove moGon be approved av amended to and including the first operativc clause. ' CARRIED Recorded Vote• Yes: Councillois Brcaner, Dickerson, Hol4md, Pickles, Ryan and Msyor Aithurs No: Councillor Johnson Reaolation HSSfc)/00 Moved by Councillor Hollend � , Seconded by CounciUor Ryan That the sccond t�elf' of t6e above modon beginning at the second operntivo clausc be Tabled. CARRIED ResoluNao #56/OD Moved by CounciUor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor ➢rcnncr Wf�REAS Shaw Communicataar Inc. (Shaw Cablc) md Rogcrs Communications Inc. (Rogers Cable) tmvc nnnounced Uu;u joint busiuess plan that would see the swaPP�B of each others customer base — S6nw Cable custoroers would become Rogers' customers in Ontario; and Rogers' customers would become Sl�aw's customers in Dritish Columbie; and WHERLAS Shaw Cable has undedakrn studies which demonvtrate a penetration rate of 40'/o will�ic► lhe'u coverage area in the gmuter Toronto Area, including the City of Pickering; and WHLREAS tf►e cxemplary news and community events covc,tage oIl'ered to our residents through the cable services of S6aw ensure tl�at our tesidents are aware of what is heppening in our community in a limely fesluon; and �•'HERLAS the staff of Shaw Cebk caay out their essigoments in a very professiooal and persoml manner which resulls in a full and complete understanding of issues by our tesidents; BE IT THBRSFORE RESOLVED ttiaat the Council of tl�e City oF Pickerit�t hereby requests Rogers Ceble, and moro petticulariy its major al�aceholder and founder, Mr. Ted Rogers, lo take into account the excellent kvel of servico cucrently being provided to our residrnts by tbe experienced etaffof Shew Cebk; and FURTliBR tbat Rogecs Cablo bo rcquestal to afPum ltmt tho high kvel of wmtaunkation of wmmunity crows and cvcnW will not be crodat uafer theu new business P1an: end FUR1�R t}�at Mr. Ta! Rogete bo lnvited to meet with Councii to outline We compaqy's buainess end telecommwilcatioa9 plens es ttxy rolata to our ltegbn and that wo may dtscues en ongoiog part�u.rah{p wlth t6e Chy of Pkkedog specife�lly, ' CARWED � �, -6- Itecorded Vote: Yes: Councillors Brenner, Dickerson, Holland, Johnson, Pickles, Rysn and Mayor Arthure . M BY-LAWS That Councillor Dickerson seconded by Couaci�or Rynn took Icave to introduce by-laws of the City of Pickering: �y-Inw Number 5640/00 Being e by-law to liroit lhe groas vehicic weight of any vehicle or uny cluss thereof passing over a bridge under tl�e jurisdiction of the Corporation of t6e City of Pickering pursuant to the Higlnvay TraJjtc ilcf, R.S.O. 1990, c. N.8, as atneaded. (Pickering/Uxbridge Townline, east ofConcession I1) Bv-law Numbcr 5641 /00 Bcing a by-Inw to limit thc gross vc6icle weight of any ve6icle or nny cless thcreof passing over u bridge under the jurisdiction of the Corporntion uf lhe Cily of Pickeriug pursuent to the Higkway TraJjJc Ac�, R.S O. 1990, c. N.B, as emended. (Rosebank Road, north of Toyncvulc Rosd) IIy-Inw Numbcr 5641100 IIcing a by-Inw to limit tl�e gross vchicle weight of my vehicle or nny clnsv thereof pnssing over n bridge undcr lhe jurisdiction of thc Corporalion of tl�e Ciry of Pickering pursunnt to the liighxwy TraJjTe Ac�, R.S O. 1990, c. H.B, es amcnded. (Sideline 34, south of 8�' Concession Rond) IIy-law Numbcr 5643/00 ' Being n by-Iaw to limit thc gross vehicic wei�hl of nny vchicle or eny cless tiiereof passing over a bridge under the jurisdiclion of thc Corporation of U�e Cily of Pickering pursuant to the Highxny TraJjlc Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. lf.8, as aznended.' (8m Concession Road, west of Sideline 34) Bv-Inw Number 5644/00 Being e by-law to amcnd IIy-luw 1660/83 which regulates lhe retail sale of goods on hi3hways by adding the authority to remove such goods: By-law Number 5645/00 � ' Tieing a by-lnw So emend By-L►w 2366/87, designating sectioag of Major Oelcs Roed, Blue Ridge Crescent and Wildwood Crescent es lhrough highwaya. By-law Number 5646/00 , Being a by-law to daficete tl�at Part of Lots 10 end I 1, Plen 282, Pickedng, desigoated es Pert 12, Plan 40R-I 1206 as pubGc highway. Bv-law Number 5647/00 Being a by-law to dedicate those Parts oF Block 35, Plen 40M-1919, Pickeriog, dcsignated os Perta 4, 5 end 6, Plnn 40R-19037 (Felconwood Way) ag publb highway. , r+ .�. , IIy�w Number 5648/00 , Being a by-law to dedicato thosc Parts of Lots 24 auc! 25, Conce�sion 2, Pickering, desigaeted as Patis I, 3, S, 8, 10, 12, 14, 1G and 18, Plan 40R-17941 (Dixie Road) as publjc highway. �y-law Number 5649/00 Being a by-law to mme those pa�ts of Dlock 24, Plan 40M-1538, Pickeriag, desigoated as Paris 14 and 17, Plan 40R-17151(Acom Ianc). By-law Number 5650/00 Bcing a by-law to na�end Restrictal Arca (Zoning) Dy-Inw 3036, as emended by By-1aw 1340/81, to implemcnt thc O1Ticinl Pla►t of the City of Pickering District Planning Area, Region of Durhnm in Part of Lot 29, Concession 1, in the Ciry of Pickcring. (Al?J9� �y-law Number 565I /00 Being n bylaw to emend Schedule A of Dy-luw 4547/95 nppointing thc Chief Duilding OfTicinl, Acting Chief Building OlTicials nnd Inspectors. TH11tD READING: Councillor Dickcrson seconded by Councillor Ryan moved lhut thc rcport of ll�e Cottunittee of lhe Whole on By-law Numbers 5640/00, 5641/00, 5642/00, 5643/00, 5644/00, 5645/00, 5646/00, SG47/00, SG48/00, 5649/00, 5650/00 and 5651/00, be edopted aMf the said by-Inws be now !cad a third timc and PASSL�D and Uwt thc Meyor end Clerk sign lhc semc and thc scal of thc Corporation be atlixai thereto. CARRIED fVll OTHER BUSINESS 1. The following mnttcrs were discussed prior lo lhe regular mecting: a) Thc Cluef Administrative O�cer disttibutcd and commented on corrcspondcnce wnceming tl�c Provincial Lands — Agricultural Assembiy, the Disposition Process. b) The Director, Planning and Development provided backgrow�d on ihe Development Charge Heering talcing place prior to lhe Council Mcetiog concerning Mr. J. Pitino. c) The Chief AdminisUative Officer advised thet the City t�as bccn awerded a Bronze Awnrd for Waste MenagecnenL d) Councillor Johuson extended U�ac�ks from tha Durham West Hockcy Tcarn for waiviog fees for thcir event at the Recrcatton Complex. e) Councillor Pickles nsked stafi to report oa tho possibility of establishing the intersection of Meriadoc Ddva end Be3Bins Strect es a ll�rco way stop end to survey tho nelghbourhood on this proposal. �' . � .. -8- MA CONF[RMATION BY-LAW �y-Inw Numbcr 5657J00 Couacillor Hollend seconded by Councillor P�kks moved for leave to introduce a By- law of the City of Pickering to confirm lhosc proceedings of We Council of the Corporation of tl�c City of Pickeriog at its Special Council Meetings of Merch 27m, 2000 and its Regulaz Council Mceting oF Ap•il 3, 2000, end that l6e same be now finally passed and that ihe Mayor and Clerk sign the same end ihat thc Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. CARRIED (VIID ADJOURNMENT T6e Mceling adjoumed at 11:10 p.m DATED • MAYOR � LERK i ,• „• APPENDIX Ml CITY OF PICKERING Thnt the fixecutive Committa of Uw City of Pickcring heviog met on March 271h, 2000, presents its seveath report lo Council and recommends: 1. PLANNIN(3 & DEVELOPMENT REPORT k.l l/00 ZONINCi BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 1?J97 HALLOWAY HOLDINGS LTD. PART Or LOT 29, CONCESSION 1 f ►vIB r.Fn SHnPPnur. rF*r�Q�� Thnt Zoning By-Inw Amendmcnl AppGcation A 12/97, submitted by Halloway Holdings Ltd. to nllow•the cstablishment of an outdoor storagc nnci display area for the salc of seasoml gazdening supplies, bc APPROVED, subjcct to the following conditiorta: 1. Tlwt thc cwrcnt wning by-Inw bc omcncicci only to thc cxlcnt nccessary to pertnit u seasonal outdoor gardcn ccnlrc ulong with associnted slornge of gardening supplics occuPyinB a mnximum nrcn of 500 squnre mclres localed in chc parking lot of thc subjcc! property annually, from April I to lunc 30 only. 2. Ttint tl�c amending zoning by-Inw lo implcmcnl Zoning BY-Inw Amendment Application A 12/97, as scl out in Appcndix I lo Rcporl Numbcr PD 1(-00 bc fonvnrdcd to Council for considerution. 2. CULNRE & RGCREATION RLPORT H02-00 TENDER FOR ICL� IiINK RGNOVATIONS AON DEER ARENA'I'�NnrR y T 1/2000 It is recommcndcd to Council thaL• Report CR OZ-00 rognrding thc Icc Rink Renovntions at Don Beer Arena bc rcccivexl end thaL• L Tender �! 'P-Il2000 submitted by Tariu Incoiporated for Ice Rink Renovations at Don Becr Arem in the amount of 5439,966.91, including net (3.S.T., be opproved. 2. The total project cost of 5489,062.10 including the tendcr omount and othcr ossociated costs be approveJ. 3. The appropriate otiicials at the Ciry of Pickering be giveu autfwrity to give etTect Wcreto. 3. Mi7HICIPAL PROPERTY 8t ENaINESRIN(} REPORT #OS/00 DURHAM RLGION PUI3LIC WORKS OFFICiALS WHO DOL�S V1�IAT COMMITTEE • FACILITATED SBRVICE9 DEL[VERY R�VIEW 1. That Report MPE OS-00 respccting tho fecilitatcd roview of 1'ublic Works Scrvice Delivcry within Durhnm Region be reccivcd; nnd 2. That the Couacil of the CorporatIon of the City of Picke.ciog cndo�e Pickeriog's • participntion in auch revtew and appotnt tha Directoq Operntione 8c IImergency 3crviccs or hIs designate to participutc on lLc "Who Docs What Cammittcc”. 67 d� 4. CORPOKATB SERVICES 8c TRBASURER REPORT NOS/00 CONFIRMATION OF COMPItE}IENSIVL� CRIMLINSURANCE POR 2000 That Repod CSOS/00 be rcceived and fotwazded to Council for Wocmntioa 5. CHIEF ADIvIIMSTRATIVE OFFICE REPORT H04/00 COST OF TL�LEPHONE LINES rOR EMLR(iENCY OPERATIONS CENTRES . COUNTY OF PETERBOROUaH AND REaION OF DURHAM COUNCIL I�F-SOL•U'►'tONS L That Report to Council CAO 04-00, prqviding resolutions from the County of Pcterborough and tl�e Region of Durhnm, requestiug a reduction in costs of emergency ogemtions centre telephone lines, be received; and 2. Thnt City Council request the Solicitor Qenernl of Canada, the Honourable Andy Scott, to npproach thc CRTC to establish a special reduced rate for dedicuted emergency operations telep6onc 6nes, ond Uutl U�is rate be applied retroactively to lhc dntc of installation of such lincs; and � 3. Thnt u wpy of this Report bc scnt lo lhc Region of Dur6am, the County of Pctcrborough, and the Association of Municipnlities of Ontario for their inforniation. 6. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVL� OfFICE RGPORT N07/00 AaRICULTURAI. ASSEMBLY — ONI'ARIO REALTY CORPORATION • MOD(FICA7TON TO Rr:vtSED CONCr?rrr�pL OT PLAN 1. That Rcport lo Council CAO 07-00, wncerning lhe.Revised Conceptual Lot Plan for thc A,griculturtil Assembly be received; and 2. Tiwt Council supporl a modificntion to ihe Novembcr 1999 Reviscd Conceptuel Lot Plen for thc Agricuitural Assembly, to ellow thc creation of a ncw lot from Property 65, av shown as "ORC's Altemntive Severwice" on Attuc6ment No. I to Report to Counc�7 CAO 07-00. 3. Thnt a copy of this Report be fonvarded to the Ontario Acalry Corpomtion and the Region of Durtiam. 7. PLANNIN(3 AND DEVELOPMENI' REPORT #15/00 APPOINTML�NT OF INSPECfORS AND ACTIIJO CHIfiP �UILDINO OFFICIALS 17�at ScheJule A of By-law 4647/95, which appoints the Chief Building Official, Acting Chief Buildiag O�ciels and Inspectors, bc umended as set out in Attachment #1 to Report PD 15•00. 8. CI,ERK'S ItEPORT #12100 COMP n. ORY AA1F.S i iNi A'j'jON OP DO TI 1ti^h�Ai S Thet tho Council of tLa Corporation of thc City oF Pickcring heroby auppocls tl�c compulvory rabtes immun3zation of domesdc mGmis as proposal by the Region of D�vt�am Health Departmcnt. ' ,, � ,: :. ` ' _ -3- . 9. " PROCLAMATION «..;�,.�nnurrnx�reTncie eureuF.NFSR WF?RK"-MAY25-31.2000 That Mayor Acihurs bc aulhorized lo make the foUowing proclemation: '•Aemoctuomatosis Awarencss Weck" — May 25-31, 2000 t k _