HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 6, 1997, ..: , . ., . . , , ,., ,, ., . ; , , ' ► '; � � « 1 �. MINITfES ot t6e llth maHng ot the Committa of AdJuetmeot held lo the Committa Room ott6e Pickedng �tvlc Comples on Wednaday, Auguet 6,1997. P1RF.SENT: Councillor R. Johneon (Acting C6airman) Mr. N. Dll,ecce Mr. Scott Smith ALSOPRESENT: Mr. J. Cole, A�ei�tant Secretary-Trea�urer Ma. T. Niro, Secrehry-Treasuror (ActinPJ T6e meeHng convened at 7:10 p.m. in t6e MAin Committee Room of the Civic Comple:. MOTION: Moved by Mr. DlLecce, aecoadcd by Mr. Smlt6 And cArried unAnlmoualy - thpt Mr. Johneon be appointed as Acltng Chalrmon tor the meeting of WedaWday Auguet 6,1997. MOTION CARRIED 1, MA7TERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTF,� Tdere wero no ruattera prLdog from the mioutea. ��:! �► � u l._ MOTION: Moved by Mr. DlLecce, acconded by Mr. Smit6 Aod caMed ua�nimoualy - That the minutes ot the IOth mceting ot Ihe Committce of AdJustment 6eld July 16,1997, be adopted. 3. P/CA 55/97 - Clen Luciano Lot 709, Plm M-11 �bo knowo ai 853 Reyhn Blvd. Town ot Pickedng T6e �ppllcAnt rcqueata relietfrom SceNon 5.19(b) of Bylow 1520 to permit tde coaNnuancc o! an e:bt(ng acceiaory etructuro (pool 6owe) whlch ie located �.4 of � metrc from Ihe aort6 praperty Iine, whereaa t6e by-I�w reqnlres all �cceaeory �tructur� grcater lh�a 10 equare metra in dze and/or greater th�n 1.8 metra in hdg6t to be loated p minimum ot 1,0 metrc trom dl lot Ilna. : The �ppllcant reqneih �pprovd of thb v�N�nce tn order to recognize fhe Iocalloo ot � recently cooetructed �cceiaory �tructuro (pool6au�e) on the iubJect property. ; "e SS ;F:-. �� T6e Meuhnt Sceret�ry•Trc��uror outlined comment� recelved from fhe ToNn ot Plckering PlanninQ Department. Mr. Luctano, owner, wn preunt to rcpraent the �pplicstloo. Mr. Chirla G�rnett of 8S1 Reyhn BWd. wu prcaent in frvour of the �pplic�Hoo, Mr. C�rnett �toted tdrt the pool houee ie est6etic�lly pieuing fo Ihe neighbourhood �nd 6e hu no objectian to the �ppllcrHon. DECI510*': Moved by Mr. Smit6 �nd aeconded by Mr. DiLecce And caMed unanimouely t6pt- this applicaHo� P/CA SS/97, by G. Luclano, pa outUned, be APPROVF'� �n the grounde t6At Ihe propoaed 0.4 ot a metre accesaory etructure eetback vAriAnce G miaor ln nature, desirable for t6e pppropripte development of the land, and in keeptog wlth the general tnteot wnd purpoae of ihe Official Plan, wnd Section 5.19(b) of By-law 2510, aa amended, subject to t6c toliowing condttiona: 1. That this vAriance Appty only to the e:i�Hng 0.4 of A metre aetback provided by t6c 25 equare metre ucesaory etructurr (pool hou�e) on t6c aubject properly aa outlined on the Applicant'e plan� submitted wit6 tht� ppplicaHoo. 2. That the Appl(cant nbtAfn r butlding permit for the propoacd accesaory nfructure (pool hou�e) wit6lo one year of the drte ot tdis dect�lon, or the approval of thi� variance e6dl become null and vold. 4. P/CA 56/97 - MAry Lyan Muten Lob 9& 10, Pian 93 rleo known u 523� Old Brock Ro�d (Hamlet at Clanmont) Town o[Pickering T6e appllcant rcqueab rollef from Sectioo 8.2.1 of By-liw 3037, w ameaded, to permit the atablle6ment o( � minimum norlh aide y�rd width of 1.0 metre to be provided by a propaed twaatorey g�r�ge and living apaee addition to the mrin dwelltng; w6ereaa t6e zoning by-law requtrea a mintmum �tde yrrd width of 1.8 metra. The appiicAnt requate approval of thie vrrirnce in order tu obtrin p bullding permit tor the propoaed two-atorey grnge rnd livtng apace add(Hoo to t6e norlh-east etde of t6e e:lating dwelling on the aubJect property. The Aaaistant Secretary-Trc�aurcr autllned comments rcceived from the Town o[ P(ckeriug Plinning Deportment and t6e Durh�m Region Healt6 Departmenf. Cowmeob were �I�o rcceived from Krlstp Pedenen and Adam Conyero ot512Z Old Hrock Ro�d In favour of the � �PPIIuHon. � Mr. David Maetcre, epooae to the owoer, wae preyent to rcprcaent Ihe appltcallon. Ma Kevin Flatwood ot 1710 Clarcmont Street waa preaent In tqvour of t6e �ppllcaHon. Mr. Muten ontUned for the Committa f6e repaona for t6e requated v�rimce. Mr. Flalwood praented the Committee wit6 dgo�tura trom �rea rceldeab �n �upport of the appllcallon rdding th�t 1he �dditioe would be � poalNve developmenf to the �rca. ;:'.,',�, �;;: . 1j '. ,Y : aG . � . _ . � . � . . :� Gj� h _ � � . .. r�k °a�.^��_° . _ , _ S% , _ DECISION: Moved by Mr. 3mlfh md �aonded by Mr. DiLecce �nd arrted un�olmouily th�i- th� �ppllaHoo P/CA 56/97, 6y M�ry Lynn Muten, u outllned, be APPROVED oa :be grouoda t6�t the propo�ed north �ide y�rd wldth v�rl�nce is minor in n�ture, deninble for the �pproprLte development ot fhe Ipnd, and In keeping wit6 the geocnl Inteot and purpoee ot the Officl�l Pl�n, aud SceNon 8.2.1 of Zoning By-Irw 3037, eubject to the following coadiHonr. 1. T6�t t6is vArl�nce apply only fo the propoaed garage and ilving apace �dd(tion located 1.0 metrc from the oorfh aide lot line ae outlined on the applicant'i plrne aubmiHed with thfs appdcallon. 2. T6At ihe Applicant obfain a build(ng permit pnd coaatruct the propoaed addiNon witldn two yean of the date of this decbton, or t6G decieion e6a11 become null Aod vold. 5. P/CA 57/97 - P. & T. Shcpprrd Lot 1058, Plan M-15 ayo known ae 727 Heweon Drfve Town otPlckering The �pplicpata rcquat rcliet Gom t6e p:rovblon� of Sadon 7.23 of By-Irw 2520, u �mended, fo permi! the atablvhment ot � mlaimum Gont yard deptd of 4.5 metrea to be provided by q propoaed deck �tt�ched to the froot ot t6e 6owe on Ihe aubJect property, wheraa Ihe ByIqw requira w minimum lroat y�rd depth of 7.5 metrea. The pppltcrnW nqueat �pprovai ot th� v�N�nce in order to obfatn o building permlt for the propoaed deck The Aesbtant Scerctary-Treaaurcr outllned commenb rccefved from the Towo of Plckering Piann(ng Deputment. Mr. Shoppord, owner, wiu praent fo rcpracnt the �pplicaHon. No furl6er repreaentrtion wae present in fqvour of or in object(oo to t6c appl(c�Hoo. Mr. Sheppard preaented the Commiqee wit6letters from Mr. & Mrs. Will(� oi715 Heweon Drive �nd Mr. & Mre. Lee af 728 Annland Street in aupport otfhe �ppllcaHon. DECISION: Moved by Mr. D1Lecce and eeconded by Mr. 5mith �ud arrled uornimonely that- t6ie pppllation P/CA 57/97, by P. & T. Shepp�rd, w outiined, be APPROVED an Ihe gronodi th�t lhe propoaed 4.5 metre m(nfmnm iront yard depth vuiance i� minor in n�turc, dainble fur t6e �ppropri�te developmeot ot the Irnd, aqd In kaping with Ihe geneni lnteet and purpoae of the Otticirl Pl�n, �nd SceHon 7.2.3 of ByI�w 2520, enbject to fhe follow(ng condfliona: 1, T6�t thie v�rGnce �pply oniy to the propoaed 19 �quare metrc dcek (�ppro�im�te�y 1.4 metra 6y 7.9 metree) th�t m�infalni n mlatmum troot y�rd depY6 ot1.5 metrca, . o ontl(ned In the �ppllc�nt�' plan� �ubmttfed w(th IhU �ppilcaHon. 2, T6�t the �ppllanb obtdn a bulldlag permlt tor the propo�ed �ddittoe rvUhtn oaa yar ot the date of t6� decblon, or the �pprov�l ot t6ie v�Hmce �6di become nnll ��.i � . _ - �- �0d YO�d. � � . . . . . � . +- 58 ; �, � �. .t' ,�� 6. P/CA S8/97 - 5hal�ah Aon Cooley Lot M, P1m M•90 a6o kno�vn u 1248 W�terpoint Street Town o[Pickeriaa The rpplicant requeeb relicf trom the following provielone ot By-Ipw 2511, aa amended: SecNon 6.2 to permit the conNouance ot rn eiiatlng lot arcA of 621 equ�re metrea, whereae the zoning by-IAw requtrca a minimum lot area of 1,390 aquare metrea where oeither municipal eewer nor wohr aervicee aro availrble; Scetlon 10.2.3. to perwit the coaltnuaocc ot au e:i�tiag rear yard depth ot 0.0 metra provided by ao e:iating dwelling on ihe Iot, and to permit t6e catablishmeof of a 0.0 metre rear yard depth propaed to be provided by a eecond•etarey addition to the eiisting dwelltng, whereaa the zoning by-law requirea A minimum rear yard dept6 of 7.5 metrea; Section 10.2.3. to permit ihe conHnuance of s weat a(de yArd widtd ot 1.01 metres and an eaet eide yard wid16 ot 1.02 metres provided by An eibtlng dwelling on the property, and to permit the eahbli�hment of the eame a(de yard widt6a propoeed to be provided by a aecond-atorey pddiNon to the e:�tiog dwelling, wherea� t6e zoning by-law requirea minlmum aide yard widl6s of 1,5 mctrea op one aide, ond 2.4 metrca on fhe other aide. The applicAnt requate approv�l ot theae vwrlance� In order to bring the exiat(ng lot and dwelling fnto compllaoce w(Ih tde zoning bylaw, �nd to obt�i� zoning clearance so that a building pertnit may be conaidered for the eecond-�torey AddiHon. Tde Aesiatant Secretary•Trer�urcr outlined cammenta receieed from lhe Town ot Plckering Piaoning Departmeat, 16e Dur6rm Regton Healtd DeppHment aod the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Coneerv�lioa Authority. Written commenl� werc abo received Goro Mr. J. O'Brien of 699 Eront Road and Mr. Ulli and Kinten SUer ot 1250 Waterpoiot Strect. Mre. Gooley, owner, waa pre�ent to repreaent the applicption. Councillar Dickeraon and Mr. Cnig Willoughby of 1244 tnd 1246 Wrterpofnt were preaent lo frvour ot the application. Mr. Avf�on of 712 Front Ro�d, Mr. Konnd Zeh of 1251 Bayv(erv Street, Mr. Ulli Slier ot 1250 Waterpoint Street and Mr. Jodn Reevea o( 667 Pleaaant Street were Also present in objecfioo to tde �ppllc�Non. Mre. Gooley oullined for l6e Committtr. why e6e could not comply with the zoning rcquiremente. Mr. Willoughby atated that he 6�d ao objecfion to t6e eecond-aforey �ddiNon. Mr. Zeh �dvised the Commtttee t6et coaatructioo 6rd alrerdy atorted on the addiHon and eipresaed conceroa ot�n �dequ�te eepHc ryetem and � eafe fouadpNon. Councillor Dickcreon �pproached t6e Committee with photogrophe ot lhe subject property and rrea homea. Councillor Dickenon epoke in frvour ot t6e rppifcation commenNng on 4�sues of t6e PRIDE program, the Hayview Strcet red�bilttrtion, rad the fact t6et W�terpoint ie a privrte road pnd four ot tLe five 6oma on W�terpoint �rc hvo-atorey dweillage. Mr. Avlson �I�ted t6�t thot he curreotly enjoye lhe vlew of the Muina �nd he faL+ fh�t � �econd-etony �dditfoo would aoly 6amper hie view. Mr. Avuon �troaaed t6e Gct td�t �ny con�tructton �itdout � bulld(ag permit ehould not be tolenled. 59 Mr. Dii.ecce �iked t6e rppllanl w6y the contnctor did not �pply for � bulldfng permit. Mn. Gooley rcipooded t6�f �be fa6 th�t tde bullding permit ueue wa� �n error In Judgement and �hould not be dedf Nith in thb forum. Me Smit6 uked Mr. Cole to �ddrat the eepNc rydem conceroe volced Ihb evening. Mr. Cole �dviaed the CommiMee Ih�t to hii knowledge 6e ie aot Aware of any eeptic ryitem problema and feeb t6at f6e aepttc ryetem b Irrge cnough to wccommodwte a eecond-atorey addition. Mn. Gooley atrted thot a new aeptic eyetem wpa put in ploce appro:ImAtely lwo yars ago. Mr. DiLecco aaked i[ the fouodation has been inapected for au(ticient atrengt6 and eecurity. Mr�. Gooley re�ponded thAt ehe 6oa 6ad five contncton asaeas the etrength of ihe found�tion pnd no problema were touod. r Mr. Cole adviaed the residenta t6at before A build(ng permit t� iasued the atructure muet be in compliance with t6e buildtpg codc. Mr. DiLecce stated fhat the fact idat ihe contractor atarted con�trucNon without a building permit and W in clear violation of the zoning by-law he cnnnot supporl this applicatton. DECISION: Moved 6y Mr. Smit6 and aeconded by Mr. DiLccce and carrted unanimoualy that- thL� applicaHon P/CA 58/97, by Sheelagh Ann Cooley, as outlined, be REFUSED on the grounde that fhe propoaed lot prep,,alde yard width and rear yArd depth varfences arc mpjor tu nature, undeaimble for ihe pppropriatt development of Ihe lend, and not in keeping with ihe Intent and purpoae ot the OfticiAl Plan and Zon(ng IIylaw 2511, aa amended by By-Iww 4139l92. 7. P/CA 59/97 - J. & L. Imatmenla (Canado) Ltd. Pprt ot Lot 19, Conceaaloo 1 aL�o knowo ss 1660 Kingston Ropd Town of Pickering The rppl(canf requesW reliet from the provl�ions of Sectlon 5.(1)(b)(:)A o[ amending ByIrw 2213/86 to Zoning HyIAw 3036, to permtt Ao rggregate grose leaaable Ooor area of 1,148 equwre metres for the commereial plua on the eubJect property, whereaa the by-law permtb � mR:imum eggregate gross IeuAble Oaor area o[ 1,115 aquare metres. The app8cant wi�hw to conatruct a 33 aquare metro outdoor piNo aaaociated with Wimpy'e D(ner an fhe weat etde ot t6e eit�Hng 1,115 equare metre groaa leasrble tloor Area mulH-unit commerclal plaza on the eubject property. However, tde outdoor ppNo i� conatdered to be rdditfonal groas leaaable 11oor arcA, and �e the e:iating building plready provides the ma:imum permitted grosa leaeable Iioor area, this voriance hu been reque�ted ia order t6et zooing clannce mpy be giveo for t6e developmenf. The Asabtant 3ecretary-Treaauror outliocd commenb received from t6c Town of P(ckerlog PlAnning 6ep�rtmeow Commenta werc aWo rceeived from Mn & Mra. C. Elenb��e �nd R. J. Nlc6oboo, bot6 ot 1995 Royal Ro�d. A letter wai alao eubmiHed witd e(gn�turca from raidenG of Chaterui by t6e Park Condominlum �t 1995 RoyAI Ro�d. Mr. Petrov�kl, owner, wie praent to repraeot the �ppIlcAHon. Mr, Hontlo Fung w�a praent in 6vonr ot t6e Applicrtloo. Nmm�roue mldeob of C6�te�u by the P�rk o0 1995 Royd Ro�d Nero pmeat la obJecHoa fo 16a appllaHoo. 60 ;, Mr. Petrov�kl itated th�t he wu In �areemenf wfth lde Pl�nninQ Dep�rtment'� recommcnd�Hon of �pprov�l. Me. Iron� Fneer ot 1995 Roy�l Ra�d eubmitted a peNiton with dgo�tura of raideob of the Ch�tau by the P�rk comple: �II oppoeing the p�tio variance. M�. Fnier volced concerna ote:eai soiee, garb�ge overtlow, l�te nig6t tig6te ond loud muiic. Mr. Petrovaki Advbed the Committeo thet his houn af opemtioo are unHi 10:00 p.m. drily with l6e e:ception ot Fridaya vnd Saturdaya, w61ch opemte until 11:00 p.m. He G not permitted to plAy muaic on the premi�es. Mr. Smi16 alAted thrt he concurted wit6 Planning Department'e recommendation and area reaidents ahould punue other aveouea regardtog the nolee and garbage problema. He feele t6at the diner i� a tomily establi�hmeat, unlike a pub. Mr. Wood, Board of Directoro ot 1995 Royal Road, i� opposcd to the application adding that an outdoor patio will contribute to an increase in no(se and gnrbage. Mr. Fuag �fated that de would sign a letter euthoriziag police to make any neceaaary arre�ts on t6e praperty. Mr. DiLecce wked the appitcant it t6e pAtio �i confained by a fence. Mr. Pelrovaki reaponded that palrona can only acces� ihe patio trom the diner. The fence would be four feet in 6eight and there will be no mu�ic. Mr. Cole Added thet 16e patio would be encloaing a currently uouaed curb aree aod there would be no decrease in parWng apaces. Mr. Cole auggeafed tdqt the Corom(ttee coa�Ider adding an odditinnal condiHon to the deci�ion that the appl(cant enter info ao 6oun otoperaUon Agrecment with ihe Town. Mr. DlLecce euggeeled thrt a condllion be impoaed th�t the patio fumiture be brought indoon At nfght. DECISION: Moved by Mr. DiLecce aod aeconded by Mr. Smi1h and carried una�imouely thnt- thi� appltcatlon P/CA 59/97, by J. & L. Investmenl� (Gooda) Lfd., be APPROVED oo the ground� that the propoaed vartancc to increase ide masimuro permitted gross leasable tloor prea oo t6e eubject property from 1,115 equAre metres to 1,148 aquare metrea i� mioor in oAture, deainbie tor the approprlAte development of the IanJ, Aad in keeping wit6 t6e genenl purpoae nod (ntent ot the O((icial Plan ond Section 5.(1)(b)(s)A of amend(ng Bylaw 2213/86 t� zooing By-law 3036, aubJect to 16e followiog condition�: 1. T6at t6e iacreased grosa leasrble llaor area opply only to a mo:imum 33 equrre metrc outdaor paHo located on t6e west efde of t6e bullding aa generally identtfied on t6e plana aubmitted with thi� appllcation. 2. That the Applicant receive final aite plan approval, with apeciltc Attentlon to Iigdttng pnd gorbage d�ipo�ai, trom t6e Town aod con�fruct ihe patlo and enter into aa 6oure of openNon �greeroent with t6e Town w(Ihin two yeprs of the date of thia dceGtoa, or Ihe Approvpl ot t6G varlrncc ehall bceome null �nd void. 3. T6at the patio fum(turc be broug6t indoon In the evrniag. �i �`�6� � �� � ��.�� 3.. __ ' , . . , .. e. PICA, 60197 - E. J� C, Tnuai Part of Lof 24, Pl�n 329, Block 4S, Pl�n 40M•1700 aho knowa u 1883 Woodvim Drfve Towa of Plckering T6e appllcanta rcqueat reliet from the provi�lona of SecHon 7.2.1, ot Bylaw 3036, �e pmended, fo permit t6e eatpbliahmcot of a roinimum lot area ot 0.23 of w dectarc, w6ereAe Ihe byI�w requirea r minimum lot �reA ot0.8 of r dectarc. The �pplicanta pro requestlng approval ot t6ta minor vAriAOCe applicatlon In order to permit the eatAblb6menf ot a 0.23 ot a hectare lot Area tor the retained parcel eo t6at Land Severance ApplicaHoa LD 106/97 can be tinalized. T6e Asabtant Secretary-Treaaurer outlined commenta received trom the Town of Plckering Pienning DepArtment aad 16e Durhrm Regton Health Depprtment. Me. TraunJ, owner, waa preaent to repraeot the Applicatlon. No further repreasntation wae presenf in favour otor in objectloo to ihe applicallon. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Smith And secooded by Mr. DlLecce and carried unanimously that- • thb ApplicANon P/CA 60/97, by E. & C. Trauni, As outlined, be APPROVED oo the grounda 16rt the propoaed lot rrea ot 0.23 af a hectsre ie mtnor in noturo, de�irable tor the appropriate development otthe land, and in keeping with the general latent end purpoae of Ihe Ofti¢iwl Plan and Section 7.2.1 ot Zoning Bylaw 3036, Aa amended, aub,�ect to tLe tollowing condit(onr. 1. T6At thfs variAOCe applie� onty to t6e ret�ined prrcel ae identitied fn Land Severance AppltcAtlon LD 106/97. 2. T6pt Land Severance Application LD f06/97 be perfected by April 27,1998, or the rpproval of Ihb vrri�nce ahall become null ond void. � � � 1;1 u ►Y_ MOTION: Moved by Mr. Smith �nd eecooded by Mr. DiLecce and cArricd unanimously iMAi- The l lth mceHng ot the Committa of Adjustment be ad joumed at 9:10 p.m. and the oe:t regulAr matiag ot l6e Committee of Adjustment be held on Wednesdpy, August 27,1997. �� . A� . a-� q� DATE �1 HAIRM !j � �C�(,� l u-4 B�CRETARY-TREA$UAER(ACTING) , , : _ 62 .� , t za �...., .., �,... ... .