HomeMy WebLinkAboutOct. 29, 1997� . ... .. . . �M�� � MINUTES of t6e 15th m¢eting of the Committce of AdJuetment 6cld In the Commlttee Room ot16e Plckering Civic Comple: on Wednndoy, October 29,1997. PRESENT: Mr. C. Youog, C6airman CouncWor R Johnaon (departed 7:45 p.m.) Mr. N. DlLecce Mr. P. W61te ALSO PRESEN7: Mr. J. Cole, Aseisfrnt Secretary•Trea�urer Mro. F. Niro, Secretary-Trea�urer (ActinpJ The meefing convened ot 7:00 p.m. in the Main Committec Room of i6e Civic Comple:. 1. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MIjVUTES There were no moften irLing from t6e mioula. 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOTION: Moved by Mr. John�on, aeconded by Mr. White and carried nnanfmoualy - Tdet the m[nule� uf t6e 14th meeting of t6e Committec ot Adjuetment deLl October 8,1997, be �dopteJ. 3. P/CA 76/97 - Lisgoold Developmenta Lld. Lot 30, PIAn 40M•1753 al�o known �a 1406 Croseing Court Towo of Pickering T6e applicAnt nquests rellet from SecHon S.{t)(b)(vl) of ameodiag By-Iaw 4183/93 to ByIAw 3036 to permit tde cootinuance ot a minitnum 8.51 metre rear yard depth provided by Ihe e:�ting residential dwelling on the nubject property; w6ereaa Ihe by-Iaw requira a minimum rear yard dept6 of 10,0 metres. The appilcsot requeaW ipproval of t6i� variance In order to br(ng the ezL�ting dwelling tnto complirnce wlth tde provi�ion� of the zoning by-low. The Aeabfant Secretary•Treaeurer outlined comments received Gom the Town of Plckeriog PlAnniag Department and the Metropol(tan Toronto and Region Conaervation Authority. Mr. Hobby Bhoola, agent, waa preacnt to repreaent tho application. No turther repreeeohHon wae praent In fAVOUr of or (n objectton to the application. Mr. Bhoolw indicated thet he concurred wlth the Plaaning Departmenfe recommendeNoo. 80 DECISION: Moved by Mr. Johnioa, uconded by Mr. �71Lecce �nd arried un�nimowly th�t- thia applicatioo P/CA 76/97, by LleQoold Devclopmenb Ioc., u outlined, be APPROVED on the grounde Ihat the propoeed 8.51 metre n�r yard depth v�ri�nce b m(nor in n�ture, dainble for Ihe appropriate developmenf ot thc land, aad in keeping with t6e geuenl intent aod purpoae ot t6e Of((ci�l Plan, rnd SecNon S.(1)(b)(vi) of �meuding Bylaw 4183/93 to By-I�w 3036, eubject to t6e following coudition: 1. That lhe 8.51 metre reAr y�rd depth variance apply only Zo the e:ieting realdenlial dwelling on the eubjcet lot on the date af lhb decbion. 4. P/CA 77l97 to P/CA 80/97 - I. Redehaw, M. Hedga, F. Moore, B. Reda6�w Lota 54, 55, 57, 58, Plro 43 (aouth-eaat corner of VictoriA Street and Wclltogton Slreet) Hamlet otCloremont Town at Pickering The opplicAnts nqueat nlief from thc fnliowing provbloos ot liy-law 3037, as amended: Sectioo 8.2.1 to permit the continuonce of A minimum lot area af 949 aquare metrea for Lot� 54, SS, 57 and S8, Plan 43, wdera� tde zoning bylaw requlres a mloimum lot area of 1,390 equrrr metrea; Sectton 8.1 and SecNon 5.18(r) to permit ihe conttauance of hvo acceaaory atructures to remata on Lot 57 whcre no main bullding e:�U, whcrae the zoning bylaw permits acceaaory atruclurea to exGl only in conf unctlon wi16 r metn building and in the rear yard ottheaubject property; Section 5.18(b) fo permit the conNouance of the metel clwd adcd on Lot 57 which Is located 0.0 metres from the north ei�ie property i�se, w6ereas Ihe zoning by-law requtree all acce�aory atructurea greAter t6An 1.8 metre� in height oud/or 10 aquare metrea (n eize fo be located a miaimum o[ 1�0 melre from any lot line; T6e applicant requat� approval ot Iheae vrr(Anca in order to abtain a building permit to cooetruct re�identiel dweiling� on ihe �ubject properties. T6e Aes�itpnt Secrefary•Treaaurer outUoed commenta received from the Toµ�n of Pickertng klAnning Department and t6e Durham Region Healt6 Department. Written comments were aleo received lrom Mr. Roa fiinc6cllffe of 4851 Liviog�t�n Street witfi a peHtion attac6ed with 64 realdeot� aignatures oppoa(ng to the appllcatlon. Mr. Daug Tumer, Aeent, wa� present to represent t6e application. Din Turner advi�ed the Committee that he agreed with t6e Piauntng DepartmeoW recommendation to table t6e appliation until �pproprt�tc informatioo i� available to the Coromittee from t6e Durham Regton Henith Department. MOTION: Mcved by Mr. Johnr:;a, aeconded by Mr. White And carried unanimousiy thot- Minor Varl�nce Ap�iicwtione P/CA 77/97, P/CA 78/97, P/CA 79/97, and P/CA 80l97 be TAALED until euch tlme u the applicaot 6as provided Ihe appropriate Information to the Durhpm Reglon Hex116 Depirtment napecting prlvrte aewage d(epwal and driiled well loifaflatlon on t6e aubject properHee, aod hre provided p 6ydrogeoloQical nporq prcp�rcd by ��vit�bly qualitled e:pert, fo the Towu, which addrea�a t6e Isaue of the cumulaHve e(fcet on rdj�cent properNa, aQuifer rcch�rge ood ioll md w�ttr qu�llty m�inten�nce, of lot gndinQ, itormw�ter man�gement, urvice Initallallon, �nd prlv�te tew�Qe duposd �nd drWed Ne0 In�hitttioo on the iubJcet lob. MOTION CARRIED P/CA 61/97 - H. J� A. Nuna Part Lot 24, Plan 228 �bo Imown u 1393 Rou�emount Drive ToNn of Pickerina The �ppUcanb rcqueat rcllet from Satioo of Bylaw 3036, u Nmended by By-law 2912/88, to permit a new dweiltna to be coo�tructed on t6e iubject properfy whic6 das �n �ttac6ed g�ngc e:teoding 9.l metra beyond t6e front wall, wheniu tde zonlug by-law rcqulm that oo p�rt of �n �dac6ed Q�nQe estend more than 2.0 metm bryood the front wali ot � dwelling. The �ppllcante rcqut�t �pprov�l ot t6b varlsnce In order fo �Ilow the applianta to obtain a building permit for t6eir propoaed dweiling wit6 t6e gange deaign which doea not comply wit6 the rcquircmenta of 16e zoning bylow. The Aesl�tant Secrclary•Trcaaurer outHoed commcnta recelved from the Town ot Pickering Plaoning Depirtmenf rnd Dur6am ftegton Healt6 Departmcnt. Writtcn commenta werc received from Mr. G. Sayer & Ma. t:. S�yer of 1399 Rougemouot Drivc, Mro. S6irley Holder ot 1395 Rougemouot Drive, Mr. & Mn. Nuoa, Mr. Marc C6arette, Prcaideot of Rougcmount Drive R�tepayero A�aocirtlon. Mr. Cole odv4+ed Idc Cammitbx thrt it the Nme ihe reparl was writleo, t6e Plann(ng Deprrtment had received oniy ooe Ictter from p aeighbour etrting no conceroa. Since theo, rddiNonal commenG were nceived from �ra rs(dcab e:preaaing caoceme and r pelitian w�u aubmltted objecting to thc applic�t(on. Mr. Cole aeked Ihat the Committee take t6e writteo commeob nceiveJ ioto coQiidenHon when m�king their Jecision. Mr. Harry Nunes, owper, wu preunt to repraent the opplication. Also present w�s Me. Newmao of 421 Rougemouot Drive, M1L. Towaur.d of 1389 Rougemount 6rive aod Mr. Dmncato of 1405 Rougemount Drive, rll io f�vour of the ipplication. Mr. & Mro. Holder of 1395 Rougsmount Drive, �nd Mr. G. S�yer oi 1399 Rougemount Drive were also praent oppoaed to the applic�Hon. Mr. Nunes etated l6ot l6e e:i�ting dwciUnge in lhe orta 6ove no uniformity. The home de propoaes to conetruct wili tit (n wllh the e:ialing ilreet�cope. He atated that he did epeak wlfh the abutting neighbouro and one aeighbour iadicrted that they prefer he conslruct t6e gange on the aouth eide of the home. Fle advised the Commtttee Ihat he would accommodwte t6at requeat. Me. Newmwn etAted t6At the 6ome Mr. & Mn. Nuna propoaes to con�truct Is An attractive ooe aod i� plea�ed that the gange doora are not fxc(ng t6e elreet. Ma.'�'own�end And Mr. Brancato stated thAt they welcome new coustruction In the neighbc�ur600d and are fo favour ol the appllcallon. Mn. Holder asked Ihat tde Commtttee table the application until turther InformeNon i� aupplied by the applicant. She has had di�cu�efone with Mro. Nunes which Mro. Nuoes advised her that oo further veriancea will 6e needed. Mro. Nolder etated that t6L+ b a Special Pollcy Area aod had conceroa ihet approviag th(s applicetlon may aet p precedeot for the netghLourhood. Mr. Holder aaked the appitcaat it aay rdditiunei intormation, Le. elev�tion drawinge, 6ouae plAne, were eu6mitted into the Towo. The appllcanf rapooded no. Mr. Spyer tt�ted thpt he feel� Ihat the Planning Dep�rtment had not eupplied the reaidenW wfth �ulticieot InformaNan and aeked the Committee to trble the �pµl:^.pNoo untll �l:(IIiI'111RI IOt01'NAiI00 I! �VYII�hIO. Mr. W6he �aked t6e �ppllcant to clarify tor the Committee l6e locatlon ot the Q�n je. Mr. Nuna outlined the IonHon of the QanQe, being on tbe �outh dde, t6e propooed widl6 olthe d�veWn& belnQ 64 fat �md 6e �dded 16�1 the propoud 6ome w01 mat �U the requlr+emtab ot the zoninQ by-lirv e:eept for the proJectloa of t6e �nga DECISION: Moved by Mr. Johmoo, iaooded by Mr. DlLecee �nd nrricd unan(moudy t6�t- t6� �gpdc�Hoo P/CA 81N7, by H. & A. Nuna, u outlinal, be APPROVED o016e grouod� t6d t6e propoutl 9.1 melrc proJallon ot s wnQe fram lh: tront wall ot � nnv dwelling o0 the inbjat property � mioor in n�lurc, dainble for the appropriate devclopment ot t6e I�od, �od in kapinQ �it6 the Qeneral inteot �nd purpou of Ide Ofticial Plia, �nd Satioo 9J.3.6(iil) of �mending Bylaw 1912/8810 By-I�w 3036, iubJect lo Ihe tollowing coodilionr. T6at l66 viriince �ppda ooly lo a Q�nQe locafed on lhe sout6 �Ide uf a dweWng oa 16e property, odented �t a deht ao�le to t6e dreet, with wiodowi in the etde o( t6e gange tacing Ihe ttrcet, �nd a root Iloe coord(oded wlt6 t6e main dwellin�. T6�t the applicants obtdn a buUding permit for � dwelling u geaenlly ilivatnted on the plana eubmitteri wllh IhV �pplicatton, and construct t6e dwelling within Iwo yan ot ihe d�te ot lh� decbfon, or t6e approval ot t6b varirnce i6a11 become null And votd. P/CA 82/97 - M. & B. Robinaon Lot 3, Plao 40M•1414 Alao known ae 1665 Hollyhedge D�ive Town otPickcriag The �ppl(can�i requat re8ef trom the follow(n� provblone of ameoding Bylaw 2024/85 to By-I�w 3036: SecNon 5.(2)(b)(vi) to perm(t the at�bludment of � miaimum rear yad dept6 ot5.4 metrea to be provided by � propoaeJ solarium �dd(tion �ttrched lo the rear of lda e:iating dwelling, w6erer� the zon(og by-I�w rcquires � mlalmum rar y�rd depl6 of 7.5 metrea. Sectioo 5.(2)(b)(vii) to permit tde atrbluhment of � ma:imua� lot coverage of 39.1% lo be provided by the eif�ling dwelling �nd propoeed �olarium additlon on the eubject property, w6ereaa the zoning by-Irw permita � mAximum lot coverrge of 38%. The applicanta requat approvpl of theae vpriAnca in order to obtalo a building permtt to cooafruct a proposed 18.9 aquare metre iolarium odditioa to the rear o[ t6e e:L�ttng dweWng. The A��i�tant Secretary•Treasurer outlined coromenW received from 16e Town ot Pickering PlAnning Department. Written commenta were rece(ved trom M. Kavbh of 1652 Major OAks Ropd And M. & E. Gmham of 1657 Hollyhedge Drlve, both lo favour ot the applicallon. Mr. Keifh Malone, agent, was present fo represent t6e application. No further repreaentation wr� preaeot in trvour ot or in objection to lhe appllcatton. Mr. MAlooe etated that he agreed with !6e Planning DepartmeaW recommendation. DECISION: Moved 6y Mr. Johneon, eeconded by Mn White and carried unanimously t6pt- thi� appdcatlon P/CA 81/97, by M. & D. Robineon, pa outlined, be A..pPROVED on the grounda that the propoaed 5.4 metro minimum rear yard dept6 provided by t6e proposed iolarium additlon pnd 39.1% ma:lmum lot coveroge wrirnca �re minor in naluro, dair�ble ior the �pproprlate developmenf ot !he land, �nd In kceping with ihe geoenl Inttnt �nd purpore ot 16e Offici�l Plon �ad Sectioni S.(2xh)(vl) �nd S.(2xbxvil) ot amending By-uw 2024/85 to Zoaing By-I�w 3P36, �ubJcet fo the followtnQ rnoditione: 83 Thil tkae v�rLnca �pply oo�y to t6e propo�cd ooadorey IB.9 �qwrc melrc (3.1 metn by 6.1 metn) wlarium �dditfon u outllned tn t6e �ppllcinb' iubmNted plani. 2. T6�t t6e �pplianb obtalu � buildiog permit �od comtruct l6e proposed oaa�torey �ouNum �ddiNon wit6in two yan ot !he d�te ot t64 decbion, or 16e �pprovd ot theu v�ri�nca �6d1 become nuU �nJ void. 7. P/CA 83/97 - M. Mumy Lot 68, Pl�n M-997 �bo knowo u 1376 Everlon Street ToMn ot Plekering The �pplicaot nqueats nliet from Sc6edule "B" to �mendfng By-I�w 4325/73 to Zoning ByVw 3036, a� �meodal, tu permit the atablb6ment ot a 0.0 of � metrc eaet aide yard wtdth to be provldsd by a proposed 11.2 aquarc metre �ddiUon attached to lhe rear of the esi�tlng dwelling on t6e eubject property, w6ercas tde zoniag by-law requirea p minimum elde yard width of 11 metres. The opplicaot recentiy obtained a minor variaoce to permit Ide propoacd pdditlon to be loc�ted 0.6 metrn from t6e art sidt lot line, (P/CA 66/97), however, the epplicaot 6aa �dvyed th�t becauee of the intemal layout of t6e e:bHng dwclling, it wou1J uot be viable to conetruct the additton unlcsa it could attad rlghl to Ihe eaat property Itne. Tde Aasbtint Secret�ry-Tnasurer autlinnl commenb receiveJ from the Town of Pickering Pl�noing Dep�rtment. Mr. Mumy, ageot, was prnent to ropnaeot fde �ppl(calion. No further rrpreseotaHon w�� present ia 6vour of or ia objceNoo la the application. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Johnsoo, aeconded by Mr. Wbite and carricd unanimou�ly t6tt- thi� pppltcattoo P/CA 83/97, by M. Murny, aa outlined, be APPROVED on the grounds t6�t t6e propoaed variaoce to permit a 0.0 mefrc eaat alde yard widl6 to be provided by yn 11.2 equare metre additiop to be conalructed at fhe rar ot the dwelling ie minor in oeture, dair�ble for the rppropriAte dcve!opmenf of thc land aad la keepinQ wi16 t6e geneml purpose �od intent ot the Otfici�l Pl�n �nd Sc6eJule "II" af amendiog IIy-lew 4315/73 to QyIqw 3036, eubJect to the followtng condiHon: I. T6at lhe applicant obtain a buildtng permlt and conetruct 16e addition with(n two yearo of t6e date of lhi� decieion, or lhe approvai of 16�i voriaoce ahall become null and void. 8. P/CA 84l97 - Hubbell C�orda Ina PArt Lot 19, FGnge 3, B.F.C. al�o knoevn u 870 Brock Road Town of Pickering The �ppliant rcquab relief from Section 5.21.12 ot Bylaw 2511, ra oroeaded, to comtruct • 6318 �qu�n metre �dditlau to t6e eut eide ot t6e e:6Hog 6258.3 equ�ro metro induatrid buUding on the Ynbject property, raulting In � totd buildiog �rca of i2,S76J �qu�re metm. The �pplleant hu r�uated � v�ri�nce to perwit ihe e:bNn� 1�S p��ldn` �p�ca oo the �ubJect property to urva the e:panded 6nOdin�, Mhercu the wnine bylaw wonid nqn(rc a minfmum ot22S parkin` �pua to be providcd oo Ihe �ile u� ranit of the e:p�ndoo. 84 T6e Ase4t�nf Secrctary-Trcuunr ouUlaed commeab recefved from t6e Town of Plckering Plannin` Dep�rtmenl. Mr. Dou� Elford, ogent, wu praeot to npruent fhe appl(c�don. No further rcprcseotaHon wu prcacot in 6vour of or In objcetlon to Ihe applicat(on. Mr. White uked Mr. Elford if incnuioQ t6e �ize of 16e pl�nl would increaee the number of employcee. Mr. Eltord atated 16�t tde pliat b �trictly for wrrehouee uae �nd would oot add addition�l employees. DECISION: Moved by Mr. DlLecce, �econded by Mr. W6ite and carrfed uoaoimowly t6at- thb applicallon P/CA 84/97, by Hubbell C�nrdr Ioc., ae outlined, be APPROVED on i6e grounds thAt t6e propoeed v�riaace to permit a tot�i ot 14S parking aprces ou Ihe property i� minor In oaturc, de�irable tor t6e ppproprirte development ot t6e land A.nd in keeping wi16 the gener�l inlent rnd purpoee of the Official Plan and SecNoa of ByIrw 2511, a� ameoded, aubject to t6e tollowing conditions: l. T6pt t6b variance apply ooly to t6e ezi��ing 6258.3 equare metre building wit6 the 6318 aqurre mctrc additioo illuatrated oo the pirn� eubmifted wifh t��i applicallon. 2. T6at the rpplicant obl�in atte pl�o approval and p building permit for t6e propo�ed development a� genenliy outlined on ihe plana aubmitted wi16 thi� ppplicalton, aod commence oo the 63t8 equrre metre plant add(tion within two yeAro of ¢he dwte ot thi� decUloo, or lhe approv�l otthi� variaoce ihrll become null and votd. 9. ADJOURNM1tENT MOTION: Moved by Mr. W6ite, aod �econded by Mr. DlLecce And carrfed unaoimoualy that- The ISt6 meeting of t6e Committee of AdJuatment be wdjoumcd ot 8:00 p.m. and the ne:t regular meeting of tde Committee of Adjuatment be held on Wedneaday, November 19,1997. ��, ioo�� I�iy�1. DATE ��w�� . SECRETARY-TREASURER (ACTING) I / �� �/ �/Ii i �� `� :.,7 ,/�. BS