HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 26, 1998�,,"°'� � MINUTES of the 4t6 ���ec�': �•, c1 ide Commtttee of Adju�tmcnt held In the Committee Room of the Plckeriog �:.: _, �; :•�z on Tdunday, March 26,1998. PRESENT.• Mr. P. W6ite (Actiug C6airpenon) Mr. K. Ashe Mr. M. Ho11And Mr. R Johnson ALSO PRESEN7: Mr. J. Cole, A��i�taot Secretary-Treasurer Mro. F. Niro, Secretary-Treasurer (Actin�J The meeting convened 9t 7:00 p.m. In the Main Commiltee Room of the Civlc Complez. 1. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES There were uo mattere ari�ing from ihe minutc�. 2. AD�PTION OF MINUTES MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johnaon, aeconded by Mr. Holland and carried unanimously - That the minufea �f !he 3rd meettng of tde Commitlee ot Adf uatment held March 4,1998, bc adopted. 3. P/CA 20/98 • F. & I. MolInAro PArt Lot 4, Plan 282 aL•o known aa 1812 Woodview Aveuue Town of Plcker(og The appitcants intend to aever the eubject property to create hvo residential lota on Woodview Avenue. In order to facilitate t6e intended eeverances, the epplicants hwve aubmitted this applicatioo to bring ide eii�ting accessary structure Iocallon, end fhe IocaHon ot the e:i�ttog dwel8ug in relatioa to the inteoded aeveraoce line into complimce with the requirements of the zoning by-law. The Applicanta requeat reUef from tde follow(ng provl�ioos of By-law 3036, as rmeaded: SecHon 10.2.3. to permit the esfabll�hment ota north aide ytrd width ot0.6 of p roetre b be provided by the e:ieting dwelling oa A future lot, meaeured to the inteaded eeverance line, whereoe 16e zoo(og byIAw requirea a minimum elde yard widlh ot 1.S metns. 3ectiou 3.18(b) to permit the cootinuence of m rcceeaory etructuro on 16e aame IWture lot, loated 0.6 ot � metro fhom the eouth elde lot Iine, whercae Ihe zoning by-law requira a minimum ietb�ck of 1,0 metro trom the lot line. 25 The Aasietant Secretary-Trepeurcr outlined commeob received from t6e Town of Pickering Plrontog Depwrtmeni rnd thc Public Worlu Departmeat. Mr. Aurelio Filice, agent, wqa preaent to repreaent the appdcatton. No furlher repre�entAtion waa nreaent (n fwvour otor in objection to t6e applicption. Mr. Fllice etoted that he waa in tull aupport ot tho Planaing Department'a recommeodqtian. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Jo6oaoa, aeconded by Mr. A�he and carried unanimoualy ihaf- thi� appl(catton P/CA 20/98, by F. & I. Moltaaro, ea outlined, be APPROVED on thc ground� that the REVISED north aide yard widtd varlaoce of 1.2 metres provided by the existing dwcll(ng, and t6e propoaed locatfon of ihc e:i�ting accessory atructurc 0.6 of a metre from tdc aouth aide lot Iine are minor in aature, desirable for the approprfate development otthe lend, and In keep(ngwlth the general intent and purpose otthe Ofiiciel Plan and t6e Zoning By-law, aubject to Ihe tollowing condtttons: 1. That theee variances apply only to the dweil(ng pnd accessory atructures ln e:istence on the aubject properfy on the dote ot tdt� decieion. 2. That t6e applicant obtAln approvnl of a lacd acveronce epplication to eever ihc aubject property into two lota fronting onto Woodview Drive, and have ihe resultant deeda elamped, witdin two yan at Ihe dafe of lhin deci�ion, or thc north side yard wldlh varlance eholl become null wnd votd. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johoson, aecaoded by Mr. Ashe, thAt P/CA 21/98, by C. & C. Bnunoehler, be moved to item tW an Ihc agenda. MOTION CARRIED 4. P/CA22/98-C.&C.Braunoehler Sou16 Part of Lot 18, Coaceaeion I pleo known aa 1023 Brock Road Town of Pickertag The appl(cant requeats relief fram the following provisiona of By-law 2511, as amended: Section 16.2.1 to permit the eatabli�6meof ot a minimum north etde yard width of 1.5 metres to be provided by a proposed automobile aervice garage an the aubject properly, w6eresa the zoning by-law requiree a minimuro aide yard width of 4.5 metrea; To permit the proposed automobile aervice garage to provide a ma:imum grosa Itoor arca of 259 equare metres, whereas fhe zoo(ng by-law, Aa previouely varfed, permifs e ma:imum grose fioor area of 223 aquare metres (or an autnmobile aervice garoge; SecHon 2.2.1 fo permit the establishment of a minimum two-way trAtfic afsle width of 6.0 metrea on Ihe aouth aide ot the propoacd automobile eervlce gamge, whereas the zoning bylaw requiree a minimum two•way traftic ata{e widt6 ot6.5 metrea; The propoaed gorage eize, and IocaHon, aod a aection of trnttic alale width do not comply wit6 the requiremente of the zoning bylaw, And tdeee variencea havc beea rcqucsted In order to facilitate Iinwl eite plan wpproval. 26 1 The Aaeisfrnt Secretrry-Trcreurer outlined commente recefved from the Towa ot Pickering PIAOOI�Q DEppI'I�100�� the Public Worke Deportment and Durham Region Health Department. Writteo cammenta were Aleo rcceived trom Mr. McKay c.o behalf ot Mr. & Mre. Brbdon. Mr. & Mre. Brrunoehler, ownen, were preaent to repreaent Ihe applicatton. Mr. & Mro. Bqlsdon pnd Counciilor Dickereon were preaent In objection to t6e application. Mr. Brnunoehlcr advi�ed ihe Commitfee that he ha� been frying to develop the area tor some time now. He hae 6ad dl�cuasione wit6 the Town about erect(ng a retain(ng wall apd wae retueed until 6e obtaine eile plan ppproval. Councillor D(ckeroon appraached the Commtttee wtlh p6atograp6e of the aubject property. He asked thAt the Committee canaider deferring the appitcation unHl the tollowing conditiona are fulfilled prior to final approval: 1. Survey markera by cerUtied Ontorfo Land Surveyor be clearly merked. 2. T6at a retainiog wall or grode alope be in�talled. If the slope option is chosen, then a ewail for water run•ott be created on the norlh eide of the aouth boundaty Ilne. 3. A privacy fence be InatAlled on top of the grade along the eouth boundary Itne. 4. That no truck� eoter, leave or ldle between I1:00 p,m, and 5:00 a.m. Mr. Asde aaked t6e qpplicant if he crn meet the condil(ons outlined by Councillor Dickerson. Mr. BrAUOOehler reapunded Ihat property markers are in plece and clearly vi�ible and thqt Ne doea not fdle trucks rfter 11:00. Mr. Flolland ateled thot he la reluctrnt ta approve the applicallon ih(� evcn(ng end would Iike to aec the Site Ploa Advisory Committee comtnent on variaue issue� discus�ed fhis evening. Mr. Jo6nson atated t6at 6e hae visited the aitc at least S timee and t6at t6erc is a conaiderable amount otfrustraHon felt between the applicante and the Balsdons. Mro. Balsdon corumented on the cootinuoue fill being broughf (n by the applicanf. Mn. Dalsdan atAled that the applicaaf was a�ked at last yearo meeting to atop dumping on the property. Mr. Dmunoehler continued to brtng In till and now has a grade w6ich la coneidenbly higher t6an the Baledon'a property. Mr. Cole edvGed the BAledona that the 1111 and grading wes underteken by ihe oppltcant wlt6out t6e Town's approval. Councillor Dickeroon o(tered to call a epecta! meeting with t6e Site Plan Advl�ory Committee to addrese i�aues e:presscd t6ie even(ng. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Hollwnd, aeconded by Mr. As6e, pnd carrled anaoimoualy t6at- t6L� application P/CA 22/98, by C. & C. Brauooehler, as outlfoed, be DEFERRED to Ihe Apri115,1998 meetiog. MOTION CARRIED ,i, - 27 S. P/CA 21/98 - Dixle Woode Eetata Ltd. Lot 41, Pl�n 40M-1811 rleo known �e 1131 Go�apmer Ddve Town of Pickering T6e applicant reque�ta reliet from Seclton S.(f)(b)(vi)B of amendtog Bylaw 4113/92 to Zoning By-IAw 3036 ta permit the eatpblie6meat of a minimum rear yard dep16 of 9.1 metres to be provided to a propoaed two-etorey detached raidentiai dwelling on the aubject property, whereaa the zoniqg bylaw requirea a minimum rar yord dep16 of 10,0 metres. T6e appltcant requeats approval of t61� variance in order to obtetn a building permit to coostruct a apecific two-storey detached reaidential dwelling on the eubject property. The Asaistant Secretary-TreA�urer outllned comroeota received from t6e Towo ot Pickering Planoing Department. Mr. Dominic ConfoHi, ageot, was preaent to represent Ihe applicaHoo. No fuNber repreaentattop waa preaent in favour otor ln objection to the applicatton, Mr. Cole gave eome beckground tnformatloo regarding the aubject property.. Mr. Conforti atated that he concurred with ihe Planning Department'a recommendation. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Aahe, eeconded by Mr. flolland and carricd unanimously that- thie appl(cafion P/CA 21/98, by Dizie Wooda Ealatea Ltd., aa outlined, 6e APPROVED an Ihe grouode Ihpt the prapoaed rear yard depth variance is minor In onturc, desirable for the approprirte development of the Irnd, rnd in keeping wilh the generol inteot and purpose of t6e Ofticial Plan and the Zoning By-low, subject to the following conditinns: 1. Tdat thia varlonce apply only to ihe propoeed 9.1 metre rear yard depth provided to ihe propoaed residenttal dwelling aa generelly outlined on the appllcAnt'a eubm(tted plans with Ihia applicatton. 2. That ihe applicaot obtatn a building permtt and construct the proposcd residentirl dwelling wllhin hvo yeAra of the date of t61a dec�iion, or this decision ehail become nuil ond void. 6. P/CA 23/98 - A. & M. Robiaaoo Part Lot 19, Conceasion 8 elso known ae 4904 Old Brock Road (Hamlet ot Claremont) Town of Plckering The epplicants requeat relief from SecNon 5.(2)(c) ot amending By!s,v 4805/96 to Zoning By-Irw 3037 to permit the eafabiie6meot at a minimum 5.8 metre front yard dept6 to be prov(ded by e proposed hvo-car gorage qddltion to the front ot t6e e:bting dweiling, w6ereaa 16e zoning by-law requires a min(roum front yqrd depth ot9,0 metre�. The ppplicanla w(eh to undertolee renovattone o[ the e:(adng dwelling, Includiog convenfon of An e:ieting dngle car gpnge on the �outh dde ot thc dwelling for Iiving ep�ce, �nd the cooetrucHoo of o new two-car qrrage oo Ihe oorth eide ot the dweliing. 28 T6e Aei6t�ot Secrcf�ry-Trcaaurcr outlJaed commenu nceived from t6e Town of Plckering Pl�nning Dep�rfinent rod the Durham Region Hc�lth Dep�Nment. An eipl�aatory lelter wu �Iso eubmitted by A. & M. Robtneaa. Mr. & Mn. Robinaon, ownen, were preient to repreeent the pppllcaHon. No furlher reprnentatlon waa preaent In favour of or io obJectlon to the pppllcAtian. Mr. Robineon oppropc6ed Ihe Committee wilh illuatmttona and p6otographi. Hc outiined reasona ae to why the gorage addiHon would be more appropriately located ae oullined on the aubmitted plsna tdan according to t6e by-Irw. Mr. Aehe asked the applicants it Any neighboun have eipresaed concern over t6e propoaed cooatructton. Mr. Robinaoo replied that they 6ave had no negative feedback. Mr. Jo6nson etpted ihat de I� in fAVOUr of t6e appl(cAtion nnd feela that thls ia an i�olated case. Mr. Johnson Al�o espreaaed concern over the poasible loas ot mature tree� it t6e applicant were to conatruct the garage accordiog to fhe bylaw. DECISION: 1lfoved by Mr. Jo6naon, aeconded 6y Mr. Aehe rnd cerried unanimously fdat- this appitcalion P/CA 23N8, by A. & M. Robinsoo, aa outlined, be APPROVED on the grounde Ihat the proposed variance to permit a minimum tront yord dept6 of 5.8 metre� !o bc in keeping wlth the genersl purpose and inlent ot the Omcial Plan and ihe Zoning By-IAw, and appropripte tor tde dairabie development of the lond aubject to the tollowing canditton: 1. T6at Ide appl(cant obtain A buildiog permif aod conefruct the proposed addidon withia two yeAro of t6e drtc of thG deciaton, or td�i decbion ehall become null and void. P/CA 24/98 - Spinoni Developmenta Ltd. Part Lot 20, Conceaafon 1 also knowo aa 1650 Alifance Road Town of Pickering T6e applicAOt requesta reliet trom the following provi�ione of ByIsw 2511, as ameodeJ: Sectioo 16.2.1. to permit fhe e�tabli�hmeot of a minimum reAr yard depth of 1.5 metree to be prov(ded 6y propoaed aelf-atorage buildlogs on t6e eubject property, whereae the zoning by-law requirea a mintmum rear yard depth of 7.5 metrea; Section 16,2.1. to perm(t ide establL�hmeot ot a 0.0 of a metre eide yard width to be provided 6y proposed aelt atorage buildinge elong the wat aide property Ilne, w6ereas tde zoning bylaw requfrea a minimum aide yard widlh of 4.5 mefres; Ssction to allow no parking fpacea to be prov(ded on the eub�e. ;: roperty, whereaa t6e zoning by-law requirea a mintmum of 1 apwce per 56 equare mcires of building gro�� Aoor area to be provided (a minimum ot 63 parkiog epacea (e required on the aubjecf property baaed on t6e toto13508 equare metrea of buildtog grosa Iloor orea propo�ed by the Applicant). T6e MaGhot Secretory•Tre�eurer outlined commenta reccived trom tde Town ot Pickering Planning Department aod the Publlc Worlu DepaHmenf. Written commeota e:prc�e(eg eome coocera� were alao recefved from Mr. DOp SIIYAiOM 0� IZI3 FYWIIdYIO RO�d. 29 Me. Copole Nlchole, �gent, wu prwent fo repreeent the Applic�tlon. No furt6er repreaentrHon was preeeot (n frvour of or in objection fo the �ppiicatioo. Me. Nic6ob �dvbed tde Cowmitlee 16�t the propoaed etomge ftciltly wlll be aa espane(oo of �n e:btlng itorage tacllity on 1700 Allioace Road. T6ere wlll 6e ao need for long term parking aod fals that fhere Ie rdequote porking on the ei6tiog dte. DECISION: Moved by Mr, Holland, eeconded by Mr. Ja6neoo pnd carried unonimouely fhat- th(� applicatioo P/CA 24/98, by Spinoni Developmenta Ltd., aa outllaed, be APPROVED on Ihe grounde that the proposed I.S metre minlmum rear yard depih, 0.0 metre minimum west eide yard widt6, and reduced p�rking apace vartAncea are minor in neture, deairable tor the appropriate development of lhe land, and in keeping with ihe geaeral intent and purpose of the Official PIAn and t6e Zoning By-law, aubject to the foilowtog condltiona: 1. That the Appiicant obtain final �ite pinn npproval for fhe propoaed eeif-atorage buildinga within hvo yearo of t6e date of this decl�lop, or t6e approval ot this variance eholl become aull and vofd. 2. Tdat theae variancea apply only to a acif-aforoge use on t6e aubject property in conjunctlon with a aelf-�torage uae on t6e weaterly abuttiag property. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johaeon and carrted unrnimoualy thal- The 41h meeting of t6e Cop�mittee of Adjuetment be adjourned at 8:15 p,m. and the nc:t regulAr meeting of the Committee of AdJuatment be 6eld on Wedneadpy, April 15� 1998. Rv�R, �ptt.�, 1J, IyYp DATE � C AfY (AC'fINC) -��-��� . SECRETARY-TREASURER (ACTING) 30