HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 8, 1998. � . .. � �NOI� .. F � MINl1TES ot t6e 9th meeting ot 16c Committec ot Adjuatment held In t6e Committee Room of ide Plckedng Civlc Camplex on Wednaday, July 8,1998. PRESENT: Mn C. Young (Chairperoon) Mr. K. Ae6e Mr. M. Holland Mr. R Jo6naon Mr. P. W6ite AISO PRESENT: Mr. J. Cale, As�i�tant Secretary•Trea�urer Mro. E. Niro, Secretary-Treasurer (ActinpJ The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Committee Room ot t6e Civic Comple:. 1. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Mr. Johnaon advised t6e Committee that de wre iavolved with municipel businc�� on June 17,1998, and 16eretorc, wA� abeent from the Cammittee of AdJu�troent mceting. 2. t1DOPTION OF MINUTES MOTION: Moved by Mr. White, aeconded by Mr. Aahe and carr(ed unanimouely - That ihe minutes a(the 816 mert(ng ott6e Committee of Adjustmeot held Junc 17,1998, be adopted. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Aahe, aeconded by Mr. W6ite - ihat item N 11, P/CA 52/98, by I. Reda6aw And M. f{edgea, be moved forward to (tem H 4 on ihe ageoda. MOTION CARRIED /Drjrnrd jrnne Jane 17, /998 medin� 3. P/CA 40/98 fo P/CA 43/98 - Ballymorc Building (Pickerin� CorponNon LoU 21, 23, 24, & 25, Plan 40M-1915 Al�o Iwown u 1215,1209,1207, & 1105 Mooicr Cook PiACc Town otPickering T6e applicant requesb rclici trom SecHoa S.(1)(b)(zi)B(il) of ameoding ByIww 5034/97 to Zoning By-lew 2511, Aa turther amended, to permit tho atabliahmcnt of uncovercd decks wifh �hin, prov(ding o mnimum height of 2,7 metres above gnde, to t6e rear of propoaed dNeWnge to be conetructed on Lata 21, 23, 24 and 23, PIAn 40M•1915, whercAa Ide zoaleg byI�w doe� oot permlt declu exceeding 1.0 metro in heig6t �bove gnde to be loc�ted in �oy y�rd. 53 The appBcsnt requeala rpproval of theae varianca In order lo abtpin buildiag permlte lo conetruct the propoaed decke wlth etairo at Ihe repr of the future dwelling� to be conatructed. T6e Assisfant Secretary-Treaeurer autlloed commenfa received trom the Town of Pickering Pianning Depprtment. Written commeata hpve been recefved from Mo Dwve Wr(ght, 129411ona Park Road and Mn. Terry Wheatley of 1291 Old Orc6Ard Avenue, In objection to the appllcaHoo. Mr. LArry DekkemA, was preaent to reprceent fhe epplicationa. Mr. Dave Wright of 1294I1ona Park Road, Me. Suean Poole ot 1296 Ilona Park Road and Me. Lori Benaon of 129411ona Park Road, were present in objectton to the applicattona. Mr. Dekkema advised the Cummittee that he das met with neighbourn and fhet they 6ave came to an agreement thet an efght toot ceder hedge be planted eloog the rear of the aubject lots. Mr. Dekkema also alated that Mro. Poole would prefer a ten toot ceder hedge and that ihe size of fhe platform atay at 1.0 metre by 1.0 mclre. Mr. �Jeklcema eubmitted photographs of t6e e:iating landecaping. Mr. Wr(g6t steted t6at the e:leting trees are Silver Maples and that they do not providc pr(vacy twelve montha a year and that Ihe Maplc trces wcrc damaged during construcfion. He espreaeed concern of the poasibility of the cedar hedgea being removcd trom future owaers Mro. Poole stated that they are sUll oppoacd lo thc applications but will agrce to a ten foot cedwr hedge aad aaked thnt the pletform bc kept at 1.0 metre by 1.0 metrc In aize. She asked thet a clause be put in place that reatricls future owners +�i 'he properttes to remove the cedar trees. Ma. Denaon queattoned the wording on the notice of public hearing. Shc ndviaed the Committee ihat therc is addltlonal informallon avwilablc regarding Ihe mcetlngs and di�cu�slons between Town Staft and Area raidents. She stated Ihat a zun(ng byluw for thc au6division wa� created to Include a provt�ion that would address Iheir coocems of preaerving thefr prlvacy. Mr. Young aeked bte. Benenn it ihey have come to a mutual undcratnnding. Ms. Denson repl(cd thot thcy have but would alill likc lo ace action from the Commiltec. Mr. Wright eeked for clari(ication a� to the grading and dratnage of the eubject propertics. Mr. Dekkema odvi�ed them that the awAil will take all atorm watcr into catch baains. They have recefved grading approval and any concems were addreased through tNe subdivision agrcemeof. Mr. Ashe asked Mr. Cole to outitne the process involved for building a larger deck. Mr. Cole atated that a dc.!; larger than 1.0 metre by 1.0 mefre would require a variance and will not be coneidered favourably by the Pianning Department. Mr. Holland asked the residenta it Ihey fecl that wilh the agreement mede betwcen themaelves and t6e developer if the variance meets Ihe general Intent and purpose of Ihc zouing by-law. Me. Benson, Mr. Wrfght and Mr�. Poole all responded no, and feel that t6ey were let down by t6e Town. Ma. Poole atated ihaf ahe feeLt that th(e is fhe beat lhat they can do end alated that they are fruatrated with Town Sfa(f: Mr. Holland advteed them that anyone can appiy for a minor variance and that Town Stafi do nat heve ihe authoriry to etop thcm from applying. Mr. Cole etated t6at unfortunately there were na detailed minules token during the meeHoge but that the restdenta' concems werc rc0ected In the clausc in the bylaw which restr(cte deck height. Mr. W6ite commented on thc aize of thc platform and etated fhat the plotform cpnnot bc embellished. Mr, Dekkemr atpted that a condiNon can be Impo�ed that A Letter ot Credit [or landecaping and grading pot bc releaeed until the treee have bcen plentttl, DECISION: Moved by Mr. Aehe, ucooded by Mr. White �od c�rrted that- these oppUcatlon P/CA 40/98 to P/CA 43/98, by Hallymore Buildtog (PlckeMng) Corp., a� outlined, be APPROVED on the grouade t6rt the propoeed 2.7 metre 61gh rar yprd deck v�ri�ncea �ro minor In nAture, deainble for Ihe appropriate development ot 16e lind, ind in keepiog witd t6e genenl intent pnd purpose of the Ofticial Ploo aud the Zoaing Bylaw, aubject to tde tollowtng conditiona: 1. That theae variencea apply only to the propoaed decks with etAiro providing mazimum plalform dimension� af 1.0 metre by 1.0 melre� in aize. 2. That theae variances apply ooly to rear yard decke with etairo to a maiimum platforro 6etght of 2.7 metrea on Lots 21, 23, 24 and 25, Plan 40M-1915. 3. T6at the atairo leading to the proposed plattorma do oot furlher project into ihe rearyard o[t6e aubject property than the platform being aerved. 4. T6at a cedar hedge no leas Ihan 10 [eet in height be planted on the rear of Lota 23,24,25,26 and 27. 5. That a Letter o[Credit tor landacaping and grading not be rcicased until the dedge referenced in caoditon 4 i� planted. 6. ThAt the applicant obtein building permits and consiruct the proposed decka wilh atairo within two yearo of fhe date of theae decialone, or ihese dccisions ahall become null And votd. MOTION: Maved by Mr. Johnsoo, aeconded by Mr. White fhet Ihe ebove decision bc Amended to include the following condltion: 7. Thet the Applicante provide a copy ot Ihia decision to lhe purchaeero of thc aubJect properties. MOTION CARRIED P/CA 52/98 - I. Redahaw & M. Hedgea Lot 54, Plan 43 (aouth-east comer ot Victoria Strcet and Welllagton Street) Hamlet of Claremont Town ot Pickering The epplicanta requeet relfef from ihe provisiooa ot Section 8.2.1 of By-law 3037, as amended to permit the continuaoce of a minimum lot area o[ 949 aquare metrea for Lot 54, Plwn 43, whereae the zooing by-low requires a mfnimum lot area ot 1,390 aquere metres and to permit a dwelling to be canstructed on Lot 54. Plan 43, which provlde� e minimum tront yard depih of 7.0 metres, w6ereaa the zoning by-law requlre� a minimum front yard depth ot9.0 metrea. The applicant wiehen to conetruct a reeidenHal dwelling on the eubject properly. T6e Aeaf�tent Secretary-Treesurer outlined comment� received from the Town of Pickcring Plonaing Department and the Public Worlce DepaMment. A Ictter ww� recetved from Tarner & A�aociatea, eollcitor, formally wtthdrowing Minor VwriAnce Applicationa P/CA 77/97, PICA 78/97, A/CA 79/97, and P/CA 80N7. Wrllten commente were rcceived from Sue Heoderoon rnd Bruce Lewia-Wrtte, D. & M. Wileon of 4846 Livingatan Street •nd G. llewitt & M. Comber, pll In obJecfion to the oppilc�Non. Mr. Don Bennet, �genf, rad Mr. K�nteo Smild wero preuat to npraent Ihe �pplic�qoa, M�. Sne Hendenon aod Mr. Bruce Lewle•W�tta of �8I8 Liviagdoe Slreet, Mr. G. Ilnvitt �ad Me. M. Comber of 4885 Livingeloa Street were praent ln objection lo the applicatfoo. Mr. Benaet �ubmitted � copy ot rpprovrl tor A upHc �y�tem by the Durh�m Regioa IieAllh Dep�rtment. Mr. Bennct aaked th�t cnndttfon numbcr two of t6e Planding DeparlmenNe rccommend�tion be chrnged to rcflect three yean nther than Ihc recommended Iwo yan. Ma. Nendereoa advised the Committee Ihot In the prevfoua minor vartancs rppllcANone there wae � petition with 65 aign�turce from area raident�, all oppoaing 16e reduced troot yard dept6. The drawinge aubmitted b� the p[1PIICAIIOp ehow lhe eepHc bed to accommodqte h�lf of the aubject property. Wit4 the aeptic bed be(ng rnlaed Me, fiendenon e:preaaed concems ot Ihe water run-off. She teel� t6at approving tht� appllcatloa will eet a prccedent. Mr. Karsten Smt16 adv�ied ot a new peat mas� acptic eyefem which would �e more favourable. Mr. Lewis-Watt� volced concema otihe approval ot Ihta applicatton �etttng a precedent for higher denaity fo fhe arw. Mr. Young advi�ed them thst eoch appltcation ta consfdered on ita own mertt. Mr. Cole atated that the original �ppllcotion� involved four lota and that a atudy wa� required to defermine the cumuletive impact All tour iots would have on ground water. The cumulative impact i�sue haa bcen allevtAted aince only one lot is now bcing cop�idcred but thi� matter may be rce:emined if other lols orc applied tor in the tuture. They have received documentatlon from the Durham Region flcalth Department w(Ih Ihcir approval ota eepHc ayatem on thc aubject property. Mn. Comber feela that her privacy would be compromised �hould ihey approve thi� epplication. Mr. Flewltt commented on Iht lack of noUce to afte��d Ihe mceNng thla evening ihat thc Planning DepaHmeot hae aupplied. Mr. Cole adv(sed Mr. Ilewttt thAt legislatfon requlre� we only give a minimum of IO daye noNficallon prtor to a hcaring. Mr. Lewi�-Watta a�ked it A cumulaHve impoct atudy bc requtred if fhe appHcant were to bring forth another mtnor variance. M1tr. Cale atated fhat it could be, end the Planning Departmcnt would need to coneulf wilh the Durham Regton llealth DepaNment and receive the(r approval prlor to any cnnatructton Iaking place. Mr. Ilolland advl�cd the reeidente thAf ihe Public Worlu DepaHment requtres a atormwatcr management plan to ensure thAt no drainage will tail onto adJaceot properlies. Ne teel� 16at ihe general Inteol And purpose ot ihe zaning by-law will 6e maintafned and ihat the con�trucHon of one home te not conatdered high denaity. Mr. ,la6nson commented on the future development of t6ese lands and atated thet he haa auppoNed prevtous applications in Claremont but Is heving di�culty eupporting this one. Ne dow concur with aome otthe concems voiced by abutNng neighbouro. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Ashe, eeconded by Mr. White and carrted that- thi� appltcaHoo P/CA 52/98, by I. Redehaw & M. Hedges, aa outlined, be APPROVED on the grouod� fhat !6e propoaed lot Area ot 949 aquere metres aod the propoaed tront yard depth of 7.0 mefrea ere minor in nature, deeiroble for t6e appropripte develapment of the land, And In keeping with the genenl purpose pnd Infcnt of ihe Ofticfal Plen �nd the zoaing bylaw, eubject to the following condffiona: Thrt the approval ot Mlaor Variance P/CA 52/98 doea not come into effccf unitl Minor V�rlance Applicatlona P/CA 77N7, P/CA 78/97, P/CA 79/97, rnd P/CA 80N7 ore formoily wit6drawn by Ihc ownen, and the tilea clo�ed= 1. That r dwelling be conetrucfed on Lot 54, Plon 43 wiRhtn thrce ye�n of the d�te ot Ihie deciilon, or the approvol of P/CA S2/98 ehall become null and vold. Ffi MOTION: Moved by Mr. Arhe, �econded by Mr. W61te lo �djouro tor � S minute recn�. MOTION CARRIED S. P/CA44/98-D�nIuNoldingeLimited Nor16 Part ot Lot 32, Coacaaion 1 �leo knowa �e 1911-1923 Altonr Ro�d (Draft Plan of Subdiviaioo 18T-97001) Town ot Pickeriag T6e applicant rcquest� relief trom Sectioa 6.(1) of rmending By-law 5107/97 to Zoning By-lew 3036, aa amended, to permtt a masimum of 21 model domea to be conetructed on the aubject landa prior to reg�tmtion of the aubdivteioa, whereas the wning bylaw permlta r maiimum of IS model 6omca to be cooatructed. The appltcAnt requate approval ot thi� variqnce la order to aaeist the devcloper In mrrketiog 6y hoviog repre+enMtivea of all model� offered for wle on dUpipy. The A�sbtrnt Sccretory-Treaaurcr outlined comments recelved from the Town otPickeriag Plaaofag DepArtmtnt and the Toronta and Region Coneervation Authorlty. Mr. Gront Morris, Ageot, wpa present to repreaent ihe application. No further repreaentafton wa� preaent in trvour of or (n obJeclion to the appltcallon. Mr. Morris atated Ihat hewaa In eupporl otthe Pl�notng Deportmeat'e recommendotion. DECISION: Moved by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Asht apd carrled unanimoualy ihat- t6Lt npplication P/CA 44/98, by Danlu }Ioldings Limiled, as outlined, be APPROVED on t6e graunda tdat the proposed va�laoce to pernt(t a mazimum ot 21 model homea to be conetructed on the eubject lande prior to regietrntion of ihe aubdiviaioo i� minor in nature, deairable tor the oppropriate developmenf ot Ihe land, and in keeping with the geneml intent aod purpoae of the O(ficial Plan and Ihe mning bylaw. 6. P/CA 46/98 - G. & A. ConyeA South Part ot Lat 3, Conceeaton 5 Al�o known aa 3300 Audley Rapd Town ot Pickering The appiicanta requeat reliet from SecNon 6.Z.1 ot Zontog By-law 3037, aa ameoded, to permit the continuaoce ot a lot frontage of 30.0 metree provided by the eilat(og aubject property, whereaa the zontng by-law requirca a mfnimum lot frontege of 60.0 metres. T6e applicants request approvpi ot this vAriance in order to bring lhe eubject property into compliance with tde zoning bylaw ao thpt they can obtoin a building permit for an addltion to t6e rear of t6e eslattog dwelling oo the property. T6e Aea(atant Secretary-Trea�urer outlined commente received from the Town ot Ptckering Planniog Department. Mr. Peter Windfeld, agenf, wAe preaent to repreaent t6e applicotlon. Al�o present ww Mr. Joeeph Krolewekl of Audley Road. Mr. Wlndteld etoted thrt 6c waa in rgreemeat with t6e Plaaning DepartmenNe recommendatlon. 57 Mr. Krolerv�ki rt�ted th�t Ihe dnwina �hawn on the �pplicaet'� �ubmitted pl�n ladicata th�t � pallo c:tendi onlo hb properfy �nd iuked It ihb ii �n up-tadde �urvry. Mr. Windfeid raponded th�t it G not �n up�fo-d�te �urvey rnd t6e116e p�tio �toaa 6rve �IOC! btlp Rp10Vt1I. The pN�o doa oat encro�ch oato hb property. Mr. Wiadfeld otkred fo provide Mr. Krolew�k) wilh � copy ot a aew iurvey witdln one yar. ARer receiving cl�riflc�tloa trom Mr. Windfild Mr. Krolew�ki atrted that de drd no obJecHon to t6e �pplicatioo. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Jo6naon, aeconded by Mr. As6e and carried unrn(mowly 16�t- t6U ppplicaHan P/CA 46/98, by G. & A. Gonyea, ae outlined, be APPROVED on Ihe grounda t6wt ihe proposed 30.0 metre lot Gontwge variance ia miqor in noture, deatnble for the appropriate development ot the lond, and in keep(ng with t6e genenl purpoae and intent otthe Otticio! °lan and Ihe zoning by-Isw aubJect to ihe follow(ng copdition: 1. Thot a copy ot eurvey be provided fo Mr. Krolewaki within ooe year of the date of ihG decislon, or the approvnl ot Ihis variance ahnll becoroe null eod void. 7. P/CA 47/98 - M. Blackhunt & P. Morrissey East Part otLot 54, Plan M-14 alao known ee 1358 Tatra Drive Town of Pickering The Appflcanta requeat rel(e( from ihe toilowing provi�lans of By-law 2520, ea amended: Sectioo 8.2.3 to permit t6e continuonce of a minimum cast eide yard widih of 0.15 metres provided by e carport attoched to ihe eA�t aide o[ the dwelling on Ihe aubject property, w6ereaa the zoning by-law requirea A minimum aide yard widlh ot2.4 metres; SecHon 8.2.5 to permit the continuance of a lot coverage of 45 percent provided by the e:Ltting dwclling and t6e attached carpart on the aubjcct property, whcrcas the zoning bylaw requirea a ma:imum lot coverage ot33 percent. Tdese verlancea have becn requested lo orde� to bring thcae altuallona into compliaocc witd the zontng by-law ao Ihat zoning clearrnce con be given for the building permit appllcpHon. The Aes�itent Secretory-Treaaurer oullined commenta received Gom !he Town ot Pickering Piooniog Department. Mr. Blackhurot, owoer, wae preaent to repreaent the applicallon. No further representation wae present in favour of or io objection to Ihe applfcation. Mr. IIlackhurat aubmitted e letter from Mr. & Mro. Powell of 1360 Telra Drlve ateting no objecfion to Ihe appl(cation. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Holland, eeconded by Mr. White and carried unantmoualy mpa thb Appllcallon P/CA 47/53, by M. Uleckhurnt & P. Morri�scy, aa outlined, be APPROVED on t6e grouode t6at the 0.15 metre eaet eide yard widlh provided by the exisHng cprport on Ide eubject property nnd the increaaed lot coverage variancea arc minor tn npfure, in keep(ng wilh the genernl iofent wnd purpoae ot the Oflicial Plon pnd zoning byIpw, and dainble for the appropriafe development of the lond. 58 8. P/CA 48l98 • E. Wintentela Lot 46, Pl�n 43 �Wo knowo re 1752 Wellington Sfreet (Fl�mlet otClarcmont) Towa ot Plckering SecNon 8.2.1 to permit the coatinuance ot eibltag tront yard dept6e of 2.0 metra me�eured to Ihe eilating dwelling And 0.5 ot w metre meAeured ¢o an e:IeNng porc6 at t6e tront of t6e dwelling, whereaa ihe zontng by-law, Ae varied by P/CA 4/98, requfra a minimuro froot yard depth of 2.1 metrea meosured to Ihe e:L�ting dwelling And 0.7 of a metre meAaured to an e:iyting porc6 at the Gont otlhe dwelling; Section SZ.I to permit the conNnuance of exinting ilankage aide yard widthe of 0.0 metrea and Q.92 ot a metre mea�ured to the e:isting dwelling, wherese Ihe zoning by-law, as varied by P/CA 4/98, requires minimum (lankage aide yard widlhs ot0.2 of a roetre and 1.3 metrea meueured fo the esisting dwelling; SecHoo 5.18(b) to permit the continuance of a detached garage located 0.3 ot a metre from the north property Iine and 0.2 of a metre from the east property 1(ne, whereas fhe zoning by-law, as varfed by P/CA 4/98, rcquirra this eccessoty atructure to be localed a roinimum of 0.4 of a metre from the north property line and 0.3 of a metre from the cast property Itne. The applicant requeets approvai of theae variances in order to bring thc existing dwelling into campliance wilh 16e zoning bylaw. The Aastafeot Secretory-Trea�urer outlined camments rcceived from the Town of Pickering Plnoniog Department. Mr. Winterete(n, owner, was pre�cnt to rcpresent thc application. No furt6er represenfation was preacnt in favour of or in objccNon ta thc application. Mr. Wtnlerste(n felt that eince Ihe original epplicalion wns already dealt with and given approval for, a aecand applical(on fee waa not warronted. DECISIUN: Moved by Mr. Johnaon, aecondeJ by Mr. While and cerricd unanimouely �naa thi� applicatian P/CA 48/98, by E. Wlntenleln, w� outlined, be APPROVED on Ihe grounds that the propoaed 2.0 metre and 0.5 of a metre front yard dcpths, 0.0 metre and 0.92 of a metre Oankage aide yard widlha, snd the actbaclu of the acccasory garage 0.3 of a melre Gom t6e noH6 Iot I(ne and 0.2 ota metre from ihe cast lof line are minor in nature, deetrable for t6e npproprtetc development of the land, and in kcepiag wilh the gencral purpone and iptent of the Otficial Plan and Ihe zoning by-law, aa previouely vericd by P/CA 4/98, aubJect to the following conditton: 1. Thet all of ihe tront yard depth, Ilankage aide yard width and acceasoty atructure aetback VAI'IAIICP.� apply oniy to ihe dwclliog and accessory efructure in e:ietence on t6e au6ject property on t6e date of this decietoo. 2. That the m(nor variance applicatian fee be reduced to 550.00 and that the appllcant be reimburaed the amount of S250,00. 9. P/CA 49/98 - D. & J. Munch Lot 4, Plao 364 abo known ae 532 Ppri � Creaceot Town of Pickering The appllcAnta requeat rellef from Ihe provielona of Section 10.2�3 of By-Ipw 2511, ra ameaded, fo permit the catplllahment of A minimum front yerd depth of 6.0 metrw to be provtded by propoeed AddlNone to tha e:ieting dwelling, whereaa Ihe Zoning By-IAw requlrea a rofnimum frontyprd depth ot7.5 metree. 59 The �ppltcwnts nqueet approv�l of thl� vorlwnce In order fo obfala � bu0d(ag permit to coaatruct propoaed additlons �od renovatlone to the e:btlog rcaidenti�l dwelliqg on the �ubJecf properly. The Aseiatrnt Secretrry-Treaaurer outlined commeote received from Ihe Town of Pickering Planotng Departmeat and t6e Public Worke Departroent, atoting po objection to the �pplic�tion. Mr. Munch, owner, was preaent to rcpreaent the appllcatloa. No turther repreeeotation was pre�ent in tavour of or in objectlon to the npplication. Mr. Munch eubmitted two lettero froro neighbouring properly ownero etating ��o objection to the applicetion. DECISION: Moved by Mr. A�he, aecooded by Mr. White and carried unenimou�ly that- ihie application P/CA 49/98, by D. & J. Munch, as outlined, bc APPROVED on fhc grounda ihat fhe propoaed 6.0 metre minimum front yard depih variance is minor in nature, desiroble for fhe appropriate development of the land, and in kceping wilh the generol intent and purpose of Ihe Ofticial Plan and the Zaning Dy-law, aubject to ihe following conditions: 1. That the 6.0 melre minlmum front yard depth varlance apply ooly to the e:isting dwelling and proposed additions as generally outlined on t6e applicant'a plane aubmitted with this appllcation. 2. T6at t6e applicant obtain p buflding permit, and canstruct, the proposed addiNona and renovattona within two yearo of the date of this decision, or the approval of this varisnce aholl became null and voiJ. 10. P/CA 50/98 - M. & J. MacMillan Lot 797, Plen M-19 also known as 971 Mink Strcet Town ot Pickering The applicants request reliet from the provWion� of Section 8.2.3 to permit Ihe continuence of a minlroum front yard depth of 5.6 metres provided by the e:isting porch attached to the tront ot the ciisting dwclling and 4.1 metres provided by the exiating atafro on the aubject property. Sectian 8.2.3 ta permit the establishment of a minimum 5.0 metre rear yard depl6 fo be provided by o proposed deck altached to the rear ot the esisting dwclling on the subject properly. Secfiao 8.2.3 to permit the establishment of a minimum 0.0 metre side yerd width to be provided by a proposed deck oa ihe aubJect property. The applicanta requcst approval ot t6i� variance in order to bring the au6ject property into compltance with ihe proviatons of the zaning by-Isw, and to allow ide applfcent to obtain a buildiag permit to construct a rear yard deck with asaocfated barrier-Gee access IiR. The Aeei�tant Secretary-Treasurer outlined commenta received from the Town otPickering Planniag Depertment. Mr. Peter Barton, owner, wae pre�ent to repreaent the applicaNan. No furthcr repraentaHon waa preaent in favour af or In objecNon to the applicatton. Mr. Harton made memben awere lhal he d(d not hAVe a problem with the rcvbed 0,6 of a metre aide ywrd wldth. 60 DECISION: Moved by Mr. Aahe, eeconded by Mr. floll�nd �nd corrled unrnlmoudy 16rt- t6b �pplialion P/CA SONB, by M. & J. MwcMiilan, �a outltned, be APPROVED, �� AINENDED, on tde grounde th�t the propoaed 5,6 metre �nd 4.l metre minlmum fmnt y�rd provided by t6e e:GHog porch aod �tpin Aftached to fhe tront ot the exbHng dwelling on the au6ject property and t6e propoeed 5.0 metre minimum rear ysrd dcpth v�rl�nce and REVISED minimum 0,6 ot r metre eide yard width provided by ao pttached deck to the rear of the e:(ating dwelling on the eubject property Are minor la nature, dalrpble for t6e �ppropriate development ot Ide land, and in keeping with the geoerol latent aqd purpoee otthe Ofiicial Plan and the Zoning By-law, eubJect to Ihe followiag cond(tlone: 1. T6at theae variencea apply only fo !he front porch wilh atairs in eiiatence on the date of this �ec4�ion whic6 provldea e m(nimum tront yard Jepth of 5.6 metrea and 4.1 metres. 2. T6af t6i� variaoce apply only to !he 5.0 metre minimum rear yard dcpih provided by ihe proposed attached deck at the rear ot the aubject dwelling aa generally outUned on the applicanf'a submflted plan, and only to a revised rear yard deck providing a mioimuro 0.6 of inetre east stde yard wldth. 3. T6at ihe epplicaot obtsin a Building Permit from the Town's Building Department, and conslruct the propoeed attached deck, within two yearo o[ the date of ihis decbian, or the approvAl otthis varience ahall become null And vofd. 11. P/CA 5t/98 - Robert Crummcy Lot 705, Plan M•19 also known aa 740 Yereml Street Town of Plckering The applicant request� reilef from the provi�ion� of Section 6.5(a) of Zoning Bylaw 2520, as amended, to perm(t the establi�hment of a minimum Ilankegc aide yard widlh of 1.3 metrea, wherese thc zoning by-law reyuires p minimum Oankagc alde yard widih af 4.5 melres. The epplicant w�ihes to conetruct a 22.3 equarc melre, onnstorcy adJition on fhe north aide ot Ihe e:isHng bungelow on ihe subject property which would be located closer to ihe tlankage aide lot Ifne (tacing Ureezy Dr(ve) than i� permilted by Ihe zoning by-Iaw. The Aasistant Secrefary-Treasurer outlined commente reccived trom the Town of Pickering Planning Departmenf. Mr. Crummey, owner, was present to repreaept fhe applicaHon. No further represtnfalfon wns preaent in favour of or in objecHon to the applicafinn. Mr. Crummey atated that it would be more convenient for him if the Commitfee approved t6e ortginal variance of a reduced tlankage aide yard w(dth of 1.3 metres rather than the Planaing Department'a recommendation of 2.7 metrca. He atated that currently there la a tence in place that blockn Iireezy Drive. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Johneoo, aeconded by Mr. Hollaad and carrled uoanimously �IIA�- thie applicatton P/CA 51/98, by Robert Crummey, aa outlined, be APPROVED on Ihe grounda thaf !he vartence to permit a minimum 1.3 metre 11an{uige aide yard widlh Is minar in nature, deelrable for the appropriate development of thc lond, and in kceping with the genenl purpoae and intent ot the Ofticlal Plan and Ihe zon(ng bylav�, eubjcct to the following condiffon: �t y � .. . �. . � e• L Thst a ooMtorey �ddiHou to the e:bling dNeilin� w61ch provida � mfaimum Mnln�e dde y�rd MIdt6 ot 1.3 metra be comtructM witdin 2 ye�n ot t6e d�te of 16b decbion, or the �pprovd ot tbu v�ri�nce �6a116ceome null �nd void. 12. AAJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Mr. Holl�od, ieconded by Mr. Jo6neoa ppd corried un�oimouaty that- The 91h mating of the Commttta ot Adivatmcnt be �djoumed at 9:40 p.m. and t6e ne:t regular mating ot the Committee otAdjuatment be held oo Wedneadoy, July 29,1998. v../., Z� �f9� DATE � � � C}iA AN �./ � SE Y-TREASURER (ACfING) , =.,�� , =i 62 �.