HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 17, 1998_ _ , . ,�'�� � MINU'fES ot t6e 8t6 mating of t6e Commtttee of AdJuetmeat held In 16e Committee Room ot the Fickc�ing Civic Comple: on Wedaeeday, June 17,1998. PRESENT: ,1ir. C. Youag (C6oirpenon) Mr. K. Ae6e Mr. M. Holl4nd Mr. P. W6ite AISO PR6SENT. Mr. J. Cole, A�ei�tant Secretary•Treosurer Mro. F. Niro, SecretAry-Treaaurer (Actiag) T6e meetiog convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Committee Room of the Civic Comple:. u: Y _ : ' � u u There were no mattero artaing from ihe minutea. :� �' �► � u 11 _ MOTION: Moved by Mr. Nolland, eeconded by Mr. White and carrieJ unanimouely - That t6e minufes ot the 7fd meeting otthe Commlitee of Adjuatment held May 27,1998, be adopted. (Dejerred jram May 17,1998 mcelin� 3. P/CA 33/98 - Lynn Hilton-Nat Lot 26, Plan 40M-1753 and PaM Dlock 68, Plan 40M-1753 PAN 1, 40R-17038 also known oe 1415 Crossing Court Towa ot Plckeriog The applicant requeata reltet Gom Section S.(5)(a) and Section 5.(�(b) ot Amending Bylaw 4183/93 to Zoning By-law 3036 to perm(t t6e eata61i�6ment of a aatellite dta6 use ■nd atructure on a poeHoo of the aubject property w61ch is zoned "O&HL-1" - Open Spoce Hvard Land Zone, wit6in whic6 ooly conaervation ueea ond oo auch etructures ore permitted. The appllcAnt requeata approvel of t6eae varianccs in order to permit An e:isting ephUth dbh to conttnue to be IocAted ia t6e "OS•HGI" Zone on the properly. The Aeabtqnt Secntary-Treoeurer oullined cammenta rece(ved trom fhe Public Works Departmcnt, Durham Regloa Heolt6 DepANmeat, Toronto & Region ConacrvaHoa Authority rad from aeveml raidenta ot Baggina Street rnd Cro�eing Courf, atrNng no objecHoa to the minor vartrnce applic�tton, Comments from Mr. flenry Paaaick were received In obJecfion fo the applicAtiop And commenfa trom the Pipnning Dep�rtmeat etaftng t6eir dbrpprovpl ot retunding feea to help rn rpplicant pry for lhe plrnNog of treu. 46 Mr. Leon N�f, oNOer, wu praeat fo npreseat the �pplicadon. No furtber repraenhtion w�a praent in 6vour otor In objcetlon to tho �pp1lc�Non. Mr. COIC O�Ilftfl Il/CI(gI'OUOd IO�Or01YHOp Op �iIE I�IDO� V�rI�I1C! �PPIIC1�IOp. Mr. Nit �dvised t6e Commfttee idit �a �greement wn rc�c6ed between Mr. P�taick and 6imull wit6 l6e ToNa'a aea�itpnce thit Mr. Nat pl�nt � troe oa tde aou16-ea��.nmer otthe eubject property. Mr. Piunlck indiated Ihat he would Ilke to withdraw 61t letter ot obJection it trees qrc planted to a�abt in ecrceniag 16e eatelUte dteh. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Holiaod, aeconded by Mr. Aede and carrted unaalmouely t6wt- fhis appltcaHon P/CA 33/98, by Lynn ililton-Nwt, aa outiined, be APPROVED an Ihe grounde thaf t6e propoaed varfance to permit a apteltlle dt�h uae aod atructure in t6e "Open Sprce Hv.�rd Lend Zone on ihe eaat elde of t6e rear yard of thc eubjecf property i� minor in nature, de�imble tor t6e epproprlate development ot the land, and in keeping wifh t6e genenl (ptent and purpose ot the Otliciel Plan and Zooing By-Isw, aubject to the followlag coaditiops otapproval: 1. That thi� variance apply only to !de exisling aatellite d(eh uae and structure in t6e location on the aubject property ae IdentiRed on the plao� aubmitted wilh this appllcaHon. 2. Thaf tde variance aot come info effect uotil at Itaet one coniterous tree ao leaa than 1.8 metrea in 6eight be planted oo the aouth•east corner of Ihe aubject property. 4. P/CA 36f98 - T. & W. Bell Nort6 Pnrt ot Lnt 19, Conceaaion 8 Also knowo Ae 4894 Old Brock Road (Hamlet of ClAnmont) Town of Pickering The applicrnt requeste rcliet Gom Section 6.2.1 ot By-law 3037, n� amended, to permit ihe followiag: To permit t6e contlnuance of a rolnimum bt trontage of 45.1 refrea provlded by the aubject lot, wdereaa the zoning bylaw requirea A ro(nimum lot broutoge ot 60 metres for lote �u�porHng ooly reaidential u�ea In an agricultunl zone; To permit tde cuolinuance ot a minimum nor16 aide yard width ot 2.3 metrea to be provided by f6e e:i�ting dwelling on the aubject property, whereae the zooing by-Iaw rcquira a minimum eide yard width of 3.0 metree for dwellings ou lots eupporting only resideotial uaw tn an agricultural zane. The appllcante requeat Approvol of fhese variances in order to recognize t6e e:isting non-cootorming aituAtions on the aubject property eo t6e applicant can o6tain p buildiag permit to con�truct a proposed two-storey additton fo the aouth aide of the e:isHog raldenti�l dwei8og. The Ae�btant Secretary-Treoaurer outlined coromente received from fde Town of Pickering Pl�oning Dep�rtment and thr llurhom Region Herllh Deparfinenf, afating no objecHona to l6e �ppUatloa. Mr. Briin Huoter, woa pnaent to reprcaent t6e �ppUcANon. No tuNher rcpreaentation w�e praent la Gvour of or in objectloa to tde Applicqtlop. Mr. Hnnter �ubmitted � letfer wifh �ignrtuna trom two �n� rcsidenta IedicaNag ao objatioo to the �pplic�tion. 47 DECISION: Moved by Mr. Ae6e, �ceonded by Mr. HOII/Od /pd C�RI:d un�o(mowly f6�t• t6b ppplicatioo P/CA 36/98, by T. & W. Bell, �e outliaed, be APPROVED on tde ground� that i6e propwed lot froaf�ge �ad aorth dde ywrd width v�riaoca �re miaor in n�ture, dalnble for tde �pproprGte development ot t6e I�nda and in keepiag with the general purpoee �nd lafeat ot tde 019icid Plon, �ad the Zoning By-law, eu6ject to the tollowing COpdIII007 1. T6of fheee vArloncea opply oaly fo the e:isHng 45.7 melre mintmum lot froatAge aod 2.3 metre m(ntmum north eide yard width provided by t6e e:i�ting dwelling wit6 tde edditton ae genenlly outlined on tde oppliconta' plana aubmitted with t6i� application. 5. P/CA 37/98 & P/CA 45/98 - Kelleck Inveslmente (Plckering) Inc. Lota 14 & 15, Plan 40M•(895 AWo knowe As 883 & 88t Straud'a Lane Town otPickering T6e oppiicant requeats reBef from ihe following provuion� ot ameading By-law 4873/96 to Zoniog Bylaw 3036: Secfion 5,(1)(b)(iv)A to pertn(t the eatabl�hment of a miniroum west aide yard width of 0.6 of a metre to be prov(ded by A propoaed Jwelliag on Lot 15, 40M-1895, whereaa the zoning by-law requires a mfnimum afde yard width of l.5 metree; Section S,(1)(b)(v)A to perntit the eetobl�ihment of a building eeparatlon dietance of 2.1 metres behveen Ihe prapored dwellinga on Lots IS aod 14, whereAe the zoning bylaw requiree a mio(mum building eepArntioo ot3.0 metrca; The opplicant requeaf� Approvai of theae vArirncea in order fo obtatn builJing permits tor the propoaed cooatrucNon. The Assi�irnt Secretary-Trea�urer outllatd camment� received from lhe Tawn of Plckering Planning Departmeat and the Public Work� Departmeot. Mr. David Brnnd, owner, wia prcsent to represent the appllcAtion. Na further repraentaHon wAS prereot lo favour otor In objecHoa to ihe rppltcnHon. Mr. Hraad approached the Committee wt16 r eiting piAn Aod zoaing map. He outlioed reaeone aa to w6y the CommiHee ehauld approve the varlaoce that reducea t6e building aeparAtlon requ(rement between dwellinge. Mr. Aede psked tar plana ot Ihe home he proposea to conetruct and if there is a buyer tor the propoaed home. Mr. Brend ahowed illuetrationa ot the propoaed dome and sdvUed Mr. Aahe that curcentiy Ihere i� no buyer tor the 6ome. Mr. W6ite asked for a descripHon of t6e type of home tdpt can be buitt on Ihe aubJect property if it were to conform to the by-law. Mr. Brond replied thrt p houae cap be bullt to confora� but 16rt it would not be coaei�tent witd t6e e:leting homee and It wauld aot be �a attractive. Mr. fiollrod etated that 6e (e in aupport of the Plwnn(ng Deprrtmenta recommend�tion. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Holland, eeconded by Mr. Wdite, to rpprove Ihe reque�ted reduced wat alde yprd widt6 vwrianco on Lot 15, Pl�o 40M-1895, �nd to refuse the requated reduced building uparation d4+tpoce vari�nce on Lote 1S �ad 14, Piwa 40M-�895, u recommended by !he Pl�naing Depwrtment. 48 MOTIONs Moved by Mr. M6e, eceonded by Mr. Whlfe, to d(vide the motloa �nd wmlder t6e reduced aide y�rd wldth V�rI�ACO �OII tI1C rt(IIICld IIU{IIIIOg /tjl/MfIOp V�rGGCd eep�rstety. MOTION CARRIED DECISION: Moved by Mr. HOIIAOfI� 6lCOOdld IlY MI'. White and carrled Ihat- t6W �pplication PlCA 37/98, by Kelleck InvrtmenW (Plckerin� Inc., aa outlined, be: 1) PARTIALLY APPROVED on the grouoda t6at ide propoeed reduced weat aide yard widt6 of 0.6 ot A metre on Lat 15, Plao 40M-1895, is minor in oature, deairoble for tde spproprlate developmeat ot t6e IAnd, And in keepiog wltd the general purpoee aod iatent o(ihe Ofliciel Plan aod tdezoning by-law. 2) PARTIALLY REFUSED oo Ihe grounde thAt t6e propoaed minimum buildiag sepanfion distaoce variAnce L� oot in keep(ng with the infent and purpo�e of the zoning by-law, aad inappropriAte for the deairable development of l6e land. t6i� Applicatlon P/CA 45198, 6y Kelleck Inveatmeata (P(ckering) Inc., aa outlioed, 6e REFUSED oa the grounds t6At the proposed minimum building separation distance varlance is oot in keeping with the geneml iatent pnd purpose of the zoning bylaw, And ivappropriate for the de�iroble development of Ihe Iwnd. 6. P/CA 38/98 - J. & K. Davia Lot 40, Plan 21 Alao kaowa as 270 Whitevrle Road (Hamlet ot Wdifevale) Town af Pickering The applicAnt requeata reliet Gam the following provbions ot amending Dy-law 2677/88 to Zaning Bylaw 3037, as AmendeJ: Section 5,(b)(li) to permit Ihe conitauance ot o minimum lot frontage of 20.7 metrea lo be provfded by t6e eubject property, whereaa the zoning bylaw requires a minimum lot frontage of30.0 metrea; SecHoa 5.(b)(i) to permit ide contiouance ot a minimum lot Area of 968 aquare metra to be provided by the eubject property, wGereas the zooing by-law requiree a minimum lot area of 3000 aquere metree. The appflcaata requeat approval ot t6ese variancea in order to recognize t6e eii�ttng non• contorming eituatioae on lhe aubject property and to wllow a building permft to be issued for A propo�ed second-etorey addiHon aod eunroom addition to the exi�ting dwelling on the aubJect property. The Aesi�tant Secretary-Treseurer outlined commeot� recefved from t6e Town of Plckering Planaing Department and tde Durhpm Regioo Heplid Departroeot, efafing no objecNona to the ApplicAtioo. Mr. J. Davia, owoer, waa preaent to repreeeat ihe Application. No further reprcsent�Non wae present in tavour of or In objeetian to the applicrfioo. DECISIONt Moved 6y Mr. Hollaod, eeconded by Mr. W61fe �nd c�rried un�nimously t6ab 49 thb �ppUcation P/CA 38N8, by J. & K. D�vie, aa outlined, be APPROVED oq the ground� th�t the propoud lot tronMge �nd lot �rea v�rioncn Are minor ia nature, desinble for t6e �ppropriate development ot the land, �ad in kaping witd Ihe gcncnl Inteot pod purpoie of t6e Oflicid Plan �ad tde Zaniog By-law. 7. P/CA 39/98 - Di:le Woode Eatrtee Limifed l.ot 42, Plon 40M-1811 Also knowa A� 1129 Gosspmer Drive Town of Pickering The applicAnt requesta relie[ from Section 5,(1)(b)(vi)B of ameading Bylaw 4113/92 to Bylaw 3036 to permit the establis6ment of a minimum reor yard deplh of 8.6 metre� to be provided to s proposed lwasforey detac6ed resideotial dwelling on the subjcct property, whereas the zoning bylaw requires a mio(mum rear yard depth of 10.0 metre�. T6e applicant reque�ts opproval of thae varfaaces in order to ablein a building permit ta conatruct a apecific hvaaforey detacheJ reaidential dwelling on Ihe eubject property. T6e AaabtAnt Secretary-Treaaurer outUned commente received trom t6e Town otPickering Pirnaiog Department. Mr. Frank Palombi, agent, waa pre�ent to represent the applicaHon. No furl6er repreaentation was pre�ent In fwvour of or in objection to the application. Mr. Palorobi atated lhat he le in aupport of tde Planatng Depariment� recommendation. DECISION: Moved by Mr. A�he, eeconded by Mr. flolland and cprrteJ unanimously that- t61e wpplicAHon P/CA 39/98, by Dl:ie Wooda Estates Limiled, aa outlined, be APPROVED on tde ground� thrt the proposed rerr yrrd depth variance fa minor in naturc, dcairable for the appropriAte development ot the IAnd, and in kecptng with the general intent and purpose of the Otiiclal Plan And fhe Zoninq Dylaw, aubject to the foilowiog condtNons: 1. Thet thi� varlance apply only to ihe propoaed 8.6 metre rear yard depth provided to the proposed reafdenNql dwelling a� generally outlincd an lhe applicant'a submitted plana with Ihis application. 2. Tdpt the applicAnt obtalo a buildiog permit and con�truct the propoaed residentlal dwelUng within two yeAn of the date ot ihis decisioo, or this decislvn edall become null and votd. 8. P/CA 40/98 to P/CA 43/98 - Hallymore Buildiog (Pickering� Corpomtion Lota 21, 23, 24, & 25, Plao 40M•1915 Alao known as 1215,1209,1207, & 1205 Moofca Cook Place Town ot Pic::ering Tde opplicaot reque�ta reliet from Section S.(1)(b)(:i)B(ii) ot amending Bylaw 5034/97 to Zoning Bylaw 2511, aa further Amended, to permit t6e esfablishment ot uncovercd dceke witd etAiro, providing p ma:fmum hetght of 4.7 metrea above gmde, to the reAr ot propoaed dwellinge to be conetructed on Lob 21, 23, 24 and 23, Plrn 40M-1915, w6ercAe Ihe:oning byI�w doee not permit decke e:ceedfng 1.0 metrc la deight �bove grede to be loc�ted In .oy y■�a. so The appllcAOt requcate �pproval of theee v�rlaaca in order lo obtafn bufiding permih to coaetruct t6e propoaed decke w(t6 et�in pt the re�r of the future dwelling� to be codetruc:ed. T6e Aeeb4nt Secretory•Treaaurer outlined commenta received from tde TownofPlckerlag Planoing Department. Writtea commeate hove beeu received from Mr. Dwve Wright, in objecHoo to fhe applicafion. Mr. Ken Cain and Mr. Larry Dekkema, were preaent to represeat the applicatione. M�. Terry W6eatley ot 1291 Old Orc6ard Avenue, Me. Lorl Benaon ot 1294 IIonA Pwrk Road, Ma. M. Dickeroon of 129811oaa Park Road, And Ma. Suaan Poole ot 129611onA Park Road were present in objection to the appllcatlon�. Mr. Cpio approached ihe Commiftce wit6 illualration� showiag Ihe propoaed dwellings, platforms wit6 stain and ihe e:t�Nng landacaping. Mr. Cein afeted thet the plattorm t� not a deck but a landiog required to coroply w(th the Ontarto Duilding Code. The propoaed plalform would be too amall to be used on a frequent ba�is for recreational purpoaea. Thc aole iotent of t6is platform is tor accesa purpo�ea only. Mr. Aehe askcd the applicant if the tree� IndicAted on t6e illustrationa were currently there. Mr. Caln reaponded that the irees are currently in ihe IocaUon a� shown an lhe plaa and that they are part of a tree preservatian plan initieted by ihe Town. Mr. A�he asked Mr. Cain if he agreed with ihe condilton rccommended by Ihe Planning Department that the platform be Increaaed to 1.8 metres, Mr. Cnin rcaponded that tl�c 1.8 metre plelform would be saNs�vcfory. Mr. Dekkema �tated that the zoning by-law doe� permit Ihc uae of stairo but accarding ta Ihe Ontario Building Code the stafr� are not permitted without a landing. The four homc� have becn aold but they have eince removed lhat pArticulpr modcl trom future aales. Me. WheAtley e:praaed concerns ot invpalon ot privacy oo rear•abutting propeN(es. She wa� involved In dhcu��ion� wilh the Town Appro:imately lwo yean ago, and an agreement wae reached that Ihere would be no walkouta or deck�. She expreseed concerna over the number of trcea that were removed during consiruction and advl�ed the memben that foundaUons have already been poured. Ma. Whealley A�ked for clari(ication aa to thc aize of the propoaed platforms. Ma. Benaon advi�ed the Commiltee that rll residents bacWng oato the �ubject propert(es are In objecttoo to the minor varlsnce applicnNon�. Allhough the decks ere dcsira6le for Ihe purc6aaero at the proposed dwelling� tt U not dealnble for the eii�ting homeownero due to tde invasion o[ privacy. Ma. Qenson alao a�ked ihot it t6e Committee ahould approve t6e variance applicatlons thie evening Ihot they consider impoaing a condition lhwt ratricW ihe purc6aaero of lhe proposed dwelling� trom bufiding a larger deck in the future. Ma. Poole atated ihwt di�cussiona ihat took plACe between area re�ideuta, Piwnning Staf( and t6e developer aeveral years ago had addreaaed ihe privacy i�sue And did not undcrotand w6y thi� t� before the Committee. Ms. Dickeroon etated fhrt ahe concurred wtth Ihe reaidenia concerns. Mr. Young aaked the eppllcAnt to eddreas the issues e:prea�ed by area reafdenta. Mr. DekkeroA addressed t6eir prfvacy, grnding, and tree iaeuea adding thet hc i� willtng to aotity purchraers of t6e reafrictione ot building a larger deck lie Indicated that he waa not awaro of the negotleHona that took place between t6e Towq and Ihe rcaldenb lwo ycare ago. Mr. Aehe raked Mr. Cole tor clarEticafioq on the tree preaervat(on proces�. Mr. Cole outliaed t6e proceaa. Fil :.. :..,.<.,, ,. ,: , Mr. Holiand atqfed th�t he Iives down Ihe atreet trom t6e �ubject properttee. lie doa not Iwow if tde developer rddend to 16e tree praervatlon plrn but indic�ted that mroy trea have been rcmoved to make room for conatrucHon. He feeb Ihat ldere b a irtbtrctory amount ot e:ita pod entmaca !o And from t6e 6ome pad thpt tde propoeed re�r accaa b not a neceaaity, He raked th�t lho merobero deed to Ihe reafdeote' concema. Mr. Nollond etated thpf he wil! be refueing the appiicationa. Mr. W6ite commented on the applicant�' hunest and tair preaentallon and urged thAt there be moro communicrtion betweeo t6e developer and tha area reeidenta. He recommends planting oddiftooal freea to help allevlate tde privacy iseue. Mr. Aahe etated that the reduced eize ot the plattorm could ease the concem of the deck beiog uaed for recreattonr! purpoaea. Mr. Young a�ked that di�cuasiona behveen re�ideuta and ihe developer take place. Mr. Dekkema atated t6at he Is opea to meeting with ihe reaident�. Nl�. Beoson atated that ahe objecta to any type of ineeNoga with ihe developer. Mr. Young fclt thet there wae not enoug6 iaformaHon trom both pa�tiee to make a decl+lon thi� evening. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Aehe, aeconded by Mr. White and carrfed unanimously thet- thi� epplleation P/CA 40/98 to P/CA 43/98, by Bailymore Buiiding (Pickerinq) Corp., as outlineJ, ba DEFERRED to the next meeNng of July 8,1998. ADJOURNMErIT MOTION: MoveJ by Mr. Ashe, seconded by Mr. Nolland and carried unanimouely that- T6e 8t6 roeetiag of the Comm(ttee of Adjustment be adjoumeJ at 8:55 p.m. and ihe ncit regular meeting otthe Cammiltee otAdjuatment be 6cid on Wednesday, July 8,1998. �� �� DATE ' �Q� •��� �� � �1't`�`z 3ECRETARV-TREASURER (ACfING) 52