HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 29, 1998.. . � �.. � . '�Mp S! .. . � MINUTES of t6e lOth matlng of t6e Commfttee of AdJuetmeut deld fo l6e Commiltee Room of t6e Pickering Civic Complez on Wedneadey, July 29,1998. PRESEN7} Mr. P. White (AcHng Chairpenoo) Mr. M. Holland Mr. R Johoeon ALSO PRBSENT: Mr. J. Cole, Aestetant SecretAry-Treaaurer The meetlng convened �t 7:00 p.m. to t6e Maiu Committa Room of the Civic Comple:. �uTti�Y�:��I��L'Cd.�l:i� u � u , y There were no mrttero arldng from t6e minutea. :��:� �► u y_ MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johmon, uconded by Mr. HOIINpd Nllli CAffltd UO�IIImOUfIY - That t6e miautee of the 9t6 meeting o( the Committee of Adjuatment 6eld July 8,1998, be pdopted. 3. P/CA 53/98 - D. & B. Snell Lot 11 & Prrt ot Lot 12, Plao 12 a�io known u 1674 -1676 Centnl Street Hnmlet otClaromont Town otPickering T6e �pplicanb requaf retlet from t6e (ollowing provGiona of By-law 3037, as omeuded: SecHon 8.2.1 to permit the crtntinurnce ot�n e:Isting lot �rea of 1321 aquare metres qnd an e:bNng lot frontrge o[ 18.8 metrca provided onto Dow Sfreet, wheraa the zoning by-law rcqulra a minimum lot arer of 1390 equarc metree and � minimum lot frontage ot 22 metra; SecHon 8.2.1 to permit t6e conNnusace ot eiiaHng re�r yprd depihi of 5.4 metrea me�aurcd to the uort6 property line and 0.9 ot � metre meaeurcd to t6e wat property Iine, where�a the zoning by-I�w requtrea � minlmum nor yard depih ot9.0 metrce; SceHon 5.18(b) fhe conNnu�nce ot �n e:Uting detached garwgc louted in the roar y�rd 0.0 ot � metrc from the north property lioe �nd 0.5 ot � mefre trom lhe weaf properfy linc, where�e the zoning bylaw rcquirci thi� acceeaory �tructurc to be loc�ted in t6e n�r y�rd � mintmum of 1.0 metro from �ll property Ilna. T6e �ppUanb requnt approval of thae vad�oca le order o bHng t6e esbting property �res �nd honfage, �nd Ihe esbHnQ buildinQ IoaHon dtu�Noni Into compll�oce with t6e Zonina HyI�r, in order to �Ilow � building permtt to be �eued tor a propoaed coovenlon �nd addtHoo to lhe e:6ttng dweWng on the �ubJect properfy. 63 The Au�t�ot Secrchry-Treuurcr outlined cammenb rcceived trom t6e Town of Pickerfog Planning Dep�rtment. Mr. Edc Wintc-etein, �gent, w�� prcunt to rcpraent t6e �ppliatlon. No furt6er rcpraeotalloo w�� preaent in Gvour of or tn obJectioa to the �ppOcation. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Johnaon, eeconded by Mr. HOIIApA iOd C1f�Itd UtlAIlIItlOUIIj' Ih�t- Ihis �pplicatton P/CA 53/98, by D. & B. Sncll, as outlined, be APPROVED oo the grounde thatthe propoeed 1321 aquare metre lot areA, 18.8 metre lotfroatage provided onto Dow Streef, 5.4 metre norlh rear yrrd depth and 0.9 of a metre weat rear yArd dept6e, and t6e attbacks of t6e accea�ory garoge 0.0 of a metre trom t6e norlh lot Iine and 0.5 ota metre from fhe we:>' lot lioe are minor in noture, deeira6le for tde approprlate development af the load, And in keepiog wlth t6e genernl purpose and Intent of ihe Ofiiciai Plan and ihe Zoning By-law, aubject to Ihe following conditions: 1. T6at t6e propoaed 5.4 metre And 0.9 ot r metre rear yerd depthe, and accesaory etrucfure selbACks of 0.0 of a metrc and 0,5 of a metre variance� appiy only to t6e ei(�Nng dwelling (with Attached ahed) and acceeaory atructure (detached garnge) in esUtence on ihe �ubject praperty on t6e date of t61s deci�loo. 2. ThAt the prapoaed 5.4 metre rear yard deptd varlaace provided to ihe aorth property lioe Also appiy fo tde propoaed AddiHoo and converoion to the e:i�Hng attached ahed on the aubject property, but t6i� variance adall aot come into effect until t6e pppllcanta rcccive approval from the Durhem Rcgionol HeaHh Departmcnt to c�rry out t6e propoaed developmeot. 3. T6At t6e AppllcanW obtain A building permlt rnd construct ihe proposed addition aod convenion to the rtt�chcd a6eJ lo Ihe e:ieting dwelUng oa the property wit6ln two yeon ot the drte of t6i� dec(efon, or lde Approvrl ot the rear yard depth v�rionce to the propoaed add(tion �hdl becoroe null and void. 4. P/CA 54/98 - A. Libkld & II. Sokolowekl Part of Lot 29, Raoge 3, B.F.C. 40R•10946, P�rt 1 el�o known As 1815 Iroaatone Manor Town ot Pickeriog The applianta requat relie[from Secfion 5.21.1(b) otBy-law 25t1, As amended, to permit the establbdment of p minimum 1.4 metre afde yard aetback to be provided to propo�ed prrklog apACa in t6e aouth aide yard of the au6jcet property, whenaa the Zoning ByIAw requlres aide yrrd park(ng spacea to be �etback a mioimum of 7.5 metres on one aide And 1.5 metra oo the ot6cr aide. The rpplicants nquat approval ot t6U v�riAnce in order to obtain eite pirn approv�l to ■Ilow alterntioo� to the e:isttng prrking lot oa the aubjcet property. T6e AeaWfont Secrctrry-Trcaaunr outltned commente received from the Towa ot Picke�tog Pirnnfng Dep�rtment. Mr. R Vucicevic6, ogent, waa praent to rcprcsent the �pplic�tloo. No further npraentaHon w�a prcaeat in tpvour ot or In objection lo the �ppliciHon. Mr. Vucicevic6 �hted th�t �pproval of t6ie nritnce would �Ilow to cle�r up ihe e:bting iouth iide y�rd pprking ep�c« on t6e �tte. DECISIONs Moved 6y Mr. Holl�nd, �ecoeded by Mr. JOII�f00 �Od C�ITIld UO�OIMOUIIj' t6rt- thi� �pplic�t(on P/CA 54/98, by A. Lfbteld & H. Sokolowikl, �a outlined, be APPROVL�D on t6e grounde t6�t the propoaed 1.4 metre aouth �ide yard parking afrll eetbrck vrri�nce i� minor in naturo, dealrrble far tde appropri�te devclopment of Ihe land, and in kceping wit6 the genenl inteat aod purpoae ot the Ofticiol Pl�n �nd fhe Zoning By-law, �ubject to t6e following condiHone: T6ot t6e 1.4 mefrc eide yard parking atall aefback vAriance apply ooly to t6e propoaed parking atA14+ propo�ed withfn the tout6 aide yard ot the eubject property As genenlly ouflined ia Land Severance Applicattoo LD 211/98, and As geoeralty outlined ao t6e rpplicanl'a aubmifted plans wit6 t6b applicAtion. T6At the applicant obtaio revi�ed �ite p1An Approval for t6e proposed parking arca rev�iiooa w(t6in two yean of t6e date of t61s deci�(on, or l6e approval otih� veriqnce �hall become nuli aod void. P/CA 55/98 - P. & M. Gregor Lot 33, Plan 40M-1414 Al�o knowu as 2147 T6eoden CouH Towa of Pickering T6e rppticanta request reliet from Secttoo S.(2)(b)(vi) ot ameodiag By-law 2024/85 to By IAw 3036, as aroended, to permit the e�tablbhment of a minimum rear yard depth ot 6.3 metrea to be provided by � propoeed elevated deck approilmately 2.5 metres above grode with atwiro �ttached to Ihe rar ot the e:L+ting dwelling on the aubject property, wherea� ihe By-law requirn � miniroum rear yard depth ot 7.5 metrea. T6e applicante requeat approvAl of t6t� vrriance in ordcr io obtatn a building permlt to construcf the propnsed rear yard deck wilh atatro on the aubject property. Tde A�sbtant Secretary•Treaeurer outitaed commenta received [rom the Town of Plckertog Planning Department. Mr. & Mn. Pefer Cregor, owoen, werc prcaent to npraent tde appl(cation. No further representoNon wa� preaeot in tavour ot or in objectlort to tde �pplicAtfoa. Mr. Gregor e:plafoed 16rt Ihe proposed deck aize i� required fo order to mo:imize the tig6t into the love�er level wiodowa of the home. DECIS[ON: Muved by Mr. Johnsoa, aecoaded by Mr. Holland pad carried uaanimously �dwt- this appdcANoo P/CA 55N8, by P. & M. Gregor, ae outlined, ba APPROVED on the grounda thAt ihe propo�ed 6.3 metrc miuimum rar yrrd depth vrriance i� minor io n�ture, desitrible for the appropriwte developmeot ot tde I�nd, And in kecpiag wit6 the genenl intent pnd purpaae ot the 011ici�l PIAn, rnd Zontog Hylaw, aubject to the followiog condiHon�: T6rt t6G vyri�nce apply only to the propoaed deck wit6 etairo providing y miaimum rcAr yard dept6 of 63 metra �e generrlly autiined on the applicant'i plAn� aubmitted with thia rppllcatlon. 2. Th�t f6e applicaot obtatq a Building Permit from t6e Towa'i Buildiag llepartment, �nd canatruct, the propoaed �tt�ched deck wit6 italn, wit6in hro yenn of t6e dote of thle decbion, or the �pprov�l ot fhla variauce ah�ll become null �nd void. 65 , 6. P/CA S6/98 - L� B�rq6 iY G. Fowler Lot 26, Pl�u 331 Alsa Iwown �a 693 MArkebury Rord ToMn ot Pickering T6e �pplicanta reque�t rcitet trom the following prov(eioaa of Bylow 2511, u rmcnded: SaHan 10.2.3 to perm(t t6e atabli�hment ota minimum front yard dept6 otS.9 metra to be provided by a proposed covered porch on the eubject property, wdereae t6e Zooing By-I�w requirea p mtnimum front yard depth of 7.5 metres; SecHon 10.2.4 And SecNon 10.2.5 to permit t6e cootinuaoce ot a minimum ground and grosa Iloor area of 91 equaro metra prov(ded by the eil�Hng dwelling on the eubject property, w6ereas the Zoning by-law requira a minimum grouod and groas Ooor area of 95 aquare metres for onaatorey dweiltnge. T6e applicaota requeat approval of t6ese variAnca in order to recognize f6e reduced ground and gros� Iloor oreas provided by the e:(sting dwelUog and lo obtaln a buiiding permif to con�truct a propoeed root over 16e exi�ttog front porch attached to the eil�ting re�ideotial dwelling on lhe �ubject property. The Asa�tant Secretary-Trea�urer outllned comment� received trom f6e Town of Plckering Planning Deporlment and from Mr. Casaim Ebrahfm ot689 Mark+bury Road. Mro. L. Fowler, owner, wae preaeot to represent the applicatton. No furlher repreaentation waa preaent in favour ot or in object(on to ihe applicaHoa. Mro. Fowler submitted a petition with aeverol aignatures from aren realdente atatipg no obJections to l6e applicetion. DECISION: MoveJ by Mr. Flolland, aeconded by Mr. Johnaon And corried unanimoualy �NAf- t61� application P/CA 56/98, by L. Barg6 & C. Fowler, as oullined, bc APPROVED on ihe grounds that the proposed 5.9 mctre minimum front yArd depth and minimum 91 aquare metre ground and groaa Iloor wreA vwriAnca rre minor tn nAture, de�irable for the epproprlate developmeot otthe land, and in keepiog with 16e general intent and purpose ot t6e Ofticlal Plon and t6e Zoning By-law, aubject to ihe followipg conditfons: 1. T6At lhe 5.9 metre minimuro froat yard depth variance apply only to t6e e:ieting dwell(ng And proposed covered porch aa generally outlined oa tde appl(csnt'a plao� aubmttted wilh t6ia opplicatioo. 2. T6at ihe AppllcAnt obtalo w buildiog permit, and connfruct, ide propo�ed covered por¢h wilhin two yeAn of the date ot 16te decialon, ar t6e approval of t6W vAriance e6r11 become null �nd void. 7. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Mr. Hallaod, aeconded by Mr. Jo6naon �nd c�rried uopnimou�ty t6at- The IUt6 meeNng ot t6e Committee of Adjuatmeot be adjoumed at 7:25 p.m. aod the ae:t regular meeting of the Comm(ttee of AdJuetment be deld on Wedoaday, Auguat 19, f998. 66 �. ._,. .. , . .,.. . _ ,. U� �� DATE CHA N (ACTINC) �!1 �1�,(� �j SECRETARY-TREASURER (ACfING) ; ', � r.. � 4 ; 4i ,.`"a ` . ' y . :.:;/ " � f �� 67