HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 2, 1998�Na'� � MINUTES ot the 16t6 meeting of the Commtttee of Adjuatment held in Ihc Committee Room of the Pickering Civic Complei on Wednesday, December 2,1998. PRESENT: Mr. C. Young (Cheirperoon) Mr. K. A.the Mr. M. Holland Mr. R. Jo6nson Mr. Wdite ALSO PRESENT: Mr. J. Cole, Ansietant Secretary-Trcasurcr Mro. F. Niro, Secretary-Trcaaurcr (AcHng) The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Committee Room otihe Civic Complex. 1. MA7"fERS ARISING FROM THF, MINUTES There were no malten ari�ing from the minutea. 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTF.S MOTION: Moved by Mr. Holland, �econded by M1ir. Johnson and carrleJ uhanimou�ly - That the minute� ot thc 15th meeting of thc Commillce of Adjusfinent hcld November 11,1998, be adopted. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johnson , scconded by Mr. Flalland and carr(cd unanimously ihat- application P/CA 45/97, by THECA Holdings Ltd., be I(tted from the table. MOTION CARRIED (Tabled jrom the June �,1997 meetln� 3. P/CA 45/97 - THECA Holdings Ltd. Lat 3, Plan 407 al�o known a� 705 Liverpool Road Town of Pickering The above-noted m(nor vartance applicatton waa aubmittcd by Tf1ECA Iloldings Ltd, on fhe property in April 1997 to allaw dcvelopment of a rcataurant on thc aitc. It wn� tabled by the Cammittee of AJju�tment on Junc 4, 1997, until the outcomc of e zoning by-law Ameadment applicAtion on the praperty was known. 98 la lig6t ot t6e new zonfog aad owaere6ip of the props►ty, 4ole (e no longer a valid Appdcallon. No one wa� preeeof to repreaent Ihe applicatton, MOTION: Moved by hir. Joha�on, aeconded by Mr. Holland and cerried unanimoualy ihat- tdl+ application P/CA 45/97, by THECA Holdiage Ltd., bc CLOSED. (Dejened from Navember il,1998 meetln� 4.. P/CA 65/98 - M. van der Kuur & S. Nadeau Part of Lot 8, Plan 65, also Part of Lot 23, Range 3, B.F.C. al�o knowo as 690 Front Street Town of Pickering The applicants requcst relicf from the following proviaions of Zoning fiy-law 2511, as amended: Scction 10.2.1 to permit the conlinuance af a minimum lot frontagc of 10.3 metres provided by thc existtng praperty, wherea� the zoning bylaw requires a minimum lot frontage of I5,0 metre�; Scctfon 10.2.3 to permil the establishment of a mintmum front yard dcpih ot 5.4 mclres to be provided by a proposeJ porch, and a m(nimum front ysrd dcpth of 6.22 metres to bc provided to its proposeJ roof, whcrcaa lhe zoning bylaw rcqutres a minimum fronf yard depth of 7.5 metres; Section 10.2.3 to permit the esteblishment of a minimum north sidc yard widlh of 0,5 of s metre and a mtnimum south sidc yard widlh of 0.9 ot a mclrc to be provided by Ihc proposed one-and-one-half storcy dwelling on the aubject property, whcreas thc zoning by-law requfres min(mum aidc yard widlha ot 1.5 melrea whcrc an attached garage exists on a lot. The applicanla request approval of thesc variances in order to recognize the cxisting lot trontage provided by the subject lot, end to oblain a buflding permlt to construct a proposed one-and-one-haltstorcy �etached dwelling on the aubjcct property. The Aasistant Secrefary-Treaaurer outlined comments received from the Town of Plckering Planning Departmenf, Toronto & Region Conservation Authority and ihe Public 1Vork+ Department. Mr. Sfm Pa�cn, agent wa� present to represent the application. IYa further represcnfalion was prcaent in tavour of or in obJection to the application. Mr. Poaen advi�ed the Commiltee ihat he had received written comments from the Toronto & Region Conaervat(on Authority �tating Ihat they had no problem with t6e house and it� design. The Authority did havc concems wilh the detailing edge of the water anJ wave upruah proteciton. Mr. Posen made the Committee aware that ihe current owner� arc la the proceaa of aelling the eubject property and lhc prospective buycr� propoae to conlinuc wit6 the minor variance appllcallon. Mr. Ashe eaked for a copy of the commenis fram the Toronta & Rcgion Conaervallon Authority. Mr. Poaeo replied thaf he did nol havc a copy of llicir commcnta availablc fhia evening. 99 Mr. Holland a�ked Ihe pppBcpnt If if wae eaaential that a decGion be made tbU evening. Mr. Posen replied that TRCA 6ave beeo vety cooperative and Ihat it W not imperative tdat a deci�ion be made idle eveniog. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Jo6n�on, aec�nded by Mr. W61te and carried unnnimoualy that- t6t� application P/CA 65/98, by M. vnn der Kuur & S, Nadeau, be DEFERRED for con�ideroHoa to the ne:t Committee ot Adjuetment meeling belog Tue�day, December 22,1998, pending the recetpt and review of detailed camment� from the Toronto end Region Conservatlon Authority. MOTION CARRIED 5. ADJOURNMENT MOT[ON: Moved by Mr. White, secondeJ by Mr. John�oo and carricd unan(mously that- The 16ih roeeftng ot the Committee ot Adju�tment be adjoumed at 7:15 p.m. anJ thc ncxt regular meettog otthe Committee of Adjuetment be held on Tuesday, December 22,1998. Y1e.e • �l y8' DATE I I, � �,����� �ti ��� ���. SECRETARY-TREASURER (AGTING) � , � 4� . . . -. - � � 'oo