HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 16, 1999�w� � MINUTES of t6e 8t6 meeting of ihe Comroittee ot Adju�tment held tn the Commiffee Room otthe Pickeripg Civtc Complc� on 1Vedneaday, Junc 16, (999. PkBSENT: Mr. C. Young (Chairperoon) Mr. K. Ashe Mr. P. W6ife Mr. }lolland (due to a previous Development Charges mceting, arrived at 7:25) ALSO PRESENT: Mr. J. Cole, Asautant Secretary-Treasurcr Mn. F. Niro, (Acting) Secrctary•Trcasurer Thc meeting convcned at 7:00 p.m, in ihe Main Coromittee Room of the Civic Complex. 1. MATTERS ARISING FROM Tf1E MINUTES There were no mattcro arising from Ihe minutes. 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOTION: iNoved by Mr. White, acconded by Mr. A�I�e and carrted unanimoualy - T6at the minutes of the 7t6 meeting of the Committce of Adjusiment hcld May 26,1999, be adopted. 3. DISCUSSION Mr. Aahe aaked that t6e Planning Department provide ihc Committee with a copy of thc report prepared for Council regardfng Committee otAdjustment alfematives. 4. P/CA 35/99 - R. M. Waller Lot 72, Plan 1051 al�o known a� 1860 Appleview Road Town otPfckering The applicant reque�ta approval from Scctton 9.2.3 of By-law 3036, as amended, to permit the confinuance ota minimum front yard depih ot 6.5 metrce to bc providcd to thc existing dwelling on the aubject property, whcrea� thc Zoning By-law require� a minimum front yard depth ot 7,5 metres. Tde applicaot requeata approval of ihie vartence in ordcr to abtain a building permft to convert an e:i�ting, pnrtially-encloaed concrete patio into aJdtHonal living apace to the front ot Ihe eiieting dwelling on the eubject properfy, and to bring thc exieting dwclling into compliance wtth the provi�lona af the zontng by-Iww. 49 The Aselatont Secretery-Treasurer outlined commenta recei'ved from the Town of Pickerinq Plaaaing Deprrlmeot. Mr. Jame� O'Melley, agent, wa� preeenf to reprc�ent the eppilcation. No further repreaeatallon wa� preaent in favour ot or in objecHon to ihe applicatton. Mr. O'Malley stated that he �va� in aupport of the Planning Department'a recommendation. DECISION: Moved by Mr. W6ite, secanded by Mr. Ashe and carricd unanimously thet- this application P/CA 35/99, by R. M. Waller, a� outlined, be APPROVED on thc grounds that the requested 6.5 metre front yard depth variance t� minor in naturc, desirable for the appropriate development af the land, and in kceping wilh thc gr,ncral intcnt and purpose of the Officiel Plan and ihe Zoning By-law, subject to the following condilioas: 1. That this variance apply only to a minimum 6.5 metrc frant yard depth provided to ihat poHion af the c:isting dwelling supporting the partially enclosed patio in eiistence on ihe subject property on thc date of thts deciston. 2. Deepite condition 1, above, this var(ence may also apply to converted living space maintaining a minlmum front yard depth o( 6.5 metres, provided tBat such convcrsion provides thc samc general hcight and dimensions as the exisHng, partfally-enclosed patio on Ihc �ubjcct property on the datc of this deci�ion. 3. That a building permlt bc oblaincJ, and any living apacc convcrsion to the ezialing, parNally-enclosed palio bc con�tructeJ, within iwo ycaro of ihc datc of Ih(s dectaton, or fhc approval af Ihis vnriancc to allow such a convcrsion ahall bc null and void. 5. P/CA 37l99 - Canedian Tire Corporation Ltd. PaM Blocka A& B, Plan M•998 also known as 1300 Kingston Roacl Town of Ptckcring The applicant requeats rclief from ihe foilowing provi�tons of By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 1612/83, ae amended: Section 5(2)(Q(iii) to permit an incrcase in the maximum permtlted tatal gross Ieasable Ooor area of all rctail atores on fhe lands to which Ihe current zoning epplics from 2360 aquare metres to 6500 aquare metres. Section 5(2)(�(iv) to permit an inerease in the ma:imum permitted grass leasablc itoor arca otany retail store on thc aubject properq� from 450 square metres to 2510 squere metres. The applicaol requeats approval ot theae variances in order fo Icase ihe building to new tenAnta for retail atore purposes. The As�istant Secretary-Trcaaurer oufllned comment� received from the Town of Pickering Planning DepartmenL Mr. fiarry Kichler, agent, waa pre�ent to repreaent the applicetlan. No tuMher repreaentatton wa�'prc�ent in favour ot or In objectton to thc appitcation. INr. Kichier claritied the wpplicant'a name for thc Committec. Mr. Kichlcr atated Ihal hc is tn favaur of the application. 50 Mr. Asde peked how long !t would be before new tenanta tivould occupy� the facilfty. Mr. Kic6ler atrted thrt ihe new �lore would be complete In November and hopee ta have oew tenanta by Ihc aprfng. DECISION: Moved by Mr. A�he, �econded by Mr. White and carricd unwnimously ihat- thia appllcation P/CA 37/99, by Canedien Tire Corporation, a� outlined, �e APPROVED on the gronnds thAt the propoaed variences to permit the eetabliehment of a max(mum total gross leaeable tloor area for ali reteil stores af 6500 aquare metres, and the establishment of s maximum gross leasable iloor area ot any retafi �torc ot 251U square melres are minor in nalurc, deetrable for the appropriatc development of Ihe IauJ, anJ in kecping wilh thc gcneral purpose and effect of tLe Oflicial Plan rad the 'Loning Dy-law, subject to ihe following condilion: 1. That these variances apply only so far as is nccessary to permit retail slore uses within t6e ez(ating building on ihe aubject pruperty which t� currcntly accupled by the Canadinn Tirc Starc. 6. P/CA 39/99 - Di�covery Piacc LIJ. Part of Lot 21, Concession 1 also known as ]211 Kingalon P.oad Town of Pickering The applicant requeata relief from the following proviilon� of amending Eiylaw 2349/87 to Zoning By-law 3036, a� amended end furlher vericd by P/CA 42/95: Secfion 5.(1)(b)(v) to permil ihc cs:abli�hmenl of a totnl of 1141 dwelling units to bc cetabliahed over ihc lartds zoncd "RHII" (wh(ch include the aubJect property, and prev(ous develnpment phaacs), whcreaa fhe zoning by-Imv permily a maximum of 1137 dwelling units to be eatabl(ahed nver the lands zaned "RHtI"; SecHon 5.(1)(b)(vl)Ii to permit a reviaed minimum parWng standard of 1.0 parking apucc per dwelltng unit tor residenf parking, and 0,198 parking �pace� per dwclling unit for visitor parking or, the subject property, whcrca� the zoning by-law, as previously vnri:il by P/CA 42/95, requires a minimum purking atandnrd of 1.:� parking apaces per dwcll(ng unit for resident parWng, nnd 0.2 parking apace� per dwelling unit for visitor psrlcing to be applicd to the proposed Ea�t Millenniwn Tower devclopment. The appUcant requeata approval of the�e variance� in order to proceed wilh oblein(ng site plan approval and building permils to con�truct a propased f4-�lorey, 212 unif condomintum apartment building on the eubject property. The Asai�tant Secretety-Treasurer outliued comment� receivcd from the Town of Pickcring Planning Department. Mr. EI(o Zof(ranieri, agent, was preeent to repre�ent the application. Al�o prcacnt waa Mr. Aldo Cechetto. Ma Zoffranieri atated that he cancurred with Planning DepaHment's recommendallon. idr. Cechetto eaked for clarlficafton ae to the nwnhe� a: parking apacea propoaed rnd voiced aoma conccrn over Ihe possiblc addittonnl traf(ic cauecd by thc devclopmeut. Mr. Cole atafed that although the applicant 1� aaking tor a reduccd u�mbcr ot prrWng aprtes, he fcela Ihat there �would hc edc�uatc parking proviJcJ ovcr the enfirc aitc. 51 Mr. Whife commenfed an Ide previoua minor varipnce �ppilcrtion P/CA 42/95 and how Ihe parkiogisauehwd beenthoroug6ly addresaed DEClSION: Moved by Mr. White, aeconded by Mr. Aehe and carried unAnfmouely thot- t6is applicANon P/CA 39/99, by Discovery Place Ltd,, as outllncJ, be APPROVED on the grounds fhat t6e proposed increased unit count and parkluq apace reductlon varlanccs are mioor In nature, desirable tor the apprapriate development of the iand and in keeping with the genera! inten! wnd purpose ot the O�cial Plan and the Zoning fiy-law, aubject to the foliowing conditions: 1. That these variances apply only lo a maxtmum t4-storey, 212 unit re�idential apartment building constructed on the subject properly, as gencrally outlined oo the applicant's eubmitted plans with t6is applicaHon. 2. That the appUcant obtain atte plan approval, and buildings permits, io cor.struct Ihe propoaed reaiJenlial npartment building, within hvo yeara of the date of Ihis deci�ion, or the approval of these variance� �hall become null and void. 7. P/CA 40/99 - V. & E. Camara Lat 38, Plan 818 also known as 1918 Fairport Roed Town of Ptckering The applicant rcque�t� reliet from Section 5,18(n) ut By-law 3036, a� amended, to perm(t Ihe conNnuance of an eslating detached garege in the aide yard; wherens the zoning bylaw requirea that all ecceasoty �tructurea be located !n thc rcar yard; The applicauls requcat opproval of Ihi� variance in ordcr lo bring thc existing delacned garage tnto compliancc w(th Ihc zoning by-law. The Assfatant Secretery-Trcaaurcr oullined comment� roceived from thc Tawn of Pickcring Planr,ins Uepartment and tne Durhem Regian lleallh Department. Mr. Emanucl Camarn, owner, was prcaent to repre�ent Ihe application. No further represenlation was preaent in favour of or in objectian to ihc application. Mr. Camera stated ihet thc garagc has becn in exislencc for approximately 50 yearo and wtahea to keep Ihe exi�ting atructure. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Holland, seconded by Mr. White and carried unanimously iIlA1- thie application P/CA 40/99, by V. & E. Camaro, as oullined, be APPROVED on the ground� t6at the propoaed aide yard IocAtion of the eiiafing detacbed gorage on tbe au!�iect property are minor in nature, de�irable for the appropriafe development of ihe land, and In keeping with the generel purpoee and inlent ot the Ofiicial Plan and the Zoning fiy-law, aubject to the following condition: 1. That the variancc apply to thc detached garage aa generally oullincd on ihc o��plicanta' eubmittcd plune wilh thts eppllcation. 52 , B. PICA 41/99- Morguud Inveatmenb Ltd. Lots 27 & 28, Pl�e 40M•1532 (Ewat nide otSquirea BeACd Rord, aorlh otClemenb Ro�d) Towa ot Pickcring Tde rpplicant rcqueata relief trom thc followiog provisiona ot By-law 2511, aa amended: SecHon Ifl1.1 to permit the atablt�hment ota minimum 12.85 metre Gont yard depth to be provided to a proposed indu�frial bullding on the subject property, w6crcaa ihe zoning by-law requires a minimum frant ysrd depth of 15.0 metres; SecHon 5.21.1(3) to permit a total af 200 parking spaces to be prov(ded on Ihe subject property to aerve a propa�ed 19,512 aquare metre indusirial building, wherea� ihe zoning bylaw requtres a minimum of 349 perWng spaces to be provided oo the aubject property (baaed on a required parking ratio ot 1.0 apace per 56 aquare metres of iadustrtol (loor arer); Section SZ1.2(a) to permit w meximum ot 56% ot the required parking to be located in the front ysrd otihe eubject ilfe wherea� Ihe by-law requirc� a maximum of 20%. The applicant reque�t� opproval of these variances in order to obtain ette plan approval aod building permits to conatruct A propo�ed 19,512 �quarc metre inJustrial piant, with minor o�ce component, an the aubject property. Tde A��t�taot Secretary•Trea�urcr oullincd comment� received from Ihe Town af Pickering Planning Department. Mr. Gary Elger, agent, was praent lo reprc�cnt the appltcation. No furthcr reprcaentation was present in fnvour o( or in abjeclion to the ppplicaUon. Mr. Elgar atateJ hi� aupport with ihe Planning Dcpartmenta recommendalion. Mr. A�he asked why parking etondard� rre �ignificantly lower today. Mr. Colc explaincd lhat ihe by-law waa pa�sed in the 1960'� rnd the prrking requtremenla have chenged. DECIS[OIV: Movcd by Mr, liolland, aecondcd by Mr. Ashe and carried unanimously that- this Application P/CA 41/99, by Morguard tnvestment� Ltd., as outlined, be APPROVED on the grounds ihat the propoaed minimum 12.85 metre front yard depih, minimum 200total parking spacea and 56% front yard parWng vAriance� are minor in nature, deairAble tor the approprtate development of the land, and in keeping with the genernl intent and purpo�e of the Ofticial Plpn and the Zoning By-law, eubject to the tollowing condifione: 1. That ihese variancee epply only to the proposed Indu�triAl building, with a maximum induatrial 11oor prea ot 17704.67 aquAre metres and a maximum ofiice Ooor area ot 1808.32 square metre�, as generrlly outUned an ihe applicant'a aubmitted plans with th(� application. 2. T6At ihe owner obtain aife pion approval for the propoaed development within two yean of the date ot thie dect�fon, or !he approvol uf these varioncea aholl become null and void. S3 P/CA 42l99 - D. & K. S6ortt P�rt ot Lata 88A & 89, Plaa I041 dao knowo aa 1953 Spruce Hill Ro�d Town ot Plckering T6e rpplicanta rcquest rclief irom the followiag provi�ion� of By-law 3036, as rmended: Section 10.2.3 to permit the eatabli�6ment ota front yard depth o(6.85 metres maaured to A proposed twaatorey additlon to the dwelling on Ide aubjecf property, and to permit the e�tabli�hment ot p front yrrd depth of 5.66 metra meaaured to a propoaed oew covered porch in front ot the addition to the dwelitng, whereas the zoning by-law requtres A miaimum troat yard depth of 7.5 metrea; Sectioo 5.18(d) to permit the conHnuance of a norlh atde yard widih and rear yard deptd ot 0.01 ot r metre provided by an e:�iting one storey grrage rttached to the dwelliog on ihe aubJr,ct property, whereaa Ihe zoning by-law require� a minimum aide yArd widlh of LS metrea und A min�mum rtar yard deplh of 7.5 metrea; SecNoo 10.2.31a permit the establi�hment ot a norlh aide yrrd widlb And rear yard depth of 0.01 of a melrc to be provided by a propo�ed aecond alorey addition ta ihe eiisting gArage. The applicant� reque�t Approval of theae variancea in order to bring Ihe exi�ling attached garrge IocrNon into complirnce wit6 the zoning by-law, and to obtrin building permit� far the aecond atorey additlon above the e:isting grrage, rnd for a fwo-storey addtHon lo Ihe e:t�tlng dwclling. The Aa�i�tanl Sccretory-Trea�urer oullir.cd commenla rccetvcd from the Town ot Pickcring Planning Department. Cammenta werc also received Gom several area rceidents in support of the opplication. Written commenta were received fram Mr. & Mro. Leno and Ma Glen GroQ, in objection to the appltcrtion. Mr. & Mr�. Shortt, ownen, and Mr. Ilol Greer, Architect, were preaent to repreaent Ihe applicatlon. Aleo preaent were Mr. Robert Cubbage of 1962 Spruca Hill Road and Mr. WilUam Girling of 1959 Spruce tlill RoAd, in supporl of the application. Mro. Suaan Leno of Spruce Ilill RoAd was prexent, in abjection to Ihe application. Mr. Greer approoched ihe Commiltee with photograph� and ilivatrolions of ihe e:i�ting and the propo�ed rddiNona. He atated Ihat the home b a small dwelling and the ownero would Iike to upgrode their home. The ownen would like to carry Ihe roof line upward to create a much atronger facade. Thi� facade would be in keeping with the e:isting homes on Ihe etr¢et and wauld improve the streetacape. Mr. Young a�ked if ihe e:temal tootprint of the propoeed plan ia difterent from the plon prevlouety approved by ihe Cammittee laat yeur. Mr. Greer replie�! that ihe footprint ha� ch�nged. Mr. Greer Addreased isaues in Mn. Leno's lefter of tire hAZard, weeping Nle and encroachment. Mr. Cubbrge hwa lived tn the area tor 30 yeon and eloted he haa no obJecNon to ihc applicatton. Mr. Girling fully endoroes the proJect and atated that Ihere would be no problem wilh drainage. Mro. Shortt atAted tdat they have Invested a considera6le qmount o( money into the interior o( Ide home and wi�hea fo upgrade the eatcrior. Mr. Shortt etated ihpt ihcrc would bc minimal loae of light or view it l6ey were to proceed with Ihe propoaed plrna. They w�ih to utilize the eslating foundatlon. Mr. Greer etafed th�t the additionrl epoce in the atttc would be used tor etorrqe �nd would be �cceiaed from inefde the home. Mn. Leno etafed th�t �hen der home wu built in 1987, ihe buill it to code rnd ��lu thnt ide neig6boun do t6e ume. T6b varirnce doa not directly dfect �ny otder neighbour. She apresaed concerne of weeptag bed & drr.iaage, fire hutrds �nd th�t the Intent of ihe by-Irw would not be m�inhioed. Mr. Aahe a�ked t6e applic�nta whot �Iterortivea Ihey may havt ehould lhia �pplication not be ppproved thi� eveniag. Mr. Greer reaponded ihat the owne� would probrbly tear down tde gorage aad move it brck S feet lo tulty comply with 16e by-low. Mro. S6ortt atated t6at the oddiHon would be alhetically pla�ing �nd would better uUlize Ide intcrior o( t6eir dome. It would alao be more cost eftective �ince they would be u�ing 16c ezbting touodation. Mr. Hollaod asked Mrs. Leno to aummarize whrt fwo b�ues are of greAt concern. Mn. �.eno slated tLat ehe had concerns of ihe garrge betng situAted foo cloae causing a fire 6azard and Ihat the additlon would make it difficult lo maintain II�e side of the home. Mn. Lroo e:preased coucem Ihat 16is addltion would dramalically decrease her view and lig6t entcring her home. Mr. White. atated Ihat he hAd ihe opparlunity to view the property and felt lhat fhe applicants could alter the roof to conform to Ihe by-law. Mr. Greer stwted that pny resurfrcing e•ould bc done within the envelope of ihc c:isting etructure. Mr. Young propo:eJ a reces� of IS minules to givc thc intereatcJ pprtiea an opportunity to diuuss some of the item� addre�sed lhis evening and to come to a compromise. MOTION: Moved by Mr. llollond to receaa for 15 minute�. Mro. Leno atated that ahe doe� aee the possibility of p compromi�c but would prefcr to have 6er huaband present. DECISION: Moved by Mr. llolland, aecanded by Mr. White and cArried Ihaf- A) thi� application P/CA A2/99, by U. & K. Shorlt, as outlincd, be PARTIAI.LY APPROVED on the ground� that tfie propoaed 0.01 ot a metre norlh eide yard width and rear yard depth variancca provided by the e:Isting onc-atorey attached gange, nnd lhe proposed 6,85 metre und 5.66 mefre frant yard depth variances provided by Ihe propoeed building additions, are minor in nature, deairable for the appropriate development of the land, and Sn keeping wilh the generol purpose and intent of Ihe Orccial Plan and fhe Zoning ByIaw, aubject to ihe following condttions: 1. Thwt the 0.01 of A metre north aide yard H�iJth and rearyard deprh variAncca rpply only to t6e e:isting ona�torey garage locatian aa idenNfied on thc plane circulated with this application. 2. That the 6.85 metre front yard depth variance appiy only fo ihc two-atorey additton to the dwelling, and the 5.66 metre front yard dcpih apply only to the porch in (ront of the dwelling addttion aa idenlificd on the plpns circulAted with th(s rpplicpttoo. 3. Thpt Ihe app8canta obtain a building permit rnd causlruct the rddiHons fo ihe eiiating dwelling on the properly wilhin hro yean of fhc dde of thi� decGion, or the approval of Ihe tront yrrd depth vA�iAncea ahpll bccomc null and vold. 55 (b) thb �ppfic�tton P/CA 42/99, by D. Q� K. 5hoHt, ihat the propoud 0.01 of a mefre aorlh dde y�rd �vldt6 and n�r yard dept6 v�ri�nca providcd by the propo�ed ucood•etorey addlfion fo t6e abttag 000-itorcy athc6ed a�rage be DEFERRED to Ihe oeit Committee of AdJu�lmeat meefiag on July 7,1999. 10. ADJOURNMENT MOTIO�i: Moved by Mr. Whife, aeconded by Mr. Hollaad and carried unanimously Idrt- The 8ih meetlng of Ihe Committee of Adjuetroent be adjoumed at 8:55 p.m. rnd 16e nat regulrr meettag of t6e Commtttee of Adjuatmenl be held en Wednesday, July 7,1999. � � 1 DATE �(.(,ti. i V-u'�, SECRETARY•TREASURER (AC'fINC) `.<. ; '` . � '.. : ,: ' ; ' . � � `, . f' S6 Fr; 'ii'; ' . . ,