HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 28, 1999,�. �a 1 � MINUTES of the lOtd meeting ot the Committee of Adjuatmeot 6eld in the Commiltee Room of the Pickeriog Civic Complei on Wedneaday, July 28,1999. PR&SENT: Mr. Crrl Young (Chnirperaon) Mr. K. Ashe Mr. M. Holland Mr. P. White ABSENT: Mr. R. Johnson ALSD PRESENT: Mr. J. Cole, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer Mro. F.1Viro, (Acting) Secretary-Treasurer The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Committce Room of the Civic Comple:. 1. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Mro. Kathleea Shortt called to moke a clarificattoo on Ihe minufe� from the July 7, 1999 meeting. She atated lhat it was Mr. & Mro. Leno ihat indicated to thcm ihat Ihey thought that fhe plans ehould be d(ecussed with the Planning Departmcnt and Ihet ihey werc not in a position to commenf. 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOTION: Moved by Mr. Whife, aecondcd by Mr. A�he and carricd unanimausly - That the minutes ot the 9th meeting ot Ihe Committce of Adju�tment hcld July 7,1999 , be adopted. 3. P/CA 45/99 - Picore Holdings Ltd. Part Lot 22, Conceaaioo I aleo known ae 1305 Pickering Parkway Town of Pickering Section 5 Schedule "D" to permit the atabl4�hment of reduced Ilanlc�ge oide yard aetbacks ot 17.73 metrea provided by a proposed new 8 atorey oftice building, and (6.3 metres provided by a proposed 2 level roi�ed parking structurc, r�herea� the zoning by-law requires a minimum ilankage side yard aetback ot22 metrea; Sectton S Schedule "B" to permit the eatabliahment ot reduced landacaped open arcc on the aubjecf pruperty of 30.25 percent, wherea� Ihe zoning by-law require� a minimum of SO percentlandecaped open area; SecNon 5.21.(b) lo permit the eafabl(�hment ot a reduced aide yard parWng aetback ot 1.05 metres, whereaa thc zonfng by-law requires aide yard parking to bc actback 1.5 metw from the property Iine on one eide, and 7.5 metres on the alhcr �idc; SecNon 5.21.1(d) to permit Ike eatabltehment ot a reduccd aetbACk ot parking from � roAd allownnce ot 0.0 metrca, whercae Ihc zoning by-law requires a minlmum aciback of 3.0 melrea. 63 The �pplic�nb rcquat rpproval nf tdae vari�nca in order lo ohtdn dte pl�n �pprovd ■nd buitdtog permib !or ihe developmeal of � aew 8 atorey of(icc bullding and a 2 level r�bed p�rkiag itructurc oo f6e �ubject properfy in rddiNon !o the cu.reatly e:tiNng 8 atorey office buildii�g. The Aa�Utanf Secr�;lary-Trersurer outlined commentr, recei��ed from the Towa of Pfckering Planning Department. Mr. Kim Daao•aro, preaideol, wu pre+ent to represeat tAe application. No further rcpreaentation rvas prcaent in favaur otor in objection to Ihe applicalion. Mr. Donovan �dvised the Committee 16at the municipal addree� of thc property as atated on the PIAOnSng Report was incorrect, anJ that if should rea� 1305 Pickering Parkwoy. Mr. Donavaa oullined reason� a� to Ihc need far the variances adding that the cost to construct underground parking wou1J drive up rental rale�. The proposed park3ng dcck is de�igned to, kecp a low proiile. Mr. rl.ihe Aaked what materials will be uaed for the con�truction of the link bclwcen Ihe hvo towero. Donovan replied that the link would be comprised of inetal and plcnty of glasa. Mr. A�he asked Mr. Cole if the original de�ign of Ihe sile calicd for a second I�wcr. Mr. Cole replied Ihat a aecond tower waa alwaya included in the originel �ile plan but was or(gi�aeliy to be built lo the soulh. The currcnt layout would be morc appropriate. DlsCIS10N: Moved by Mr. A�he, secondcd by Mr. Wh(te and cerried unanimously that- tht� rpplication P/CA 45l99, by Plcore iloldinge LtJ., a� autlincd, bc APPROVED on thc grounds that thc proposed variances are minor in noturc, dc�irable far Ihe Approprinte development of the land, and in kecping with the general intcnl and purposc ot the Otticial Flan and the Zoning Iiy-law, subjcct tn Ihe following conJiltons; That thc�e variancc� apply only to thc Jc�•clopment aa gencrally illu�lralc�i on lhc plen� �uhmiltcJ wilh this applicatinn. permitling a tlankage sidc yerd setbeck of 17.7 metrea on ihc eAal aidc ot ihe propoacd new cight slorey of(ice building, a llankagc eide yArd aetback of E6.3 metre� on Ihc ca�t �ide of ihe proposed two level parking �tructurc, a 1.05 metre side yarJ parkiny� setback on the aouth side ot the property, a 0.0 mclre parking �elback trom Liverpool Road, and a minimum of 30.25 perccnl lanJecapcd opcn a•rca on Ihe property. That Ihe applicanta obtain final sitc pan opprovai for thc devclopment as gencrally illustrated on ihe plans submitted with this epplication, and complete all con�fruction on Ihe aite within ihree yearo ot the date of ihi� deci�ion or Ihe approvnl of theae variancea shall become null and void. P/CA 47/99 - P. Tettord Lot 76, Plan 1051 also known as 1878 Appleview Roed Town of Pickering Tde applicant requeata relief trom the following provialona ot By-law 3036, na Amended: Sectioo 9.2.5 to permit the cont(nuAnce ot a miofmum grosa (loor area of 91 squarc mclres provided by ihe e:i�Nng dwclling on the property, wherea� ihc zoning by-Itw rcqu(rca a minimum grosa iloor arca of I10 equare metres; SecHon ,i.18(c) to perm(t the eatpblishment ot a ma:imum heiqht ot S.7 mctrca for a propoacd new acceaaory atrucl�re (detashcd garage wilh loft), whercas Ihc zoning by-larv requires a mp:imum helght ot3.5 mcfrea for acce��ory alruclures. T6e applicant requata approvrl ot Ideae vari�ncea ia order lo brlqg the e:lating dwelling into compliance with Ihe zooing by-Ipw, and to dlow the �pplicrnt to obldn � building permlt to conetrucf a propoetd �cceasory ttructurc (detuhed g�nge with IoR) which would be 6lgher than the mrximum permitted by cunent zoning. Tde Aeai�tant Secntary-Tre�eurer outlined commenta received trom the Tawn of Pickering Planning Deprrtmenf. Mr. Tetford, owner, waa preaeot to represent ihe applicrtion. No turther ropreeentation woa pre�ent tn favour of or In objection to the npplicatton. Mr. Tettord stated ihat the lott portion oilhe �tructure would be for recreattonel purposee. Mr. W6:te asked if the applicant had Ihe opportunity to apesk with his abutting netghbour. Mr. Tetford replled that he has opproached his ncighbour and staled thet he ha� no objecNone to fhc propo�ed conetructton. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Holland, seconded by Mr. White and carried unanimou�ly t6at- t6i� application P/CA 47/99, by P. Tetford, ae outlined, 6e APPROVED on ihe grounds Ihat the proposed 91 square metre mtnimum gross (loor rrea providcd by thc c:isting dwclling eod the propo�ed 5.7 metre mn:(mum building height tor the proposed accessory structure rre minor io nafure, Jesirablc far Ihe appropriate de�elopment of the land, and in kccping �;�ith ihe general intent and purpose of the Oncial Plan, and Ihe Zoning By-law subject !o tiro following condtHon�: l. That thi� variance apply only to Ihe dweli(ng in existence on Ihe aubJect property on Ihe dato of this deci�ion. 2. That thl� variancc appliea only to the deaign of the propo�ed atructure, And to It's location a miniroum of 1.8 melres from lhe eauth lot line and 44 mclres from ihe front Iot lines a� lllu�irated on the plans circulated wtlh Ihle epplfcaHon. 3. That the applicant abtatn a build(ng permit and conatruct tht acceaaory atructure wilhin 2 yearo ot Ihe date of Ihis Jeci�lon or the approval of thta aepcct ot P/CA 47/99 shall become null and void. 5. P/CA 48/99 - Dt�covcry Place Ltd. Part of Lot 21, Concesaton 1 plso known u� 1000 Kingston Road Town otPlckerin� The appticant requeats reliof from Sectton 5.(I)(b)(vi)B to ��ermit Ihe eatabilehment of a reduced required parking �pace raHo ot 1.1 spacea per dwclling unit, whereas the current zoning by-Isw requirea a minimum ot 1.3 parking apacce per dwell(ng unit to be provided for reaident perking on ihc subject property. The appllcsnt reque�ts approva! of thie varisnce in order to obtain aite plan ppproval and bullding permib to be i�sued tor a proposed 16•�torey, 253 unit apartment bullding on Ihe �ubJect properfy. T6e AeaUtant Secretary-Treasurcr oullined commente receivcd from the Town ot Pickering Planning Department. Mr. Steve Upton, ep,ent, wae preaeot to represent the appiication. No turlher rcpreacntANon wae preaent in favour ot or In objecfion to the applicaflon. Mr. Uptoo etafed fhnt he i� In aupport of the Plenning Departmeeta commeute. 65 Mr. Aehe uked Mr. Cole if therc wn dGcueaion over po�elble overllow of tn(ile �nd if thero would be eu(8cient p�rking between the a�t �ad west towen. Mr. Cole rcp8ed Ih�t discuaalone 6ad t�kea pl�ce concluding thpt there wu no concem of r deticit ot prrking. Mr. White �aked it t6ere wo rppropri�te notiticotioo to reaidente la f6e condominiume. Mr. Cole rdvi�ed the Committa that ooNOcatlon la mailed to the Condominium CorporaNan and �bo a aigo i� poated on the eubject property Inforroing reaidenb ot the minor vrri�nce. DECISION: Moved by Mr. A�he, aeconded by Mr. flollend and carried unanimouely that- ih�i applicatioo P/CA 48/99, by Di�covery Place Ltd., aa outlined, be APPROVED on the grounda t6at ihe proposed parking apace reduction veriance to permit a reduced reaideot parking epoce ratio of 1.1 epaces per dwelling unit oo t6e eubject property, known as the Milieonium Weat Tower, 4� minor in nature, deairoble tor the Approprtate development of t6e land ond tn keepiog with fhe generol intent AnJ purpose ot the Oflicial Pian and the Zoaing ByI�w, subJect to t6e tollowing condilion: 1. That thi� vartance apply only to ihe curtenlly approved 253 unit high-rise condomintum project on the subject property. 6. P/CA 49/99 - P. & S. Valente Lot 55, Plen 40M-1400 al�o known aa 1002 Haneywood Cresant Town of Pickering The applicant requeate reUet L-om �tctton S.(2)(b)(vii) of amending Bylew 3036, as amended, fo permit a meximum lot covcnge of 39.2% to be provided by the cii�ting dwelling and propoaed porch pnd cold cellar on thc eubject property, wherea� ihe zoning bylaw permih a meximum lot coverage ot38'/o to be provided. The Applicant reque�is approval of thi� variance in order to abtain e building permit to conatruct a proposed porch over a propoacd cold cellar, approilmately 9.0 aquare mefres in aize, to the front otthe e:hling dwelling on the aubjecl property. The ��sUtant Secretary-Tres�urer outlined commcnls received fram the Town of Pickering Planning Departmenf. Mr. Valente, owner, was present to represent the oppl(catton. No tuHher representation was preeent in favour of or in objection to the applicatton. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Holland, aeconded by Mr. White and carried unanimously t6at- thia application P/CA 49/99, by P. & S. Valente, ae oullined, be APPROVED on the grounda ihat the proposed maximum 39.2% lot caverage vartance is minor in nafure, deairable for the approprlate development ot the land, and In keeping with thc gencral purpo�e end inient ot Ihe Otficial Plen and the zoning by-law, aubJect to Ihe following condiHona: 1. Thet thie varfance apply only to a proposed cold cellAr below a tront porch, oot exceeding 9.0 equarc metree in aize, ea generally aited on the applicants plan au6mitted wit6lhi� rpplicalton. 2. That Ihe applicant obtein a bullding permif, and conetruct, Il:e proposed porch ond cold celiar wlth(n 2 yeen of the Jate of thi� decialon, ar the ppprovpl of lhe�e varimcea ehall becomr. null and void. 66 7. P/CA SOl99 - 601153 Onhrlo Inc. Nort6 P�rt ot Lot 17, Concadon 1 �leo known u f887 Kiog�toa Ro�d Towa otP(ckering T6e opplic�ot requata rcliet from fhe following provbfaoa of Bylaw 3036, �e �mended: 5cetion 14.2.1 to provide t6e existing building and propoud Addition wlth � tront y�rd dept6 of 23.0 metres �nd � weat aide yrrd widlh ot 1.0 metrea, wherae t6e zoniog by-Irw requlrcs a minimum tront yard depth and aide yArd widlh ot36.0 metrea. Secfion 14.1 to permit a legal e:fenafon/eolargement ot t6e legal non-sonforming equipment nntal use in Ihe torm ot an odditton (appro:imetely 125 equare metrea in eize) to ihe rcar ot the buildtog and to bring the building into complience with the zootng by-law. The Aaeietant Secretaty-Treasurer outlfned camments recelved from the Town of Pickering Planning Department and the Toronto & Regiao Conservatioo Authority. Mr. Salter, agent, wa� preseof to represent Ihe applicaHon. No further representation was present in favour ot ar lo objection to !he appitcation. Mr. Sniter advlsed the membern that only a ptece ot the eitsNag building, which i� old and a tire hazard, is being removed and replaced. Mr. Aa6e aeked wdy the zaning does not ellow tor an equipment rentel usc. Mr. Colc replicd t6at tht� type of use �i conatdered more of a commercial type u�e. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Wh(te, aeconded by Mr. 1lolland and carrled unanimously ikat- this appllcaHon P/CA 50/99, by 601155 Ontarto Inc., as oullined, be APPROVED on the grouode IhAt ihe proposed variAnce fo permit an extension/enlargement ot the extettng legal non-contorming uae on lhe property, in the form of an addit(oo o! the reor of the buflding, approximately 125 square metrea (n aize ond the proposcd vartances lo permit a minimum front yard depth ot 23.0 melrea �nd a minimum weat aide yard width af 1.0 metre� ure minor io nsture, appropriAfe for the deairable devclopment of the lond, nnd in kceping with the general purpose and intent ot the O�cial Plan AnJ Ihe Zoning By-law �ubject to the fallowing conditione: i. That the e:fenaion/enlargement ota legal non-conforming use varlance apply only to t6e exisfing equipment rental eatabli�hment on the property and to the proposed 125 square metre (approiimcte) addiUun to the rear ot the e:i�ting 6uilding, as illuatrated on the plane nubm(tted with this epplicafion. 2. Tdat the 23.0 metre front yard depth and 1.0 metre weat aide yard width variancea appty only to the building in e:Ltence on the property on Ihe date ot this decision, and lhat the propoaed addition at the rear of the building provide a roinimum weat �tde yard width ot3.0 metrea; 3. That the applicant obtain oll necessary Qermits end conetruct Ihe eubject oddition within hvo yearo of t6e date ot fSiis deci�ion, ar ihc approval of these varianca ahall become null ond void. 67 8. P/CA 31/99 - Tiffmy P�rk Homa (Foreif Cnek) Ltd. Lof IOL, Pl�n IOM-1943 �bo knoNn �a 1998 Trcebp Way Town of Pickeriog The �pplic�ot requala rclief from Sectton S(b)(i)A(� of By1�N 4S08N4 to permit Ide rnntlnu�oce ot a minlmum 2.27 metrc tirnluge tlde ysrd widld to be provided by � recenity con�tructed dwclling on t6e eubJcef property, w6ereoa t6e zoning by-I�w requirn � minimum Ilonkoge eidc yard widt6 of 2.7 metrea. The appllcant rcque�fe approvAl of thi� variAace in order to bring the receotly conatrucfed dwelliog oa t6e aubject property info comp8ance wit6 the requircments at t6e zooing by-Irw. T6e A:�i�tant Secretory-Treasurer outlined commente received trom the Towo otPickering PlAnniog Department. Mr. D. Bogar, owner, wa� present to repreeent t6e ppplicallon. No furt6er repreaentation wa� preaenf in fAVOUr of or in objecNon to the appitcatton. Mr. Bogar atated that Ihe house wa� incortectly placed on Ihe eubject properly. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Holland, aeconded by Atr. Aahe ond carried w�animouely that- thi� applicallon P/CA 51/99, by Tiffany PArk lioma (Forcst Creek) Ltd., es outlined, be APPROVED on ihe grounde that the e:�ting dwelling on the property providtn� w Oankage atde yord widih ot 2. 27 metrea i� minor in nature, de�irable for the appropriete development of the laod, and in keeping with ihe genenl purpo�e and intent of tNc Ofticlal Plan ond the Zoning Bylaw, aubject to ihe foilowing conditton: i. T6At fd4� vrrtance apply only to lhe dwelling in c:iafence on the property on 1he date of thL+ deci�ion. 9. P/CA 52/99 - J. & S. CAiata Lot 49, Pion 1041 Parte 3& 4, Plan 40R•17802 (EAet afJe of Spruce Hill RoAJ, NoNd of Welrue Street) Town ot Pickering The appllcants requeat reliet trom SecHon 10.2.6 of Bylaw 3036, as amended, to permit a ma:Imum lot covernge ot37% to be provided by a propo�ed dwelling to be conntructed on Ihe eubject property, wherea� the zoning by-law requires a mr:imum lot covenge at33%. Tde Applicqnh requat approval of Ihis variaace in order lo obtAin r building permft to conatruct A propoaed dweiling on the aubject property which would eiceed the mo:iroum lot covenge requirementn ot lhe current zoning. The Asalataat Secretary-Treaeurer ouflined commenla received from tMe Town of Pickering Plaontog Department. Mr. Joe CAlata, owaer, wAa preaeot to represeot tha application. Al�o preaent w�a Mr. Wallace from 1772 Spruce Hill Road, in objection to the rpplicrHon. Mr. CpialA elpted Ihat the propoeed dwelling would be appro:imately 1650 equore feef. The pl�ne currenlly Indicate three bedroome pnd fo confarm lo Ihe by-Ipw would rcquiro � rniuction ot appro:imofely 14U equrre feet, which would elimin�te the third bedroom. Td� reducHop would oot occommodafe tdeir necda. Hc bc8eva 16At tde dwclBng is not out of choncter rvith the ulating homea in the �rea �nd teel� th�t hi� requeat la � mloor (ncreoie in lot covenge. 68 Mr. Wdl�ce �t�ted t6rt 6e u ipakiag on boh�lf ot uverd �rc� rciidente. }le commeoted on t6e reductloa oC vocaot loh IeR In tde Dunb�rtoo nelghbourhood �nd f6�t t6cre hu ban � conaidenble amount ot green apue loat. A rlCtD�IY CUIIIII'UCIt1) II0�1! 00 tllt IlOfib ilde ot t6e �treet complied with all ihe requiremente ot the zoalaQ byI�w aod de b �iking tb�t Mr. Cd�ta du Ihe ume. Mr. Caiat� keW t6ot aaking tor pn oddiNonal 140 equrro faf b not unreoeoa�ble �od believes f6�t t6e addition�l covenge would oot make �a imp�cf on the avdl�ble greea ep�ca Mr. Holland efated t6wt Alt6ough he can apprsciate Mr. Wallrce'� concerna he �eked ff t6e o6jectlon U not to the creallon ot the lot rather tdao ihe minor variance itself. Mr. Wallace atated t5rt there was r concern t6at Approving t6e ApplicaHon would aet a precedent ta the neighbourhood. Mr. Holiand aeaured Mr. Wallace that eac6 applicalion i� baaed on ile owo merit and will not eet a precedent. Mr. W6ite aaked Ihe applicAOf it he plans to aell the home or to move into it. Mr. Caiata repiied thAt he plane to move lalo t6e home. Mr. Cole gave aome background informatioa aa to the Plaoolag Departmenta recommendation. Sinee there rre no height reatrictions, the rpplicsnl could very w•ell build r hvo and ihree atorey dwelling. Since the proposed dwelling is a raL+ed bungalow, the lower 6eight ot the dwellinp, would compen�Ate for ihe Inrger lot coverage. Mr. Holland commented on the height ot the propo�ed dwelling be(ng more compatible wlth 16e rat of Ihe neighbourhood Ih�n if the rpplicant were considering !o build a two or three ato:ey dwelling. Normally bungalowe require a larger lot coveroge. Mr. Holland atAted that he would be ia eupporl of Ihe applicallon. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Holland, aeconded by Ma White and carr(ed unanimnusly Ihat- Ihi� applicatioo P/CA 52/99, by J. & S. Cairt�, a� outltoed, be APPROVED on Ihe grounds thpt lhe propoaed mesimum 37°/a lot coverage variqnce is mfnor tn nature, deairable for t6e approprlate development uf Ihe lind, and in kceping wilh Ihe generAl purpoae and intent ot Ihe Official Plan and Ihe Zooing By-law, subject to fhe tollowing condition: 1. T6�t thb v�rionce apply oniy lo the dwelling as gencnlly illuetraled on the plane aubmitted with Ihls application, and that the appitcant obtsin o buildiag permit rnd construct the dwcll(ng within two yeAro of the date ot th�i dec�ion or the approval of thia variance ahall becoroe null rnd void. 10. P/CA 53N9 - J. & J. Lrlly Part Lot l9, Concesafon 3 abo known as 2510 Brock Road Norlh Town otPickering The applicant requesta thAt ti�e Committee permit the eiten�ion/enlArgement of the legrl oon-conforming driving range use in the form of a 67 aquaro metre dak addidon at the reAr of the e:i�ting tmiler buildiog. T6e applicant requnts rpprovpl of 161a vp�(pnce in order to obtsin building permits for the propoaed conatrucfion. Tde Aesbtrat Secretary-Treaeurer oullined commenta rcceival from the Town ot Pickering Pl�nniag Deparfinent pnd the Durdam Region Works aod Hepith Dep�rtmenfa. Mr. Lrify, Naa preaept to repreaent the �pplicatlon. Mr. W�Il�ce waa �uo preaeat, in Gvour of Ihe applicatfon. Mr. LAily elAted Ih�t the frniler le amall �nd he would Uke fo coo�fruct a deck In order to give �tudeata a p1ACe to eit. 69 Mr. W�Ilpce etAted 16rt 6e haa Iwown Mr. Ldly for mray ye�n aad le in tull �upport of t6e �pplic�Hon. Mr. h+he asked wh�� amngemeat the wpplicrat haa with lhe Town of P(ckering. Mr. Lrlly replied th�t they hwve a three yeAr leaae with the Town. DECIS[ON: Moved by Mr. A�he, aecoaded by Mr. Holland and carrt:d unanimouely 16at- 1hb rppiicAtioo Y/CA 53/99, by J. & J. Lrlly, a� outl(neJ, be APPROVED on t6e grounde Idrt t6�° proposed variance to permit an eitensioa/eolergement of ihe e:iafing legal aon- conformiag use on the property, in the form ot a deck addtNon at the reAr ot Ihe building, rppro:imotely 67 square metres in size, i� appropriate for tiie desirable development of ihe laud, and ia keeping wilh ihe intent of the Otticte) Plen and ihe Zoning By-iaw, �ubject to ihe foilowing conditions: 1. Thet thb approvai apply only to the eiiating driving range facilify and to the propoeed 67aquare metre deck addiNon to 16e rear of the existing frailer building, as illu�trated on Ihe plana aubmitted with this applicaHon. That the applicant obtatn all neceesary permits and construct the aubject additton within two yearo ot the date of Ihis decision, or Ihe approval ot th(s variencea ahell become null and void. 11. P/CA 54/99 - 704858 Ontarto Inc. Lot 1L, Plan 40M-1956 Alno known aa 592 Amaretto Avenue Town of Pickering The applicant reque�ta relief trom Scclton S(2)(e)B ot Dy-law 3036, as amended by By-lew S148/97 to permit the continuAnce ot a mintmum 2J9 metre 1lankage aide yerd width to be provided by a recentiy con�tructed dwelling on the aubject property, wherea� Ihe zoniog bylaw requirea A minimum tlank:ge afde yarJ width af 2.7 metres. The applicant reque�ts approval of this variance in order to bring ihe recently conatructed dwelling on ihe subject property into compliance wilh thc requirement� of fhe zoning byIpw. Tde h+atatant Secretary•Treasurer outlined commente received from the Town of Picker(ng Pirnning Department. Mr. S. Birritteri, waa present to represent the epplication. No further repre�entation wn� preaent io favour of or in objecNon to Ihe application. Mr. Birritteri atated there was no intention fa infringe on the rcquiremenls of the zoning by-law but that the variance waa required due to a�iting error. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Ashe, seconded by Mr. White and carrlcd unanimoualy Ihat- t6b pppBcatlon P/CA 54/99, by 704858 Ontario Inc., as outl(ned, be APPROVED on the ground� that the continuance ot an e:t�ting dwelling on the property to provide a Oankage aide yard wldth af 2. 39 metres i� minor in nature, deairable for the opprapriAte development otthe land, and in keeping with the gcncral purpo�e and intent otthe Officirl Plan and the Zoning By-law, aubject to the tollowing condition: 1. That this variance apply only to the dwelUng in e:iatcnce on Ihe property on the date of thia declalon. 12. P/CA 55/99 - 622530 Ont�rio Ioc. Lota 102 & 103, PIAn 816 aL�o known re 1438 -1440 Old Foreat Rord Town utPickering The applica�t requeet� relief from the tollowing provi�ion� of By-IAw 3036, Ae amended: SecNon 10.2.3 to permit w proposeJ dwelling fo provide a minimum rear yard depih ot 5.99 mefres, whereaa the zoning by-lew requires a minimum reAr yard depth of 7.5 metree. Section 5.18(a) and Sectinn 5.18(b) to permit a praposed defached garage to be locsted in Ihe aouth side yard, ond a r,�nimum 0.91 metre� Gom li�e rear lot line, whereas the zoning by-law requires all such accessory �tructures to be located entirely in the rear yard, aod a minimuro of 1.0 metre from all lot lines. Tl�e Aseistant Secretary-Treasurer outlined commenta received from the Town of Pickering Pianning Departroent. Mr. B. Davies, Surveyor, was present to represent the applicallon. No furthcr repreaentation was present in favour of or in abjection to the applicatiou. Mr. Davfes �tated lhat ihe lot is an irregular �haped lot which ia why a variance i� reqnired on the south rear comer only of the propoaed dwelling. DECISIOIY: Moved by Mr. White, secondeJ by Mr. flolland and carrled unanimously that- thia application P/CA 55/99, by 622530 Ontario Inc., as outlined, bc APPROVED on thc ground� that Ihe proposed 5.98 metrc rcar yard depth provided by a proposed new dwelling, and the proposed locotian of a new sccessory siructure (dctached garage) located (n t6e eouth aide yard and 0.91 ot a mctrc from Ihc rcar lot line are minar variances which are de�iroble far the Appraprfate Jevelopmant of Ihc land, anJ in kceping with thc gencral intent and purpose of the Offictal Plan, and the Zaning Dy-low, aubject to the following conditions: 1. That the 5.98 metre rear yard Jepih and sccc�aory atructure location variances apply only to A dwelling aiting and acces�ory alruclure location as generally illustrated on fhe plans circulrted with this application. 2. That the appltcnnt obtafn building permits and conslruct Ihc dwelling and accessory �iructure within two yean of thc date of this decislon, or the epproval of theae variance� �hall become null and void. 13. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Mr.1[olland, seconded by Mr. White and carried unanimou�ly that- The lOth meeting ot the Cammittee ot Adju�tmeot be adjoumed at 8:25 p.m. and the next regulAr mecting otthe Commitfee of Adjustment be held on Wednesdey, Augu�t 18,1999. r�i r. � � �. ; . i I�� q DATE . , -. , : �.��..�. SECRETARY-TREASURER (ACfINC) ` 1; �: . -a��.-� . . t. _ t jC . } ' � !� v • �t ,5 %2: � . � � . �. . . . ���. L _ _ . . _ . . . . � . . �. . . t