HomeMy WebLinkAboutKevin Ashe� ������, CHARTERED PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS INDEPENDEfV� AlJDIT�Ft°S REPORT To: Kevin Ashe Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (Section 78) We have audited the accompanying Financial Statements Form 4, campaign period statement of income and expenses of Kevin Ashe, for the campaic�n period from June 10, 20'�4 $� Decerr�ber 31 2014 for the election held on October 27, 2014. The #inancial stateme�fi has been �repared by the candidate based on the financial reporting provisions of th� f��nici��l Elections Act, 1996. Management's Responsibili�y for the Fir�a�ciai Sta$err�er�t� The chief financial officer of the candidat� is responsible for the prepar�tios� and fair presentation of the financial statement in accordas�ce with thP financial rep�rting provisicns of fihe Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and guidelir�es issued by Ministry of Mur�icip�i Affiairs and Housing and for such internal control� as the chief fiinancial o��icer determines i� necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from materiai misstaternent, whether due to fraud or error. Audiior's Responsibi9Aty C�ur responsibility is to express a� opinion or� the Farm 4 7`ina�cial �tatements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance tNifh Canadi�r� generall� �ccepted auditing st�ndards. Those standards require that we comply with ethicai requirerr�ents and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether t�e f�nancial staiements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounis and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedure� select�ed d�pend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessrreent of the risks ot material misstaterr�ent of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or er�or. In maki�g those risk assessrnents, the auditor considers internal controls relevant to the enfity's preparation and fair pres�ntation of the financial statement in order to design �udifi procedures �hat are �ppr�pria�e in the c�rcumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opir�ioh on the effecfiveness of ti�e entity�'s intern�l controls. An audit also includes evaluatir�g the approp�iateness o� accour�tir�g policies used and the reasonableness of accounting est�m�ges rnade by m�r�agement, as v�ell as evaluating the overall presentation of the financiai stat�m�nts. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is suifiicient and appropriate to provide a basis for our qualifiied audit opinion. Basis for Qualified Opinion Due to the inherent nature of the tra�sactions af organizafions of this �ype, t�e completeness of the various categories of income and expens�s is no� susceptibie to satisfactory audit v�rification. Accordingly, our verification of income �nd expe�ses was lirnited to the am�unts recorded in the records of the can�idate and we were not able to determine v�hether any adjustrrents might be necessary to income, expenses and p�riod sur�!�s/deficifi for fii�e carr�paign period from June 10, 20�4 to December 3'I, 20�� i�1arc A. Re��aucl �d���ard Rutland 1124 Brock Street South, Whitby, Ontario L1N 4L9 1024 Rouge Valley Drive, Picicering, Ontario L1V 4N7 Te1:905-666-2720 Fax: 905-666-1042 Te1:905-706-6369 Fax:905-666-1042 marc@renaudrutland.com ed@renaudrutland.com !1 -� •• � : In our opinion, except for the possible effects of the matter described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph, the Form 4 financial statements of Kevin Ashe for the campaign period from June 10, 2014 to December 31, 2014 is prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the financial reporting provisions of Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. � ��� t�. � ��...w.�-_. . _ �.�.'�� � � t..t. �e+ '- ,.. RENAUD RUTLAND CHARTERED PROFESS109VAL ACCOIJNTANTS Pickering January 31, 2015 r� � � . �r" �ntaria Ministry of IVlunicipal Affairs Fir�ancial Staterr�ent — Auditor's Report and Housing Form 4 Municipal Electrons Act, 1996 (Section 78) Instructions: All candidates must complete Boxes A and B. Candidates who receive contributions or incur expenses beyond the nomination fee must complete Boxes C, D, Schedule 1, and Sched�le 2 as appropriate. Candidates who receive con�ributions or incur expenses in excess of $10,000 must also attach an Au�itor's Report. All surplus funds (after any refund to the candidate or his or her spouse) shall be paid irr�mediately over to the clerk who was responsible for the conduct of the election. YYYY MM DD YYYY MM DD For the campaign period from (day candidate filed nomBnation� 2014 06 10 to 2014 12 31 � Primary filing reflecting finances to December 31 (or 45t" day after voting day in a by-election) � Supplementary filing including finances after December 31 (or 45th day after voting day in a by-election) Box A: Name of Candidate and Office Candidate's name as shown on the ballot Last Name Ashe Given Name(s) Kevin Name of office for which the candidate sought election Ward name or no. (if any) City Councillor Ward 1 Name of Municipality Pickering Spending limit issued by clerk �24,272.90 ❑ I did not accept any contributions or incur any expenses other than the nomination fee. (Complete Box A and 8 only) Box B: Declaration I, Kevin Asl�e , a candidate in the municipality of Pickering , hereby declare fhat to the best of my knowledge and belief that these financial statements and attached supporting schedules are true and correct. Declared before (clerk or commissioner) in the City of Pickering on (YYYY/mm/dd) - ` _ ; ' �_ '.. , '� � � °� �_' � � - '� Signature of Clerk or Commissioner .e `, �,; „�. ,. Date Filed in the Cferk's Office (yyyy/mm/dd) � ,. ,� � _ � �� �' ;�I � -° - ¢. Signature of Candidate 9503P (2013/11) O Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2013 Disponible en fran�ais Page 1 of 8 Box C: Stater�ent af Campaign Income and Expenses LOAN Name of bank or recognized lending institution Amount borrowed $ 0.00 INCOME Total amount of all contributions (From iine 1A in Schedule 1) +$ 29,049.00 Refund of nomination filing fee +$ 100.00 Sign deposit refund + $ Revenue from fund-raising events noi deemed a contribution (From Part III of Schedule 2) + $ Interest earned by campaign bank account +$ Other (provide full details) 1. + $ 2. + $ 3. + $ Total Campaign Income (Do not include I�an) _$ 29,149.00 C1 EXPENSES (Note: include the value of contributions of goods and services) Expenses subject to spending limit Nomination filing fee + $ 100.00 Inventory from previous campaign used in this campaign (list defiails in Table 5 of Schedule 1) + $ 799.00 Advertising + $ 6 081.93 � Brochures/flyers + $ 7,294.15 Signs (including sign deposit) + $ 1,554.89 Meetings hosted + $ Office expenses incurred until voting day �- $ 900.75 Phone and/or Internet expenses incurred until voting day +$ 248.80 Salaries, benefits, honoraria, professional fees incurred until voting day +$ 994.00 Bank charges incurred until voting day +$ 179.92 Interest charged on loan until voting day +$ 0.00 Other (provide full details) 1. Truck + � 500.00 2. Voter ID voice broadcast +$ 4,520.00 3. + $ 0.00 Total Expenses subject to spending IBmit =$ 23,173.44 C2 Expenses not subject to spending lirnit Accounting and audit Cost of fund-raising events/activities (list details in Parf IV of Schedule 2) Voting day party/appreciation notices Office expenses incurred after voting day Phone and/or Internet expenses incurred after voting day Salaries, benefits, honoraria, professional fees incurred after voting day Bank charges incurred after voting day Interest charged on loan after voting day Expenses related to recount Expenses related to controverted election Expenses related to compliance audit Expenses related to candidate's disability (provide full details) 1. volunteer dinner 2. 3. Other (provide full details) 1. 2. 3. Total Expenses not subject to spending lirnit Total Campaign Expenses (C2 + C3) + + + + + + + + + + + $ 1,130.00 $ 0.00 $ 505.26 $ $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ I5.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 _ $ 0.00 $ 0.00 -� $ 1,731.76 + $ 0.00 + $ 0.00 + $ 0.00 + $ 0.00 + $ 0.00 _ $ 3,3 82.02 C3 _ � 26,555.46 C4 9503P (2013/11) Page 2 of 8 : • � • . • • ; • � - Excess (deficiency) of income over expenses (Income — Total Expenses) (C1 — C4) Eligible deficit carried forward by the candidate from the last election Total (D1 — D2) If there is a surplus, deduct any refund of candidate's or spouse's contributions to the campaign Surplus (or deficit) for the campaign + $ 2,593.54 D1 — $ 675.00 D2 _ $ 1,918.54 — $ 0.00 _ $ 1,918.54 D3 If line D3 shows a surplus, the amount must be paid in trust, at the time the financial statements are filed, to the municipal clerk who was responsible for the conduct of the election. Amount of $1,918.45 paid to municipal clerk in the municipality of Pickering 9503P (2013/11) Page 3 of 8 Schedule 1 - Contributions Part I— Summary of Contributions Contribution from candidate (include the value of inventory listed in Table 5) + $ 799.00 Contribution from spouse + $ 0.00 Total value of contributions not exceeding $100 per contributor • Include ticket revenue, contributions in money, goods and services where the total contribution from a contributor is $100 or less (do not include contributions from can�didate or spouse). +$ 0.00 Total value of contributions exceeding $100 per contributor (from line 1 B; list details in Tables 1— 4) o Include ticket revenue, contributions in money, goods and services where the total contribution from a contributor exceeds $100 (do not include contributions from candidate or spouse). �- $ 28,250.00 Less: Contributions returned or payable to the contributor —$ 0.00 Contributions paid or payable to the clerk, including contributions from anonymous sources exceeding $10 — � 0.00 Total Amount of Contributions (Record in �ox C) _ $ 29,049.00 1A Part II — List of Contributions from Each Single Contributor Totalling more than $100 Table 1: Monetary contributions from individuals other than candidate or spouse Name Full Address Amouni $ see attached list � Additional information is listed on separate supplementary attachment Total � 4,050.00 9503P (2013/11) Page 4 of 8 Table 2: Monetary contributions frorn corporations or unions Name (Legal and Carrying on Full Address Business As see attached list President or Business IVlanaqer � Additional information is listed on separate supplementary attachment �luthorized Rearesentative Table 3: Contributions in goods or services from individuals other than candidate or spouse (Note: must also be recorded as expenses in Box C) Name Full Address ❑ Additional information is listed on separate supplementary attachment Total Description of Goods or Services Total . , ;, 23,700.00 Value $ 9503P (2013/11) Page 5 of 8 Table 4: Contributions in oods or services from cor orations or unions (Note: must also be recorded as ex enses in Box C Narne of C�rporation Full Address President o� Authorized Description of Value $ (Legal and Carrying on Business Manager Representative Goods or Services Business As Bpyer Chev Cadillac 715 Kingston Road Ryan Boyer Use of truck 2 500 Pickering L1V !a( weekends ❑ Additional information is listed on separate supplementary attachment Total Part II Contributions (Add Totals fror� Tables 1-4) (Recard in Part I— Summary) Part III — Inventory Table 5: Inventory of Campaign Goods and Materials from Previous Campaign used in this Campaign (Note: value must be recorded as a contribution from the candidate and �s an exper�se) Description Date Acquired Supplier Current Market Quantity (yyyy/mm/dd) Value $ small bag signs 2010/09/30 K8 Solutions 2.99 Large signs 2010/09/30 I K8 Solutions I 10 ❑ Additional information is listed on separate supplementary attachment Total � 500.00 $ 28,2501 � Total Value $ 100 299 50 500 Total I 799.00 9503P (2013/11) Page 6 of 8 Schedule 2— Fundraising Events and Activities Fundraising Event/Activity Complete a separate schedule for each �vent or activity held ❑ Additional schedule(s) attached Description of fundraising event/activity Date of evenUactivity (yyyy/mm/dd) Part I — Ticket Revenue Admission charge (per person) (If there are a range of ticket prices, attach complete breakdown of all ticket sales) + $ Number of tickets sold X Total Ticket Revenue (2A x 2B) (Include in Schedule 1) Part II — Other revenue deemed a contribution (provide details (e.g. revenue from goods sold in excess of fair market value)) 1. + $ 2. + $ 3. + $ 4. + $ 5. + $ Total Part II Revenue (include in Schedule 1) Part 116 — Other revenue not deemed a contribu#Bon (provide details (e.g. contributions of $10 or less; market value of goods or services sold)) 1. + $ 2. + $ 3. + $ 4. + $ 5. �- $ Total Part III Revenue (include in Box C) Part IV — Expenses related to fundraising event or activity (prov�de details) 1. + 2. + 3. + 4. �- 5. + 6. + 7. + 8. + Total Part IV Expenses (include in Box C) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2/�a 2� _ � o $ _ $ � $ 9503P (2013/11) Page 7 of 8 Aud6tor's Report Municipal E/ections Act, 1996 (Section 78) A candidate who has received contributions or incurred expenses in excess of $10,000 must attach an auditor's report. Professional Designation of Auditor C1lartered Professional Accountant Municipality Pickering � Contact Information Name Last Name Rutland Address Suite/Unit No. Street No 1024 City/Town Pickering Street Name Rouge Valley Drive Telephone No. (including area code) Fax No. 905-666-6720 ext. 902-666-1042 First Name Edward Province ON Email Address ed@renaudrutland.com Date (yyyy/mm/dd) 2015/O 1 /29 Licence Number 11692 Postal Code L1V 4N7 The report must be done in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and must: • set out the scope of the examination • provide an opinion as to the completeness and accuracy of the financial statement and whether it is free of material misstatement � Report is attached Personal information, if any, collected on this form is obtained under the authority of sections 78 and 95 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. Under section 88 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (and despite anything in the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Ac fl documents and materials filed with or prepared by the clerk or any other election official under the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 are public records and, until their destruction, may be inspected by any person at the clerk's office at a time when the office is open. Campaign financial statements shall also be made available by the clerk in an electronic format free of charge upon request. 9503P (2013/11) Page 8 of 8 ' � � ' � '� i � � ' ���: .� � �. '.. � .:: � � '.,. '� '. '' '' � � ���: Jack Winberg 20 Knightswood Rd Toronto M4N 2H 1 Vijay Gupta 562 Renforth I�r Etobicoke M9C 2N2 Leo McArthur 505 Miller Ave. Markham L6G 1 B2 Jun Gao 1890 Spruce Hill Pickering L1V 2S7 Yunlin Gao 1890 Spruce Hill Pickering L1V 2S7 Todd McCarthy 132 Dundas Street West Whitby L 1N 2L9 July 14/2014 250 Sept 12 250 Sept 19 200 Sepp 25 750 Sept 25 750 Sept 26 750 Siobhan Smith Oct 1 500 64 Lahaye Dr Whitby L 1 P 1 LS Frank Mongillo Oct 9 600 10 Norden Cres Toronto M3B 1 B6 TOTAL DONATIONS 4,050 2014 onations Suyn�nary Corporations/IJnions above �100 Table 2 Donor Date Amt Ashe Consulting Services Inc. June 10, 2014 500 74-1701 Finch Ave Pickering L 1 V OB7 The Bench Press Ltd July 17/2014 500 2402 Stouffville Road PO Box 245 Gormley LOH 1 GO John Boddy Develo�ments Ltd. July 21/14 200 409 Kingston Rd West Ajax L1S 6L7 Cougs Investments Ltd. July 25/14 750 2700 Audley Road N. Ajax, L1Z 1T7 2385667 Ontario Ltd. July 29/14 500 (Oxnard Developments) 9140 Leslie Street #210 Richmond Hill L4B OA9 Morgan's Port Restaurant Inc. July 29/14 750 1289 Wharf Street Pickering L 1 VV 1 A2 Invar Building Corp. Aug 6/14 500 220 Duncan Mill Road #301 Toronto M3B 3J5 Sabourin Kimble & Assoc. LTD Aug 11 250 110 Old Kingston Rd Aj ax L 1 T 2Z9 Dorsay (Pickering) Ltd. Aug 11 750 150 York Street #1701 Toronto MSH 3S5 SR & R Bay Ridges (two) Ltd. Aug 11 750 150 Ferrand Drive #�O1 Toronto M3C 3E5 Mosey & Mosey Insurance Agency Ltd. Aug 12 750 100 Milverton Drive #604 Mississauga L51� 4H1 Triple Properties VII Inc Aug 12 750 186 Bartley Drive Toronto M4A 1 E 1 2379731 Ontario Ltd. Aug 13 250 Mr Lube. 1195 Kingston Road Pickering L 1 V 1 BS Averton (Brock) Limited. Aug 13 750 161 Pennsylvania Ave #5 Vaughan L4K 1 C3 Bitondo's Market Ltd. Aug 17 400 RR # 1 Locust Hill L 1 H 1 JO Spar Roofing & Metals Supplies Ltd. Aug 20 750 1350 Church Street South Pickering L 1 W 4C 1 John McLellan Contraciing Inc. Aug 20 100 3625 Sideline 26 Claremont L 1 Y 1 A2 White Sun Developments Ltd Aug 20 750 4576 Yonge Street #500 Toronto M2N 6N4 Lebovic Enterprises Limited 1�ug 21 750 PO Box 1240 Stouffville L4A 8A2 Alltemp Products Company Ltd. Aug 21 750 827 Brock Road South Pickering L 1 W 3J2 Louisville Homes Ltd Aug 26 750 11 Colonel Danforth Tr Toronto M 1 C 1 P 8 7503860 Canada Inc. Stonepay Canada Inc. Aug 29 750 2 Bloor St W #700 Toronto M4W 3R1 1889119 Ontario Inc. Sept 2 750 1295 Wharf Street #9 Pickering L 1 W 1 A2 Four-Valleys Excavating & Grading Ltdo 137 Bowes Road Concord L4K 1 H3 Sept 8 500 McEachnie Funeral Home Inc. Sept 16 500 28 Old Kingston Road Ajax L1T 2Z7 Boxgrove Hill Developments Inc. Sept 16 750 600 Applewood Cres Vaughan L4K 4B4 1815 Ironstone Co�npany Ltd. Sept 19 750 1815 Ironstone Manor # 1 Pickering L 1 W 3 W9 Miller Paving Ltd Sept 19 300 PO Box 40480 Markham L3R 9R8 Bost Investments Corp. Sept 22 750 24 Executive Place Kitchener N2P 2N4 Metrus Developments Inc. Sept 24 500 30 Floral Parkway #300 Concord L4K 4R1 SC Financial Investments Inc. Sept 25 750 700 Applewood Cres, # 100 Vaughan L4K SX3 J.F.C. Developments Ltd. Sept 30 25 Buggey Lane Ajax L1Z1X4 Mattamy Homes Ltd. Oct 9 2360 Bristol Circle Oakville L6H 6M5 Trans Power Utility Contractors Inc. Oct 9 585 Applewood Cres Concord L4K SV7 Orchard Ridge (Pickering) Inc. #800 -3700 Steeles Ave West Vaughan L4L 8M9 20 Vic Management Inc. One Queen Street E #300 Box #88 Toronto MSC 2W5 The Biglieri Group Ltd/ 20 Leslie St # 121 Toronto M4M 3L4 Oct 17 Oct 17 Oct 21 Mary-Skents Developments Incorp. Oct 23 44 Upj ohn Road Toronto M3B 2W1 Wynsum Homes (Woodgrove) Inc. Oct 23 1101 Kingston Road #210A Pickering L 1 V 1 B 5 PEFCO Ontario Ltd. Oct 27 1734 Finch Ave Pickering L 1 V 1 K4 Gervais Associates Ltd. Oct 29 2235 Sheppard Ave E #903 Toronto M2J SBS 500 500 650 750 500 500 500 350 200 500 Purdue Pharma Inc Nov 24 250 575 Granite Court Pickering L 1 W 3 VV8 TOTAL CORPORATE DONATIONS 23,700 I � 1� . � , � �i . � , � i�r , � . . � . �� ;�� .� . Michael Boyer Chev Cadillac Buick GMC LTI� Oct 29 500 715 Kingston Rd Pickering L 1 V 1 A9 TO�'AL CONTRIBUTIONS 500