HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 6, 2011 e~ty v¢~ Minutes Advisory Committee on Diversity. i January 6, 2011 PI CKERI 7:00 pm Main Committee Meeting Room Attendees: Councillor Ashe Kirk Mark Community Appointee Carlisle Miller, Community Appointee Devinder Kaur Panesar, Community Appointee Catherine Reidt, Community Appointee Jacob Yacoumidis, Community Appointee Renee Premdas [YOU]nity Tanya Sinclair, Pickering Public Library Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Anusheh Awad, Pine Ridge Secondary School [YOU]nity Cheryl Rock, Durham District School Board Lalita Persaud [YOU]nity Margaret Lazarus, Valley Farm Public School Constable Keith Richards, Durham Regional Police Alma Sandoval, Hispanic Canadian Alliance of Ontario Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Sylvie Morel-Foster, Durham Catholic District School Board Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome All Councillor Ashe welcomed. everyone to the first meeting of the newly renamed Advisory Committee on Diversity. Introductions were made around the table. Councillor Ashe also introduced Shawn Martin, informing the Committee that he would be shadowing him over the next few weeks. 2.0 Appointment of Chair& Vice Chair All Councillor Ashe provided a brief outline of the process for appointing a Chair and Vice Chair to the Committee. M. Carpino explained the role of the Chair as well as staff roles pertaining to Committees. Moved b T. Sinclair Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Seconded by J. Yacoumidis That the Advisory Committee on Diversity appoint Kirk Mark as Chair and Catherine Reidt as Vice Chair of the Advisory Committee on Diversity for the year 2011. Carried 3.0 Committee Review All K. Mark offered the following suggestion with respect to the agenda format and order of items as follows; • review of agenda • approval of agenda • approval of minutes 2011 Schedule It was the general consensus of the Committee to change the meeting dates to the second Thursday of each month, excluding July and August. Policy Statement The Committee members reviewed the policy statement and discussion ensued with respect to defining the term "diversity" and determining the objectives of the Committee. It was suggested we look at diversity with the context of equity. It was noted that with this being the City's Bicentennial it would be a good opportunity to take a more active role in the promotion of cultural activity and participation in events. This would be a great opportunity to promote diversity. K. Mark suggested looking to other municipalities such as the M. Carpino to action City of Toronto and Oakville to provide comparables to better understand how policies are constructed. He noted the policy currently is problematic as it does not provide clarity. K. Mark suggested the members refer to the Ontario Human K. Mark to action Rights Commission website to familiarize themselves with it in order to aid in the crafting of the statement. He noted he could provide a couple of models of equity statements to review at the next meeting. M. Carpino provided an overview of the history of the current policy and suggested it would be more timely to concentrate on the Terms of Reference and the mandate at this time as a review of the policy would be a huge undertaking to review. Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 It was suggested the Committee review the terms of reference and mandate for further discussion at the next All meeting. 4.0 2011 Annual Work Plan M. Carpino circulated copies of the 2010 work plan to provide an example to help with discussions in preparing the 2011 work plan. M. Carpino provided an overview of the various events held by the Committee. • Heritage Day Celebration - Feb. 26, 2011 Pickering Town Centre. M. Carpino encouraged members to attend • Diversity Camp - R. Premdas provided an overview of R. Premdas to action the camp and confirmed this will continue to be an annual event - will inform M. Carpino once a date has been set • Student Contest & Forum - it was suggested we film event - [YOU]nity could become involved with this - possibly create a montage • have a direct tie with the forum to the Bicentennial • M. Carpino informed R. Premdas she could provide photos and explained the permission requirements relating to this • Coffee House - R. Premdas provided an overview of the program and M. Carpino requested to be provided R. Premdas to action with a date in order to proceed with confirming a location for the event - discussed potential speakers for event • discussed possible events for June participation L. Roberts to action • requested name tags be ordered for members • Community Survey - discussion ensued and M. Carpino noted the lack of success to date with responses. Sean suggested the possibility of M. Carpino to action partnering with Durham College to utilize their resources to assist with the survey Moved by Councillor Ashe Seconded by Jacob Yacoumidis That the Advisory Committee on Diversity commit to developing a partnership with Durham College to assist with conducting the community survey. Carried Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 5:0 Upcoming Events & Proclamations M. Carpino provided the Committee with a listing of the 2011 proclamations. Discussion ensued with the following recommendations; • have a delegation attend Council in support of the proclamation • various suggestions for speakers were made • C. Miller to contact Mary Ann Chambers for a delegation to Council for Black History Month in February • K. Mark to email M. Carpino with contact information K. Mark to action for various delegations • partner with the Pickering Library to host forums with the speakers each month Discussion ensued with respect to the addition of holidays to be included in the proclamation listing M. Carpino to update It was suggested the Native Canadian Centre in Toronto be contacted for a group to participate in Heritage Day. M. Carpino to action 6.0 Other Business 1) M. Carpino informed the Committee a guest speaker needs to be confirmed for the Forum. Suggestions were made and M. Carpino requested any further suggestions be submitted to her by January 13, 2011. 2) M. Carpino informed the Committee she had been contacted by Muslim Youth Canada to attend the next Committee M. Carpino to action meeting. She indicated that she would have them placed on the February agenda. 3) Discussion took place with respect to possible joint meetings with other Durham Region municipalities race relations committees. This item will be placed on the February. agenda. M. Carpino to action 7.0 Adjournment/Next Meeting All The next meeting will be held February 10, 2011 Meeting Adjourned: 9:25 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 4 CORP0228-2/02