HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 8, 2010 Ctq oo Minutes/Meeting Summary iii Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Wednesday, September 8, 2010 P ~KERIl 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Laura Drake, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Alan Espenlaub, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Paul Savel, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Bill Weston, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rose Cowan, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee (arrived 8:15 pm) Stephen Reynolds, Division Head, Culture & Recreation Marisa Carpino Supervisor Culture & Recreation Katrina Pyke, Coordinator, Museum Operations Mandy Smiles, Events & Volunteers Programmer Leigh Gardner, Administrative Assistant I (Recording Secretary) Absent: Pat Dunnill, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rhonda Lawson, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Suzanne Primrose, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Stephanie Wilson, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Bill McLean, Regional Councillor -Ward 2 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Call to Order L. Drake mentioned the field trip of staff and volunteers to Lang. Thanks to K. Pyke for supporting participation in the Durham Theatre Festival. Backwoods Players did a great job on Murder Mystery. B. Weston mentioned that there were only 4 members in attendance and therefore did not have quorum. The meeting continued, even though there was no quorum, to review and comment on items. 2. Approval of Agenda Committee members in attendance agreed to proceed with agenda. 3. Review and Approval of Minutes Due to a lack of quorum, the Minutes of the May 20, 2010 meeting were not approved. Will be approved at next Advisory Committee Meeting. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 4 Updates Foundation M. Smiles commented that the Fall Family Festival is going ahead and planning is well underway. Capital Budget and Building Canada Projects S. Reynolds - to date approximately $500,000 of $885,000 is committed. K. Pyke - have a contractor looking at the chapel. The floor is springy, the support beam has dropped. Needs to be inspected by a structural engineer before going ahead. May have to do remaining foundations through regular capital budget. Working on making the trail more accessible ($300,000). Plans are finished, tender has been completed. B. Weston commented that the Foundation is under pressure to spend their money annually. S. Reynolds - 2010 Capital items: Gas and Steam Barn Woodwrights items have been purchased. The Redman House floor has been replaced. $50,000 not spent yet from approved 2010 Capital for Museum Building Restorations. K. Pyke - Gas and Steam Barn to create shingles for roof of Blacksmith Shop, Roof is leaking and is a priority item. Worried about timing and weather. L. Drake - would like to get the picnic shelter completed, plans S. Reynolds to follow are similar to the drive shed. up with M. Dwinnell when he returns from S. Reynolds - pathway scheduled to begin after Fall Family holiday. Festival and is scheduled to be completed by November 7t (pending tender opening). 5. Re orts 'of Sub-Committees Special Events M. Smiles - working on the following: Seedy Saturday (planning location), Steam Up,'Rag Dolls & Rag Time, A Spirit Walk, Rebellion Descendants Day, Fall Family Festival, Christmas in the Village, Pantomime. 2011 schedule of events is confirmed. Any new events will have to be put forward to 2012. L. Drake - Thank you to M. Carpino for applying for the 2011 Cultural Capitals of Canada for the support of Pickering's Bicentennial. Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 K. Pyke - proposed dropping one day of Christmas in the Village in 2011. L. Drake - There was a function in June with Durham Tourism which Laura attended. J. Morris, (Acting) Supervisor, Marketing, Research & Communications, will be going to Durham Tourism meeting tomorrow to get more information on upcoming Durham Tourism strategies. Collections P. Savel - no work has been done over the summer on policy development. K. Pyke - new collections software working well. Anne Sinclair has been using. S. Reynolds - stoves are still outstanding and will be part of BCF, M. Dwinnell can update members when he returns from holiday. A. Espenlaub - asked if there are priorities with collections acquisitions. K. Pyke commented there are none but would like World War I items. L. Drake - reviewed hand out "Capital and Maintenance Projects by Type" prepared by Rhonda Lawson and the Capital Projects Sub-Committee K. Pyke - M. Dwinnell is investigating heating and cooling in the Admin. Building. K. Pyke is looking at reverse osmosis for drinking water at the Museum. Recommended by M. Dwinnell as they did this at the Operations Centre. A. Espenlaub - discussed the Lang exhibit and congratulated museum staff on the professionalism of the A Family Story i exhibit in the Gift Shop. 6. 2011_ Budget Capital S. Reynolds reviewed the proposed 2011 capital budget. 2011 guidelines are to maintain status quo. K. Pyke discussed the following items: • Rumley oil pull, a unique engine run on oil and gas in relatively good condition • Shingle mill line shaft, need to repair the line shaft • Stationary engine - will reduce the need for a tractor and could power a shingle mill Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 K. Pyke mentioned the Miller Cole House needed a stove installed, working with Fire Services staff to ensure masonry and stove meet fire code. S. Reynolds identified the $100,000 proposed for Building Foundations and Improvements would be offset by a $50,000 contribution (possibly from the PMV Foundation if the Advisory Committee supported). Due to a lack of quorum, the 2011 proposed museum capital budget was recommended for approval. Operating S. Reynolds reviewed the proposed 2011 operating budget. The 2011 operating budget guidelines have not been received yet but likely will be to maintain the status quo. Rose Cowan arrived at 8:15 pm and declared a conflict of interest during budget discussions. K. Pyke proposed increasing part-time staff hours. Proposed increase in part-time staff hours only included if increase is offset by grant or revenue. Discussed in kind contributions (soft accounting techniques); volunteers' in-kind donations of labour and materials should be reflected somewhere in the 2011 current budgets under revenue. S. Reynolds mentions it is in his back up information and that there will be budget presentations where this could be identified. i K. Pyke mentioned there are formulas for coming up with values for volunteers, she determined a figure of $20/hour. L. Drake asked about Outside Agency Services. K. Pyke explained the Gas and Steam Barn included costs for TSSA and Boiler inspection. K. Pyke also discussed the YDMA Museum Tech Fund Project and it being dependent on grant being approved. M. Carpino advised that federal funding opportunities have been funding museum camp staff over the past few years - but not museum guides. S. Reynolds advised that the additional costs at Museum Village for Bicentennial events will fall under the Bicentennial account. Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 A. Espenlaub asked about Admissions Revenue. K. Pyke commented she is confident it will be close to budget projections. Gate numbers are down. Education numbers are good. Due to a lack of quorum the 2011 proposed 'museum current budget was recommended forapproval. 7. Term Ending Report L. Drake provided hand out "Term End Report" and reviewed Members to let L. with members. Final copy submitted to the Clerks Department Drake know if anything is attached. needs to be revised/added to the term end report. 8. Committee for Next Term S. Reynolds mentioned this is the last meeting before the next term. Thanked everyone on behalf of the City for their contributions. Museum is what it is because of the Committee, its volunteers and the Museum's staff. Municipal election will be taking place on October 25th. Shortly after the City will be placing an ad for the next term 9. New Business K. Pyke mentioned she has been invited to a meeting to establish a Durham Heritage Educators Group. L. Drake mentioned K. Pyke will also be participating on a panel at the Ontario Museum Association Conference. L. Drake mentioned 3 articles she found interesting. Perhaps they could be discussed at a future date. L. Drake thanked all for their cooperation and support. Kudos to staff and thanks to all the volunteers. Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 pm Copy: City Clerk Attachment Page 5 CORP0228-2/02