HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 11-02 092 - - - Citq o~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services DATE: March 15,2002 Gi1 Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer REPORT NUMBER: OES 11-02 SUBJECT: Don Beer Arena - Expansion & Renovation File: CO1000 RECOMMENDATION: 1. That the joint report of Operations & Emergency Services Department and Corporate Services Department be received; and 2. That Council award Tender T-1-2002 to Atlas Corporation in the amount of $3,400,000 plus G.S.T.; and 3. That Council approve the full project cost of $4,066,000; and 4. That Council authorize the entering into of a three party agreement with the City, Pickering Hockey Association (P.H.A.) and Durham West Girls Hockey Association (DWGHA) for the shared cost and financing of the project; and 5. That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to request the Region of Durham to finance the project through the issuance of debt; and a) Debt financing in the amount of $1,677,000 for a period not exceeding 20 years and $1 million for a term to be determined, at rates to be determined, be approved; b) Interest and principal repayment charges in the amount of approximately $150,000 annually be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2003 and continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid; c) The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Debt and Financial Obligations approved Annual Repayment Limit for debt and other financial obligations for 2002 as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario; d) The Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; and 6. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. ORIGIN: Correspondence from P.H.A and DWGHA Council Resolution #99/00 Council Resolution #121/00 Council Resolution #4/01 Council Reso1ution.#173/01 AMENDED March 25, 2002 ~1 ,/1 Of;' Report to Council OES 11-02 Date: March 15,2002 Subject: Don Beer Arena - Expansion & Renovation - File: COlOOO Page 2 AUTHORITY: - Municipal Act R.S.O. 1990, as amended, Section 210.1(1) FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Project Costs Construction Allowance for Parking Lot Contingency (5%) $3,400,000 72,000 170,000 $3,642,000 109,000 215,000 100,000 . ~.066.000 G.S.T. (net 3%) Professional Fees Furniture & Equipment Total Cost . Source of Funds 2001 Capital Budget (Arena Surcharge Res.)$ 215,000 Superbuild Grant 1,174,000 Debt (20 years) 1,677,000 Partner Share (PHA & DWGHA) 1.000,000 Total Financing $4.066.000 - The results of the tender and other costs indicate a total project cost in the amount of $4,066,000, which exceeds original staff estimates by approximately $666,000 and exceeds the estimated amount outlined in our SuperBuild application by approximately $200,000. The 2002 Capital Budget includes this project with certain funding assumptions. Further discussions with the Hockey Associations has led to a change. The Associations are willing to fund 50 per cent of the arena cost to a maximum of $1.5 million, less $500,000 of the Superbuild Grant proceeds. .. The total project cost is $4,066,000 and the maximum to be financed by the Associations is $1,500,000 less $500,000 of the Superbuild Grant. This leaves $1 million to be financed by the Hockey Associations. The balance of $2,566,000 will be fmanced in the amount of $215,000 from a reserve, $674,000 from the Superbuild Grant and $1,677,000 by the City in the form of debt. However, the City will also be responsible for arranging, through the Region of Durham, and for guaranteeing, the Associations net share of the financing of $1 million. The total debt to be issued for this project will be $2,677,000. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: -- In December, 2001 Council approved Resolution #173/01 authorizing staff to tender for the Don Beer Expansion and Renovation Project. Tender T-I-2002 was issued in January 2002 and closed in February 2002. The submissions have been reviewed by the Manager, Supply & Services and by the Architect who recommend acceptance of the bid by Atlas Corporation. Resolution #173/01 directed that staff report back to Council on the results of the tender and financing at the earliest possible date in 2002. This report is intended to meet the requirements of Resolution # 173/0 1. 094 Report to Council OES 11-02 Date: March 15,2002 Subject: Don Beer Arena - Expansion & Renovation - File: COI000 Page 3 BACKGROUND: - In June 2000 the Pickering Hockey Association (P.H.A) and Durham West Girls Hockey Association (DWGHA) presented to Council a business case, needs study and feasibility study for the addition of one ice pad at the Don Beer Arena. The group presented an estimate of cost at $3,000,000. Staff reviewed the proposal and reported back to Council in September 2000 with an approximate cost estimate of $3,400,000 and a request to approve detailed design and clearer cost estimate. City Council approved the amount of $215,000 for design development and construction drawings. Subsequent to this direction Council passed Resolution #4/01 directing staff to complete a SuperBuild application for the "Don Beer Arena Addition and Renovation" project. The application was completed and submitted in April 20001. The cost estimate per the application was then $3,848,000 approximately as per information from the consultants. All partners, the City, P.H.A and DWGHA signed the aforementioned application. In December 2001 Council passed Resolution #173/01 authorizing the Tendering of the project in advance of a response from SuperBuild and the 2002 Budget discussions. This was done to "Fast Track" the project and to achieve a more accurate cost for 2002 Budgets. Tenders closed on February 14, 2002. The Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer recommend acceptance of the lowest qualified bid as per the recommendation of the Architect. Costs have now been fixed at $4,066,000 for the total project. - The Tender is recommended to be awarded to Atlas Corporation in the amount of $3,400,000 plus G.S.T. at a total project cost of $4,066,000 (includes professional fees, contingency, parking lot). The Contractor has met all the Health & Safety requirements and reference checks have been positive. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Resolution #99/00 Resolution #121/00 Resolution #4/01 Resolution #173/01 Recommendation from Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Correspondence from Supply & Services - Report to Council OES 11-02 Date: March 15,2002 095 Subject: Don Beer Arena - Expansion & Renovation - File: CO 1 000 Page 4 Prepared / Approved / Endorsed By: Prepared / Approved / Endorsed By: - "/~~ - Gil Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Everett sma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Approved / Endorsed By: ~ ('7,:'1 ~ . Vera F e1gemach{; Manager, Supply & Services ~B :mld Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer - Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ,d - 09ß ATTACHMENT # L. TO REPORT # {E-~- !/~ 6.;¿ INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM CLERK'S DIVISION MEMORANDUM .- June 23, 2000 TO: Steve Reynolds, Division Head, Culture & Recreation FROM: Bruce Taylor, Clerk SUBJECT: Referrals from the Council Meeting of June 19, 2000 Please be advised that the Council of the City of Pickering passed Resolution #99/00, at the Council Meeting of June 19i1i, 2000, as follows: That the report entitled Proposal to the City of Pickering to add a Third Ice Pad to Don Beer Arena, dated June, 2000, be received; and That this Report be referred to staff with the direction to prepare a report with a review of the proposal to be considered by Council no later than September 11, 2000. - .~ BT:dk Copy: 1.1. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer - ATTACHMENT#_g..ro REPORT#Qê" II -OQ.. 09~7 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM , , CLERK'S DIVISION .. . . ,.¡ DATE: September 19, 2000 I-: - TO: Everett Buntsma, Director, Operations and Emergency Services Oil Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer FROM: Bruce Taylor, City Clerk Please be advised that the Council of the City of Pickering passed Resolution #121/00, Item #3 at the Council Meeting of September 18th, 2000, as follows: That Report OES #11-00 be received by Council and that: 1. Staff be directed to proceed with design and construction drawings for an additional indoor ice surface at Don Beer Arena; 2. Council authorize an expenditure of up to $215,000 for professional services related to the design development and construction drawings; 3. Staffbe directed to provide project costing and financing at the time of the 2001 Budget deliberations; - 4. Staff be authorized to meet with the Pickering Ice Rink Committee to discuss project fundraising programs with $1.5 million to be raised in less than a 10 year period by the Committee; . 5. The appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. 4~ cc. T.J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Æ'c.. ~.'peratior;s& Eme~geñ~c"~y~'s-. oe~'.'v'." ;;;';;:-:".~.- ----"- " . I "'~'i:> ï , !:¡Z:CEIVED: SEP' ., - ---I 1'-----."._,--- . -2..l ¿(lUll' f , FILE NO,: . -'f ; A8Ev. TO: --j ¡"':":':::::---' ,_._-___.fWD I ëOPYTõ~- '-'--.....~ Mp..YOB_-~---"r-_..COUNCIL .- r-"o _c¿f.':S!:...__.._..._-" - . CLËÃï<-----'-~""- Cl!L§;..'3§.Ç.:...- ¡ FINANCE "-'--' MUrJ PFnp [', FNÔ-¡'-T¡:Î~'f:' to t',;::;.~~--- ..-...,...¡ ê~~~11~~i~~tJ Bruce Taylor, City Clerk .-.. IIi!I ... ... ' iJö- ,...; Aît ,...... -- co' - ".,.,... " . ..... OR8 - t II HI ¡¡¡¡¡ .. Qé$ --Ii' ,- o~ ATTACHMENT # -;:¿.., Resolution #4/01 Passed on Januarv 15, 2001 ,Moved by Councillor Brenner ¡ tSeconded by Councillor Johnson :WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering has received and considered the Government of Ontario SuperBuild Corporation Sports, Culture and 'Tourism Partnerships ("SCTP") initiative Round 1 Application Guidebook (the "Guidebook"); and WHEREAS Council has assessed,its capital priorities against the SCTP initiativ~ Round 1 application requirements as set out in the Guidebook and intep.ds to subrrdt a letter of intent for qualifying the "Don Beer Arena addition and renòvation" project (the "Project") , for funding under Round 1 of the SC'P? initiative; and ~ ¡ I J r ! I I I I WHEREAS Council confirms that the Municipality is compliant or in the process of ' gaining compliance with the new Ministry of Environment Drinking Water Protection Regulation, Ontario Regulation 459/00 made August 9, 2000 ("DWPR"); 8:nd , ' WHEREAS Council considers the Project to be its highest sport, recreational, cultural or tourism infrastructure priority for the Municipality; and ' WHEREAS Council confirms that the Municipality does not have any outstanding public , health and safety issuès or projects affecting its existing sport, recreational, cultural arid tourism facilities; and WHEREAS Council has made this resolution on the understanding that the recitals set out herein will be relied upon by the Ontario SuperBuild Corporation in considering the Project application for funding under Round l' of the SCTP initiative;' NOW TH;EREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby resolves that the Clerk is directed to subiTIita letter of intent to the Ontario SuperBuild Corporation respecting'the qualification of the Project for funding under Round 1 of the ' SCTP initiative.' CARRIED t , - - - I t Ii öE:S' /1- C..::¿ ATTACHMENT if OQB AD MINIS TRA TI aND EP AR TMENT CLERK'S DIVISION / / MEMORANDUM n5¡:;~;:_::h;;¡t~ fc: ;F\¡.\~-.;:'..L'::' r~:;~'¡' " f-~.:;':;.<", December 18, 2001 ...... .....-..-" \ TO: , /' í.~-' ~ E. Buntsma, Direct~, Ope / ons & 13 er y se~~Þ:~~ G. Paterson, Director, Corporate Se . 'ces & Treasurer.,::' . V. Felgemacher-Jefftey, Manager, Supply & Service,s FROM: Anne Greentree, Supervisor, Legislative Services SUBJECT: RefelTals from the Council Meeting of December 17,2001 Please be advised that the Council of the City of Pickering passed Resolution #173/01 at the Council Meeting of December 17,2001, as follows: 1. That the joint report of the Operations & Emergen~fr-f):ep.a tment and the Corporate Services Department, be received; alJd--::=-';;:""-' _/~ ,r" ... 2. That Council approve the calling of a Tender or the Don Beer Expansion & Reno ation Project; and '--..--- '--- 3. That staff report back to Council, through the Finance perations Committee, at the earliest possible date in 2002 on the results of the Tender (RFP) and the financing of this project; and' 4. That the appropriate staff of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. C. C T. J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer !t\TTACHMENT#~"TO REPORT#Q.€á~ / J-'o~~ .2J*8IkØ & ~ RECEIVED: T-~IiR ~i.,,:l1 ubicki Associates 300 Water Str ,et FILE NO.: 'vvlilLUY, unlar 0, Canada L IN 9J2 ABEY. TO: (~O"il ññSLQ':lS: Fax: (905) 668-0221 FWD/COPY TCJ}mail: t~~"¡'.ca www.tsh.ca MAYOR COUNCIL C.A.O. CLERK CUL. & REC. . FINANCE MUN.PROP.&ENG. -. HUMAN RES. FIRE SERVICES LEG A TRANSIT PU\N . O. SYSTEMS CU . L RARY E DE . /PI$; ~ OJ> .? 8 .?DOl ~ . ~/{y:ICIrI:. I!!J . OIVl:1t!IIt¡(':) . 10 ..., , 100 . TIH engineers architects planners 40 lears ~ ¿,..¡I>.... February 27, 2002 - Everett Buntsma, Director Operations & Emergency Services Depart City of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario LlV 6K7 Dear Everett: Re: Proposed Addition to Don Beer Arena TSH 22-13999 This is to confirm receipt of our copy of tbe bid review package prepared by the City of Pickering and dated February 6, 2002. Weare also in receipt of a copy of the memo from the City of Pickering Administration Department, Human Resources Division dated February 20, 2002 which confiillls acceptance of the following documents as submitted by The Atlas Corporation: . Company Safety Policy Confined Space Entry Procedure List of Employees Trained in Confined Space Entry Procedure WSIB CAD 7 Report, dated September 23,2001 WSIB Cost & Frequency Record, dated June 14, 2001 . - Based on our review of the above information Totten Sims Hubicki Associates would be of the opinion that the lowest qualified bidder is The Atlas Corporation. The Atlas Corporation was engaged as general contractor [onhe $17 million Brealey Place Student Residence, a 483 bed complex completed in September 2001. Atlas also served as general contractor for the $6 million Twin Pad Expansion to the Ajax Community Centre completed in November 1999. In both these projects time was limited and Atlas was able to meet tight overall schedule requirements. We have found them to be aggressive with respect to extras. The quality of their finishing work improved from fair to very good from the Twin Pad Expansion to the Residence. TSH provided full consulting services for both projects. Trusting the above is as you require. Yours very truly, ~ Ted Wilson, OAA .- ATTACHMENT #.,,~" r¡ Út:-:5" ¡!-Óc;;J. Corporate Se~£ ifepartment 101 Supply & Services Memorandwn February 6,2002 ;" .II,' To: Everett Buntsma, Director, Operations & Emergency Services ; Subject: @ger, Supply & Services --'""""'""'""~"- er for Proposed Addition to Don B~t" Arena Tender No. T - 1 - 2002 ,," ~ ~ 'rom: Totten Sims Hubicki & Associates pre-qualified for the above project nine (9) general contractors, four (4) mechanical contractors and five (5) electrical contractors. These contractors were invited to participate to the tender call for the above project, of which eight (8) general contractors, three (3) mechanical contractors and three (3) electrical contractors picked up the tendering documents and drawings for a non-refundable fee of $100.00 per set. A total of three (3) addenda were subsequently issued and distributed to all bidders, as well. The tender advertisement was placed in the Daily Commercial News, News Advertiser Community Page and the City's website. A set of tendering documents and drawings were provided to Durham Construction Association, Hamilton Construction Association, Toronto Construction Association, Grand Valley Construction Association and Peterborough District Construction Exchange. A copy ofthe Record of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender opening is attached. Tendered unit prices and extensions of the compliant tenders have been checked and corrected accordingly. Reference: Purchasing Policy & Procedure - Procedure No. PUR OlD-DOl: tendered unit prices and extensions are available for checking; the unit price shall govern and extensions will be corrected accordingly. - Summary (PST included, GST included) Company T otalTendered Amount After Calculation Check SeparatePdce forFlaoring Atlas Corporation $3,638,000.00 $3,701,163.00 $3,638.000.00 $25,573.00 $14,445.00 Ball Construction Inc. Peak Engineering & Construction Ltd. $3,756,235.00 $3,701,163.17 $3,756.235.00 $16,585.00 Mellou! Blarney Construction Inc. Unable to Bid - 102 t J ¡ ¡ f - , - - Company Dinardo C. Group Inc. Gerr Construction Ltd. Maystar General Contractors Inc. Struct-Con Construction Ltd. ATTACHMENT#- f:;? ..TO REPORT # ()E:~ ¡¡--o2. , 02tJ)if I, .,' Page 2 Tender No. T-1/2001 Comments Irregular Tender. Rejected. Bid bond not sufficient. Submitted: Bid bond in the amount of 10% and irrevocable for 60 days. Required: Bid bond in the amount of 10% and irrevocable for 90 days. Reference: Invitation letter dated 01115/2002; Tendering Specifications, Page TS-l, Item 3, Information to Bidders Item Nos. 17, 18 (b), 19; Purchasing Policy & Procedure - Procedure No. 010-001, Item 10.04, Tendering Irregularities - Subsection 9 (d). . ' Irregular Tender. Rejected. Bid bond not sufficient. Submitted: Bid bond in the amount of 10% and irrevocable for 60 days. Required: Bid bond in the amount of 1 0% and irrevocable for 90 days. ' Reference: Invitation letter dated 01/15/2002; Tendering Specifications, Page TS-1, Item 3, Information to Bidders Item Nos. 17, 18 (b), 19; Purchasing Policy & Procedure - Procedure No. 010-001, Item 10.04, Tendering Irregularities - Subsection 9 (d). Irregular Tender. Rejected. Bid bond not sufficient. Submitted: Bid bond in the amount of 5% and irrevocable for 90 days. Required: Bid bond in the amount of 10% and irrevocable for 90 days. Reference: Invitation letter dated 01/15/2002; Tendering Specifications, Page TS-1, Item 3, Information to Bidders Item Nos. 17, 18 (b), 19; Purchasing Policy & Procedure - Procedure No. 010-001, Item 10.04, Tendering Irregularities - Subsection 9 (d). Irregular Tender. Rejected. Bid bond not sufficient. Submitted: Bid bond in the amount of 5% and irrevocable for 30 days. ' , Required: Bid bond in the amount of 10% and irrevocable for 90 days. Reference: Invitation letter dated 01115/2002; Tendering Specifications, Page IS-I, Item 3, Information to Bidders Item Nos. 17, 18 (b), 19; Purchasing Policy & Procedure - Procedure No. 010-001, Item 10.04, Tendering Irregularities - Subsection 9 (d). #_-~~-, #"eJiS- //~();¿ 1 '-, 3 Q ,71. . 5f1/f Page 3 Tender No. T -112001 Pursuant to Information to Bidders Item 21, the following documents are being requested from The Atlas Corporation for review during the evaluation stage of this tender call: (a) (b) - (c) (d) a copy of the ConfIDed Space Entry Procedure document to be used on this project; a list of employees trained in the ConfIDed Space Entry Procedure who will be working on this project a copy of the Health and Safety policy to be used on this project; and . a copy of the current CAD 7 form or Cost and Frequency Report issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board. The Co-ordinator, Safety & Training shall review the above noted documents and shall advise you accordingly. Two copy-sets of the 3 bids are enclosed - one set for your review and one set for the Consultant's review. Please remember to include responses to the following queries in your Report to Council: (a) (b) (c) f (d) , (e) (1) (g) (h) (i) G) if items (a) and (b) noted above, are acceptable; any past work experience with The Atlas Corporation including work location; without past work experience, if reference information is acceptable; a work location map; the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged; the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; Treasurer's confirmation of funding; related departmental approvals; any reason(s) why the bid of The Atlas Corporation is not acceptable; and related comments specific to the project. If you require further information, please feel free to contact me. - era A. gemacher Manager, Supply & Services /bt Copy for: Oil Paterso~ Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer J :drive/Tenders/tender summary.doc. - Proposed Addition to Don Beer Arena , Bid Deposit render Description: jì~dér Name ~tlas Corporation I) :l) jail Construction Inc. )inàrdo C. Group Inc. 3err construction Limited Jlaystar General Contractors Inc. ' þ , CITY OF P""1<ERING RECORD OF TENDERS Ot->ENED AND CHECKED -, --' ) ;- Tender No.': T -1 - 2002 , ADDENDUM # 1, 2, 3 Agreement to Addenda (8) ,,' BonçL.,AckOqWI(¡}qge¡d ,,;:;... Date: Weçtnesday, February 6, 2002 Time: Approx.2:15pm BIDDER'S SIGN IN ,r', C.?~Y1l\~ t::j..,.q;)I~ / (uq" tI v V ,/ / I ,/ / Ks~~te.e:>1 ,'y' ~,¿¡ €ô"";~~ t-,Qt' ,.........,\,...c.,t.:'.,~, ~ v'," / TO BID " ... .>.. e:.ë'_,\ ""-c-'~{ a D.,.,""'.,'C_, J,'"..".,..r,:~"", ,c.'a UQ,<-q, I"~' ""~"; , t>" ;",,~t- J n t-",:",;, ",....."11 ,..""" ,.:J: ' f:;,;ï' C",.) :,:""tCa:I1.", I' "">":"',:<'~~" ,'; ":,'~,;,;,..""".",'>::',;~,,,<::/;'-:';,>,': ,:",' § I~ ~,\....c~'<!!,£'".,i¡4 ' ~ ":' l~ ,r f"C\ t;\$1 ó¡¡-,..ð r-:..\Y; 5"",...~",,~ttL / , ','" lIelioul Blarney Construction Inc. UNABLE /' I 'eak Engineering & Construction \ jd. " 3) ,truct-Con Construction Ltd. Ii, , ~ I f "',¡r' ' "I'"") Jf ¿y,Y'~tattfresent', ',' I.. ,'r!Y!i::,"r"/,' , ,I' , } . " . I ..'( , ,..,' , '." , '..' ~,""" 'I"-,'i~/;':'" ,/ ,,'4.'" ,,/"~\"" -~~ ' ",'.. ,,'f ¡,"" v ,¡¡/"], , i ,/ , ~' ' 1 I --.:.l ' , '~¡)lio/! -/iJ¡" iLk'I:/' :' ....----¡ " ' " ,,7'" ',' LI '!) ,;' ,L; ,'!! , r,,'!I'~ /" .. 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