HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 01-11 Ciw Report To Planning & Development Committee PICKERING Report Number: PD 01-11 52 Date: January 4, 2011 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Proposed Wireless Cell Tower Installation Rogers Wireless 5025 Sideline 8 (Part of Lot 7 & 8, Concession 9) City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Report 01-11 of the Director, Planning & Development be received; 2. That Rogers Wireless be advised that City Council has no objection to the proposed 60 metre high cell tower installation at 5025 Sideline 8; and 3. Further, that the City Clerk advise Rogers Wireless accordingly. Executive Summary: On February 25, 2010 Rogers Wireless submitted a proposal to the City Clerk proposing to construct a 60 metre high self supported free standing cell tower at 5025 Sideline 8. By Resolution #42/10, the council correspondence (CORR 19-10) was referred to the Director, Planning & Development for a report. Since the submission of the initial proposal, Rogers Wireless completed their public consultation process, in accordance with Industry Canada's requirements. Rogers has advised that no public comments were received and are requesting that City Council provide a statement of concurrence in support of the installation. City staff are supportive of the proposed installation.. There do not appear to be other opportunities to co-locate this installation in the immediate area. The proposed siting of the tower and equipment compound appears to minimize any disturbance to existing vegetation while utilizing the existing vegetation to screen the equipment compound. It is recommended that Rogers Wireless be advised that City Council has no objection to the proposed cell tower at 5025 Sideline 8. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. Report PD 01-11 January 4, 2011 Subject: Proposed Wireless Cell Tower Installation Page 2 53 Sustainability Implications: Enhancement to the wireless coverage at this location will improve business and community communication capability. The proposed tower and associated equipment compound has been sited to minimize disturbance of existing vegetation. 1.0 Background: On February 25, 2010, Rogers Wireless submitted a proposal to the City Clerk outlining its intent to construct a free standing cell tower on the lands municipally known as 5025 Sideline 8 (see Applicant's Proposal and Sample Notification Package - Attachment #1 and Location Map - Attachment #2). 1.1 The Proposal Rogers Wireless proposes to install a 60 metre high self supporting communication tower and related ground cabinets. The base of the proposed tower is approximately 7.0 metres wide. The two ground cabinets, which house the radio equipment, occupy an area of 2.2 metres by 5.0 metres and are located at the base of the tower. The tower and ground cabinets will be located in a fenced compound measuring approximately 16.5 metres by 18.0 metres. The compound is proposed to be set back approximately 50 metres from Regional Road 5 which will provide the principal access (see Applicant's Submitted Plan - Attachments #3 & #4). 1.2 Property Description The lands known as 5025 Sideline 8 are currently zoned W- Rural Agriculture and `ORM-EP' - Oak Ridges Moraine Environmental Protection in By-law 3037 as amended by By-laws 6577/05 and 6640/06. The area of the property where the cell tower facility is proposed is entirely within the W- Rural Agriculture Zone. The subject property currently supports a residential dwelling with a number of accessory buildings. The subject lands are surrounded by agriculturalVesidential uses in all directions from the proposed cell tower with the closest residential dwelling located approximately 280 metres to the south of the site. 2.0 Discussion: 2.1 Required Public Notification has been completed Planning & Development staff are currently in the process of developing a protocol respecting the installation of cell towers for City Council's consideration. In the absence of a City protocol, applicants must follow Industry Canada's requirements as outlined in Spectrum Management and Telecommunications CPC (Client Procedures Circular) 2-0-03 Issue 4. Report PD 01-11 January 4, 2011 Subject: Proposed Wireless Cell Tower Installation Page 3 The Industry Canada requirements for public consultation require the proponent to consult with the land use authority, and the public within a radius of three times the tower height, measured from the tower base or the outside perimeter of the supporting structure. For structures greater than 30 metres in height, proponents are required to place a notice in the local community newspaper. Based on the proposed 60 metre tower height, the proposed installation required notification to three adjoining property owners. Rogers has indicated that they have provided written notification to the three adjoining property owners and placed a notice of the proposed installation in the April 9, 2010 edition of the News Advertiser (see Applicant's Proposal and Sample Notification Package - Attachment #1 and Newspaper Notice - Attachment #5). Rogers Wireless confirmed that no public comments were received as a result of the public notification process (see Applicant's Notice of Completion of Public Consultation - Attachment #6). 2.2 Co-location opportunities have been examined The installation and creation of separate, stand alone, radio communication towers and broadcasting facilities is discouraged unless all other co-location options have been explored and are considered unfeasible. Rogers Wireless and City staff have reviewed the options of co-locating on existing towers, locating on hydro transmission towers, using alternative tower structures and buildings and clustering of the facilities with existing installations, and have concluded that there are no existing structures in the immediate area that could be utilized to provide adequate wireless coverage. 2.3 Proposed Tower Location is acceptable Staff support the proposed location of this cell tower facility. The portion of the site where the tower and compound are to be located is entirely within the Rural Agriculture zone and does not impact the portion of the lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine. The applicant has proposed to access the site from Regional Road 5. The proposed tower and equipment compound are to be located in a clearing behind existing vegetation. The proposed location minimizes disturbance to existing vegetation and provides adequate screening for the compound from Regional Road 5. No additional screening is recommended for this installation. Staff recommend that City Council approve the recommendations in this report as the proposed installation minimizes disruption to natural features, is not located in proximity to incompatible and\or sensitive land uses and is located with appropriate setbacks and screening from Regional Road 5. Report PD 01-11 January 4, 2011 Subject: Proposed Wireless Cell Tower Installation Page 4 55 Attachments: 1 Applicant's Proposal and Sample Notification Package 2. Location Map 3. Applicant's Submitted Plan - Site Layout 4. Applicant's Submitted Plan - Tower Elevation 5. Applicant's Newspaper Notice 6. Applicant's Notice of Completion of Public Consultation Prep Y: Approved/Endorsed By: yler Barne Neil Carro`1A G , RPP Se nner - Site Planning Director, Planning & Development Marg Wouters, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design TB:Id Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering 'ty Council , . ZOr Zo/0 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT ~ TO REPORT # P0~ 56 ` :5 T0: E 2?ti -a 8200 Dixie Road Brampton, Ontario L6T OC 1 February 25, 2010 i Debbie Shields Clerk City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario CLEF S aIN L1V 6K7 Dear Ms Shields: Re: Rogers Site "9th Concession & 6th Sideline", C3673 Proposed Telecommunications Tower - 9th Concession and 6th Sideline Part of Lot 7, Concession 9 On behalf of Rogers Wireless ("Rogers"), I would like to submit a site information package concerning a proposed wireless site located at the above noted location as required by Industry Canada Directive CPC 2-0-03. This directive requires the applicant to make our submission to Council, but going forward we will address this issue with planning staff. Project Description & Proposed Location Rogers is constantly improving and expanding its infrastructure to meet the ever-growing demand for high-quality reliable wireless and data services. The proposed site is needed to improve our wireless and data services in and around the vicinity of Athens. The following is a brief overview of the site: 1. Tower type: Self Supported/Free standing, 60 metres in height. 2. Equipment Cabinets: 2 mechanical. equipment cabinets are to be located at the base of the tower. These cabinets will house the radio equipment used to operate the site. 3. Notification forms: A copy of the standard public notification form and newspaper notice is attached. Municipal Consultation Process Rogers Wireless is regulated and licensed by Industry Canada to provide inter-provincial wireless and data services. As a federal undertaking, Rogers is required by Industry Canada to consult with land-use authorities in siting tower locations. The consultation process established under Industry Canada's authority is intended to allow the local land- use authorities the opportunity to address land-use concerns while respecting the federal I - r - IS S ATTACHMENT # i TO REPORT # PD D/^~ c 7 government's exclusive jurisdiction in the siting and operation of wireless and data J systems. As the provisions of the Ontario Planning Act and other municipal by-laws and regulations do not apply to federal undertakings, Rogers is however required to follow established and documented wireless protocols or processes set forth by land-use authorities. In instances where those established and documented processes do not exist, Rogers must follow Industry Canada's Default Consultation Process,, a copy of Industry Canada's CPC-2-0-03 (Issue 4) is attached describing such default consultation processes. In accordance with Industry Canada's CPC, please provide us with a list of property owners within 180 metres from the tower location as illustrated in the site information package. For your reference a map showing the properties that fall within the 180 metre radius is contained in the top left corner of the site plan. Rogers will in turn issue notification letters (see standard notification letter) for circulation. Rogers will also post a notice (see standard newspaper notice) in the local newspaper. Once circulation efforts and notice periods end, Rogers will prepare a summary report for the municipality's review. Collocation Co-location is not possible in this particular situation as there are no other suitable existing or proposed tower structures in the vicinity that would provide adequate wireless coverage. Conclusion Rogers feels that the proposed site is well located to provide and improve wireless and data services in the targeted area. The proposed site is also situated and designed so as to have minimal impact on surrounding land uses. Rogers looks forward to working with City in providing better service. Kindly review the site information package; please contact me at 416-402-1169 or matthew.milligan~rci.rogers.com if there are questions. Yours truly, Rogers Communications Inc. Matthew Milligan, MCIP, RPP Site AcquisAlon Specialist. C: Tyler Barnett, City of Pickering Rene Guerrette, Industry Canada 5 8 ATTACHMENT # TO REPORT # PO February 25, 2010 Tyler Barnett Planner City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Dear Mr. Barnett: Re: Tower Application Rogers Site "9th Concession & 6th Sideline", C3673 Proposed Telecommunications Tower - 9th Concession and 6th Sideline Part of Lot 7, Concession 9 Please find our enclosed application which we have made to the Clerk as required by industry Canada's directive. Enclosed are multiple copies of the site plan for your review, along with a draft of the newspaper notice and public notification document. These documents were drafted in order to comply with Industry Canada's requirements. In our initial discussion there were some questions about tower height and co-location. Please consider the following with respect to these issues: Collocation There are no co-location options to provide service in the targeted area. The closest tower is owned by Telus and is located on the Uxbridge/Pickering Townline just west of Lakeridge Road. Its location, height and existing loading prevent this location from providing service in the targeted area near to the 9th concession and 6th sideline. Rogers is looking to co-locate on this tower, but to provide coverage on the local ski resorts. This location on the Townline will not provide coverage in the targeted area of 9th concession and 6th sideline. The next closest tower is on Brock Road just north of Webb Road. This is an existing Rogers tower which does not provide coverage in the targeted area at 9th concession and 6th sideline. Tower Heiaht. I The proposed tower height is 60 metres. This height is required to ensure, adequate wireless coverage will be provided in the targeted area and to ensure seamless coverage with our existing network infrastructure. The tower height is similar to other tower that ATTACHNfENT # J REPORT # PD o - 59 have been built in recent years in rural areas of Pickering and other areas around the GTA. I trust that we have addressed your initial concerns. If further questions arise prior to the public notification or if YOU vv'is h io address our application in person, please let rile know. Rogers looks forward to working with City on this matter. Yours truly, Rogers Communications Inc. Matthew Milligan, MCIP, RPP Site Acquisition Specialist. C: Industry Canada ATTACHMENT # / TO 6 0 REPORT! PD_ /5 TM .ROG RS Your World Right Now Public Consultation - Wireless Telecommunications Tower Site Part of Lot 7, Concession 9 City of Pickering Rogers Wireless Inc. 8200 Dixie Road Brampton, ON L6T OC 1 Phone: (647) 747-4684 ATTACHMENT # To 61 REPORI # PD--IT Purpose Background & Coverage Requirement The selection of a wireless telecommunications site works similarly to fitting a piece into a puzzle. In this case, the puzzle is a complex radio network, situated in a rural setting. Client demand, radio frequency engineering principles, local topography and land use opportunities working in concert with one another direct the geography of our sites. In order to achieve a reliable wireless network, carriers must provide a seamless transmission signal to alleviate any gaps in coverage. Gaps in coverage are responsible for dropped calls, and unavailable service to clients. Rogers would utilize the following proposed site locations in order to provide high quality network signal for its 3G high speed wireless voice and data network. Wireless carriers constantly strive to improve coverage and network quality for the sake of their clients. In the recent past, due to subscriber feedback, our Network Planning and Engineering departments have become aware of coverage deficiencies new to Athens The proposed site is situated in a topographically challenging rural area and the wireless coverage deficiencies are recognized by the Rogers network. Unfortunately, there were no existing structures which could have been utilized in the area. Proposed Site Location Rogers proposed to build a new telecommunications site approximately 125 metres west of the intersection of the 9th Concession and Sideline No. 6. The property's legal description is: Part of Lot 7, Concession No. 9 The geographic coordinates for the site are as follows; Latitude (NAD 83) 43-59-10N Longitude (NAD 83) 079-04-23 Health Canada's Safety Code 6 Compliance Rogers attests that the radio antenna system described in this notification package will comply with Health Canada's Safety Code 6 limits, as may be amended from time to time, for the protection of the general public including any combined effects of additional carrier collocations and nearby installations within the local radio environment. Control of Public Access The site facility would include a locked, alarmed and electronically monitored mechanical equipment shelter. Fencing would be installed around the base of the tower and equipment shelter and would include one locked gate access point. Canadian Environmental Assessment Act Rogers attests that the radio antenna system described in this notification package will comply with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act as this facility is exempt from assessment. 2 0 E - WIRELESS ATTACHMENT # 6 2 REPORT # PD ITO Description of Proposed System The proposed site is a self supporting type. The tower and associated equipment will take up on area of 290 square metres. The tower would initially provide wireless voice and data services for subscribers to the Rogers network. A copy of Rogers' surveyed site plan has been attached for your reference and information. Transport Canada's Aeronautical Obstruction Marking Requirements Rogers attests that the radio antenna system described in this notification package will comply with Transport Canada / NAV Canada aeronautical safety requirements. Rogers will make all necessary applications to Transport Canada and NAV Canada. Engineering Practices Rogers attests that the radio antenna system described in this notification package will be constructed in compliance with the National Building Code of Canada and comply with good engineering practices including structural adequacy. Local Land Use Requirements Wireless Facilities are exclusively regulated by the Federal Government and as a result are not required to obtain municipal permits of any kind. City of Pickering does not have any Council adopted policies or protocols relevant to Rogers' proposal. Industry Canada's Spectrum Management Please be advised that the approval of this site and its design is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Government of Canada through Industry. Canada. Rogers Wireless Inc. is participating in this circulation in accordance with Industry Canada's guidelines CPC-2-0-03. For more information on Industry Canada's public consultation guidelines including CPC- 2-0-03 contact (http://www.ic.gc.ca/epic/site%smt-gst.nsf/en/sf08777e.htmi) or the local Industry Canada office at spectrum.ottawa@ic.gc.ca Radio Frequency Spectrum Management Bell Canada Building Suite C-100 160 Elgin St. Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2P7 Tel: 613-998-3693 3 ROGERS WIRELESS ATTACHMENT TQ 6 3 REPORT # PQ_ D I - 1 General information relating to antenna systems is available on Industry Canada's Spectrum Management and Telecommunications website (http://www.ic.gc.ca/epir,/site/smt-gst.nsf/en/home) Contact Information Rogers Wireless is committed to effective public consultation. The public is invited to provide comments to Rogers Wireless about this proposal by mail, electronic mail, phone or fax. Please send your comments to the address below by the close of business on TO BE DETERMINED Rogers Wireless 8200 Dixie Road, Brampton, Ontario, L6T OC1 Attn: Matthew Milligan matthew.milligan@rci.rogers.com Fax: (647) 747-4600 Phone: (647) 747-4684 Closing Date for Submission of Written Public Comments Industry Canada's rules contain requirements for timely response to your questions, comments or concerns. We will acknowledge receipt of your communication within 14 days and will provide a formal response to the Municipality and those members of the public who communicated to Rogers, within 60 days. The members of the public who communicated with Rogers will then have 21days to review and reply to Rogers a final response. Contact Information - Land Use Authority MUNICIPAL CONTACT: TO BE DETERMINED 4 ROGERS- WIRELESS ATTACHIMENT. # I TO 6 4 REPORT # PQ ~-I Public Comment Record Proposed Telecommunications Installation Rogers Wireless Site Address: Part of Lot 7, Concession 9 Name: Address: Telephone: E-mail: Comments To be considered part of this consultation, comments must be received by close of business To Be Determined. Please forward your comments to: TO BE DETERMINED Rogers Wireless c/o Matthew Milligan 8200 Dixie Road, Brampton, Ontario LIST OC1 Fax: 647-747-4600 Phone: 647-747-4684 E-mail: matthew.milligan@rci.rogers.com Continue on reverse if required... Comments received shall form part of Industry Canada's Public Consultation Process under the Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Client Procedures Circular CPC-2-0-03, Issue 4, and will be made public as part of a report issued to the City of Pickering and Industry Canada. 5 0 ROGERS` WIRELESS ATTACHMENT #-':g TO REPORT # PD 65 cp4 G p. APPROXIMATE Co LOCATION F PROPOSED CELL TWER w Z J - (n REGI AL ROAD 5 TIE WITHIN 180m OF P OPOSED CELL T WER City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION CON 8 N PT LOT 7 NOW, 40R-23061 PART 4 OWNER J. ManOlakOS DATE Oct. 22, 2010 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. PROPOSED ROGERS WIRELESS CELL TOWER SCALE 1:10,000 CHECKED BY TB N ca TeranatrcEn[arprises Ine. and its suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not o plan of 5...y. PN-RUR c 2005 MPAC and its suppliers. All rig M1t. Reserved. Not o plan of Survey. ATTACHMENT TO REPORT # PD_ 6 INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN ROGERS WIRELESS CELLULAR TOWER INSTALLATION (SIDELINE 8 & REGIONAL ROAD 5) HP 4 ! 4 'too e %'P f 3 fir;, ^ ~Ij . f ~ wits !r • Ydr:--::::tr:rt TOM AssEmy 1~Y-- oFnsEC ~o F~ 6Qm t f N8B0230111 APPROX LU~IH. 98(1006) ssm )167.64 Pty , aF} ~7* :QId:T FENCE 0.4 N 28 A IY r g (.I~ f ~N_~08'00 E (Pt, P2. CALC do SET) 87.02 ESTAausn D FED 02 N sm POST do WIRE FENCE --+c- AS A t js- ~5 PUBItC F9GNWAY y i• IV q 9 MaDEl411i ~ _ 11T CU----_----- - CBAVEI - REGIONAL ROAD #5 p i. THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING 8 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPING AND DESIGN, NOV 9, 2010. RTTACHMEkIT TO REPORT # RD INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S 67 SUBMITTED PLAN ROGERS WIRELESS CELLULAR TOWER INSTALLATION (SIDELINE 8 & REGIONAL ROAD 5) El"ATION PLAN NOT TO SCALE PROPOSED GALVANIZED STEEL. SELF SUPPORTING TOWER PAIN COLOUR SUBJECT TO TRANSPORT CANADA REQUIREMENTS. ANTENNA NUUSM AND LOCATIONS TO BE DETERMINED. E 0 m i i Al THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPING AND DESIGN, NOV 9, 2010. Excerpts from Pickering News Advertiser of 68 Friday, April 9, 2010 ATTACHMENT # ` _TO REPORT PD_ n ! -1 PUBLIC NOTICE PROPOSED ROGERS WIRELESS 60 METRE TELECOMMUNICATION SELF-SUPPORTED TOWER ANY PERSON may make a written submission to the individual listed below by May, 10, 2010 with respect to this matter.` Approval of this site and its design, is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Government of Canada through Industry Canada. The City of Pickering has no jurisdiction in this matter other than as a commenting body to Industry Canada and the applicant: For more information contact the local Industry Canada office at 613-998-3693. SITE DETAILS Self-Supported Telecommunication p 0 Tower 60 metres in height E I Tower Location: North side of SITE Concession No. 9 approximately 130 metres west of Sideline No. 6 c o" • Part of Lot 7, Concession No. 9 a Geographic Township of Pickering, crnREMOW 'DO Now the City of Pickering _ ' Site Coordinates (NAD 83): N43-59-10.0 e W079-04-23.5 • The facility will include mechanical equipment cabinets and fencing around the base of the tower. The Municipal Contact. Please forward all comments and tower will provide wireless voice and requests for additional information to the data services. Tyler Barnett _ following individual. City of Pickering One The Esplanade Matthew Milligan, MCIP, RPP - Road Rogers ROGERS Pickering, Ontario 8200 Dixie Road L1V 6K7 8200 Dixie Tel (905),420 4660 ext 2042 - - Brampton, Ontario Fax (906j420 7648 LU Oct tbarriett@cityofpickering com Tel (647) 747684 Fax (647} 747-4600 Email: matthew.milligan@rci.rogers.com ATTACHMENT # (O TO 6 9 ROG ERS REPORT # PD_- Rogers Wireless Partnership 8200 Dixie Road Brampton, Ontario L6T OC1 August 6, 2010 Tyler Barnett I Planner AUG 1 0 2010 City of Pickering One The Esplanade CITY OF PICKERIN Pickering, Ontario RLANN DEPARTMEN VELOPMEXT L1V 6K7 Dear Mr. Barnett: Re: Rogers Site "9th Concession & 6th Sideline", C3673 Proposed Telecommunications Tower - 9th Concession and 6th Sideline Part of Lot 7, Concession 9 (North Side of the 9th Concession west of the 6th sideline.) I am writing to follow-up on the public consultation that has taken place for our proposed telecommunications site at the above reference location and to request a statement of concurrence from Council. This statement of concurrence will be provided to Industry Canada to conclude the consultation. Rogers Wireless is regulated and licensed by Industry Canada to provide inter-provincial wireless and data services. As a federal undertaking, Rogers is required by Industry Canada to consult with land-use authorities in siting tower locations. The consultation process established under Industry Canada's authority is intended to allow the local land- use authorities and the public the opportunity to address land-use concerns while respecting the federal government's exclusive jurisdiction in the siting and operation of wireless and data systems. The provisions of the Ontario Planning Act and other municipal by-laws and regulations do not apply to federal undertakings, Rogers is however required to follow established and documented wireless protocols or processes set forth by land-use authorities. In instances where those established and documented processes do not exist, Rogers must follow Industry Canada's Default Consultation Process; CPC-2-0-03 (Issue 4) which was previously supplied to the Township. Public Notification In accordance with Industry Canada's CPC a circulation was undertaken with owners within three times the height of the tower ((60m x 3) = 180 metres) from the site as illustrated in the site information package supplied in our package dated February 25, W;REI..ESS m CABLE TV ~ INTERNET HOME PHONE RETAIL. a PUBLISHING m BROADCASTING ATTACHMENT TO REPORT # PD (7 70 2010. In addition a public notice was placed in the Pickering News Advertiser on April 9, 2010. As a result of the public notification there were no responses. Conclusion and Request For Concurrence Rogers feels that the proposed site is properly located on the subject lands to provide improved wireless voice and data services in the targeted area. In order to conclude this landuse consultation and meet Industry Canada's requirements, Rogers Wireless is requesting that that Town Council issue a Statement of Concurrence that Rogers will provide to Industry Canada. If you require further information about this matter, please feel free to contact me at anytime. We look forward to providing enhanced wireless services in the City of Pickering. Yours truly, Ro ers Cications Inc. Matthe MCIP, RPP Site Acquisition Specialist. C: Industry Canada Debbie Shields, Clerk - City of Pickering