HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 28, 2010 City o¢► Minutes/Meeting Summary Site Plan Committee (SPC) Meeting July 28, 2010 PICKERING 4:45 pm Tower Meeting Room Attendees: Councillor Dickerson Neil Carroll, Director, Planning & Development Tyler Barnett, Senior Planner - Site Planning Isabelle Janton, Planner II - Site Planning Absent: Councillor O'Connell Councillor Pickles Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as a ro riate 1. V 10-924 Canadian Tire 1735 Pickering Parkway Attendee(s): Jeff Gray, Canadian Tire • Isabelle provided an overview of this application which proposes to replace letter board on existing pylon sign with a new red coloured LED reader sign • Jeff indicated the sign is identical to the signs at the North Whitby and Bowmanville locations • Jeff added the sign is very low in its intensity • Councillor Dickerson questioned why it is needed. Jeff indicated that the current arrangement requires employees to climb a ladder to change the letters which have been prone to blowing off and it is difficult to change in inclement weather • the members of the Committee are supportive of the proposal 2: S03/90 Apostolic Pentecostal Church 1920 Notion Road Attendee(s): Charles Sutherland, Applicant David Tjan, Architect • Isabelle provided an outline of the application which proposes to construct a new place of worship Page 1 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) • Neil provided background of City issue respecting the conveyance of the north block (Block 218, 40M-1499) which is to be used to provide pedestrian access to and through the church property. Under the terms of the registered subdivision agreement the City has the right to expect conveyance of this block and another for access purposes.. Staff have met with the current landowners and their representatives on this issue to clearly indicate .the City is intending to exercise our option of the north block only. Neil indicated we are continuing to pursue this land • Councillor Dickerson questioned the applicant's on their proposed start date for construction • Charles indicated that fund raising for the project is continuing and they do not anticipate being open until 2012 • Charles indicated they are most interested in obtaining site plan approval so they can show the congregation an approved project to assist in the fund raising and to obtain a fill permit from the TRCA. The soils on-site need extensive work to remove and replace unsuitable material • Councillor Dickerson reviewed the sustainable elements " of the project, was impressed with the efforts being made and suggested that they contemplate pursuing LEED certification of the project as this project is very close if not already at a level to achieve certification • Councillor Dickerson asked if the site was to have an irrigation system for the landscape areas. David confirmed that no system is planned for this development as the proposed plant materials are to be drought tolerant and therefore no watering will be required • Councillor Dickerson questioned how the sodded overflow parking areas are constructed as he is concerned that they will be destroyed by parked vehicles. Isabelle indicated that staff have recommended the use of a grasspave system that will support motor vehicles and allows the grass to thrive. The applicant's have agreed to look into this product or something similar • Councillor Dickerson recommended that the applicants look into providing solar panels on the roof of the church as a means of revenue, given the floor area available for this purpose. Charles indicated he would follow up with Councillor Dickerson on this matter Page 2 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as a ro riate • David advised the committee that the lighting plan is being revised based on suggestions from staff that the proposed "1313" lights along the west property line of site, behind the church, were proposed too high. The heights are being dropped to 15 feet with house side shields to be installed to ensure glare is contained on-site • the committee endorsed the application Meeting Adjourned: 6:15 pm JAMINUTES\Site Plan\2010\07 July 28.doe I Page 3