HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 32-10 Report To Council 8 9 PICKERING Report Number: Cs 32-10 Date: September 13, 2010 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: 2009 Year End Audit Recommendations: 1. That Report CS 32-10 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the Audit Results Report, including the auditor's independence letter and management letter, as submitted by Deloitte & Touche LLP be received for information; and 3. That the 2009 draft Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the City of Pickering be approved. Executive Summary: This report provides the auditor's Audit Results report, independence letter, management letter and the draft Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2009. Again this year, the auditor has provided an unqualified opinion on the financial statements. The 2009 statements are significantly different from prior years due to the implementation of new presentation standards and the introduction of mandatory reporting of tangible capital assets as discussed in the background of this report. Financial Implications: The financial results for 2009 were once again favourable. However these results, as in prior years, are primarily a result of one-time occurrences and cannot be relied upon to continue year after year to produce these favourable results. Sustai.nability Implications: This report does not contain any sustainability implications. Background: The audit of the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2009 has been completed. The auditor's Report to Council - Audit Report CS 32-10 Date: September 13, 2010 2009 Year-End Audit Page 2 90 Results is included as Attachment 1 and also includes the auditor's independence letter and management letter. This report, prepared by Deloitte & Touche LLP, summarizes the results of the December 31, 2009 audit and comments on significant matters regarding the audit or other matters they may believe to be of interest to you. Nothing of significance was noted. On an annual basis, the auditor is required to communicate all relationships between the City and the firm that may impact on their independence to the City. The independence letter in Appendix 1 of the attachment confirms that Deloitte & Touche LLP is independent with respect to the City. As you are aware, the scope of the audit does not include an in-depth evaluation of all systems or internal controls; however, the auditors may report on matters that come to their attention during the course of their review. These observations and recommendations are provided in the management letter in Appendix 2 of Attachment 1. As in previous years, the auditor has addressed the management letter as confidential; however,,after reviewing the content, management did not deem it necessary to report it to Council on a confidential basis. As we have done in the past, management's responses have been included to provide our planned course of action or to explain our position in addressing these recommendations. The draft Audited Consolidated Financial Statements are included as Attachment 2. These statements are the responsibility of management and have been prepared by City accounting staff under the direction of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer. Deloitte & Touche LLP are responsible to express an opinion on these Consolidated Financial Statements based on its audit. An unqualified opinion has been provided. The Consolidated Financial Statements includes the activities of the City of Pickering Public Library Board. The City's investment in Veridian Corporation is accounted for on a modified equity basis which means the City includes its share of Veridian's income or loss in the Consolidated Financial Statements. For the 2009 fiscal reporting period, the City implemented the Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) financial statement presentation standards as prescribed in PS 1200, Financial Statement Presentation. Furthermore, the City changed its accounting policy related to the treatment of tangible capital assets to comply with PS 3150, Tangible Capital Assets. Tangible capital assets, such as land, building, infrastructure and equipment are now capitalized (recorded) at cost on the Statement of. Financial Position (Balance Sheet) and amortized (depreciated) over their estimated useful lives in current operating expenses. Both these changes have significantly altered the format of the financial statements. The Statement of Financial Position now includes tangible capital assets under the non- financial asset section and shows Accumulated Surplus instead of Fund Balances and Amounts to be Recovered which were previously reported. The Statement of Operations no longer shows capital expenditures which is further explained below. Report CS 32-10 Date: September 13, 2010 2009 Year-End Audit Page 3 91 Statement of Financial Position Financial assets are those assets which could provide resources to discharge existing liabilities or finance future operations. Net financial assets increased slightly over the prior year which was due to an increase in financial assets of approximately $2.1 million offset by an increase in liabilities of approximately $1.3 million. These year over year fluctuations are part of day to day business and there is not one significant contributing factor to these increases. The 2009 consolidated financial statements include a new statement called the "Statement of Changes in Net Financial Assets" which explains the increase in net financial assets year over year. Non-financial assets now includes a line for tangible capital assets which is the net book value (cost less accumulated amortization) of the City owned assets including land, buildings, roads, bridges & sidewalks infrastructure, storm sewer infrastructure, furniture and fixtures, vehicles and equipment. Non-financial assets are not available to discharge existing liabilities and are held for use in the provision of services. They have useful lives extending beyond the current year and are not intended for sale in the ordinary course of operations Statement of Operations The most significant change on this statement is the reporting for capital budget expenditures which are no longer shown on the Statement of Operations as capital expenditures. For those expenditures that meet the definition of a tangible capital asset (TCA), the cost is now reported on the Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet). Only a portion of the asset's cost is included as an amortization expense each year over the life of the asset in the operating expenses reported on the Statement of Operations. The amortization expense is included in operating expenses for the asset's respective functional category. For example, amortization on a fire truck is included under the Protection to Persons and Property category. Capital budget expenditures that do not meet the TCA definition are included as operating expenses under the appropriate functional category. The budget figures reported also needed to be adjusted to reflect the change in reporting for capital budget expenditures. Note 18 of the City's consolidated financial statements reflects the changes made to the 2009 Council approved budget to put it on a basis consistent with the full accrual basis of accounting which incorporates tangible capital asset reporting. As always, the revenue reported includes both operating and capital. Therefore, variances between budget to actual may arise due to timing of approval in the capital budget and actual receipt of funds/recognition of revenue. This is clearly illustrated with Report CS 32-10 Date: September 13, 2010 2009 Year-End Audit Page 4 92 the Government grants and fees revenue item. This amount includes provincial and federal grant monies for both current and capital budget expenditures. The higher budget figure compared to actual is primarily due to the $10 million budget for the 401 Pedestrian Bridge project approved in the 2009 Capital Budget. As you are aware, this project is now being constructed by the Province and is no longer a City project. Therefore, the actual revenue is much lower than the budget. Overall, the actual expenses are comparable with the budget. Accumulated Surplus As noted above, the accumulated surplus replaces the Fund balances and Amounts to be Recovered that were reported on the face of the Statement of Financial Position under the old Financial Statement format. The components that make up this balance are disclosed in Note 12 of the City's consolidated financial statements and are summarized below. It must be emphasized that these amounts are not surplus funds in the traditional sense. The accumulated surplus balance essentially represents the difference between assets and liabilities of the City. What primarily contributes to this balance are the tangible capital assets of approximately $186.2 million and the City's equity in Veridian Corporation of approximately $67.9 million. The table below breaks down the new definition of accumulated surplus into the components used in prior years. Operating fund $ 125,089 Fund Balance - old format Capital fund 8,935,216 Fund Balance - old format Reserves and reserve funds 28,417,249 Fund Balance - old format Equity in Veridian Corporation 67,894,665 Fund Balance - old format Tangible capital assets .186,242,634 New Post employment benefits liability (2,536,100) Amts to be Recovered- old format WSIB benefit liabilities (1,368,198) Amts to be Recovered- old format Internal loans (2,299,828) Amts to be Recovered- old format Net long-term liabilities (14,219,970) Amts to be Recovered- old format $271,190,757 Attachments: 1. Auditor's Report to Council - Audit Results 2. 2009 Draft Audited Consolidated Financial Statements I Report CS 32-10 Date: September 13, 2010 2009 Year-End Audit Page 5 93 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Kristine Senior Gillis A. Paterson Manager, Accounting Services Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer KAS:vw/ks Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ci ~unci Tony Preve el, .Eng. 7~ 2olD Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT#=TO REPORT#6 94 Delolotte The Corporation of the City ofPickering Report to Council- Audit Results Year ended December 31, 2009 Delomitte 95 Deloitte & Touche LLP 5140 Yonge Street Suite 1700 Toronto ON M2N 61_7 Canada Tel: 416-601-6150 Fax: 416-601-6151 www.deloitte.ca September 3, 2010 Private and confidential The Members of Council The Corporation of the City of Pickering . 1 The Esplanade Pickering ON L IV 6K7 Dear Council Members: We are pleased to submit this report on the results of our audit of the consolidated financial statements of The Corporation of the City of Pickering (the "City") for the year ended December 31, 2009. Our audit was completed in accordance with the audit plan presented to you on October 13, 2009. -Our professional standards require that we communicate with you certain matters that may be of interest to you in fulfilling your obligation to oversee the financial reporting and disclosure process. for which management of the City is responsible. This report is designed to summarize certain aspects of the 2009 audit of the consolidated financial statements, comment on significant matters regarding the audit and other matters which we believe will be of interest to Council. This report is intended solely for the use of Council and we disclaim any responsibility or obligation to any third party who may rely on this report. The matters addressed in this report are a by-product of the financial statement audit and may not necessarily identify all matters that may be of interest to Council in fulfilling its responsibilities. We wish to express our appreciation for the co-operation we received from senior management, finance staff and the many employees of the City with whom we work in the discharge of our various responsibilities. Yours sincerely, Chartered Accountants Licensed Public Accountants 96 Table of contents Page Status of the audit, audit scope and related representations 3 Matters to report to Council 4 Audit findings • Management judgments and accounting estimates 5, • Adjusted differences 7 • Unadjusted differences 7 • Omitted disclosures 7 Areas of audit focus 8 Appendices Appendix I: Independence letter Appendix ll: Management letter The Corporation of the City of Pickering - 2 2009 Report to Council i 97 Status of the audit, audit scope and related representations • The audit of the December 31, 2009 consolidated financial statements is substantially complete, with the exception of the following matters: • Receipt of the management representations letter; and • Approval of the financial statements. • Our auditors' report on the 2009 consolidated financial statements will: • be signed following approval by Council; • be dated September 2, 2010; and • state that the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the City as at December 31, 2009 and the results of its operations and the changes in its financial position for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. • The audit approach was consistent with the audit plan we presented to you on October 13, 2009. • Our audit was conducted in accordance with Canadian Generally Accepted Auditing Standards ("GAAS") and our firm standards. • We examined, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements, therefore, we would not necessarily detect all weaknesses, errors or other irregularities that might have occurred. • We assessed the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management. • We evaluated the overall financial statement presentation. • Tests and procedures that we considered necessary were used to form an opinion on the consolidated financial statements. • We relied on the work of the City's actuaries in the calculation of the post-employment benefit liability'and WSIB benefit liabilities. • We did not rely on the work of the City's internal auditor in determining the nature, extent and timing of our work. • We are independent of the City as is required to provide an independent audit opinion. A copy of our annual independence letter is included in Appendix I to this report. The Corporation of the City of Pickering - 3 2009 Report to Council 98 Matters to report to Council As discussed in our audit plan, the following reportable matters are required to be reported to Council. Where points of interest are connected with a reportable matter, we have made reference to the relevant area of this report or the consolidated financial statements Comments 1. Significant weaknesses in internal control relating to No significant weaknesses in internal controls the financial reporting process relating to the.financial reporting process were identified. 2. Illegal acts None noted. 3. Significant transactions inconsistent with the None noted. ordinary course of business, including fraud or possible fraud. 4. Unusual related party transactions. None noted. 5. New significant accounting principles or policies The City implemented PS 3150 Tangible Capital Assets and PSI 200 - Financial Statement Presentation. See additional note disclosure (Note 2) and updated financial statement presentation in the City's consolidated financial statements. 6. Disagreements with management None. 7. Management consultation with other accountants None noted. about any significant auditing or accounting matters 8. Unusual transactions that significantly increase the None noted. risk of loss 9. Actions that, if they became public, might cause None noted. embarrassment 10. Non-compliance with regulatory requirements None noted. 11. Major issues discussed with management that None noted. influence audit appointment 12. Management's judgments and accounting estimates Reasonable (see page 5). 13. Misstatements, including unadjusted audit See page 7. differences 14. Difficulties encountered during the audit None. 15. Limitations placed on the scope of our audit None. The Corporation of the City of Pickering - 4 2009 Report to Council 99 Audit findings Management judgments and accounting estimates The preparation of the consolidated financial statements requires management to exercise judgment and utilize assumptions to make estimates. The key.areas where management estimates are required are as follows: • Post employment benefit liability and WSIB benefit liabilities; • Allowance for significant property tax appeals; • Allowance for doubtful accounts receivable; • Accrued liabilities; • Self-Insurance claims accruals; Contingent liabilities - litigation; and • Tangible Capital Assets Post employment benefit liability and WSIB benefit liabilities Management uses the assistance of an actuary in determining the post-employment benefits liability and the WSIB benefit liabilities. The amounts recorded in the financial statements were based on the January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2008 valuations, respectively, which were extrapolated to estimate the December 31, 2009 recorded amounts. Property tax appeals and doubtful accounts receivable Management makes estimates for significant property tax appeals and the provision for doubtful accounts receivable. Management makes these estimates based on the information available, at a point in time, when preparing the financial statements. Accrued liabilities Management is required to make estimates, mainly for services received to December 31, where invoices for such work have not been received prior to when the accounting records are finalized. In addition, estimates made and recorded in the prior year are trued up to actual in the current year. The true up amount, if any, is recorded when it is known. Self-Insurance Claims Accrual An accrual is made for legal expenses incurred by Cowan for insurance claims/cases which have not yet been settled. This estimate is made based on an open claims schedule sent to the City by Cowan. The Corporation of the City of Pickering - 5 2009 Report to Council 100 Audit findings. (continued) Management judgments and accounting estimates (continued) Contingent liabilities - litigation When preparing the consolidated financial statements, management makes estimates relating to litigation based on the information available, at a point in time. As disclosed in Note 17 to the financial statements, the City recognizes liabilities in the financial statements related to litigation when management and legal counsel have assessed the outcome of the legal claim as likely and the amount can be reasonably estimated. Management has determined that the outcome of any legal . actions outstanding as at the reporting date is not determinable and accordingly, no provision has been made in the consolidated financial statements. Tangible capital assets In the 2009 financial statements it was necessary for management to make estimates in the implementation of "PS3150 - Tangible Capital Assets" in order to determine certain inventories, valuations and remaining useful lives of classes of municipal assets. Overall, we believe the accounting policies selected and the application thereof to be appropriate for the City. Estimates and assumptions used have been assessed against standard practice and appear to be reasonable. The Corporation of the City of Pickering - 6 2009 Report to Council 101 Audit findings (continued) Adjusted differences An adjustment was made by management as a result of our audit work with respect to the recording of subdivision assets which were assumed by the City pursuant to subdivision agreements. The implementation of the new accounting standards on Tangible Capital Assets requires that contributed/assumed assets be recorded as revenue with a corresponding capital asset addition recorded at the fair value on the date of contribution. Although certain of these assets had been considered in the January 1, 2008 opening balance of tangible capital assets (and for the fiscal years 2008 and 2009), there was an adjustment required to correct the cut off between the years and to recognize revenue in 2009 for contributions in that year. There were no assets assumed in 2008. Unadjusted difference No unadjusted differences were noted during our audit. The Corporation of the City of Pickering - 7 2009 Report to Council 102 Areas of audit focus On October 13, 2009 we reported to you our planned key areas of audit focus. The following summarizes our findings in respect of these areas: Conclusion Area Issue Year end cut-off Determine if cut-off of Substantive testing on • Satisfactory. revenues and expenditures accounts payable, accrued is appropriate. liabilities, deferred revenue and accounts receivable. • Test disbursements and cash receipts subsequent to year- end. Test supporting assumptions for accrued liabilities, deferred revenue and accounts receivable. Actuarial Accuracy and completeness • Review actuarial report, Satisfactory. determined of certain liabilities such as including related assumptions. liabilities Workplace Safety and Insurance ("WSIB") and • Ensure appropriate accounting post- employment benefits. treatment has been applied. • Review related financial statement note disclosure for accuracy and completeness. • Communicate with actuary on our reliance on their reports for audit purposes. Reserves and Approval of transfers to and- • Substantive testing on the - Satisfactory. reserve funds from reserves and reserve continuity of material funds. transactions to determine if transfers are in accordance with Council approvals and/or legislative requirements. The Corporation of the City of Pickering - 8 2009 Report to Council 103 Areas of audit focus (continued) Conclusion Investment in Compliance with PS 3070 • Review accounting for Satisfactory. Veridian "Investment in Government Investment in Veridian Corporation Business Enterprise". Corporation and related disclosures. • Review consolidated financial statements of Veridian Corporation. • Communication with. Veridian Corporation's auditor on our reliance on their auditors" report for purposes of the City's audit. Management Requires management • Focused review of calculations Satisfactory. estimates judgment and support. (i.e. allowance for significant property tax • Discussion with management. appeals, contingent . Analytic review of related liabilities, etc.). accounts. Capital • Revenue Recognition Substantive testing to Satisfactory. expenditures determine whether restricted • Capital expenditures-year contributions (i.e. development end cut-off charges, gas tax, conditional grants) have been recognized as revenue in the appropriate period. • Substantive testing on accruals relating to capital expenditures incurred before year end. The Corporation of the City of Pickering - 9 2009 Report to Council i 104 Areas of audit focus (continued) Conclusion Area Issue Public sector accounting Impact of the new Review of significant Satisfactory. standards local government accounting policies, reporting model implementation of new including the standards and any implementation of unusual transactions. tangible capital assets Work with City staff to accounting. determine if appropriate plans are in place to enable compliance with the new standards. Tangible capital assets • Appropriate accounting Review of assumptions Satisfactory. and disclosure. used in determining opening balances. • Reasonable procedures for legacy Substantive testing of data collection. tangible capital asset balances. • Review of calculations of accumulated amortization. The Corporation of the City of Pickering - 10 2009 Report to Council 105 Appendices t The Corporation of the City of Pickering - 2009 Report to Council I 106 Appendix I - Independence letter 107 Deloittel,Deloitte & Touche LLP 5140 Yonge Street Suite 1700 Toronto ON M2N 61_7 Canada Tel: 416-601-6150 Fax: 416-601-6151 www.deloitte.ca September 2, 2010 The Members of Council The Corporation of the City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering ON L1 V 6K7 Dear Council Members: We have been engaged to audit the consolidated financial statements of the Corporation of the City of Pickering (the "City") for the year ended December 31, 2009, which includes: • The Corporation of the City of Pickering; and • The Corporation of the City of Pickering Public Library Board. In addition, we have been engaged to audit the Corporation of the City of Pickering Trust Funds. Canadian generally accepted auditing standards ("GAAS") require that we communicate at least annually with you regarding all relationships between the City and our Firm that, in our professional judgment, may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence. In determining which relationships to report, these standards require us to consider relevant rules and related interpretations prescribed by the appropriate provincial institute / ordre and applicable-legislation, covering such matters as: i (a) holding a financial interest, either directly or indirectly, in a client; (b) holding a position, either directly or indirectly, that gives the right or responsibility to exert significant influence over the financial or accounting policies of a client; (c) personal or business relationships of immediate family, close relatives, partners or retired partners, either directly or indirectly, with a client; (d) economic dependence on a client; and (e) provision of services in addition to the audit engagement. 108 The Corporation of the City of Pickering September 2, 2010 Page 2 We have prepared the following comments to facilitate our discussion with you regarding independence matters arising since June 22, 2009, the date of our last independence letter. We are not aware of any relationships between the City and our Firm that, in our professional judgment, may reasonably be thought to bear on independence that have occurred from June 22, 2009 to September 2, 2010. The fees (exclusive of GST) billed from June 22, 2009 (the date of our last independence letter) to September 2, 2010 are as follows: City of Pickering • Balance of audit fees for the year ended December 31, 2008 $ 6,500 • Audit for the year ended December 31, 2009- interim billings $55,000 • Auditors' report dated March 6, 2010 for the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues for the year ended December 31, 2009 $ 4,900 • Audit procedures on tangible capital assets $19,000 City of Pickering Public Library Board • Balance of audit fees for the year ended December 31, 2008 $ 900 • Audit for the year ended December 31, 2009 - interim billing $ 5,000 GAAS requires that we confirm our independence in the context of the Rules of Professional Conduct of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario. Accordingly, we hereby confirm that we are independent with respect to the City within the meaning of the Rules of Professional Conduct of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario as of September 2, 2010. This report is intended solely for the use of Council and others within the City and should not be used for any other purposes. Yours truly, Chartered Accountants Licensed Public Accountants 109 Appendix 11 Management. letter 110 Deloitte 5140 to 8 T Yonge S Str e LLP 5140 treet Suite 1700 Toronto ON M2N 61_7 Canada Tel: 416-601-6150 Fax: 416-601-6151 September 2, 2010 www.deioate.ca The Members of Council The Corporation of the City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering ON L IV 6K7 Dear Council Members: We have recently completed our examination of the consolidated financial statements of the Corporation of the City of Pickering (the "City") for the year ended December 31, 2009. Our audit was designed to provide a basis for formulating an opinion as to whether the consolidated financial statements present fairly in all material respects, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, the financial position, results of operations and changes in financial position of the City. As part of our examination we reviewed and evaluated the design and implementation of certain entity level controls and business cycle controls in order to assess audit risk in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. The main purpose of our review of controls was to assist in determining the nature, extent and timing of our audit tests and to establish the degree of reliance, which we could place on selected controls; it was not to determine whether internal controls were adequate for the City's purposes. The scope of such a review of internal controls is not sufficient to express an opinion as to the effectiveness or efficiency of the City's internal controls. While the audit did not include an in-depth evaluation of all systems of internal controls or all aspects of any individual system and should not therefore be relied upon to identify all significant internal control weaknesses, or all errors, irregularities or inefficiencies that might occur, we undertake to report such matters to you when they come to our attention. We have included as an attachment our observations and recommendations as well as management responses. We would like to thank management and staff of the City for their assistance and co-operation during the audit. Yours truly, LID" lbvu Chartered Accountants Licensed Public Accountants I 111 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Management letter comments December 31, 2009 Page 1 of 2 1. Variance analysis Observation During our audit of expenses, it was noted that a budget to actual comparison was not being performed for one particular cost centre. We understand that staff turnover in the department was a contributing factor. This control weakness was detected by Finance staff after a significant variance from budget had built up in the cost centre. Recommendation We recommend that appropriate departmental staff regularly perform budget-to-actual variance analyses for their respective cost centres on a timely basis. Management's response It is the responsibility of the appropriate staff in each department to monitor the budget to actual expenditures throughout the year. They should then be advising their respective Supervisors of any variances, their Department Head and if significant, the Treasurer. Staff have access to review their accounts and run reports from the General Ledger system at any time during the course of the year. Accounting staff also distribute a month end budget to actual report to departments for review. In addition, Finance staff complete a high level review of budget to actual variances 3 times a year and follow up with appropriate staff when significant variances are found. Finance staff will remind departments the importance of monitoring the budget to actual variances on a timely basis. 112 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Management letter comments December 31, 2009 Page 2 of 2 2. Tangible capital assets Observation In 2009, the City adopted the requirements of PS3150 "Tangible Capital Assets"(TCA). This accounting standard represents a significant change in the way municipalities are required to account for their TCA. The staff of the City worked diligently in order to prepare and value an opening TCA inventory as at January 1, 2008, and developed a workable process for properly recording 2008 and 2009 TCA activity in the financial statements. Going forward, the City must adopt accounting procedures which account for TCA additions within its accounting systems in a more "routine" manner so as to remove the significant amount of manual analysis that was required in order to comply with the standard in 2009 and prepare the financial statements. Without adopting accounting procedures which systematically record TCA activity, the processes required to comply with the accounting standard at year end will continue to be time consuming and increase the risk of error. Recommendation We recommend the City develop and implement procedures which are followed throughout the year to ensure TCA activity is recorded as it occurs. Management's response With the introduction of tangible capital assets there are a number of projects or changes to be undertaken to streamline the accounting for tangible capital assets. These changes range from development of accounting procedures; implementation of software for recording asset additions, disposals and calculating amortization; and changes to capital budgeting to assist in identifying and recording tangible capital assets. A Senior Financial Analyst was hired as of August 2009 with primary responsibility for overseeing the accounting for tangible capital assets. The initial priority of the position was completing the compilation and valuation of the opening inventory balances at January 1, 2008 and compiling the addition and disposal information for 2008 and 2009 to meet the financial statement reporting requirements for 2009 year end. Going forward, the responsibilities of this position are: to develop the processes and procedures surrounding the accounting for TCA additions, disposals and amortization; to assist in selection and implementation of appropriate asset management software so accounting for assets may be automated where possible; and to work with Finance staff in streamlining the capital budget format in order that data can be recorded more efficiently. i 113 now ttlu i ATTACHMENT # Z TO REPO #CS 32- 114 Consolidated financial statements of The Corporatio ®f the City of Picker' I g December 31,2009 i i O i I DK5 Document in 2210A City of Pickering Nofes, 9/3/10.• 10:46 AM FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY i 115 The Corporation of the City of Pickering December 31, 2009 Table of contents Auditors' Report ...................................................................................................................................................1 Consolidated statement of financial position .......................................................................................................2 Consolidated statement of operations ................................................3 Consolidated statement of change in net financial assets ...................................................................................4 Consolidated statement of cash flows .................................................................................................................5 i Notes to the consolidated financial statements 6-25 I i I O } i O Document in 2210A City of Pickering Abtes 913110,10:46 AM FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY i 116 Deloitte & Tou a LLP 5140 Yonge reet Suite 1700 Toronto M2N 61-7 Canad Tel: 16-601-6150 F 416-601-6151 .deloitte.ca I Auditors' Report To the Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers of the Corporation of the City of Pickering i We have audited the consolidated statement of financial posi 'o the Corpo tion of the City of Pickering as at December 31,2009 and the consolidated st a is opera ions, changes in net financial assets and of cash flows for the year then ended. These ancia emen are the responsibility of the City's management. Our responsibility is to express opinion on a mancial statements based on our audit. I We conducted our audit in accordance with C dian generally a epted auditing standards. Those ` standards require that we plan and perform an u ' tain re onable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatemer Ana t d examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures ' he financ' stat ents. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and signific t estimates d y management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentati In our opinion, these financial s m present f ' ly, in all material respects; the financial position of the Corporation of the City of 'ck 'n e mber 31, 2009 and results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ende a ce wi Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. Chartered Acco to Licensed Publ' A un September. , 2010 0 Document in 2210A City of Pickering Notes 913110,-10.-46 AM FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY i 117 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Consolidated statement of financial position as at December 31, 2009 2008 (Restated - 2009 Note 2 $ $ Financial assets Cash 8,079 07 4,4 058 Investments (Note 4) 59,5 ,301 63, 2,451 Taxes receivable 16 65 85 1 ,678,581. Accounts receivable ,9 ,321 4,891,541 Investment in Veridian Corporation (Note 5(b)) 9 5 38,635,318 Promissory notes receivable Note 6 25,069,0 25,069,000 152 418,359 150,362,949 Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities /4/- 10,864,497 Other current liabilities 107,016 Deferred revenue (Note 7) 36,125,738 Long-term liabilities (Note 10) 16,111,363 Post-employment benefit liability (Note 9(a)) 2,563,500 WSIB benefit liabilities Note 9(b 1,085,198 68,134,766 66,857,312 Net financial assets 84,283,593 83,505,637 Non-financial assets Tangible capital assets (Note 11) 186,242,634 180,420,178 Inventory 266,506 192,417 Pre aid expenses 398,024 532,338 186,907,164 181,144,933 Accumulated surplus Note 12 271,190,757 264,650,570 O Worksh in 2210 Gty of Pickering -Excel (44229).• 91312010,10:48 AM Page 2 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY f , ~ 118 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Consolidated statement of operations year ended December 31, 2009 j 2009 2008 Budget Actual (Unaudited) (Restated - Note 18 Act /al Note 2 Revenues Residential and farm taxation 31,946,856 ,031,448 30 45,111 Commercial and industrial taxation 8,110,611 302,954 1717,742 Taxation from other governments 6,824,903 ,215,337 7,162,628 User charges 7,510,5 6,507 7,543,566 j Government grants and fees 18,637, 27 5, 6 7,598,366 i Other contributions and donations 1,17 ,250 1,640, 6 678,599 Development charges and developer contributions earned ,343,800 6,962 637,284 Contributed tangible capital assets - 74,280 - Investment income 7 ,000 309,690 1,234,452 Penalties and interests on taxes ,000 2,320,563 2,074,549 Fines 3,041 811,938 836,602 Interest on promissory notes 1,9 ,2 1,905,244 1,905,244 Equity share of Veridian Corporation earnings for the year (Note 5 (c)) - 4,509,327 3,574,684 Other 5,500 764,876 506,958 Gain on disposal of tangible capital assets - 46,758 - Total revenues 1,077,857 76,147 494 72,415,785 Expenses (Note 19) General government 12,957,317 12,815,997 11,075,785 Protection to persons and property 19,783,319 18,768,392 18,143,056 Transportation services 11,351,983 11,190,538 10,355,376 Environmental services 2,112,451 2,055,947 2,066,553 Social and family services O 551,334 402,489 373,515 Recreational and cultural s ice 23,048,758 22,155,313 21,002,326 Planning and develo me 2,719,446 2,218,631 1,895,566 72,524,608 69,607,307 64,912,177 Annual surplus 8,553,249 6,540 187 7,503,608 Accumulated su I , beginning of ye 264,660,570 264 650,570 257,146,962 Accumulated s u.61 f ea 273,203,819 271,190,767 264,650,570 WorkM in 2210 aty of Pickering -Excel (44229):91312010.-10:48 AM Page 3 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY The Corporation of the City of Pickering 1 9 Consolidated statement of change in net financial assets year ended December 31, 2009 Budget (Unaudited) 2008 Note 18 2009 7 Note 2 $ $ $ i Annual surplus 8,553,249 6,540,187 7,503,608 Acquisition of tangible capital assets (27,770,215) (15,414,607) (7,935,306) Amortization of tangible capital assets 9,374,524 9,416,629 9,276,925 (Gain) Loss on disposal of tangible capital assets - (46,758) 58,566 Proceeds on disposal of tangible capital assets - 222,280 48,981 (9,842,442) 717,731 8,952,774 Acquisition of inventories of supplies - (860,335) (1,103,298) Use of inventories of supplies - 786,246 1,157,242 Acquistion of prepaid expenses - (394,788) (557,890) Use of prepaid expenses - 529,102 587,941 60,226 83,995 Change in net financial assets (9,842,442) 777,956 9,036,769 Net financial assets, beginning of year 83,505,637 83,505,637 74,468,868 Net financial assets, end of year 73,663,195 84,283,593 83,505,637 O , W tin 2210 City of Pickering -Excel (44229),• 91312010,'10.'48 AM Page 4 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY I 120 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Consolidated statement of cash flows year ended December 31, 2009 2008 /(Restated - 2009 Note 2 Operating activities Annual surplus 6,5 ,187 7,5 3,608 Non cash items Amortization of tangible capital assets ,4 6,629 1276,925 (Gain) Loss on disposal of tangible capital assets 46,758) 58,566 Equity share of Veridian Corporation 327) (3,574,684) Contributed tangible capital assets recorded in revenue (2,77 , 0) - Change in non-cash operating items: Increase in taxes receivable (2,387, 4) (1,540,934) Decrease in accounts receivable 98 , 20 884,623 Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued liabilif s 9 0,256 (303,823) Increase in other current liabilities 15,150 25,547 1 Increase in deferred revenue 1,788,841 3,700,797 1 Increase in post-employment benefit liability 151,600 220,250 Increase in WSIB benefit liabilities 283,000 442,153 (Increase) decrease in inventory (74,089) 53,944 Decrease in prepaid expenses 134,314 30,051 10,454,339 16,777, 023 Capital Acquisition of tangible capital assets (12,640,327) (7,935,306) Proceeds on disposal of tangible ca aa222,280 48,981 (12,418,047 7,886,325) Investing activities Decrease (increase) in inve/ia7aor 4,106,150 (16,907,591) Dividends received from Ve 3,362 000 1,722,000 7,468,150 15,185, 591 Financing activities Proceeds from de/tures issued - 8,506,000 Princi al re a me debentures 1,891 393 1,190,648 1891393 7,315,352 Net increase i cogf 3,613,049 1,020,459 Cash, be in in e 4,466,058 3,445 599 Cash en of year 8,0791107 4,466,058 i i i W ksheet in 2210 City of Pickering -Excel (44229),• 9/3/2010.1048 AM Page 5 i FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 21 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2009 1. Significant accounting policies The consolidated financial statements of The Corporation of the City of Pickering ( e "City") are the representations of management prepared in accordance with accounting standar s established by e Public Sector Accounting Board ("PSAB") of the Canadian Institute of Chartere Accountants. Significant accounting policies adopted by the City are as follows: (a) Reporting entity (i) Consolidated statements The consolidated financial statements reflect the assets iab ' ies, nu and expenses of the reporting entity. The reporting entity is compris of the activities all committees of Council and the City of Pickering Public Library Boa which is controll d by the City. All material inter-fund transactions and balances re eliminated on nsolidation. (ii) Investment in Veridian Corporation The City's investment in Veridian Corporat' n i nted fo on a modified equity basis, consistent with generally accepted accou ting es as commended by PSAB for investments in government business a erprises. r t modified equity basis, Veridian Corporation's accounting policies are of adjusted to co orm to those of the City and inter- organizational transactions and bal ces are not elimi ated. The City recognizes its equity interest in the annual net income r loss of Veridian orporation in its consolidated statement of operations with a rresponding incr se or decrease in its investment asset account. Dividends that the C' y eive fro Veridian Corporation and other capital transactions are reflected a adju a th investment asset account. (iii) Operations of School Bo rds and th egi of Durham The taxation, other re enues, expenditu s, assets and liabilities with respect to the operations the sc ool boards and t Region of Durham are not reflected in these consolidatedoffna ial statements. (iv) Trust funds Trust funds nd r o erations administered by the municipality are not cons olida d, but a ort e separately on the Trust Funds Statement of Financial Activitie and Stateme o inancial Position. I (b) Basis of a counting (1) A rual basis of acc nting e nd exp nses are reported on the accrual basis of accounting. The accrual basis o ccou I g r ognizes revenues as they are earned and measurable; expenses are r niz a hey are incurred and measurable as a result of the receipt of goods and serve n the creation of a legal obligation to pay. (ii) Investm is Temp ary investments are recorded at the lower of cost plus accrued interest and market valu . Long-term investments are recorded at cost and any loss in value which is considered of er than temporary is recorded as appropriate. Any premium or discount at purchase of an vestment is amortized over the life of the investment. D Document in W0A City of Pickering /Motes 913110,• 10:46 AM Page 6 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY i 122 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2009 1. Significant accounting policies (continued) (b) Basis of accounting (continued) (iii) Tangible capital assets ("TCA") Tangible capital assets are recorded at cost less accumulated a ortization. Cost in udes all costs directly related to acquisition or construction of the tan able capital asset' cluding transportation costs, installation costs, design and engineerin fe , legal fees d site preparation costs. Amortization is recorded on a straight-fin b over the es mated life of the tangible capital asset commencing once the asset is ail ruse as ollows: i Buildings 15 to 45 year Machinery & equipment 2 to 25 year Vehicles 5 to 15 ye rs Infrastructure -Roads 10 to 50 ears Infrastructure - Storm sewers 25 to 0 years Infrastructure - Sidewalks 20 t 40 ars Information technology hardware 4 8 r Infrastructure - Parks to rs Library collection materials 4 to 7 ye Furniture & fixtures 10 to 50 ye One-half of the annual amortizatio s charged in the ar of acquisition and in the year of disposal. Assets under constructi n are not amortiz until the asset is available for productive use. Land is not am ized. Tangible capital assets rece' ed do are recorded at their fair value at the date contributed, and that amo t fs al r or e s revenue. (iv) Accounting for Property ax Cappin rov' ions resulting from the Ontario Fair Assessment System The net impact in operty taxes as a esult of the application of the capping provisions does not affect t Consolidated St ement of Operations as the full amounts of the property taxes er ed. Howe r, the capping adjustments are reported on the consolidated tat er of Fina ial Position as a payable to the Region. (v) Deferred r enu Deferre revenues re s t user charges and fees which have been collected but for which a related service have yet to be performed. These amounts will be recognized as reve ues in the fiscal y ar the services are performed. In addition, any contributions re ived with extern restrictions are deferred until the related expenditures are made. (VI) o loyment enefits pres t va a of the cost of providing employees with future benefits programs is r iz a employees earn these entitlements through service. Actuarial gains and loss ortized over the average remaining service period ("ARSP"). The actuary determine ARSP to be 15 years. (vii) Invent Inve tory is valued at the lower of cost and replacement cost. Cost is determined on a w ' hted-average basis. (viii) ovemment transfers Government transfers are recognized in the financial statements in the period in which the events giving rise to the transfer occur, eligibility criteria are met, and reasonable estimates of the amount can be made. (ix) Intangible assets Intangible assets are not recognized as assets in the financial statements. D Document in 2210A City of Pickering Notes 9/3/10,10:46 AM Page 7 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY i of the City of Pickerin 1 2 3 The Corporation g Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2009 1. Significant accounting policies (continued) (x) Use of estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Canadian enerally accepte accounting principles requires management to make estimates an assumptions tha affect the reported amounts in the financial statements and accompan ng notes. Accou involving significant estimates include allowance for doubtful a counts, accrued Ii ilities, employee future benefits liabilities and estimates in thou he curre t y r relating to ngible capital assets. Actual results could differ from these estim s. 2. Change in accounting policies On January 1, 2009, the Corporation of the City of Pickering ad ted the following ublic Sector Accounting Standards: Section 1000 - Financial Statement C ncepts, Section 1 00 - Financial Statement Objectives and Section 1200 - Financial Statem t Presentation. A a result, the presentation of the financial statements changed from the rio ear. In additi n, the City changed its accounting policy related to the treatment of tangible cap' al e s to com with Section 3150 - Tangible Capital Assets. Capital assets are capitalized t c amorti d over their estimated useful lives. Previously the costs to acquire tangible capital ssets r recor d as a.capital expenditure when incurred. Method used for determining the opening cost o each major categ ry of tangible capital assets The financial information recorded includes t actual historical ost of the tangible capital assets. When historical cost records were not available, o er methods were sed to estimate the costs and accumulated amortization of the assets. T e lied a nsistent method of estimating the replacement or reproduction cost of the ngib c s is to each category for which it did not have historical cost records. After determini g replac nt or production cost, deflation factors were used to deflate the replacement or reprod ction cost t n e imated historical cost for the year of acquisition. Where required, a third party was red to provide h City with values for tangible capital assets. The third party used the deflated reps cement or reprod ction cost or deflated fair market value methodologies in.determining lues for tangible pital assets. This change in accounting lic been ap led retroactively with the restatement of the prior period. This change has changed m nt e' o ed ' prior period as follows: 2008 Accumulated su lus Operating 125,000 Capital 13,405,505 Rese s rve F ds 26,555,196 Equi in idian orp ration 66,747,338 A ounts to v ed (22,602,647) ccumulated s pl , as previously reported 84,230,392 Net book value o tan ible capital assets 180,420,178 ccumulated su s as restated 264,650,570 An/scapitalized as previously reported 8,952,774 gnized on contributed tangible capital assets 135,183 but previously expensed 7,800,123 xpense not previously reported (9,276,925) e of assets sold (107,547) nual surplus, as restated 7,503,608 D Document in 2ZIOA City of Pickering /Votes 913110,• 2.27PA4 Page S FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 124 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2009 3. Operations of school boards and the Region of Durham Further to Note 1 (a) (iii) requisitions are made by the Region of Durham an/half. requirin the City to collect property taxes and payments in lieu of property taxes on tamount collected and remitted are summarizes as follows: ho board Taxation /4, 060 /41,959,128 Payments in lieu of taxes 16 488,772 86,817,9t4/ 42,447,900 4. Investments 0 2008 Cost Mark v e cost Market value Temporary investments 27,643,803 /32,064,236 ,626,605 34,093,374 34,138,266 Long-term investments 31,872,498 29,529,077 30 042 240. 59,516,301/ 59,690,841/ 63,622,451 64,180,506 I Temporary investments are composed ban to ces, deposit notes and discount notes. They are recorded at cost which is not signi antly d nt fro market value. Long-term investments are comprised of deposit notes and bon i i I O i D Document in V10A City of Pickering /Dotes 913110,• 10.49 AM Page g FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY i 25 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2009 5. Investment in Veridian Corporation (a) Veridian Corporation is owned by the City of Pickering, Town of Ajax, Munic' ality of Claringto and the City of Belleville. The City has a 41 per cent interest in Veridian C oration. Veridia Corporation, as a government business enterprise, is accounted for on t modified equity asis in these financial statements. Veridian Corporation serves as the elect 'cal distribution uti . for a number of communities including the four noted above and conducts on-regulated utili service ventures through its subsidiaries. The following table provides condensed supplementary consoli to ancial info ation for the corporation and its subsidiaries for the year ended December 200 2008 Financial position:. Assets Current 78,9 1,113 69,599,771 Capital and intangibles 160 03,199 144,357,602 Other 350 539 13,028,112 Total assets /258,604,861 226,985,485 Liabilities Current 73,264,994 108, 931,221 Long-term debt 60,794,000 - Other 27,515,014 23,821 779 Total liabilities 161,674,008 132,753 000 Shareholders' equity Share capital 67,285,173 67,285,173 Contributed capital 24,910 24,910 Retained earnin s 29,720,760 26,922,402 Total equity 97,030,843 94,232,485 Total liabilities a e 258,604,861 226,985,485 Financial a ' ities: Revenu 246,318,763 228,759,331 Other' come 6,553,673 9,002,241 Exp nses 243,691,109 229,103,101. E i m disco 7inuedations 1,817,031 60,271 N e, m s the ar 10,998,358 8,718,742 D Document in2210ACltyofftkeringAktes 913/10,-10:50AM Page 10 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 126 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2009 5. Investment in Veridian Corporation (continued) I (b) City of Pickering's equity represented by: 200 /08 $ $ Promissory notes receivable Note 6 25 0 9 00 069 000 Investments in Veridian Corporation Initial investment in shares of the Corporation 30,496,19 30,496,196 Accumulated earnings 19,994,648 15,485,321 Accumulated dividends received (11,817,020 (8,455,020) Increase in value of investments 1 108 8 1,108,821 Total investment 39.782.0/46 38,635,318 i (c) Equity in Veridian Corporation /2009 2008 Balance, beginning of year /13,362,000) 6,747,338 64,894,654 Equity share of net earnings fo/Ccfibbafien, 4,509,327 3,574,684 Dividend received from Veridia (1,722,000) Balance end of year 67,894,665 66,747,338 (d) Contingencies and guarant es of Veridian o oration (the "Corporation') as disclosed in their financial statements are follows: (i) Insurance c/a* The Corpora . on ' a ember o he Municipal Electric Association Reciprocal Insurance Exchange M I h as created on January 1, 1987. A reciprocal insurance exchang may b fined a group of persons formed for the purpose of exchanging recipro al contracts in mnity or inter-insurance with each other. MEARIE provides gene I liability insuran to member electric utilities. In rance premiums harged to each member utility consist of a levy per $1,000 of service venue subject to credit or surcharge based on each electric utility's claims experience. In ce limits up to $30,000,000 per occurrence are covered by MEARIE. i D Document in 2210A City of Pickering Notes 913110.-10.-46 AM Page 11 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY i The Corporation of the City of Pickerin 2 g Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2009 I 5. Investment in Veridian Corporation (continued) (d) (continued) (ii) Other claims An action has been brought under the Class Proceedings Act: 92. The plaintiff ass seeks $500,000,000 in restitution for amounts paid to Toront ydro and to oth Ontario municipal electric utilities ("LDCs") who received late paym t nalties whic onstitute interest at an effective rate in excess of 60% per year, co ra o Section 3 of the Criminal Code. Pleadings have closed in this action. a not y been certified as a class action and no discoveries have been held, s the partie er awaiting the outcome of a similar proceeding brought against E ridge Gas Distrib ion Inc. (formerly Consumers Gas). i On April 22, 2004, the Supreme Court of Can a released a deci ion in the Consumers Gas case rejecting all of the defences which a eZatem raised b Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc., although the Supreme Court of Cana d' o ermit th plaintiff class to recover damages for any period prior to the issu ce t t of claim in 1994 challenging the validity of late payment penalties. T e Sup Cou f Canada remitted the matter back to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice for d ation of the damages. At the end of 2006, a mediation process resul d in the settleme of the damages payable by Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc.. After the release by the Supre a Court of Cana of its 2004 decision in, the Consumers Gas case, the plaintiffs in th L to payme penalties class action indicated their intention to proceed with t lit1 o s he LDCs. To date, no formal steps have been taken to move the ction fo d. Th electric utilities intend to respond to the action i if and when it proceed on the basi at a LDCs' situation may be distinguishable from I that of Consumers s. i The parties are i ettlement discus ons but no settlement has been reached. At this time, it is not possibl o quantify the eff ct, if any, on the financial statements. (iii) Contractual li io H dro ne Networks Inc. (HONP) The Corp ratio sidia , Veridian Connections Inc. ("VCI"), is party to a connection and co recovery em nt with HONI related to the construction by HONI of a transf rmer station desi ated to meet VCI's anticipated electricity load growth. Co truction of the pr 'ect was completed during 2007 and VCI connected to the tr sformer station ring 2008. o t e extent tha a cost of the project is not recoverable from future transformation n rev ues, VCI is obliged to pay a capital contribution equal to the difference etwee hes revenues and the construction costs allocated to VCI. The construction c d to VCI for the project are estimated at $9,974,670. (iv) En vi n ntal liability Envir ment Canada has issued new regulations governing the management of poly hlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The Corporation is in the process of determining the e ent and impact that the new regulations will have on the Corporation. As at December 2009, the cost of testing performed to date has been included within regulatory assets; however, costs related to additional testing or remediation have not been accrued as the amount is not determinable. D Document in Z210A City of Pickering Notes 913110,• 10:46 AM Page 12 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 128 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2009 5. Investment in Veridian Corporation (continued) (e) Lease commitments Future minimum lease payment obligations under operating leases re as follows: 2010 622,000 2011 588,000 2012 153,000 2013 2,000 2014 2,000 Thereafter 72,000 1 439 000 1 6. Promissory notes receivable 2009 2008 Promissory note receivable from Veridian o oration maturing November 12, 2012 and be ng i 7.62% until April 30, 2010, then the reater o or the Ontario Energy Board dee ed long to ebt rate on an annual basis to mat ty (6% effective May 1, 2010) 7,095,000 7,095,000 Promissory note receivable ro ndian Co ections Inc. maturing November 1, 3 n g i erest at 7.62% until April 30, 10, .5 o f m May 1, 2010 to De tuber 31, 4 a 'then the Ontario Energy Board d med long-term d t rate for each successive five year erio thereafter 17,974,000 17,974,000 i 25,069,000 25,069,000 Interest re n d from ese notes receivable totaled $1,905,244(2008 -1,905,244). The promiss n s'fro eri an Corporation are convertible into common shares at the rate of one Comm shar a 000 of principal amount, at the option of the City. I 0 Doeument in 2210A Cify of Pickering Mtes 913110,10:46 AM Page.13 i i I FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY i 129 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2009 7. Deferred revenue 2009 20 Obligatory Reserve Funds Development charges /27,4,3932 2 ,413,355 Parkland 1,984,486 Federal gas tax 3,084,862 Third party/Developer's Contributions Reserve Fund 2 043 667 34,872,751 33,526,370 Other unearned revenues 3 041 8 2,599,368 37,914.09 36,125,738 Continuity of deferred revenue is as follows: /2009 2008 Balance beginning of year /36,125,7 8 32,424,941 ► Restricted funds received 4,246,730 4,314,126 General funds received 442,460 56,354 Interest earned 1 283 835 1 294 510 /1 5,973,025 5,664,990 i Earned revenue transferred o operations 4,184,184 1,964,193 Balance end of ear 37,914,579 36,125,738 8. Interfu/ayema As a mvarious cap I quisitions, funds are borrowed by th e Capital Fund from Develoand Parkland eferred revenue (obligatory reserve funds). These funds are securenotes with i rest rates ranging from 3.1 % to 4.7% and various payment terms ranging o 10 years he financing arrangements and ultimate repayment are approved by Councirrent bu et process. Although these notes have payment terms as noted above, they arema . The following is a summary, of the related loans: 2009 2008 $ $ ads and streetli is 711,509 1,307,327 ommunity facil' es, libraries and parks 829,558 1,308,514 Protection se ces 694,491 321,252 Environmen I services 34,554 50,544 Municipal uildin 29 716 33 949 2 299 828 3 021 586 D Document in 2210A City of Pickering Notes 9/3/10," 10:96 AM Page 14 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 130 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2009 9. Post-employment benefit liability (a) Post-employment benefit liability The City makes available to qualifying employees who retire before the a of 65, the.oppo unity to continue their coverage for benefits such as post-retirement extend healthcare bens s. Coverage ceases at the age of 65. The City also provides full time a permanent part-'me employees a sick time entitlement and any unused entitlement is a cumulated year t ear. This accumulated entitlement is not vested and is forfeited at the time f r ' ement or to ination. The most recent actuarial valuation of the post-employment benefit w ormed a January 1, 2008. Information about the City's benefits liability is as follows: 20 9 2008 Accrued benefits liability, beginning of year 2 63,500 2,343,250 Prior period service cost - 150,700 Current service costs 214,200 191,800 Interest on accrued benefits 186,900 187,200 Amortization of actuarial losses 49,000 39,200 Benefits aid during the year (298,500) 348,650) Accrued benefits liability, end of ear 2,715,100 2,563,500 Accrued benefit obligation 3,435,300 3,332,700 Unamortized actuarial los s (720,200) (769,200) Accrued benefits liabili nd of year 2,715,100 2,563,500 The main actuarial ass ptions employe in the actuarial valuations areas follows: (i) Discount rate The prese v c ber 31, 2009 of the future benefits was determined using a discoun ate of (200 - 6.0%). (ii) Dent costs T dental cost tren ates was 4.0% increase per annum. j (iii) ealth costs sts w e assumed to increase at 9% in 2009 and decrease by 0.5% increments r year a ultimate rate of 5% per year in 2017 and thereafter. i i 0 Document in 2210A City of Pickering Notes 913110.-10.-96 AM Page 15 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2009 9. Post-employment benefit liability (continued) (b) Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) benefit liabilities Effective January 1, 2001, the City became a Schedule II employer unde the Workplace S ety & Insurance Act and follows a policy of self insurance for the risk associ d with paying be fits for workplace injuries for all its employees. The WSIB administers the cl ms related to wor place injuries and is reimbursed by the Corporation. The most recent act ri I valuation of t e WSIB benefits was performed at December 31, 2008. Information about the City's WSIB liability is as follows: 2 0 2008 Accrued WSIB liability, beginning of year 1, 5,198 643,045 Current service cost 293,000 284,432 Interest on accrued benefits 80,000 51,200 Amortization of estimation adjustment loss - 253,075 Benefits aid during the year 90 000 (146,554) j Accrued WSIB liability, end of ear 1,368,198 1,085,198 The main actuarial assumptions a loyed in the act arial valuations are as follows: (i) Discount rate The present value as at cemb 2 0 of the future benefits was determined using a discount rate of 6.0% ( 08 - 6.00 (ii) Inflation rate E The rate of inflati was assumed t e 3% per annum. (iii) WSIB Admini ati ate Liabilities f W h e been increased 30% to reflect the administration rate charged W A WSIB Res a Fund was st lished in 2001. The Reserve Fund balance at December 31, 2009 was 658,462 (2008 - 1,339,907). In addition, the City purchased two insurance policies that prot t the City against ignifcant claims to the Corporation. The occupational accident insura a pays loss claim up to $400,000 per work related accident. The excess workers com ns tion indemni insurance has a $400,000 deductible and will pay for claims up to and Intl d1 0,000 er work related accident. i 10. Long- rm lia "e (a) The balance of ong-term liabilities is made up of the following. 2009 2008 The unicipality is responsible for the payment of incipal and interest charges on long-term liabilities . issued by the Regional Municipality of Durham on the City's behalf. At the end of the year, the outstanding principal amount of this liability is 14,219,970 16,111,363 D Document in 2210A City of Pickering Notes 913110,10:46 AM Page 16 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 132 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2009 10. Long-term liabilities (continued) (b) The above long-term liabilities have maturity dates of July 12, 2011, 2016 a d 2021, Novembe 1, 2012, November 21, 2012 and 2018, July 15, 2014 and December 23, 20 4 with various int est rates ranging from 2.65% to 5.6%. Principal repayments are summarize as follows: 2010 1,683,228 2011 1,753,158 2012 2,792,188 2013 1,390,325 2014 1,258,572 Thereafter 5,342,499 14,219,970 i (c) Long-term liabilities include a principal sum of 0 as 'Ref dable Debentures' which may be raised by the issuance of debentures over further od n to exceed 10 years. (d) The above long-term liabilities have been proved by Coun ' by-law. The annual principal and interest payments required to service th a liabilities are wi in the annual debt repayment limit ! prescribed by the Ministry of Municipal ffairs and Housi ! (e) Interest expense recorded in the ye r r lating to these ong-term liabilities is $742,139 (2008 - $466,281). 11. Tangible capital assets Information relating to tangible c ital assets is as f ows: i) Contributed tangible capit assets The City records tangib c assets tributed by an external party at fair value on the date contributed. Typical a es d, ads, storm sewers and sidewalks installed by a developer as part of a subdivi on opme agreement. Contributions of tangible capital assets in 2009 amounted.to $2,7 4,280( 2 - $ ' ii) Tangible capit assets recogniz at nominal value Land under oads are assigne a nominal value of one Canadian dollar because this land only supports is intended to s port road infrastructure and the majority of land acquired supporting road all a was acq . ed at no cost. iii) Wor o and i tori al treasures T e City ha s m which holds various historical treasures and historical buildings pertaining the heritage n istory of the City of Pickering. These items are not recognized as tangible capital assets in a financial statements because a reasonable estimate of the future benefits associated wit such property cannot be made. Any acquisition or betterment of these assets is recognized an expense in the financial statements. iv) Other The n book value of tangible capital assets not being amortized because they are under cons uction is $1,841,341 (2008 - $2,267,916). D ring the year, there were no write-downs of assets (2008 - nil) and no interest was capitalized uring the year (2008 - nil). D Document in 2210A City of Pickering Notes 913110,• 10:46 AM Page 17 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 133 O 12 N O N co tte O N tt N N s!' 20 m N v c m < N P't O en N m d Q r tmn m W M tmM co M M W W f0 a c to m m v w o ( c c .2 emo v v N M clm O ccm m e N r N w o Q N vi n co M to v m a d - mo a t cl K w t n i c O m 7 S'F emM N - O M l It r O W E M r '7 M 7 L Z. C N E9 M M h co M M m r . N N O m m N' O O R U c eenn c- n to r h cD co c1l p E I r < r c to m r tM m CD w m V) N to a) U~ co O r N ~ V W) W) V: < c W M M m e r 2 a tp 7 N W N cn m CcL to b m r rn N m' r r m' m W m r co C TW d to co m co 1- N m l` O W N CD m o N co N M N N m c c It A O to co M C O N co tr IT a c (Rp M N N 0. M n N Nrl_ MM 0 U L C d w tR n N N M R M m ccoo W R ( N tM U y t tWM m m O N N 2 a_ n n co ocm yrun) N (D co m i t h O I~ m O t~ It m y r- N m t-- ~ m m N N I~ V M f` N a) -IT U d C SID N W N c W m r ' N E N m to A N `p n n co q' M I c to • p N 6% C V' m m fA M Sr-1• co t0 N O 0~D ONi _ a. 'C m N m N W V - ' ~ ~ rn ~ ~ to r r r lN`6 N r O co N r Q 6% c1l Om N co m (,l m N N m m m (D 04 w 'r j - ® ~•t Ll m N N m m_ W m W m N Y m K T N tmM tp. N m tp Cl) r l d r m' f~ m clO m a m E v o v to m y o O Cfj t '9 co m tMM o o m m C) ° m • U ~ d to ~ M v N e e 14 N 3 o co rn m c o o m v C M W a m r m n ti o C 6i O mm o W O fo \ cl I w r- r I o v m m m ~.y N co n c O o P a m __J Avg O m h co r N r e- N . 1^vgl 4 (V~~ m m C~! co M 69 m o 0 N r 0 t , O ® i3 C d 6 M K 7 U) T- m co co co x m q N N DO 0 V R O C) N Q. O o 'No 4J O d O O t6 O TO X1--1 S c d d o c m N O O N c 7 d 0 C c 0 0 3 'R V Q W Y e-1 C rn. 'p ~ a a rn~ a U e t't {C N N N C W N c> m N N L o t6 d 7 yy , tall Tp L d V U O O G U p c o ~j a E o Q viQ mm to h c m pa¢ (D !o ~i !o -o w YO r U m Q J m Q m Q J m .z i 134 0 co (A. O N OD R ccoo' m N N ONo n O Q CL " r V' O) V• Of r N OOl N I N N ~ C N O) m n O 0 O N C m M m Lo m m c a en cn o w o o v m m .8 clL ect c'! C ` 7 N y N m r1i N N N CO N r N N N U Q f4 cA ' ^ m Ifl N N m n at o i at d O X Om m Ol m E c m N LL G 07 cfl N to I- O m m o V) o co l) c c co O cc m w) b N i0 m p E m < o) O) Of U E Lo ID N m N I Y m tt O~ 4N N v mr-h Q m V' it c IL V' cl R O Q. W m oo CD 04 r m m 0 r co m_ q Io r m m O N r C a - N 614 co 0 N O O N O) OD O O W O ~p m to ccc c aD o m Cl C C~7 M V ci Op~~ N t- of o to G7 m Of N W M (D N O) co m O t - C « r w 60l o O m m N co N Y co o m co o a) co iD to O n N I I% m' U n 0 co W O) co r m N T M r N 2 a c N N uD m m In N N m co 0 I ~ N 0 n u7 m O O C) m 3 rn r` C) m cc o m CE mm L6 co co cD (D ~~1I O • t N H co O) m a) Lo co - Cl) p~q O I- V' P. O O 7 F 7 _ i cn rn m n )n co ICI M m r ^ N N co N O tL N c0 C 0. o co O M N N O W CJ r C OD C> N o m .N O j N N ? O m V' m M 44 4§13 c0 W u~ to m 6'3. 0 co c1l co • P•M 4..) r r n r r co n W 04 N ~r CI] C cp E L6 td 7 N N co m CCD vNi ~ co to O U to tD c7 Cl) N _ e `Q m vs v In h 0 o o m T CCl C1 C m ti° co ui O 4* f,I 3 a oD N of N m vi co II O _ co o IIj N n V' R A I . { •~.c C. T c7 N Q C o co 000 m O N N , C% lh N Iq h h • • rv-1 CD e0- v) N co N m co m .e O O !6 CO O O o N G a 9 m w Q~ .O G c" f aco c o W N N O a~ N 11 0 C rn a m a a o o a A co E H m o a) m a N E v m 'c a § c0i C. a) U E cOi o cmi. O o 1r~~y1. 7C) o mvQ ayi~ m RvQ m m N L f-I A - r U m Q J m Q co Q J m z Q i I i 135 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2009 12. Accumulated surplus The City's accumulated surplus is comprised of the following: /09 08 Capital fund 99 ,216 405,505 Operating fund 5,089 125,000 Equity in Veridian Corporation , 66 66,747,338 Tangible capital assets 186,242, 4 180,420,178 Post employment benefits liability (2,536,10 (2,384,500) j Internal loans (2,299, 8) (3,021,586) Net long-term liabilities (14,21 ,970) (16;111,363) WSIB benefit liabilities (1,3 8,198) (1,085,198) Reserves set aside for special purposes by Council Working capital 400,000 400,000 i Self insurance 962,707 951,391 Replacement of capital equipment 854,338 618,419 Contingencies 1,471,140 1,401, 340 Rate stabilization 16,565,777 17,374,935 City's share for development charge 1,946,216 1,168,494 Continuing studies 390,315 750,534 Vehicle replacement 237,547 172,547 Easement settlement 131,279 131,279 Eastern branch 105,000 80,000 Move Ontario 267,033 8,243 Capital asset management 90,000 75,000 ` Economic stabilization 1,236,000 - 1 Reserve Funds set aside f special purposes by C n Recreation progra s an ities 215,350 192,845 Acquisition of to gible capita se 1,585,630 1,516,365 Squash court 1,316 92,530 WSI B 1,658,462 1,339,907 Animal sh ter 162,553 152,896 Men's s w pitch 137,587 128,471 271,190,757 264,650 570 13. Pen - n agreem I T City makes cont ' utions to the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Fund (OMERS), which is multi-employer p n, on behalf of the members'of its staff. The plan is a defined benefit plan which specifies the am nt of the retirement benefit to be received by the employees based on the length of service and rat s of pay. Contributio on account of current service for 2009 were $2,117,873 (2008 - $2,034,410). 14. Trust F ds. Trus unds administered by the municipality amounting to $297,350 (2008 - $288,070) have not been inc ded in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position nor have their operations been included in t Consolidated Statement of Operations. i D Document in 2210A City of Pickering Notes 9/3/10.• 10:46 AM Page 20 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 1 136 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2009 15. Related party transactions Veridian Corporation The City of Pickering receives electricity and services from Veridian Corpo/Note corpor tion in which the City is a principal shareholder. 2008 $ $ _ I Transactions Revenues Interest on promissory notes 1,905,2 1,905,244 Property taxes levied 41 75 42,558 Expenses Electrical energy and services 1 65,955 1,941,923 Balances Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 316,068 406,725 Promissory notes receivable 25,069,000 25,069,000 16. Guarantees In the normal course of business, the City ters into agreem is which contain guarantees. The City's primary guarantees are as follows, (i.) The City has provided indemni' s unde a ag ements for the use of various facilities or land. Under the terms of these agr ments the ty a ees to indemnify the counterparties for various items including, but not limi d to, all liabilitl s, oss, suits, and damages arising during, on or after the term of the agreemen . The maximum a ount of any potential future payment cannot be ! reasonably, estimated. (ii) The City indemnifies II yees and lected officials including Library employees and board members for vario it s i g, ut not limited to, all costs to settle suits or actions due to association with a sec o ertain restrictions. The City has purchased liability insurance to mitigate the ost of an tenti future suits or actions. The term of the indemnification is not explicitly defi ed,. but is limi the period over which the indemnified party served as an employee elected official o e City. The maximum amount of any potential future payment .cannot b reasonably estim ed. (iii) The C' has entered int agreements that may include indemnities in favour of third parties, such as rc d sale reements, confidentiality agreements, engagement letters with advisors an c ultan , out urcing agreements, leasing contracts, information technology agreements d s ' e a e nts. These indemnification agreements may require the City to compensate counterpa o osses incurred by the counterparties as a result of breaches in representation and regulations r as a result of litigation claims or statutory sanctions that may be suffered by the counterp as a consequence of the transaction. The terms of these indemnities are not explicitly d ned and the maximum amount of any potential reimbursement cannot be reasonably estimate The nature of ese indemnification agreements prevents the City from making a reasonable estimate of the maximu exposure due to the difficulties in assessing the amount of liability which stems from the unpredict ility of future events and the unlimited coverage offered to counterparties. Historically, the City has of made any significant payments under such or similar indemnification agreements and theref a no amount has been accrued in the balance sheet with respect to these agreements. i i D Document in 2210A 67ty of Pickering Notes 9/3/10,• 10:46 AM Page 21 I FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 137 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2009 17. Contingent liabilities Litigation The City has been named as a defendant in certain legal actions in which dam es have been so ht. The outcome of these actions is not determinable as at the date of reporting d accordingly, no provision has been made in these financial statements for any liabilities whi may result. 18. Budget figures The 2009 Budget adopted by Council on May 19, 2009 was not prep re is co istent with that used to report actual results. The budget was prepared on a modifI d accrual ba ' w He Public Sector Accounting Standards now require a full accrual basis. The budg figures treated tangible capital expenditures as expenses and did not include amortization ex nse on tangible c pital assets. As a result, the budget figures presented in the Statements of Op ations and Chan in Net Financial Assets represent the budget adopted by Council on May 1 , 2009 with adjust ents as follows: 2009 2009 Council CA Budget approve expen es presented in from capit Amortization statements bud le ! $ $ $ $ Revenue Taxation 70 - - 46,882,370 Capital 20,6 - - 20,619,250 Other 13,57 7 - - 13,576,237 81,077,W - - 81,077,857 Expenditures General gove/ices 11,949 26 412,702 595,189 12,957,317 Protection to 18,2 ,804 908,600 609,915 19,783,319 Transportatio7 86,475 529,000 3,436,508 11,351,983 Environmenta221,505 - 1,890,946 2,112,451 Social and fa456,334 95,000 - 551,334 Recreational ces 18,479,292 1,727,500 2,841,966 23,048,758 Plannin and 2,719,446 - - 2,719,446 59,477,282 3,672,802 9,374,524 72,524,608 Annual sur lu 21,600,575 (3,672,802) (9,374,524) 8,553,249 Capital pe tures (31,443,017) 3,672,802 - (27,770,215) Trans rs from a 2,386,934 r erve funds D' idend from Vendi Corporation 3,334,000 rincipal repayme of debt (3,122,942) Debt proceeds 7,134,450 Prior year su s 110,000 i 0 bocoment in 22104 City of Pickering Notes 913110,• 2.26 PM Page 22 i FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY I i X38 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Notes to the consolidated financial statements December 31, 2009 19. Segmented information The City of Pickering is a diversified municipal government that provides a wide ra a of services to i residents. Distinguishable functional segments have been separately disclosed i the segmented information. The nature of the segments and the activities they encompass are s follows: I General Government This item relates to revenues and expenses of the municipality itself and n t be directly ributed to a specific segment. Protection to Persons and Property Protection includes fire services, animal control, bylaw services d building inspe ' n/enforcement of the building code to ensure the safety and protection of citizen and their property Public Works Services Public works includes construction and maintenance of t C s roadways ncluding snow removal and sidewalk repairs, street lighting, maintenance of the sto er stem a d environmental services. Social and Family Services Social services for assistance or services for sen' rs. Recreation and Culture Services Recreation and cultural services include re eation programs, aintenance and rental of facilities and parks, operation of the City's museum an lib ces. Planning and Development Planning and development provide a number of rv' es including municipal planning and review of all property development plans. Segmented information has b n provided in the ollowing pages. I O I I I I i I i i i I i i I D Document in ZZIOA City of PickeHnq Notes 9/3/10,• 10:46 AM Page 23 i FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY i Oi 'O EA et1~NNOh00~d' OD~~O~N 1 39 O a1 CO O O CO OD N O to O O M d' N O O 00 N O) lt7 M 01 N M I: M t}' to CA r tO O M r N p OOOCO4tritDNh t;nMOtDOhO Wwt_WNOVMV t.toW W 0 V C O~ 00 O ti O et r 1 ~ O 00 ~ et tG r~ a C O t► a N <Y O OV N O r O O U = ER O N N ' h O O O M O O O O ~ M ~ p M M O N N N 010 co N O O w h O M C E Ih M co M M CD N N W W 0 r N M N M Ct O N 0 v co Cl* M CO I-- O r 0 h. m C Ort- W O r`OO MNMrnN rM NvGo Wr.MN rtoCh ON 00V ~ Q Ili N COCA n M O p U) 6A h CO OO t-c0O ' q O07 C C7 O N O co M N O N co O to E 1 tp t "L O O N (0 I N er 't r- co r W COOO V- M ON •V a) r r r M O y U ~ ~ VT ' r ' ' , , r N ~ Or0 M ' C~0 M O C d M co O O w CO I%. W r to E 6 C; T.: C6 6 .1i C6 C6 11: _C 0 o N O N m O r N m C G1 r N r r- ~ R > t0 C Q7 V W' v' ' am t- C d O to a' to p L ct w N O co O 00 O N CO CO r et r r O to 00 M t0 O 00 h M O co d' r r W CO r r O O i V N M M !A O t`r M ti "t N O O tr r v O M M W O W O r CO C Cp O N N N N r r r N r to E!3 ti M' r O ' O CO - r M r M O O CA ` d it 00 tO O M M V 11 O O co lw , O V OO ON to t0 _ O hN 00'er00 C O It MN _ MMtDOf Cl) tOO C1 r tOO ti 0 co O t00^ tip M LO N N = N N of MM O co, O Poo a V C c co M. CO ~ r-- le N O O M M o c C V H O Uj ,d; d 0 r O M C 0 O w O to O CL t' N to N O r ti O L. 0-0 r C %i 00 C6 Q C co • I.I 4~ O t~ .U O e w O 7 co CU Q o C O ~ V •Q c to m O ct o 6 a) a) m ,,W r_ ID a j a) M a o c z c rn > =3 • m O O E > o c - N to co U) ? o O O w o o~ o o~` Sam w s N c m p c c -0 c M c m r_ :3 O Q fn c N O N m U N O C Q 0 CL CD CL x > ® y N C N a) X> c 7 C O c t6 C O Q 0) r ~y O-0 E 0 M (D o cr - a) m co o E a) N G.~ a)c70t-oUW 0 O~ W cna UQO ~z cy; 9) r I ~ 40 co 'a ~ 0 00IT vto CO colOCOOr`oo O O 0 on O O LOW CO M M N O U) ti O N O Cm M In O C \L cc ti co N r O t0 V r CO N CO M O ~ r U) M to N O N O N M OIt O M ?1- O r O O CO t'- U) N r O (L O M LO O 0 M r s Cf) co N N r 0) U) C t- r- M U) C N tT/ r ti M O U M to O I ct m U) r CO CO N I O t.n O C M r M OD [t O t- co N co CO O N C m U) O CO CO O M M r t- r- co N C M 0) O "f 'ct T e ti ~ >n M M O O ti N N to r M CD O l0 C9 t~ M D) U) co N ti t- co to N O r 'p U) Cf3 O LO t CO r O O U-) Ln O Cc U O~ ti NO C Ui o oooU) r- C6 w Z O r r 0) T C \f r U N M N U') Or cli fl- M OU) C fi} co t 0N0 M O O ' (0 co C6 O O NCO 'Q_ VY U) 't Im r r M C1 7 M L6 I; .C O O O CO 0) M M O CO r co ~T C j r r r C6 a -o C N CO r t 0 t r 0 U) U) 'd' ti O CO O CO O 7 Cfl co CO co It O N LO O t~ r 0 U) M O C0 co co M N 3 r CO O 00 tx Co IlM M 'c' N C d U O co OM COrrm000DOO L) -O CO N U) U) M~ N M T M O d' M c U) ti r U) C \f M Co N r U) ElT N Lo t V' t O co CO 0) o) to r- m a0 ` CU d' v V' 0) N O O N N N N N O O U to O m t- (3) r Ct LO 0- 0) O Z r O O r O M O N r CO r 0 00 C) Cf) 03 04 0) U M M O M M O M v N .4- ct r N U) N O T T a C c (f} CO CO ti O d__ M t O c 'C r` M U) C0 V' M d' C, O •p~ 'V N O r it M CO c P O O U/) ~ 0 Iz M CO LO r (A O O L rnco C) fl- Mr r i 4-4 0 Q N co r CO U) - M (L O r N Ui Cp t0 c r r r t6 C~ • ry ~..a U) Cd CM.{ _ o O = p -d p U a v c a~ c y a CU U) y 0 POO CD co -a (1) :3 a) 01 cc C € mo,~ c O O E o c o v, ca of Z a) C°O o ya~i0 Q Sam o m x N 102 oL~0~c .oc~,ca o k ~O my mom. cCo -aom + •p N = > ~p m N - c N o co a CA L U) m V O c N O G f.y M N V 15 O N O p t6 co N p e O c IQ O x> O .C O c (6 '~'0 p to L O> N I r~ O.~ E ~cr QcocooEp»J~ a) >(9Z) HOw0 o 0-0) <_3O E.4 o cn cn H w i0 z 0 0 O NzQ a 41 Financial statements of The Corporatio of the City of Picked g Trust ands December 31, 2009 } i O 095 Document in 2215 2009 Trust Funds Notes 9/3/1Q 1:55PM FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY ~e2Corporation of the City of Pickering Trust Funds December 31, 2009 Table of contents Auditors' Report .............................................:.....................................................................................................1 Statement of financial position ..........................................................................................................................2 Statement of financial activities and fund balances ...............................3 Notes to the financial statements 4 O D Document in 2215 2009 Trust Funds Notes 913110,• 1.55PM FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 43 Deloitte & Tou a LLP 5140 Yonge et Sulle 1700 Toronto M2N 6L7 Canad Tel- 16-601-6150 F . 416-601-6151 .deloittexa Auditors' Report To the Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers of The Corporation of the City of Pickering We have audited the statement of financial position of The Co o ation of the C' of Pickering Trust Funds as at December 31, 2009 and the statement of fmanci a i 'es and d balances of the Trust Funds for the year then ended. These financial statements e r onsib' ty of the City's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinio on these ci statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadi generally acce ed auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and peifo an audit to ob ' reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material missta went. An audit i cludes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclos -es c' statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used a sign' es ' ates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statemen presentatio . In our opinion, these financial state nts present fairl , in all material respects, the financial position of The Corporation of the City of Pi ering Trust Fun as at December 31, 2009 and the results of operations and cash flows of th ds for a year then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accountin ri 1p Chartered Acco t Licensed Publ' A ountan April 1, 201 D Document in 22152009 Trust Funds Rtes 913110,• 1c55PA4 FOR DISCUSSION'PURPOSES ONLY 144 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Trust Funds Statement of financial position as at December 31, 2009 11 / 20 2008 Dorothy Card OHRP Estate otal To I Financial assets Investments - 277,351 277,351 277,351 Interest receivable - 19,9 19,999 8,905 Loans receivable - 1,814 29 35 7,00 288,070 Trust Fund position 297,350 2 350 288,070 W ksheet in 2215 2009 trust funds financial statements (#12399 91312010,• 1:55PM Page 2 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 45 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Trust Funds Statement of financial activities and fund balances year ended December 31, 2009 20 2008 Dorothy Card OHRP Estate /Otal To Revenues Interest 109 11,094 11 203 11,383 Expenditures Provincial payments 1,827 - 118 558 Administration charges 96 - 96 29 1,923 - ,923 587 Net revenues (expenditures) (1,814) 11,094 9,280 10,796 Fund balance, beginning of year 1 814 1112 286,266 /288,070 277,274 Fund balance end of year /2V.360/ 297,350 288,070 O I I W ksheet in ZZ152009 trust Amds financial statements (WZ399, 9131Z010, 1:56 PM Page 3 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 146 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Trust Funds Notes to the financial statements December 31, 2009 1. Accounting policy The financial statements of The Corporation of the City of Pickering Trust Fun s are the represe ations of management prepared in accordance with Canadian generally accepted counting principl s. Significant accounting policies adopted include: Basis of accounting Revenues are recorded in the period in which the transactions or a ents occurre a gave rise to the revenue. Expenditures are reported on the accrual basis of accounting hich recognizes penditures as they are incurred and measurable as a result of the receipt of goods services and th creation of a legal obligation to pay. Investments Investments are recorded at cost. The cost of invest ents ap mat their fair value. 2. Ontario Home Renewal Program The Ontario Home Renewal Program ("OHR ) was establishe y the Ontario Ministry of Housing in 1973 to provide grants for municipalities to ake loans to ass' t owner occupants to repair, rehabilitate and improve their homes to local prope sta divi al loans are limited to $7,500 of which the maximum forgivable portion is $4,000. Effective July 16, 1993, the Provinc of Ontario ' on ' ued this program. Unused funds were remitted to the Province on March 1, 1994. utstanding ba n es of loans issued prior to July 16, 1993 continued to be administered under the to s of the original p gram. The City continued to administer the collection of any outstanding I ns and remit the roceeds, net of a 5% administration fee to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Hou ng. All "OHRP" loans have n e at ecember 31, 2009 and the OHRP Trust Account was closed as of December 1, 3. Dorothy Card Es The City of Pick Ing has establish .a trust fund for the Dorothy Card Estate for the care and upkeep of the destitute el erly. The fund bal nce is comprised of investments and accumulated interest amounting to $297,350 008 - $286,256). 4. Stateme t o ash fl s A sta ment of c has not been presented as the information is readily determinable from the fina cial statement pr sented. D Document in 22152009 Trust Funds Notes 913110,,1:55M Page 4 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 47 Financial statements of City of Pickerin Public Library oard December 31, 2009 O SW Document in 22109 Notes to the Financial Statements (Library - December 31, 2009) (32398),• 9/27110, 5:OOYM FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 148 City of Pickering Public Library Board December 31, 2009 Table of contents Auditors' Report ...................................................................................................................................................1 Statement of financial position ........................................................................................•...................................2 Statement of operations .....................................................................................................................................3 Statement of change in net financial assets ........................................................................................................4 Statement of cash flows ........................................5 Notes to the financial statements 6-10 O j D Document in 22109 Notes to the Fl mnciol 5tatements (Library -December 31, 2009) (32398).• 9/3/10,• 12:40 PM FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY I 1 9 Delohte & Touc a LLP 5140 Yonge reet Suite 1700 Toronto O M2N 61.7 Canad Tel: 16-601-6150 F 416-601-6151 deloitte.ca Auditors' Report To the Members of The City of Pickering Public Library Board, Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers of the City of Pickering We have audited the statement of financial position of the i ering ublic Library Board as at December 31, 2009 and the statements of operations, ch ges in ebt d cash flows for the year then ended. These fmancial statements are the responsibili of the Board agement. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements ed on our audi We conducted our audit in accordance with C than generally a cepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform a au onable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstateme . An au ' c ud examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures i the financ sta ments. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and signific t estimates m by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentati n. In our opinion, these financial a present irly, in all material respects, the financial position of the City of Pickering Public L' r at ecember 31, 2009 and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year th en accor ce with the Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. Chartered Ac un Licensed P lic Acco is April 1, 10 5 Document in 2210B Notes to the Financial Statements (Library -December 31, 2009) (32398Z• 8127110,- 5:00 PM FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY I 150 City of Pickering Public Library Board Statement of financial position as at December 31, 2009 f zoos (Restated i 2009 -Note 2) Financial assets Accounts receivable 449 Cash /,147,564 310 Due from City of Pickering ' 93,841 150,133 96,600 Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 1X4,81 117,100 Deferred revenue 8,388 Due to the Government of Canada 349 Post-employment benefits obligation Note 3 19,200 120,100 /308,315 245,937 Net debt (158,182) 149,337 j Non-financial assets Tangible capital assets (Note 5) 1,993,685 2,520,072 Prepaid expense 38,982 29,237 2,032,667 2,549,309 Accumulated surplus 1,874,486 2,399,972 i O I I Worksh in 2210A City of ftkering - Library Finonaa/ Statements (December 31, 2009) (32398E' 9/3/2010,12.32 PM Page 2 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY i 151 City of Pickering Public Library Board Statement of operations year ended December 31, 2009 2009. 2008 Budget Actual (Unaduited - (Restated Note 7 Actu I - Note 2 Revenue City of Pickering grants 4,688,119 57,315 4,4 029 Federal grants - 18,246 20,720 Province of Ontario grants 188,177 74,231 156,337 j Fines and other receipts 205 965 89 619 - 195 507 Total revenue 5,082,264 5, 411 4,792,593 i Expenses Operating Salaries Salaries and wages X6,4 ,377 2 69,487 2,778,661 Fringe benefits 51 630,094 585,644 6 828 /3,699,681 3,364,305 Material, supplies and utilities Books 92,0 104,841 92,991 Utilities 191 50 179,631 175,873 Other supplies ,500 60,586 51,405 48,950 345,058 320,269 Services Insurance 44,807 38,845 37,616 Travel 4,528 5,480 4,008 Repairs and mai/aintenance 386,283 374,551 398,015 Consulting and p78,850 77,510 37,489 Advertising 23,622 20,035 34,555 Conferences 8,295 8,485 4,133 Postage 6,000 5,587 5,442 Telephone 48,185 49,698 48,580 Seminars and ed25,500 18,748 8,855 Vehicle repairs a5,000 3,248 2,682 Miscellaneous 62,063 49,390 43,579 683,133 661,677 624,954 Capital related Amortizatio ex se 968,000 968,682 1,038,184 Total o er tin ex e 5,609,911 5,564,898 5,347,712 Annual ficit 527,650 525,487 555,119 Accu ulated surplus, b innin of year 2,399,972 2,399,972 2,955 091 Ac mulated su lu end of year 1,872,322 1,874,485 2,399,972 7 W11-210A Cty of Pickering -Library Finandal statements (December 31,200Y) (3Z398k 9/3/2010,12:08 PM Page 3 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 152 City of Pickering Public Library Board Statement of change in net debt year ended December 31, 2009 Budget (Unaudited - 2008 Note 7) 200 (Note 2) Annual surplus 527,660) 5 487 555 19 Acquisition of tangible capital assets (440,350) (442,295) 85,865) Amortization of tangible capital assets 968 000 968,682 038,184 627,650/ 626,387 552,319 Change in prepaid expense - 74 22,945 Change in net debt - (845) 20,145 - 9Net debt, beginning of year 337 169,482 Net deb end of year 2168,182) (149,337) i O I i W kshact in 2210A City of Pickering -Library Financial 5tatements (December 31,200P) (32398),-.91312010- 2:24 PM Page 4 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 53 City of Pickering Public Library Board ' Statement of cash flows year ended December 31, 2009 20os /(Restated 2009 - Note 2 Operating activities Annual deficit /26,487) (5 119) Non cash items Amortization of tan ible ca ital assets 038,184 443,195 483,065 Change in non cash operating items I Decrease in accounts receivable 1 114 j Increase in due from City of Pickering (53 23) (53,069) Increase in accounts payable and accrued liabilities ,751 35,082 Increase (decrease) in deferred revenue 5,525 (4,962) Increase (decrease) in due to Government of Canada 2 (110) (Decrease) increase in post-employment benefit liability (900) 2,800 Increase decrease in prepaid expense 9 745 22,945 900 2,800 442,295 485,865 Capital Acquisition of tangible capital assets (442,296) 485,865 Net increase in cash - - Cash beginning of year 2,310 2,310 Cash end of year 2,310 2,310 O i i Worksh in 22108 City of Pickering - Library Fnondai Statements (December 31, 2009) (32398),• 9/3/Z010,-12:09 PM Page 5 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 154 City of Pickering Public Library Board Notes to the financial statements December 31, 2009 1. Significant accounting policies The financial statements of the City of Pickering Public Library Board (the "Library bard") are the representations of management prepared in accordance with Canadian generall ccepted accoun ' g principles established by the Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) of the Ca adian Institute of Chartered Accountants. Significant accounting policies adopted by the Library Board are as follow Basis of accounting (a) Accrual basis of accounting Revenues and expenses are reported on the accrual basis o accounting. The crual basis of accounting recognizes revenues as they are earned and m asurable; expens s are recognized, as they are incurred and measurable as a result of the recei of goods and se ices and the creation of a legal obligation to pay. (b) Non-financial assets (i) Tangible capital assets Tangible capital assets are recorded at co less acc ate depreciation. Cost includes all amounts that are directly attributable to quisition, deve o ent or betterment of the asset. The cost of the tangible capital asset i amortized on a st ight-fine basis over the estimated useful life as follows: Machinery & equipment 2 to 25 y ars Information technology hardwar 4 to 8 ars Library collection material years Furniture and fixtures 10 50 years One-half of the annual a rtization is ch rg in the year of acquisition and in the year of disposal. Other major assets i luding the Libra uilding are owned by the. City and are not reflected in these financial stat e (ii) Contribution/do do f c ital assets Tangible cap' I ass ceive s contributions or donations are recorded at their fair value at the date of ceipt, and fa' value is also recorded as revenue. (iii) Intangibl assets Intan ' le assets are no ecognized as assets in the financial statements. (c) Deferr re e Def re venu epr ents amounts which have been received for expenditures not yet incurred. T se a nts I b recognized as revenue in the fiscal year the related items are purchased. ll (d) ost employ t enefits The present va a of the cost of providing employees with future benefits programs is recognized as employee earn these entitlements through service. Any actuarial gains or losses are amortized on a straig -line basis over the average remaining service period (ARSP) of employees. The actuarya imated the ARSP to be 15 years. (e) Use of stimates The reparation of financial statements in conformity with Canadian generally accepted accounting p ' ciples requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported ount of assets, liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenditures during the period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. D Document in 22108 Notes to the Financial Statements (Library - December 31, 2009) (32398Z• 913110•• 12:34 PM Page 6 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY i I City of Pickering Public Library Board 155 Notes to the financial statements December 31, 2009 2. Change in accounting policies Effective January 1, 2009, the Library Board has implemented Sections 1200 "Fin cial Statement Presentation" and 3150 "Tangible Capital Assets" of the Public Sector Accountin Handbook. Secti 1200 establishes general reporting principles and standards for the disclosure information in Li ary Board financial statements. Section 3150 requires the Library Board to recor and amortize the tangible capital assets in their financial statements. Tangible capital assets ere previously r orded as expenditures when acquired. Method used for determining the opening cost of each major category f t e capital ssets The financial information recorded includes the actual historical co of the tang) c ital assets. When historical cost records were not available, other methods were us d to estimate the osts and accumulated amortization of the assets. The Library Board appied a consistent m thod of estimating the replacement or reproduction cost of the tangible capital a ets to each cate ryfor which it did not have historical cost records. After determining replacement r reproduction co , deflation factors were used to deflate the replacement or reproduction cost to a es ' ated histori I cost for the year of acquisition. The change has been applied retroactively and prio/the ods bee estated. This change in accounting policy has changed amounts reported i prior pe ' follows: 2008 Accumulated surplus -Amounts to be re ve reviou y reported (120,100) Net book value of tangible capital asse 2,520,072 Accumulated surplus, as restated 2,399,972 i Annual surplus Net revenue, as previous/rorted (2,800) Assets capitalized but precorded as xpenditures 485,865 Amortization ex ense o l record (1,038,184) Annual surplus, as restat (555,119) 5 Document in 22109 Hates to the Financial Statements (Library - December 31, Z009) (31398,x• 8/27110,• 5:19 PM Page 7 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 156 i City of Pickering Public Library Board Notes to the financial statements December 31, 2009 3. Post employment benefits liability The Library Board makes available to qualifying employees who retire before the a of 65, the opportunity to continue their coverage for benefits such as post-retirement exten d healthcare be fits. Coverage ceases at the age of 65. The Library Board also provides full time a permanent part-' e employees a sick time entitlement and any unused entitlement is accumulate year to year. Thi accumulated entitlement is not vested and therefore is forfeited at the time f retirement or ter ination. The post-employment benefits obligation at December 31, 2009 and the a es in the acc ed benefit obligation for the 2009 fiscal year was determined by actuarial valuatio pr red as at J uary 1, 2008. Information about the Library Board's post employment benefits liab' tie ' as ws: 2 9 2008 Post-employment benefits liability, beginning of year /(30, 100 117,300 Current service costs 600 14,900 Amortization of actuarial losses 900 3,300 Interest expense 500 9,900 Benefits aid durirt the year 900 25,300 Post-em to meet benefits liability, end of year 119,200 120,100 2009 2008 Accrued post-employment benefits o ination 166,500 171,300 Unamortized actuarial losses 47 300 (51,200) Post-employment benefits liabili 119,200 120,100 The main actuarial assumpti s employed in th actuarial valuations areas follows: (a) Discount rate The present value s at mber 3 , 2009 of the future benefits was determined using a discount rate of 5.5% (20 - 6%). (b) Dental cost The curre dental cost trend ost at January 1, 2008 was 4.0% per annum. (c) Health ost Hea c s we ass ed to increase at 9% in 2009 and decrease by 0.5% increments per year to n ul a ra of % per year in 2017 and thereafter. 4. Pe ion agreements e LibraryBoard akes contributions to the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Fund (OMERS), which is a multi- ployer plan, on behalf of eligible members of its staff. The Plan is a defined benefit plan that specif s the amount of the retirement benefit to be received by the employees based on the length of serv' e and rates of pay. Contributi s in the amount of $163,185 (2008 - $161,830) were paid to OMERS on behalf of its membe during the year. 5 Document in 22108 Notes to the Financial Statements (Library- December 34 2009) (32398).• 8/27/10.• 5.00 PM Page 8 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY i 57 City of Pickering Public Library Board Notes to the financial statements December 31, 2009 5. Tangible capital assets Machinery Information Library Fur ' ure and technology. collection and equipment hardware materials fixtures 009 Cost Balance, beginning of year - 405,830 6,115, 7 292,082 6,813,299 Add: Additions during the year 9,992 - 2,303 - 442,295 Less: Disposals during the year - - 1,171,073 1,171,073 Balance end of year 9,992 405,830 6,376,617 Z92,082 6,084,521 Accumulated amortization Balance, beginning of year - 26 , 9 /,171,073 78,977 4,293,227 Add: Amortization 500 51,117 5,842 968,682 Less: Accumulated amortization on disposals - 1,171,073 Balance end of year 50 313,611 /3,692,006 84,819 4,090,836 Net book value 9.402 319 1,684,611 207,263 1,993,685 I M chinery or tion Library Furniture and to ology collection and equipment ardware materials fixtures 2008 Cost Balance, beginning of y ar 420,420 5,659,332 292,082 6,371,834 Add: Additions during t e year - 29,810 456,055 - 485,865 Less: Disposals dur' the year - 44,400 - - 44,400 Balance end year 405,830 6,115,387 292,082 -6,813,299 Accumula d o ' ion Balanc be i ning o ear - 250,258 2,976,050 73,135 3,299,443 Add: A ortization - 56,536 975,806 5,842 1,038,184 L s: Accumulated a rtization on disposals - 44,400 - 44,400 Balance end 4 ear - 262,394 3,951,856 78,977 4,293,227 Net book vale - 143,436 2,163,531 213,105 2,520,072 D Document in 2210B Notes to the Finandol5tatements (Uhmry - December 31,2009)(32398)' 913110.• 1Z25PM Page 9 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY I 158 City of Pickering Public Library Board Notes to the fmancial statements December 31, 2009 6. Accumulated surplus Accumulated surplus consists of the following: /2009 08 1 Invested in capital assets /1,19,200) 93,685 /j512 ,072 Post em to ment benefits liabilit 100 74 485 2,399,972 I j 7. Budget figures The 2009 budget was not prepared on a basis consistent wit at used to repo actual results. The budget was prepared on a modified accrual basis while Pub c Sector Account' g Standards now require a full accrual basis of accounting in the financial stateme a isclosed in ote 2. The following provides a reconciliation from the approved budget to th b e umbers resented in the financial statements. 2009 TCA adjus ent T A 2009 budget council approved r City expendi res presented in budget own d assets from a ital Amortization statements Revenue City of Pickering 4,/,,177 - - 4,688,119 Federal and provincial grants (2 0, 0) 188,177 Other - - - 205,965 082,261 0,000 - - 5,082,261 Expenditures Salaries - - - 3,609,828 Material, supplies and utilities +340, - 8,500 - 348,950 .Services 583, 3 - 99,500 - 683,133 Amortization - - - 968,000 968,000 4 3 911 - 108,000 968,000 5,609 911 Annual rp 748,350 (200,000) (108,000) (968,000) (527,650) Capit expen e a itions (748,350) 200,000 108,000 - (440,350) 0 Document in 22108 Notes to the Financial Statements (Library -December 31.2009)(3239B)- 913110,• 2:25 PM Page 10 FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY