HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 23-10 Cary o¢~ Report To Council PICKERING Report Number: PD 23-10 Date: June 21, 2010105 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: City of Pickering Comments for Amendment to Certificate of Approval No. 6785-6PTRGD MacPherson Transfer Limited (formerly U-PAK Disposals) (Ministry of the Environment - File No. 1279-84WTZS) 1740 McPherson Court City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Report PD 23-10 of the Director, Planning & Development be received; 2. That the Director, Ministry of the Environment be advised that the City of Pickering objects to the proposed amendment to the existing Certificate of Approval for MacPherson Transfer Limited, identified as EBR # 010-9956; and, 3. Further, that Report PD 23-10 be forwarded to the Director, Ministry of the Environment as the City's submission on MOE Certificate of Approval # 010-9956 for MacPherson Transfer Limited. Executive Summary: On May 14, 2010 the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) forwarded a request for municipal comments on a proposal by MacPherson Transfer Limited (formerly known as U-PAK Disposals) to amend its existing Certificate of Approval for 1740 McPherson Court (see Ministry of Environment Letter and Location Map, Attachments #1 and #2). The current Certificate of Approval held by MacPherson Transfer Limited for this site was issued by the MOE to U-PAK Disposals on May 3, 2007 despite City Council's formal objection (Report No. CS 33-06 considered by Council on June 5, 2006 - Resolution 79/06), and permits the operation of a waste transfer facility for solid non-hazardous commercial and industrial waste (excluding organic waste). This amendment application to the Certificate of Approval proposes to more than triple the volume of waste accepted at the site and introduce additional waste streams from an expanded variety of sources from within Ontario. The additional waste stream is proposed to include blue box recycling and source separated organics. City staffs review of the application has identified odour and traffic concerns that are anticipated to adversely impact abutting business and industry. The MOE has requested comments by June 28, 2010. It is recommend that City Council advise the MOE that it objects to the application to amend the Certificate of Approval on the basis that odour and traffic impacts have not been properly addressed and that the proposed increased scale of operation is inappropriate for this location and will cause significant negative impacts on the surrounding business community. Report PD 23-10 June 21, 2010 106 Subject: Certificate of Approval (MacPherson Transfer Limited) Page 2 Financial Implications: There are no direct financial implications to the City as a result of this application. The City has contracted Aecom Canada Ltd. to assist in the review of the MacPherson Transfer Limited application to the MOE, with costs covered by the Planning & Development Department's approved general consulting budget. Sustainability Implications: Although the City supports recycling initiatives, the concerns identified by the City respecting odours and traffic associated with the MacPherson Transfer Limited application are anticipated to adversely impact abutting business and industry, and are therefore not supportive of economic sustainability. 1.0 Background: Existing Certificate of Approval The original application for a Certificate of Approval for this site was forwarded to Council for its consideration on June 5, 2006 (Report No. CS 33-06). Resolution 79/06 was sent to the MOE indicating that the City did not support the proposed certificate (see Council Resolution 79/06, Attachment #4). Despite the objections of the City the MOE issued the Certificate of Approval on May 3, 2007. The certificate of approval permitted the proponent to accept solid non- hazardous commercial and industrial waste from within the Province of Ontario only, with a specific provision prohibiting the acceptance of organic material. The applicant filed a site plan application with the City to facilitate the construction of the waste transfer facility and approval was granted on May 29, 2009 (see Applicant's Submitted Site Plan, Attachment #3). The buildings are now substantially complete, however all on-site works have not yet been implemented. Proposed amendment to the existing Certificate The proposed amendment to the existing Certificate of Approval is to add additional waste streams, waste sources, and increase the volume of material to be accepted and stored on-site. A comparison of the original certificate versus the new proposal is provided below. Proposal Comparison Current Certificate of Approval Proposed Certificate Waste Source Only Waste from Province of Only Waste from Province of Ontario Ontario Report PD 23-10 June 21, 201 107 Subject: Certificate of Approval (MacPherson Transfer Limited) Page 3 Current Certificate of Approval Proposed Certificate Types of Waste Solid non-hazardous Solid non-hazardous waste from to be accepted commercial and industrial domestic sources, industrial, sources (no organic waste) commercial and institutional sources, source separated organics and blue box materials Volume of No more than 299 tonnes of No more than 1000 tonnes of Waste to be waste per day shall be accepted waste per day shall be accepted accepted at the site at the site Total amount of No more than 299 tonnes shall No more than 600 tonnes shall be Waste to be be stored or present on-site at stored or present on-site at any stored on-site any time time and the maximum residual waste for final disposal is 700 tonnes per day 1.1 Additional traffic generation is a concern Access to this site is from McPherson Court, which is a no exit road, located approximately 190 metres east of Brock Road. Further, Brock Road does not have a dedicated left turn lane for southbound traffic at McPherson Court. This short length of road and the current site design cannot accommodate the increased number of vehicles that will result from the increased processing volumes without serious queuing problems. Queing could significantly impact ingress and egress to developed properties on McPherson Court. The significant increase in volumes of inbound and outbound traffic will have negative impacts on local traffic movements. Below is a comparison of the traffic volumes from the original Certificate of Approval with the new volumes outlined in the proposed amendment. The proponent's consultant has advised that these trip generation numbers will not be typical for the site but represent a maximum calculation of traffic volumes. The numbers provided below provide the number of vehicle trips per day incoming and outgoing waste but do not include the empty trips to and from the site, therefore the proposed number of total trips will be greater than provided. Current Traffic Volumes Proposed Traffic Volumes Incoming Traffic - 45 trips per day Incoming Traffic - 200 truck trips per day Outgoing Traffic - 10 trips per day Outgoing Traffic - 31 trips per day ~pRrt PD 23-10 June 21, 2010 Subject: Certificate of Approval (MacPherson Transfer Limited) Page 4 The proposed amendment appears to position the proponent to operate in a manner similar to the existing waste transfer facility located at 1220 Squires Beach Road operated by Miller Waste Durham. There are differences in the two sites in that Miller Waste Durham does process somewhat larger volumes and varieties of waste than what is proposed by MacPherson Transfer Limited. The , most significant difference, respecting traffic generation, is that the Miller Waste location has frontage and direct access onto Squires Beach Road with the ability to control the queuing of vehicles on site without impeding traffic or other adjacent properties, mainly due to predominant southbound right turn movements into the site. The MacPherson Transfer Limited site does not possess the same ease of access as the Miller property and the site design does not appear to provide for the anticipated traffic volumes, particularly as it relates to vehicle queuing. 1.2 Potential odour generation is a concern The application proposes that this facility accept organic waste. This new waste stream raises serious concern respecting odours that will be generated from the site. The proponent's consultant has outlined methods proposed to deal with odour generation. • all waste receiving and transferring activity will be conducted within the building • the tipping floor will be swept clean and absorbents used to remove any liquid that may occur • waste will be removed from the facility within 24 hours of receipt, though storage for 72 hours under certain conditions may be required The proponent has indicated that if odours are detected the following actions will be taken: • employees will use a portable sprayer to dispense an odour neutralizer on any loads that are odourous • the odour suppression system over the waste storage area and waste loading floor will be activated and\or dosage rate adjusted • the doors to the facility will be closed when site is not open to accepting waste • priority will be given to odourous waste to be removed from site • if odourous waste is repeatedly received from a particular generator, waste will no longer be accepted Staff are concerned that these methods of odour control are strictly reactionary and will be inadequate and that significant odour impacts will result, negatively impacting existing established businesses in the surrounding area. Should the MOE allow this application to advance, a peer review of the application should be required to fully evaluate the odour control measures proposed by the applicant, and to determine and require the best possible odour control technology available for this type of facility. i Report PD 23-10 June 21, 2010.0 9 Subject: Certificate of Approval (MacPherson Transfer Limited) Page 5 As a comparison, Miller Waste Durham received a Certificate of Approval for discharge into the air to facilitate the installation of a 30 metre high ventilation stack to address odours generated at its Squires Beach Road facility. The package of information staff received from the MOE respecting the MacPherson Transfer Limited application does not identify any mechanical equipment specifically designed to address odour control, beyond a general description of a "misting" odour suppression system. While staff does not have specific expertise in this area, we are concerned that this system is limited and will not provide an adequate level of odour control. 1.3 Proposal is too large in scale and impact given its location The proposed increased volumes and expanded waste material sources, combined with potential odour issues and a significant increase in traffic volumes leads staff to conclude that this proposal is too large in scale and magnitude for this property and this location. Although the use is permitted under the existing `M2S'- Heavy Industrial Zone, it is the Certificate of Approval process undertaken by the MOE that provides the opportunity to fully evaluate the impacts of a proposed operation and whether it is suitable and appropriate for a specific location. Development surrounding this site is comprised primarily of industrial uses with some significant office development in the immediate vicinity. It is these specific locational characteristics that make this site inappropriate for an expanded facility. 1.4 Concerns with acceptance of other wastes from outside Durham Region The current Certificate of Approval for the site permits the acceptance of waste from any location within the Province of Ontario, and the proposed amendment maintains this geographical area for all proposed new waste sources. City Council has expressed its position in previous reports that the City should not be required to be a host municipality for the transfer, storage or processing of waste from other municipalities outside of Durham Region. This was the City's position at the time of commenting on the original Certificate of Approval for U- PAK Disposals. While the MOE was aware of this position, the Certificate of Approval for U-PAK was issued without this restriction. It is recommended that, should the MOE allow this application to advance, a condition be applied in the Certificate of Approval prohibiting the collection of domestic solid waste, source separated, organics and blue box materials from sources outside Durham Region. 1.5 Proponent did not pre-consultation with the City The proponent or their consultant have not preconsulted with City staff regarding this proposal. The City only recently learned of this application through its monitoring of the Provincial Environmental Registry and receipt of a letter from the MOE dated May 14, 2010. 'Report POD 23-10 June 21, 2010 Subject: Certificate of Approval (MacPherson Transfer- Limited) Page 6 Consequently, limited time has been available for the City to fully consider all potential impacts of the application, seek further information or clarification, or undertake a complete and thorough review of the proposal with a qualified peer review consultant. Attachments: 1. Ministry of Environment Letter & Application Form 2. Location Map 3. Applicant's Submitted Site Plan 4. Council Resolution 79/06 Prepar Approved/Endorsed By: r B Neil Carro , RPP Senior Planner - Site Planning Director, Planning Development Ric rd Holborn D, ision Head, Engineering Services TB:ld Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering i Council Tony eel, V N. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT # TO REPORT # PD 1 • Ministry of the Environment Ministere de l'Environnement • Environmental Assessment and Direction des evaluations et des Ont~rlo. Approvals Branch autorisations environnementales 2 St. Clair Avenue West 2, avenue St. Clair Ouest Floor 12A stage 12A CA O Toronto, ON M4V 1 L5 Toronto, ON M4V 1 L5 h x RECEIVED Tel.: 416 314-8001 Tel.: 416 314-8001 Fax: 416 314-8452 Te1ec.: 416 314-8452 FILE FOLLOW UP COPY FWD May 14, 2010 MAYOR COUNCIL COUNCIL PKG CAO MGMT COM Thomas J. Quinn, CAO DIRECTORS CORP SERV City of Pickering OEs _ OFFICE SUST One The Esplanade •CicR PLAN di QEV Pickering, ON ENG SERV LEGAL & LS L1 V 6K7 FIRE CLERK OPER & FAC HUMAN RES The Ministry of the Environment has received an application from MacPherson Transfer Limited for an amendment to Provisional Certificate of Approval No. 6785-6PTRGD, to operate a Waste Disposal Site (transfer) located at 1740 McPherson Court, City of Pickering, Ontario. The application, if approved, will allow for the receipt of 1,000 tonnes per day of solid non-hazardous waste. The waste will be limited to domestic sources, industrial, commercial and institutional sources, source separated organics and blue box materials. The attached copy of the proponent's application provides details as to the nature of the proposal.. Additional details relating to the application can be found at the Environmental Bill of Rights Environmental Registry at http://www.ebr.gov.on.ca/ERS-WEB-External/. It is requested that the City of Pickering make comments with respect to the application to the attention of Tesfaye Gebrezghi, P. Eng., Senior Waste Engineer, Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch, Ministry of the Environment, 2 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto, Ontario, M4V 1L5 within six weeks of the date of this letter. If no response is received by this date, we will assume that you have no objections to the issuance of the Certificate of Approval. Should you require further details of the site's operation, including copies of the Site Plan drawings that were included with the application, please contact Anne Cameron at 416-212- 3680. As you are aware, the Director has the discretion under Section 32, Part V of the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) to hold a public hearing regarding applications for waste disposal facilities. Municipalities or affected members of the public have the right to request that the Director consider calling a hearing with respect to any application accompanied by valid reasons and supporting technical justification. Please make reference to the file number 1279-84WTZS and indicate "Municipal Comments" in the subject line of all related correspondence. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact me at the above phone number. ATTACHMENT # To REPORT # PD - 97 112` - -2- i 5, - E 5 Anne Oame'ron 9, .i , c. ;Manager, MOE Toronto bistnCt Office P arc. ~ . a 1 ' l TO ATTACHMENT ~L 7 REPUR7 # PD1y 1 13 raj Application for a Provisional Certificate of Approval } Ontario for a Waste Disposal Site ~ Ministry of the Environment Ce formulaire est disponible en frangais i For Office Use Only Reference Number - f f f Payment Received Date (y1m1d) Initials Form ID: 669302 Application Summa; Applicant Name (legal name of individual or organization as evidenced by legal documents) - = a MacPherson Transfer Limited Project Name (Project identifier to be used as a reference in correspondence) a PR109571 ~f Project Description Summary (If EBR is applicable, this summary will be used in the EBR posting notice) Amendment to a Waste Disposal Site (Transfer) to: update site and building layout; increase receipt I` , processing and transfer of a daily average of.700 tonnes of solid municipal waste limited to domestic t sources, IC&I sources, source separated organics and blue box materials to a maximum of 175,000 t' tonnes annually; allow operational flexibility to receive, process and transfer up to a maximum of 1000 tonnes of waste per day; and a maximum storage quantity of 600 tonnes of waste at any one time. I Required Information Completed (yes or no y~ Project Name & Description Yes Section 1: Applicant Information Yes I i Section 2: Project Information Yes Section 3: Site Information Yes Section 4: Facility Information Yes = ( Section 5: Regulatory Requirements Yes. Section 6: Supporting Information Yes ® Payment Information Section Yes Application Status: FORM COMPLETE. Print completed Form' Cost Summary: Administrative processing (required for most applications) $ 200.00 Review of Application $ 2, 700.00 Hearing (if mandatory ornecessary) $ 0.00 TOTAL COST $ 2,900.00 r j` PIBS 4181e (06/2009) Page 2 of 10 i:; ; ATTACHMENT # TO REPORT # PD 1 1 4 Section 1: Applicant Information Form 10: 253UD ~1.1 Applicant Information OwnerofworksAacilit Applicant. Name pegal name of individual or organization as evidenced by legal documents) Business Identification Number N MacPherson Transfer Limited Business Name (the name under wtdch the entity is operating or tradng -also referred to as trade name) same as Applicant Name MacPherson Transfer Limited Applicant Type: North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code QX Corporation E] Federal Government 562210 Waste Treatment and Disposal Individual Municipal Government Partnership Provincial Government E] Sole Proprietor E] Other (describe): Business Activity Description (a description of the business endeavour, this may include products sold, servtres provided ormachinery/equipment used, etc.) Transfer Station for municipal waste. Z1.2 Applicant Physical Address Civic Address- Street Information (includes street number, name, type and direction) Unit Identifier (i.e. apartment number) 15 Tidemore Avenue Survey Address Lot Conc. Part Reference.Plan (Not required if Street Information Is provided) Municipality /Unorganized Township County/District Province/State Country Postal Code Toronto Ontario Canada M9W 7E9 Telephone Number (include area code 8 ext.) Fax Number (include area code) Mobile Number (include area code) E-mail Address (416)675-3700 ext. (416)747-8878 Goo Reference (southwest comer otpropenty) Map Datum Zone Accuracy Estimate Goo Referencing Method UTM Easting UTM Northing 1.3 Applicant Mailing Address a Some as Applicant Physical Address? QX Yes No (lf no, please provide site address /nformation below) Clvic Address - Street information (civic numbering and street information including street number, name, type and direction) Unit Identifier (i.e. apartment number) 15 Tidemore Avenue Delivery Designator Delivery Identifier Postal Station Municipality Province/State Country Postal Code n Toronto Ontario Canada M9W 7E9 Z 1.4 Statement of Applicant W„ I, the undersigned hereby declare that, to the best of my knowledge: • The information contained herein and the information submitted in support of this application is complete and accurate In every way and I am aware of the penalties against providing false information as per s. 184(2) of the Environmental Protection Act. • The Project Technical Information Contact Identified In this form is authorized to act on my behalf for the purpose of obtaining approval under t Section 27 of the EPA for the waste disposal site Identified herein. • I have used the most recent application form, as obtained from the Ministry of the Environment Into met site at htlp:/twww.ene.oov.on.ca/en/oublicationsifonnsrindex.oho#PartWaste or the Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch at 1-800-461-6290. 9 Name of Signing Authority (please print) Title Tim O'Connor Sr. President Telephone Number (including area code a extension) Fax Number (including area code) E-mail Address (416)675-3700 ext. 226 (416)747-8878 marymolony@upak.net Mobile Number (Including area code) Signathre Date (y/m/d) (416)550-7104 PISS 4181e (0612009) Page 3 of 10 ATTACHMENT # TO REF10117 # PD ld Section 2: Project Information Form 10: 253220 115 ' 2.1 Application Type Type of Application: El New Certificate of Approval New Comprehensive Certificate of Approval 0 Amendment to Current Certificate of Approval E] Convert Existing Approval to Comprehensive Certificate of Approval Administrative Amendment to Current Certificate of Approval Revocation Compliance with Conditions of the Existing Approval Is this a submission for Preliminary Review of your application? E Yes a No It yes, the application must be complete and finalized before you submit it for Preliminary Review. Application Initiated by: Environmental Assessment Proponent Provincial Officer Order (attach copy) Other (specify): and Approvals Branch Current Certificate of Approval Certificate of Approval Number Certificateof Approval Date of Issue (yyyy1mmVdd) 6785-6PTRGD 2007/05/03 Project Schedule Estimated date for start of con struction/installation (yyyyimrr✓dd) Estimated date for start of operation (yyyyimmfdd) 2010101101 2010/06/01 Comprehensive Certificate of Approval - Eligibility Screening Questionnaire. Screening Result: You are not required to complete the screening questionnaire tr,/ 2.2 Project Technical Information Contact Name of Project Technical Information Contact. Company Greg Thomas PRIME Environmental Services Inc. Telephone Number (include area code 8 ext.) Fax Number (include area code) Mobile Number (include area code) E-mail Address (905)777-9945 ext. - (905)522-8366 1 9thomas16@cogeco.ca Address Information: Same as Applicant Mailing Address? E] Yes QX No (If no, please provide technical information contact address information below) Civic Address -Street information (civic numbering and street information including street number, name, type and direction) Unit Identifier (i.e. apartment number) 250 Dundas Street South Suite 187 Delivery Designator Delivery Identifier Postal Station Municipality /Unorganized Township Province/State Country Postal Code Cambridge Ontario Canada W R 8A8 PIBS 4181e (06/2009) Page 4 of 10 ATTACHMENT # TO REPORT # PD- 1 1 6 Section 3: Site Information Form 10: 253220 3.1 Site Address - (location where activity/works applied for is to take place) Same as Applicant Physical Address? ❑ Yes X❑ No (If no, please provide site address information below) Civic Address- Street information (includes street number, name, type and direction) Unit Identifier (i.e. apartment number) 1740 McPherson Court Survey Address Lot Conc. Part Reference Plan (Legal description of the site) Municipality /Unorganized Township County/District Postal Code Pickering L1W 3E9 Non Address Information (includes any additional information to clarify applicants' physical location) Geo Reference (southwest corner of property) Map Datum Zone Accuracy Estimate Geo Referencing Method UTM Easting UTM Northing - i., 3.2 Site Information (location where activity/works applied for is to take place) Site Name MOE District Office McPherson Transfer York-Durham District Office Is the site (property) that is the subject of this, application owned by the Applicant? ❑ Yes Z No If no, please attach the owner's name, address and a signed letter granting consent for the installation and operation of the facilities Is the Applicant the operating authority of the site that is the subject of this application? R Yes ❑ No If no, please attach the operating authorityname, address and phone number Is the Site located in an area. of development control as defined by the Niagara Escarpment Planning& Development Act (NEPDA)? ❑ Yes ❑X No If yes, please attach a copy of the NEPDA permit for proposed activity/work Is the Site located on the 061 Ridges Moraine Conservation Area as. defined bythe. Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ORMCP), a regulation made under the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act (ORMCA)? ❑ Yes No If yes, please attach proof of Municipal planning approval for the proposed activity/work r ite Zoning and Classification ' 3.3 S t "V] Present Land Use Present Official Plan Designation Present Zoning Category - Waste Transfer Facility Neighbourhood 4 - Brock Industrial Heavy Manufacturing Zone Adjacent Land Use (select all that apply) . FXJ Industrial ❑X Commercial ❑ Residential ❑ Agricultural ❑ Recreational ❑ Other(specify): Does the site currently have proper zoning for the proposed, facility? Has this facility been identified as part of the Official Plan? ❑X Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes XD No Has the Applicant received municipal zoning confirmation? r ❑ Yes 0 No if yes, please attach correspondence from the municipality PIGS 4181e (06/2009) Pa e 5 of 10 9 ATTACHMENT TO 7 REP0117 Of PD c2377/0 Section 4: Facility Information Form 10: 552079 4.1 Facility Description (information on the nature of the proposed business or activity at this site) Type of Facility / Operation (select all that apply & complete all appropriate sections) ❑ Landfill ❑X Transfer ❑ Processing ❑ Thermal Treatment Facility ❑ Household Hazardous Waste ❑ Closed Landfill ❑ Composting Days and Hours of Operation Population Served by this Site Service Area Total Area of Site (hectares) 24 Hours, 7 Days/Week Ontario 4.00 Monitoring (select all that apply) ❑ Groundwater Surface Water Landfill Gas Leachate None Other(speci/y): Type(s) of Waste to be Accepted at this Site (select all that apply) O Municipal Waste ❑ Hazardous Waste ❑ Liquid Industrial Waste. ❑ Other Liquid Waste Municipal Waste Categories to be Accepted at this Site (select all that apply) ❑ All Categories ❑X Domestic Sources IC&I sources ❑X Source Separated Organics ❑ Tires ❑ Leaf & Yard Waste ❑ Contaminated Soil Wood Waste Q Blue Box Materials Other(specify): Other. Liquid Waste Categories to be Accepted at this Site (select all that apply) Waste from Food Processing / Processed Organics ❑ Preparation Operations ❑ Hauled Sewage ❑ Other(specify): Hazardous / Liquid Industrial Waste Types to be Accepted at this Site Class Code Class Code Class Code Class Code . Class Code Class-Code Class Code Class Code Class Code I 4.2 Other Approvals for Facility -Please attach a separate list if more space is required Separate list attached? Yes Q No List all other environmental approvals/permits applied for related to this project or received in relation to this project under the Environmental Protection Act (discharges to air, waste management, etc.) and the Ontario Water Resources Act (water and sewage works). Approval or Application Approval or Application Approval Type Approval Number Approval Type Approval Number bate val omm/dd) Date (yyyy/mmldd) - .n 4.3 Waste Transfer and/or Processing -Complete this information if waste transfer and/or processing take lace at this facility. Waste Types to be Transferred or Processed Design Capacity Hazardous waste or liquid industrial waste ❑ s 100 tonnes per day ❑ > 100 tonnes per day 0 Waste other than hazardous waste and liquid industrial waste ❑ s 100 tonnes per day ❑X > 100 tonnes per day Liquid Waste Maximum Storage Capacity (m') Maximum Residual for Final Disposal (m') Hazardous Liquid Industrial Other Liquid Waste Hazardous Liquid Industrial Other Liquid Waste Dadv Annually , Daily_ Annualiv naily Annually l Solid bla~te Maximum Storage Capacity (tonnes) Maximum Residual for Final Disposal (tonnes) Hazardous Non-Hazardous Hazardous Non-Hazardous Ca Iv Annua!IV Daily Annually 600.00 1700.00 175,000.00 `Maximum Amount-of Waste to be Received Daily Liquid (m') Solid (tonnes) Hazardous Liquid Industrial Other Liauid Vat Ha o, s x _ Non-Hazardous 1,000.00 Cnange to Operations, - - ❑ No change proposed ❑ Change does not require f rrn lamental design review ❑ Change requires fundamental design review ATTACHMENT # ~ TO 1 1 8. _ Form ID: 253220 4.4 Thermal Treatment Facility -Complete this information if thermal treatment takes place at this facility Waste Types for Thermal Treatment Design Capacity Hazardous waste or liquid industrial waste ❑ 100 tonnes per day ❑ > 100 tonnes per day Waste other than hazardous waste and liquid industrial waste ❑ 5100 tonnes per day > 100 tonnes per day You are not required to complete section 4.4. Liquid Waste Maximum Storage Capacity (m') Maximum Residual for Final Disposal (m') " Hazardous Liquid Industrial Other Liquid Waste Hazardous Liquid Industrial Other Liquid Waste Daily Annually Dail( Annually Daily Anrually L Solid Waste Maximum Storage Capacity (tonnes) Maximum Residual for Final Disposal (tonnes) Hazardous Non-Hazardous I Hazardous Non-Hazardous Daily Annually Daily Annually Maximum Amount of Waste to be Received Daily Liquid (m') Solid (tonnes) Hazardous Liquid Industrial Other Liouid Waste Hazardous Non-Hazardous Maximum Daily Feed Rate (tonneslm') Hazardous Waste (tonnes) Non-Hazardous Waste (tonnes) Liquid Industrial Waste (m') Other Liquid Waste (m') Change to Operations No change proposed ❑ Change does not require fundamental design review Q Change requires fundamental design review 4.5 Landfill Site -Complete this information if this facility operates as a landfill site Waste Types to be Accepted at.the Landfill Design Capacity Hazardous waste or liquid industrial waste ❑ 540,000 m' > 40,000 m' 5 3 million m' > 3 million m' O Waste referred to in item 15 Schedule 4, O. Reg. 363 L 5 40,000 m' Q > 40,000 m' 5 3 million m' Q > 3 million m' (uncontaminated tree stumps, leaves, branches, concrete and rocks) O Waste other than hazardous waste and liquid industrial waste < 40,000 m' rI. > 40,000 m' s 3 million m' > 3 million m' other than site referred to in item 15, schedule 4, O. Reg. 363 You are not required to complete section 4.5. Mazirn,um La.ndfill_ir Capacity (m') Hazardous Waste Non-Hazardous Wasle Liquid Industrial Waste Other Liquid W In!e I t:laxirnum Atnountof Waste to be Received Hazardous Waste (tonnes) Non-Hazardous vast (tonnes) Liquid Industrial J)aste (m') Other Liquid Waste (m') Daily Annually _ Dail; Annually Cady Annual Iv Daily Annially Landtill Information Area to be Landfilled Estimated Date of. Control Types (select all that apply) (hectares) Closure (y/m/d) Leachate Collectio n ❑ Landfill Gas Collection ❑ None Other (describe): Change to Operations Change does not require fundamental design review Change re No change proposed or h dro eolo ical assessment quires fundamental design review Y 9 9 or hydrogeological assessment ATTACHMENT # TO REPORT # PD 775--/p Section 5: Regulatory Requirements 1 Fim{8,253220 5.1 Environmental Assessment Act (EAA) Requirements Are the works for which this proposal is made subject to (or exempted from) the requirements of the EAA? ❑ Yes ❑ No If Yes," please check one of the following The works for which this application is made are exempt from the requirements of the EAA under: Section of Ontario Regulation No. or Declaration/Exemption Order Number If Regulation, Declaration Order or Exemption Order does not refer directly to this facility, state in a covering letter or other document why it does apply to this facility- Please provide supporting information The works for which this application is made have fulfilled all of the requirements of the EAA through the completion of the requirements of a Class EA process: Name of Class EA: Schedule/Group/Category (if applicable): If applicable, please submit a copy of the completion documents. Were Part II Order requests received? ❑ Yes No If Yes, please submit a copy of the Ministers decision letter. The works for which this application is made have fulfilled all of the requirements for the EAA through: Completion of an Environmental Screening Process pursuant to O. Reg. 101107 of the EAA. Please submit the Statement of Completion, and indicate if any Elevation Request(s) were received. If Elevation Request(s) were received, please submit a copy of the Director's decision letter. Completion of an Environmental Assessment . Please submit a copy of the signed Notice of Approval.. 5.2 Hearin under the Environmental Protection Act Is this application subject to a requirement for a mandatory hearing under s.30 of the Environmental Protection Act? ❑ Yes ❑X No 75.3 Environmental Bill of Rights EBR Requirements Is this a proposal for a prescribed instrument under EBR? ❑X Yes ❑ No If "Yes", is this proposal exempted from EBR requirements? ❑ Yes X❑ No If "Yes," please check one of the following This proposal has been considered in a substantially equivalent process or by a decision of a tribunal. Please provide supporting information , This proposal is for an amendment to or revocation of an existing Certificate of Approval that is not environmentally significant. Please provide supporting information This proposal is for an emergency situation. Please provide supporting information ' ❑ This proposal has been subject to or exempted from EAA Requirements. Please provide supporting information i yy 5.4 Additional Public Consultation/Notification Has any additional public consultation / notification related to the project is in the process of being completed or has previously been completed (such as public hearings or notification of First Nations) ❑X Yes If "Yes", 1 describe the Dublic consultation / notification below: ❑ No 2) attach a separate list describing each of these consultation activities, the results achieved, and planned future consultation activities Includes: 30 day notification on the Environmental Registry; and mailings/notifications to all surrounding property owners and tenants. PI BS 4181e (06/2009) Page 8 of 10 t3 ATTACHMENT # TO REPORT # PD_c~3 120 Section 6: Supporting Information Form ID: 1333727 6.1 Supporting Information Checklist- This is a list of all supporting information to this application and is subject to the FOIPPA and EBR. Mandatory Attachment Attached Reference Confidential" - J * Proof of Legal Name of Applicant Yes ❑ No 1.0 ❑ Copy of NEPDA Permit ❑ Yes 0 No ❑ Copy of Municipal Planning Approval (ORMCA) ❑ Yes Q No ❑ Reference Plan ❑ Yes ❑X No ❑ Name, Address and Phone Number of the Operating Authority ❑ Yes C No ❑ Name, Address and consent of land/site owner * for the installation/construction and operation of ❑X Yes ❑ No 2.0 the works/facility Verification of EBR Public Participation ❑ Yes No ❑ Exception it `r r` Record of Public Consultation Report, ❑ Yes ❑ No 5.0 & 5.1 Zoning Confirmation from the Municipality ❑ Yes Z No ❑ Site Plan/Location Map with Geo-referencing l r5 point(s) identified ❑ Yes ❑ No 11.0 ,t Y.a Design and Operations Report ❑X Yes ❑ No See Written Drainage Study Yes ❑X No ❑ Hydrogeolocial Assessment Report ❑ Yes ❑X No ❑ Waste Comprehensive Requirements 1. Engineers Repoli ❑ Yes ❑X No ❑ 2. Declarations * Application Fee 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ * Financial Assurance/ Financial Assurance Yes ❑ No 4.0-4,3 Estimates A copy of this application has been sent to the ~k Yes local district office ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ * A copy of this application has been sent to the 0 local municipality Yes ❑ No To Be Completed ❑ Record of EA Process: 1. Class EA Completion documents, or 2. Environmental Screening Process- Statement of ❑ Yes ❑X No ❑ Completion, or 3. Individual EA - Notice of A rovat. Other Attachments Title Reference Confidential' See Table of Contents Are you attaching an additional list of attachments? If there is not enough space to list all of the attachments included in this El application package, please include an additional listing of these ❑ ❑ Yes No attachments. 'Please note: the release of information contained in application forms and documentation submitted in support of applications for approval is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This Act defines what may and may not be disclosed to the public, and is used to assess all requests for information contained in the documents on file with an application fora pproval. The information submitted with an application for approval may also be subject to the Environmental Bill of Rights. In those situations, the application and the associated non-confidential supporting documentation is made available for review by members of the public. The applicants should therefore identify all documents as noted above which are to be considered confidential and must provide detailed evidence in support of this claim' This evidence will be one of the factors the ministry would consider when making a decision. regarding disclosure of specific documents on file t~ i PIBS 4181e (06/2009) Page 9 of 10 r '<t ~Y._~ ~H ItiJT # Z TO M POP17 # PD_ ~3-rQ 1 21 0 Q o O Q O Q U Y Z_ U J O ~ m CLEMENTS ROAD (Y O Q O U 0 a 0 SUBJECT PROPERTY 0 FELDSPAR COURT = McPHERSON COURT McKAY Y U O M Q O City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Broken Front Concession, Range 3, PT Lot 18 RP 40R-9588 PART 2,3 w OWNER MacPherson Transfer ltd. DATE May 7, 2010 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. n/a SCALE 1:5000 CHECKED BY TB oTerone troEnterpri, , Inc. Intl it, supplier,. All right, Re,e-d. Not o plon of survey. PN-4 2005 MP AC Intl it, ,upplte r,. All right, Re,ervetl. Not o plan of Survey. ATTACHMENT #TO 1 2 2 REPORT # PD a3 Information Compiled From Applicants' Submitted Plan MacPherson Transfer Ltd. McPHERSON ♦ COURT 1 TRUCK PARKING j PAPER BUILDING j i (2000m2) j j LJ I i TRANSFER i I BUILDING (1500m2) ADDITIONAL AVr^ ILABLE f Q, PARKING r i~ AND STORAGE . Oz (EMPTY e; CONTAINERS GNLY? LLJ, RECYCLING ROLL-OFF I CONTAINERS V In I , I 1 I t, I i i I ♦ ♦ \ o \ a i b v a In P - ~ I 6 av' a o - ° I v ; ° a,.< ° v~ : v n ` a vi o, v ~ v - - - - , v v ° v ° v b- - j g ° v ° v \v~ ° 6 ° rv ° v ° v c I I ' i KIDPERTY LINE' f v a v v v ` e This Map Was Produced By The City Of Pickering Planning & Development Department, Information & Support Services, June 15, 2010. ATTACHMENT # TO REPO R7 # PD Council Meeting Minutes 12 3 PICKER Monday, June 5, 2006 7:30 PM Councillor McLean Mayor Ryan ABSENT Councillor Ashe V1) REPORTS NEW & UNFINISHED 1. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 33-06 Application for MOE Certificate of Approval EBR Registry: IA06EO466 U-Pak Disposals (1989) Limited 1740 McPherson Court Resolution #79/06 Moved by Councillor Dikerson Seconded by Councillor McLean 1, That Report CS 33-06 of the Director of Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That Report CS 33-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be referred to the Director, MOE as the City's submission on MOE Certificate of Approval for U-Pak Disposals; and 3.. That the Director, MOE advise that the City of Pickering hereby denies the subject application. CARRIED UNANIMOUMUSLY VII) MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTIONS 1. True Sport Bursary Resolution #80/06 Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Brenner WHEREAS on Friday, March 31, the City of Pickering was one of only three municipalities across Canada to be honoured with the Bell True Sport