HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 14-10 eiN oo Report To Executive Committee CKERIN Report Number: CA0.14-10 Date: June 14, 2010 From: Debbie Shields City Clerk Subject: Requested Taxicab Fare Increase to Offset Harmonized Sales Tax Recommendation: That the request by the Taxicab Industry to increase taxicab fares to offset the impact of the Harmonized Sales Tax be denied. Executive Summary: Effective July 1, 2010, the government of Ontario will be implementing the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). At present, the taxicab industry is required to remit the Goods and Services Tax (GST), amounting to 5% of the fares they collect. Under the new harmonized tax system, the industry will be required to remit a total of 13% of the fares they collect. The Taxicab Advisory Committee was unable to provide a recommendation, as no quorum was present for a meeting held on Friday May 21, 2010, to discuss the committee's position on the HST. However, representatives from both of the major brokerages, Durham Rapid Taxi and Blue Line Taxi were present and advised they believe an 8% increase in taxicab fares is appropriate. Durham Rapid Taxi also provided a petition signed by 39 drivers who also support an increase in Taxicab fares to offset the impact of the HST. Staff do not support an increase in taxicab fares, as the previous two fare increases were justified based on fuel costs of $1.30 per litre on two separate occasions. After both increases, fuel prices returned to around $1.00 per litre. Since 2005, taxicab fares have increased by 47%, and staff feel that no further increases are justified at this time. Financial Implications: No impact to City revenue. Sustainability Implications: Not related. i Report CAO.14-10 June 14, 2010 Subject: Requested Taxicab Fare Increase to Offset HST Page 2 12 Background: Council approved taxicab fare increases on November 7, 2005 and most recently on October 14, 2008. The justification for increasing the fares in 2005 was based upon an increase in operating costs such as fuel and insurance, while in 2008 fuel costs were the only consideration. In 2005 the fares were increased from $8.95 for a 5 km trip to $11.75, an increase of approximately 31%. In 2005 one of the most compelling factors for the increase was the price of fuel, which at the time of the increase averaged $1.15 per litre, but had peaked at $1.30 per litre in the summer of 2005, leading to the demand for the fare increase. In 2008 the fares were increased from $11.75 for a 5 km trip to $13.15, a further increase of approximately 12% and a total increase over the 2005 fare rate of nearly 47%. In 2008 the only consideration for the increase was the price of fuel which at that time was around $1.35 per litre. Almost immediately after the fare increase, the price of fuel began to decrease and eventually stabilized at or under $1.00 per litre. This means that the price of fuel has dropped approximately 33% since the last fare increase in October 2008. Calculating the difference between fuel costs at the time of the approved fare increases, and the present fuel costs of approximately $1.00 per litre, the average driver has saved between $2600.00 and $4000.00 in fuel costs in the past 12 months. Fares from various municipalities across the GTA have been reviewed, including Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa. and Clarington. It should be noted that Ajax recently adopted a 10% increase in their taxicab fares to accommodate the HST costs and their fares will exceed Pickering's at. $14.20 per 5 km trip. Whitby's fare for a 5 km.trip is at $13.50, based on a fare increase implemented in July 2008. Copies of two taxicab fare surveys are attached.to this report. An exact increase of 8% to existing taxicab fares would be difficult to implement due to the manner which taxicab meters calculate fares. An 8% increase would set the start rate to $3.40, however, require an increase in the per kilometer rate to $0.20 per 1/11th of a kilometer (an increase of 10% to accommodate the meter set up of specific increments) and increase the 5 kilometer fare to $14.40. Taxicab Industry Comments: The Taxicab Brokerages and the Drivers who signed the attached petition believe it is unfair to refuse to increase fares to cover a tax that must be collected. They believe the industry cannot subsidize consumers, and no other sector is being required to do so. The increase is only providing the ability to collect a tax imposed by the Province, it should not be viewed as an increase to the meter rate. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CAO 14-10 June 14, 2010 Subject: Requested Taxicab Fare Increase to Offset HST Page 3 13 The Taxicab Brokerages also stated that previous increases, while justified based on fuel costs, encompassed other increased costs such as insurance. The HST will impact drivers by adding the tax to their insurance, dispatch fees and fuel costs. To require the HST portion of the taxicab fare to be absorbed by the drivers will further increase the impact of the HST on their income. Comments were also received cautioning that the increase will cause a further reduction in business. In addition, the number of drivers who actually are in compliance with the tax remittance requirements is a small percentage of the industry. In summary, staff do not support an increase in taxicab fares at this time. While the industry will experience an increase in the amount of taxes they must remit, they have been more than compensated by the fares in place since 2008 that were increased to cover fuel costs that did not remain at the level utilized to justify the increase. Taxicab services are utilized largely by people on fixed incomes. The substantial increases in fares over the past five years must be considered prior to approving further fare increases. In addition, by many in the industry's own admission, very few drivers actually comply with the requirements to submit the portion of the fares collected as taxes. Staff re-iterate.the need for taxicab drivers to be required to submit proof of tax remittance should any fare increase be implemented. Attachments: 1. Petition from Taxicab Drivers 2. Taxicab Fare Survey - Durham Region 3. Taxicab Fare Survey - West GTA Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: U . ~O ti grly Thom son, CMM I, CPSO Debbie Shields, Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement Services City Clerk Recommended for the consideration of Pickering ' Counc' Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised 1 4 DURHAM RAPID TAXI 16-979 Brock Rd. Pickering, ON L1W 3A4 P: 905 831-2345 E: ravinderbhardwa0live.ca Attention: City of Pickering By-Law Dept. Mayor of Pickering All Councilors of Pickering To Whom It May Concern: We, the taxi drivers of the City of Pickering request a meter increase effective July 1, 2010. The new HST along with the dues, insurance and plate rents will result in further undue hardship. We hereby request a similar meter rate to that granted to the cities of Ajax and Whitby in 2010. Cab Number Driver Name Cell Number Z-572- 7 0 f s - K4-=~' Q z))<&-) i 6 -227 2 1S DURHAM 'RAPID TAXI 16-979 Brock Rd. Pickering, ON L1W 3A4 P: 905 831-2345 E: ravinderbhardwaj(o)live.ca Attention: City of Pickering By-Law Dept. Mayor of Pickering All Councilors of Pickering To Whom It May Concern: We, the taxi drivers of the City of Pickering request a meter increase effective July 1, 2010. The new HST along with the dues, insurance and plate rents will result in further undue hardship. We hereby request a similar meter rate to that granted to the cities of Ajax and Whitby in 2010 I Cab Number Driver Name Cell Number 3j- 0 F G ~7e 9Q7~ i A910 VI NV-2 e-11 Ali 7 6~ 44 7 2 =iG~ t/1 ~q IYADF-f-44 AWAP. 7 '6 l h ~u~ ti%,,jY\- A1) K~ 04t_qA3'6/4- ~i ~ `LS 6'0 - 16 DURHAM RAPID TAXI 16-979 Brock Rd. Pickering, ON L1W 3A4 P: 905 831-2345 E: ravinderbhardwaj@live.ca Attention: City of Pickering By-Law Dept. Mayor of Pickering All Councilors of Pickering To Whom It May Concern: We, the taxi drivers of the City of Pickering request a meter increase effective July 1, 2010. The new HST along with the dues, insurance and plate rents will result in further undue hardship. We hereby request a similar meter rate to that granted to the cities of Ajax and Whitby in 2010 Cab Number Driver Name Cell Number 3- t~ R C r~e~ c1.j ~f i l1 U a :1S3 30~ kftl 7Y 7,? ~ 3 1 ~ c urL) Q Z4 O L 7, -36 _p_ -zz 7~- - ' '35 c~ H 9oS- 703-7D N/ C-714 03~1 SANSOev SAC~C"V' a - ag -29'f/ 303 17 DURHAM RAPID TAXI 16-979 Brock Rd. Pickering, ON L1W 3A4 P: 905 831-2345 E: ravinderbhardwaj live.ca Attention: City of Pickering By-Law Dept. Mayor of Pickering All Councilors of Pickering To Whom It May Concern: We, the taxi drivers of the City of Pickering request a meter increase effective July 1, 2010. The new HST along with the dues, insurance and plate rents will result in further undue hardship. We hereby request a similar meter rate to that granted to the cities of Ajax and Whitby in 2000 Cab Number Driver Name Cell Number 3 M9 2 3G Pat ~Tallcr) h44 !2 c3i G Z tq 1 Q Sti < rn r0 r0 v~ 0 _K ca z -n rz 0 S; 11 O 08 m C S C N (OA N < N n O n O n O '9 n O ;a N C n co -h (D 13 CD M (D 0 CD CD = CD 0) M CD CD rr 0) 0) 0) CD W 4) O X. X. 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