HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 20, 2010 Czrq 0¢ Minutes Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee i i April 20, 2010 P~ ~KERIN 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Rhonda Lawson, Vice Chair Councillor Johnson Terence Arvisais Keith Falconer Wickham Jamadar Rey Moreno Peter Rodrigues Isa James, Planner II L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Joanne Glasser Margaret Woods Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome RL W. Jamadar, Acting Vice Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2.0 Approval of Minutes All Moved by K. Falconer Seconded by R. Moreno That the minutes of the March 23, 2010 meeting be approved as amended. [Correction was made to name spelling on Item 3.3 on page 2] CARRIED 3.0 New and Unfinished Business - All 3.1 Heritage Permit Application Review 425 Whitevale Road W. Jamadar introduced Richard Gosling, who appeared before the Committee with respect to his heritage permit application for 425 Whitevale Road. Page 1 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Mr. Gosling provided the Committee with an overview of the application, noting that all site plan and zoning approvals had been received. He noted the long history of the Mill, indicating the plans were revised to enable them to use reclaimed brick to be more in keeping with the original building. He provided the Committee with a copy of the revised plan. He stated the plans for the building are for a Bed and Breakfast including a medical health spa and retail. He noted they are ready to start immediately. 1. James provided background information with respect to the application. She noted that the structure is not a designated heritage building, but is located within the Whitevale Heritage District. She noted the revised plans which the applicants were proposing would be a significant improvement. A discussion period ensued. I. James indicated she would stay in touch with the applicants and discuss the permit application I. James to action process with T. Moore. The Committee members reviewed the plans that were presented and it was the general consensus to reserve comments until such time as the completed plans are available to view. The Committee was in agreement that the application was going in the right direction. It was also noted that pictures I. James to action would be helpful. 3.2) Work Plan and Inventory Work Discussion Update Bi-Centennial Project Work The Committee reviewed the work plan and R. Lawson indicated she had made revisions as directed from the previous meeting and had forwarded the revised Work Plan to the membership. Some additional revisions were recommended respecting timelines for designations. R. Lawson asked for feedback respecting the possibility of doing the designations this year and the following was noted; • Revise dates for designation process to reflect the timelines • Bi-Centennial - Doors Open - need to coordinate dates with Katrina at the Pickering Museum - R. Lawson will provide contact information • School Presentations - need to get a project plan • R. Lawson requested subcommittees to report at each general meeting of Heritage Pickering • I. James provided an update on her meeting with Page 2 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Markham regarding their use of the Amanda system, which she noted will be recommended for Pickering • R. Lawson has started work on the binders 3.3) Evaluation System for Heritage Designations Discussion ensued with respect to the worksheets to be used for evaluation purposes. Packages had been distributed to the members with samples from Kitchener and Brampton. After review and discussion it was the consensus of the Committee to combine the City of Kitchener and the Ministry's template. The Committee was in agreement to keep it simple, cover all types of properties and have explanatory notes to help explain how you arrive at a score. Discussion took place regarding a field trip. 1. James noted she had a number of brochures as well as an I. James to action exterior recording training manual and that she would look into having them photocopied for the members. R. Lawson noted she would prepare an evaluation form in R. Lawson to action consultation with Bert Duclos and bring it back to the Committee at the next meeting for final approval. 3.4) Review of Designation Process The Committee reviewed the designation process which is listed on page 34 of the "Designated Heritage Properties" in the tool kit. They reviewed the steps involved and the importance of involving the property owners. A discussion period ensued and it was decided to continue to move ahead with the research of the properties for designation in order to make.a decision on which properties to prepare reports on. R. Lawson requested the members to bring their research findings to the next meeting. 3.5) Survey - Equity and Inclusive Education Policy Correspondence was received from the Durham District School Board seeking input on a draft Equity & Inclusive Education Policy. This correspondence was received for information, as the content of the survey does not directly relate to this Committee. Page 3 r Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/ Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 3.6) Rogers Farm Update P. Rodrigues provided the Committee with an update on Rogers Farm. He noted he had been to the property and indicated that repairs had been started. The plastering of the ceiling appeared to be in keeping with the style of the period. He noted there was extensive interior restoration work required. 4.0 Correspondence All 4.1) Upcoming Pickering Earth Week Initiatives Correspondence was received from the City of Pickering with respect to Earth Week initiatives which are taking place the week of April 19-27, 2010. R. Lawson suggested we think about this for participation next year as art of the Committee's Bi-Centennial involvement. 5.0 Other Business 5.1) R. Lawson advised the Committee of upcoming public workshops regarding the Seaton Neighbourhood Plans. She encouraged members to attend the May 4, 2010 public workshop regarding Whitevale Road Heritage, stating that this should be of particular interest to the Committee as it will focus on the cultural heritage attributes of Whitevale Road. The meeting will take place at the Recreation Complex on Valley All Farm Road beginning at 7:15 pm. Anyone wishing to attend must pre-register with the Pickering Planning Department. 5.2) P. Rodrigues provided the Committee with an update with respect to a meeting he had attended regarding the Seaton community which was held at the Herongate Barn Theatre. He noted the major impact on the Whitevale community with all the upcoming major projects. 6.0 Adjournment/Next Meeting All Moved by K. Falconer Seconded by W. Jamadar That the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 9:05 pm Next Meetin : May 18, 2010 Copy: City Clerk Page 4