HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 13-10 ;Citq Report To Council PICKERING Report Number: CS 13-10 Date: May 17, 2010 96 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Fire Dispatch - Amalgamation with the Town of Ajax Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 13-10 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be approved and received; 2. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement between the City of Pickering and the Town of Ajax, in a form essentially as attached to this report, acceptable to the Chief Administrative Officer, the Director of Operations & Emergency Services, the Fire Chief and the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, to provide for the establishment, maintenance and operation by the Town of Ajax of a centralized communications system for emergency response purposes providing Dispatch services to Pickering Fire Services; 3. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to enter into agreements with CriSys Limited, either directly or through the existing agreement with the Town of Ajax, to provide emergency Dispatch communications systems, including future renewals, extensions, upgrades, replacements and service agreements; 4. That, notwithstanding the Purchasing Policy, the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer or designate, Manager, Supply & Services, be authorized to issue Purchase Orders and/or enter into agreements to single source with service, systems, and hardware suppliers required to provide emergency Dispatch, emergency notification and other related functions including .911, communications between Fire Halls, and call-out notifications for Fire Services in the City of Pickering, including future renewals, extensions, upgrades, replacements and service agreements; 5. That the Chief Administrative Officer, the Director, Operations & Emergency Services, the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer and any other appropriate staff be authorized to sign any other documents required to complete the amalgamation and ensure the ongoing operations including the transfer of equipment and staff from Pickering to Ajax; 6. That the 2009 Capital Budget provision of $444,000 for the amalgamation of Fire Dispatch with Ajax funded by the Investing in Ontario Grant, be increased to $700,000 with the additional funding to be provided by the same grant; l Report CS 13-10 May 17, 2010 Subject: Fire Dispatch - Amalgamation with the Town of Ajax Page 2 97 7. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to pay all costs associated with the amalgamation of Fire Dispatch Services, including those above, with funding to be provided by the Investing in Ontario Grant as approved in the 2009 Capital Budget, and in this report, and to pay any additional costs from this grant or from funds identified by the Treasurer at year-end as being available; and, 8. That the appropriate officials at the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto to complete the amalgamation and ongoing operation of Fire Dispatch services of the City with those of the Town of Ajax. Executive Summary: The following is a brief background to this undertaking. The Fire Headquarters building was first occupied around 1968. At that time Dispatch and communications equipment consisted of land line telephones. In the late 1980s, with the advent of the 911 service being brought into Durham, that equipment was replaced and tape recording equipment for this Dispatch calls was included. That equipment is approximately 23 years old, the technology is antiquated, not serviceable and parts are no longer available. Therefore, the City of Pickering does not have the luxury of waiting until a new Fire Headquarters is built. This amalgamation of Dispatch with Ajax is the only solution available, as Council has recognized and approved in principal over the last years. Knowing the current and forthcoming problems with the equipment, approximately 12 years ago the CAO entered into discussions with the former CAO of Whitby regarding a potential amalgamation of Fire Dispatch with these two municipalities and Ajax. These discussions did not succeed for financial reasons and Council asked the CAO to initiate discussions with the former CAO of Ajax. Pickering's equipment not only must be replaced but additional staff need to be hired due to population growth over the last decade. Pickering does not have the room in its current Dispatch room so significant additional space would be required. This can only be accommodated in a new Fire Headquarters that has.been the subject of some discussion over the years. However, the land to build it on still has to be acquired and a building constructed, both of which would be very expensive and at least several years away. The Operations Centre must be constructed first on land yet to be acquired. The amalgamation of Dispatch is the only intermediate step available. In the meantime, Ajax has constructed a new Fire Headquarters that includes a fully equipped and staffed Dispatch Centre. They have offered to provide Fire Dispatch services for Pickering Fire Services and Pickering will share in the equipment and operating costs. The arrangements with Ajax will solve Pickering's immediate problems. The costs will be significant, currently estimated at $700,000, however, the costs avoided: buying new equipment, hiring more staff on our own; together with the costs postponed: the acquisition of land and the multi-million dollar construction of a new headquarters; make the business case for this arrangement. There is no other option available. Furthermore, Ajax is not proposing to charge Pickering for a proportionate Report CS 13-10 May 17, 2010 Subject: Fire Dispatch - Amalgamation with the Town of Ajax Page 3 98 share of the capital cost of the Fire Dispatch facility as Whitby was, only the share of the equipment, staffing and operating costs. Moreover, the joint Dispatch equipment, the alerting system within our Fire halls and the communications equipment will now be the same as the other lakeshore municipalities in Durham. j i These discussions have continued to this day with Ajax's current CAO leading to the pending amalgamation of Pickering's Fire Dispatch with that of Ajax. Progress continues to be made in the complete processing amalgamation of Fire Dispatch services of the City with those of the Town of Ajax. This rather intensive process was first considered several years ago and again in early 2008. In December 2008, after much initial discussion and consideration the CAO had Fire Services prepare a presentation at an In-Camera meeting of Council. Council passed the following Resolution: "That Council approve in principle to continue with the negotiations for the Joint amalgamation of Fire & Emergency Services Dispatch Centres between the Town of Ajax and the City of Pickering." As discussions between Ajax and Pickering continued Council approved the project in the 2009 Capital Budget in the amount of $444,000 being the known costs at that time. As discussions continued both internally and externally, additional costs were identified. The CAO continues to oversee all aspects of this endeavour and it is now appropriate to seek Council's approval to single source certain aspects of this work with Ajax's service provider, CriSys Limited, and to pay for that work as provided for in the 2009 Capital Budget. Ajax has already purchased their equipment and Pickering needs to either pay its share of these costs or pay directly to the same service provider. Other supplier's equipment purchases will be identified and single sourced. The City needs to authorize the Director., Corporate Services & Treasurer, in conjunction with the CAO and the Director, Operations & Emergency Services to sign agreements and pay for goods and services, in order to bring this exercise to a successful conclusion in 2010. i Financial Implications: The 2009 Capital Budget as approved by Council contained a provision of $444,000, to be funded by a Provincial grant, Investing in Ontario, to provide for the amalgamation of the two .Fire Dispatch services. This grant, distributed by the Province to all Ontario municipalities in the fall of 2008, came from the Provincial budget surplus. This grant had no conditions on the use of the $3,912,528 provided that it only be spent on capital projects. The sum of $350,000 was used for the Dunbarton Pool and the 2009 Capital Budget included almost $2.1 million of this grant funding for various approved projects. The 2010 Capital Budget included $555,000 of funding from this grant which included $444,000 for Fire Dispatch Amalgamation. There is approximately $940,000 that was anticipated to be used in the 2011 Capital Budget. However, given the importance of the amalgamation to the City and its residents it was felt that the additional funding required of approximately $256,000 should come from the same grant. This will leave approximately $684,000 of this grant for the 2011 Capital Budget. Report CS 13-10 May 17, 2010 Subject: Fire Dispatch - Amalgamation with the Town of Ajax Page 4 99 Ajax has already purchased much of the required equipment and Pickering must pay Ajax for its share of those costs. Other costs will be incurred by Ajax to be shared with Pickering and the City will also be incurring some costs on its own. Ajax has gone through its process and selected service providers and Pickering must contract with these same companies. Now that all the necessary equipment related to the amalgamation is believed to have been identified, including replacing old equipment within and between the City's Firehalls, an increase in the original estimates as follows is required: Costs included in 2009 Budget CriSys Computer Aided Dispatch & Records $184,000 Management System Initial Data Transfer 20,000 MOSCAD Radio Alerting System 240,000 $444,000 Additional Costs not previously identified: Paging System Upgrade $129,000 (4 stations) (1) Fibre Connection Pickering to Ajax (1) Additions to Computer Aided 25,000 Dispatch System (Pickering's share) Maintenance on Pickering's Share of CriSys Software 35,000 Fibre connection to between Pickering and 52,000 Ajax Contingency and Incidentals 15,000 $256,000 $700,000 (1) Further review will be undertaken to confirm need prior to actual expenditure taking place While it is not anticipated at this time, should costs exceed the revised estimate, the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer will identify other funds that could be used to complete this exercise and ensure complete and modern notification and communication capabilities are available for Fire Services and to ensure completion of the amalgamation of Fire Dispatch. Sustainability Implications: This report does not contain any sustainability implications. Report CS 13-10 May 17, 2010 Subject: Fire Dispatch - Amalgamation with the Town of Ajax Page 5 100 Background: At its in-camera meeting of December 16, 2008, Council received a presentation on the amalgamation of Pickering's Fire Dispatch services with those of Ajax. Council will recall that the main consideration in this presentation were the necessity of upgrading the City's aging Dispatch system, the benefits and the costs avoided by amalgamating the City's Dispatch service with the Town of Ajax. Ajax was in the process of installing an entirely new system and had to be advised at that time of Pickering's interest in such an amalgamation. Council approved the continuation of negotiations with Ajax to this end. Subsequently, in the 2009 Capital Budget for Fire Services, Council approved $444,000 for this purpose. Since that time the CAO has been involved in extensive negotiations with his counterpart in Ajax and the Fire Chiefs, and the City management staff have also been involved. Over the last months the internal discussion has centered on HR issues. It is.now appropriate to proceed with the technical aspects of the actual amalgamation in order to have it accomplished by year-end. The firm of CriSys Limited, a company with extensive expertise in this area, has been engaged by Ajax to provide software and services for their Dispatch which will also facilitate the amalgamation. It is in the City's best interest and only option to contract with the same firm, whether through the Town of Ajax or on its own, depending on the nature of the goods or services to be provided. The immediate task for CriSys and Pickering will be the collection, verification and inputting of City data into the amalgamated system. The project of amalgamating the joint Dispatch centres is estimated to take 6 to 10 months just for accumulating and transferring Pickering-based data used by the Dispatch Centre. It is Pickering's objective to complete this project before January 1, 2011. Pickering Fire Services states that CriSys Limited must be the sole source provider of this project based upon Ajax's selection through its purchasing process. Notwithstanding the City's Purchasing Policy, single sourcing, either in conjunction with Ajax, or on its own by the City is necessary to ensure compatibility of equipments, systems and data. For these reasons Pickering will not be seeking competitive bids but instead will rely upon the process Ajax has already performed in its acquisitions of the required hardware, software and systems. Pickering has to follow Ajax as it is their Dispatch system. CriSys Limited is presently the current provider of all computerized Dispatch services within the lakeshore municipalities of the Region of Durham. Pickering Fire Services must use the same provider in order to integrate our present data into the Ajax Fire Services- computerized Dispatch system. There is also a cost savings opportunity to participate in Ajax's existing contract with CriSys Limited. It is important that we expedite our efforts in order to remain on target to complete this change over by January 1, 2011. Another example is the MOSCAD radio alerting system, station to station, that is already used by Ajax, and several other Durham municipalities, and Pickering must Report CS 13-10 May 17, 2010 Subject: Fire Dispatch - Amalgamation with the Town of Ajax Page 6 1 follow suit to match systems. Pickering's current alerting system is very old and needs to be replaced anyway. For individual alerting for emergency purposes the City will be switching from pagers to Blackberrys and cell phones through Wallace Wireless. Some services, hardware or other goods will be provided by Ajax with the City paying its share while others may be arranged and paid for directly by the City. This report has been prepared in conjunction with the Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Fire Services and the Manager, Information Technology. Attachments: 1. Draft Agreement Between the City of Pickering and the Town of Ajax Providing for a Centralized Emergency Response Communications System and Fire Dispatch Services for the Two Municipalities Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: rl% Gillis A. Paterson Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Approved/Endorsed By: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration `of Pickering City Counci` Thomas J. Quinn, 1 MR, CAM Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT#_,t_TO REPORT#15-8- (D THIS AGREEMENT made this _ day of 20OX O BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AJAX ("Ajax") of the First Part and - THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING ("Pickering") of the Second Part WHEREAS Section 5(1) of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 (S.O. 1997, c. 21, Sch. A, s.3, as amended) (the "Act") provides that a fire department shall provide fire suppression services and may provide other fire protection services to a group of municipalities; AND WHEREAS the Act defines "fire protection services" as including communication and the delivery of communications; AND WHEREAS subsection 116(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 (S.O. 2001 c. 25, as amended) provides that a municipality may establish, maintain and operate a centralized communication system for emergency response purposes and whereas Ajax does maintain such a system; AND WHEREAS Ajax's Municipal Council has passed By-law No. to establish, maintain and operate a centralized communication system for emergency response purposes providing fire dispatch services for both the Ajax Fire and Emergency Services and Pickering Fire Services serving the geographic areas under the jurisdiction of Ajax and Pickering respectively, subject to the terms of this AGREEMENT, and to authorize the Mayor and Town Clerk to execute this AGREEMENT on behalf of Ajax; AND WHEREAS Pickering's Municipal Council has passed By-law No. approving the establishment, maintenance and operation by Ajax of a centralized communication system for emergency response purposes providing dispatch services to Pickering Fire Services, subject to the terms of this AGREEMENT and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute this AGREEMENT on behalf of Pickering; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES that, in consideration of the premises, other good and valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which each of the parties hereby acknowledge) and the mutual convenience and agreements hereinafter contained, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: Section 1 Interpretation 1.1 Wherever a term set out below appears in the text of this AGREEMENT in capital letters, the term shall have the meaning set out for it in this Section 1. (a) AGREEMENT means this agreement, including its recitals, schedules and appendices, which form an integral part of it, as amended from time to time. (b) AJAX FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES means the Fire Department as established and/or maintained by Ajax under the Act. 103 (c) CAD means the CriSys Computer Aided Dispatch system or its successor or replacements as determined by Ajax. i (d) CAPITAL COSTS means the actual cost to Ajax to provide any equipment used in the provision of the DISPATCH SERVICES acquired after the EFFECTIVE DATE. (e) COMMUNICATION CENTRE means the AJAX FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES dispatch centre. (f) CONTRACT YEAR means the period between January 1 and December 31 except the first CONTRACT YEAR means the period between the EFFECTIVE DATE and December 31 of the same year. (g) DISPATCH SERVICES means: (i) the receipt of a request for the services of the PICKERING FIRE SERVICES or any other emergency services with respect to a location or property within the geographic boundaries of Pickering; and (ii) the relaying of the request for services to the PICKERING FIRE SERVICES and/or their personnel from the COMMUNICATION CENTRE. (h) EFFECTIVE DATE means 12:01 a.m. on the first day DISPATCH SERVICES are provided by Ajax under this AGREEMENT. (i) "EVENT OF DEFAULT" means a default of any party in the performance of any of its obligations under this AGREEMENT which is not cured within the time permitted under Section 6; 0) OPERATING COSTS means the actual cost to Ajax to provide the DISPATCH SERVICES including the following: i) All wages, benefits and pension(s), including but not limited to statutory pay, recognition pay and overtime 'for all Dispatchers and the Communications Officer; ii) Mileage, Seminars and Education for all Dispatchers and the Communications Officer; iii) ' Uniforms and clothing for all Dispatchers and the Communications Officer; iv) Books, subscriptions, publications, printing/copying/postage costs and office supplies; V) Costs payable under service contracts with Bell Canada, Motorola, CriSys and Wilmac, or their successors or replacements or additional service contracts as deemed necessary by Ajax; vi) Costs to equip each dispatcher with the required equipment; vii) Software and associated maintenance and support agreements, and; viii) Insurance as set out in Section 4.1 of this Agreement. (k) OPERATING POLICES AND PROCEDURES means the detailed manner of receiving, recording and dispatching requests for DISPATCH SERVICES. (1) PROPORTIONATE SHARE of a party means that fraction of the OPERATING COSTS or the CAPITAL COSTS, or incurred liability (as provided for in subsection 4.2 hereof) as the context requires, which is equal to the base population from the latest census adding the population growth based on the residential units projected for each year over a five (5) to ten (10) year period with 3.5 people per projected residential unit. (m) TAXES mean the Goods and Services Tax and Provincial Sales Tax, if applicable. (n) PICKERING FIRE SERVICES means the Fire Department as established and/or . maintained by Pickering under the Act. (o) RUNNING ASSIGNMENTS means the predetermined selection of fire apparatus that are to be dispatched to each emergency incident defined in the CAD, including both 04 electronic versions in CriSys and back-up hard copies. Section 2 Dispatch Service Provision 2.1 As at the EFFECTIVE DATE Ajax will provide DISPATCH SERVICES to Pickering, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this AGREEMENT. 2.2 The staff provided by Ajax to perform its obligations under this AGREEMENT shall be exclusively employees of Ajax. They shall not be deemed to be employees of Pickering for any purpose. 2.3 Ajax shall provide all of the personnel, infrastructure, hardware and software necessary to provide the DISPATCH SERVICES, the costs of which shall be included in OPERATING COSTS or CAPITAL COSTS., as applicable. 2.4 Pickering will be responsible for providing Ajax with up-to-date addressing, geographic information systems data and current RUNNING ASSIGNMENTS from time to time respecting every property in the geographic area of Pickering in a format consistent with the CAD. 2.5 Pickering will be responsible to provide and maintain all required telephone or data connection(s) in each of its fire halls to connect with the computer server located in the geographic boundaries of Ajax. Such costs shall not be included in OPERATING COSTS OR CAPITAL COSTS and shall be the sole responsibility of Pickering. 2.6 Pickering will be responsible to provide and maintain current contact information for all personnel to be dispatched by Ajax and, where paging or cellular systems are to be used to contact individuals as provided by the OPERATING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES, Pickering shall be responsible for providing and maintaining these systems in good repair. 2.7 All software and hardware used in the provision of the DISPATCH SERVICES, and any interest therein whether licensed or owned, is and shall remain the sole property of Ajax. 2.8 Pickering shall deliver to the COMMUNICATION CENTRE upon notice by Ajax the following which are presently owned by Pickering: i) Bramic "Vision 5" dispatch console; ii) Motorola "CentraCom Gold Elite" dispatch consoles; iii) All dispatch related 800 MHz Motorola dispatch equipment; and iv) 24 hour dispatch chair. 2.9 Pickering will be responsible to provide and maintain all required MOSCAD, or its successor or replacements as determined by Ajax, and station alerting equipment in each of its fire halls. Such costs.shall not be included in OPERATING COSTS OR CAPITAL COSTS and shall be the sole responsibility of Pickering. 2.10 Pickering will be provided remote electronic access to the CAD data and reporting tools relating to the provision of DISPATCH SERVICES for the purposes of accessing their records only. Pickering shall be responsible for maintaining the required electronic connectivity and security to the satisfaction of Ajax. 2.11 Notwithstanding Section 2.10, the parties agree to meet approximately once every six (6) months in order to review the DISPATCH SERVICES. Additionally, the Pickering Fire Chief may make any inquiries, concerns, questions or requests for information arising from the provision of DISPATCH SERVICES but such inquiries may be in writing and addressed to the Ajax "Fire Chief depending on the scope of the request. 2.12 The implementation and operation of this AGREEMENT does not alter, impact or affect any responsibilities relating to the ownership and operation of the shared 800 MHz radio system. r 1 0 5 Section 3 Costs 3.1 Pickering shall pay Ajax its PROPORTIONATE SHARE of the OPERATING COSTS for each CONTRACT YEAR, plus any TAXES that may be applicable. 3.2 Ajax shall for each CONTRACT YEAR estimate the OPERATING COSTS and Pickering shall pay its PROPORTIONATE, SHARE, as so estimated, in quarterly installments in advance on the first day of each quarter. 3.3 On or before sixty (60) days following determination of the OPERATING COSTS for a CONTRACT YEAR, Ajax shall deliver to Pickering a statement of the actual OPERATING COSTS for such CONTRACT YEAR and Pickering agrees to pay Ajax, within sixty (60) days of delivery of such statement, the difference between its PROPORTIONATE SHARE of the estimated OPERATING COSTS paid to Ajax pursuant to paragraph 3.2 and its PROPORTIONATE SHARE of the OPERATING COSTS and, where the amount so paid for the estimated OPERATING COSTS for the CONTRACT YEAR was greater than Pickering's PROPORTIONATE SHARE of the OPERATING COSTS, Ajax agrees that it shall reimburse Pickering the difference. 3.4 Ajax shall meet with Pickering no less than six (6) months in advance of any proposed CAPITAL COSTS being incurred in order to permit Pickering to prepare accordingly. 3.5 On or before sixty (60) days following Ajax providing notice to Pickering of incurring a CAPITAL COST, Pickering agrees to pay Ajax its PROPORTIONATE SHARE of the said CAPITAL COST. Section 4 Insurance and Limitation of Liability 4.1 Ajax agrees to maintain, at its sole expense, which expense shall not form a part of the OPERATING COSTS unless there is an increase in the premium payable for such policy as a result of the coverage available to Pickering, adequate general liability insurance in an amount of not less than fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000) in which Pickering is named as anadditional insured party with respect to the obligations expressed in this AGREEMENT. The policy shall contain a waiver of subrogation clause as between the parties and a cross liability clause in favour of the parties, as approved by both the parties, acting reasonably. Notwithstanding the foregoing, where an increase in the premium for the above insurance is charged or incurred by Ajax as a result of a claim pertaining to the provision of the DISPATCH SERVICES, such an increase over the premium as it would otherwise have been but for the said claim shall be deemed to be included in the OPERATING COSTS and Pickering shall pays its PROPORTIONATE SHARE of that increase. 4.2 The parties hereby agree that any and all liability resulting from all actions, suits, claims, demands, losses, costs, charges and expenses arising out of actions, incidents, grievances or investigations which occurred prior to the EFFECTIVE DATE against any party shall remain the sole liability of that party, shall not be transferred hereunder and that party shall wholly indemnify the other party with respect to any and all liability, including defence and legal costs pertaining thereto. Section 5 Temporary Withdrawal of Services 5.1 In the event of a labour shortage, strike, lock-out, labour dispute, power loss or equipment failure which would prevent the provision of the DISPATCH SERVICES, Ajax shall be excused from the performance of its obligations hereunder, but not its obligations under Section 4, until the cause of the inability of Ajax to provide the DISPATCH SERVICES is remedied, but subject to the remaining provisions of this Section. 5.2 In the event that Ajax anticipates or actually does temporarily withdraw DISPATCH 06 SERVICES under this Section, Ajax shall provide notice of such withdrawal or anticipated withdrawal to Pickering as soon as reasonably possible, including the reasons therefore. 5.3 In the event that Ajax has temporarily withdrawn DISPATCH SERVICES under this Section and cannot restore the provision of the DISPATCH SERVICES within five (5) days following the date the services are first withdrawn, Pickering,shall be entitled to terminate this AGREEMENT on five (5) days written notice to Ajax. Ajax shall be entitled to payment for all DISPATCH SERVICES provided under this AGREEMENT to the date of termination. Section 6 Term and Termination and Default 6.1 This AGREEMENT shall come into force commencing on the EFFECTIVE DATE and shall continue in force for a period of ten (10) years. 6.2 This AGREEMENT shall automatically renew for additional terms of five (5) years unless either party provides written notice to the contrary not less than eleven (11) months in advance of the last day of the then current term, in which case this AGREEMENT shall terminate on the last day of the then current term. Ajax shall be entitled to payment for all OPERATING COSTS and CAPITAL COSTS under this AGREEMENT to the date of termination. Where the determination of OPERATING COSTS and/or CAPTIAL COSTS is not made until after the termination of this AGREEMENT the obligation of Pickering to pay its PROPORTIONATE SHARE and the obligations of the parties set out in Section 4.2 shall survive the termination of this AGREEMENT. 6.3 Notwithstanding termination of this AGREEMENT, Ajax covenants and agrees to maintain all accounts and records with respect to the provision of the DISPATCH SERVICES for not less than seven (7) years following such termination and to make the same available for examination and/or copying by Pickering on request during regular business hours at the administrative offices of Ajax. 6.4 The requirement to maintain insurance in accordance with subsection 5.1 shall continue for not less than two (2) years following termination of this AGREEMENT, and may continue longer with the mutual consent of the parties. 6.5 In the event of the occurrence of an EVENT OF DEFAULT by or with respect to any party (the party committing such default hereinafter referred to as the "Defaulting Party" and the other party being referred to for the purposes of this Article as the "Non- Defaulting Party"), the Non-Defaulting Party shall have the right to give the Defaulting Party a notice of an EVENT OF DEFAULT specifically setting forth the nature of the default and stating that the Defaulting Party shall have a period of 30 days to cure such EVENT OF DEFAULT or (in the case of an EVENT OF DEFAULT which cannot be cured within such 30 day period) such longer period as may be reasonably necessary to cure such EVENT OF DEFAULT if the Defaulting Party commences to cure such default within such 30 day period and thereafter diligently proceeds with such curative efforts. 107 6.6 If the Defaulting Party does not cure or diligently proceed to cure any EVENT OF DEFAULT specified in the notice of default referred to in subsection 6.5 within the period referred to therein, the Non-Defaulting Party shall have the right until the Defaulting Party is no longer in default under this Agreement, to: a) bring any proceedings in the nature of specific performance, injunction or other equitable remedy, it being acknowledged by each of the parties hereto that damages at law may be an inadequate remedy for a default or breach of this AGREEMENT; b) remedy such EVENT OF DEFAULT and any other default of the Defaulting PARTY under this AGREEMENT and the Non-Defaulting Party shall be entitled on demand to be reimbursed by the Defaulting Party for any monies expended to remedy any such EVENT OF DEFAULT and any other expenses (including legal fees on a solicitor and client basis) incurred by such Non-Defaulting Party (and to bring any legal proceedings for the recovery thereof), together with interest at 10% per annum, calculated and compounded monthly; C) bring any action at law as may be necessary or desirable in order to recover damages; d) in the EVENT OF DEFAULT by Pickering, suspend the provision of DISPATCH SERVICES; and/or e) terminate this AGREEMENT. Section 7 Notice 7.1 Any notice under this AGREEMENT shall be in writing and shall be served personally or by regular mail or facsimile transmission upon each of the parties at the following addresses: The Corporation of the Town of Ajax 65 Harwood Avenue South Ajax, Ontario LIS 2H9 Attention: Town Clerk The Corporation of the City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario LI V 6K7 Attention: City Clerk Receipt of notice shall be deemed on: (a) the date of actual delivery of a hand delivered document on the last party to be provided with the notice; or (b) the business day next following the date of facsimile transmission; or (c) five (5) days following the date of mailing of the notice; whichever is applicable. Any party may change its address for notice by giving notice of change of address pursuant to this Section. 108 Section 8 General 8.1 Ajax shall keep proper and detailed accounts and records in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices of all factors entering into the computation of the amounts payable pursuant to this AGREEMENT and maintain same for no less than seven (7) years following"each CONTRACT YEAR to which the accounts and records relate. Pickering may during regular business hours at the offices of Ajax, upon giving reasonable notice and at Pickering's sole expense, audit and inspect all accounts, records, receipts, vouchers and, other documents relating to the provision of the DISPATCH SERVICES and shall have the right to make copies and take extracts at its own expense. Ajax shall afford all reasonable facilities, physical and otherwise, for such audits and inspections. 8.2 The parties hereto shall with reasonable diligence do all such things and provide all such reasonable further assurances as may be required to fulfill their obligations pursuant to this AGREEMENT. Each party agrees to provide whatever further documents or instruments may be considered by the other parties to be reasonably necessary or desirable to effect the purpose of this AGREEMENT and carry out its provisions at any time during the currency of this AGREEMENT. 8.3 In the event that any covenant or term of this AGREEMENT should at any time be held by any court or competent tribunal to be void or unenforceable, then the AGREEMENT shall not fail, but the covenant, provision or term shall be deemed to be severable from the remainder of this AGREEMENT, which shall otherwise remain in full force and effect. 8.4 No party or parties shall call into question, directly or indirectly, in any proceedings whatsoever in law or in equity or"before a court or any administrative tribunal, the right of the parties or any of them to enter into this AGREEMENT or the enforceability of any "term, agreement, provision, covenant and/or condition contained in this AGREEMENT, and this clause may be pleaded as an estoppel as against any such party in any proceedings. 8.5 Subject to the requirements of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, (Ontario) (or successor legislation), Ajax shall give Pickering a quarterly written record of any complaints received respecting the DISPATCH SERVICES provided to Pickering during the previous quarter and how each has been responded to or dealt with by Ajax. 8.6 Subject to the requirements of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, (Ontario) (or successor legislation), the parties shall not divulge any information of which they have knowledge to be confidential whether communicated to or acquired by them in the course of carrying out the obligations or roles provided pursuant to this AGREEMENT. No such information shall be used by either party in any way without the approval of the other party. 8.7 Ajax and Pickering will comply with all applicable legislation in performing its obligations under this AGREEMENT. 8.8 This AGREEMENT contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the provision of the DISPATCH SERVICES and it is agreed that there is no covenant, promise, agreement, condition precedent or subsequent, warranty or representation or understanding, whether oral or written, other than as set forth in this AGREEMENT with respect to the subject matter of this AGREEMENT. 8.9 No supplement, amendment or waiver of or under this AGREEMENT (excepting notice of change of address as contemplated in Section 8) shall be binding unless executed in writing by the party or parties to be bound thereby and no waiver by a party of any provision of this AGREEMENT shall be deemed or shall constitute a waiver of any other provision or a continuing waiver unless otherwise expressly provided. 109 8.10 This AGREEMENT shall not be construed as creating a joint venture between Ajax and Pickering. 8.11 This AGREEMENT cannot be assigned to another party without the written consent of both parties. Ajax shall not subcontract the provision of DISPATCH SERVICES under this AGREEMENT to any third party without the prior written consent of Pickering. 8.12 The parties shall act co-operatively in good faith, and with expedition in implementing the intent of this AGREEMENT. 8.13 The parties agree to review this AGREEMENT from time to time, but in any case not less than once every five (5) CONTRACT YEARS, to determine whether the method of calculating PROPORTIONATE SHARE remains reasonably equitable and, in the event both parties agree, the definition of PROPORTIONATE SHARE shall be amended. 8.14 This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF each of the parties hereto has affixed its corporate seal by the hands of its proper officers on the date inscribed on the first page of this Agreement. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AJAX )Mayor )Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING ) )Mayor )Clerk . I