HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 07-10 Ciro Report to - Planning Development PICKERING Committee Report Number: PD 07-10 40 Date: April 6, 2010 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Thomas E. Melymuk Director, Office of Sustainability Subject: Seaton Updates - Neighbourhood Planning Review and Other Implementation Studies Recommendation: 1 That Report PD 07-10 of the Directors, Planning & Development and Office of Sustainability, respecting a status update on the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Review and other implementation studies required under the Central Pickering Development Plan, be received for information. Executive Summary: On September 21, 2009, City Council considered Addendum to Report CAO 05-09 and accepted the proposal of the consulting team lead by Sorensen Gravely Lowes Planning Associates Inc. (SGL) to undertake the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Review. This Report to the Planning & Development Committee provides an update on SGL's progress. In addition, it provides an update on the other interrelated studies that are required to be completed under the CPDP. SGL is currently in the middle of the Background Studies part-of their work program. Public consultation workshops are being scheduled on key topics related to the heritage review of Whitevale Road, sustainability, and a broader session on the other findings from the background review, and policy options to implement the background studies. The Neighbourhood Planning Review requires the integration of relevant information from a number of studies, some that are underway, and some that have been completed. Studies currently underway include: the Province's Seaton Implementation Plan; the Region's Class Environmental Assessment for Regional Services for Central Pickering; the Seaton Landowners' Master Environmental Servicing Plan; and the Seaton Landowners' Fiscal Impact Analyses for both the Region and the City. For each of these studies, the City is represented by staff from one or more Departments. Report PD 07-10 April 6,.2010 Subject: Seaton Updates Page 2 41 Studies that have been completed by the Province include: the Highway 407 (Seaton Lands) Economic Development Study; the Natural Heritage System Management Plan and Master Trails Plan; the Durham/TorontoNork Area Transportation Plan Study; the Wetlands Water. Balance Evaluation; and the Highway 407 - Preliminary Functional Planning Study for Two New Interchanges. Studies not yet underway include the City's Development Charges Study and By-law for Seaton; the Region's Development Charges Study and By-law for Seaton infrastructure and transit; and the Region's conformity amendments to the Durham Regional Official Plan. Staff will continue to update Council on the progress. of the Neighbourhood Planning Review and the other on-going studies. Financial Implications: Not applicable. Sustainability Implications: Receiving this Report provides information to members of Committee and others and therefore relates to the objective of healthy society. The Neighbourhood Planning Review, and the other required Seaton studies as a package will implement many aspects of the sustainable objectives of the Central Pickering Development Plan including: restoring the natural heritage system of Seaton; providing a transportation network including active transportation alternatives such as walking and cycling; offering parks and recreational opportunities for the future residents; creating employment opportunities; and developing innovative, transit-supportive mixed use neighbourhoods. 1.0 Background: 1.1 The Central Pickering Development Plan (CPDP) requires a number of studies to be completed concurrent with or prior to the processing of the plans of subdivision Along with the preparation of Neighbourhood Plans for Seaton Community, the CPDP requires other studies to be completed to bridge the gap between a plan and the development of a community. In some instances, the CPDP identified who is responsible to undertake a required study, and in other instances, it did not. The following sections of this Report identify and provide a status update on the required studies, as well as on additional. implementation studies that are underway or completed. The studies are grouped by who is leading the study: the City; the Province; the Region; and the Seaton Landowners. Report PD 07-10 April 6, 2010 Subject: Seaton Updates Page 3 42 2.0 City - Led Studies 2.1 As required by the CPDP, the City retained a consulting team led by Sorensen Gravely Lowes Planning Associates Inc. in 2009 to undertake the Neighbourhood Planning Review 2.1.1 The consulting team was retained conditional upon execution of a funding agreement between the City and Seaton landowners On September 21, 2009, Council considered Addendum to Report Number CAO 05-09 respecting the approach to completing the required Seaton Neighbourhood Plans. Through Resolution #224/09, Council accepted the recommendation to retain the services of Sorensen Gravely Lowes Planning Associates Inc. (SGL), in association with The Planning Partnership, LEA Consulting Inc., SCS Consulting Group Ltd., N. Barry Lyon Consultants Limited (now replaced by Lapointe Consulting Inc. because of a conflict), Robin Dee & Associates, and Bray Heritage. The Proposal by SGL identified the following six modules to address the City's requirements: 1. Background Studies (review of existing and on-going studies submitted by the landowners, Region and the Province, and preparation of new studies as required); 2. Conformity Amendments to the Pickering Official Plan (review of landowners' submitted proposed neighbourhood plan policy, and preparation of/revisions to official plan amendments as required); 3. Neighbourhood Plans (review of landowners' submitted 'proposed neighbourhood plans and preparation of/revisions to official plan amendments as required) 4. Development Guidelines (review of landowners' submitted proposed guidelines and preparation of/revisions to the guidelines as required); 5. Approval of Amendments (finalize draft regional official plan amendment; and finalize local official plan amendments and guidelines for statutory open house, public information meeting, and consideration by Planning & Development Committee and Council); and 6. Development Review (review of landowners' submitted proposed draft plans and zoning by-law amendment applications, and recommend revisions to comply with the Official Plan amendments). Report PD 07-10 April 6, 2010 Subject: Seaton Updates Page 4 43 2.1.2 The required funding agreement was executed on February 2, 2010 A draft funding agreement was included in Addendum to Report Number GAO 05-09. The agreement, between the City and the landowners, including the Province of Ontario, provides that the landowners fund modules one to five of the work program. Further, the agreement acknowledges that the City will fund module six from revenue received for the Seaton draft plans and zoning by-law amendment applications. 2.1.3 The City's consulting team is about half way through the Background Studies Module There is a considerable amount of existing information that has been prepared to date on Seaton. Accordingly, to start the Review, the consulting team is reviewing: • existing information and preparing new work where required to establish sustainability performance measures and benchmarks to be incorporated into the neighbourhood plans and used to review the development applications; • existing studies on heritage to respond to Council's resolution on a potential expansion of the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District designation; • existing socio-economic, demographic and housing trends to identify an affordable housing strategy; • existing retail studies and preparing new work where required to address the hierarchy, amount and location of retail uses in Seaton; • the urban design of the submitted neighbourhood plans and development applications at a variety of scales from community to neighbourhood to site; • the Seaton landowners' submitted proposed neighbourhood plans and studies; • existing completed Provincial studies; and • other information available to date and attending meetings respecting the on-going studies. 2.1.4 An introductory Technical Group Meeting was held in December 2009 The Technical Group comprises City staff and external agency representatives involved in reviewing, commenting and approving official plan amendments, draft plans of subdivisions and zoning amendments. The landowners' consultants, and the Province's consultants undertaking the Seaton Implementation Plan (SIP) were also in attendance. The purpose of the meeting was to outline the City's Neighbourhood Planning Review work program and schedule, and seek initial input from the Group. Report PD 07-10 April 6, 2010 Subject: Seaton Updates Page 5 44 As a follow-up to the Technical Group meeting, the heritage consultant on the City's consulting team met with the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee in early March 2010. The purpose was to discuss preliminary observations, and allow an exchange of information on how Heritage Pickering wishes to be involved in the Neighbourhood Planning Review process. 2.1.5 Following public consultation sessions in mid to late April, draft reports will be prepared and presented to the Technical Group and to Council in May Three upcoming public consultation sessions are being organized and scheduled for mid to late April. The topics of the sessions are as follows: • the heritage review of Whitevale Road; • sustainability; and • other findings from the background review, and policy options to implement the background studies. Considering the results of the public consultation, draft reports will be prepared on the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District Extension Review, a Retail Analysis, an Affordable Housing Strategy, a Sustainability Actions Report and a Summary of Consultation. The revised drafts will then be made available and meetings will be held with the Technical Group, the landowners and Council. Subsequently, the reports will be finalized. The original schedule anticipated the background reports to be presented to Council in March. The schedule was aggressive and the consultant's start-up was delayed. The consultants are working ahead on other parts of the work program, particularly the general policy amendments. However, further delays are anticipated. Certain elements of the policy and design work will need to incorporate information arising from other studies which are not yet in available (such as the MESP and the SIP), and final interchange, arterial and collector road locations and NHS crossings will affect detailed neighbourhood design. 2.1.6 First Nations consultation will be occurring through a process led by the Province As part of the Provinces duty to consult with First Nations about activities on its land, the Ontario Realty Corporation (ORC) is organizing the consultation process respecting the potential location of infrastructure within the Natural Heritage System (NHS), protection of significant archaeological sites within the developable areas, and facilitating the First Nations involvement in the on-going planning and development of Seaton, as set out in the CPDP. Report PD 07-10 April 6, 2010 Subject: Seaton Updates Page 6 45 Three on-going and interrelated studies, the Master Environmental Servicing Plan (MESP), the Region's Class Environmental Assessment (EA) and the City's Neighbourhood Planning Review, may result in recommendations for infrastructure within the NHS. This could include roads, water pipes and sanitary sewers and facilities, stormwater management facilities and utilities. In addition, the arrangement of land uses could be instrumental in protecting and commemorating significant sites and lands. ORC is therefore organizing a coordinated approach to consulting with First Nations (and Metis) involving the Region and its consultants undertaking the EA, Sernas Associates undertaking the MESP, and the City and its consultants undertaking the Neighbourhood Planning Review. This coordinated approach will be more efficient and effective than if each study team were to undertake a consultation on its own. 2.2 In the future, the City will need to undertake a Development Charges Study & By-law for Seaton The City's current DC By-law does not include Seaton. Information is required through the Neighbourhood Planning Review before this study can be undertaken. The Seaton landowners have appealed the City's current DC By-law because it does not include a development charge for Seaton. 3.0 Region - Led. Studies 3.1 The Region's Class EA for infrastructure and transit services for Central Pickering is underway, and is expected to take 18 months (to mid 2011) to complete The Region of Durham retained a consulting team, led by GENIVAR Ontario Inc., to undertake the Class EA study for the provision of Regional services, including water, wastewater, transportation, transit and service facility infrastructure to service the lands identified for development in Seaton. The Notice of Study Commencement was given in December 2009, and the first Public Information Forum is anticipated in the spring of 2010. The study area boundary extends beyond the boundary of the CPDP area to identify and accommodate required Regional infrastructure for the Federal lands and future development areas identified by the Region's Growth Plan Implementation Study. Report PD 07-10 April 6, 2010 Subject: Seaton Updates Page 7 46 3.2 In the future, the Region will need to update its Development Charges Study & By-laws to include provisions for Seaton with respect to water, sewer and transit The Region's current DC By-law includes a development charge for the soft services and roads for Seaton, but not for water, sewer or transit. Additional information is required through the EA process before this study can be undertaken. The Seaton landowners have appealed the Region's DC By-laws as they do not completely address Seaton. 3.3 The Region will need to adopt conformity amendments to bring its Official Plan into conformity with the CPDP Part of SGL's work is to prepare a draft Regional Official Plan amendment to implement the CPDP. Durham has been awaiting the outcome of the City's Neighbourhood Planning Review prior to initiating amendments to its Official Plan. In this manner, both the local and Regional amendments could be dealt with as a package. However, the Ministry,of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) recently released a draft decision on.Regional Official Plan Amendment 128, which implements the Provincial Growth Plan. In that draft decision, MMAH staff are proposing some modifications to the amendment to the Regional Plan to implement the CPDP. The_City will take into consideration the content and status of the draft, modifications in deciding whether there is any need for SGL to continue with that element of the work program. 4.0 Provincially - Led Studies 4.1 Although not identified as a required Provincial study under the CPDP, the Province retained in the fall of 2009 a consulting firm led by BDP to undertake a Seaton Implementation Plan (SIP) This recent initiative of the Province is to prepare options and strategies that can be implemented by all stakeholders in order to achieve the Province's vision for Seaton. The Plan will constitute advice to the Province on a number of matters including: energy initiatives such as the use of renewable energy sources; innovative building standards and compact neighbourhood design; and transportation and transit initiatives. A draft SIP report is expected this spring, which will be subsequently circulated to various stakeholders, for review. City staff is part of the Steering Committee led by ORC and the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure (MEI). Report PD 07-10 April 6, 2010 Subject: Seaton Updates Page 8 47 In undertaking the Neighbourhood Planning Review, the City's consulting team will be considering the recommendations of the SIP, as well as any staff or Council comments on that Study. 4.2 The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) recently released a detailed design study for the two Highway 407 interchanges proposed at Sidelines 22 and 26 The CPDP indicates that the interchanges at Sidelines 22 and 26 and the resultant spacing of them must meet applicable design, safety and operational standards. In 2007, the MTO retained the consulting firm of Morrison Hershfield to review the location of the two new interchanges at Sidelines 22 and 26. The consultant's "Highway 407 - Preliminary Functional Planning Study for Two New Interchanges" Final Report, dated December 2009, has been provided to the City, the Region, ORC and the Provincial Ministries of MEI, MMAH, and Natural Resources. The consultant identified three alternative interchange locations and configurations that vary somewhat from the locations shown in the CPDP. The consultant selected a technically preferred alternative that in their evaluation has the least impact on the natural environment and satisfies highway intersection spacing criteria. If this is the Provincial position, the effect would be a westerly shift of the Sideline 22 interchange by about 200 metres and a westerly shift of the Sideline 26 interchange by about 400 metres. City staff as well as other agencies are reviewing the consultant's Report. The precise locations of the interchanges at Sidelines 22 and 26 are critical inputs to moving forward with a number of required studies such as the MESP, the Regional EA, and the City's Neighbourhood Planning Review. 4.3 As required by the CPDP, the Province retained AECOM (previously TSH) in 2006 to undertake the Durham/Toronto/York Area Transportation Plan Study MMAH requested MTO to lead a strategic transportation study to support the development of Seaton and the broader Durham/Toronto/York Study Area. This Study, finalized in September 2009, identified the key transportation investments that are required to address long term regional road and transit network deficiencies. The Study findings and recommendations on transportation and transit infrastructure investments for the area will serve as advice to the Province. A copy of the Study is available on the City's website. City staff was part of the Study Team along with representatives from the Ministries of MEI and MMAH; ORC; Durham Region; York Region; and the City of Toronto. City staff provided comments to MTO generally supportive of the study's "transit-first" strategy for implementing new transit and road infrastructure to support growth in Seaton and the surrounding area. Report PD 07-10 April 6, 2010 Subject: Seaton Updates Page ,9 48 In undertaking the Neighbourhood Planning Review, the City's consulting team will be considering the recommendation of this Study, as well as the staff comments on that Study. 4.4 As a requirement of the CPDP, the MMAH retained the consulting firm of Schollen & Company in 2006 to prepare a Seaton Natural Heritage System Management Plan and Master Trails Plan Study (NHSMP and MTP) The Study, finalized in late October 2008, represents the consultant's advice to the Province on how to restore the natural heritage system in Seaton, create a complete trail network for walking and biking and a program to respect the cultural heritage of Seaton. A full copy of the completed study is available at the City of Pickering Planning & Development counter, and selected extracts are available on the City's website. In June 2009, Pickering Council passed Resolution #178/09 and adopted staff recommendations that the Seaton NHSMP and MTP be supported as a detailed guide to achieve a sustainable Seaton NHS consistent with the objectives of the CPDP, and that the Seaton NHS remain in public ownership and its implementation costs not be borne by existing Pickering taxpayers. Council also requested the Ministers of Municipal Affairs.and Housing and Energy and Infrastructure to expand the range of uses permissible within the NHS to include recreational uses such as parks and playfields in those lands that buffer the key natural heritage features. However, based on recent conversations with Provincial staff, a policy change is not anticipated. In undertaking the Neighbourhood Planning Review, the City's consulting team will be considering the recommendation of this Study, as well as the Council comments on that Study. 4.5 As a requirement of the CPDP, the Ontario Realty Corporation (OCR) retained a consulting team led by Hemson Consulting in 2006 to prepare the Highway 407 (Seaton Lands) Economic Development Study The Study, finalized in April 2007, represents the consultants advice to the Province, as the owners of the Employment Lands, on the following matters and: the types of businesses that will be attracted to the area; marketing and servicing strategies; and a land use concept and phasing plan to maximize the economic value of the lands. A copy of this Report is available on the City's website. One of the recommendations of the Study is that the Province take an active role in marketing the lands in conjunction with the City and Region. During 2009, ORC identified approximately 80 hectares, located between the two interchanges at Sideline 22 and 26.for which ORC will be preparing a plan of subdivision. Report PD 07-10 April 6, 2010 Subject: Seaton Updates Page 10 49 In undertaking the Neighbourhood Planning Review; the City's consulting team will be considering the recommendation of this Study, as well as the staff comments on that Study. 4.6 Although not a requirement of the CPDP, the Province retained a consulting team led by Morrison Environmental to undertake a Wetlands Water Balance Evaluation This Study, finalized in March 2008, monitored eight representative wetlands over a three-year period, and resulted in a model for managing wetlands elsewhere in Seaton. This technical Report is input to the MESP. A copy of the Executive Summary is on the City's website. 5.0 Landowner - Led Studies 5.1 As a required study under the CPDP, the landowners retained a consulting team led by Sernas Associates in 2007 to undertake a Master _ Environmental Servicing Plan (MESP) The MESP will address a number of matters of City interest that are interrelated with Neighbourhood Planning. These matters include: local road locations, cross sections, and crossings of the NHS; the stormwater management system including facilities; major community facilities and municipal services; major utility locations; and phasing recommendations for infrastructure. During 2009, a significant amount of field work was undertaken to complete additional groundwater and wetland monitoring, to augment the information from the Provincial Wetland Water Balance Evaluation. In addition, the scope of the MESP work was expanded to include collection of baseline environmental conditions for the expanded study area of the Regional EA. During 2010, several meetings have taken place between the Sernas-led consulting team, City staff, consultants for the City's Neighbourhood Planning Review, the Regional EA staff and consultants, the Provincial SIP consultants, other agencies and service providers on a number of issues related to the MESP. Information was exchanged on the approach to stormwater management, the location and size of major community facilities including schools, and detailed road locations and crossings of the NHS. Discussions continue. To assist Sernas in completing the MESP, an Oversight Committee was established, consisting of various stakeholders including City staff to provide input on the results of the analyses at key milestones. Two Oversight Committee meetings have been held to date. A third meeting scheduled for early April 2010 to discuss the work done to date, and seek consensus on information being presented at the next the Public Information Centre (PIC). Sernas anticipates scheduling the PIC later this spring and subsequently releasing the draft MESP for comment over the summer. Report PD 07-10 April 6, 2010 Subject: Seaton Updates Page 11 In addition, the City is continuing to pursue landowner funding to cover the cost of the technical assistance to review the MESP, specifically the stormwater maragement and municipal infrastructure components. It should be noted that preliminary information is suggesting an extensive stormwater management system, including over 70 stormwater facilities as.well as a number of mitigation measures to maintain water balance and/or drainage to natural features, and to reduce in-stream erosion potential. 5.2 The landowners have retained IBI to undertake Fiscal Impact Analyses of the development of Seaton on both the Region and the City Although both these studies commenced in 2005, work has been concentrated at the Regional level, developing and refining assumptions to be used in the fiscal impact model. Little work has taken place at the local level. The results of the Neighbourhood Planning Review will be a critical input to the modeling for the City. The City has Watson Associates assisting us on the review of IBI's work. 6.0 Next Steps Staff will continue to update Council on the Neighbourhood Planning Review, and other related Seaton implementation studies on a regular basis. Report PD 07-10 April 6, 2010 Subject: Seaton Updates Page 12 51 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: J Grant McGregor, MCI , RPP Neil Carr P, RPP Principal Planner - Policy Director, P anning & Development 611 AX, R Catherine Rose, MCiP, RPP Thomas E. M lym , P-,R- PP Manager, Policy Director, Office of Sustainability GM:CR:Id Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Director, Operations & Emergency Services Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ci Co cil zI ! ) as J. Qu' , RD MA, CMM III Chief Administrative Officer I k