HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 05-02 (Revised) Cw¡ c~ REPORT TO COUNCIL (AS REVISED AT THE PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 13,2002 AND THE COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 21, 2002) - FROM: Thomas J. Quinn ChiefAŒmmffiITffiweOffic~ DATE: May 3, 2002 REPORT NUMBER: CAO 05-02(Revised) SUBJECT: Pickering Growth Management Study RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Council receive for informatio~ Report to Council CAO 05-02 concerning a growth management study. , That Council authorize the establishment of a worlàng group made up of council, staff and landowner representatives to draft detailed tenus of reference for the growth management study, and that Council appoint the following members of Council to sit on this worlàng group: 2. [Council to aoooint members to sit on workin2 2roup1 3. That the working group use the ground rules and elements of the growth management study as set out in this Report as the basis for preparing the detailed tenus of reference for the study, and that the worlàng group complete and forWard these tenus of reference to Council for consideration in June 2002. - 4. That a copy of this Report be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Region of Durham, and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for information. ORIGIN: On February 4, 2002, Council passed Resolution #29/02, directing that a report be prepared on the elements of a "Growth Management Study" which would provide the basis for an Official Plan Review of all lands in the City of Pickering as set out in the Toronto Region Conservation Authority Resolution #A228/0l, from the Seaton Lands ill. the east to the YorklDurham Town Line ill. the west, within the northern boundary of Highway 7 and the southern boundary of the C.P. Belleville Rail line. AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, RS.O. 1990, chapter P.l - FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The City's 2002 Budget includes $50,000 for consulting and professional services related to the East Duffins Area and the Seaton Structure Plan. However, the budget does not include sufficient monies to undertake a Growth Management Study as called for by Council Resolution #29/02. The cost of such a study is estimated to be in the order of $400,000 to $500,000. Staff therefore recommends that Council seek funding support fÌ'om the affected landowners in order to proceed with this study. REPORT NUMBER CAO 05-02 (Revised) May 3,2002 Subject: Growth Management Study Page 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: - In response to Council Resolution #29/02, staff has provided information in this Report on the key elements of a growth management study. In addition, staff has also recommended a number of ground rules for undertaking the study in order to ensure that the study is completed in a professional, timely and cost-effective manner for the City. Should Council agree to proceed, detailed terms of reference would then be prepared for Council's consideration in June. Following Council's approval of the terms of reference, staff would then issue a Request for Proposal for the hiring of a qualified consulting team that has the experience and capability to undertake the growth management study. The study could then commence in September or October of this year, and be completed within apprmàmately eight months. BACKGROUND: On February 4, 2002, Council passed Resolution #29/02, which directed that a report be prepared on the elements of a Growth Management Stl1;dy, in order to provide the basis for an official plan review. The study area was described as all lands set out in Resolution #A228/01 ofthe Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) as defined by the northern boundary of Highway 7 and the southern boundary as C.P. Belleville Rai1line. Council also, requested that the review include consideration of any existing studies conducted either for the City, Region or Province, and that the review form the basis for how Pickering will manage future growth pressures. A copy of Council Resolution #29/02 is attached as Attachment No.1, while the study area boundary is shown in Attachment No.2. ' - This Report makes recommendations for Council's consideration on the ground-rules and key elements of a Growth Management Study, as well as the next steps in the process should Council agree to proceed on this basis. Ground Rules for Undertakine: the Growth Manae:ement Study Staff propose that the following six ground rules be established for the growth management study. GROUND RULES FOR THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT STUDY 1. The study terms of reference would be approved by Council, and prepared by a working group comprising council members, City and external agency staff (e.g. Durham Region and TRCA), and landowner representatives.' , , 2. The study would be completed by an independent, qualified consulting team selected by Council through a Request for Proposal' process, with the input of external agency staff (e.g. Durham Region and TRCA) and affected landowners. - 3. The study area boundary would be as set out in Council Resolution #29/02 (see Attachment No.2 to this Report). 4. The study would recognize the City's present official plan targets for Seaton (i.e. 90,000 people and 45,000 jobs). 5. The study would recognize the present Official Plan designations west of Duffins Creek as agricultural and agricultural easements, and east of Duffins Creek as a special study area. Cont'd. . . REPORT NUMBER CAD 05-02 (Revised) May 3, 2002 Subject: Growth Management Study Page 3 GROUND RULES FOR THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT STUDY (cont'd) - 5. The study findings and recommendations would be based on up-to-date data and information, including work being completed by the TRCA, University of Toronto and others. 6. The study would be completed within approximately eight months of commencement (i.e: mid 2003). Key Elements of the Growth Manae:ement Study Staff propose that the growth management study referenced in CoWlcil Resolution #29/02 include the following key elements: 1. Overall Structure Plan ' 2. Detailed Neighbourhood Plans 3. Community Outreach Program Each element is described in more detail below. - Overall Structure Plan The Structure Plan would be a "plan" for all the lands within the study area (both urban and non-urban) illustrating and/or describing a number of matters, including: . The boWldary between urban / non-urban lands Primary land use designations The open space network , The transportation system, including major roads and transit ways, including possible interchanges with Highway 407 An overall servicing and phasing strategy' Neighbourhood boWldaries General strategies for housing, eJ;1vironmental protection, econonùc development, community / recreational facilities, inftastructure, cultural heritage, etc. . . . . . . It is also expected that a series of background studies and/or issues papers would be prepared in support of the Structure Plan, such as studies and/or papers on transportation, transit, environment, cultural heritage, housing, employment, servicing, agricultural viability, financial impact and other relevant issues. - REPORT NUMBER CAO 05-02 (Revised) May 3, 2002 Subject: Growth Management Study Page 4 Detailed Neighbourhood Plans .-. Neighbourhood Plans would be prepared for those neighbourhoods identified in the Structure Plan that are intended to be developed in the early phases of the project. Each Neighbourhood Plan would illustrate and/or describe: . The neighbourhood boundary , . Neighbourhood population and employment targets . The general location of community facilities including schools, parks, libraries, community centres, places of worship, and storm water ponds . The location of public roads, walkways, trails, etc. . Guidelines, for specific areas where more detailed design and/or development objectives are required Community Outreach Program A community outreach program, including public meetings, would be required to convey and obtain information and comments ftom members of the community on an on-going basis during the study. An outreach program would be needed during the preparation of the Overall Structure Plan as well as the preparation of the Detailed Neighbourhood Plans. - Next Steos in the Process Should Council agree to proceed with the Growth Management Study as described in this Report, the next steps in the process would be as follows. -,... - _..,-,"':"::XZ~~:]=I=~~j:~R::;ít~ ,~~~~~ ~{li:~~'Jt.llhllM]~:' 1. Council! staff ¡landowner working group to prepare Terms of Reference for May / June 2002 the study and the community outreach program, for Council's consideration. 2. Council to approve Terms of Reference and authorize staff to approach affected landowners to detennine interest in funding study. June 2002 3. Staff to issue "Request for Proposal" to qualified consulting teams capable July 2002 of undertaking study. 4. Consulting teams to submit proposals to City for evaluation. The evaluation August 2002 process would involve a "study steering committee" made up of Council, staff and landowner representatives to review the proposals and make a recommendation to Council. - 5. Council to consider study steering committee recommendation and select September 2002 consulting team. 6. Consulting team to commence study (subject to fumling availability) September ! October 2002 7. Consulting team to complete study and present fmdings and conclusions to May I June 2003 Council 8. Council to authorize staff to initiate appropriate official plan and zoning May I June 2003 amendments as may be required REPORT NUMBER CAO 05-02 (Revised) May 3,2002 Subject: Growth Management Study Page 5 ATTACHMENTS: - 1. City of Pickering Council Resolution #29/02 2. Study Area Boundary as per Council Resolution #29/02 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed by: ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Neil Carroll, MCIP, RPP Director, Planning & Development Thomas J. Quinn Chief Adn1inistrative Officer ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Thomas E. Melymuk, MCIP, RPP Division Head, .corporate Projects & Policy TM Attachments Copy: Director, Operations & Emergency Services Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Solicitor for the City Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Thomas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer - Attachment No.1 to Report to Council CAO 05-02 City of Pickering Council Resolution #29/02 - , Excerpt from Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 4,2002 7:30p.m. Resolution #29/02 Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor Ryan WHEREAS the Toronto Region Conservation Authority has requested that the "City of Pickering conduct a review of the Official Plan for the north area of Pickering from the Seaton Lands in the ' east to the YorkJDurham Town Line in the west"; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Director of Planning and Development be directed to report at the March 18th Planning Committee Meeting the elements ofa "Growth Management Study" which would provide the basis for an Official Plan Review of all lands as set out in the Toronto Region Conservation Authority Resolution and that said lands ~ defined within the northern boundary of Highway 7 and the southern boundary as C. P. Belleville Rail line; and - THAT such review include consideration of any existing studies conducted either for the City (Town), Region or Province, e.g., Environmental Study conducted by Dr. N. Eyles in 1997; and THAT such review will form the basis for how Pickering will manage future growth pressures. CARRIED Recorded Vote: Yes: Councillors Brenner, Holland, Johnson, McLean, Pickles, Ryan and Mayor Arthurs - Attachment No.2 to Report to Council CAO 05-02 Study Area Boundary as per Council Resolution #29/02 ~~.'. ~ ~ , ¡, i .. -""'þ-",...8i r:" ;, t,{..,~" ..,"-, --""',','"',,,.'~T-,,";' "" ' .., Co'"i¡"'-o, , ' '" '<" ',: , '; ..' : ;,- - i , .. I ! 'I '- ;'1 "'-;',..- 11.' II .' t ,. ¡, I"', ; I .~ \ ì" .. ,.. ,I. ~ h . , ¿ ,~~Ll:_. :\,' I " : /1:/)-1 , ; ¡' i vi;..' "" /) I" , /, ,07 ..~- :,J.. - - -7'~;¡;l:#r~1;:p:::;r.- -- -'I , - ¡,."" \.~,' ':~ j.",,;"',/; \_J,,::/f"i, . ~ '1 .. '1 ¡rj "1.'!<~t;.,,- ,- '"'if.,. "fT \, :. - 110- -- ." III .. 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