HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 23, 2010 City 0~ Minutes Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee i i February 23, 2010 PICKERING 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Rhonda Lawson, Vice Chair Keith Falconer Susan Gardner Joanne Glasser Wickham Jamadar Rey Moreno Peter Rodrigues Isa James, Planner II Linda Roberts, (Recording Secretary) Absent: Councillor Johnson Terence Arvisais Mike Cassidy Margaret Woods Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items f Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome ' RL R. Lawson welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced our new member, Rey Moreno. She thanked all members who participated in the display booth at the Heritage event which was held at the Pickering Town Centre on February 20tH 2A Approval of Minutes All Moved.by K. Falconer Seconded by J. Glasser That the minutes of the January 19, 2010 meeting be approved as amended; Item 6.2) "response from "MTO" CARRIED 3.0 New and Unfinished Business All _ 3.1 Review of 2009 Work plan R. Lawson reviewed the current 2009 workplan and noted the need to be realistic with respect to our commitments for 2010. Page 1 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Discussion ensued with respect to the ongoing item of the Whitevale extension. R. Lawson noted there was not a lot of value in pursuing Dunbarton Heritage Conservation District for the register due to the low number of potential properties and I. James to action their proximity to each other. I. James noted that research had been done in this area and would speak to the Planner involved before making a decision on this item. It was the general consensus of the committee to continue with the guest speakers at meetings, which would include all levels of government. Discussion ensued with respect to the entering of information in to the City's Amanda system. It was noted that all the heritage properties are currently flagged in the system. Reference was made to the system currently in place in Markham, and I. I. James to action James noted she would contact Regan at the Town of Markham to obtain further information. 3.2) 2010 Work plan R. Lawson noted that with this being an election year, our final meeting would be held in September, 2010, so the focus should be on what we feel can be accomplished in the next 6 months. The following items were discussed: • Order of importance of items • Maintain the existing three categories from the 2009 designation, communications and infrastructure • Add an education component • Prioritize properties for designation • Top priority should be given to pursuing 2 properties for designation in the next 6 months. • Ask consultant to assist in writing proposal for designations to present to Council • Address communications and education for 2010 • Committee to participate in events throughout the year as opportunities arise • Put together a "New Member Package" - R. Lawson had a good sample provided by Whitby LACAC. R. Lawson and I. James to prepare R. Lawson/I. James to • Continue to bring in guest speakers action • Fundraising initiatives - check on policies respecting this • Marketing strategies • Utilize the News Advertiser for promotion of Heritage Pickering through posting pictures of heritage homes - check on City policy with respect to this Page 2 Item / Details & Discussion &Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate). R. Lawson noted that the Committee has already committed to the following two items; Doors open event School presentations 3.3) 2010 Budget -R. Lawson provided a verbal update on the 2010 proposed budget for Heritage Pickering which will be going forward on March 4th with final approval of the budget on March 29tH The need to plan trips when researching properties was discussed in order to enable all members to be reimbursed for mileage. 3.4) Hamlet Research Updates i) Land Registry Usage Discussion ensued with respect to the cost of researching properties at the Registry office. R. Lawson noted the fee is $8.00 per search and also referred to her email of January 29th where she indicated a contact at the Registry office of Debra Neil. She noted a number of searches had already been done on 407 and Highway 7 properties, so be sure to check with them first as this could save time and money. ii) Template Review J. Glasser circulated the draft template she had created for members to use when researching and identifying properties for the register. Any comments or suggestions can be forwarded to her and she will finalize the document and forward out to members. iii) Criteria W. Jamadar had provided the committee electronically with information relating to the criteria for considering properties for the register. The following points were discussed; • Need to find a way to evaluate homes in a fair and equitable manner. • The use of a point system for evaluation • Municipal system is more detailed than the Province It was questioned whether a City policy exists with respect to W. Jamadar to action this process. It was also suggested that the Committee look 1. James to action Page 3 Item t Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action. Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) _ (include deadline as appropriate) I into the practices of other municipalities to better understand their processes, possibly alleviating the creation of forms that may already exist. 4.0 Correspondence Ali 4.1 Ontario Heritage Trust The current issue of Heritage Matters was received for information. 4.2 New Duffin Heights Development Guidelines The compendium document for the New Duffin Heights Development Guidelines was received for information. 5,0 Other Business 5.1) R. Lawson questioned whether there was listing of L. Roberts to action cemeteries. 5.2) Whitevale Heritage District extension R. Lawson noted she had been in contact with Carl Bray, of Bray Heritage, part of the planning firm Sorensen, Gravely Lowes, retained by the City to undertake the assessment regarding the potential expansion of the Whitevale Heritage District. She noted their intent to book a meeting with respect to expansion of the existing boundary. She informed the Committee that she would forward an email to members seeking their availability for Tuesday, March 2"d. Plans are to meet with members of Heritage Pickering prior to moving ahead with a public workshop. 5.3) ChairNice-Chair R. Lawson noted that due to the resignation of J. Simpson, we would need to have an election for the position of Chair. This item will be placed on the March agenda. 5.4) Roger's Farm R. Lawson provided an update with respect to the current condition of Roger's Farm. Unfortunately the structure has been deteriorating over the past few months resulting in the internal ceiling and second storey of the main home being severely damaged by water/frozen pipes. Page 4 1#em / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 5.5) 407/Highway 7 Update R. Lawson provided an update with respect to the above. She indicated there have been no further updates with respect to the 407 and Highway 7 properties in response to the correspondence from last summer. 5.6) Demolition of 4375 Durham Town line R.. Lawson provided an update with respect to the demolition of 4375 Durham Town line. Correspondence was received by the City with respect to the demolition of this property. She noted the building is beyond repair and has become a safety issue as it is structurally damaged. 6.0 Adjournment/Next Meeting All Moved by K. Falconer Seconded by S. Gardner That the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 8:53 pm Next Meeting: March 23, 2010 Copy: City Clerk Page 5