HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 20, 2010 City 00 Minutes / Meeting Summary Accessibility Advisory Committee i Wednesday, January 20, 2010 PI CKERI 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Stephen Little, Co-Chair Councillor Littley Terence Arvisais Keith Falconer Gwelda MacDonald-Tuttle Susan Wilkinson Prem Noronha-Waldriff Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Alton Atkinson Aisha Natifa-Heywood It-em/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome SL S. Little welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced new member S. Wilkinson. It was also noted that two additional new members had been appointed at the January 18th meeting of Council. 2. Election of Chair All Moved by G. MacDonald-Tuttle Seconded by T. Arvisais That K. Falconer be nominated for the posisiton of Chair of the Accessibility Advisory Committee. K. Falconer accepted the nomination and the decision was CARRIED It was requested that the new members be provided with orientation packages. 3. Adoption of Minutes - November 25, 2009 All Discussion ensued with respect to the accessibility motion. Moved by G. MacDonald-Tuttle Seconded by T. Arvisais Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 That the Notice of Motion regarding accessibility be referred to T. Moore for a summary report to be brought back to the Accessibility Advisory Committee. CARRIED Moved by S. Little Seconded by T. Arvisais That the Minutes of the November 25, 2009 meeting be adopted. CARRIED 4. 201O W&k `lan` The Committee reviewed the draft work plan created by G. MacDonald-Tuttle. Various suggestions were provided by Committee members. The need to be realistic about what could be accomplished was noted. Copies of the workplan and 2009 annual report were passed around to members. Discussion ensued with regards to the workplan and various members were assigned to the tasks. G. MacDonald-Tuttle will make the revisions to the workplan and annual report and will G. MacDonald-Tuttle forward. onto L. Harker and P.. Noronha-Waldriff to finalize at to action which time it will be sent out to the members as well. It was recommended that possibly 3 items be chosen to highlight in a formal presentation to Council Further discussion took place with respect to press releases. It P. Noronha-Waldriff to was suggested the new members provide a brief biography to action use in the press release to announce the new members and also to announce the new Chair of the AAC. The biographies can be forwarded to P. Noronha-Waldriff to coordinate. It was also suggested that photos of the members be taken at the next meeting. K. Falconer thanked G. MacDonald-Tuttle for her efforts on re arin the work Ian and annual report. 5.` Annual Acddssibilit ,Event All Discussion ensued with respect to the annual accessibility event with. the following suggestions being made; • Focus on holding event in conjunction with the Durham Accessibility Expo in June • Prepare to have a booth • Volunteers required to assist with the booth Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 • Set up additional meetings to plan event - next meeting for this to be February 3rd. P.Noronha-Waldriff will forward confirmation • S. Wilkinson volunteered. to take on this project • Important to check on any conflicting events that may also be happening around that time • Request for proclamation. It was suggested we request Council endorse "Pickering Access Awareness Week" to coincide with Durham Accessibility Expo in June • Have a display set up in the main lobby at the Civic Complex • Invite other organizations to participate 6. Site Plan Review • S. Little provided an overview of his comments with respect to the VIVA Retirement Home application. It was noted that this application had already been approved by Council. • Issues regarding the community garden and seniors crossing were noted which will be provided as comments during the site plan approval process • Discussion ensued regarding the plans for the Apostolic Pentecostal Church of Pickering as well as two additional plans. S. Little will be forwarding comments on these as well. 7. Other Business & Adjournment • Correspondence was received regarding the Civic Awards nominations. Deadline for submissions is February 11, 2010 P.W. to action • Suggestions were discussed for the nominations in various categories and P.Noronha-Waldriff will prepare the submission packages • Any further suggestions should be forwarded to P.Noronha-Waldriff. • It was suggested that Gord Ferguson and Simon Almond be invited to attend a Committee meeting to review the emergency management plant • Correspondence from the City of Pickering regarding the City of Pickering's Cultural Strategic Plan was received for information. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Littley Seconded by T. Arvisais That the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 M8!. iNextWeetin _ All • The next meeting has been scheduled for February 24, 2010 Meeting Adjourned: 9:20 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 4 CORP0228-2/02