HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 15, 2009 Ci;-" vMinutes / Meeting Summary -i Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Thursday, October 15, 2009 PI KE I 7:00 pm Pickering Civic Complex, Tower Meeting Room Attendees: Laura Drake, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rose Cowan, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Pat Dunnill, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rhonda Lawson, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Paul Savel, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Bill Weston, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Suzanne Primrose, Pickering, Museum Village Advisory Committee Absent: Bill McLean, Regional Councillor -Ward 2 Bill Utton, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Alan Espenlaub, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Stephanie Wilson, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Staff Stephen Reynolds, Division Head, Culture & Recreation Present: Marisa Carpino, Supervisor, Culture & Recreation Katrina Pyke, Coordinator, Museum Operations Mandy Smiles, (Acting) Volunteer & Program Coordinator Leigh Gardner, Administrative Assistant I (Recording Secretary) Item 1 " Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome and Introductions Laura welcomed attendees. Thanked everyone for their involvement in the Fall Family Festival Steve Reynolds congratulated Katrina Pyke on permanent full time status as the Coordinator, Museum Operations Laura advised she has written letters to MPP's and City Clerk regarding the HST Regrets sent by Alan Espenlaub and Bill Utton. Rose asked Katrina to send get that a card be sent to Alan as he had been in the hospital well card to Alan on behalf of the Museum Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 i 2. Approval of Agenda and Minutes Motion: Moved by Paul Savel Seconded by Rose Cowan That the agenda of October 15, 2009 be approved CARRIED Amendments to be made to the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Duties & Responsibilities to reflect Katrina Pyke's new position title of "Coordinator, Museum Operations" not "Education & Collections Officer". Also, under the Collections Committee heading add "Will be responsible for reviewing and making recommendations regarding development, management and care of the collections". Pat Dunnill referred proposed changes to the "Foundation/Advisory Committee Interrelationship" document to the Foundation but hasn't had time to discuss yet. Steve advised that direct full-time staff supervision was not required for museum volunteers performing duties for off site events. Motion Moved by Paul. Save[ Seconded by Rhonda Lawson That the minutes of August 13, 2009 be approved CARRIED 3. Updates PMV Foundation Thanked everyone for their involvement in the Fall Family Festival. Attendance a little low due to weather, but still good turn out. Good fundraiser, similar dollars to last year. Thanked the Savel's and Alan and wife for their work on the event • Hotel is mostly complete, the Foundation is very happy • Stoves have arrived • Wedding dress went for $400 Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Building Canada Fund • Building Canada Fund approved in February 2009 for Restoration of Hotel & various building and site upgrades • Hotel restoration under projected dollars • Will use remaining funds for deficiencies & other upgrades • Log Barn - contractor has not completed • New porch - Redman House - wonderful, much safer, some clean up remaining • Work on admin building - everything has been put back and are now painting • Looking at accessibility at admin building for parents with strollers and for wheelchairs. Tony has not priced yet. Cosburn has completed a design 0 Lighting upgrades planned up to Collins House. Foundation for both drive sheds completed. Roof on saw mill started • All restoration and upgrades will be completed by March 2011 • Total approved cost is $885,000. Funding from federal government ($295,000), provincial government ($295,000), Pickering Museum Village Foundation ($180,000) and City ($115,000) • Laura Drake mentioned barn boards need to be sourced • Pat Dunnill - discussed opportunity to apply for a Cultural Spaces Canada Grant. Meet most of the requirements, need to show buildings used for arts and heritage displays. Grant gives 50%, deadline is open but work has to be completed by March 2011. Foundation may be able to come up with $100,000. Oddfellows Hall - opportunity to turn building 90 degrees. Need quotes from Tony Prevedel to see total dollar figure first 4. Committee Reports Capital Projects, • Rhonda updated members on work plan • Working document being worked on to move forward with all capital projects • Laura advised that CAO mentioned that the Foundation and Advisory Committee must be separate Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 Collections • Paul handed out drafts of various collections policies Marisa to check on which have been worked on $38,000 operating • Katrina Pyke and Marisa Carpino met with Lisa grant and if we have Harker regarding the 4 collections policies received it yet • Paul has other policies to work on but will hold off until he has further direction from the city Steve to follow up with • Katrina mentioned woodwrights built beautiful hutches Director, Clerk, and to display merchandise in gift shop, extended wall for CAO on approving as storage of library collection (shelves to be purchased) policies • Mandy and Katrina discussed software project, Members to review applying for Museum and Technology Fund grant 50% match. Allows digitization of collections, policies and provide narrated not just pictures and text. Will also allow for comments and obtaining tech. equipment. feedback Special Events • Mandy reviewed handouts to members on 2009 events and education programs • Outreach included Easter Parade, Purple Woods, Whitevale Festival, Heritage Days, Seniors Snow Shovelling Program, CNE and Oshawa Heritage Festival • Good year for volunteers with 50 new volunteers this summer Rose mentioned that dancers can use space at St. Paul's on the Hill Laura mentioned that Stephanie Wilson is a new committee member 5. Budget Rose Cowan made a declaration of interest with respect to 2010 Budget. Rose is apart time Museum Education Instructor. Rose did not take part in the discussion or vote on the proposed 2010 Budget. Proposed 2010 Capital Budget was reviewed by Committee Members. Motion: Moved by Bill Weston Seconded by Suzanne Primrose That the 2009 Proposed Museum Capital Budget be approved as presented CARRIED Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 Proposed 2010 Current Budget was reviewed by Committee Members. Motion: Moved by Rhonda Lawson Seconded by Bill Weston That the 2009 Proposed Museum Current Budget be approved as presented CARRIED 6. ,New Business Vice-Chair • Rhonda Lawson will be acting chair while Laura is on vacation Ad-Hoc Policy Committee • Nothing was discussed on Ad Hoc Policy Committee 2011 Bicentennial • Bicentennial celebration will be happening • Will be getting clarification from the CAO on next steps • No need to create new events Cultural Planning Document • Cultural plan RFP has gone out for community consultation phase. It has not closed yet. Would like to proceed with community consultations this fall. Durham Theatre Festival • Backwoods want to participate • Laura would like to write a letter of support for. them Volunteer Appreciation Night • Will take place April 20, 2010 in Council Chambers 7. Adjournment' Thursday, February 11, 2010 Pickering Civic Complex, Tower Meeting Room - 7 m Meeting Adjourned: 9:05 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 5 CORP0228-2/02