HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 11, 2010 Ct o Executive Committee Meeting Agenda loll Monday, January 11, 2010 PICKERING ' Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Johnson (1) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION PAGES 1. (Acting) Chief Administrative Officer, Report OS 01-10 1-7 Sustainable Pickering =2009 Update and 2010 Work Program RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report OS 01-10 of the (Acting) Chief Administrative Officer providing an update on the 2009 Sustainable Pickering initiative and 2010 work program be received; and 2. That Council authorize staff and the Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee (SPAC) to continue to work on the City's Sustainable Pickering initiative in 2010 with the continued assistance of Durham Sustain Ability as outlined in this report. 2. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 01-10 8-22 City of Pickering Bicentennial -Proposed Bicentennial Program RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report OES 01-10 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the proposed City of Pickering Bicentennial Program be received; 2. That Council endorse the proposed Pickering Bicentennial Program outlined in Appendix A (attached); 3. That City staff be authorized to coordinate the proposed Pickering Bicentennial Program; and 4. That City staff be authorized to seek eligible grant funding and sponsorships to offset costs for the enhanced and new Bicentennial events. Accessible i For information related to accessibility requirements please contact PICKER N G Linda Roberts Phone: 905.420.4660 extension 2928 TTY: 905.420.1739 Email: Irobertse.citvofpickerina.com Caq o0 Executive Committee Meeting Agenda r a t 0 Monday, January 11, 2010 PI KERING Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Johnson 3. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 01-10 23-28 2010 Interim Levy and Interim Tax Instalment Due Dates RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report CS 01-10 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That an interim levy be adopted for 2010 for all of the realty property classes; 3. That the interim levy tax instalment due dates be February 26 and April 28, 2010; 4. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to make any changes. or undertake any actions necessary, including altering due dates, in order to ensure the tax billing process is completed; 5. That the attached draft by-law, providing for the imposition of the taxes, be enacted; and, 6. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto (II) OTHER BUSINESS (III) ADJOURNMENT J o~ Report To Executive Committee ;1C_ K E R I Report Number: OS 01-10 Date: January 11, 2010 From: Thomas Melymuk (Acting) Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Sustainable Pickering 2009 Update and 2010 Work Program File: D-1000-003 Recommendation: 1. That Council receive Report OS 01-10 providing an update on the 2009 Sustainable Pickering initiative and 2010 work program. 2. That Council authorize staff and the Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee (SPAC) to continue to work on the City's Sustainable Pickering initiative in 2010 with the continued assistance of Durham Sustain Ability as outlined in this Report. Executive Summary: This Report provides an update on the work undertaken in 2009 on the City's Sustainable Pickering program and outlines the 2010 work plan for this initiative. It also requests Council's approval to continue to use the consulting services of Durham Sustain Ability (DSA) to assist in delivering the Sustainable Pickering program in 2010. Financial Implications: Total funding required for the 2010 Sustainable Pickering program for consulting support is projected at this time to be approximately $70,000. Of this total, $20,000 is anticipated to be.raised through a Sustainable Pickering community contribution program. The remaining funds ($50,000) will be included in the 2010 budget for Council's consideration. There will also be a small carry-over of funds from 2009 to 2010 (approximately $5,000) to complete certain tasks associated with the 2009 Sustainable Pickering work program. As well, $5,000 will again be included in the 2010 conference budget for Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee members. The total requested funding is the same as what has been approved by Council in previous years. Sustainability Implications: Sustainable Pickering is the overall corporate program that coordinates, leads and measures the City's sustainability journey. The program involves and affects all municipal departments and engages numerous outside groups, businesses, organizations and individuals. I t Report OS 01-10 January 11, 2009 Subject: Sustainable Pickering Update and Work Program Page 2 0 Because of this program, the City has gained a solid reputation. as a municipal leader in sustainability both in Ontario and across Canada. Significant progress was made in 2009 in our Sustainable Pickering journey. As outlined in this Report, further progress will be made in 2010 as the City continues moving forward on a number of fronts, including the completion of the Measuring Sustainability Report, update to the Partners for Climate Protection plan, development of a Sustainable Pickering corporate policy and procedures, and amendment of the Vehicle Idling By-law. Background: Since its inception, Sustainable Pickering has evolved to become an important focus and identifier for the City of Pickering. Throughout 2009, the Sustainable Pickering program has continued to evolve and a unique brand has been created, exemplified by the development of a new Sustainable Pickering logo. On June 13, 2009 the City hosted a very successful 4th Annual Sustainable Pickering Day event at the Pickering Town Centre shopping mall. The event was an opportunity for the City, community partners and program sponsors to interact with members of the community and to promote a number of programs and initiatives. At that event, the City also launched a new, innovative and accessible website at sustainablepickering.com. The new website has proven to be an excellent educative and interactive resource for the community. It was designed to encourage all people in the community to get involved in making Pickering a better place to live, work and enjoy. The response to the new website that has been received to date has been very positive. Based on website analysis using Google Analytics, we are seeing a monthly average of 1600 visitors to the site from within Pickering, Canada and internationally. In 2009, the City also launched the Sustainable Pickering Challenge. The Challenge is multi-year, community-wide program that is intended to help transform Pickering from a suburban community to a sustainable city. Through the Challenge we hope to inspire residents to live more sustainable lifestyles, motivate youth and schools to take positive action, influence developers to build more sustainable communities, and encourage businesses to adopt sustainable corporate practices. Integrating non-traditional promotional mediums have also assisted the City in attracting participation and interest in the Sustainable Pickering program. The new Sustainable Pickering YouTube and flickr sites are a.means to communicate the actions of our residents, youth and community groups. From sustainablepickering.com visitors can also link to flickr to view event photographs and YouTube to see the City's sustainability videos. Work also began in 2009 on Pickering's first "Measuring Sustainability Progress Report." This online document will be completed in the spring of 2010. It will report on and analyze baseline data on a number of the sustainability indicators identified through the City's earlier Benchmarking Study. Work in 2009 was also initiated on a community sustainability survey that will be undertaken in 2010. Report OS 01-10 January 11, 2009 Subject: Sustainable Pickering Update and Work Program Page 3 03 By understanding where we are today, the City will be in a better position to determine where it wants to be in the future. Our first Measuring Sustainability Progress Report will be followed-, up in 2010 with the establishment of targets (short and long term) for our various Sustainable Pickering indicators. Progress toward these targets will be measured in subsequent years. On-going progress has also been made in 2009 to promote the Sustainable Pickering program through various means, including displays, advertisements, email postcard blasts, articles and a "call-to-action" card. Existing partnerships were enhanced and new partnerships fostered with groups, organizations and businesses that are aligned with our Sustainable Pickering program. In 2009, a Sustainable Pickering training presentation was also developed and given to all new City staff, including part-time hires. , The Office of Sustainability continues to coordinate and be involved in numerous sustainability events. In 2009, the Office: • coordinated the City's involvement and community participation in Earth Hour (March 28) and organized an Earth Hour photo contest • assisted with Energy Conservation Week (May 17-23), Pollution Probe's Clean Air Commute (June 22-26) and the GTA Smog Summit (June 3) • helped facilitate naturalization projects involving local businesses • coordinated the first annual Environmental Leadership Forum on behalf of Environmental Stewardship Pickering Sustainable Pickering community contribution packages were also developed in 2009 and forwarded to a number of local businesses. Contributions that are received will be used in 2010 and future years to enhance the Sustainable Pickering program and help ensure the City remains a municipal leader in sustainability. Initial research was done in 2009 on the concept of "Sustainable Placemaking" and a set of ten principles were developed (see Attachment No. 1). Further work.in developing and applying this concept will be done in 2010. Pickering's "lead by example" approach to sustainability requires that our municipal and corporate by-laws, policies and procedures are consistent with our sustainability goals. Accordingly, a staff review team will be established in 2010 to prepare Sustainable Pickering corporate policies and procedures. In addition, the City's "Idling of Vehicles By-law" will be reviewed and updated in 2010. Pickering's commitment to energy conservation and meeting our greenhouse gas reduction targets continue to be a priority. In 2009, staff initiated a review of the City's corporate and community energy use and related greenhouse gas emissions. Results will be compared against the targets established by the City through our Partners for Climate Protection program. A report on the results of this review will be completed for Council's consideration in early 2010. Report OS 01-10 January 11, 2009 Subject: Sustainable Pickering Update and Work Program Page 4 2010 Sustainable Pickering Work Plan The proposed 2010 work plan has been designed to take the City to the next level on our Sustainable Pickering journey and enhance the City's position as a recognized leader in municipal sustainability. Work will focus on the following important initiatives in 2010: 1. Completion of the Measuring Sustainability Progress Report Once this online living website document is completed and promoted the following tasks will be undertaken: • refinement of indicators that could not be measured in 2009 • finalization and initiation of a community sustainability survey • development of short and long term targets for the sustainability indicators and an action plan to meet each target 2. Completion of a report on the City's current performance with respect to corporate and community energy use and greenhouse gas emissions Following the completion of this Report the following will be undertaken: • preparation of a report to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) seeking confirmation of the City's completion of Milestones 4 and 5 of FCM's Partners for Climate Protection program 3. Completion of a revised and updated Idling of Vehicles By-law for Council's consideration 4. Preparation of a Sustainable Pickering policy and procedures 5. Planning and implementation of the 5th Annual Sustainable Pickering Day • in 2010 Sustainable Pickering Day will be held on Saturday March 27; Earth Hour is also recognized on that date 6. Assisting with the implementation of various sustainability events • 2010 events include: Energy Conservation Week, Pollution Probes Clean Air Commute, and Environmental Stewardship Pickering's second annual Environmental Leadership Forum 7. Research on climate change adaptation 8. Continued marketing and promotion of the Sustainable Pickering Challenge 9. Continued updates and improvements to the Sustainable Pickering website • ensuring the website remains W3 compliant to meet accessibility requirements • reporting on website traffic using Google Analytics Report OS 01-10 January 11, 2009 Subject: Sustainable Pickering Update and Work Program Page 5 05 10.Continued promotion and expansion of the Sustainable Pickering community contribution program Conclusion The City of Pickering's actions continue to validate its reputation a leader in the sustainability field. A solid foundation has been built by collaborating and engaging all members of Pickering's community. The 2010 Sustainable Pickering work plan uses that base to propel the City forward to the next stage on our journey to creating a sustainable city. Attachments: 1. Sustainable Placemaking Principles. Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Chantal Whitaker Thomas Mely uk, .C.I.P., R.P.P Coordinator, Sustainability (Acting) Chief Administrative Officer Doug Dickerson City Councillor - Ward 2 Chair, Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee CW:cw Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Thomas J. inn, RDMR, CMM III Chief Admi istrative Officer 0 6 Attachment #1 to Report OS 01-10 1 of 2 Sustainable Placemaking What is Sustainable Placemaking? Sustainable Pickering is about Sustainable Placemaking. It's about the transformation of the City of Pickering from a suburban bedroom community to a sustainable city. We are striving to transform our city into a unique place that celebrates our past, capitalizes on our existing attributes and assets, while planning for today and future generations. We can no longer rely solely on conventional planning processes - the journey to achieve a truly sustainable city must employ additional ways of doing business. Through our Sustainable Pickering journey with the community, a variety of sustainable placemaking principles are emerging: The Principles 1. Draw on the expertise of the community. It is essential to recognize the talents and assets within the community. Residents and business people know about the history of certain places, how they function from day to day, what is important to preserve, and what needs to change. Some of these knowledgeable people are not those who regularly participate in public consultation exercises, and the City needs to seek out their knowledge. All placemaking should begin in fact-finding conversations with those who use a place. 2. Encourage collaboration at all levels. The City cannot carry out placemaking on its own. Partners are needed at evey stage to bring about change and contribute new ideas. Partners may include members of local organizations or community groups, those working in community institutions, builders, developers, landowners and business owners and many others. The earlier these partners are involved in the process, the better. 3. Go beyond design codes; pay attention to function, appearance, and experience. Placemaking is not a matter of simply following design guidelines. What looks good on paper may not work on the ground. Guidelines represent best practices, but best practices from. elsewhere may not respond to the specific requirements and opportunities of a particular place in Pickering. Placemaking is as much about exceptions as it is about rules. Keep asking: Is it beautiful? Is it comfortable? Is it welcoming and accessible to all? Do people want to use the space? Attachment #1 to Report OS 01-10 2of2 07 4. Aim for zero impact as the ideal, in carbon and other footprints. In making. each decision, choose the path that will lead to the best environmental outcome in the long term. Consider: Will this choice reduce greenhouse gas emissions? Encourage people to walk instead of drive? Improve air or water quality? Reduce consumption and waste? Lower the use of nonrenewable energy sources? Contribute to residents' health? Since we need to live within the constraints of our planet, it's important to keep the size of Pickering's ecological footprint in mind. 5. Design and plan for people. In making each decision, choose the one that will increase social interaction, that will be inclusive rather than exclusive, that offers opportunities for encounters and conversations. The City of Pickering's public spaces (parks, streets, sidewalks, open spaces) should be welcoming to people of all ages and all cultures. This means paying attention to seating, safety, sightlines, noise levels, pathways, sun, shade, and shelter, and all the other details that make people feel comfortable in public. 6. Strive to make Pickering a unique and distinctive community. Placemaking is about creating memorable spaces that people associate with a specific location. It is about respecting geography (the lake, the creeks, the farmlands, the hills) and history (Pickering's pioneer, industrial, and civic heritage). Every place in Pickering should be recognizably part of the city, distinguishable from other places and cities. 7. Adapt to change. The world is constantly changing. Some changes we can predict, such as the gradual aging of the population. Others we cannot foresee, such as sudden economic shifts. Still others we are only just beginning to understand, like climate change and the impact of new technologies. The best way to cope with change in the face of uncertainty is to monitor actions and interventions, and use the information from monitoring to shape future decisions. 8. Learn by doing: use pilot projects and experiments to test new ideas. Because change is occurring quickly, there- is little time to create elaborate plans that may be out of date by the time they are made public. A more flexible way to respond is to keep experimenting with programs and policies to find out what works and what doesn't. Sometimes all that is needed are.small tweaks and adjustments over time. Sometimes the changes need to be bold and rapid to seize unique opportunities. Some experiments will be more successful than others, but the only failed experiment is. the one that was never tried. 9. Keep moving in the right direction; the journey will never be finished. Because change is constant, there is never a point at which everything is perfect, finished, complete, although improvements can be seen over time. Sustainable Pickering is a journey, not a destination. 10. We must always strive to achieve the greater public good. Great places are built by the community and for the community. Meeting our current needs must not compromise the needs of future generations. 2 Caq Report To _ Executive Committee I KERI Report Number: OES 01-10 O Date: January 11, 2010 From Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: City of Pickering Bicentennial - Proposed Bicentennial Program - File: A-1440-001-10 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 01-10 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the proposed City of Pickering Bicentennial Program be received; 2. That Council endorse the proposed Pickering Bicentennial Program outlined in Appendix A (attached); 3. That City staff be authorized to coordinate the proposed Pickering Bicentennial Program; and 4. That City staff be authorized to seek eligible grant funding and sponsorships to offset costs for the enhanced and new Bicentennial events. Executive Summary: The proposed Pickering Bicentennial Program features a year long calendar of activities in 2011 in order to commemorate the City of Pickering's Bicentennial. Pickering's Bicentennial is an important milestone in Pickering's history and will be commemorated in a manner that is both fiscally responsible but also appropriately respectful of this once in a lifetime anniversary. Pickering's Bicentennial Program will primarily feature already existing City of Pickering and community events that will have the Bicentennial Brand and Theme in 2011. In some cases, however, the calendar of activities will include enhanced or new Bicentennial Events wherein the additional expenses will be completely offset by grants and/or sponsorship. Financial Implications: Existing City of Pickering events that are part of the Bicentennial Program will utilize existing funds in the Current Budget. The additional cost for enhanced and/or new Bicentennial Events listed in Appendix A (attached) is projected to be approximately $43,000 and will be included in the Proposed 2011 Current Budget. Enhanced or new events will only take place if offsetting revenue through grants or sponsorships can be secured. Report OES 01-10 January 11, 2010 Subject: City of Pickering Bicentennial 2011 Page 2 09 The proposed Bicentennial Brand, which includes promotions, marketing and merchandising listed in,Appendix B (attached) total $30,000 and will be included in the Proposed 2010 Current Budget for Council consideration and approval. The Bicentennial Brand will be visible to residents and visitors alike and will highlight 2011 as Pickering's Bicentennial Year to Pickering, Durham Region, GTA and beyond. Sustainability Implications: The engagement of all its citizens is a fundamental component to achieving a sustainable community. Pickering's Bicentennial in 2011 will serve to engage the entire community and foster civic pride. The City's approach to realize this vision is economically sustainable in using already existing resources and activities. And in cases where enhanced or new activities are proposed, sponsorship or grants will offset any additional costs. Lastly, Pickering's 2011 Bicentennial Program nurtures and supports the City's commitment to environmental sustainability with activities such as tree plantings. Background: On March 4, 2011, the City of Pickering will celebrate its 200th Anniversary. Pickering's Bicentennial is an important and permanent milestone in Pickering's rich history. Few generations can realize and participate in these once in a lifetime celebrations. In 2011, our generation will have the special opportunity to commemorate Pickering's Bicentennial. Pickering's Bicentennial Program will feature a year long calendar of activities in 2011. Please see Appendix A (attached) for listing.of the proposed Bicentennial Program. In most cases, these events already exist and will simply feature the Bicentennial Brand and Theme. These events include Family Day, Artfest, Take Pride in Pickering Day, Civic Awards, Waterfront Concert Series, Treble in the Park, Christmas in the Village, Celebrate Winter Tree Lighting, New Years Eve Family Countdown. These events are coordinated through existing funds in the City of Pickering's Current Budget and will not require additional funds to be part of the Bicentennial Program. In some cases, Pickering's Bicentennial will feature enhanced events in 2011. These represent already existing events in which enhancements are proposed to really capture an opportunity for a special Bicentennial Commemoration. These events with corresponding enhancements include Youth Week (youth led film debut), Pickering Museum Village Volunteer Appreciation Reception (50th Anniversary of the Pickering Museum Village), Steam Up & Opening (1812 Rebellion Re-enactment & Bicentennial Ball), Canada Day (Cultural Caravan, dedication of 200 new citizens and famous Canadian headliner), Spirit Walk (Descendents Reception). The event enhancements total $33,000 and will be reflected in the Proposed 2011 Current Budget with offsetting revenue from grants and/or sponsorships. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 01-10 January 11, 2010 Subject: City of Pickering Bicentennial 2011 Page 3 1Q In fewer cases, Pickering's Bicentennial will feature completely new events in 2011. Only two new events will be presented in 2011 by the City of Pickering and they include the March 4, 2011 Bicentennial Commemoration and Pickering's participation in Open Doors 2011. The costs for these new events total $10,000 and will be reflected in the Proposed 2011 Current Budget with offsetting revenue from grants and/or sponsorships. Pickering's Bicentennial also includes new events that will be coordinated by various community organizations that want to commemorate Pickering's Bicentennial. These new events are the responsibility of the community group and include a Speakers Series by the Pickering Public Library, Italian Heritage Multicultural and Sporting Event by the Ajax Pickering Italian Social Club, Heritage school presentations by Heritage Pickering, Pickering Dolphins Invitational Bowl by Pickering Dolphins and Durham Region Soccer Tournament hosted by Pickering Soccer Club. All Bicentennial Programs, whether existing, enhanced or new, will feature the Bicentennial Brand and Theme. The hallmark of the Bicentennial Brand and Theme will be the logo and tagline. After a review of municipal best practices, it is clear that the design of a logo and tagline is best left to professional graphic designers. The logo and tagline must be used in various sizes and colours and must always maintain its quality and integrity. For this reason, the Bicentennial Logo and Tagline will be created by City of Pickering graphic design staff. Both logo and tagline will be presented to Pickering Council in February 2010 for review and approval before being finalized. When finalized, the Bicentennial Brand and Theme will be used in promotions & marketing (City stationary, website, road signs, flags, street banners), and merchandising (banners, sports badges, hand sized flags, pins etc.). These items will promote to the world that 2011 is Pickering's Bicentennial and will become keepsakes of this once in a lifetime anniversary. Please see Appendix B (attached) for the Bicentennial Promotions & Marketing and Merchandising package. The Bicentennial Logo and Tagline will be the property of the City of Pickering. Events coordinated by community organizations and proposed to be part of the Bicentennial Program must first meet a specific set of criteria designed by the City of Pickering before the Bicentennial Brand will be assigned. City of Pickering staff working group, led by Culture & Recreation Division, will coordinate the Pickering's Bicentennial Program. Representatives from community organizations will be invited to various meetings throughout 2010 and 2011 to assist with the implementation of Pickering's Bicentennial Program. City Council will be informed of all public meetings and will be invited to attend. Clearly, Pickering's Bicentennial will bring together our community, foster civic pride and celebrate Pickering's rich past, thriving present and hopeful future. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 01-10 January 11, 2010 Subject: City of Pickering Bicentennial 2011 Page 4 Attachments: 1. Appendix A Pickering Bicentennial Program 2. Appendix B Pickering Bicentennial Promotions & Marketing and Merchandising package Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: C Marisa Carpino vBuntsm (Acting) Division Head, Culture & Recreatio r, Operations & Emergency Services :mc Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Thomas J Qu, - n, RD M III Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# r2LS 0/`l0 12 of-- Appendix A Pickering Bicentennial: Proposed Program The proposed Pickering Bicentennial Program will feature a year long calendar of events ensuring that there are activities in every month. Many of the Bicentennial Events will be existing City of Pickering and community events that will have Bicentennial Themes and Branding in 2011. Some of the Bicentennial Events will be ENHANCED OR NEW whereby the expenses will be offset by grants or sponsorship. See the following pages for the list of existing, enhanced and new events proposed for Pickering's Bicentennial in 2011. All events listed will have the Bicentennial Theme and Branding. This includes: • Bicentennial Logo • Bicentennial Theme (tagline) • Merchandising (banners, flags, pins; etc.) • Bicentennial Display i 1 ATTACHMENT #-L 'TORE PORT#ALL 1-/0 ~e of 2 1 3 Proposed Existing City of Pickering Events and Enhancements in 2011: Date Event Program Enhancement (s) Enhancement Funding Costs January Mayor's Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Levee Branding in Current- Budget January Rec. Complex Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Open House Branding in Current Budget February Family Day Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Branding in Current Budget February Heritage Day Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Branding in Current Budget February Seedy Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Saturday Branding in Current Budget March Experience Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Art Branding in Current Budget Civic Complex will feature Pickering Artefacts March In your Words Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds and Branding in Current Expressions Budget Contest Contest Statement for 2010/11 could have Bicentennial theme March Earth Hour Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Branding in Current Budget Student winners could receive Bicentennial pin April Easter Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Parade Branding in Current Budget Floats could have Bicentennial Theme 2 ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# CSOI' I® 4 of Proposed Existing City of Pickering Events and Enhancements in 2011: Date Event Program Enhancement (s) Enhancement Funding Costs April Pickering Bicentennial Theme & $1,000.00 Existing Funds Museum Branding and Enhancement in Current Volunteer (for food and Budget plus Appreciation Enhancement would include: beverage of additional Reception A rece~tion to honour additional $1,000 in the 50t Anniversary guests) Sponsorships of-PMV which would include past and resent volunteers April 20 Minute Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Pickering Branding in Current Makeover Budget Bags could have Bicentennial Branding. Kids that participate could receive Bicentennial shoelaces. April Take Pride in Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Pickering Day Branding in Current Budget Working with sponsor to (OPG & TRCA ensure that 200 trees which already provide are planted that day are 600 trees) dedicated to Bicentennial. May Youth Week Bicentennial Theme & $2,000.00 Existing Funds Branding in Current And Enhancement Budget plus additional Enhancement would include: $2,000 in • Pickering youth take Sponsorships a camera and make a short film about Life of Pickering youth. May Mother's Day Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Tea Branding in Current Budget 3 ATTACHMENT#-L- TO REPORT_ . of 15 Proposed Existing City of Pickering Events and Enhancements in 2011: Date Event Program Enhancement (s) Enhancement Funding Costs May Artfest Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Branding in Current And Enhancement Budget Enhancements would include the following: • Artefact Exhibition in Civic Complex Lobby • Announce and showcase Bicentennial Song & Contest Winner May Steam Up Bicentennial Theme & $3,500 $2,500 for Pig Branding Roast will be And Enhancement (for Pig Roast offset by Ticket and Event Sales to the Enhancements would Supplies) Bicentennial include the following: Ball • one day to two day event $1,000 Event • Re-enactment of the Supplies will be War of 1812 sought by • Bicentennial Ball (Pig sponsorships or Roast grants May Civic Awards Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Branding Event will feature special Bicentennial Medal and Pin June Ribfest* Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Branding in Current In Budget partnership with City of Pickering June Seniors Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Month Branding in Current Budget Recipient would get special Bicentennial Pin that year 4 I ATTACHMENT#_ TOREPORT#LEa'O/-/' _of 2 E Proposed Existing City of Pickering Events and Enhancements in 2011: Date Event Program Enhancement (s) ` Enhancement Funding Costs Date TBC Sustainable Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Pickering Day Branding in Current Budget June Pickering Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Museum Branding in Current Village Budget Kids Da July Canada Day Bicentennial Theme & $25,000.00 Existing Funds Branding And Enhancement in Current ($5,000 for Budget plus Enhancements would rentals and additional include the following: reception of $25,000 in • Cultural Caravan citizen Sponsorships • Swearing in ceremony) and Grants Ceremony of 200 new ($20,000 for Citizens (which would Canadian include a Reception) headliner & • Major Canadian sound Headliner upgrades) July Whodunit* Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Branding in Current * in Budget partnership Play would have a with City of Bicentennial Theme in 2011 Pickering July Music By The Musical Celebration taking $0.00 Festival Bay Festival* place at Millennium Square Committee to commemorating the offset expenses In Bicentennial through partnership sponsorship with City of Pickering July/August/ Waterfront Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds September Concert Branding in Current Series Budget July/August/ Treble in the Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds September Park Branding in Current Budget . 5 ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# of 17 Proposed Existing City of Pickering Events and Enhancements in 2011: Date "Event Program Enhancement (s) Enhancement Funding Costs September Spirit Walk Bicentennial Theme & $1,500.00 Existing Funds Branding And Enhancement in Current Budget plus Enhancements would additional include the following: $1,500 in • A reception for Sponsorships descendent of 1837 rebellion October Fall Family Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Festival Branding in Current Budget November Teen Art Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Show Branding And Enhancement in Current Budget ~ Enhancements would include the following: • Screening of youth film from Youth Week November Remembrance Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Day Service Branding in Current Budget November Santa Claus Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Parade Branding in Current Budget Floats could have Bicentennial Theme December Christmas Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Tree Lighting Branding in Current Budget December Make a Joyful Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Noise Music Branding in Current Night Budget December Christmas in Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds the Village Branding in Current Budget 6 ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# 1 of _ o Proposed Existing City of Pickering Events and Enhancements in 2011: Date Event Program Enhancement (s) Enhancement Funding Costs December Mayor's Light Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Tour Branding in Current Budget Winner will get a Bicentennial Pin December New Year's Bicentennial Theme & $0.00 Existing Funds Eve Family Branding in Current Countdown And Enhancement Budget Enhancements would include the following: • Time Capsule Summary of $33,000 Existing, Funds Total Costs in Current for Budget plus Enhanced additional Events $33,000 in Sponsorships and Grants Total cost for Enhancements to Existing Programs is $33,000 • Enhancements will not be made unless Grants or Sponsorships are secured to totally offset any additional expenses • The cost of the enhancements as well as the offsetting grants or sponsorship revenue will be reflected in the 2011 Current Budget I 7 ATTACHMENT#-t_,._, TO REPORT# CS 61'-f0 --'6- of Proposed New Bicentennial Events in 2011: Date Activity Description Costing March 4, 2011 Commemoration of Daytime at Civic Complex: $8,400 Pickering's Birthday • A re-enactment of the first council meeting by • $2,000 for Backwoods Players bussing • Invite Grade 5 students • $5,000 for from Pickering to watch entertainment the re-enactment • $1,400 for event supplies Evening at Pickering Funding from Recreation Complex: Sponsorships • Host a free swim and and/or Grants skate • Children's Entertainment • Guests make Birthday Cards for people in 2111 (would be placed in the time capsule on New Year's Eve) • Birthday Cake for guests April Speaker Series Talk and slideshow on Pickering Public important and interesting Library is 200 years of events in the history of responsible for this Pickering History - Pickering by a local historian project an informal talk by offered at the Pickering Public John Sabean Libra One Weekend Open Doors Pickering Museum, Heritage, $1,600 Between June Cultural sites would open its and August doors to the public on one To apply to weekend. participate in Doors Open Ontario Heritage Trust June Ajax Pickering Italian Combined Italian Heritage Ajax Pickering Social Club Multi-Cultural and Sporting Italian Social Club Event with Month Long Skill is responsible for building Bocce Games ending this project with a final day-long Bocce Competition and Italian food Festival 8 ATT€ (-_HMENT#_!___, TO REPORT#. d ES 0/- O of 20 Proposed New Bicentennial Events in 2011: Date Activity Description Costing Jan-May School Presentations Present Pickering Heritage to Heritage Pickering conducted by Public School Audience - tour is responsible for Heritage Pickering to schools this project On-going Book: History of Research and production of Cost to produce Pickering Museum book book will be Village & covered the Pickering Museum Pickering Museum Village Foundation Village Foundation and offset by book sales. Pickering Museum Village Foundation is responsible for the project TBD Bicentennial Sports Various Invitational Various community Tournaments Bicentennial Sports sport organizations Tournaments will be responsible for this project Summary of Additional $1`0,000 Total Costs for in Sponsorships New Events and Grants Total Cost for NEW Bicentennial Events is $10,000 • New events will not operate unless Grants or Sponsorships are secured to offset expenses • The cost for new events as well as offsetting grants and/or sponsorship will be reflected in the 2011 Current Budget • The cost of new events that are coordinated by Community Groups would be covered by the community group responsible for the event 9 ATTACHMENT #-Z,- TO REPORT# OE 61-10 Appendix B of--- Pickering Bicentennial: Proposed Promotions & Marketing 2 Item Description Cost Stationary (letterhead, envelopes, Revised stationary to Existing Funds in Current Budget folders) include Bicentennial Logo Website Bicentennial Website Existing Funds in Current Budget Community Page Header Bicentennial Logo on Existing Funds in Current Budget Header City of Pickering Bicentennial Finger Board $2,000 Road Signs Signs on Pickering gateways • 4 Signs Bicentennial Flag To be flown at all Municipal $600 Buildings • 15 Municipal Facilities Bicentennial Street Banners To be installed at City $2,400 Centres and on display year round in 2011 • 20 Banners Print Advertising All print advertisement will . Existing Funds in Current Budget have the Bicentennial Logo Summary of Total Costs for Existing Funds in Current Budget Promotions and Marketing plus additional $5,000 that will be proposed in the 2010 Current Budget • Promotions and Marketing expenses total $5,000 and will be reflected in the 2010 Current Budget 1 ATTACHMENT# a.._ TO REPORT# b5S PJ_/a 22 _of a Pickering Bicentennial: Proposed Merchandising Item Rationale Cost Sponsorship Package To ensure we can engage $1,000 the local business community in the Printing costs Bicentennial by supporting and sponsoring events through monetary or in-kind donations. Display Units to be featured at Display would promote $11,000 various City Facilities and at Pickering's Bicentennial various events throughout 2011 with history, photos, resent day information etc. Bicentennial Sports Badges To be given to all Pickering $4,000 sports teams and worn on jerseys in 2011 • Teams include PHA, PSC, Pickering Dolphins, Pickering Cricket Club etc. • 10,000 Badges Bicentennial Hand Sized Paper To be given out at special $5,000 Flags events • 5,000 Flags Bicentennial Pins To be given out at special $2,000 events • 5,000 Pins Bicentennial Certificates To be given to babies born $500 in 2011 or seniors celebrating their 100th Birthday Shoelace To be given out to children $500 at various events • 500 Shoelaces Tattoos To be given out to children $1,000 at various events • 20,000 Tattoos Summary of Total Costs for $25,000 that will be proposed in .Merchandising the 2010 Current Budget • Merchandising expenses total $25,000 and will reflected in the 2010 Current Budget In Summary: In addition to existing funds in Current Budget, $30,000 will be proposed in the 2010 Current Budget to cover additional costs for the proposed Bicentennial Promotions and Marketing expenses ($5,000) and Merchandising expenses ($25,000). 2 C~ o0 REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PICK RIVC. Report Number: CS 01-10 Date: January 11, 2010 23 From: Gillis A. Paterson *Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: 2010 Interim Levy and Interim Tax Instalment Due Dates Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 01-10 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That an interim levy be adopted for 2010 for all of the realty property classes; 3. That the interim levy tax instalment due dates be February 26 and April 28, 2010; 4. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to make any changes or undertake any actions necessary, including altering due dates, in order to ensure the tax billing process is completed; 5. That the attached draft by-law, providing for the imposition of the taxes, be enacted; and, 6. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Each year, prior to the adoption of the estimates for the year, Council authorizes the adoption of an interim levy. Under Provincial legislation, the interim levy can be no more than 50% of the previous years annualized taxes. The tax levy raises funds that are used for the continuing operations of the City, Region and the School Boards. Financial Implications: Adoption of the recommendations and passing the By-law will allow staff of the Corporate Services Department to bill the 2010 interim levy to all properties. Passing of the By-law will assist the City of Pickering to meet its financial obligations and reduce any borrowing costs. (The first school board payment is due on March 31, 2010). Report CS 01-10 January 11, 2010 Subject: 2010 Interim Levy and Interim Tax Instalment Due Dates Page 2 24 Sustainability Implications: Council authority is required in order to raise property tax revenue, prior to approving 2010 budgets and setting tax rates for the City. This revenue will allow each of the'bodies (City, Region and School Board) to meet expenditures and maintain financial sustainability pending approval of the respective 2010 Current Budgets. Background: In accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the City issues Interim tax bills based on the previous year's annualized taxes. The recent Province-wide re-assessment however, is not taken into consideration when calculating the interim taxes payable. For those property owners whose assessment increases or decreases, the impact of the assessment change will be reflected on the 2010 Final tax bill, which has two instalment dates. If a property experienced an assessment increase, due to an additional supplementary or omitted assessment, or a decrease in assessment due to an appeal, demolition or class change, the 2010 interim levy would be based on the adjusted annualized 2009 taxes. However, for those taxpayers that utilize the City's Pre-authorized Payment Plan (PAP), they will have the benefit of spreading any potential tax increase due to re-assessment over the five instalments that occur after the budgets of the City of Pickering have been passed and after the Province sets the 2010 (final) education tax rates. (The City currently has approximately 6,800 ratepayers using the PAP program.) Taxpayers who have taxes included with their mortgage payments pay their taxes over a 12-month period and also do not experience the impact of re-assessment to the same extent as a taxpayer who pays their taxes on the four regular instalment due dates. , Changes to the Billing Schedule Recommendation 4, will allow the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer some latitude, limited by Provincial legislation, in effecting whatever may be necessary in order to ensure that the taxes are billed properly and in a timely fashion. It was always staff's understanding that Recommendation 4 would be used to change the due dates by a few days in order to meet Provincial legislation requirements. (Section 343, subsection one of the Municipal Act states the property owner must have at least twenty-one days to pay their taxes.) A report would be prepared to Council if there was a substantial delay in the billing of the interim taxes. Attachments: 1. By-law to establish the 2010 Interim Instalment Due Dates Report CS 01-10 January 11, 2010 Subject: 2010 Interim Levy and Interim Tax Instalment Due Dates Page 3 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: racy Parsons Gillis A. Paterson O (Acting) Coordinator Taxation Services Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:tp Attachment , Copy: Chief Administrative Officer i Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council AT~or~a's . inn, R R., CMIVI Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT#... M REPORT#.a_1D1" 10 26 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING. BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law for the collection of taxes and to establish the instalment due dates for the Interim Levy 2010. WHEREAS Section 317, of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O.2001, c.25, as amended, provides that the council of a local municipality may, before the adoption of the estimates for the year, pass a By-law levying amounts on the assessment of property, in the local municipality ratable for local municipality purposes; and WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering deems it appropriate to provide for such an interim levy on the assessment of property in this municipality. NOW THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The amounts levied shall be as follows: a. For the residential, pipeline, farmland and managed forest property classes there shall be imposed and collected an interim levy of: If no percentage is prescribed, 50% of the total taxes for municipal and school purposes levied in the year 2009. b. For the multi-residential, commercial and industrial property classes there shall be imposed and collected an interim levy of: If no percentage is prescribed, 50% of the total taxes for municipal and school purposes levied in the year 2009. c. For the payment-in-lieu property classes, there shall be imposed and collected an interim levy of: If no percentage is prescribed, 50% of the total taxes for municipal and where applicable for school purposes, in the year 2009. 2. For the purposes of calculating the total amount of taxes for the year 2010 under paragraph one, if any taxes for municipal and school purposes were levied on a property for only part of 2009 because assessment was added to the collector's roll during 2009, an amount shall be added equal to the additional taxes that would have been levied on the property if taxes for municipal and school purposes had been levied for the entire year. 3. The provision of this By-law apply in the event that assessment is added for the year 2009 to the collector's roll after the date this By-law is passed and an interim levy shall be imposed and collected. By-law No. Page 2 27 4. Taxes shall be payable to the Treasurer, City of Pickering. . 5. When not in default, the payment of taxes, or any instalment thereof, may also be made at any financial institution permitted by Subsection 346 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001 c. 25, as amended. 6. The Treasurer may mail, or cause to be mailed, all notices of taxes required in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act, 2001, S. 0. c. 25, as amended, to the address of the residence or place of business or to the premises in respect of which the taxes are payable unless the taxpayer directs the treasurer in writing to send the bill to another address, in which case it shall be sent to that address. Notices will not be mailed to tenants. It is the responsibility of the person taxed to notify and collect taxes from tenants or other persons. 7. The Treasurer is hereby authorized to accept part payment from time to time on account of any taxes due, in accordance with the provisions of subsection 347 (1) and (2) of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. c.25 as amended, and to give a receipt for such part payment under Section 346 (1) of the Municipal Act 2001, S. 0. c.25, as amended. 8. The Treasurer is hereby authorized to prepare and give one separate tax notice for the collection of 2010 taxes, one notice being an INTERIM notice, with two instalments under the provisions of Section 342 of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25 as amended, as follows: INTERIM Tax Notice - Due date of the first instalment February 26, 2010 Due date of the second instalment April 28, 2010; or either date adjusted by the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer. 9. Except in the case of taxes payable in respect of assessments made under Sections 33 and 34 of the Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.A31, as amended, the late payment charge of one and one-quarter percent for non-payment of taxes and monies payable as taxes shall be added as a penalty to every tax or assessment, rent or rate of any instalment or part thereof remaining unpaid on the first day of default and on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which such default continues pursuant to subsections 345 (1), (2) and (3) of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. c.25 as amended. The Treasurer shall collect by distress or otherwise under the provisions of the applicable statutes all such taxes, assessments, rents, rates or instalments or parts thereof as shall not have been paid on or before the several dates named as aforesaid, together with the said percentage charges as they are incurred pursuant to sections 349, 350 and 351 of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. c.25 as amended. 10. In the case of taxes payable in respect of assessments made under Sections 33 and 34 of the Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.A.31, as amended, the late payment charge of one and one-quarter percent for non payment of taxes and monies payable as taxes shall be added as a penalty to every tax so payable remaining By-law No. Page 3 28 unpaid on the first day after twenty-one days from the date of mailing by the Treasurer of a demand for payment thereof and on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which default continues pursuant to subsections 345 (1), (2) and (3) of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. c.25 as amended. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer immediately after the expiration of the said twenty-one days to collect at once by distress or otherwise under the provisions of the applicable statutes, all such taxes as shall not have been paid on or before the expiration of the said twenty-one day period, together with the said percentage charges as they are incurred pursuant to sections 349, 350 and 351 of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. c.25 as amended. 11. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the Treasurer from proceeding at any time with the collection of any rate, tax or assessment, or any part thereof, in accordance with the provisions of the statutes and By-laws governing the collection of taxes. 12. Where tenants of land owned by the Crown or in which the Crown has an interest are liable for the payment of taxes and where any such tenant has been employed either within or outside the municipality by the same employer for not less than thirty days, such employer shall pay over to the Treasurer on demand out of any wages, salary or other remuneration due to such employee, the amount then payable for taxes under this By-law and such payment shall relieve the employer from any liability to the employee for the amount so paid. 13. If any section or portion of this By-law is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, it is the intent of Council for the Corporation of the City of Pickering that all remaining sections and portions of this By-law continue in force and effect. 14. That this By-law is to come into effect on the 1 st day of January, 2010. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 11th day of January, 2010. David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, Clerk