HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 9, 2009 - C--ttq o0 Minutes / Meeting Summary Is AAM, Site Plan Committee (SPC) Meeting 11 December 9, 2009 ~ 4:15 pm PI KERI Tower Meeting Room Attendees: Doug Dickerson - City Councillor - Ward 2 David Pickles - City Councillor - Ward 3 Jennifer O'Connell - City Councillor - Ward 1 Neil Carroll, Director, Planning & Development Lynda Taylor, Manager, Development Review Tyler Barnett, Senior Planner - Site Planning Absent: yltem /<i Details & Discussion$8 Conclusion Action ltems~l.=Status Ref,# (summar ofdiscussloii)4~ N s . tM T rr (icludedea~dline as.... ro matey 1. S12/88(R09) Direct Line Environmental 1070.Toy Avenue Attendee(s): Robert Filipuzzi (Fabian Papa & Partners) i This application proposes to develop an ex-situ biological treatment facility for non hazardous hydrocarbon impacted soils. • Tyler - outlined project and advised that property was rezoned to permit the land use, and a MOE Certificate of Approval has been issued for the site - explained function of site for remediation of soils, location of soil cells, landscaping, berm adjacent to Highway 401 and the stormwater runoff system - Toy Avenue improvements proceeding, applicant will convey land City requires for turning circle at north end of road • Councillor Dickerson requested an outline of the time frame for completion • Robert - berm/landscaping built; - underground/tanks infrastructure during winter - soil arrival late spring 2010 for processing Page 1 i .~_Vio~ ~ 41tem4/ d ' details 8 ©iscusswnr& Conclusn;k ~t~ ~i S~ Actio"pnlte'msr/`Status` * b -linez asu te Ref #5 (summary of discussion) (mcludeeadr .y t- _ <;13a ro nate sr~ , 2. S05/08 Galleria on Urban Park (Southeast corner of Valleyfarm Road/Kingston Road) Attendee(s): Ryan Guetter (Weston Consulting) Shane Steuernol (Synergy Lands Solution) This application proposes to develop a 10 storey condominium tower and 52 stacked townhouse units. • Tyler - explained revisions to the site plan since it was viewed as a preliminary plan with Committee - the project was scored against City's Sustainable Development Guidelines, achieved nearly Level 2, - underground parking for this phase to be constructed and shared for future phase development - Lennox Lane land disposition explained (will now be private lane with no connection to Avonmore) - a pedestrian access will be maintained from Avonmore to development site, out to Kingston Road - Lennox family has an MOU with applicant for access sharing in future • Councillor O'Connell - recommends benches and enhanced walkway be developed - Regional design of the Kingston Road traffic access • Rick Feldman will be permits right in/right out, and a temporary left turn advised of Region's situation position - temporary turning circle to be converted into a tot lot in the future phase • Shane - outlined adjustments to the site plan - underground parking access/egress redesigned to include a glass wall for visual enhancement/traffic views now improved - garbage, waste collection relocated to the end of the building, out of view; only visible on garbage day (stored below grade other times) - rear of townhomes 'stepped' to reduce visual impact to existing residents and enhanced landscaping (common condo area) at a 2:1 slope • Councillor Dickerson - what is the terraced paving materials, and to ensure it is not to-be patio slabs • Ryan - to discuss further with landscaping architect to discuss uali of material Page 2 r I Item Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) • Shane - two floors of underground parking with cisterns so permeability is not an issue • Shane explained landscape improvements and discussions are ongoing with Lennox Lane to address legal issues to ensure matters are addressed appropriately j • Tyler - land disposition report will be forwarded to Council in near future by the Coordinator, City Development • Shane - colour pallet shown with rendering (greens/greys) • - sales centre is under construction • Councillor Dickerson - how will the sales centre be incorporated to the site in the future? • Shane - remove footings and re-use panels - marketing, sales centre, building permit before Christmas, spring start • Ryan - explained their sustainability submission and additional details of building will certainly put them over the City's Level 2 roof top amenity area and parking below grade results in more surface 'green'. space , • Councillor Dickerson - consider solar panels on apartment and keep options open for further discussions on additional sustainability matters • Shane - will explore potential further with Councillor Dickerson - FIT programme (Provincial Government) involving Veridian will be explored • Ryan - native species and drought tolerant species - rainwater citern waters the landscaping and other sustainable elements explained • Committee still desires some green roof passive area for residents in addition.to solar panels • Shane - want to see good market take up here and build for future sales of next phase where perhaps even more Neil - requested sustainable elements may be possible Ryan to provide staff • Councillor Dickerson - questioned signage opportunities with a comment on • Shane - consider in future in order to keep moving for whether the builder building permit submission would consider an • Committee satisfied with how the project is proceeding, no accessibility need to come back to Committee package if required by a purchaser of an apartment unit Meeting Adjourned: 5:30 pm JAMINUTES\Site Plan\2009\05 - December 9.doc Page 3