HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 24, 2009 City o0 Minutes Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee i i November 24, 2009 PI KERI 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor Johnson Rhonda Lawson Mike Cassidy Keith Falconer Susan Gardner Wickham Jamadar Peter Rodrigues Margaret Woods Aaron Cameron, University of Toronto Student Linda Roberts, (Recording Secretary) Absent: Jim Simpson, Chair (on approved leave) Terence Arvisais Joanne Glasser Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome R. Lawson welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2.0 Approval of Minutes All Moved by S. Gardner Seconded by M. Woods That the minutes of the October 27 meeting be approved. CARRIED '3.0 New and Unfinished Business 3.1) Presentation -A. Cameron A. Cameron presented the map of'properties he had prepared for the Committee with the corresponding property list of designated properties as well as properties of interest. He outlined how these properties were noted on the map and explained how to use the listing to locate the property on the map. A brief question and answer period ensued. The need to do a Page 1 Item / Details & Discussion & Conciusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) complete inventory was discussed as well as the areas to concentrate on next. The Committee requested a copy of the map and property listing to be forwarded to them. It was decided that each member would take a small area to research. The following areas were designated as follows: K. Falconer - east shore area M. Woods - Dunbarton W. Jamadar - Cherrywood P. Rodrigues - Green River R. Lawson - Greenwood S. Gardner - Balsam It was suggested the research could be done during the next two months and the information brought to the January meeting. Members are to obtain the property number, general street intersection and to take a picture of the property, noting points of interest. The properties could also include churches, cemeteries and landscapes as well. P. Rodrigues suggested using Google Maps to aid in the research. A. Cameron noted that when looking at the properties you can't always tell the historical value as the owners could have updated the siding, etc. over time. Once the research is complete, then the level of significance can be determined in order to break down the properties to include in the listing. R. Lawson thanked A. Cameron for all his efforts in putting together the map. 3.2) Presentation - John Sabean R. Lawson introduced J. Sabean, former Chair of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee and current President of the Pickering Historical Society. Mr. Sabean has extensive knowledge of the history in the Pickering area. He explained how the Committee worked in the past and how the need for a registry was formed. He passed around various books which had been compiled from Bowmanville, Fergus and Clark townships. He provided a handout and went through the basic steps involved when researching properties at the Land Registry Office located at 590 Rossland Road in Whitby. He suggested starting backwards with the current owner and working from Page 2 item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) there. You also need to know the Lot and Concession before you begin. Most of the research tools you require are available on microfiche at the Pickering Public Library. He.also noted that township papers are available on microfiche as well and these could be a very valuable resource tool. You may find maps, letter to purchase pertaining to the lands being researched which may not otherwise show up in the Land Registry Office. A question and answer period ensued. R. Lawson thanked J. Sabean for attending the meeting and sharing his knowledge and expertise with the Committee. 3.3) Workplan Review Due to time constraints it was requested that this item be placed on the January, 2010 agenda for discussion. 3.4) 2010 Calendar The 2010 calendar for the schedule of meetings, being based on the 3`d Tuesday of each month was approved with the March L. Roberts to action meeting being scheduled for March 23. L. Roberts to book the Main Committee Room. 3.5) Greenwood Schoolhouse Presentation L. Roberts informed the Committee the plaque has been engraved and should be ready this week. R. Lawson noted that the presentation would take place at the December 21St meeting of Council and invited all members to attend. L. Roberts to invite P. Savel from the Pickering Public Library to L. Roberts to action attend as well. The meeting will begin at 7:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Pickering Civic Complex. 3.6) Heritage Days 2010 R. Lawson provided an update on the Heritage Days event to be held at the Pickering Town Centre on Saturday, February 20, 2010, from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm in the Centre Court area. She asked for volunteers to help man the display booth. M. Woods volunteered to assist. R. Lawson informed the Committee members that the mandate was on the City's website and asked that this item be placed on L. Roberts to action the next agenda for review and discussion. Page 3 l Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 3.7) December meeting It was determined that the Committee will not meet in December. 3.8) Regional Heritage Meeting - Update R. Lawson provided an update on the regional meeting which was held in Whitby on November 14th. The event was well attended and very informative. She noted she had inquired into having the guest speakers from that event attend one of our meetings. She questioned the use of an Amanda system here in Pickering and was advised that we do have this system available and currently in use. She questioned using this for a database for heritage properties. 4.0 Other Business 4.1) P. Rodrigues noted that he had attended the OMB hearing as a participant and had registered for the January one as well respecting the Seaton. lands. 4.2) R. Lawson asked for comments on the listing of guest speakers she had emailed to the Committee and noted she was open to suggestions. Please forward any additional All suggestions to R. ,Lawson. 4.3) R. Lawson informed the Committee that K. McLean had submitted her resignation from the Heritage Pickering Advisory L. Roberts to action Committee. It was noted an ad would appear indicating the vacancy on the Committee. 4.4) R. Lawson informed the Committee of correspondence received from M. Carpino relating to community surveys being conducted as part of outreach to the community. Next meeting will take place on December 15th in the Main Committee Room from 10:30 am to 12:00 noon if anyone is interested in attending. Please let L. Roberts know if you wish to attend. 4.5) R. Lawson informed the Committee that the Whitevale district expansion is still being considered under the Seaton Neighbourhoold Plan. 4.6) R. Lawson provided the Committee with an update on the 407/highway 7 expansion. She has heard that MTO has agreed to move Rogers Farm just enough to save it and is following up on this. Page 4 Item l Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) R. Lawson thanked A. Cameron again for all his help on the Committee as our co-op student and wished him well in his future endeavours. This is his last meeting, as his term is up in December. 6.0 Adjournment/Next Meeting Moved by S. Gardner Seconded by M. Woods That the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 9:05 m Copy: City Clerk Page 5