HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 21, 2009 CLtq 00 Council Meeting Agenda PICKERING Monday, December 21, 2009 Council Chambers 7:30 pm 6:45 PM IN CAMERA MEETING OF COUNCIL 1) INVOCATION Mayor Ryan will call the meeting to order and lead Council in the saying of the Invocation. II) DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST III) ADOPTION OF MINUTES PAGE Council Minutes, November 16, 2009 1-12 Planning & Development Committee Minutes, December 7, 2009 13-20 Executive Committee Minutes, December 14, 2009 21-27 IV) PRESENTATIONS 28 V) DELEGATIONS 29 VI) CORRESPONDENCE 30-48 VII) COMMITTEE REPORTS 49-55 a) Report 2009-11 of the Planning & Development Committee b) Report 2009-10 of the Executive Committee VIII) REPORTS - NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS i IX) MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTIONS X) BY-LAWS 56-59 XI) OTHER BUSINESS XII) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW Accessible For information related to accessibility requirements please contact P I C K E N G Linda Roberts Phone: 905.420.4660 extension 2928 TTY: 905.420.1.739 Email: Irobertse.citvofpickerina.com I FOR INFORMATION ONLY • Minutes of Committee of Adjustment, October 21 and November 11, 2009 Minutes of Accessibility Advisory Committee, October 28, 2b09 • Minutes of Advisory Committee on Race Relations & Equity, November 5, 2009 Minutes of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee, November 24, 2009 Minutes of the Taxicab Advisory Committee, November 26, 2009 Minutes of the Waterfront Coordinating Committee, December 3, 2009 • Minutes of the Site Plan Committee, December 9, 2009 Ctcq Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 16, 2009 PICXERING 7:30 PM Council Chambers PRESENT: 01 Mayor David Ryan COUNCILLORS: D. Dickerson R. Johnson B. Littley B. McLean J. O'Connell D. Pickles ALSO PRESENT: T. Melymuk - (Acting) Chief Administrative Officer N. Carroll - Director, Planning & Development G. Paterson - Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer K. Thompson - Manager, By-law Enforcement Services Tim Moore - Chief Building Official L. Harker - Coordinator, Records & Elections L. Roberts - Committee Coordinator (1) INVOCATION Mayor Ryan called the meeting to order and led Council in the saying of the Invocation. (II) DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST No disclosures of interest were noted. (III) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Resolution # 265/09 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson Special In Camera Council Minutes, October 19, 2009 Council Minutes, October 19, 2009 Planning & Development Committee Minutes, November 2, 2009 In Camera Special Council Minutes, November 9, 2009 1 cCouncil Meeting Minutes -pill Monday, November 16, 2009 7:30 PM Council Chambers 02 Special Council Minutes, November 9, 2009 Executive Committee Minutes, November 9, 2009 CARRIED (IV) DELEGATIONS 1. Paul Savel, Chair Pickering Public Library Re: Annual Report Paul Savel, Chair of the Pickering Public Library provided an overview of the achievements in 2009 of the Pickering Public Library Board through the use of a power point presentation. He outlined their shared vision with respect to diversity, literacy and bridging the digital divide. He thanked the Board members as well as Council for their support. 2. Maurice Brenner Re: Notice of Motion Accessibility in Pickering Maurice Brenner, Pickering resident, appeared before Council with respect to a motion on Accessibility in Pickering. He commended the City of Pickering for their efforts to date with respect to their participation in training on accessibility issues. He noted his interpretation of the motion being brought forward was that it was asking for comments from the community. He suggested that it be referred to the Accessibility Advisory Committee for review and comments. A question and answer period ensued. (V) CORRESPONDENCE 1. CORR. 104-09 SHELLEY MELANSON, CHAIRPERSON CANADIAN FEDERATION OF STUDENTS 900-180 Bloor Street West Toronto, ON M5S 2V6 Resolution #266/09 Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Dickerson 2 Crq 00 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 16, 2009 7:30 PM Council Chambers 03 That CORR. 104-09 from Shelley Melanson, Chairperson, Canadian Federation of Students, calling on municipalities to take immediate action to address the current housing crisis by way of introducing resolutions that will declare an immediate moratorium on evictions and the sale of public housing units, ensure the replacement of all shelter beds lost due to closures and funding cutbacks and to call on the provincial government to dedicate new funding to a province-wide housing strategy be received for information CARRIED 2. CORR. 105-09 DAVID KOWCH MEMBER SERVICES COUNSELLOR CANADIAN FEDERATION OF INDEPENDENT BUSINESS 4141 Yonge St., Suite 401 Toronto, ON M2P 2A6 Resolution # 267/09 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor McLean 1. That CORR. 105-09 from David Kowch, Member Services Counsellor, Canadian Federation of Independent Business to the Chair of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission requesting the results of the review of the regulations pertaining to the serving of liquor in licensed establishments, in particular the business operating as the Bear and Firkin at 1-1550 Kingston Road in Pickering be received for information; and 2. That a letter be forwarded to the Minister of Government Services from the Mayor on behalf of Council encouraging an acceptable solution for both parties. CARRIED 3. CORR. 106-09 EVELYN SMITH, PRESIDENT ROTARY CLUB OF PICKERING P.O. Box 7 Pickering, ON L1V 2R2 3 Crtq 00 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 16, 2009 ING 7:30 PM Council Chambers 04 Resolution # 268/09 Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Johnson That CORR. 106-09 from Evelyn Smith, President, Rotary Club of Pickering, requesting permission for the Ribfest to be held on June 4, 5 and 6, 2010 at the Esplanade Park in Pickering be approved. The Rotary Club of Pickering recognized Council's support of the Ribfest event with a plaque. CARRIED 4. CORR. 107-09 MARISA CARPINO SUPERVISOR, CULTURE & RECREATION CITY OF PICKERING One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Resolution #269/09 Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That CORR. 107-09 from Marisa Carpino, Supervisor, Culture & Recreation, requesting the City of Pickering proclaim various cultural celebrations on behalf of the Advisory Committee on Race Relations & Equity in the months of November and December be declared. CARRIED (VI) COMMITTEE REPORTS a) REPORT PD 2009-10 OF THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 31=09 Pickering Official Plan -Informational Revision 16 (Housekeeping Matters) COUNCIL DECISION 4 Cirq 00 _ Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 16, 2009 PICXERING 7:30 PM Council Chambers 05 1. That Report PD 31-09 of the Director, Planning & Development regarding Informational Revision 16 (Housekeeping Matters) for inclusion in Edition 6 of the Pickering Official Plan be received; and 2. Further, that the Informational Revision 16 of the Director, Planning & Development, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 31-09, be adopted for inclusion in Edition 6 of the Pickering Official Plan save and except tabling #4 regarding Map 14, Brock.lndustrial Neighbourhood. Resolution #270/09 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Littley That the Report of the Planning & Development Committee 2009-10, dated November 2, 2009, be adopted. CARRIED b) REPORT EC 2009-09 OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 1. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 42-09 Solemnization of Marriages COUNCIL DECISION 1. That Report CS 42-09 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the City Clerk or the Clerk's designate be authorized to undertake, at their discretion, the performance of a civil marriage ceremony at locations and times outside the parameters set out in By-law 6605/05; 3.. That the attached draft by-law be forwarded to Council authorizing the City Clerk and the appropriate delegated person(s), as permitted, to solemnize civil marriage ceremonies as provided in the Marriage Act and Regulations thereto; and 4. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. 5 City 00 _ Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 16, 2009 7:30 PM Council Chambers 06 2. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 43-09 Application for Variance to Sign By-law 2493/87, as amended -Snap Fitness, 631 Kingston Road COUNCIL DECISION That the application for variance to Sign By-law 2439/87, as amended, submitted by Kathi Hall on behalf of Snap Fitness, for property municipally known as 631 Kingston Road, be denied. Resolution #271/09. Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Johnson That the Report of the Executive Committee EC 2009-09, dated November 9, 2009, be adopted, save and except Item 3. CARRIED 3. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 14-09 Updated Sign By-law Discussion ensued on this matter. Resolution # 272/09 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Johnson 1. That Report. CS 14-09 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the proposed sign by-law, as amended, included as Attachment #1, providing regulations for signs erected within the City of Pickering, be enacted as amended to reflect the following: • Deletion of Section 63(7) to the proposed sign by-law, relating to the number of election signs allowed on a single property; • Deletion of Section 63(8) to the proposed sign by-law, relating to the erection of election signs in close proximity to polling stations on election day. 6 tq vo Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 16, 2009 PICXERPsTG 7:30 PM Council Chambers 7 • 64(1) No person shall erect a flag other than a flag bearing the crest, emblem or insignia of any corporation, federal, provincial and municipal government agency, or religious, charitable or fraternal organization. . 41(8) Notwithstanding section 38, a maximum of 4 licences for portable signs may be issued concerning an individual business or service in any calendar year provided at least 30 days have elapsed since the expiry of the last portable sign licence and the sign has been removed; 3. That the minor housekeeping revisions on Special Sign Districts and other types of sign provisions as outlined in the memorandum dated November 3, 2009 from the Manager, By-law Enforcement Services be incorporated into the proposed sign by-law; and 4. Further, that the appropriate staff of the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. Resolution # 273/09 Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor McLean That Item 63 (2) of the proposed Sign By-law be amended to read as follows: No person shall erect an election sign that is more than 2.5 m2 in area. MOTION DEFEATED ON A RECORDED VOTE AS FOLLOWS: YES NO Councillor Littley Councillor Dickerson Councillor O'Connell Councillor Johnson Councillor McLean Councillor Pickles Mayor Ryan Resolution # 274/09 Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Littley That Item 64 (1) of the proposed Sign By-law be deleted. 7 I Cirq oo _ Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 16, 2009 7:30 PM 0 Council Chambers MOTION DEFEATED The main motion was then CARRIED. (VII) MOTIONS & NOTICES OF MOTION a) ACCESSIBILITY IN PICKERING Resolution # 275/09 Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Dickerson. WHEREAS The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 Part V11 requires every Municipal Council with a population greater than 10,000 persons to work together to develop and implement accessibility standards including the establishment of an accessibility advisory committee; and that WHEREAS Section 29 (4) requires that the committee shall, (a) Advise the council about the requirements and implementation of accessibility standards and the preparation of accessibility reports and such other matters for which the council may seek its advice under subsection (5); (b) Review in a timely manner the site plans and drawings described in section 41 of - the Planning Act that the committee selects; and (c) Perform all other functions that are specified in the regulations. 2005, c. 11, s. 29 (4). WHEREAS Section 29 (5) the council shall seek advice from the committee on the accessibility for persons with disabilities to a building, structure or premises, or part of a building, structure or premises, (a) That the council purchases, constructs or significantly renovates; (b) For which the council enters into a new lease; or (c) That a person provides as municipal capital facilities under an agreement entered into with the council in accordance with section 110 of the Municipal Act, 2001 or section 252 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006. 2005, c. 11, s. 29 (5); 2006, c. 32, Sched. C, s. 1. WHEREAS On July 14, 2009, the Ontario government released the initial proposed Accessible Built Environment Standard for a public review period. It aims to break 8 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 16, 2009 7:30 PM Council Chambers 0 9 down barriers in buildings and other structures for people with disabilities by proposing requirements in areas such as: o Entrances, doorways and ramps o Parking spaces o Signs and displays o Recreation, such as parks and trails. WHEREAS Under the Act, a "barrier" means anything that prevents a person with a disability from fully participating in all aspects of society because of his or her disability, including a physical barrier, an architectural barrier, an information or communications barrier, an attitudinal barrier, a technological barrier, a policy or a practice ("obstacle"); NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Corporation of the City of Pickering shall lead by example and requires that (1) All future sidewalks, trails, parks and pedestrian connections with-in the City to be built fully accessible (as defined under the Act) and where not defined projects are to be reviewed by the Accessibility Advisory Committee; (2) All future sidewalks on arterial roads and highway bridges/overpasses be built with a minimum width of 1.8m; (3) Effective immediately to ensure that all pending infrastructure projects pose no barrier to those with disabilities that City of Pickering Accessibility Committee be invited to review and comment on all proposed drawings, site plans and other materials to ensure no "physical barrier, architectural barrier or technological barrier prior to being adopted by Council and or approved for tendering/construction; (4) Staff be directed to establish a standard procedure to have the Accessibility Advisory Committee's comments presented in writing to Council on any and all projects reviewed to ensure their comments are accurately represented and part of the formal reporting process. And Further that The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) be requested to reconsider its decision to build sidewalks 1.5m in width on all 400 series highway bridges and overpasses. And that the MTO reconsiders its position not to have any sidewalks on some bridges/overpasses on the 407 Highway extension into Durham Region. 9 City Council Meeting Minutes lilt ~ Monday, November 16, 2009 PICXERING 7:30 PM 10 Council Chambers And that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Region of Durham for endorsement. And that a copy of this resolution be sent to The Honourable Madeleine Meilleur, Minister of Community and Social Services and the Honourable Gerry Phillips, Minister of Infrastructure and The Honourable Jim Bradley, Minister of Transportation. A question and answer period ensued. Councillor O'Connell provided an explanation with respect to the intent of the motion and was in agreement to send the motion to the Accessibility Advisory Committee for review and comments. The (Acting) Chief Administrative Officer indicated that some of the items noted in the motion have already been completed and staff members are in the process of working on additional items as well. He also noted that staff members have a general knowledge of the process, but not technical knowledge. It was suggested that the public consultation process take place at the Provincial level for now. Resolution #276/09 Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Littley That the Notice of Motion regarding Accessibility in Pickering be tabled. MOTION DEFEATED ON A RECORDED VOTE AS FOLLOWS: YES NO Councillor Johnson Councillor Dickerson Councillor Littley Councillor McLean Councillor Pickles Councillor O'Connell Mayor Ryan Resolution # 277/09 Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Littley 10 Cztq Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 16, 2009 PICXEREXIG 7:30 PM Council Chambers That the Notice of Motion regarding Accessibility in Pickering be referred to the Accessibility Advisory Committee for review and comment. CARRIED (VIII) BY-LAWS 6998/09 Being a by-law to provide for Civil Marriage Services to be offered by the City of Pickering. 6999/09 A by-law to regulate signs in the City of Pickering. 7000/09 Being a by-law to dedicate that part of Lot 16, Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, Pickering, being Part 8, Plan 40R-22043, as public highway, 7001/09 Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing parking restrictions on private property. THIRD READING: Councillor Johnson, seconded by Councillor Dickerson moved that By-law Numbers 6998/09 to 7001/09, be adopted, and the said by-law be now read a third time and passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED (IX) OTHER BUSINESS 1. The Acting Chief Administrative Officer was requested to action the following: a) Councillor O'Connell requested the (Acting) Chief Administrative Officer to clarify the number and deployment of street. sweepers currently being operated by the City of Pickering; b) Councillor O'Connell requested that staff provide an update to Council with respect to the flooding issues in Pickering, particularly the West Shore Area. (X) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW By-law Number # 7002/09 11 Cteq o0 _ Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 16, 2009 7:30 PM F1 1UNG Council Chambers Councillor Johnson, seconded by Councillor O'Connell, moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the City of Pickering to confirm those proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering at its,Regular Meeting of November 16, 2009. CARRIED (XI) ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor McLean That the meeting be adjourned at 9:20 PM CARRIED DATED this 16th day of November, 2009 MAYOR DAVID RYAN THOMAS E. MELYMUK (ACTING) CITY CLERK 12 Citq 4 Planning & Development awes l Committee Meeting Minutes PICKE Monday, December 7, 2009 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor O'Connell 13 PRESENT: Mayor Ryan COUNCILLORS: R.Johnson B. Littley B. McLean J. O'Connell . D. Pickles ABSENT: D. Dickerson - City Business ALSO PRESENT: T. Melymuk (Acting) Chief Administrative Officer N. Carroll - Director, Planning & Development L. Taylor - Manager, Development Review C. Rose - Manager, Policy G. McGregor- Principal Planner, Policy D. Wylie - Senior Planner, Policy D. Shields - (Acting) City Clerk L. Roberts - Committee Coordinator (1) DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST No disclosures of interest were noted. (II) DELEGATIONS 1. Moiz Behr Re: S. R. & R. Bay Ridges Ltd. Moiz Behr appeared before the Committee on behalf of the applicant and with the aid of a power point presentation provided the Committee with information regarding the proposed application. He noted that the applicant felt they have worked closely with City staff and the community to address the planning and development of the site. He noted that the master plan for the site was designed to regenerate the neighbourhood. He stated that the application before the 1 City o0 Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, December 7, 2009 7:30 pm - Council Chambers 1 4 Chair: Councillor O'Connell Committee was the new phase and had additional residential units and commercial space to complement existing development. Mr. Behr requested that a cap of $25,000 be placed on the pedestrian enhancements along the south side of Bayly Street. He also requested the Committee consider an amendment to count 12 tandem parking spots as 24 spaces. A question and answer period ensued. Steve LaForest representing the Pickering Naturalists, 1133 Ritson Road, Oshawa, appeared before the Committee in opposition to Report, PD 36-09 and noted the following concerns. He stated he disagreed with cash-in-lieu of parkland feeling it is being traded away and very few residents would be willing to accept this. He questioned how a third tower was compatible with a natural ravine setting and stated that two towers were enough of a focal point and felt that a third tower was just excessive. He also noted that the parking allotment was unacceptable as cars are already parking on the street. He questioned what mitigation efforts were being done for the birds in this area and noted the efforts should be put in writing and reviewed before construction starts. Mr. LaForest also noted his concerns regarding the environmental and infrastructure issues that needed to be addressed in the area. Tim Dobson, 1505 Sturgeon Court, Pickering representing, Growing Responsibly in Pickering (GRIP) appeared before the Committee in opposition to Report, PD 36-09. He noted that he had been opposed to the applications for the development of this area since the beginning in 2006 and was also noting his opposition to this application. He stated that he disagreed with staffs report and noted his concerns with the density, the reduction in residential and commercial parking, the limited mixed uses, the limit commercial component and the cash-in- lieu for parkland. He expressed the need for more of a commercial component and stated that the residents in this area needed a grocery store. He also stated that enhanced open space features should be included. Hazel Daubeny, 1210 Radom Street, Unit 807, appeared before the Committee in opposition to Report, PD 36-09. She noted that Liverpool and Bayly has had traffic issues before the development in this area began and noted that the development has increased these issues and a third tower will just make it worse. She stated that there is only one road in and out of this area and noted her concerns with the high density of people and how they would get out if there was ever a need to evacuate. She stated that the area was not safe for a person walking, particularly during the peak hours and also noted that she felt it was not possible to walk to the GO station in 10 minutes. i 2 i Citqo~ Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, December 7, 2009 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor O'Connell 15 Letitia Wise, 1230 Radom Street, Unit 31, appeared before the Committee in opposition to Report, PD 36-09. She questioned why this was even being considered at this point, as she had heard there has already been a second delay for buyers of the first two towers. She questioned whether the Committee had visited the current site to see the condition it was in and stated that it was a garbage dump. Peter Rappos, 630 Creekview Circle, appeared before the Committee and referred to an article from Councillor Dickerson regarding urban strategy. He noted he supports this in theory, but felt if it was left to the developers, they would build on every green space they could. He felt that zoning changes were being approved too quickly and there have been too many of them. He requested that Council really consider turning this application down. Maurice Brenner, 711 Sunbird Trail, appeared before the Committee noting his concerns regarding the traffic and density in this area. He questioned whether staff had obtained information regarding nuclear safety issues and suggested checking on facts with those who regulate and set the standards to assure densities are not too high in this area. He also noted that he felt it was premature to approve a third tower at this time and felt it would make more sense to wait for the Pickering Growth Strategy Program to be finished. He stated that there were a number of people not present who were also very concerned with this application and the numbers in attendance did not adequately reflect the residents' concerns. Pat Matson a resident of Bay Ridges appeared before the Committee in opposition to Report, PD 36-09. He stated that it was very important to take into consideration infrastructure in the City for the next 25 years. He stated that there were many more residents that could not attend with the same concerns already noted tonight. Mr. Matson also noted his concerns regarding evacuation in the event of an emergency. Marcie Miles, 1210 Radom Street, Unit 409, appeared before the Committee in opposition to Report, PD 36-9 and questioned why this report was being pushed through before Christmas. John Blandford, 1210 Radom Street, Unit 108, appeared before the Committee and also noted his concerns regarding the time frame with respect to an item of such importance. He noted that due to the number of issues the time should be extended and that the City should listen to the residents. 3 Cars Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, December 7, 2009 16 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor O'Connell Eva Zehethofe, 1847 Shadybrook Drive, appeared before the Committee and stated that she was concerned with approvals being granted on a site specific basis and whether those approvals would set a precedent on other applications. Mary Ann Boyd, 1210 Radom Street, Unit 602, appeared before the Committee in opposition to Report, PD 36-09. She stated that numerous complaints have been made in regards to the site looking like a garbage dump. A question and answer period ensued. (III) PART `A' INFORMATION REPORTS 1. Planning Director's Report, PD 36-09 Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 08-003/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 19/08 S.R. & R. Bay Ridges Ltd. and S.R. & R. Bay Ridges (Plaza II) Ltd. 1251 & 1261 Bayly Street Parts 1, 5, 7, 14, 15 & 16, Plan 40R-25170 City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Littley 1. That Report PD 36-09 of the Director, Planning & Development respecting Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 08/003/P and Amendment 21 to the Pickering Official Plan, be received; 2. a) That Amendment 21 to the Pickering Official Plan initiated by S.R. & R. Bay Ridges Ltd. and S.R. & R. Bay Ridges (Plaza II) Ltd., to permit a mixed use 25 storey building having a floor space index of 2.6, a density of 225 units per hectare, 237 condominium apartment dwelling units and a minimum of 410 square metres of commercial gross leasable floor area by amending the Neighbourhood 3: Bay Ridges Plan as set out in Exhibit "A" to Appendix I to Report PD 36-09 be adopted and forwarded to the Region of Durham for information; b) That the Draft By-law to adopt Amendment 21 to the Pickering Official Plan to permit a mixed use 25 storey building having a floor space index of 2.6, a density of 225 units per hectare, 237 condominium apartment dwelling units and a minimum of 410 square metres of 4 Cif Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes PICKERNG Monday, December 7, 2009 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor O'Connell commercial gross leasable floor area as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 36-09 be forwarded to Council for enactment; 3. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 19/08 submitted by S.R. & R. Bay Ridges Ltd. and S.R. & R. Bay Ridges (Plaza II) Ltd., for lands being Parts 1, 5, 7, 14, 15 & 16, Plan 40R-25170, City of Pickering, to amend the zoning of the subject property to permit a mixed use 25 storey building having 237 condominium apartment dwelling units and a minimum of 410 square metres of commercial gross leasable floor area as outlined in Report PD 36-09 be approved with an "(H)" Holding Category; 4. That no further notice is required to change the by-law to reduce the required residential parking ratio from 1.25 spaces per unit to 1.15 spaces per unit and the commercial parking ratio from 4.5 spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area to 3.00 spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area, proposed subsequent to the holding of the public meeting, as it is within the provisions of the Planning Act; 5. That the Draft By-law to amend Zoning By-law 2520, as amended, to permit a mixed use 25 storey building having 237 condominium apartment dwelling units and a minimum of 4.10 square metres of commercial gross leasable floor area be forwarded to Council for enactment; and 6. Further, that the City Clerk forward a copy of Report PD 36-09 to the Region of Durham for information. CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING (See Following Motions) Moved by Councillor Littley Seconded by Councillor Pickles That the main motion be amended by adding the following as Item 2 (o) under Appendix III; 2. (o) Consideration of measures in the building design to mitigate bird strikes. CARRIED Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Johnson 5 Caq Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, December 7, 2009 1 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor O'Connell That the main motion be amended by adding the following as Item 7; i 7. That a maximum of 24 required resident parking spaces may be provided in a tandem arrangement and each tandem space is to be identified as one parcel within the condominium plan and the condo declaration shall advise of this restriction. CARRIED The main motion, as amended, was then CARRIED. 2. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 32-09 Procedure for Council consideration of site specific exceptions to Council Adopted Development Guidelines City of Pickerinq RECOMMENDATION Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Johnson 1. That Council endorse the procedure outlined in Report PD 32-09 for use in processing applications requesting a site specific exception to a Council Adopted Development Guideline that is not associated with a planning application under the Planning Act requiring Council's consideration; and 2. That staff follow the endorsed procedure for processing the request of James Micklewright, 447 Toynevale Road, for a site specific exception to the Rosebank Neighbourhood Development Guidelines. CARRIED 3. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 33-09 Required Municipal By-law Amendments Oak Ridges Moraine City of Pickerinq RECOMMENDATION Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Littley 6 Ctq Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, December 7, 2009 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor O'Connell 19 1. That Report PD 33-09 of the Director, Planning & Development, be received; 2. That amendments to the following Municipal By-laws be forwarded to City Council for enactment in order to protect the ecological integrity of the Oak Ridges Moraine: a) the Tree Protection By-law 6108/03 to reflect the natural heritage features within the Oak Ridges Moraine as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 33-09; b) the Fill and Topsoil Disturbance By-law 6060/02 to reflect the landform conservation areas within the Oak Ridges Moraine as set out in Appendix II to Report PD 33-09; c) the Site Plan Control Area By-law 1079/80 to require site plan approval for detached dwellings and accessory structures as set out in Appendix III to Report PD 33-09; and 3. That the City Clerk forward a copy of Report PD 33-09 to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Region of Durham and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. CARRIED 4. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 34-09 Growth Strategy Program Provincial Growth Plan Conformity Amendment Part of the Pickering Official Plan Review City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor McLean That Report PD 34-09 of the Director, Planning & Development respecting the Pickering Growth Strategy Program be received for information. CARRIED 5. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 35-09 Proposed Street Name Change Deerhaven Lane to Summerpark Crescent 7 i C,ry Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes PICKERING Monday, December 7, 2009 20 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor O'Connell RECOMMENDATION Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Johnson 1. That Report PD 35-09 of the Director, Planning & Development regarding the proposed street name change of Deerhaven Lane to Summerpark Crescent be received; 2. That Council authorize staff to take the steps necessary to effect changing the name of Deerhaven Lane to Summerpark Crescent; 3. That Council. authorize staff to send correspondence to all landowners residing west of Rosebank Road (Woodsmere Crescent, Wildflower Drive, Summerpark Crescent and Garland Crescent) advising of the City's intent to change the street named Deerhaven Lane to Summerpark Crescent; and 4. That Council authorize staff to bring forward the by-law required to effect the name change for enactment and registration. CARRIED (IV) OTHER BUSINESS The (Acting) Chief Administrative Officer was requested to action the following: a) Councillor McLean requested an update with respect to facility repairs required and completed to date on the Petticoat Creek Library. b) Councillor Pickles requested previous resolutions approved by Council with respect to houses owned by the Federal Government and the maintenance of those houses. (V) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:15 pm. 8 City o0 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, December 14, 2009 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Littley 21 PRESENT: Mayor Ryan COUNCILLORS: D. Dickerson R.Johnson B. Littley B. McLean J. O'Connell D. Pickles ALSO PRESENT: T. Melymuk - (Acting) Chief Administrative Officer E. Buntsma - Director, Operations & Emergency Services G. Paterson - Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer D. Shields - (Acting) City Clerk (1) DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST No disclosures of interest were noted. (11) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. Director, Operations & Emergency. Services Report OES 49-09 Don Beer Arena Pro Shop RECOMMENDATION Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson 1. That Report OES 49-09 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services be received; and 1 CLtq Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, December 14, 2009 7:30 pm - Council Chambers 22 Chair: Councillor Littley 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute a renewal Pro Shop License Agreement to permit XPRT Marketing & Promotions to continue to operate a Pro Shop facility at Don Beer Arena from September 1, 2009 to April 30, 2012 that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the City Solicitor. CARRIED 2. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 52-09 City of Pickering 2010 Annual Accessibility Plan -Endorsed by the Accessibility Advisory Committee for Council Consideration RECOMMENDATION Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson 1. That Report OES 52-09 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the City of Pickering 2010 Annual Accessibility Plan be received; and 2. That Council endorse the City of Pickering 2010 Annual Accessibility Plan as presented and reviewed by the City of Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee. CARRIED 3. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 55-09 Don Beer Arena Snack Bar Concession -Lease Renewal - Pickering Hockey Association RECOMMENDATION Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson 1. That Report OES 55-09 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the Lease Renewal - Pickering Hockey Association be received; and 2 citq 00 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, December 14, 2009 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Littley 23 2.. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute a renewal Concession Licence Agreement to permit the Pickering Hockey Association to continue to operate the snack bar concession facility at Don Beer Arena from September 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010 that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the City Solicitor, with the option of mutually extending this licence agreement for a further two years. CARRIED 4. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 56-09 Pickering Recreation Complex Arena -Snack Bar Concession RECOMMENDATION Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson 1. That Report OES 56-09 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services be received; and 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute a renewal Concession License Agreement to permit Beverly and Ron Ireland to continue to operate snack bar concession facilities at the Pickering Recreation Complex (Arena only) from September 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010 that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the City Solicitor. CARRIED 5. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 58-09 2015 Pan/Parapan American Games Agreement to be a Host Municipality RECOMMENDATION Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson 1. That Report OES 58-09 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the 2015 Pan/Parapan American Games Agreement to be a Host Municipality be received; 3 c,tq 00 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, December 14, 2009 7:30 pm - Council Chambers 24 Chair: Councillor Littley 2: That the City of Pickering participation in the 2015 Pan/Parapan American Games as a Host Municipality be endorsed; and 3. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to enter into a multi-party agreement that identifies the 2015 Pan/Parapan American Games venues to the host municipalities and that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the Chief Administrative Officer. CARRIED 6. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 44-09 2009 Internal Loans and External Debentures RECOMMENDATIONS Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson That Report CS 44-09 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer regarding internal loans and external debentures be received for information. CARRIED 7. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 45-09 2010 Interim Spending Authority RECOMMENDATION Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson 1. That Report CS 45-09 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the 2010 Interim Operating Expenditures be approved at 50% of the prior years' budget including adjustments as contained in Attachment 1, pending approval of the formal 2010 Current Budget by Council; and 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. CARRIED 4 citq °o Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, December 14, 2009 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Littley 2 5 8. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 46-09 2010 Temporary Borrowing By-law RECOMMENDATION Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson 1. That Report CS 46-09 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the temporary borrowing limit to meet 2010 current expenditures pending receipt of taxes and other revenues be established at $33,800,000 for the period January 1, 2010 to September 30, 2010 inclusive, and $16,900,000 thereafter until December 31, 2010; 3. That the temporary borrowing limit for capital purposes for 2010 be established at $22,700,000; 4. That the attached draft by-law providing for the temporary borrowing of monies, be enacted; and 5. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect. thereto. CARRIED 9. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 47-09 Veridian - Inter-Creditor Agreement RECOMMENDATION Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson 1. That Report CS 47-09 of the Director., Corporate Services & Treasurer regarding the Veridian -Inter-Creditor Agreement be received; 2. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an Inter-Creditor Agreement in a form substantially as attached hereto and acceptable to the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, between the Toronto Dominion Bank, the Town of Ajax, the City of Belleville, the Municipality of Clarington, the City of Pickering, Veridian Corporation and Veridian Connections Inc.; 5 Caq 0~ Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, December 14, 2009 7:30 pm - Council Chambers 26 Chair: Councillor Littley 3. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to undertake any discussions, negotiations or amendments to agreements necessary in order to put into effect the wishes of Council as expressed under these and previous Resolutions regarding this matter; and 4. That appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. CARRIED 10. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 48-09 Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act- Adjustment to Taxes RECOMMENDATION Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson 1. That Report CS 48-09 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the write-offs of taxes as provided under Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act, 2001 be approved; and 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect hereto. CARRIED (III) OTHER BUSINESS The (Acting) Chief Administrative Officer was requested to action the following: a) Councillor Pickles requested staff to investigate Valley Farm Road at the northerly end. He noted that the ditch on the east side fills in which causes water to flood onto the road and also noted numerous accidents where cars have gone into the ditch or onto the boulevard. Councillor Pickles suggested that staff look at curbing for this part of Valley Farm Road. 6 City o0 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, December 14, 2009 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Littley 2 7 b) Councillor Johnson requested that staff look into placing a grant in the 2010 Budget for approval in order to reduce the cost for the use of the Petticoat Creek Library for the Pickering Lions Club Christmas event. (IV) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm. 7 C*ty oO 2 8 PICKERING December 21, 2009 PRESENTATIONS 1. Rhonda Lawson, Vice-Chair Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee Presentation of Heritage Plaque Greenwood Schoolhouse Designation of 3540 Westney Road Under the Ontario Heritage Act ;Citq Oo 2 9 PICKERING December 21, 2009. DELEGATIONS 1. a) Moiz Behar b) Judy Gallagher c) Pat Mattson d) Tim Dobson e) Hazel Daubeny f) Cammy Goan g) Jocelyne Hammond h) Marcie Miles Re: Planning Director's Report PD 36-09 S.R. & R. Bay Ridges Ltd. and S.R. & R Bay Ridges (Plaza II) Ltd. 1251 & 1261 Bayly Street 2. Maurice Brenner Re: Planning Director's Report PD 36-09 S.R. & R. Bay Ridges Ltd. and S.R. & R Bay Ridges (Plaza II) Ltd.; Planning Director's Report PD 34-09 Growth Strategy Program; and Agreements with York Region - Conveyance of City Lands And Road Allowance to Accommodate Expansion of the DCWPCP and Council Resolutions 30 DICKERING December 21, 2009 CORRESPONDENCE Pages 1. CORR. 108-09 Motion for Direction NEIL STEWART, CHAIRPERSON 32 MCNAB/BRAESIDE DISASTER RELIEF COMMITTEE 2508 Russett Dr., R.R. #2 Arnprior, ON K7S 3G8 Letter received from Neil Stewart, Chairperson, McNab/Braeside Disaster Relief Committee seeking financial assistance as a result of flooding which occurred on July 24, 2009 resulting in the affected area being declared a "disaster area". 2. CORR. 109-09 Motion for Direction DAVE HARE, PRESIDENT 33-34 GREATER OSHAWA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 44 Richmond Street West, Suite 100 Oshawa, ON L1 G 1 C7 Letter received from Dave Hare, President, Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce seeking Council support with respect to the use of Canadian Nuclear Energy Technology as the best option for the environment and the resulting benefits to Canada. They are requesting timely action from the Provincial and Federal governments in the matter of nuclear issues. 3. CORR. 110-09 Receive for Information MICHAEL CHAN, MINISTER 35 MINISTRY OF CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION 6t" Floor, 400 University Avenue Toronto, ON M7A 2R9 Letter received from Michael Chan, Minister, Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration inviting the City of Pickering to participate in Ontario's volunteer recognition programs for 2010. 4. CORR. 111-09 Receive for Information SANDRA KRANC, CITY CLERK 36-37 CITY OF OSHAWA 50 Centre Street South Oshawa, ON L1 H 3Z7 Letter received from Sandra Kranc, City Clerk, City of Oshawa, with respect to a resolution passed at a meeting held November 30, 2009 regarding legislation which mandates superintendents and key holders of condominiums and apartment buildings be bonded and obtain criminal reference checks. 5. 3CORR. 112-09 Motion to Ratify DAVID MILLER, MAYOR Endorsement CITY OF TORONTO 38-47 City Hall 100 Queen St. West, 2"d Floor Toronto, ON M51-1 2N2 Letter received from Mayor David Miller, City of Toronto and Chair of the C40 Group of Cities leading the fight against climate change, requesting the City of Pickering's support by endorsing their proclamation with respect to the support . of an ambitious, fair and binding international climate agreement at the UN Climate Summit in December. Letter forwarded from Mayor Ryan to the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada indicating Council's desire for the Government of Canada's commitment to a fair and resolute climate agreement in Copenhagen during the UN Climate Summit. (Resolution of endorsement to be ratified at December 21, 2009 Council meeting) 6. CORR. 113-09 Motion to Endorse FCM INTERNATIONAL 48 international cVcm.ca Letter received from FCM International requesting the City of Pickering proclaim February 7 - 12, 2010 as "International Development Week". McNab/Braeside Disaster Relief Committee -62 2508 Russett Drive, R.R. #2 G, 2 R 1 -vQj Arnprior, Ontario K7S 3G8 November 24, 2009 TO ALL AMO MEMBER MUNICIPALITIES My Community needs your assistance to address a disaster. The Township of McNab/Braeside, with a population of just over 7,200, is found in Eastern Ontario near Ottawa. It is still very much a rural community that has been required to establish a fund raising target of $150,000 to deal with a flood. More specifically a torrential rainstorm caused such localized flooding on July 24, 2009 such-that the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing declared the affected area a "Disaster Area" for the purposes of the Ontario Disaster Relief Program. This reflects the severe damage done to many farmers and homeowners. The Province will contribute up to $2.00 for every local dollar raised to an amount necessary to settle all claims. The victims really need our support. They have found that this disaster which tore apart foundations, flooded basements and destroyed crops in the field and in storage was not covered by their insurance policies. Our local fund raising efforts are beginning to bear fruit as donations are just now coming in from local municipalities. But in these lean times with so many other demands on all of us, the McNab/Braeside Disaster Relief Committee asks your council to help make a difference and provide financial assistance to our community. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. OR,c3(1~,1i1" Sincerely T o. COPY TO: Nei Stewart Chairperson of the McNab/Braeside Disaster Relief Committee- .R Office: 613-623-5756 1-800-957-4621 • Fax: 613-623-9138 www.mcnabbraeside.com e-mail: infc(~i„mcnabbraeside.com ,oet of 001)z~ 3 3 GREATER shawa -b Mtab&hcd IRZ8 otCu:' "v 44 Richmond Street West, Ste. 100, Oshawa, ON LIG IC7, (905) 728-1683, Fax (905) 432-1259 Greater Oshawa Chamber (if Commerce mm.oshawachanibcr.com ORIGiNIA! November 18, 2009 COPY TO: Right Honourable Steven Harper, MP Prime Minister of Canada Parliament Buildings OTTAWA, ONTARIO K1A OA2 t~ Faxed to 613 -941-6900 Hon. Dalton McGuinty, M.P.P. s _ I Premier of Ontario i Queen's Park ! flcL.._2.~_10 ~ i TORONTO, ONTARIO M7A 1A1 CD Fax ed to 416-325-3745 _ -t Dear Prime Minister Harper & Premier McGuinty ~koY-J _Qor INDECISION IS DESTROYING OPPORTUNITY FOR CANADA TO CREATE JOBS IN THE NUCLEAR INDUSTRY The Canadian Nuclear Industry was recently described at a standing committee meeting as "modem, tight, well- organized, and highly qualified supply chain that is actually the envy of many of the other reactor vendors" It has the potential to be one of the most positive factors for the well-being of Canadians throughout the 21 st century. With its leading edge technology, experience and infrastructure, Canada could be a dominant player in the Nuclear Energy Renaissance that is taking place throughout the world. However, the Nuclear Industry in Canada has passed a fork in the road and is involuntarily being walked down the path of decline as a result of the combined, actions of the Ontario and Federal governments. Ontario's delay in its decision on the Darlington nuclear facility, announced in June, has created a vacuum which is being exploited by other. nations and has crippled Canada's prospects for selling its technologies abroad. While we may understand the respective responsibilities of our State and Provinces potential customers elsewhere in the world see this as a direct vote of no confidence in our reactor design and the capabilities of our own companies. We stress that the effects are much broader than just the challenge created to AECL in selling reactors but affects the credibility of the 150 Canadian companies that constitute the supply chain. The restructuring of AECL is stated to be one reason for the suspension of the Ontario process. It is of special concern to us that if the restructuring takes a significant time our Canada's opportunity could easily have dissipated before we even start. Even if the opportunity remains our ability to access it may be lost as foreign firms have already commenced hiring away some of the best and brightest from the Canadian Nuclear EnerdY Industry. The restructuring may be necessary but it appears inconceivable to the business community that our Federal and Provincial Governments cannot work together to get these issues resolved to retain confidence and get decisions made on a timely basis. We wonder whether our Federal and Ontario governments recognize that the world and its economies operate in "real time" and that in the 21 st century "real time" is measured in days, weeks and months, NOT YEARS!! The cancellation of the "Avro Arrow" five decades ago has been recognized in Canada as an example of the lack of political will to recognize and support Canada's potential for greatness. While this decision may have arisen from a lack of vision at least a decision was made. It will be so much more shameful if we lose another anchor industry simply because appropriate decisions could not be made in a timely manner. I .i l• 3 4 -2- Nuclear Energy can become a cornerstone to achieving an ecologically sound and sustainable energy supply. Developed and developing countries around the world have recognized this and are quickly moving forward with plans for sustainable energy that include Nuclear Energy as a key component. Canada's advanced technology and unsurpassed safety record make it the most desirable option for the world to ensure a safe and stable supply of Nuclear Energy. Canada's abilities can make Nuclear Energy an environmentally sound and economically viable option for the world. The Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce wants the world to use Canadian Nuclear Energy Technology because it is the best option for.the environment and the safest option for the world. The benefits to Canada of a vibrant Nuclear Energy Industry are many and varied, including providing .a safe emissions free and economic supply of energy, the creation of tens of thousands of skilled, high paying jobs, a high value product that can be manufactured in Canada that is in demand throughout the world, and utilization. in Canada of advanced technology and manufacturing processes that can provide an impetus to other research and manufacturing sectors in Canada. The Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce believes in and supports Canada's potential for greatness and urges our Ontario and Federal governments to do the same and ACT NOW!!!! i Do not delay these decisions any longer - TIME IS RUNNING OUT. Since y, a e Hare, President, K. R., Malcolmson, CEO & General Manager cc: Tim Hudak, MPP Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party Andrea Howarth, MPP, Leader of the New Democratic Party of Ontario Ontario Cabinet Ministers Durham Region MPP's Durham Region MP's Roger Anderson, Chair, Regional Municipality of Durham Mayors & Council, Regional Municipality of Durham Canadian Chamber of Commerce Ontario Chamber of Commerce Ministry of Citizenship Ministere des Affaires civiques aw 1M Via and Immigration et de Plmmigration Ar _9TH 1W Office of the Minister Bureau du Ministre 6"' Floor 6e dtage 35 400 University Avenue 400, avenue University Ontario Toronto ON M7A 2R9 Toronto ON M7A 2R9 Tel.: (416) 325-6200 Tel.: (416) 325-6200 Fax: (416) 325-6195 Telic.: (416) 325-6195 ~O 2 ' November, 2009 Dear friends, I am once again very pleased to invite you to participate in Ontario's volunteer recognition programs for 2010. Volunteers play a significant role in building strong and diverse communities and give back in so many ways through a strong sense of civic responsibility. The Ontario government recognizes volunteers from all sectors through the following programs: • Volunteer Service Awards (VSA) - in recognition of continuous years of service with a community organization ■ June Callwood Outstanding Achievement Award (JCOAA) - awarded for superlative volunteer work undertaken by individuals, groups or businesses. Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers (OMYV) - presented to outstanding young volunteers between the ages of 15 and 24 Nomination forms and additional information on each program are available on the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration website at www.citizenship.gov.on.ca/english/honours. You can also contact the Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat at 416-314-7526 or 1-877-832-8622. The nomination closing dates for each program are highlighted below. Please take this opportunity to nominate volunteers from your organization for the appropriate award program and feel free to share this letter with other organizations that would be interested in participating in these worthwhile programs. By submitting a nomination you can help ensure that volunteers receive the recognition they deserve. Thank you for participating. Yours truly, r `OL f^;I_ 4;~.7F1: j 1 Nomination Closing Dates: ( I j i VSA -January 25, 2010 1 JCOAA - January 15, 2010 i OMYV - January 31, 2010 j 6 Michael Chan €o, Minister -•-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-•-•-.-•---.-.1 IL Z). e C- c r ~ 10-107A - / r I\ ~2CE? ~ L ~o r- ~ v1ta I Oshawa Corporate Services Department City Clerk Services l -C) 36 T'OORIGfNf1-s---...'`-TO.- COPY File D-1100 TO: December 1, 2009 The Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier 2 o Queen's Park CORR: Room 281, Main Legislative Building ~~'tCE,~PPR ac Toronto, ON M7A 1A1 'eCG ~ U C. ~t r~ r ~ in o Re. Request for the Province to Mandate Superintendents and Key Holders for Condominiums and Apartment Buildings be Bonded and Obtain Criminal Reference Checks City Council considered the above matter at a meeting held November 30, 2009 and adopted the following recommendation of the Strategic Initiatives Committee: "Whereas the residents of condominiums and apartments have the right to live in a safe environment; and, Whereas there currently is no legislation mandating that superintendents and key holders to those complexes are required to be bonded or obtain police checks; Therefore be it resolved that the Province be mandated to compel owners and managers of properties to ensure that all key holders are bonded and obtain police. criminal checks; and, That this be forwarded to all municipalities, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the Chief of Police and Members of Provincial Parliament." Your consideration of this important issue is appreciated. By copy of this letter, I am advising all municipalities, the Association of Municipaiities of Ontario, and the Chief of Police of Council's decision and requesting the Clerk of the Ontario Legislature distribute this letter to all Members of Provincial Parliament. The Corporation of the City of Oshawa, 50 Centre Street South, Oshawa, Ontario L1 H 3V Phone 905.436.5639 1.800.667.4292 Fax 905.436-5697 www.oshawa.ca 37 -2- If you need further assistance, please contact me at the address listed below, or by telephone at 905-436-5636, extension 2230. C, Sandra Kranc City Clerk SK/mm G. City Manager's Office Ontario Municipalities Association of Municipalities of Ontario Chief Mike Ewles, Durham Regional Police Clerk of the Ontario Legislature i 38 DAVID BILLER November 25, 2009 Greater Toronto Area Mayors Dear Colleagues: I am writing you today in my capacity as the Chair of the C40 Group of cities leading the fight against climate change. World leaders will be meeting in Copenhagen from December 7 to December 18, 2009 for the 15th meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP 15) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. As leaders of large cities, we have an unprecedented. opportunity to influence these discussions. Across Canada, municipalities are leading the way on greenhouse gas reductions and showing how we must all fight climate change. The role of mayors will be highlighted in Denmark at the Copenhagen Summit for Mayors which will be taking place from December 1.4 to December 17. At this summit, more than 100 cities from around the world will showcase their major initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In Copenhagen, C40 and other mayors will be calling on national governments around the globe to engage, empower and resource cities so they we are able to achieve even more on behalf of all our residents. I trust you can join me, as chair of the C40 Group, in supporting the text which has been submitted to the formal negotiations by the Environmental Integrity Group (EIG) - an alliance of Switzerland, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Monaco and Liechtenstein. This submission highlights the valuable role cities,are playing in the fight against climate change. Its key recommendations include: a) Recognition of the role, achievements and potential of cities in addressing climate change particularly in regard to mitigation. b) Recognition that strategic investments in low-carbon cities such as providing cities access with national and international cooperation programs to combat climate change will result in reductions in greenhouse gas emissions as well as stronger national economies due to increased demand for innovation and green technologies, job creation and reduced energy costs. c) A suggestion that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change add a ■ chapter on cities to its Working Group and Synthesis Reports. N-TORONTO City Hall • 100 Queen. Street West • 2nd. Floor • Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Telephone: 4.16-397-CITY • Fax: 41.6-696-3687 + E-mail: mayor_miller@toronto.ca _2. 3 9 d) Encouragement for development of strategies, programs, projects and partnerships that focus on the ability of cities to respond and adapt to climate f change and - wherever possible to make major contributions to mitigation actions of national significance to meet national targets for greenhouse gas reductions. I am attaching a letter and the full EIG proposal that .1 sent to Prime Minister Stephen Harper. I ask you to please write the Prime Minister and request that his government support this proposal in Copenhagen. Thank you in advance for your support on this issue. i f Yours truly, Mayor David Miller z City of Toronto Encl. tj 9 9 r k 40 DAVID MILLER November 2, 2009 The Right Honourable Stephen Harper Prime Minister of Canada 80 Wellington Street Ottawa Kl. A OA2 Dear Prime Minister: ! As Chair of the C40 Large. Cities Climate Leadership group, an organization of the world's largest cities committed to tackling climate change, I want to bring your attention to a submission recently introduced into formal negotiations in advance of the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP 15) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change this December in Copenhagen. i An alliance of nations -Switzerland, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Monaco and Liechtenstein known collectively as the Environmental Integrity Group have proposed text that recognizes the important role that cities play in the fight against climate change. li 1 am attaching the proposal in full and respectfully ask that you direct your Chief of ! Negotiations to support the motion that has been tabled by the Environmental Integrity Group R of nations. S The submission underlines that action-oriented city networks such as the C40 can provide strategic influence and deliver or act as catalyst for action in combating climate change. The proposal emphasizes the need for national governments to engage, empower and resource cities to reach, the greenhouse gas reductions so necessary for the health of our planet and the long term well-being of our economy, The key recommendations in the proposal are: a ~ ) To recognize the role, achievements and potential of cities in climate change, particularly regarding mitigation b) To recognize that strategic investments in low-carbon cities, such as providing cities access to national and international cooperation programs to combat climate change, will result in reductions in greenhouse gas emissions as well as stronger national economies due to increased demand for innovation and green technologies, the associated job creation, as well as reduced energy costs. U-TOROMB # C itv Hall • 100 Qut en Street West • 2nd Floor • Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 Telephone: 416-397 CI ry • rax 4:16-696-3687 E-mall;. auayo _n~rller(t?ccirontn.ch l 41 c) To suggest that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change add a `chapter on cities to its Working Group and Synthesis Reports. d) To encourage the development of strategies, programs, projects, and partnerships that focus on the ability of cities to respond and adapt to climate.change, and to make major contributions to mitigation actions of national significance, contributing to meet - where applicable- national targets for greenhouse gas reductions. I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to share more information relating to this proposal, if your schedule permits. If your staff would like to discuss the proposal please have them contact either Jane Karwat (jkarwat@ toronto.ea, 416-338-71.30) or ]Mary MacDonald (mmacdon@torontoxa, 416 338-7130 from my office. Toronto City Council has directed staff to take action now to ensure we reach Toronto's target of 80 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions based on 1990 levels. I'm proud to say that in City of Toronto operations we have already obtained over 40 percent carbon reductions based on 1990 levels and we continue to work hard to achieve even more. Climate Change is the issue of our time, perhaps of all time. As Mayor of Toronto, a city whose residents are deeply committed to fighting climate change, l strongly encourage you to be among the national leaders pushing for tough greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. ours truly, Mayor David Miller City of Toronto ;Q s~ 42 l Environmental Integrity Group (EIG): Republic of Korea, Liechtenstein, I Mexico, Monaco and Switzerland I Submission to the UNFCCC 18 October 2009 i Cities and climate change Cities and urban areas - home to 50% of the world's population - are responsible for up to 75% of the global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. They cover less than one per cent of the earth's surface but 75% of all energy is consumed by the world's urban + population. Several -cities worldwide are already demonstrating leadership, taking responsibility for their GHG emissions and working towards their sustainability. In fact, a . 9 large number of cities have already put forward their own ambitious emission reductions targets achieving significant greenhouse gas reductions in many cases. Moreover, cities around the world have set networks and partnerships to join efforts on climate action. On this basis, we consider that cities can go every further if they have the right tools and support from their national governments, as well as from bilateral and multilateral cooperation programs under an enabling national and international framework. Given that by 2030 it is expected that two thirds of the world population will live in urban areas, the cities' importance for combating climate change will even increase. Thereby, enhanced mitigation actions in the cities could play a pivotal role within the future framework of national appropriate mitigation actions in developed and developing countries, and in meeting national quantified emissions reduction targets for countries that have agreed such. The Ad Hoc Working Group on Long Term Cooperative Action 3 under the Convention has included considerations on cities and climate change in several sections of its negotiating text. Those references reflect the acknowledgement of diverse Parties on the need of bringing the issue into focus. Cities are also particularly vulnerable to climate 'change impacts. The rapid pace of urbanization and the high concentration of population living in urban areas increase the overall vulnerability of cities to climate change. The location of many cities in high-risk zones contributes to enhancing their vulnerability to floods, heat waves, droughts and other potential climate and hydro-meteorological dangers. Local air pollution is affected by climate change, too. Further, in the case of cities in developing countries, the size and vulnerability of informal settlements, generally built in fragile areas, also increases the attention that cities must pay to adaptation as part of their development strategies. Cities concentrate as well a vast quantity of resources, infrastructure and economic activity, that must be protected from climate impacts. The particular characteristics and lL? features of urban areas demand tailored adaptation measures and strategies. I I L . a 43 We recognize that adaptation and mitigation measures need to go hand in hand and that they mutually reinforce the opportunities and benefits of promoting climate action in urban areas. The potential of cities to contribute to climate change action In many fields relevant for climate change action, cities are important as investors or regulators. This includes in particular the broad spectrum of municipal infrastructure where cities or pro-active city networks as C40 can provide strategic influence and deliver or act as catalysts for action: • Transport - increase the use of public transport and ensure that transport is low or zero emission; establish smart traffic guidance systems which reduce congestion and ease access; establish incentives for better fuel performance and CO2 reduction in new vehicles, and for renewing the vehicular pool. • Waste - pioneer energy from advanced waste management technologies such as anaerobic digestion and gasification in municipal landfills or sewage treatment plants; promote waste reduction through reuse and recycling of resources. • Lighting - accelerate the uptake of energy efficient lighting in homes and on streets, such as CFLs and LED's (Light Emitting Diodes). • Renewable energy - lead and encourage the uptake and use of renewable I energy sources such as solar, wind, mini-hydro and biomass. • District heating develop modern highly efficient energy networks, delivering ! heat and power locally and improving energy security in places where these systems are needed and used. Efficient water supply- boost water efficiency through sharing best practices on I efficient water supply systems and usage among cities, municipality and rural areas, thus reducing energy consumption for pumping. g • Energy efficiency - support environmentally sound technologies and promote ( energy-efficiency and co-generation in the industry as well as in public utilities; develop and implement standards on energy efficiency for industrial and domestic systems and appliances. • Building Sector - reduce, energy losses in heating or air condition across a city by retrofitting public, private and commercial buildings; foster policies that promote that new developments consider low carbon measures and technologies and in some cases even get carbon neutral. Regarding adaptation, cities can develop sector and, social vulnerability assessments considering the particular characteristics and features of urban areas, and favor the design and implementation of urban adaptation strategies as part of national climate change and development plans. 2 i 44 Moreover, cities can positively influence behavioural change - engaging citizens and ~ entrepreneurs in reducing their carbon footprint. Cities can take up sustainability criteria in their procurement, thus implementing the concepts developed by the Marrakech Task Force on Sustainable Public Procurement. All in all, cities have the unique opportunity to guide the spatial development (urban planning) and limit the carbon footprint of their economies. They can accelerate the move towards sustainable cities through strategic long term, integrated approaches, infrastructure investments and regulatory measures (enabling policy framework). Many of the above mentioned fields do qualify for carbon finance - different CDM- methodologies exist. Nevertheless, it has proved difficult so far to develop CDM projects in many of those fields.due to the barriers and constraints that the CDM currently faces. In this regard, it is necessary to improve the CDM and tailor methodologies to specific cities needs, and promote them amongst municipal authorities. So far, local authorities have been strongly under-represented as developers of CDM-projects. This emphasizes the need for local. capacity building and a better understanding between national governments and the cities on potential carbon mitigation projects that might exist. Targeted capacity building programmes like the World Bank's Carbon p; - Finance Assist (www.cfassist.org) help to address this issue. l Motion The Environmental Integrity Group Invites the UNFCCC: a) To recognise the role, achievements and potential of cities in climate. change action. b) To recognize that strategic investments in low carbon cities, such as promoting cities access to national and international cooperation programmes to combat i climate change, will result in reductions in greenhouse gas.emissions as well as i stronger national economies due to increased demand for innovation and green technologies, the associated job creation, as well as reduced energy costs. c) To suggest that the. IPCC add a chapter on cities to its Working Group and Synthesis Reports. i d) To encourage the development of strategies, programmes, projects, and partnerships that focus on the ability of cities to respond and adapt to climate change, and to make major contributions to mitigation actions of national significance, contributing to meet - where applicable - national targets for greenhouse gas reductions. 6s 3 P 45. The role national governments 1 a Cities are already engaging in climate change action, but want to do more, as recently expressed in the "Seoul Declaration" of the 3rd C40 Large Cities Climate Summit (18-21 May 2009 in Seoul, Republic of Korea). Now, Parties are invited to support their cities as actors of climate change mitigation and adaptation through the following means.; 1) Engage closely with their city leaders, whose responsibility for critical services mean they are well placed to support the delivery of GHG emissions reductions. Cooperation is needed in many relevant fields such as the trade and investments framework, tariff setting (e.g. energy tariffs, feed-in tariffs) infrastructure planning I (e.g. linking local and national transport systems), business regulations relevant for technology transfer. i 2) Empower their cities through supportive framework conditions, in particular through an enabling policy framework, institutional cooperation and by lifting S constraints to cities so that they can take action within cities to drive down GHG emissions. 3) Resource their cities so that they are equipped with the relevant tools, services and finance, including carbon finance, that will enable them to develop national appropriate mitigation actions, and to deliver on nationally, agreed GHG reduction targets where such have been agreed. 4) Support cities in their effort to create GHG inventories and citywide mitigation and adaptation strategies with concrete climate change action plans. 5) Encourage knowledge exchange and benchrnarking between cities on low- carbon strategies and adaptation plans, including city` twinning arrangements. Establish an efficient communication and decision procedures between the DNA and the municipal administrations potentially engaged in climate change mitigation, and continuously increase efficiency and transparency of the DNA. 6) .Seek systematic coordination and active participation of the cities - and other sub-national entities as appropriate - when developing, formulating and implementing national climate change strategies: 4 L Pickering Civic Complex Citq 00 One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario Canada L1V 6K7 I _ Direct Access 905.420.4660 P I C T ~1~[`E TjjJl`I~`V~T^(` J' Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 cityofpickering.com OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Department 905.420.4600 46 TTY 905.420.2173 Fax 905.420.6064 mayor@cityofpickering.com ORIGINAL TO. 1J hR..__® COPY TO: December 4, 2009 The Right Honourable Stephen Harper Prime Minister of Canada Office of the Prime Minister cos R 80 Wellington Street ° - - Ottawa, ON K1A OA2 TAKE APPR -CT, C,, Subject: Mayoral Proclamation - UN Climate Summit am writing this letter to declare the City of Pickering Council's desire for the Government of Canada's commitment to a fair and resolute climate agreement in Copenhagen during the UN Climate Summit. As a municipality, the City of Pickering felt it necessary that you receive this notice prior to the commencement of the conference. This resolution will be officially adopted at the City Council meeting on December 21, 2009. As one of the nation's foremost municipal leaders in sustainability, the City of Pickering fully supports your government's progressive work on climate change. Yours truly Dave Ryan Mayor, City of Pickering Copy: Deborah Carlson, David Suzuki Foundation City Clerk 47 Mayoral Proclamation, Issued by12gyI'd- g m Mayor L T 0 ge ri o WHEREAS Global action on global warming is vital for the health of our environment, our communities and our future; and WHEREAS Taking action on global warming includes investing in public transit and building healthy, pedestrian-friendly neighbourhoods; WHEREAS Taking action on global warming will also open up tremendous job and business opportunities for Canadian municipalities in the emerging clean-energy economy; and WHEREAS Canada is at a crossroads, and we need to act now and move forward with solutions to global warming, or risk falling behind other countries that are already re-tooling their economies and creating new jobs; and WHEREAS Canadians are currently among the top 10 worst global warming polluters on the planet, but municipalities like ours are ready to work together with all levels of government to take responsible'action and make Canada a climate action leader; and WHEREAS An international climate agreement that is ambitious, fair and binding will help ensure that Canadian communities and citizens are ready to meet the challenge of global warming and build a prosperous future, and WHEREAS Canada will be at the UN Climate Summit in December with other global leaders and has the opportunity to deliver an ambitious, fair and binding international agreement; THEREFORE, 1, VA y Mayor of Piel Pe rI , do hereby proclaim That the City of 8'6. 1--t r7.k7 supports an ambitious, fair and binding international climate agreement at the UN imate Summit in December, and I am sending a copy of this declaration to the Prime Minister of Canada, and calling on him to seize the moment and ensure that Canada shows leadership at the UN Climate Summit in December and helps to deliver an ambitious, fair and binding international climate agreement. Signed by , Mayor ****************************DRAFT***************************+** C~+~S resoltifioh. will ~ e o-f fieiglly qdv _fe4 Af ~-h e ty ~o Uvr~il ~1i1GCf. vt~ o In ~ecevhb~r o~ 1, 02 00 9'~ . Avis e~~ Members membres de la w"' Advisory Le frangais suit I'anglais November 26, 2009 Please Distribute to All Members of Council MEMBERS' ADVISORY FCM TO CELEBRATE INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT WEEK For more than 20 years, FCM, in partnership with. the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) has successfully delivered high quality programming through the involvement of Canadian municipal experts in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East. FCM will partner with CIDA to mark February 7 to 12, 2010, as International Development Week in recognition of Canada's contribution to municipal international cooperation. This year, FCM wishes to involve its members by asking them to also mark this week as International Development Week in their municipalities. Should your municipality wish to participate, please find attached a template of a proclamation. Members are also encouraged to organize events to inform citizens of their community's involvement in international cooperation, and to add a link from their website to CIDA's webpage (www.acdi-cida.gc.ca). The signed proclamation can be returned to the address below by Friday, January 29, 2010. FCM International 24 Clarence Street Ottawa, Ont. K1 N 5P3 Attn: Kristin Marinacci The proclamation can also be returned electronically to internationals-fcm.ca. s a FCM would like to take this opportunity to thank your municipality for your help in prodop g ,•,_v x.._..m.._. ; international cooperation. C .r a For more information, contact Kristin Marinacci, Program Manager, Municipal Partnership Program, FCM International, at kmarinacciCa?_fcm.ca or 613-907-6398. s EID 4Kitq,a 49 December 21, 2009 ERI COMMITTEE REPORTS a) REPORT PD 2009-11 OF THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE P & D PAGES BLUE 1. Planning Director's Report, PD 36-09 1-77 Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 08-003/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 19/08 S.R. & R. Bay Ridges Ltd. and S.R. & R. Bay Ridges (Plaza II) Ltd. 1251 & 1261 Bayly Street Parts 1, 5, 7, 14, 15 & 16, Plan 40R-25170 City of Pickerinq RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report PD 36-09 of the Director, Planning & Development respecting Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 08/003/P and Amendment 21 to the Pickering Official Plan, be received; 2. a) That Amendment 21 to the Pickering Official Plan initiated by S.R. & R. Bay Ridges Ltd. and S.R. & R. Bay Ridges (Plaza II) Ltd., to permit a mixed use 25 storey building having a floor space index of 2.6, a density of 225 units per hectare, 237 condominium apartment dwelling units and a minimum of 410 square metres of commercial gross leasable floor area by amending the Neighbourhood 3: Bay Ridges Plan as set out in Exhibit "A" to Appendix I to Report PD 36-09 be adopted and forwarded to the Region of Durham for information; b) That the Draft By-law to adopt Amendment 21 to the Pickering Official Plan to permit a mixed use 25 storey building having a floor space index of 2.6, a density of 225 units per hectare, 237 condominium apartment dwelling units and a minimum of 410 square metres of commercial gross leasable floor area as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 36-09 be forwarded to Council for enactment; 3. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 19/08 submitted by S.R. & R. Bay Ridges Ltd. and S.R. & R. Bay Ridges (Plaza II) Ltd., for lands being Parts 1, 5, 7, 14, 15 & 16, Plan 40R-25170, City of Pickering, to amend the zoning of the subject property to permit a mixed use 25 storey building having 237 condominium apartment dwelling units and a minimum of 410 square metres of commercial gross leasable floor area as outlined in Report PD 36-09 be approved with an "(H)" Holding Category; l 50 4. That no further notice is required to change the by-law to reduce the required residential parking ratio from 1.25 spaces per unit to 1.15 spaces per unit and the commercial parking ratio from 4.5 spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area to 3.00 spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area, proposed subsequent to the holding of the public meeting, as it is within the provisions of the Planning Act; 5. That the Draft By-law to amend Zoning By-law 2520, as amended, to permit a mixed use 25 storey building having 237 condominium apartment dwelling units and a minimum of 410 square metres of commercial gross leasable floor area be forwarded to Council for enactment; 6. Further, that the City Clerk forward a copy of Report PD 36-09 to the Region of Durham for information; and 7.. That a maximum of 24 required resident parking spaces may be provided in a tandem arrangement and each tandem space is to be identified as one parcel within the condominium plan and the condo declaration shall advise of this restriction. 2. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 32-09 78-81 Procedure for Council consideration of site specific exceptions to .Council Adopted Development Guidelines City of Pickerinq RECOMMENDATION 1. That Council endorse the procedure outlined in Report PD 32-09 for use in processing applications requesting a site specific exception to a Council Adopted Development Guideline that is not associated with a planning application under the Planning Act requiring Council's consideration; and 2. That staff follow the endorsed procedure for processing the request of James Micklewright, 447 Toynevale Road, for a site specific exception to the Rosebank Neighbourhood Development Guidelines. 3. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 33-09 82-96 Required Municipal By-law Amendments Oak Ridges Moraine City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report PD 33-09 of the Director, Planning & Development, be received; 2. That amendments to the following Municipal By-laws be forwarded to City Council for enactment in order to protect the ecological integrity of the Oak Ridges Moraine: a) the Tree Protection By-law 6108/03 to reflect the natural heritage 51 features within the Oak Ridges Moraine as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 33-09; b) the Fill and Topsoil Disturbance By-law 6060/02 to reflect the landform conservation areas within the Oak Ridges Moraine as set out in Appendix II to Report PD 33-09; c) the Site Plan Control Area By-law 1079/80 to require site plan approval for detached dwellings and accessory structures as set out in Appendix III to Report PD 33-09; and 3. That the City Clerk forward a copy of Report PD 33-09 to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Region of Durham and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. 4. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 34-09 97-106 Growth Strategy Program Provincial Growth Plan Conformity Amendment Part of the Pickering Official Plan Review City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION That Report PD 34-09 of the Director, Planning & Development respecting the Pickering Growth Strategy Program be received for information. 5. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 35-09 107-110 Proposed Street Name Change Deerhaven Lane to Summerpark Crescent RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report PD 35-09 of the Director, Planning & Development regarding the proposed street name change of Deerhaven Lane to Summerpark Crescent be received; 2. That Council authorize staff to take the steps necessary to effect changing the name of Deerhaven Lane to Summerpark Crescent; 3. That Council authorize staff to send correspondence to all landowners residing west of Rosebank Road (Woodsmere Crescent, Wildflower Drive, Summerpark Crescent and Garland Crescent) advising of the City's intent to change the street named Deerhaven Lane to Summerpark Crescent; and 4. That Council authorize staff to bring forward the by-law required to effect the name change for enactment and registration. i C`q52 December 21, 2009 PI KERI COMMITTEE REPORTS b) REPORT EC 2009-10 OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE EXECUTIVE PAGES YELLOW 1. Director, Operations & Emergency Services Report OES 49-09 1-7 'Don Beer Arena Pro Shop RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report OES 49-09 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services be received; and 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute a renewal Pro Shop License Agreement to permit XPRT Marketing & Promotions to continue to operate a Pro Shop facility at Don Beer Arena from September 1, 2009 to April 30, 2012 that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the City Solicitor. 2. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 52-09 8-51 City of Pickering 2010 Annual Accessibility Plan -Endorsed by the Accessibility Advisory Committee for Council Consideration RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report OES 52-09 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the City of Pickering 2010 Annual Accessibility Plan be received; and 2. That Council endorse the City of Pickering 2010 Annual Accessibility Plan as presented and reviewed by the City of Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee. 3. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 55-09 52-62 Don Beer Arena Snack Bar Concession -Lease Renewal - Pickering Hockey Association RECOMMENDATION 53 1. That Report OES 55-09 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the Lease Renewal - Pickering Hockey Association be received; and 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute a renewal Concession Licence Agreement to permit the Pickering Hockey Association to continue to operate the snack bar concession facility at Don Beer Arena from September 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010 that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the City Solicitor, with the option of mutually extending this licence agreement for a further two years. 4. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 56-09 63-74 Pickering Recreation Complex Arena -Snack Bar Concession RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report OES 56-09 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services be received; and 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute a renewal Concession License Agreement to permit Beverly and Ron Ireland to continue to operate snack bar concessions facilities at the Pickering Recreation Complex (Arena Only) from September 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010 that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the City Solicitor. 5. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 58-09 75-79 2015 Pan/Parapan American Games -Agreement to be a Host Municipality RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report OES 58-09 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the 2015 Pan/Parapan American Games Agreement to be a Host Municipality be received;. 2. That the City of Pickering participation in the 2015 Pan/Parapan American Games as a Host Municipality be endorsed; and 3. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to enter into a multi-party agreement that identifies the 2015 Pan/Parapan American Games venues to the host municipalities and that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the Chief Administrative Officer. 54 6. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 44-09 80-86 2009 Internal Loans and External Debentures RECOMMENDATION That Report CS 44-09 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer regarding internal loans and external debentures be received for information. 7. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 45-09 87-89 2010 Interim Spending Authority RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report CS 45-09 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the 201.0 Interim Operating Expenditures be approved at 50% of the prior years' budget including adjustments as contained in Attachment 1, pending approval of the formal 2010 Current Budget by Council; and 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. 8.- Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 46-09 90-94 2010 Temporary Borrowing By-law RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report CS 46-09 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the temporary borrowing limit to meet 2010 current expenditures pending receipt of taxes and other revenues be established at $33,800,000 for the period January 1, 2010 to September 30, 2010 inclusive, and $16,900,000 thereafter until December 31, 2010; 3. That the temporary borrowing limit for capital purposes for 2010 be established at $22,700,000; 4. That the attached draft by-law providing for the temporary borrowing of monies, be enacted; and 5. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. 55 9. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 47-09 95-112 Veridian - Inter-Creditor Agreement RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report CS 47-09 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer regarding the Veridian - Inter-Creditor Agreement be received; 2. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an Inter-Creditor Agreement in a form substantially as attached hereto and acceptable to the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, between the Toronto Dominion Bank, the Town of Ajax, the City of Belleville, the Municipality of Clarington, the City of Pickering, Veridian Corporation and Veridian Connections Inc. ; 3. That the. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to undertake any discussions, negotiations or amendments to agreements necessary in order to put into effect the wishes of Council as expressed under these and previous Resolutions regarding this matter; and 4. That appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. 10. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 48-09 113-115 Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act- Adjustment to Taxes RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report CS 48-09 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the write-offs of taxes as provided under Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act, 2001 be approved; and 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect hereto. L ccty 00 5 .6 PICKERING . December 21, 2009 BY-LAWS 7003/09 Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing parking restrictions on private property. (By-law attached) 7004/09 Being a by-law to authorize the temporary borrowing of monies to meet the current and capital expenditures of the City of Pickering for the year 2010. [Refer to Executive Pages 93 - 94] 7005/09 Being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 21 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering (OPA 08/003/P) [Refer to Planning page 18] 7006109 Being a by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 2520, as amended by By-law 6705/06, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham, in Parts 1,57,14,15, & 16, Plan 40R-25170,, in the City of Pickering (A 19/08) [Refer to Planning Pages 22-27] 7007/09 Being a by-law to amend the Tree Protection By-law. [Refer to Planning Page 87] 7008/09 Being a by-law to amend the Fill and Top Soil Disturbance. By-law. [Refer to Planning Pages 90 - 92] 7009/09 Being a by-law to amend the City of Pickering's Site Control Area. [Refer to Planning Page 94] 7010/09 Being a by-law to appoint Debbie Shields as the Clerk of the Corporation of the City of Pickering (By-law attached) i 57 4 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING I vloo~ BY-LAW NO. 7003/09 Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for the Purpose of Enforcing Parking Restrictions on Private Property WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(I) of the Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, a municipal council may appoint persons to enforce the by-laws of the municipality; and WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(2) of the said Act, municipal by-law enforcement officers are peace officers for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the following people be hereby appointed as municipal law enforcement ' officers in and for the City of Pickering in order to ascertain whether the provisions of By-law 2359/87 are obeyed and to enforce or carry into effect the said By-law and are hereby authorized to enter at all reasonable times upon lands municipally known as: a) 1210 & 1235 Radom St., 1310 Fieldlight Blvd., 1915 Denmar Rd., 1331,1350, 1360 and 1885 Glenanna Rd., 1958 and 1975 Rosefield Rd., 1525/35 Diefenbaker Court, 1530/40,1625 and 1635 Pickering Parkway, 1000/1400 The Esplanade Casitas Millenium, 925 Bayly St., 1650 and 1865 Kingston Road, 1775 Valley Farm Road, 1995 Pinegrove Rd., 76- 1555 Finch Avenue, 1295 Wharf Street, 1867 Kingston Road and 1250 Saint Martins Drive Robert McPherson b) 1345 Altona Road, 905 Bayly Street, 1915 & 1945 Denmar Road, 1310 Fieldlight Blvd., 1655 & 1665 Pickering Parkway, 1235 Radom Street, 1995 Royal Road and 1100 Begley Street Andrew Quintana Sukhjinder Singh 2. The authority granted in section 1 hereto is specifically limited to that set out in section 1, and shall not be deemed, at any time, to exceed the authority set out in section 1. By-law No. 7003/09 Continued Page 2 3. This appointment shall expire upon the person listed in section 1 a) ceasing to be an employee of G4S Security Services or upon G4S Security Services ceasing to be agents for 1210 & 1235 Radom St., 1310 Fieldlight Blvd., 1915 Denmar Rd., 1331,1350, 1360 and 1885 Glenanna Rd., 1958 and 1975 Rosefield Rd., 1525/35 Diefenbaker Court, 1530/40,1625 and 1635 Pickering Parkway, 1000/1400 The Esplanade Casitas Millenium, 925 Bayly St.., 1650 and 1865 Kingston Road, 1775 Valley Farm Road, 1995 Pinegrove Rd., 76-1555 Finch Avenue, 1295 Wharf Street, 1867 Kingston Road and 1250 Saint Martins Drive;1 b) ) ceasing to be an employee of Authorized Parking or upon Authorized Parking ceasing to be agents for 1345 Altona Road, 905 Bayly Street, 1915 & 1945 Denmar Road, 1310 Fieldlight Blvd., 1655 & 1665 Pickering Parkway, 1235 Radom Street, 1995 Royal Road and 1100 Begley Street, whichever shall occur first. 4. The provisions of this by-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 21 st day of December, 2009. David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, (Acting) City Clerk I THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. 7010/09 Being a by-law to appoint Debbie Shields as the Clerk of the Corporation of the City of Pickering WHEREAS pursuant to Section 228(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, a municipality shall appoint a clerk whose duty it is, (a) To record, without note or comment, all resolutions, decisions and other proceedings of the council; (b) If required by any member present at a vote, to record the name and vote of every member voting on any matter or question; (c) To keep the originals or copies of all by-laws and of all minutes of the proceedings of the council; (d) To perform the other duties required under this Act or under any other Act; and (e) To perform such other duties as are,assigned by the municipality; and WHEREAS pursuant to Section 228(2) of the said Act, a municipality may appoint deputy clerks who have all the powers and duties of the clerk under this and any other Act; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Debbie Shields is hereby appointed Clerk of the Corporation of the City of Pickering effective December 21, 2009. 2. That in accordance with the Municipal Act, Andrew C. Allison is hereby delegated the clerk's powers and duties under this act and any other Act, 2001, c. 25, s. 228(4) in the absence of the Clerk effective December 21, 2009. 3. By-law Number 6522/05 and 6579/05 is hereby repealed. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 21St day of December,,2009. David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, (Acting) City Clerk CORP0223-07/01 Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes City o~ 11 AAa' Wednesday, October 21, 2009 - 7:00 pm Main Committee Room P1 PRESENT: David Johnson - Chair Susan Kular Eric Newton - Vice-Chair Keith Wilkinson ALSO PRESENT: Ross Pym, Secretary-Treasurer Lesley Dunne, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer ABSENT: Kevin Ashe (1) ADOPTION OF AGENDA Moved by Eric Newton Seconded by Keith Wilkinson That the agenda for the Wednesday, October 21, 2009 meeting be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (II) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Susan Kular Seconded by Keith Wilkinson That the minutes of the 13th meeting of the Committee. of Adjustment held Wednesday, September 30, 2009 be adopted as amended. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 1 Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Caq o~ Wednesday, October 21, 2009 7:00 pm PICKERNG Main Committee Room (III) REPORTS 1. P/CA 48/09 - S. F. Subhani 280 Tranquil Court (Lot 16, Plan 40M -1508) City of Pickering The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 2224/86 to permit a flankage side yard width of 1.8 metres to a proposed covered porch, a rear yard depth of 6.9 metres to a covered deck and a lot coverage of 40 percent, whereas the by-law requires a minimum flankage side yard width of 2.7 metres, a minimum rear yard depth of 7.5 metres and a maximum lot coverage of 38 percent. The applicant requests approval of this variance in order to obtain building permits and meet zoning compliance. The Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department recommending approval subject to conditions. Written comments were also received from Councillor Rick Johnson in support of the application. Moved by Eric Newton Seconded by Keith Wilkinson That application P/CA 48/09 by S. F. Subhani, be TABLED to allow time for the applicant to arrive to represent the application. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Moved by Eric Newton Seconded by Keith Wilkinson That application P/CA 48/09 by S. F. Subhani, be lifted from the table. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Shahnaz Subhani, owner, was present to represent the application. Councillor Rick Johnson was present in favour of application. 2 Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes City o~ ii JL~ Wednesday, October 21, 2009 -xP 56b'E9 ' _ 7:00 pm I Main Committee Room Moved by Keith VViIkinson Seconded by Susan Kular That application P/CA 48/09 by S. F. Subhani, be APPROVED on the grounds that the- flankage side yard width of 1.8 metres, rear yard depth of 6.9 metres and lot coverage of 40 percent are minor variances that are desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law, subject to the following conditions: 1. That these variances applies only to the existing and proposed structures, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant's submitted plans with this application. 2. That the applicant obtains a building permit for the proposed construction by October 19, 2011 or this decision shall become null and void. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2. P/CA 49/09 - E. Hudson 1404 Rougemount Drive (Part Lot, Plan 228, Part 1, RP 40R-15517) City of Pickering The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 2912/88 to permit side yard widths of 1.5 metres to a proposed dwelling and a proposed attached private garage to extend 12.4 metres beyond the front wall of the dwelling, whereas the by-law requires a minimum side yard width of 1.8 metres and an attached private garage to extend no more than 2.0 metres beyond the front wall of the dwelling to which it is attached. The applicant requests approval of this variance in order to obtain a building permit. The Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department recommending refusal. Eric Hudson, owner, was present to represent the application. Gillian Hudson was present in favour of the application. 3 Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes City oo Wednesday, October 21, 2009 7:00 pm PIG~EFJNG Main Committee Room Eric Hudson explained the different zoning surrounding the subject property, noted the various properties with garage projections and that the proposal would enhance the streetscape, and increase property values. Moved by Keith Wilkinson Seconded by Eric Newton That application P/CA 49/09 by E. Hudson, be DEFERRED until the next meeting in order to give the Committee Members an opportunity to visit the site. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3. P/CA 50/09 - B. Williams / W. & A. Marr 1550 Willowside Court (Lot 5, Plan M1197) City of Pickering The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 2511, as amended by By-law 0986/79 to permit the construction of a detached garage to be erected partially in the side yard, whereas the by-law requires all accessory buildings which are not part of the main building shall be erected in the rear yard. The applicant requests approval of this variance in order to obtain a building permit. The Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department recommending approval subject to conditions. Written comments were also received from Toronto and Region Conservation Authority expressing no objections to the application however the owner must obtain a permit for the works. Steve Fyscheranderson, agent, was present to represent the application. Betty Williams and Ann Marr were present in favour of the application. Moved by Keith Wilkinson Seconded by Eric Newton That application P/CA 50/09 by B. Williams / W. & A. Marr, be APPROVED on the grounds that the construction of a detached garage to be erected partially in the side yard is a minor variance that is desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law, subject to the following conditions: 4. i Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes City o~ Wednesday, October 21, 2009 7:00 pm Main Committee Room FN, FRING PI 1. That this variance applies only to the detached garage, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant's submitted plans with this application. 2. That the applicant obtains a building permit for the proposed construction by October 19, 2011 or this decision shall become null and void. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (IV) ADJOURNMENT Moved by Susan Kular Seconded by Eric Newton That the 14th meeting of 2009 the Committee of Adjustment be adjourned at 7:20 pm and the next meeting of the Committee of Adjustment be held on Wednesday, November 11, 2009. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ,C? IJ/ 4 Date Chair Assistant Secretary-Treasurer 5 Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Cif o¢~ _ Wednesday, November 11, 2009 7:00 pm PX_7T/1_U Main Committee Room PRESENT: Kevin Ashe David Johnson - Chair Susan Kular Eric Newton - Vice-Chair Keith Wilkinson ALSO PRESENT: Ross Pym, Secretary-Treasurer Lesley Dunne, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer (1) ADOPTION OF AGENDA Moved by Eric Newton Seconded by Keith Wilkinson That the agenda for the Wednesday, November 11, 2009 meeting be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (11) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Susan Kular Seconded by Keith Wilkinson That the minutes of the 14th meeting of the Committee of Adjustment held Wednesday, October 21, 2009 be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . 1 Committee of Adjustment CCf Meeting Minutes l~ o~ Wednesday, November 11, 2009 7:00 pm PIC Main Committee Room (III) REPORTS 1. (Deferred from the October 21, 2009 meeting) P/CA 49/09 - E. Hudson 1404 Rougemount Drive (Part.Lot, Plan 228, Part 1, RP 40R-15517) City of Pickering The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 2912/88 to permit side yard widths of 1.5 metres to a proposed dwelling and a proposed attached private garage to extend 12.4 metres beyond the front wall of the dwelling, whereas the by-law requires a minimum side yard width of 1.8 metres and an attached private garage to extend no more than, 2.0 metres beyond the front wall of the dwelling to which it is attached. The applicant requests approval of this variance in order to obtain a building permit. The Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department recommending refusal. . Gillian Hudson, agent, was present to represent the application. Jennifer Hudson was present in favour of the application. Gillian Hudson noted there are other dwellings in the neighbourhood with similar garage locations, the zoning by-law for the property to the north has a side yard width of 1.5 metres and feels this is a minor variance not a major variance. .Gillian Hudson submitted letters from Barbara Nolan of 1396 Rougemount Drive and Penny and Josiv Stevanovski of 336 Fiddlers Court both in favour of the application and indicates it will add value, visually and financially, to the neighbourhood. In response to a question from a Committee Member, Gillian Hudson explained construction would start in the spring 2010 and hope to have construction complete by the end of June 2010. 2 Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Citq o~ Wednesday, November 11, 2009 9Fc13 I 7:00 pm PI(I'XII.EURING Main Committee Room Moved by Kevin Ashe Seconded by Keith Wilkinson That application P/CA 49/09 by E. Hudson, be DEFERRED until the next meeting in order to give the applicant time to discuss possible options with City staff. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2. P/CA 51/09 - Glen Rouge Homes (Fairport) Inc., 906 Wingarden Crescent (Lot 1, Plan 40M-2404) City of Pickering The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 4873/96 to permit the construction of a new detached dwelling with a lot coverage of 41 percent, whereas the by-law permits a maximum lot coverage of 38 percent. The applicant requests approval of this variance in order to obtain a building permit. The Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department recommending approval subject to conditions. Written comments were also received from the City's Development Control Manager expressing no concerns. Written comments were also received from Norma Whitmore of 926 Wingarden Crescent in objection to the application. The written comments indicated concerns with loss of sunshine and scenery, increased taxes and children safety due to increased traffic. Kirk Rowe, agent, was present to represent the application. No further representation was present in favour of or in objection to the application. 3 Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes City o~ Wednesday, November 11, 2009 e1 9Y'b'&9 ' _ 'I 7:00 pm I Main Committee Room Moved by Keith Wilkinson Seconded by Eric Newton That application P/CA 51/09 by Glen Rouge Homes (Fairport) Inc., be APPROVED on the grounds that the maximum lot coverage of 41 percent is a minor variance that is desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law, subject to the following conditions: 1. That this variance applies only to the proposed dwelling, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant's submitted plans with this application. 2. That the applicant obtains a building permit for the proposed construction by November 11, 2011, or this decision shall become null and void. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3. P/CA 52/09 - F. & C. Vandervliet 668 West Shore Boulevard (Lot 3, Plan 331) City of Pickering The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 2511, to permit a front yard depth of 6.0 metres to an existing covered porch and a proposed attached garage, and to permit a 0.6 metre south side yard width to a proposed attached garage, whereas the by-law requires a minimum front yard depth of 7.5 metres and a minimum side yard width of 1.5 metres. The applicant requests approval of this variance in order to obtain a building permit. The Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department recommending approval subject to conditions. Written comments were also received from the City's Development Control Manager expressing no concerns. Fred & Chris Vandervliet,.owners, were present to represent the application. No further representation was present in favour of or in objection to the application. 4 Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Wednesday, November 11, 2009 7:00 pm PICKERING Main Committee Room Moved by Kevin Ashe Seconded by Eric Newton That application P/CA 52/09 by F. & C. Vandervliet, be APPROVED on the grounds that the 6.0 metre front yard depth to an existing covered porch and a proposed attached garage and a 0.6 metre south side yard width to a proposed attached garage are minor variances that are desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general, intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law, subject to the following conditions: 1. That these variances applies only to the existing covered porch and proposed attached garage, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant's submitted plans with this application. 2. That the applicant obtains a building permit for the proposed construction by November 11, 2011, or this decision shall become null and void. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4. P/CA 53/09 & P/CA 54/09 -Whit Developments Inc. 1594 Valley Ridge Crescent, 1596 Valley Ridge Crescent (Lot 7, Plan 410, Part 3 & Part 4, 40824799) City of Pickering The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 3036 to permit two new detached dwellings having a front yard depth of 6.1 metres and a maximum lot coverage of 39 percent (1594 Valley Ridge Crescent) and 38 percent (1596 Valley Ridge Crescent), whereas the by-law requires a minimum front yard depth of 7.5 metres and a maximum lot coverage of 33 percent. The applicant requests approval of this variance in order to obtain building permits. The Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department recommending tabling the application. Written comments were also received from the City's Development Control Manager indicating approval of these variances should not be considered until a revised Landscape Plan is submitted. 5 Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes City o~ Wednesday, November 11, 2009 7:00 pm Main Committee Room PKAN-1-URING Fred Nicolucci, agent, was present to represent the application. No further representation was present in favour of or in objection to the application. Fred Nicolucci acknowledges recommendation from the Planning & Development Department and indicated he needs clarification on what is required for the noise study. In response to a question the Secretary-Treasurer explained a noise protected outdoor amenity area is a Ministry of Environment requirement and revised plans are required to show how this is going to be achieved for these two proposed dwellings. Moved by Eric Newton Seconded by Susan Kular That application P/CA 53/09 & P/CA 54/09 by Whit Developments Inc., be TABLED on the grounds that revised plans to be submitted to the satisfaction of the Planning & Development Department that indicates how the required protected outdoor amenity area can be achieved. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5. P/CA 55/09 - C. & S. Giovannelli 1603 Deerbrook Drive (Lot 1, 40M-1333) City of Pickering The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 1493/82 to permit a shed in the side yard, whereas the by-law requires all accessory structures to be located in the rear yard. The applicant requests approval of this variance in order to obtain zoning compliance. The Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department. Written comments were also.received from the City's Development Control Manager expressing no concerns and Councillor Rick Johnson in support of the application. 6 Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Cctq o~ Wednesday, November 11, 2009 7:00 pm PICKERING. Main Committee Room Written comments were also received from Earla Celestine of 1096 Glenanna Road in objection to the application. The written comments indicated concerns with the shed blocking view, decrease in property value and feeling unsafe going in and out of their home. Carmelo & Synette Giovannelli, owners, were present to represent the application. Chris Ilkov of 937 Redbird Crescent, Michael Kadar of 1098 Glenanna Road, Michael Villani of 1097 Glenanna Road, Michael Cornaddhia of 1095*Glenanna Road and Williams Collins were present in favour of the application. Carmelo Giovannelli submitted pictures for the Committee to review and a petition signed by eleven surrounding neighbours in support of the application. He explained the application and the reason the shed is located in the front yard, also noted the shed was made as small as possible and blends in with the surrounding neighbourbood. In response to a question from a Committee Member, Carmelo Giovannelli indicated he has no problem installing a motion sensor light at the rear of the shed. All five neighbours present indicated the shed blends in with the surrounding neighbourhood and are in full support of the location of the shed being in the front yard. Moved by Kevin Ashe Seconded by Susan Kular That application P/CA 55/09 by C. & S. Giovannelli, be APPROVED on the grounds that the location of an existing shed in the side yard on the subject property is a minor variance that is desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law, subject to the following conditions: 1. That this variance applies only to the existing shed, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant's submitted plans with this application. 2. Any addition to the existing side yard shed is not permitted. 3. That the applicant installs and maintains a motion sensor light at the rear of the shed by May 11, 2010. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7 Committee of Adjustment CCtcj Meeting Minutes o~ AAR, Wednesday, November 11, 2009 7:00 pm I Main Committee Room 6. P/CA 56/09 - G. & T. Berardi 1871 Spruce Hill Road (Part of Lot 69, RCP Plan 1041, Part 2, 40R-24220) City of Pickering The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 3036, to permit a maximum lot coverage of 37 percent for a proposed one storey addition, whereas the by-law requires a maximum lot coverage of 33 percent. The applicant requests approval of this variance in order to obtain a building permit. The Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department recommending approval subject to conditions. Written comments were also received from the City's Development Control Manager indicating a revised grading plan is required to indicate how the lot drainage will work with the proposed addition. Cesar Gallo, agent, was present to represent the application. No further representation was present in favour of or in objection to the application. Moved by Keith Wilkinson Seconded by Eric Newton That application P/CA 56/09 by G. & T. Berardi, be APPROVED on the grounds that the maximum lot coverage of 37 percent for a proposed one storey addition is a minor variance that is desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law, subject to the following conditions: 1. That this variance applies only to the proposed addition, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant's submitted plans with this application. 2. That the applicant submits a revised grading plan to the. satisfaction of the Planning & Development Department that indicates lot grading in accordance with City Standards. 3. That the applicant obtains a building permit for the proposed construction by November 11, 2011, or this decision shall become null and void. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 8 Committee of Adjustment City Meeting Minutes o~ i~ Wednesday, November 11, 2009 7:00 pm Pl Main Committee Room (IV) ADJOURNMENT Moved by Eric Newton Seconded by Susan Kular That the 15th meeting of 2009 the Committee of Adjustment be adjourned at 7:40 pm and the next meeting of the Committee of Adjustment be held on Wednesday, December 2, 2009. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Dike Chair Assistant Secretary-Treasurer 9 City 00 Minutes I Meeting Summary i*i Accessibility Advisory Committee i i Wednesday, October 28, 2009 PI f KERING 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Zoia Horne, Chair Stephen Little, Co-Chair Keith Falconer Gwelda MacDonald-Tuttle Prem Noronha-Waldriff Absent: Councillor Littley Terence Arvisais Aisha Natifa-Heywood Jacques Tardif Alton Atkinson Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome ZH Z. Horne welcomed members to the meeting. 3. Adoption of Minutes - September 23, 2009 All • Members wanted to pass along their thanks to Tim Moore for his detailed presentation. • Z. Horne would like a staff member from the Planning & Development Department to create Guidelines for Accessible Site Plans similar to the City of Oshawa's standards. This would help the Committee clarify what standards the City of Pickering is following. Moved by Zoia Horne Seconded by Stephen Little That the Minutes of the September 23, 2009 meeting be adopted. CARRIED 4. Accessibility Expo - June 17, 2010 All Z. Horne reviewed the Durham Region Accessibility Expo and asked Committee members to forward to her any vendors that may be suitable to appear at the Expo. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 5. Other Business All • Workplan - what are the standards that are currently being used? • G. MacDonald-Tuttle to take on the role of putting together the 2010 Workplan. • Would like to recruit more members for this Committee. • Small businesses - Do they know about accessibility? There seems to be a lack of understanding of what it takes to make your establishment more accessible. Seems to be a reactive versus proactive role. • Press Releases - should be done regularly to increase public education. • Should focus on immediate and long-term goals to educate the community. • Card Access (Corporate Services). • Sidewalks - Walrus Street between Fairport and Strouds. Would like added to plan, should be a sidewalk on one side of the street. • Operational review - O&ES. Used City of London historic buildings for washrooms and entrances - area to view from entrance. • West Shore CC - Feedback. Who uses it the most? What are the plans for West Shore? • Signage - are there standards for signage in the City? • Z. Horne presented on behalf of the Committee at the Sheraton Centre on October 14tH • 2010 Municipal Election - Workplan should cover Councillor Littley's comments. Facilitate our connection with the Ajax/Pickering Board of Trade. • To finalize the Accessible Business Brochure at the November meeting. • Committee to continue with monthly meetings. 6. Adjournment AII' Adjournment Moved by Stephen Little Seconded by Keith Falconer That the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED 7. Nexta!Meetin All Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 • The next meeting has been scheduled for November. 25, 2009. Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 caq o¢i Minutes / Meeting Summary iii AjLh. Pickering Advisory Committee i in on Race Relations & Equity PI ERI November 5, 2009 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Kirk Mark, Community Appointee Alma Sandoval, Hispanic Canadian Alliance of Ontario Jason Amos, Pine Ridge Secondary School, [YOU]nity Constable Keith Richards, Durham Regional Police Tanya Taylor, Pickering Public Library Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Councillor David Pickles, Chair Raymond George Facey, Community Appointee Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Chris Gordon, [YOU]nity Steve Holt, Community Appointee Philip Howard, Durham District School Board Devinder Kaur Panesar, Community Appointee Margaret Lazarus, Altona Forest Public School Sethu Madhavan, Community Appointee Sylvie Morel-Foster; Durham Catholic District School Board , Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as, appropriate) 1. Welcome MC M.Carpino welcomed members to the meeting and introductions were made. Agenda action items were reviewed and the October 1, 2009 minutes were approved. 2.0 Review and Approval M. Carpino reviewed the agenda action items as follows: • In Your Words & Expressions contest - invitations have now gone out to the Montessori schools in addition to both school boards. • Noted new publication by the Region of Durham "the Citizen" which is a multi-cultural information newsletter. The submission for In Your Words & Expressions contest was included on the front page of this new publication Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 which also included some of the winning pictures. • K. Richards noted the Region of Durham has initiated a portal in which to access all public facilities - this is a website for newcomers. M. Carpino mentioned that she is also participating in this initiative. • Location of meetings - M. Carpino noted she will try to set u our December meeting in the Devi Mandir location. 3. Updates All 3.1) Heritage Day Celebration M. Carpino provided a brief overview of the Heritage Day celebrations which are held in February. She noted the location has been booked in the Pickering Town Centre, invitations have gone out as of November 2nd with a deadline date of January 8, 2010.for participants. Advertising will also appear in the Wednesday edition of the News Advertiser, Media Release and Website. 3.2) Coffee House M. Carpino explained the Coffee House is.an annual event hosted by [YOU]nity. J. Amos provided the Committee with an update on this event; • Library has been booked for December 7 & 8 for auditions - aiming for 17 performers Event is open to the public • December 18 is booked for the event, which is held in the Auditorium at the Pickering Public Library • Doors will open at 6:00 pm, with the event running from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm • Still deciding on one of two themes - Winter Wonderland or Around the World • OPG has requested a form be completed for donation purposes - they will be donating funds for the purchase of shirts • M. Carpino suggested the electronic form be J. Amos to action forwarded to her and she would assist them in completing it • Unsure of the process for ordering the shirts J. Amos to involve B. George of the Pickering Public Library who will work with M. Carpino on this. CORP0228-2/02 Page 2 I'~ • M. Carpino also noted that she can forward the J. Amos to provide to information for the press release as soon as possible, B. George or M. and she will look after this as well Carpino • J. Amos noted that Famous Players have donated movie passes for the participants • M. Carpino noted there is money in the budget to help out with food and drinks • M. Carpino encouraged, committee members to attend in support of this event • Still trying to determine which charity to support 3.3) 2010 Race Relations Forum M. Carpino explained the format for this evening, noting it is held in March, around the date for the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. She noted that last year was the first year that the creative arts was added, and that this would be included again this year. M. Carpino shared the results from the email survey she had forwarded to the Committee members for guest speakers. She requested that we decide on a short list of potential guest speakers tonight. The Committee decided to have Dr. Jean Augustine as first choice and Farley Flex as second choice. M. Carpino noted that in P. Howard's email he had cautioned M. Carpino to confirm that the Committee not choose someone solely based on Guest Speaker popularity and visibility in the community. They should also be well versed in diversity issues and had involvement in the community as well. 3.4) Holiday Banners & Proclamation M. Carpino advised the Committee that the process for the banners in the Lobby of the Pickering Civic Complex has been initiated. This stays up for the month of December. She noted that a request to proclaim cultural celebrations during November and December had been submitted for consideration at the November meeting of Council. She also noted that proclamations for Heritage Day and Hispanic Heritage Month would also be going forward. K. Mark cautioned the Committee about the use of the work "Hispanic" There is some controversy over this wording. M. Carpino asked that this be placed on the December agenda for discussion M. Carpino to action Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 4.0 Other Business 4.1) K. Mark informed the Committee that the Minister of Education, Kathleen Wynn has undertaken a review of the policies promoting safe and healthy relationship in schools. He provided an overview of the findings from their research and recommendations. He noted all schools must have an equity policy in place by September, 2010. 4.2) K. Richards informed the Committee that the Police Services has created a Language Identification Card. This is a valuable resource tool as it allows citizens to indicate their language, thereby enabling an interpreter to be available in a timely manner. He noted that once the second phase has been implemented, this will be posted at every point of contact within the police services. K. Mark brought forward concerns about the categories listed on the card. K. Mark rovided an overview to the timeline and value of the project. 5 Adjournment/Next Meeting All Next meeting to take place on December 3, 2009. Location to be determined. Meeting Adjourned: 8:35 pm Copy: City Clerk I, Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 City o0 Minutes Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee i i November 24, 2009 PI KERI 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor Johnson Rhonda Lawson Mike Cassidy Keith Falconer Susan Gardner Wickham Jamadar Peter Rodrigues Margaret Woods Aaron Cameron, University of Toronto Student Linda Roberts, (Recording Secretary) Absent: Jim Simpson, Chair (on approved leave) Terence Arvisais Joanne Glasser Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome R. Lawson welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2.0 Approval of Minutes All Moved by S. Gardner Seconded by M. Woods That the minutes of the October 27 meeting be approved. CARRIED '3.0 New and Unfinished Business 3.1) Presentation -A. Cameron A. Cameron presented the map of'properties he had prepared for the Committee with the corresponding property list of designated properties as well as properties of interest. He outlined how these properties were noted on the map and explained how to use the listing to locate the property on the map. A brief question and answer period ensued. The need to do a Page 1 Item / Details & Discussion & Conciusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) complete inventory was discussed as well as the areas to concentrate on next. The Committee requested a copy of the map and property listing to be forwarded to them. It was decided that each member would take a small area to research. The following areas were designated as follows: K. Falconer - east shore area M. Woods - Dunbarton W. Jamadar - Cherrywood P. Rodrigues - Green River R. Lawson - Greenwood S. Gardner - Balsam It was suggested the research could be done during the next two months and the information brought to the January meeting. Members are to obtain the property number, general street intersection and to take a picture of the property, noting points of interest. The properties could also include churches, cemeteries and landscapes as well. P. Rodrigues suggested using Google Maps to aid in the research. A. Cameron noted that when looking at the properties you can't always tell the historical value as the owners could have updated the siding, etc. over time. Once the research is complete, then the level of significance can be determined in order to break down the properties to include in the listing. R. Lawson thanked A. Cameron for all his efforts in putting together the map. 3.2) Presentation - John Sabean R. Lawson introduced J. Sabean, former Chair of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee and current President of the Pickering Historical Society. Mr. Sabean has extensive knowledge of the history in the Pickering area. He explained how the Committee worked in the past and how the need for a registry was formed. He passed around various books which had been compiled from Bowmanville, Fergus and Clark townships. He provided a handout and went through the basic steps involved when researching properties at the Land Registry Office located at 590 Rossland Road in Whitby. He suggested starting backwards with the current owner and working from Page 2 item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) there. You also need to know the Lot and Concession before you begin. Most of the research tools you require are available on microfiche at the Pickering Public Library. He.also noted that township papers are available on microfiche as well and these could be a very valuable resource tool. You may find maps, letter to purchase pertaining to the lands being researched which may not otherwise show up in the Land Registry Office. A question and answer period ensued. R. Lawson thanked J. Sabean for attending the meeting and sharing his knowledge and expertise with the Committee. 3.3) Workplan Review Due to time constraints it was requested that this item be placed on the January, 2010 agenda for discussion. 3.4) 2010 Calendar The 2010 calendar for the schedule of meetings, being based on the 3`d Tuesday of each month was approved with the March L. Roberts to action meeting being scheduled for March 23. L. Roberts to book the Main Committee Room. 3.5) Greenwood Schoolhouse Presentation L. Roberts informed the Committee the plaque has been engraved and should be ready this week. R. Lawson noted that the presentation would take place at the December 21St meeting of Council and invited all members to attend. L. Roberts to invite P. Savel from the Pickering Public Library to L. Roberts to action attend as well. The meeting will begin at 7:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Pickering Civic Complex. 3.6) Heritage Days 2010 R. Lawson provided an update on the Heritage Days event to be held at the Pickering Town Centre on Saturday, February 20, 2010, from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm in the Centre Court area. She asked for volunteers to help man the display booth. M. Woods volunteered to assist. R. Lawson informed the Committee members that the mandate was on the City's website and asked that this item be placed on L. Roberts to action the next agenda for review and discussion. Page 3 l Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 3.7) December meeting It was determined that the Committee will not meet in December. 3.8) Regional Heritage Meeting - Update R. Lawson provided an update on the regional meeting which was held in Whitby on November 14th. The event was well attended and very informative. She noted she had inquired into having the guest speakers from that event attend one of our meetings. She questioned the use of an Amanda system here in Pickering and was advised that we do have this system available and currently in use. She questioned using this for a database for heritage properties. 4.0 Other Business 4.1) P. Rodrigues noted that he had attended the OMB hearing as a participant and had registered for the January one as well respecting the Seaton. lands. 4.2) R. Lawson asked for comments on the listing of guest speakers she had emailed to the Committee and noted she was open to suggestions. Please forward any additional All suggestions to R. ,Lawson. 4.3) R. Lawson informed the Committee that K. McLean had submitted her resignation from the Heritage Pickering Advisory L. Roberts to action Committee. It was noted an ad would appear indicating the vacancy on the Committee. 4.4) R. Lawson informed the Committee of correspondence received from M. Carpino relating to community surveys being conducted as part of outreach to the community. Next meeting will take place on December 15th in the Main Committee Room from 10:30 am to 12:00 noon if anyone is interested in attending. Please let L. Roberts know if you wish to attend. 4.5) R. Lawson informed the Committee that the Whitevale district expansion is still being considered under the Seaton Neighbourhoold Plan. 4.6) R. Lawson provided the Committee with an update on the 407/highway 7 expansion. She has heard that MTO has agreed to move Rogers Farm just enough to save it and is following up on this. Page 4 Item l Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) R. Lawson thanked A. Cameron again for all his help on the Committee as our co-op student and wished him well in his future endeavours. This is his last meeting, as his term is up in December. 6.0 Adjournment/Next Meeting Moved by S. Gardner Seconded by M. Woods That the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 9:05 m Copy: City Clerk Page 5 Cty o¢i Minutes I Meeting Summary 141 AAQ, Taxicab Advisory Committee i i November 26, 2009 PI rKERI 11:00 am Main Committee Room PRESENT: Ravi Sarda - Durham Rapid Taxi Mohammad Sultan Margaret Woods ABSENT: Councillor McLean, Chair Mohammad Altaf Glen Johnstone Ian Louden - Blue Line Taxi Carlton McKenzie Also Present: Kim Thompson, Manager, By-law Enforcement Services Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Item Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Ref # (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 A eal Hearing - Vlatko Boskovich The Committee held an in camera discussion regarding the appeal of the applicant to retain his taxicab driver's license. The meeting moved In Camera in accordance with the provisions of Procedural By-law 6746/07, as the matter related to personal information about an individual. Refer to the In Camera minutes dated November 26, 2009. [The City Clerk has custody and control of the In Camera minutes]. K. Thompson called Mr. Boskovich into the room and informed him that the Committee had no concerns. Mr. Boskovich was provided the opportunity to address the Committee. He stated that he is currently looking into applying for a pardon to clear his record. Mr. Boskovich left the room. A brief discussion period ensued. Further to confidential deliberations, the Committee hereby recommends the following: 1. That Vlatko Boskovich be granted a two-year City of Pickering taxicab driver's license; and Pagel Item / Details 'Discussion & Conclusion Action Items Ref # (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as a ro hate 2. That the Manager, By-law Enforcement Services give K. Thompson to effect to this recommendation. action CARRIED ~,,n ion,.: cabs - w ^ 2_.0` Awvertisi Taxi~... K. Thompson informed the Committee that Rapid Taxi had received a proposal for advertising on the back seats of their taxi cabs. She provided the Committee with a sample of the proposed advertising as well as a copy of the excerpt from the Taxicab By-law pertaining to advertising. A brief discussion period ensued with respect to this matter. K. Thompson noted that the City has no objections to this proposal for advertising, the only concerns would be with the public's perception. She also noted that the issue of whether or not to advertise would be the decision of the brokerage company. If there are any issues relating to the advertising between the brokerage company and drivers or plate owners, the City would not become involved. The Committee then resumed into open session. Meeting Adjourned: 11:25 am Copy: City Clerk Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Caq o~ - Minutes i i Waterfront Coordinating Committee i December 3, 2009 PI r <ERE\ 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Mayor Ryan Councillor O'Connell, Chair Councillor Dickerson, Vice-Chair Craig Bamford Kathleen Corcoran Jim Dike David Steele A. Mostert, Coordinator, Landscape & Park Development L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Christian Medy David Stone Kevin Tower Item / Details & ,Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Ref # (summaty of discussion) Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome & Introductions Councillor O'Connell welcomed everyone to the meeting. She informed the Committee that Zoia Horne had submitted her letter of resignation from the Committee. All members expressed their disappointment but respect her choices and wished her well in all her future endeavours. 2.0 Action Items/Approval of Minutes Councillor O'Connell reviewed the action items from the previous meeting. Discussion ensued with respect to 532 Westshore and the possibility of acquiring the vacant lot in order to complete the trail on the west side. It was decided to place this item on the January agenda for further discussion. Councillor O'Connell requested A. Mostert to contact TRCA with A. Mostert to respect to attending the January meeting and to also look into a action possible agreement which may exist on this matter. She also Page 1 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Ref # (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as`a . ro riate requested A. Mostert to bring an aerial map to the next meeting. Moved by J. Dike Seconded by D. Steele That the minutes of the October 15, 2009 meeting, as amended be approved. CARRIED 3.0 Forum on Accessibility on the Waterfront Trail Discussion ensued with respect to the possibility of holding a forum on accessibility; • Invite various levels of government, associations, charities, etc. • There are varying opinions on the meaning of accessibility • Accessibility encompasses more than just mobility issues • Hoping to invite David Crombie as a guest speaker • Need to educate ourselves more • Best to have accessibility in place before as opposed to after the fact • Some concerns were noted with respect to the Committee hosting a forum on accessibility - possibly look into other forums focusing on the waterfront to promote public awareness • Suggest Accessibility Advisory Committee host the forum, possibly a joint one with the Waterfront Coordinating Committee • Currently all areas of the waterfront trail are accessible • Suggestion to showcase the waterfront by putting out a newsletter explaining what currently exists and what is being proposed • Need to get the public's attention - have the community become more involved • Currently there are no recommendations before Council that are specific to accessibility legislation. • Public awareness should be foremost • Make this an agenda item for January for further discussion Mayor Ryan noted the City of Pickering are leaders in addressing accessibility issues, as there are already various accessibility aids in place within the City. He noted that it would be appropriate for the committee to refer projects to the Accessibility Advisory Committee. A. Mostert informed the Committee there is an instrument Page 2 Item/ Details Discussion & Conclusion Action Items ! Ref # (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as appropriate) available that will gauge the slopes, etc. which would make it easier to appraise the trails. He also noted the membership has not received the Accessibility training which is mandatory for all committee members. It was recommended we place this on our A. Mostert to January agenda and A. Mostert will contact the Accessibility action Committee in order to provide the training at that time. 4.o 'Crossing th&--Spit Councillor O'Connell provided an update on the status of the issue regarding crossing the spit. She passed around a drawing of the proposed pontoon boat route which had been produced years ago. The following comments were made; • Pontoon boat would be the most cost effective solution and would also address the accessibility aspect A. Mostert to • Check on the requirements for Captains - is certification a action requirement Cost out the boats and docks • Check on price difference of electric boats • Summer employment for students • Winter storage was questioned • Be aware of any possible security issues • Possibility of grants • HR Development Canada - could have a subsidized program available if you include maintenance aspect • Trillium funding could be another possibility to qualify for Councillor O'Connell noted that once the information is compiled, the Committee would then forward a recommendation to Council for endorsement, at which time the possibility of grants could be pursued. A. Mostert will inform Councillor O'Connell once the information A. Mostert to has been compiled, then it will be placed on the agenda. action 50 Great Waterfront Trail Adventure 2010 Councillor O'Connell provided an update with respect to the 2010 Waterfront Trail Adventure. She noted that the Committee has been approached to assist the event again by being an overnight host. The event will be held J61 y4 and 5, 2010. Page 3 i =item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Ref # (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as appropriate) Discussion ensued with respect to a location for hosting.. Councillor O'Connell noted that although it would be preferable to host the event at. the waterfront, there was a certain level of service required in order to be an overnight host, therefore the best location would be the Esplanade in order to have use of the facilities in order to meet these requirements. Moved by J. Dick Seconded by K. Corcoran That the Waterfront Coordinating Committee endorse the City of Pickering being an overnight host for the 2010 Waterfront Trail Adventure. CARRIED 6.0 - Verbal Update on Water Pollution Control Plant Expansion Councillor O'Connell provided an update on the Water Pollution Control Plant Expansion. She provided the Committee with excerpts of minutes dating back to October, 2006. She explained the process to date and informed the Committee that the Chief Administrative Officer would be forwarding a memo to Council with the Committee's recommendations with respect to the land and road issues surrounding the Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant expansion. 7.0 Other Business 7.1) C. Bamford requested an update on the status of the M.. Shim to Reserve Fund for Stormwater Management. Councillor action O'Connell asked M. Shim to request an update prior to the January meeting. 7.2) A. Mostert provided photos of the work completed to date on the Western Gateway. He noted it would be open to the public again by next week. 8.0 Next Meeting January 21, 2010, Main Committee Room Meeting Adjourned: 8:50 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 4 - C--ttq o0 Minutes / Meeting Summary Is AAM, Site Plan Committee (SPC) Meeting 11 December 9, 2009 ~ 4:15 pm PI KERI Tower Meeting Room Attendees: Doug Dickerson - City Councillor - Ward 2 David Pickles - City Councillor - Ward 3 Jennifer O'Connell - City Councillor - Ward 1 Neil Carroll, Director, Planning & Development Lynda Taylor, Manager, Development Review Tyler Barnett, Senior Planner - Site Planning Absent: yltem /<i Details & Discussion$8 Conclusion Action ltems~l.=Status Ref,# (summar ofdiscussloii)4~ N s . tM T rr (icludedea~dline as.... ro matey 1. S12/88(R09) Direct Line Environmental 1070.Toy Avenue Attendee(s): Robert Filipuzzi (Fabian Papa & Partners) i This application proposes to develop an ex-situ biological treatment facility for non hazardous hydrocarbon impacted soils. • Tyler - outlined project and advised that property was rezoned to permit the land use, and a MOE Certificate of Approval has been issued for the site - explained function of site for remediation of soils, location of soil cells, landscaping, berm adjacent to Highway 401 and the stormwater runoff system - Toy Avenue improvements proceeding, applicant will convey land City requires for turning circle at north end of road • Councillor Dickerson requested an outline of the time frame for completion • Robert - berm/landscaping built; - underground/tanks infrastructure during winter - soil arrival late spring 2010 for processing Page 1 i .~_Vio~ ~ 41tem4/ d ' details 8 ©iscusswnr& Conclusn;k ~t~ ~i S~ Actio"pnlte'msr/`Status` * b -linez asu te Ref #5 (summary of discussion) (mcludeeadr .y t- _ <;13a ro nate sr~ , 2. S05/08 Galleria on Urban Park (Southeast corner of Valleyfarm Road/Kingston Road) Attendee(s): Ryan Guetter (Weston Consulting) Shane Steuernol (Synergy Lands Solution) This application proposes to develop a 10 storey condominium tower and 52 stacked townhouse units. • Tyler - explained revisions to the site plan since it was viewed as a preliminary plan with Committee - the project was scored against City's Sustainable Development Guidelines, achieved nearly Level 2, - underground parking for this phase to be constructed and shared for future phase development - Lennox Lane land disposition explained (will now be private lane with no connection to Avonmore) - a pedestrian access will be maintained from Avonmore to development site, out to Kingston Road - Lennox family has an MOU with applicant for access sharing in future • Councillor O'Connell - recommends benches and enhanced walkway be developed - Regional design of the Kingston Road traffic access • Rick Feldman will be permits right in/right out, and a temporary left turn advised of Region's situation position - temporary turning circle to be converted into a tot lot in the future phase • Shane - outlined adjustments to the site plan - underground parking access/egress redesigned to include a glass wall for visual enhancement/traffic views now improved - garbage, waste collection relocated to the end of the building, out of view; only visible on garbage day (stored below grade other times) - rear of townhomes 'stepped' to reduce visual impact to existing residents and enhanced landscaping (common condo area) at a 2:1 slope • Councillor Dickerson - what is the terraced paving materials, and to ensure it is not to-be patio slabs • Ryan - to discuss further with landscaping architect to discuss uali of material Page 2 r I Item Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) • Shane - two floors of underground parking with cisterns so permeability is not an issue • Shane explained landscape improvements and discussions are ongoing with Lennox Lane to address legal issues to ensure matters are addressed appropriately j • Tyler - land disposition report will be forwarded to Council in near future by the Coordinator, City Development • Shane - colour pallet shown with rendering (greens/greys) • - sales centre is under construction • Councillor Dickerson - how will the sales centre be incorporated to the site in the future? • Shane - remove footings and re-use panels - marketing, sales centre, building permit before Christmas, spring start • Ryan - explained their sustainability submission and additional details of building will certainly put them over the City's Level 2 roof top amenity area and parking below grade results in more surface 'green'. space , • Councillor Dickerson - consider solar panels on apartment and keep options open for further discussions on additional sustainability matters • Shane - will explore potential further with Councillor Dickerson - FIT programme (Provincial Government) involving Veridian will be explored • Ryan - native species and drought tolerant species - rainwater citern waters the landscaping and other sustainable elements explained • Committee still desires some green roof passive area for residents in addition.to solar panels • Shane - want to see good market take up here and build for future sales of next phase where perhaps even more Neil - requested sustainable elements may be possible Ryan to provide staff • Councillor Dickerson - questioned signage opportunities with a comment on • Shane - consider in future in order to keep moving for whether the builder building permit submission would consider an • Committee satisfied with how the project is proceeding, no accessibility need to come back to Committee package if required by a purchaser of an apartment unit Meeting Adjourned: 5:30 pm JAMINUTES\Site Plan\2009\05 - December 9.doc Page 3