HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 34-09 City n REPORT TO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ICKERING COMMITTEE Report Number: PD 34-09 Date: December 7, 2009 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Growth Strategy Program Provincial Growth Plan Conformity Amendment Part of the Pickering Official Plan Review City of Pickering Recommendation: That Report PD 34-09 of the Director, Planning & Development respecting the Pickering Growth Strategy Program be received for information; Executive Summary: In October 2009, City Council authorized the continued use of Young + Wright / IBI Group Architects to act as the City's urban design consultants on the Downtown Pickering and the Pickering Growth Strategy Programs. Their urban design expertise will assist City staff in demonstrating intensification concepts for Pickering's Urban Growth Centre, nodes and along major transportation corridors. The Pickering Growth Strategy component of the Pickering Official Plan Review also includes public consultation. City staff along with Young + Wright / IBI Group Architects will hold a series of Open Houses in January and February 2010. The first set of open houses, tentatively scheduled for late January 2010, will be held in two locations - the Petticoat Library and the Civic Complex. Staff intends to provide: an overview of Pickering's Urban Growth Centre, nodes and major mixed use .transportation corridors; identify intensification-related issues, constraints, opportunities and impacts; identify areas that are most/least appropriate for intensification; displays of higher density building and massing concepts for residential and non-residential uses at higher densities; and propose policy directions to support intensification. A second set of open houses will be held later in 2010 addressing comments and/or issues raised at the first public open house. Subsequently, a draft amendment proposing policy and schedule changes to conform to the Provincial Growth Plan and the Regional Official Plan will be prepared (in accordance with the Planning Act process including a statutory open house and public meeting). The Pickering Growth Strategy Program is intended to inform the City's Conformity Official Plan Amendment in response to the Province's Growth Plan. The Province has extended the City's Growth Plan conformity submission deadline to June 16, 2010. Report PD 34-09 December 7, 2009 Subject: Pickering Growth Strategy Page 2 Research and visioning work to be competed for Pickering's Urban Growth Centre through the Downtown Pickering program will also inform the City's response to the Provincial Growth Plan. Staff will be working with Council in early 2010 to complete a Downtown Vision for future implementation through a multi-year City Work program. Financial Implications: The urban design component for the Pickering Growth Strategy Program were approved under the 2009 budget (Planning & Development, Professional and Consultation account 2611-2392). Sustainability Implications: The Pickering Growth Strategy Program supports the City's economic, environmental and social objectives by utilizing land more efficiently within the built-up areas of the City in order to accommodate significant population and employment growth. 1.0 Background: 1.1 Due to the timing of the Regional Council's adoption of its Growth Plan Conformity Amendment 128, City Council requested an extension to the June 16, 2009 submission deadline The Province required both the Region and City to bring their Official Plans into conformity with the Provincial Growth Plan by June 16, 2009. Due to the timing of Regional Council's adoption of Amendment 128, City Council requested the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure (MEI) to extend the conformity submission deadline in order that Pickering was provided sufficient time to complete its Growth Plan Conformity Amendment. Correspondence was received from the (MEI) extending the submission deadline to June 16, 2010. There will be no further extensions to the Growth Plan Conformity submission deadline. 1.2 Although Amendment 128 to the Regional Official Plan is awaiting Provincial approval, staff is moving forward with Pickering's Growth Strategy Program Although Amendment 128 is awaiting Provincial approval, the short timeframe for submitting the City's Conformity Amendment requires staff to move expeditiously with the Growth Strategy Program. It should be noted that City Council endorsed the Region's Amendment as it incorporated the "Directions" endorsed by Regional Council from the "Growing Durham Study", food security policies and changes previously recommended by City Council affecting Pickering. The following regional growth management policies will form part of the City's Growth Plan Conformity Amendment: • population and employment forecasts to 2031; • a 40% rate of residential intensification within the built-up areas by 2015 and each year thereafter; Report PD 34-09 December 7, 2009 Subject: Pickering Growth Strategy Page 3 • a minimum density of 50 people and jobs per hectare in designated Greenfield areas; • a long-term density target of 200 people and jobs per gross hectare and a floor space index of 3.0 for downtown Pickering (the Urban Growth Centre); • a long-term density target of 60 residential units per gross hectare and a floor space index of 2.5 for Brock Road, Bayly Street, and Whites Road (Regional Corridors); and • higher densities along Regional Corridors with an underlying Employment Areas designation. 1.3 The continued use of Young + Wright / IBI Group Architects as the City's urban design consultants will assist in completing the urban design component of the Growth Strategy Program On October 19, 2009, Pickering Council authorized the continued use of Young + Wright / IBI Group Architects as the City's urban design consultants to complete the remaining downtown and intensification consultative work. Their urban design expertise will assist City staff through the Growth Strategy Program in demonstrating the required densities for regional centres and corridors through illustrations, pictures and images. Additional research will be required on: • identifying the necessary shift in housing demand from social, cultural and economic perspectives; • reviewing the characteristics of new development and redevelopment projects for a better understanding of the time required for significant change in housing form especially within Pickering's urban growth centre and mixed use corridors; and • evaluating and confirming Durham's projected population, employment and land budget. Following Pickering's Growth Plan Conformity Amendment, implementation of the City's Amendment will require transportation, master environmental servicing plan and neighbourhood plan assessment. Research and visioning work completed to date through the Downtown Pickering Program will inform the City's response to the Provincial Growth Plan specifically with respect to Pickering's Urban Growth Centre. 2.0 Discussion: 2.1 An intensification target of 40% of all residential development within the City's urban built boundary for the 2015-2031 period is to be accommodated The City's anticipated residential unit increase over 2015-2031 period is 36,164 units. Of this, 14,354 residential units or 40% has been allocated to intensification within Pickering's built boundary. The built boundary represents Pickering's existing urban area south of the CPR line. Report PD 34-09 December 7, 2009 Subject: Pickering Growth Strategy Page 4 Within Pickering's built boundary, the 14,354 residential units translates into approximately 43,000 new residents to be accommodated within the downtown, regional corridors, lands surrounding the GO Train Station (Liverpool Road & Bayly Street), and local centres and local corridors designated in the City's Official Plan (see Attachment, #1 - Potential Intensification Areas). These potential areas for intensification as shown on the map represent the Mixed Use Areas designations in the Pickering Official Plan. Further analysis will determine the sites that are most appropriate for intensification within these areas. It should be noted that within the built boundary, there are potential units on vacant or underutilized land in urban neighbourhoods, unbuilt units in the development approval process and accessory units that are part of the potential supply of intensification units. 2.2 The City is convening a series of Public Open Houses and meetings pertaining to the Growth Strategy Program component of the Official Plan review An element of the Growth Strategy Program involves extensive consultation, including: • public open houses; • public agency meetings; • key stakeholder meetings; • working session with the Planning & Development Committee; and • public meetings (in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act). The first set of open houses, scheduled for late January 2010, will be held in two locations - the Petticoat Library and the Civic Complex and will focus on the following key areas: • outlining the Pickering Growth Strategy Program; • identifying issues, challenges, constraints, opportunities that affect intensification; • identifying areas that are most/least appropriate for intensification; • displaying building and massing concepts for residential and non-residential uses at higher densities; and • proposing policy directions to reflect the Provincial Growth Plan and Amendment 128 to the Regional Official Plan. The public will be provided an opportunity to review and comment on the information provided. A second set of open houses will be held later in 2010 addressing comments and/or issues raised at the first public open house. Subsequently, a draft amendment proposing policy and schedule changes to conform to the Provincial Growth Plan and the Regional Official Plan will be prepared (in accordance with the Planning Act process including a statutory open house and public meeting). Report PD 34-09 December 7, 2009 Subject: Pickering Growth Strategy Page 5- n'. Staff intends to solicit input from the Planning & Development Committee at critical stages of the Growth Strategy Program. A copy of the Pickering Growth Strategy Program work plan is attached (see Attachment #2 - Growth Strategy Work Plan). 2.3 Urban Strategies Inc., on behalf of Durham Region, is preparing a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy In November 2009, City staff was advised that Durham Region is preparing a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy, as part of the Long Term Transit Strategy process. TOD is characterized by the clustering of high density, compact development in close proximity to transit infrastructure. This strategy will build on Amendment 128 and be used at the regional and municipal levels as a tool to inform further policy changes, development approval processes and promoting sustainable change. Urban Strategies Inc., on behalf of the Region, has been given four months, ending in February 2010, to prepare the TOD Strategy. As part of the project schedule, a series of stakeholder workshops are to be held within the lakeshore municipalities to explore and test the potential for TOD in areas demonstrating intensification and transit opportunities. Pickering's workshop has been scheduled for December 15, 2009 and the Whites Road/Kingston Road area selected for consideration (see Attachment #3 - Durham Region TOD Strategy Introduction and Air Photo). Staff considers the Region's TOD project to be complementary to the City's Growth Strategy Program. 3.0 Next Steps: 3.1 Notice of the Public Open House scheduled for late January 2010 will be advertised on the City's Community Page, in the News Advertiser, in City's libraries and recreational facilities, as well as the City's website. In addition, interested parties for the Official Plan Review as well as applicants of recent planning applications that are proposing higher building densities will be notified of the Open House. Details of the TOD Workshop will be forwarded to Council pending receipt of information from Urban Strategies Inc. Attachments: 1. Potential Intensification Areas Map 2. Growth Strategy Work Plan 3. Durham Region TOD Strategy Introduction and Air Photo Report PD 34-09 December 7, 2009 Subject: Pickering Growth Strategy Page 6 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: -A-ad Grant McGregor, MCIPj PP Neil Carroll, P Principal Planner - Policy Director, Planning & Development Catherine Rose, MCIP, R P Manager, Policy GM:Id Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council r Th mas J. ui , RDM M III Chief Adminis ative Officer ' I I I ~ I i I I - L n _ S C m I ~ 1 O LEGEND I O BUILT BOUNDARY _ DOWNTOWN F`.!. CORRIDORS _ NODES EMPLOYMENT milli- t III - Pickering's Growth 3trategy Potential Intensification Areas 0 o o ■ N a) 4 ~ F i I I ~ ■ t ~ E ~ r E S b __J' b Q f ' f ` E ...i 4 f ■ . e d O ..f....-1- t., _p.,.. .d r ,......F. i A -4 a) ~ r LL... ■ H Q w s i I r 1 P P E U N CC Z a ~ Z W } i ~ W U a) LL ■ e._._~. } .f , to Y = ~ ° ■ 0 U N O M O Z co Y E _ co - c .0 2E Q c c o v c o a a o `L Z 0 a) Q) p N o O °c Q E 0 E co O 0 d. M a) C O U C O 0 O _O 7E C O U 0~ _O N a O °N N Y O CL ° N 0 C N C O O O U N Q p w n ° 0) .c a) N ns E rn p N a) .S E c U a) m O N oty E Q ~p o a O N o6 ` a) c a E O E 0 a) Q ° nE ac N a o~ U rno rp ~ E CL CL 0 a CL ra O m Y) U) of a a) X Q Q, 0 CL a) a) E g t E a ? 3 D Q c° o o _0 ~ C) a- v- 06 o s ~ .g o U CL •Gf ~O„ O O j o6 C m L L O -5 0 (V ,a Q U O C_ O O a U 75 ) O O C V 7 d N a) a) U Y7 d 0 0 d a) L O U) p O r CL Q W U ns m in N o W U 'o o m o M U 0° E '0 LE Y) > CL O` _ Da ~cnU ~Q2~ _ 0aa Zii W _ ~cncn~<V) ~U ~U H a a a o a a o a a o a _7 TO UKBAN STRATEGIES INC AN INTRODUCTION TO THE DURHAM REGION TOD STRATEGY As part of the Long Term Transit Strategy (LTTS) process, the Region of Durham is preparing a Transit- Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy. TOD is generally characterized by the clustering of high density, compact development in close proximity to transit infrastructure. TOD places have a mix of uses including office, residential, community uses, retail and other amenities that support transit ridership. They also place a high priority on good quality pedestrian-oriented streetscapes, parks and buildings. One of the key opportunities and challenges before the Region is to ensure that growth is planned for and accommodated in a manner that integrates transit-supportive land use patterns with the anticipated enhanced transit and mobility options. To achieve this goal, a component of current LTTS process will be to prepare a complementary TOD Strategy for the key transit interchanges and corridors being planned throughout the region. The TOD Strategy builds on the ROPA 128 and will be used at the regional and municipal level as a tool for informing further policy augmentation, development approvals processes and inspiring positive and sustainable change with Durham. A key component of the process will be a series of place specific stakeholder workshops to explore and test the potential for TOD in Durham and within the area municipalities. Urban Strategies Inc. is leading the assignment working with HDR/iTRANS; the lead consultant for the LTTS. The project will be carried out over the course of 4 months ending in February 2010. See attached project schedule for more detail on the project milestones. The key outcomes of the Durham Region TOD Strategy will provide: • An understanding of the structural framework for TOD in Durham by identifying best practices and lessons learned from other jurisdictions, the existing policyframework in Durham and the opportunities and challenges to implementing TOD in region; • A tool for demonstrating how TOD strategies may come forward in terms of its integration with transit infrastructure, mobility systems, public realm, land use, density and built form at key locations with different TOD typologies throughout the Region; • Comprehensive guidelines for the Region to utilize in concert with area municipalities to achieve the implementation of effective TOD and TDM strategies; • A review and update of the Arterial Corridor Guidelines in support of the broader TOD objectives; and • Implementation tools: policy augmentation and process recommendations including a Development Activity Checklist to ensure consistent application of TOD strategies. For more information on the TOD Strategy, please feel free to contact: Melanie Hare Charles A. Hales Partner, MCIP, RPP Senior Vice President URBAN STRATEGIES INC. HDR 197 Spadina Avenue, Suite 600 1001 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1800 Toronto, ON Canada M5T 2C8 Portland, OR 97204 tel 416 340 9004 x215 503-957-4063 mhare@urbanstrategies.com charles.hales@hdrinc.com ' t • ~ ~ i' '{i al ' 4° a~ 1 ~ 1 f \ 'rwi'~C { v ~ °,7 1 ~ 1 ti- ~ y '1 •~J~, .-la.}~'..~ b 1 • . ? iY r' 11 + -•a 4P s 1 a~ 'S- ~ ~ . ~ t,~ ,t \ ~ ~ 6 4 , \ ~ y~ c t ~ Mai ~ ~ ~ " .w ~Pm '1 T •i k~~1~ ( .f..Z i~ i (~1 -k1 • t G~,~„ ~'revc°~. ¢ 1..yo~°a ,~5~ °d c '4 ~ .Ate y1,Y+_ It~~ ' ~sil, Ld•`~ ~ ; \~f 41 ~ S .'(t ~~l;t~ . ~,,,•~'1 I~ •O♦ ~ y 1. .1 ~•'1~''+.. ~~M. • 1/ v 1 Itj ,j •y >1 ~ -'„♦^~k.~: Vii: ' { ~ ~ 411 1•+'m~ s ~ l ~ 1. . ; • f , . ~ S , ~ ~~y,~7 ,~,a~ ~"'S. t~ ` koR er 1 , jar iy. it' d ti .-3 • ~r'+.. e,''~,4 y'V~ ~`r'~;Q~ ~~Z~J~~' I lt~'N,pc~•`%°~~ i 1 04 '(,S it ; "1,,1 of oa.. 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